The Clinton News Record, 1913-12-11, Page 2ERAND.TRUNKTVIrea HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS To Manitoba, ilaekatoliewan, ' Alberta • Each Tuesday until October 28, ineluelve ,..... WINNIPEG AND RETURN 83500 EDMONTON AND •RETURN 843.00 Proportionate low rates to other points, Return limit two month% ThroUgh Pullman Tourist Sleeping oars are operixted to Winnipeg with. out change via Chicago and 41. Paul, leaving Toronto MOO p.m. on above dates. Tickets are oleo on sale via Bonita end Northern Navigation Company. Full, paTtleulara and reterrationg from I ` dread Trunk Agents, or write O. E Iforning, D.P.A., Union Station, To, rOnO to, nt. ,.., G. D. AleTAGGAR'Y' . • 11, D. MoTAGGART aggart• Bros. iss,-•-o BANKERS - • . *GENERAL BANKINO BUsli ' NESS TRANSACTED.NOTES DISOOUNTED,Agts.ISUED. INTEREST 'ALLOWED. ON DE - 'POSITS. SAL D NOTES .PUR- , „ - 11. T. RA.NCE - - NOTARY PUBLIC; CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- , ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT- ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE . COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT CLINTON. OFFICE, W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR„ NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office- Sloan Block -CLINTON CHARLES 11. HALE., Conveyancer, Notary Public, Comtnissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, - CLINTON DRS. GUNN & GANDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. O.S., Edin. Dr. S. C. Gandier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. , DR. J. W. SHAW -OFFICE - RATTENBURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON - DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention given to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit- able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St. DR. F. A..AXON -- DENTIST - Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and R.O.D.S., To- ronto. Hayfield on Mondays from May to December. 1:Ayik'y 41,5-1*ViTP07 - TIME TABLE -- Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV: Going East, it .t it it Going West, i4 it4 ti If 7.35 a. m. 3.07 p. m 5.15 p. m. 11.07 a. in. 1.25 p. m. 6.40p. m. 11.28 p. m, LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV: Going South, 7.50 a. m. t. t. 4.23 p. m. Going North, 11.00 a. m, it it 6.35 p. al. OVER 06 YEARN'. EXPERIENOX TRADE MARKS Dimas. COPYRIGHTS rtO. Anyone sending a sketelt and description mar queerly ascertain oer opinlonAiefeether au invention is pressen, cgenoliff ommunlari. Cons (aridly eonndenual. 11 on Patents - 'Wig% Zittn Itua AmVotlfeTI:Cv !small antics:Without enargo, an too Rienitific Jimerican. A bridsomely Meshated weekly. Largest do, ,of soy samosa /oncost. Terms for 91git year. postage prepaid. Sold by Sllflo . ia f Co2619-6-___Ie_wItrk mech. . , LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The lest In Current Literature 12 Computr Novicus YEARLY NIANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2;60 PER YEAR; 26 CTS. A COPY, NO CONTINUED STORIES ' [VERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF Many a nuoi remaine a bachelo • becaris,e by the, time he gets .ove • feeling he is too yoong to marry he liegins•to feel he's too old. Bran Shorts, Dr, Morse's, Isidiart Root Piilts and .F1()11r scurerev:riiffee.mtfrut',,iigrgsairal:: from the same Callan -a system clogged with impurities. The cause the bowels to moire regolarly, strerittlienktiicliStitifiilatelfieklaiieyr and open up the pores of the skin. , These organs immediately throw off" the accurnitioted impurities; arid OUMM08,IndigestioniLiverComplaint, • Kidne9 Troubles, 1-leadacheo, Rheum,. •atism and similar ailments vanish., Dr. Morseis Indian Root,Pilla Save Doctors' Bins From the Best Mills at the lowest poseible price. WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE , for OATS, PEAS and BAR- LEY, also HAY for Baling. Ford & McLeod GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the.County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, -Clinton, or by calling Phone 13 on 157. , Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. • ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD, TILE BRICK TO ORDER. All kinds of Coal on hand: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD VA in., 3 in. and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. ARTHUR FORBES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52. McKillop Katmai Fitt Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Property only Insured - OFFICERS - J. B. McLean, President, Seafortb P,O. • Jas. Connolly, Vico-Presi- dent,' Gederich P.O.; T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. -- Directors - D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John Grieve, Winthrop; William Rinn, Constance; John Watt, Harlock ; John Benuewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. McEven, Clinton P.O. -- Agents - Robert Smith, Harlock; E. Hinch- ley, Seaforth ; William Chesney, Egmondville.; J. W. Yeo, Holmes- ville. Any money to be pala in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Clin• ton, or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich Parties desirous to effect insur- ance or transact other ihusiness will be promptly attended to on ap- plication to any of the above officers addressed to their respective pelt - offices. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene Clinton News -Record CLINTON, -- ONTARIO Terms of subscription -S1 per year, in advance; 81.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the -pub. licher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising Rates - Tranaient ad. vertisements, 10 cents per non pareil line for first insertion and 4 cents per lino for each subsc- quent insertion. Small a.dvertise ments not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or ''Stolen," etc., inserted once for 35 cents, and each subsequent in. section 10 cents. Communications intended for pub. lication must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. Juvenile Diplomacy. Mother: "I gave each of you boys an orange. Charles, you said you wouldn't eat yours till after din- ner. And you, Jock, the same. Have you deceived me?" Charlie : "No, mother; we didn't eat our oranges. I ate Jack's and he ate thine.'' -- Pat: "How much do yez weigh, Mike'?" Mike: "Oi weigh 175 lb." 'Yon must 'a' got weighed with your •coat on." "An' Oi did not. Oi held ib in me lame all the time.". Forty years In use, 20 years the standard, prescribed and •recom- mended'by physiciana. For Woman's Ailments, Dr. Martel's Female Pills; at your dru-gest. It's Almost Here TATE are now face to face VY with, the most trying season of the year ,• in fact it is the time when deli- cate people are rae.st suscep- tible to disease. It is a duty you owe yourself and your family to fortify yourself against sickness. Prepare now by taking-- Rexall Wine of Cod Liver Extract It is a great nerve and tissue builder, and makes one feel fine. $1 a bottle at W. S: R. Holmes THE REXALL STORE COAL ORDERS for Coal may be left at R. Rowland's Hardware Store, or at my °Mee in H. Wiltie's Grocery Store. HOUSE PHONE 12 OFFICE PHONE 140 A. J. HOLLOWAY BUSINESS AND's SHORTHAND Subjects taught byexpert instructors • at the aiideied Y. NI. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J. W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal chartered Accountant 27 Vice-Plinclpal diagaiCENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. STUDENTS •may enter our classes at any time. Those who enter now will have an advantage over those who cannot enter till the New Year. Our courses in Corn- mercial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy departmen ts are thorough and practical. We offer you advantages not offered elsewhere in the Pro- vince, Get our free catalogue and see if it interests you. D. A. McLACHLAN, ' Principal, 1.=.11•11 11E, SIINI)AY SC11001.!TUO1' e • INTERNATIONAL LESSON, 14. cOson XL -The Sin of Aehan. Chap. Verse 6. ojoithua I•ent his ciethes a sign of mourning at • the news of the utter defeat of the army he had sent from Jericho against Ai, another formidable strong -- hold of the enemy (verses 1 to 5). The rending of clothes was appa- rently a •modifieation of an earlier and more cruel practice of mutilat- ing the flesh, ferbidden itt Dent. 14. 1, "Ye are the children of je- hovel your God:, ye shall not cut yourselves, nor make any • bald- ness between your eyes for the. fanoilses, and each family of itS cionstItileNt Whoh tile Lord shall take -The •teohniehl oterni for 'the method 'of this let. (See P,PcrY. 16. 33.) Per- mimber of, white pebbles ,and" One black one were placed in an.urnorend drawn oub one by one, tohe pebble- „ indicating' the guilty tribe, clan, 'family, or indi- vidual. The idea of the lot eeeroo to 'be,'a sort of appeal to God, free from all. influence of lidos or Pao- sion. This was a very ancient and -ividesp,reaci custom, Compare the case of Jonathan (1 Sam. 14. 42), and jonah (Jonah 1. 7), and the choice. of ieoldiers• (Iudg. 1. k and 20. 9, i0), also Num. 26, 55; Joa. 18. 19; Joel 3. 3; Nal. 3. 10; Ley. 16. 8; Prov. 16. 33; and 18.'18. 15. Burnt with fire-'lltis was the natural punishment for a hdevot- ed"man. The c•arse of the burned thing he had taken upon himself and become like it. Therefore, as it must be burned with fire, he rrinst be consumed with it. dead." Compare the mourning. of Because he hath transgressed the Jacob for Joseph, Gen. 37. 34; of covenant of the Lord -It was a ter - David for his sons, 2 Sam. 13. 31; rilale punipinnent-not that Aehan and of Job's friends (Job 2, 12). was laurnt alive; he was first exe- Put dust upon their heads --An- cuted by stolliog (Josh: 2. 25). But other sign of sorrow. compare the mere value of the' goodly gar- ings of defeat to Shiloh (2 Sam. 1. is Tent and the stolen silver and gold not to be considered ; we are to the young man who brought the tic"- 2). • 'seek the ground of this fearful re - vivid reminder of the day when ..- native in ti•ibution in . Ac , . .t 7. The Amorites-Thehan'o rebellion habitants east of the Jordan, who, .against Jehovah. He had broken eyerwatchmen cykeewpaing lbg ula,°rrst r dayeS8; withand having been Only recently subdued his covenant with God and tramp-. plain commands under night upon the towers, and busy would now take courage and. re -''.1°1 C'°d's i, citizens pursuing their tasks in con_ nawtheir hostility toward Israel. his contemptuaus - feet. This dant expectation of being summon - our lesson -a warning for all limes. Beyond the Jordan-Joshuaed to repel some enemy from the is Wrought folly in Israel -s- The west of the Jordan and uses the expression which subsequently be- Scriptures incessantly connect sin Gates:' No . city of this far -away with mental lapses. The sinner is time knew how suddenly or how came the customary one for ,desig- a fool.His stupidity is conspicat- frequently it might be called upon noting the land east of the river. ,- ous. It is sheer shortsightedness to withstand the assault or siege of 9. The Canaanites-Dwellers in. and folly .for any' man to imagine a hostile army. Therefore were the levy -lands' both OD the eoast and that he eon defy the lightnings of walls built deep and high -there- in the interior. fore were portals opened but nar- rowly by day, and not at all by night -therefore were alert watch- men ever scanning the horizon - and therefore was every citizen a soldier also, prepared to battle for the safety of his community. And yet, even in such an iron age as this, did, the word of Israel go forth that not in walls nor towers, not in watchmen however "wake- ful," nor -warriors however brave, could a city find security against its foes. The stoutest walls would crumble, and the bravest soldiers fall, unless justice and righteous- ness were rooted deep in the soulo of the People. "Except the Lord keep the city," was the noble word, "the watchman waketh but in vain!" "As An Army With Banners." Times have greatly changed since this Psalm wag written; but to -day, no less than yesterday, is this word of spiritual admonition valid. No longer do we look for the glit- ter of hostile arms or listen for the thunder of assaulting legions. --ese clangers have passed or are passing. But in their stead have come new perils as Serious, if not as terrible to be seen, "as an army or Headaches Here's.. the Reason and the Cure Moat people at some time or another suffer *OM 'headachesso•ilisordered sitoMacti, liver or boWedS,IS • the cau.se-any one can be cured --one woman Pays:, Chamberlain's' Tablets did more.for methan ever dared hope for -cured liesidachea-biliousriess-and . „ toned my whole systenr-I feel I ke a new wo- man." , No case too hard for these little red health eatorers. 25e, bOttle. Druggists and Dealers, or by Mail. - Chamberlam Medicine Company, Toronto ' , , ENEMIES OF THE CITY No Longer Do We Gird Our Cities With Walls Post Watchinen Their Towers "Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman wake% but in vain." -Psalm 127. Here, in this text, do we -have a Our name . thy name -This passage well illustrates the signi- ficant use of the word "name" in the Old Testament. In the first clause it stands for the national. ex- istence (com. Isa. 55. 13; Dent. 7. 24); in the second' clause for the revealed character of Jehovah. The word thus had a fuller and richer meaning than in modern language, signifying something of the sub- stance of that to which it was ap- plied. 10. Ge6 thee up -Jehovah's reply is' even more strange than Josh- ua's challenge. It is brief, even abrupt, and there is no suggestion of sympathy in it. But it carries a pointed -lesson. We hear much about the sovereignty of God, and this is 'often overdone. God's an- swer to Joshua is : "Why are you lying on your face and talking about my great name? This is not a subject for prayer. Get up and deal with Israel's sin as it deserves. Look for the cause of defeat, not in my sovereignty, but in your sin." 11. Transgressed my covenant - The divine injunction only recent- ly given at Jericho, "Keep your- selves from the devoted thing, leet when ye have devoted it, ye take of the devoted tiling; so would ye make the camp of Israel accursed, and trouble it." (Conipare also Deut• 17. 2 and Hos. 8. 1.) The guilt of Israel in this case was four- fold and involved touching the de- voted possessions of the enemy, theft, lying, and the appropriation of Jehovah's property. The accursed thing -not is, the thing under the ban. (Compare Josh. 6. 17.) , ericho and all it con- tained was put under the ban and destroyed or devoted to the Lord 12. They were accursed - They had fair warning of this (Josh. 6. 18). • An accursed thing would bring a curse to the man who took it, and no man under the curse of disobedience might hope to win battles by the help of God whom he had defied. Neither will I be with you any more -The sin of one man somehow taints the whole people, in the sense that they suffer from its con- sequences. The moral law is mo- ral integrity, and our lives are so interwoven as to make ethics a very complex science. 13. Up, sanctify the people -Tho sin of the ene must be atoned for by the many. This sanctification is much more than a sentimental process. It, is very practical and very. solemn. The defeat of a whole army calls for a moral de- monstration on a larger scale. Until ye take away the accursed thing -Their defeat is not done. It will go on and on unless its cause is removed. Brought near -Into the presence of Jehovah at the door of his 5608- tuary. • The •surest way of .losing one's Tribes . . families . . house - own health is to be .aliva,ys drinking holds . . . man by man: -Each the health of others, says a wise tribe consisted of several clans,, -• each clan of several households or THIS 15 A DEPENDABLE STORE OF VALUES with changing jewelry styles. to run himeelf bonne in a long paosenger A store that keeps • in touch the Omnipotence with impunity and hide his reeking sins from Omnis- cience. • Doings In Europe. Romanoff's End is Near. The RUseian dynaety le in imminent danger of dying out and the present Em- peror. Nicholas is like y to be the last of the Rame,noffs oecupy the imperial throne, according to a writer In Free Rua eia, a newspaper appearing in London. Ile says: "The young Alexis, the emperor's only son, le euffering from an incurable dna, ease -tuberculosis of the bones, it is said -and can only be kept alive for a few months longer. The emperor himself has become the victim of fito of melancholy. Hie consort, the unfortunate empress, 16 still suffering acutely from a complete nervous breakdown. The auestion arises, therefore, who will be the heir to Nieholas II., or will he be Ole laet of the autocrat's of Russia? The daughters of Nicholas cannot aecend the throne because Paul L, mho hated his august mother, Catherine the Great, made o law wnereby it became imporoGible for a woman to reign in Russia. Therefore, in case of the demise of Nicholas II., Vie throne phould fall to hie brother 'Michael. But title is haraly possible, alma he bas renounced all hie rights and has mar- ried morganatically lauoisian lady with whom he lives very happily far from court intrigues. Tho writer then discusses the grand dukes, sot finds insuperable obiectione 10 all of them. Honor for Woman Physician. Unusual honore have dud been won by tt young Berlin Jewess, Fraulein Racbael Dinah, -who is the first female phyeician of Germany to acquire the coveted title of professor. Er:nacho Mach for the past five Ynnin hae been the chief ass,staut to Prof. Kraus, the celebrated intcanalist, and hae conduoted a policlinic for both men and women patiente of the university medical clinic in the Berlin charity hospital. Fraulein Prof. Dr. Meath, which hence. forth will be her full title, has not only been active in hospital service, but has done euporior reseatch work in fever and bacteriologieal fields and also in connec- tion with diabetes and kindeed dieeasee. Brest As Chief French Port. Franco may have a new transatlantic port as a result of the new conditions of interoceanio traffic) -which ,be auguratod with the opening of the Pana- ma canal. Claude Casimir-Perier made a report to the government last week In which Le de - °tared that only by utilizing Brest 00 the l000f tranetothontic port will France be able to hold her own ito the international trade contest, which le euro to take place. The report indicates that the government purposes to encourage building gigantic ships, even exceeding in tonnao the new German leviathans. ,After mentioning the requiremente such a port should have, M. Caeimir-Perier de- clares that Brest alone measuree up to the ideal because elle has a suffieient depth of water for ale "gigantic chips which will combine the new ffrench com- mercial fleet." She would also provide a natural shel- ter in rough weather with plenty of hal, bor space and dry docks. To Run Orient Expross Again. The director-general of llie International Sleeping Car Company announces that he hs o made a definite arrangement with the Servian Government whicli oval permit tlio resumption of the Orient Express servicas between Paris and Cionetantinople this Communieetion both witya will be nub. ject to considerable delay, aa the bridges do not offer aufacient eecnrity for the re- gular speed to be maintained. The time table which served before the war remaine In ,force till further notiee. The conven. tional trains will rion in the raeanthne be. tween Constanthwide and Soda Top Hats For Women. Sin eon am of the Oladstone -type, slightly stiffened and held In position by a gold pin, and hate of black velvet, mo- delled on the linea of Mall'6 tall hat, were the newest featuree of tne constant, ly changing Paris faahlone at the first Sunday race meeting. of the autumn flea. B011 at A11101111 last, Sunday. The autumn tailor made costume loss brought in thee masculine modes. a.. sela colored tie worn with the otand u31. open xvinged collar gives a final note of virility to the new feminine mode. The familiar top hat distinguishes itself from the mom's model by a single feather standing clooe amanot the crown and rising,. only a couple of inches above it. . Trial to Run His Own Train. A Salkla workman, disappointed at los. constantly ing his last, train lame from" Dacia, near Nenchatel_attempted the other morning . , train wlath he saw at tloo station. The train was to have started is few holm A Store that sells the same goods as those sold in later, amathe engine load ite fires banked the better stores all over the country- and ebeww "P. The workman jumped into the lo,como- , • tive and pulled every lever he cella:1.13nd, And sellS them, too, at, as low priCes as ANY' sToRN .havastotheatta tBhte 01,r n ore; the employeee. 'who, ,thinking all accident glierYthing.1715 show you can 13% depended. upon to they found the workman., who was handed BE exactly . what we tell yoti it is. e,rer to the pollee. .The Dlafft had. not tenohed- thee Main leveir,, or the train weuld kayo da hod let4 This is so froni Tie Holders at a quarter to PiarnandS. Many Cams Matio in Paris. ,New impale for old lacelle .t fact that' not only is Paris sanitaalum for gema Mit In its werkehope precious Samos, n411.eenn'ar liftiloTeet'lanne,4.000. of 'the greateS. t of' French ,ohonieto, intortufantur,ed allammule by aissolving sager al .bolling, Iron, but Ole crystals had to he foond with a micro. scope., Vernsull has for time Inado commercially suceessfUl the. menu. facture of rubles,' while the'loriental,em- amid" which, 'advice from hie Materiel a ia 'oupailor eolor and harchiess to natpre's own prodact and comonands higher manes. The araelayst, etopahlre ana toofaz bave all beep 'reproduced and ea closely do they annulate Ole real thing that 0,V011 experte are puzzled. • , Witla the,diainond as a, brilliant,. croon. 010 CAN.,. ' 10 clondS and the w?iisTle'tleW, Waking 051 - • . had happened., hitatefted 10 Ole spot. There And it matters not what y�tf ins,y require nor when, if it belongs to a Jewelry stock, it's here. Prove these things any time occasion arises. Quiriter JEWELER and ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES OF ft and with barmen." Foes In. new guises are seizing our cities and, like the veriest barbarians of old,. giving them over eagerly to plun- der. In corrupt political machines,. hUngry for offices and rake -offs -in selfish businesa interests, seeking for contracts and franchises and swollen dividends -in purchased guardians of the public weal, be- traying an accepted trust for pri- vate gain -in wolfish purveyors of vice, seeking whom they may de- vour --in loan sharks, insurance swindlers-, shyster lawyers and real estate speculators -in the owners of saloons, gambling dens, libuses of -prostitution and disease:. breed- ing tenements -in these do we see the foes who are besting to -day against our city gates and seeking entrance into our streets and homes! And against these, as against the hosts' of the ages past, we have no sure defence save the quickened conscience and honest hart of the average citizen of the community What boots it how high we rear our walls of legislation, or how "wake- ful" the watehman we put in state house, city hall and court! The walls can baffle many an assaultiog lee and the watchmen can -warn in good oseason of approaching peril But when all is said and done walls and watchmen must alike fall if there be not in the hearts of the people Hatred of Evil and Love of Good, and, still more, determination and courage to smite the evil and fight for the good at any cost oi ease and fortune. Do you, -the people, believe in personal righteousness and public justice to fight for them and vote for them? If so, then the Lord is keeping the city, and its security is sure. But if not, then the Lord is gone, and "the watch- men waketh but in vain 1"--Itev. John Haynes Holmes. Mon, the baGie af..all thecae is what the jeweller calle "white sapphire," Moe chem. beauty of both was only exceeded ist "crystalline alumina" and the ordin. by the generous and kind hospital - aro man "white clay." Sent His Savings to be Ground, ity of ite citizens. A wealthy lend owner at Auglureaaesa Dun, Saone -M -Loire, who bad a paofound , mistreet of banks, secreted his gold raid "Rinks has been telling lies silver In Gecko of corn in las barns. For- getful of lois savings be sent Gm corn to abont sne again." "He might do Ole village mill to be groenci into flour, worse. He might tell the truth The result was that all hie treasure Wae ground to a powder. about you.'' A. GARDEN CITY. Adelaide, South Aostralia, Is Thus Described. The members of the British Par- liament who recently visited South Australia were, like most ether visitors to the ,State, charmed with the beauties of Adelaide, its capi- tal. References to this subject were made by several of the legis- lators at various of the function held in their honor. The Right Hon. T. Lough, speaking at the civic reception, referred to Ade- laide as the garden city, and said the lesson the visitors had learned from Adelaide was one which they would not fail to take biome with them. In Adelaide the municipal authorities kid realized the idea of making Adelaide pleasant for their people, and that was the very method by which they would at- tract in rinlation and continue to develop the resources of their mar- vellous Australian continent, Ab farewell gathering in connection with the visit Mr. Donald Mac - Master, M.P., said nothing Could exceed the beauty of the great city of Adelaide and the stir- roonding•country. TO indicate his sincerity he would mention that in a letter written that Morning to his son at Cambridge he stated that he had travelled in most parts . of the world, but ,had never seen a more .'beautiful city than Adelaide and its surroundings, and that the For Dyspepsia 11 you suffer Stomach Trouble, and you try our remedy, it WOn't cost you a cent if It fails. To prove to you that indigestion and dyspepsia can be tignoughly re- lieved and that Rexall Dyspepia Tablets will do it, we will furnish the medicine absolutely free if it fails to glvo you satisfaction. The remarkable success of Resell Dyspepsia Tablets is due to the high degree of scientific skill used in de- vising their formula as well as to the care exercised in their manufacture, whereby tho well-known properties of Bismuth -Subnitrate and Pepsin have been properly combined with Carminatives and other agents. Bismuth -Subnitrate and Pepsin are constantly employed and recog- nized by the entire medical profes- sion as invaluable In the treatment of indigestion and dyspepsia. Their proper combination makes a remedy Invaluable for stomach relief. We are so certain that there is nothing so good for stomach ills aat Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets that we urge you to try them at our risk. Three smes, 25 cents, 50 cents, and 51.00. You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia 'Mirth In ibis community only at our store: . W. S. R. HOLIviES: Clinton The Rama &ore Ontario , There is a Renal! Store in nearly every town and city in the United States, Canada and Greet Britain. There in a different Raul! Remedy for nearly every ordinary human M- ooch espeoielly designed Inc the particular ill for which it is recommended. Tho Revell Stores are Americo' a Created Drug Stores 011 xwAyyst torOVV/Iil ALE.S1r()go Wir ",IJAGER 81 81 PURE -PALATABLE NUTRITIOUS -- BEVERAGES ' FOR SALE 13Y WINE min SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE , LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write to JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA 18 tihANAZWAZYNAVIOXWANIVAIX/e/a/X- tX/XA.WAYS4XX/X/MV.OXV./AiNZMA.F. ,