HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-11-20, Page 10f And you are in such will give iIsfacto*n you• need -Right to the ''. C ,l our store are',made that they, again when `'` us 1. I } l, i' l when you wear a pair from wearing; shoes that we know a way and of suchmaterial you' unquestioned satisfac+;ion—a•sat- ;that wilt•bring you back another' pair., , , now is a good time to try'ua-put test. FRED. JACKSO'N FRED. JACKS _ SHOES:OF QUALITY." 4••••••••••••,••••••••,••••••••••••••••••••• h Although Stock diming I ,.. Rubber ;•-• ie to fill ' 0 . there has been a big demand made on our i he last few days, we still find that our list of sizes in lines; we were never better prepared 2' most complete all and your wants for a first class pair of rubbers than, at the present time. We carry nothing but the best in Rubber Footwear and sell these • at the lowest possible price as we find that the lower grade goods only cause disappointment to both buyer and seller. Z Z • j, * ." 4 We can save you money. on:your Heavy Rubbers and Long Rub- ber Boots.' Try us for your next pair. Specialipriceeon men's heavy leather boots and children's school 'boots: i M '. Z • s n Z r STEEL B RO.S- • SMALL PLUM PROFITS I �i..HN.N..1..N'.N.lN.ii.N.N.NN....fii� MORE BUSINESS Specials A ' STOVES AND for.Salflrday": ALL NEXT WEEK.-- and $2.50 .20 to .85: discount , .75 for .50 .35 for'.25 .25 to 1.00 .10'to..25 .50 15' to• 1.75 p.c. discount 2,50 for 2,155 is neith- a life time The Happy The Canada popular in we give Horse Greene clippersGreening'scow$ 11 good'assortment WHIP BARGAIN. Full rawhide Strictly all Horse brushes Currycombs..... A few round The season The balance A few squares Now is the Good assortment When er here nor without giving Thought. Steel Range. Canada. free with All sizes window 1.25, $1.75 chains of leatherihalter's .. ;10 p.c. from butt to tip reg Java whip.... ..,............reg r....• ....•.,... point shovels at for door matte from of guns and rifles at 10 of Brantford roofing... reg time to use Stock Food and Panacea. chaff and root baskets. you are getting a range a few dollars there. The right kind will last trouble. -We have them Pandora, Welcome National and They are considered the most We. have a patented', fuel saver which every new stove,sold. • glass and putty.. ilarlaini Bros. A E AND NOVELTIES. STOVES, HARDW R 1'� ililili �l �91� tar■ illE cunw on of are i�� NA & as all offering 752 ATKINSON when looking we carry a complete kinds, comprising articles ,for at,most the for many Xmas reason- any- and • • A`tINE' ..,.., Don't fail to BALL thing in Furniture up-to-date stock beautiful and trade which able prices. call : useful we N A . & ATKINSON UR DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS FURNITURE R ' Night and Sunda y`Calls.". N. BALL Phone 110 J. 1k ATKINSON Phone 136e .' ,. .1 a a sub to � -The will pay News -Record tc end of.191S STANDARD PATTERNS are liked for their -simplicity' and good taste, THE fandard Fashion' Sheet For DECEMBER ',shows styles that are becomuid. and easily made up. FREE "'""'11 at Our Pattern Department 1 W. D. FAIR CO.- ften Cheapest - Always the Best i, - �� ununuunmmxmmup . (iss Pansy •Reynolds was in town on Monday. r. H. B. Chant was in Toronto for' a day or so this, week. Irs. Jos. Williams, Toronto, is spending the week with Mas. W. J. Elliott. iss Rudd was in Stratford on Thursday lept attending the meet- ing of Librarians. Iiss Frances Hawkins of Hamilton spent the week -end with her broth- er, Mr. T. Hawkins las Alice Sloman has taken a posf- tion in the ollice• of Tozer' S Brown's drygoode store,' 1VIrr John Cuninghame is in Toronto' this week, being drawn hither by The Horticultural Show now in progress. Miss J. Hicks, after having been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Paull for. a few days, returned to her home at Mitchell' on Tuesday: Mrs. J: Hawkins returned to her home fn Hamilton on Monday, after: speri1ing the" past month with Mrr and Mrs. T. Hawkins, i1Ir. G. II. David and .Mr. T. Cottle are taking, in the big flower show in Torontothis week, Mr. Cottle is a member of the Provincial execu- tive. • Mrs, W. n: Fair and Mrs. G. H. David are this week attending the Provincial Horticultural convention' as delegates ' from the Clinton branch. '' Miss Mary Jenkins of Woodlands Farm left Tuesday for a fort- night's visit with Toronto and Guelph friends. Mrs. D. B. Kennedy is spending some time with her son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kennedy of Detroit to whom a daughter was born on the 11th inst. Mr. Wellington'Holtzhaper, who had such • a narrow escape when his ves- sel, the Turret, Chief, was grounded - during the rcent storm, returned home Saturday evening. . • Mr. Wilson Wylie, who was amem- ber of the crew of the Doric which got safely to harbor before the worst of the recent storm, is now the guest of his uncle, Rev. W.z W. Wy- lie, Inspector Johnson and Mr. W. J. Paisley were in Goeerice on Sun- day and attended the .,rrvice held in the Presbyterian church icymem- ory hf the sailors wee 'o t their. lives hi the awful Stele of last week. • Mr. P. B. Crews, late of Winnipeg, and formerly of Clinton, is now a resident of Toronto, where he, holds a responsible position with the Con- solidated Optical Co. He has just• returned from a European trip un- dertaken in the interest of the. company. Mr. George Burford, who has for a number of years been engaged in fruit ranching at Handford, 'Wash., has been spending the past week in town: 'He is a nephew of the Messrs. Owen, tife New York cap- italists who axe interested in 'the Clinton Knitting Company, and will be their guest Inc a few daysbe- fore continuing his journey to. Eng- land where he purposes spending the biggest part of the winter. Mr. -Alfred Scotchmer, woo came east from Craik, Sask,, last week :to attend the 'funeral, of 'his moth- er,the late Mrs. A. Seotchmer, leaves this week for his 'prairie homestead. He 'would like., very' much to have ' lengthened his stay, but as, he left hurriedly there are „matters ab'a`ut the farm which de- mand his. attention: Mr, < Switch- mer 'las ;been on prairie land '^ for the past nine years and while they have not by, any means been- ,lean years Withhim they have not wean- edhim away. froth Old Ontario so that It is not ilmprobable that he will by -ani'' by return here to set- tle down permanently for he notes • i all, colors, white, tan an nary blas. ' For quick selling Saturday we have raid out, twenty, children's bear skin coats, colors white, tan and navy blue; sizes from;:tone year to three. These we are clearing out, to make room for Xmas selling. Prices run from $2.00 to $5 00, Saturday selling at half_ price. O .Percent. off Rugs and Carpe 7 -To glean up' our carpet department we put, on sale Saturday our ,entire stock of carpets and rugs at a dig. count of 20% off all regular prices This sale•coniprises 1000 yards of carpet,•and 50 rugs to choose from. Ia�lies' Winter .'oats at 1.2: Prime. .,. Saturday we put on sale twenty ladies' winter coats of tweed .and beaver cloth. These coats 'we carried over from last year, and while they are• not"just up to the minute in style, they will give the purchase' . every comfort, and splendid wear, for the coming_ cold weather, Prices run from ;$10,00 to $15.00, Saturday special sale, half price. Ladies' Dresses 1.2 Price Satnrday. Twenty ladies' dresses, the balance of this year's buying, go on sale Saturday at a big loss to us. Making room for the Xmas trade is our only reason for clearing oat this depattment. Silks, volts, and waals for house and street wear, all goat this sale Saturday at half price. f VMS moft Personals: Mr. Frank Buchanan of Wingham was intown yesterday. ,:a Manager Bailey of the Sterling Bank, •Bayfield, was in Clinton on Sun- day. Pinning visited her sis- ter,' -Mrs. 'Hudson' of Mitchell, on Monday. Mrs. John .Elliott and family, Bruce - field, spent the week-er,,a at the home of Mr. W. J. Elliott, con- tractor. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Smith of Seeforth were the gueJJs of the lady's sister, Mn.sThos. Mason, :on Monday. • , Miss Beatrice Greene, went down to Fullerton . yesterday to visit Miss Hattie Baker, the latter having just. received word of the • sudden death of a nephew in the 'west. Who Knows ?. • Who will • be mayor, of Clinton for. 1914 ? If Apple King Cantelon can't trim any opponent for the reeveship ? If the members of the present council' will all seek re-election ? If there is a better market in the county than Clinton for poultry, etc. etc. ? Council If the Big Chief , has the e o phamber nicely seated and warmed for visitews 7 It's Catching. Taking a leaf out of the COM Municipal book, oar Council his de- cided, to keep the Council t h,nber heated for farmers' wives and daugh- ters' who do tlieir shopping here. They will also have access to wash- reom.—Wingham Advance. London Road Mr. and Mrs Wes. Vodden of Iiul- lett spent Sunday at the home ; of Mr, J.'T..Ctich. Norval Holland has beenbusy in the neighborhood, threshing out beans. Mr. Stewart, tie Tuckersmith tax collector, has been on his rounds. He is" meeting with more friendliness tide year titan usual, the reason being tliet the rate is about ten' dollars poll` hundred acres 'lower than last. It 'is a curious fact that nearly every - ,body seems to' imagine that the money paid in' taxes is so much lest 'money. Few of.. us stop to eo milder what return e we get from the • out- lay„ And we sometimes "take it out. of" tlhe'long suffering collector, whose salary is never too large. LITTLE LOCAL. that the condition of the farmers The W. C. T. U. will meet at the in this province is changing and home of Mrs. John Cunninghame at constantly for the better. Athree 'o'clock' on Friday afternoon. Londesboro. The News From Londesboi•c :Misses Elsie and Flossie Brown vis- ited their uncle, Mr. M. Brown near the village on Sunday. Messrs, Herman Sundercock and Wm. Weymouth, who are at present' staying in Clinton, visited friends near Londesboro on Sunday. Mrs.. Robt. Crawford is at present somewhat irrlispo.i d, Her friends are hoping it will not be for long. Miss May Appleby is staying with het' for a time. Varna Messrs. Wm. Stephenson and Albert Horner attended the Sunday school convention in Brucefheld today. Next Sunday being anniversary Sunday in Varna Methodist church, the del'egat- es will give their report the follow- ing Sunday. Constance Mrs. McCully returned home on Friday last after spenetingl some thee with her son in Styatford• Owing to to the storm the evening an- niversary services on Sunday were postponed to Sunday next, when there will be the regular afternoon service, and another at seven,, Rev. J. Reid ri church, Presbytq ar, rch u , Loudes born, being the preacher. Mr. U. Campbell and daughter, Miss Gertrude, returned' home Sat- urday evening after spending three months in the west. Hullett Township Mr. Geo. East spent Sunday visit- ing friends on the 8th con. Messrs. John Flynn and J. ^ Blake attended a dance in McKillop on Fri- day evening las+'. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Addison and - daughter, Miss Marietta, spent Sun- day with Miss Mabel Brown. Miss Ethel Dougherty of Clinton visited Mr. and Mrs. Win, Morrison over Sunday. Report for S. S. No• 2. 4th class,—Norman Tyndall. Sr. '3rd, Bertram Reynolds, Clif- ford Tyndall, Gracie Glidden. Jr. 3rd,—Gmtrude Bayley, Myrtle Hunter, Eliza Johnston, James East, Violet Glidden,- Chester Glidden, Mil- ton Johnston, and Louise .Hale, (even).' 2nd,—Haloid y Glew, Annie Shelf - brook, Marjorie Glow., 'Willis VanEg,- mond; ;Maggie'JJohnston, Eddie Dale, Leonard Hunter, Bolla East`. —C. H. Holland, Teacher. HAVE YOU The ,For Sale, Wanted, To Rent, Etc. ads on page 5 cost little but pay well. They are one of the features -of The,: News -Record. 'Sir. He Lawson of Auburn spent Sunday with his parents here. Mrs. John Lawson visited her daughter, Mrs. Trick of Clinton, on Monday. Mr. W. Govier 'of the Base Line will move into elle village shortly. Mr. Wm..' Bell returned Friday last from the west, where he had been for sonic months past. Messrs. II. Riley and R. Townsend are busy making some repairs at the mance. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brumley visited Hensall frierels over Sunday. Mrs. E. Ball of Clinton is visiting her brother; Mr. Thos. Sampson. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brunsdon of Blyth spent Stinday with friends in the village. Miss Goulding of London spent the week -end the guest of her friend, Mrs. Geo. 'Thompson. Messrs. J. B. Melville and James Brown returned from the 'hinting fields of Muskoka, each having secur- ed , a a ng a fine deer.- - Miss Mabel Lee is visiting Goder ich friends. - . Miss Della McCool visited for a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. L. Awde of Wingham, The News -Record leads for- the news of Londesboro. i Mrs. T. Roberton and Miss Ivy of Clinton spent Sunday at the home of • Mr. Win. Riley. The poultry business is making big. strides in the country about our vil- lage and each Thursday morning Mr. S. Woodman, the local repres- entative of the big plant of the. Gunn, Langlois Company, Clinton, .receives so many birds that when. crated and piled on Mr. T. Miller's. wagon for delivery at Clinton th; crates are almost hayload high. 'fhb are delivered every. Thursday and a$ the result Mr. Woodman in enabled to distribute considerable hard cash among our farmers. '^^About our most active, poultry mem is Mr. Chas, Watson, rivho 'intakes a I good living from his ten -acre place just east of the village. We feel that we are quite justified in the Iremark that Mr. Watson's net r (turns from his small acreage will equal, that of many men who have five times as large a farm. Mr. Wat- son prefers Barred Rocks above all other birds and keeps as many as one hundred and seventy-five hare Me. T. Miller's coal business 1 steadily growing. He now hatellei twenty carloads a year and as he is obliging his business will keep on growing, , Soasollahie FOOT WEAR, If you haven't given much thought to your shoe needs for the rough weather of wintei—you'd better come here and see the good things we are showing in MCPher- son's Shoes—Many people ', express surprise and satis- faction at the way they fit "they're as comfortable as the old' is a comnon expres- sion here. They're as good as they fit, they're made to wear not u to se sell, and they wear :so well that one pair sells another. Warm Sli epp ever We have a full line of shoes and slippers ofy kind'for winter wear,' It will pay you to call in and `nee them. H. S. CHAPMAN Successor to J. Twitchell,Sc Son Pons 70