The Clinton News Record, 1913-11-20, Page 4ANXIOUSTIMES FOR PARENTS -• 'Children Often Scam Pining Q AW aY Ana Ordinary Ytedicine sloes Not Help Thew ''. The health of children between of twelve and eighteen : the ages : years,.'particularly in thecase df worry source of serious. girls,- isa w to nearly every mother.Thegrowth and development,takes somuchofof •eir etren 'h that- in many cases th be going into they actualllyy neem toi,s a decline. Teo apx-'tits tickle, brightness gives way to depre,s- ;' sion; there are often serious head- aches, fits of dizziness, or ccca- °sional fainting and a. complaint of � weariness et the slightest exert -: tiou: Ordinary medicines will n t `r bring relief, The blood has •be - owns thin and watery, and the child n;ust have something that will bring the blood back to its narmal- eoitdition.' At this stage noother medicine ---can equal Dr: Williams' Pink Pills. Their' whole mission is to make new blood, r. ▪ which reachesevery ver Y Pa -t of the body, bringing back ' health, strength and' energy. Mrs. James Harris, Port Rowan, Ont., says: "At the age of thirteen my daugh- ter look ver pale, and ter .,began to seemed listless and always tired, She did not' takeinterest in her school, work orin those amuse- ' meats of girlhood. 'In feet she just ' • seemed to drag herself ,about, com- plaining of 'always being tired; did not eat well, and did not sleep well at night.' I took her to our doctor who said she was anaemie,. and advised me to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills: She: to the Pills, for nearly two. month's, when she was as well and lively as any girl could be, gained nicely in weight, and has since enjoyed per- fect health. I :a . quitesure that what the Pills did for my daughter they will do 'for other pale, weak girls. I have also used Dr. Wil- liams' Pink "Pills myself. With the best results and can -only speak 'of them interms of -greatest praise."'$ Sold by all medicine dealers• or by mail at 50.:cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liamrs' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, —^ HOW TO BE A CENTENARIAN. Many Recipes on How to Live a ' Hundred :Years. Ify ou want to know how to live to be a hundred there are plenty of people who have done it to give you al'l'ies. The worst of it is than every centenarian will give you a different recipe. One will tell you that he never smoked and never touched alcohol,. and another will UN- `.NIQUE. roW-WOW. Manitoba Indians Pass Resolution To Guard Agatinst, Eire. Probably nowhere else in Canada is there .a stronger co-operative spirit in forest fire protection than has been developed by the Chief Fire Ranger of the Dominion Gov_ ei•nment among the rangers,, In- dian's, n dians, trappers and packers of the Northern Manitoba Fire District, s a •Forestry branch :press bus - say letln:: The work among the In - all dians'has'been @apeul y beneficial, for,in•,the past they were notoria i s- ly careless, 'especially -in leaving camp -fires burning. But, largely owing to the energy and initiative of the Chief Ranger, the attitude of the -Indians has been changed from one of indifference to one of keen interest, en much so, that that,of- ficial writes • "The conservation .of Sergeant -Mayor Under General French Veteran of hoer War Who Loaf Health on tho'VeIdt Tells • ." Experience. Good Advice for ,All Who Have Amid- - gastlon or Stomach,. pleaders.. In his home at, Waldegr•ore; N'.S., no one is better known; than Sergt: Major' Cross, late of the 4th Queen's Own Hussars; Speaking _of the ;ill- effects of a ' campaign •upon ; a man's constitutidn; the Serpi-Major writes, "I carved under General French dur- ing the late Beer war, Iii the capacity of Sergi: Major. It was perhaps ow- ing to• a continued diet of bully beef, hard tack, anis bad water, but at any rate my stomach entirely gave"'out.• I was in such a state that I could eat nothing • without the greatest suffer- ing. The army doctor§ did not help s red-hot a me much, and since leaving the ser- tlie forests has become a vice I have been very miserable. Some here as real estate in the. months ago a friend told me he to is outfew g p , indl- tr been a ie at sufferer from Thad g West. R;ecetitl ,when treaty -money was g;estion until .lie tried Dr: Hamilton's. Y tieing.'laid to the Indians at ..Cross, Pills; they cured hitni'.I confeshet It Lake, a special 1 council meeting of was without touch fath I boug event _five to, eighty Indians was box,•but the I first had dose seen made ft ae long feel c ' better than celled,, at which an'_ animated dls- time. Dr, Hamilton's Pills complete - cession cession of forest fire protection took ly, cured, and now I can eat every place. The Chief Ringer writes: thing and anything, I have- reoom- „vas in Pre- mended them to othe s and in, every meetinga f he 'While iso t to 1e been similar 'e alt la partythe remit ye `d case an Indian Agent ! gross, :''lies e bet to the surprise of many mine ecru,, the meeting held ne interest till by e all asserted their a standing' vote, willingness to help in the protec- tion of the forests'from fire. The chief and councillors wished me eon:veeeto the Director of Forestry at Ottawa this, their resolution," Whenever possible such councils are attended by the.Chief Ranger, and all Indians promising to co- operate with the Dominion rangers are presented with a metal badge of office. The.most intelligent of the Indians, are engaged as regu- lar 'fire -rangers by .the Dominion Government and do very conscien- tious work. Although' the patrol is difficult; being . done wholly by canoe, and the weather is often in - element the eighteen fire-rangers in this district average about eight- een een miles a day, including Sweden, , throughout the ummert • no During the whole season,al- though seri- ous damage: was done by fire though many incipient forest eh rhes res were extinguished, speaks well for the efficiency of the patrol and the value of the oo-oper- ative 'spirit`iniiuleated in the In- dians. . Grains 6f Gobi. There never has been a cause which Was'not injured by the' in- discretions of some .of its • support era. --Mrs. Snowden: - Let us always bear in mind that heroes and he ,oisrn are visible,' and produced not in the; splendor of. triumph, bitt:in'the anguish of ad-,. versity.r-'Lord Roabebery. Money is the last enemy that shall never be :Mbdued, , While'there :flesh there is money -or the' want Of' mon'ey ; but Money is +always on braid so len 'as. there.is a frrain theg -- mmnel.'Bu t e r. er... S m'"•r"'easonab o d l Sore Chest Cured in One Night Broke, lip;a Heavy' Cold, Relieved' Pain lathe Sider Stopped an' Irritating' Cough. "Anyone that "goes 'through all that I suffered last whiter will appreciate the value of'- a remedy that cures like. Nerviline- cured •me." These are the.; opening words of the solemn decler-. ration of Pl,; P. Von Hayden, the well'' known violinist. "My work, kept. Ing 'out fete, at, night;'aied jriayingsln,.cold, drafty places brought on'•a severe cold that settled on my chest. had a , harsh, racking cough and severe pa,.-. blind eye toward him, were 'Dorn- Therc'e.not a blessed thing im this world -worth having without, sacrifice. /he big people, the peo- ple.:,that have the big things in life, are those -that have paid or. are pre- pared to- pay the big price for them.—W. J. Locke. A man should dare to live his small span of life with little heed of the common speech upon:him or his his life, only caring that his days may be full of reality, and,his con- versation of, truthspeeking and wholeness,—John' Morley, Plenty. , Tommy, 'having disposed of three helpings of. sausage and doughnuts, Quick, sure results attend the use : sat mournfullyregarding his empty of Dr. Hamilton's ills, They cure(i g in- plate. Observing hie -pensive expression, Aunt Sarah kindly asked: "Tommy, won't you have some more dough- nuts7" "No'm" the 'poor lad replied, with feeling 'emphasis, "I' don't want them I got now.'.' a y disorders 'of the, stomach, correct digestion, make you feel uplifted and strengthened. To renew or maintain health, Dr. Hamilton's pills 'always prove a good prescription., 26e. per box, five boxes for $1.00, all dealers, or the Catarrhozone ' Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston; Ont. -- ascribe his man' years. to the feet that since he was it boy he smoked five ounces of .tobacco • a week and drank four pints'of beer a day. One old fellow will declare that he has exceeded the allotted span sim- ply because' he ate an apple every day -"before breakfast and - had a cold bath every morning, anotheer will'put it flown to a boiling hod bath every night and ia. co pf strong 'tea before 'goin g bed, while a dear old dodderer of 112 or so will openly boast that he never had a bath in his life, and insists "that the secret is "salt and plenty of it." A. Mrs. Rebecca 'Lew, of Chesterfield, Essex, England, who celebrated her hundredth -birthday recently; gives yet another recipe, and it is probably as good as any. other, though it may not appeal to every one. When asked the usual question her reply wee,. "Hard work, my dear, and happy with it." Which is a veritable sermon ' in little. Minard's Liniment' Cures Diphtheria. remained behind to look for Ruok- el, on whose back were tent and provisions. Ruckel had refused to come with the other horses, and had disappeared in the bushes ,to find his own private way down. Two of the men climbed up to see what was going leeward; and since I found waiting tiresome, I' tied. the horses, and climbed up the ravine wall. I could . ee'e nothing, so I climbed down again, and walked along the foot of the wall, when a dreadful sight suddenly met my eyes. • Half -way up the wall, at the end o'E a small ravine that ended _ab- ruptly, stood Reekol, with his load hanging loose, and his legs entang- led in the ropes. He was trembling from head to foot, and there seem- ed not the slightest chance of get- ting him up or down, to right or; left. Above him on the slope were my comrades. The unfortunate horse had fallen, tumbled down the slopesidewise, load and all, and rolled about nine- ty feet, He was lucky enough to recover his foothold at the very last moment; another inch, ' and he would have been . dashed to pieces. The small space on which Bucket stood sloped downward; at any mo- ment his strength.' might give cub, and if he fell, he would no doubt be instantly killed. I climbed up till I stood under him; the others out the ropes and lowered the bag- gage to me, As far as I could see, Ruokel was not much injured, luso of course we wanted. to save'h Just below him to the left there was a small ridge; if' we could, get him safely across it, a small ravine led downward from it. ,Lying on his stomach, and clinging to the projections on the rook, Pagels dug some steps in the sandstone with my sheath knife, while Ruokel look- ed at him as immovable as the Sphinx. Then'Pagels crept down, and tugged at the halter, I hardly know what happened; there was some scrambling, half in the, air,' half on the rook; for a: mment Ruckel lay floundering and kicking, with his belly across the ridge ; then he' was dragged into the ra- vine and saved. Rubber must have gone to the construction of a good deal of his body, for the following morning he was not even lame. GU ARD TUB BABY AGAINST CUBS The season for colds is at hand and unless the mother keeps a con- tinual watch over her little oness cold will seize them and often more serious results follow, • An occa- sional dose of Baby's Own Tablets will prevent colds,; or if they do come on suddenly the Tablets will clear the stomach and bowels dud instantly relieve, the baby from cold. The Tablets are sold . by medioine dealers or by . mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville,, Ont. Hermit In' li,on'dbth. • There was a harm t lb the., centrg• of London only ,a few years agog, according to the London.Of roniele,. His heranatage consisted of e oel]'ar' the rade vestige, of +u,' feanse inn; �, for- gotten Streoti pullefl dawn and fo gotten by its. owners,. 'He lived there for a long eine, supported by. sorttps "of:.food frost the ttudesme•m of the neighborhood,. and might have lived • there(' hanger still if;, a,, jou�rnolist had net "'elbeoovered'"' him. He; was interviie'wed', and pro- '-for• the .work tag�rapl"led to cl�tlh., ., houss" 'aairthcritici i. ! nearly name floor, who had hitherto 'turned a darted through ray 'polled to ouch him from his hermmi-. tae and make him clean and 're-. g iVE13VILIP) M eota,blie—a' process to which' he' P . -CU ieES .. succumbed. ' C; EST' COLDS Unusual. sides and settled in my shoulders. I used different lini- ments, but 'none broke. up my cold till I used ' Nervi - line. I rubbed:it on my neck, chest, ���:<a... �.�• "Yours is a very uniesual case," and shoulders, morning and night, and said the doctor. all'the pain disappeared. Realizing i "That so, doctor I Will I re - that such a heavy. cold had run down cover 0, my system, I took Ferrozone at meals, • h es „ and was . completely built up : and , Oh, y strengthened. Since using' Nerviline 'Then what is unusual about it1 I have no more colds or pleurisy, and t "I don't seem able to find the enjoy perfect health." ill htest excuse to •perata." It's, because Nerviline- contains the 1 g purest and most ` healing: medicinal • because it has,. the power! Principles,. e U `. T rearm n . New.. Now .•Advocated• ForBron hhlbis Egyptians. Divided Day. The early Egyptians divided day and night each into twelve hours, a custom adopted by the Jews or Greeks probably from the Babylon- ians.- The day is said to have been divided into hours from 293 B.C., when L. Pepirus Cursor erected a sundial in the temple of Qui:sinus at Borne. Before water clocks were invented in 158 B.C., time,was call- ed at Rome by public- criers. In England the measurement of time wet; in early days, _entertain; expedient was by wax candles,: three inches burning an hour and six wax oandl'es burning twenty- four hours—ascribed to Alfred, 886. of sinking through the pores to the I kernel of the pain—there are the rea- sons why it breaks up colds, cures b lumbago, stiffness, neuralgia, sciatica, and rheumatism. Refuse any •subati- tute, your: dealer may suggest—insist on Nerviline only. Large family size bottles, 600.; trial size,- 25c.; all deal- ers, or The Catarrhozone do., Buffalo, ' N.Y„ and, Kingston, Ont. t . Bind Words. Sneak kindly in the /nominee it will lighten all the care of the day, turn sorrow into gladness, make household, professional and.all other affairs move along more smoothly, giving peace to the' one who thus speaks, and grateful joy .t to him who hears. Speak kindly a , the evening hour, for it may be that before the dawn of another dev some tenderly loved one may finish his or her span of life. for this world, and then it will be too late to retract an unkind word, or even to seek forgiveness for an injury in- flicted upon the heart of a loved friend departed. , - is. Having Wonderful Success, and Is. Making Most "Remarkable Cures. For bronchitis a different form of treatment is now advocated. It con- sists of a scientifically :devisedvapor that penetrates to the uttermost re- cesses of the lungs and bronyhial tubes. Every. spot that is sore, every surface that is irritated is at once bathed with soothing • balsams and healing essences that make chronic bronchitis an impossibility. This treatment now souniversally, employed •in bronchus, throat trou- bles, colds, etc., is called CATARRH- WONEI. Ti acts just as air of the Suspense. FIe-Darling, why are you so sad 7 S'he (gulping clown a sob) -0h, dearest, I was just thinking this will be our last evening together until to -morrow night! F10 OT BM..D IN PU1C[S Very Itchy. When Brushed, Dan- druff All Over. Hair Came Out in Great Bunches. Cuticura. Soap and .Cuticura Ointment Cured Head in Three Weeks..:. 15 Hallam et., Toronto, Ont.-•.' About.. two years ago the dandruff began. My head got worse and scabs formed on it which madeltbaldln.places. Items very itchy and gave me a tendency -to scratch it Mike, made it worse. I always bait to wear my hat whether In the Loose at work or•out, W hen - ever I brushed my hair it sent the dandruff all over. The Bair came out in great. bunches until Ames •nearly bald and when it was, at its worst it, came out roots and all. -', • ' "Itrled=which made it worse than be- fore. d -tried several ,things after that but they were no good. After nine months like this I had hardly'any hair left whoa ono day ' ' I happened' to see the alt vertisement' of.: Cuticura, Soap and Ointment in the paper. ' I straigitfivuybent for a sample. `After, Brat:,, washing with the Cuticura' Soap I;� applied' some Cuticura Ointment and I could feel• a groat'rolltfr After fhilshing the sample I went and got a cake, of:Outicura/Soap and a ` box of Gutlgura,Olntneent. In three 'week!, they had cured, my' head." (Signed) B, Dorn. May 10 1013. `: Cuticura Soap and OI (anent dono much for peer complexions, red, r.. gh hand d' dry, thin and falling hair ;that,it •is. almost trim A single set where. For 52-r, h" k Liquid Sulphur pine woods acts, as a healing antisep• tic remedy . for all diseases of the breathing organs: ' Just think of it—a remedy thatcan be , carried with- the very air you breathe to the seat of bronchial or Ca- tarrhal inflammation. A remedy pow- erful enough to kill germ life and yet so healing that disease flees before it. Catarrhozone is truly n wonderful re- medy. In many lands it has won its way, and is affording grand results to sufferers from colds, catarrh, throat weakness, - asthma ,and 'bronchitis. There is. no . sufferer from a .grippy cold or any winter ill, that won't find a cure in Catarrhozone, which is. em- ployed by physicians, ministers; law- yers and public men throughout many foreign, lands. Large size. lasts two months and costs $1.00; and is guaran- teed; small size 500., sample size 25c., all storekeepers and druggists, or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and. Kingston, Canada. • .is rapidly overcoming the old time pre- judice of the floatore : and... professional nurses as a handy home remedy. LIQUID SULPHUR is being - used extensively - in many of the hospitals as a disinfectant. ; LIQUID SULPHUR le also -a perfect anti -septic, 'tl .1, used for cleansing orate.. and braises,' and as an aid for healing. LIQUID sura 'IUP taken according to directions is an absolute cure -. for BG• 7EMA, RHEUMATISM and kindred troub- les. Price 60 Gents per bottle, For sale all druggists, or remit direct to LIQUID SIMPIIIIR, 16s Bay Street, Toronto. st.- - Hamed at Ln ESI "Now they claim that the human ;, 1 AONE;s, MIDDLESEx COUNT edy 'contains, aulphUr. �' Soil mixed loam, 1 acre Bulb, 'In. ,- t sores orchard,:woU watered, wire. fen Dunt[" �: "brick li se outbuildings; we what: a+m 11 S story ri ou , "Oh, in varyi;eg gnarititiea. situated: Mee to' -.London --Market:' miles • to Electric Raihvsy, East/ tt rue, e , thatApn'y The Wt� rn ea s w o: ,ec q hotter "matches, London. Oct. „ "Well, they account for ar EMS '17:0:1ityy;�flnYotaml Pkrid'�-• comb:101 nnsimU t fa,onrlshnreit ants paiatabittty, ,Just heat - these serve.' minimum, tteable. and coat, . et EDUCATION.. -: LLIOrr'F BUSINESB..'COLLEGII, T0• l,4 route, oanada's painter : Oommea etal.School. Magnificent .Catalogue free, FAaMS' FON SAL', H. W, DAWSON, NInety. Coinorne Street, T a roT w ,'gT. To • BUY•' on $Eire 4 $. Frust, Slocic, : Grain, or Dairy' li"arm, write. IT. W.. Dawee,', .Brampton, Sr 90' Colborne St„ Toronto. - a Colborne St, Toronto. W. DAWSON, ton Real E t tS E h nge. some girls ma'kiit . than others, Ravi Raining= Don t i�a�i Minard's Liniment 0o., Limited. G'entlemen,—In July 1906.I was thrown from aroad machine, injuries mg hip and back badly and was obliged to use a crutch for 14 months. ' In, Sept. 1906 Kr. Wm. Outrldge of Lachute urged me to try •SLXNARE'S LrrsmutNT, which I did with the meet satisfactory results and today I am: as well an ever in my life. Tours sincerely, his MATIDIEW x BAINES. mark RUCREL'S ''ADVENTURE. Swedish Naturalists Have An Ex- citing Adventure in Patagonia. This highly exciting accident hap- pened to. a party of Swedish natur- alists who were exploring the little- known regions of Patagonia. Mr. Carl •Skottsberg describes the ad- venture in "The Wilds of,Pata- gonia." . At random we,; cut across" a pla- teau to reach the river. Arrived at the edge of ,the canon, we'sa' the river whirling along 460 feet be- low. How' were we to get down! Nowhere weed we see a 'passage; �� i fell away everywhere': the barranca • almost vertically. ' Jtist below our there was a candy er toavev feet, 1 , i fe 11 U ile9' W hch some bushes; r slope -with off at an angle of forty-five degrees; what came below that we could not see. But Pagels assured tis that he could see a "very good place," and we started to slide down.; All went well for a 'while, al- though. it was not easy to.make the horses understand, what a fine way we haddtound for them. lent after a fey. minutes we found ourselkes iced at the top of a. hard, nearly, vert sandstone wall. To turn: back was out of the question. Fortunatel�yy TS, furrowed by small ,the bar�ra`nca, sM1 floods, stream's during the spring and we could perhaps climb down ono . hfthe- little ravines, where .rF ' Driven To It. "Don't blame me, judge, your honor, for appearin' before you in this conditi'on,' My wife drove, me to drink," "She did, old How • did she do iti" "Well; she kept noggin' at 'me to go out and -look for a job till I got so blamed nervous and upset that I'didn'•t have no control -over my - telt." SHORTER DAYS IN LONG AGO. Contained Only. Ten Hours 56,000,- 600 Years Back. •• STAMPS Ater °Dill, CI TAMP COLLECTORS-BONDRED nil. 1.-1-forent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue Album, only Seven• Cents. Marks Statue r!- Moronic Get GIN .PILLS NoW, NEWSPAPER FOA SALE, OTTNTRY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER rem ,. and be free of pain all' winter. Mr. ; C seta in good.Ontario townExcellent Robert Wilson, of xardfleld, N.B., opening for man ofCompanyenerg,yTorontWri o;te Wilson says: "It affords me ;great pleasure Pnblra ing to convey, not. only to you hut, also to MlacF,.t aNFat} all sufferers from Backache . and' ANGER, TUMORS. LUMPS, ETC„ Tth umatism the great: relief I have internal.' and; external, cured with. ern- pain by' our `home treatment Writ. us before too late.. Dr. Antlman Medical fe Limited" enitintrwoed, Ont CALL ALL- STONES, KIDNEY AND CLAD. Ser Stones. ICidney 'trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the'new .German remedy, Sanol; price $L.60. Another new remedy for Diabetes-Metlitne,. and sure euro, it ' Sanot's .Arita -Diabetes." , Price .$2.00 from druggists or direct. The,Snnol Manures. tiring Company of Canada, Limited,'; Winnipeg: Man. e obtained from.the use of GIN PILLS. I feel thankful to you. I recommend GIN PILLS to anyone suffering as I did." 50c. a box,6 for $2.50. Sample free if you write National Drug and Chem, ical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. "I," she:. said, "can. trace ances- try baok to armor and shirts . of mail..."I started to 'trace my an eestry back once," he replied, "'but my wife made me' stop when I got to the shirt sleeves and overalls." Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery. Eyes or. Granulated: Eyelids: Doesn't Smart —Soothes Eye . Fain. Druggists Sell Murine Bye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c. Marine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50e. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Eye Tonto Geed for An ayes that Need Core Murine "Eva itemedy `Co., Chicane No Occasion for Worry. "`They say when a man is drown- ing he thinks of every wrong act he ever committed." "Well, don't worry; they'd have ample time to rescue you." minard's Liniment cures.. Corset In Cower Bad Situation. "I. don't know how we'll face our neighbors when they return." "What has' happened 7" "We were taking care of their eat and their parrot. Yesterday the oat ate the parrot and then died of indigestion." In a lecture at the Royal Acad- emy in London, recently on the movement of the . Stars, Professor H. H. Turner` stated that 10,000,000 years ago there were but sixteen hours to a day and twenty-nine days' to a month. Some 10,000,000 years before that the, day was ten hours long, end going back still further into the re- cesses of time, 'it was reduced''to one' hour. That, • explained' Prof. Turner, according 'to The London Chronicle, was when the earth and melon were, close together—when they had recently parted company,. in fact, and rhad 'started, on their career as separate bodice. The principle, said' Prof. Turner, applied to a very large class of, bodies in the sidereal system -the double soars. Astronomers knew two Stars in the sky so close toge- ther that et never had been possi- ble to separate one from another, even :through the best telescopes, though it was'' known that one of e, an 'hOle, i' stones ail' .,loose b oe s p l'down at ,the slightest touch, and made the,'descent perilous. and: work to for_,. dunned Dr. )los-se's Indian Root Pills are pet the right medicine for the children. When they aro constipated A SAD TRAGEDY; them was very ,coneiderably•bragb't- ped on. Why not use "Putnam'e Horn posed d- ---- one Wile 8 orbit around'' the other. At the other end of the scale titers 'were some stat's,.that had not completed 'their orbit in the century since they were des ribed by Hors °hell, •Same of them might occupy 200 or 3.00 years, and there were even instances in which the orbit would occupy t,housauds of years, The cause' el Cho changes in the -length of oat, clay, said Professor It often happens -your sore: Dorn is step- •er-thaan the. other, -and it wee sup - asleep • an Extractor." It cures in ono. day. Abso- luWly no pain with "Putnam's." Use no other,. lie, at all dealers. There are times when our oon- s'ciences must regret the fact' that they can't talk above a whisper. • Minard's Liniment Cures- Distemper.: Too Costly. -when their kidneys are out of oder —when over -indulgence in skims favorite food gives them indigestion —Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills will quickly and surely put them right. Purely vegetabletthey neither sicken, weaken or gripe, like harsh purgatives. Guard your children's health by always keeping a box of Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pinsk' the house, They ti i!eep the Childress v.Yier. "I absolutely don't know what. to Tuner; was the effect of the tides ,,pr give my cook fur a wedding ,e-• en 'the ,,.alae. s rotation The moon sent. raiseded ewe tde s--O e 51L 1titmouse ru se <zhensim simply .moneY„ 9 �pidled away "tha h, no. It mustn',tcost aS much parle the other because, she as that. ,, P pisses :twee tuy% tet, earth. from the wav t +� I d'---' Don't Be Sad. Upon the sadness of the sea The sunset brood's regretfully ; From the far, lonely spaces slow Withdraws the wistful aeterglow. So out of life the splendor cures, So darken all the happy skies; So gathers. twilight, cold and gern, But overhead the planets burn. And up the east another day Shall -chase the bitter clack away ;, What though our eyes with tears be wet The sunrise never failed us yet. HIGHEST PRICES FOR Raw Furs. SWUM Write for List W. O. GOFFATT OPvILLIA, --. ONTARIO "Laughte'r," says a writer, , "is the sound you 'always hear when you diose your hat clown the street,” The blush of dawn may yet re- store" Our light and hope and joy once more; Sad soul, take comfort, nor ter - get That sunrise never failed us yeti' REMEMBER 9 The ointment you put on your child's skin gets. intothe system just as surely as food the child eats. Don't let impure fats and mineral coloring matter (such as many of the cheap, ointments contain) get into your child's blood I Zam- Buk is purely herbal. No pois- onous coloring. Use it always. 50c, Box at All Druggists and Stores. .41444 .'-qi.itqeaiftji5irev A HOUSEWIFE IS JUDGED BT HER KITCHEN. FOR BRIGHT STOVE AND A -BRIGt-IT REPUTATION, USE BLACK KNIGHT.- . ..e4 NIGHT.-- A PFASTETHE F F. PALLEY �.LTD.INO DUST NOWFISTE I HAMILTON,ONT. , i -No RUSI 'I'kA4st,'4i3xtPt XT.', Silver Patehod and Dark ® Rods for Sale. Also Ono Hundred pair Mink wanted for brooding Graham Ores, ry;Wi S`. rathrny,Oct. r "Joseph," said the merchant to the brightyoting: duan with the best references, "the bookkeeper tolls me that- youhave lost the key" of the safe, and he cannot get at -the books." `.`,Yes, site one of them. You gave Me two, you remember " "Yes, I had duplicates made, ease of accident. And the other I" • "Oh, sir, I took caro of that, I was afraid I, might lose one of .them,. 'you know." "And is the ,etiler all right'?" ''`Tee, sir. I put it where there was no danger of it being: It •:. e ' sP u vn iQ Ie IIr sc0nlP s- 011 THE CHOICEST SUGAR,. No choicer or purer sugar t. OSA be produced then Lawrence Grenulatgd 'White Pare Cane: Sugar. Made: from cholas selected ease cu Aar: by rho moat Modern and �•:.perfeor ,eeeb,neN, it in Cow offered In three different altos of grale-- each one the choieaet anality. St. Lar rtnee sager la peeked in. 1001b., 2615, sad 2016.oealed''hage, "end also in S R. and 2 lb. cartons.: and .may. Se 'hid at all Bret alms dealers. Buy it SY the bag, WBRIC�E�"seeieimfilN6hIFd LIh1[iEa, RONIREAL. 23>t9't3 N. THE big, roomy house or in the small cottage there is always some cold corner where extra heat is needed. R PSC E" CU [Esti tcit:. • slot, r r Solid Comfort in Cold Weather gives you heat, where and when'you want it. The new model Perfection Heater, just on 'the market; has improvements that make it the -best -heater evermade.. No smoke automatic -locking flame -spreader. No smell. Flat font insures stead' heat.;' Indicator in. sight. Burns nine, hours on a gallon:of oil. Finished, with] blue enamel or plain steel drums; nickel -plat• ed. Stock at all chief points. a For best results use Royalite.Oil" IMPERIAL O'ILf COMPANY,. Limited sit IMF R 0 ontir' - onJ-otanal WinnipegEattpo Dot AVIA,Ubhn Calgary • "dmpntod . steams niAaketteo ,Hadira •, 11111111.11111!IlhA ;