HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-12-11, Page 6L .'A ltIOST POLITE ASSASSIN. lien. Cerpanza of-,Mtlxieo Believes -In Dead Enemies. General `enlistiano Car Ilan the head of the so-called Constitu- tionalist forces: in Mexico, who may succeed to the Presidency, is about as civilized a gentleman as -the pre- sent dictator, who waded through the blood of the Maderos to the place of power, Here is e descrip- tion of (din by, one who claims to know him: There' is one : particularly nice thing. about,.Carranza. He Cam' or- dor a man shot in as delicately courteous manner as though he were begging the favor of ,the next dance. ,. "My)clear old friend," he said to Jose Sanchez not long ago, "I am warm within ane for the pleasure of seeing, you." Senor Sanchez had been a neigh- boy of'Geneal`Carra:nza's in their State of Coahuila. But Sanchez took the ,other end of Mexican poli- ties. In one. way and another'i he had been stn annoyance to the Car- renza forces. "I regret that we• have been un- avoidably separated for so great :a period," said Senor Sanchez, po- litely. • .They.;talkedfor a time about,their one-time neighbors. Neither men- tioned, politica. When Carranza ose to. leave he shook hands warm- , and conveyed to Senor Sanchez surances of his most distinguish - regard. • Ten minutes later his old friend hada handkerdhief is eyes, and was facing a pit, - k wall. Oarranza doesn't HOW TO TREAT ALL SKIN TROUBLE Greasy Ointments No Use—Must Be Cured Through the Blood. It isnot a good thing for people with' a tendency to `have pimples and a blotohy complexion to shear themselves with greasy ointments In fact they couldn't do anything. worse, becaueo'the grease clogs the pores of the skin, making the dis- ease worse. When 'there is an i1'ri- tating'raslr it soothing bored° wash may help allay the pain or itching, but of course it doesn't cure the trouble. Skin, complaints arise frons :an impure condition' of the blood and will -persist until the blood is purified. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured many cases. of eczema and Skin diseases because they 'make new, rich blood : that drives out the impurities, clears the skin and imparts 'a glow of health., The following proof is offered, Mrs. Fred Tremble, Gunter, Ont.; pays: "For more than a year I was steadily afflicted with salt rheum or eczema, My hands were so sore that I, could not put them in water without the skin cranking open. I tried all sorts 'of ointments recom- mended for the trouble, but they did not do me. a particle of good. I was told Dr. Williams' Pink Pills would cure the trouble, and began taking them. I took the Pills steadily for six or eight weeks, and they completely cured the trouble. Tbis..was several years ago, and I have never been bothered with it since." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro' sold by all medicine dealer•s or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. RELIGIONS OF THE PEOPLE. Changes in Their Standing In Ton Years. To those interested in the study of figures, and after all who is not, the census return$ of the religions of the, Canadian people recently published will afford many hours of careful consideration. Of the total population of the Dominion of '7,208,643, as taken in 1911, our Roman Catholic friends number a little over one-third, the figures be - ng 2,833,041 Of the Protestant de- ominations the curious fact is ap arcnt that the Methodists, who numerically ranked second in 1901, axe now third, having changed' places with our Presbyterian friends. The Church of England in'the -ten years has, however, made the greatest strides, due possibly to the large immigration of English eople in recent years, and' at the ext census it will not be surpris- ng if the figures show that they are he strongest Protestant denomi- ation. The comparative statement of gures of the principal religious rodies _is certainly worthy of con- ideration. It is as follows: 1911. 1901. loman Catholics, 2;833,041 2,229,600 'resbyterians 1,115,324 842,442 ethodists 1,079,892 916,886 nglicans 1,043,017 681,494 aptists 382,666 318,005 utherans 229,864 92,524 reek Church - 88,507 15,630 ews 74,564. , 16,401 Mennonites , 44,611 31,797 engrogationalists 34,054 28,293 Looking at' the record by pro- nces it is observed that Quebec en's a total number of Roman atholics of 1,724,883; Ontario, 84,997, and Neva 'Scotia. and New runswick, each about 145,000. Of me Anglican community there are n the Province of Ontario 489,704; British Columbia furnishinng the ext highest figure, 104,972; Que- ec being third with 102,084.—Ot- awa Journal. sf particles against the wires, causing I. filing' action which cuts" away the copper much like an artificial sand blast. The glass globes of arm limps installed along -the road have shibited'thesame, destructive ac tion: A: similar, effect IS, observed with the incandescent unitsused to light the way to the ,Sphinx. These strings of lamps, besides having, to be moved at frequent intervals to accommodate the varying level .of the shifting sands,' are rapidly eat- en away by the etching action of the desert winds. Thus far no're- been discovered fox th destrucdohastion except frequent renewis- almea.: COST OF DREADNOUGHTS. Britain IIas Spent $150,000,000 on Theni in Past Eight Years. Britain now possesses a full squadron of eight battleships of the, superdread'noetght type, the most compact and powerful fighting force in the world. These eight ships, which mount in the aggregate eighty 13.5 -inch guns and one "hundred and twenty-eight four -inch guns, cost the British na- tion something over $70,000,000, but after all they form only a part of the British fleet. The Ajax, the commissioning of which completed this squadron, was the eighteenth battleship of the Dreadnought era to take her place in the' fleet that guards Britain's coasts, and it is less than eight years since the first Dreadnought was laid down. Bri- tain has therefore spent in battle- 'ships and battle -cruisers alone in those eight years upward of $.150,- 000,000, and each year her ships each being an improvement over the last, are costing her more. Here Is a Sure Cure For All Throat Trouble To.eure an ailment in the throat or chest, to rout out Catarrh or Asthma, it is essential that the medicine be conveyed direct to the affected parts. This is why no other remedy has achieved such world-wide success as Catarrhozone, "No one ever contracted a more ob stinatc attack of nasal catarrh than I suffered a month ago," writes Mr. G. E. Root, a well-known resident of Bridgetown, W.I. "My head ached erriflcally. I sneezed about every hree minutes, but still my nostrils ere entirely closed and I .couldn't reathe through them. Ten minutes nhaling Catarrhozone gave me a little chef, so I continued to use Catarrh - zone every hour, and before the day as out 'I had Improved. Catarrh. zone quickly cured me. I ant, well ver since." EATEN BY TILE DESERT. hilus Desiroy Electric Lamps and Trolley Wires. Extending from Cairo 'to. the Py- amids of GGizeh is an electric trol- ay line which, is used chiefly by ourists. The trunks ,of huge palm rues serve as trolley poles to sup - ort the' overhead Conductor, and he contrast between the modern urrying motorcars and the peace - ill centuries-old tomb's of the haroahs holds the interest of many comtemplative traveler, At one ids bf the trolley . conductor on: ell -shaped insulators aro run, the ceders which, like the trolley wire re of bright, hard -drawn copper. After these wires had been in balked, says the Electrical World, t was soon found that they invari hly broke and fell within six or even months, the cross-section be - ng much reduced at the point of racture. Investigation showed that the desert winds which sweep across the right of way whip sand Ip Women with Sallow Skin Hero Is a Good Treatment! You Get Results Quickly. Womanly beauty is largely the out- ward expression of health. Every woman with pale cheeks and poor complexion needs medicine— needs a potent tonic to regulate her system. To tone up the stomach— to insure good digestion— to give new life and vitality to the whole system—where•is there a remedy like Dr. Hamilton's Pills? Dr. Hamilton's Pills enable you to eat what you like—they correct con- stipation— make nourishing blood— instil force and vim into a run-down system. If nervous and can't sle-p your re- medy is Dr. Hamilton's Pills—they search out the cause of your condition and you rise in the morning refreshed, strong, vigorous, ready for the day's work, Dr. Hamilton asks every weak and debilitated person to Alm his Mandrake and Butternut Pills 'They make old folks.feel young, and weak fouls feel strong. Their effects upon insomnia and langour Is marvellous. Hundreds declare they soothe and quiet the nerves so that a good night's rest al- ways follows their use. To look well, to feel well, to keep well, use Dr. ilamilton's Pills. They are mild, cleansing, strengthening—good for the young or old. Sold by all dealers in 25c, boxes. FORESTRY FACTS. HOLE BOEIY A SOT HAM Thick, Fine Red, Glitch- mgAgony and',Durning;Frightful, One Cake, of Cuticura Soap and Box of Cutieur a Ointment Cured, I. Lower Onslow, N. 5.—"At' first we'- thought my child's trouble was the teeth. The whole body was a solid rash and at the arm pits.. and elbows and 'thighs the skin came off as if he had been scalded. lt' was a very thick flue rash, red In colonanti intensely itchy and burning. The skin Just wiped off leaving a _ raw sore with little specks of yellow matter in them. The skin on every finger split down on each side and looked like a ruffle. alis toes broke out in little yellow pimples and the bottom of lila feet did rho same and ho would say he could not walk, that there were pins sticking in his feet. "The agony of itching and burning was something frightful. If he got a chance he would scratch' the skin right off and make a sore, but to prevent. that 1 made mittens for him outof cotton. Every night from twelve o'clock until three in the morning ho would have to be taken up out of bed.. and rocked, ills sufferings wore so bad. "With no permanent cure in eight I get the Cuticura Soap and Ointment. The first night the child slept She whole night through, the first night for font months. I am thankful to say the cure was complete and I just got one cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment." (Signed) Mrs. Samuel Higgins, May 17,1913. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold every- where. For liberal free wimple of each, with 32-p.. book, send post -card to Potter Drug 6c Chem. Corp., Dept. D. Boston, U. S. A. buted for planting on the farms of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Mani- toba.. To accommodate this con- stantly increasing demand, a branch nursery has recently been established near Saskatoon. Nine inspectors supervise these prairie - farm plantations, and give personal advice to the farmers, and the For- estry Branch, Ottawa, issues bul- letins free of charge to anyone in- terested in this work in Canada or elsewhere. A new bulletin is now available at the Forestry Branch, Ottawa, describing some ,simple and inex- pensive methods of preserving fence -posts from decay. It has been found that the generous ap- plication of hot creosote to well - seasoned posts stripped of bark, even when only painted on with a brush, will add at least ten years to the life of the least durable woods. Many common Canadian woods .which hitherto decayed too rapidly to be used are thus made available for fence -posts. The sav- ing in first cost and transportation more than balances the cost of treatment, while the cost of placing the post will be much lass when considered as an annual charge. Probably the strongest timber in the world is a species of eucalyptus, known as yate, which grows to a considerable size in Australia. Its average tensile strength is 24,000 pounds per square inch; in other words a bar of this wood one inch square will (in theory, at least) hold up a weight of twelve tons. This is equal to good cast iron. No similar tests of Canadian woods have as yet been made, but at the Forest Products Laboratories, re- cently established by the Dominion Government at McGill University, it is proposed to investigate the mechanical properties of native tree -species, with a view of deter- mining, on a scientific basis, their utility for structural work, 'Useful Infolmiation Issued by DO, minion Forestry Branch. There are now twenty-seven tech- nically trained foresters in the per- manent employ of the Dominion Forestry Branch. The library of the Forestry Branch, Ottawa, contains over 1,200 volumes and more than 4,500 photographs of forestry work in Canada and elsewhere. Over 789,000,000 shingles, one- half of the entire shingle produc- tion of Canada in 1912, were man- ufactured in B.C. Western red cedar was used exclusively. Stopping ground -fires :n the for- est by trenching can now be easily and quickly done by planting a long string of dynamite cartridges in advance of the fire, at intervals of two feet, When these are' ex- ploded simultaneously by means of an electric current, the result is a ditch four feet wide. and two feet deep, which effectually stops the fire. The ghostly glimmering of poplar - ships and stumps, • frequently ob- served in Canadian forests at night, is due to a fungus known as the 'shoe -string' fungus, which is com- monly found on large-sized poplars throughout Canada, It causes a yellowish -white rot which detracts much from the value, of this wood. Time .presence of this fungus is ex- ternally indicated'.,by the mush- room -like fruiting: bodies which cluster around • the ^ base of the trees.' Infected trees should, when possible, be cut dodn and used for fire -wood. Over twelve thousand letters have already been received this Year at the Dom bion Government Forest Nursery Station at -Indian. Head (Sask.), and i'almost two and three-quarter million trees diseri- ED. 4 ISSUE 50—'13. Eggs and Eniwgy. We of to -day are more careful of the nutritive •values of our food than were our ancestors. The stress and strain of modern times entails that duty upon us. Whe- ther we are healthier or happier is a question. As a; food eggs have always been valued. It is not gen- erally known; 'however, that to brain workers and to those whose work demands concentration of their thinking powers 'there is no bigger nerve -feeder than the hum- ble egg. Scientists aver that 'a chemical substance called lecithin is vitally important to the life of the nerve centres. - It is the' undine expenditure of this substance that causes brain -fag and general nor you's collapse. Many nerve special- ists prescribe lecithin to their ,pa tients, the dose, being, fifteen grains it day in all. The yoke of an •aver age sized egg contains sixteen grains of lecithin, so that one egg eaten, every day oontafns sufficient, nerve tonic to enable the functions of the brain to keep at concert pitch. Split 40 Cords At Age of 85 A VERY INTCERESTING CASE. A Long Day in Kentucky. A retired Colonel has been advis- ed by his doctor that if be did not give up whiskey itwould shorten his life. "Think so?" asked the Colonel. "I,am sure of it, Colonel. If you will stop drinking I am sure it will prolong your days." "Come to think of it, I believe you are right about that, doctor," said the Colonel. "I went 24 hours without a drink six months ago and I never put in such a long day in my life." WILL U.S. ANNEX CANADA Uncle Sam has about as much chance to do so as a cheap acid corn salve line of outing a corn. Nothing gives such satisfaction as Putnam's Corn Extractor, w,lt,ioh cures palnleeely in twenty-four hours. Use only "Putnam's," 25c. at all dealers. Number, Please. "How would you classify a tele- phone girl," asked the old fogy. Is hers a business or a profes- sion I" "Neither," replied his friend. "It's a calling." Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart —Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Ey. Tonle Good farAllEyes thet Need Care Morino Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. A man -always says things behind his wife's book when he is hooking up her dress, Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Some man are willing to say nothing if others will saw the wood. LIQUID SULPHUR is an antiseptic. Lady to Tramp—How dare you come here again after I had for- bidden you to call on a previous cc- Your casinaI'' "Begging your ladyship'sf gracious pardon, but my secretary S or must have forgotten to tide your name off my visiting list I" Your Own 11iguy concentrated'; one tin suffices a email family, Purest and best. v S', ingredients,. EDUCATION, 7,JL aFdaESECorot CenaPopular mm etal School. Magnificent, Catalogue free. FARMS FOR SALA-, H, W. DAWSON,"Ninety Colborne Street. - Toronto. TF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A _IL Fruit, Stock, Grain, or . Dairy Farm. write H. W. Dawson. Brampton, or 90 Colborne St.; Toronto, H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto. NO. 6846-130 ACRES, MIDDLESEX County soil mixed loam, 70 acres cultivated, County, scattered timber.: or, chard, watered by river and o^eeke, ireme house; six rooms and out.brtfldinge• good stables, clone to masker and convenience. exchange for City property, bargain. The Western Real Estate Egohang°, 'Limited. 78 Dundee, St„ London, Out. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. 'y\TEWSPAPER AND JOB OFFICE IN lr Gravenhuret• Proprietor being a druggist, is unable togive the printing office the attention necessary, and offers it for gale at a sacrifice. No opposition. One of the beet newspaperopeningsin the Province for a praetdeal man. Amply Wilson Publishing. Company, Toronto, M1SCELLANE0 till C....JJ5NOER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.. Sinternal and external. cured with, ens pain by our home treatment. Write ns before too lets. Dr, Rehman Medical (`n Limited. Cellinewned. Ont. el ALL STONES, I:IDNEY AND BLAD. '(ii' der Stones..Kidney -trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred aliment's positively cured with the now German remedy.. Sanofi" price $1.50. Another new remedy ler Diabetes-Mellitue, seed sure cure, i8 "Sanol'e Anti -Diabetes." Price 62,00 from druggists or direct. The Senol Mann fee. tnring Company of Canada, Limited. Winnipeg. Man. The Heart of a Piano is the Action, Insist en the ..;�, TTO i 1 MEL" Piano Action Why we pay more for your RAW FURS We are the eldest RAW FUR HOUSE, as well as the largest collectors of CANADIAN RAW FURS in Canada. That means larger experience, larger markets and a LARGER PRICE to you. Ship direst to us, Returns made same day furs aro received. Shipments hold separate on request. Fall price list now ready. Write for It, i'IIRAM JOHNSON LIMITED, 454 St. Paul 9t. Mail Dept. "C" .Montreal, Few men of eight -five years of age can boast of much else but poor health and failing strength. And such was the condition of Mr. Beni. Marsh, who is known -to every soul in the neigh- borhood of his home at Lime Lake, Ont. "Quite unsolicited," writes Mr. Marsh, "I wish to say how I have been bothered for years with stomach trouble. I tried everything I could think of without benefit. I; was terri- bly afflicted with swelling and gas, and had much distress between meals. I tried everything I could think of, but without benefit. Then.I was recom- mended Nerviline. My, but Nerviline did me a power of good -made a new man of me, so that within the last three weeks I have'bdea able to split about forty cords of stove wood. I' will always stick to Nerviline and will always recommend it, and would like to meet anyone and convince them if in doubt as to what Nerviline has done for. me." Large family size bottles, 50e.; small size, 25c., at all storekeepers and drug- gists or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo,. N. Y: --t— lier Excuse. Him—"Excuse me; I thought it was somebody else." Her—"No apology necessary; I. wish it was." 'LIQUID SULPHUR sures ECZEMA. The following is a good story re- lating lating to the. late Earl- of , Shaftes-: "bury, It is said that the Earl once called a meeting in connection with certain work, and only two people turned up—himself and a very fat reporter. -.After waiting and no one else coming, the Earl said he would dictate his intended speech. The reporter took out his notebook, and the Earl began ,—"At a large and respectable meeting hold —" "But that's not quite correct," ob- jected the reporter, as he swept his hand round the empty hall. "Come, come," -said his Lordship; , "are you"not' large and am 1 not rospec' tablet,,• Mlnares Liniment Cures Carget' In COWL I was eured of palatal Goitre by MIN ARD'S LINIMENT. DAYAILD McMULLIN. Chatham, Ont. I was cured of Inflammation by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. SIRS. W, A. JOHNSON. Walsh, (tit. I wee cured of Facial Neuralgia by MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. Parkdale, Ont. J. H. BAILEY. First Maker of False Teeth. Until little more than a century ago humanity had to rub along without false teeth, of which nowa- days One firm alone claims to, sell over 10,000,000 a year.. Cue of the first successful makers was Giusse- pangelo Fonzi., an Italian dentist, who began practice in Paris in 1798, .and,, thanks to his skillful treatment of Lucien Bonaparte, soon nettle his way. After years of experiment he di covered the sub- stance from which artificial teeth are made, and received the gold. medal of the' French Academy Of Science. One of the earliest per- sons fitted with false' teeth was the Empress of Russia. After. Water'- loo Fonzi migrated to London, and then to Madrid, where Ferdinand VII. rewarded him with a yearly pension of a thousand di:teats for a set of false teeth. ' - R+ LIQUID SULPHUR cures sore feet.. "You deservea great deal of credit young man." "Maybe I du, but I always have to pay cash." Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, go. Enthusiast •'(at concert) : "We shall hear more of this young man." Sufferer ; Not to -night, I hope." PHOTO Will Look Well In This. - The neatest pho o f aures; various genuine woods not 'sentered; a suitable Xmas gift Postpaid. Post Card size, 63" z 3g" 70.ote. Cabinet eine; 6B" a 41" 0,ots. Selling at much higher prices in all stores. Tout' money back if not satis- fied. Order now for Xmas delivery. WAGNERIAN SUPPLY CO., DEPT. W. 729 Dorchester Sit. West, Montreal. A TREATISE' on the Horse— FREE We offer you free this book that tells you all about horse. diseases and how to cure them. Call for it at your local druggist or write. us. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE te;ir�i'siiCtlo Ihoneonyothe lameness,e dynn'fa y atmnallespeuse, Bend wh t lee cn,ngr y ofEnds morn eft )s1 "I used'I nyour Smola Oure oa Loran th t ItIngbono,insult (mm11111111,1 four Weeks ties.' Emulall's Eisele Ours t, mill et theuniform Isles tot a Soaks 0 fm•ta rf 6 „let gait or oar L o book at your leant drurge,tn, writs us. Apr. D.J. I•IEPIDALL COMPANY" ,Enosbura'tans,Vermont 81 The Lilic of 'Demarcation. A year ago; her dearest friend consoled her thus: "I wouldn't worry about it, dear. It is quite becoming to some peo- ple to be thin." At present her dearest friend of- fers her this consolation : "Don't ,worry, dear. What if you have gained file''pounds2 You aren't" really what one might call fat, you know," • N ,IL o don't oak you to pay us `a.ceat until you bade used this wonderful modem light In your own home for ten days, then - you,may return it at our expense if not perfectly satisfied. We wont you to prove for youreeif that it gives five to ffteen times as much light as the ordinary oil lamp; beats electric, gasoline or acetylene. Lights`andis,put out just llketbe old oil lamp; 1 ' BORNS 70 HOURS ON I CALLON OIL Glveea Domani whitollsht, burns commences] r on (kerosene), no odor, smoke or noise, simple, Mean, wool explode. Guaranteed. $1000.00 Reward will be sines to the AladdIn who shows no so 011-10111p sicequalstool, inyolaover wey (we, fere of otter .% p, ,n cur challenge to trio . moil t ere donemake meth aleebtot ,setltdlethere Ase, dloPV IgI t oe te.en In n th. ct rl: t is wiosun w®wsrefer screen0. Write to{' gr kat Dtolat 1 ton TVA.°A hfwon, �e Ot REE.. lost, ...lurn boa w to .onR Re. MANTLE LAMP CO.,74SSIaddlnBldg,, Mont AG ENTe WANTED ED to demonstrate In ter. rl torrwhere of l lamps are In nee. Experience unnecessary. Nagy siesta average are salonte day and make, 0505.00 nor moatlr,. One farmer cleared Tri1ouhi?aryi57 a t n of doors time. lutzaa,gr. tor t rritwr Cal & Manages