HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-11-20, Page 3November20th, 1913:, comosyslowsistas Stintrxiierhill ' The Summerhill Beef Ring ,wour,l tip •a stfccessful' season'svperatfons last' - week. a "Phe season extended over thirty' and' from • first •to' last Was a ;,access, "all'the patrons "be- ing thoroughly: satisfied'.; On Wednesday night the= '' r ' s 'held their annual'' g pat on oyster supper in the Orange, heti at which en%oyment reigned supreme.; The' Lord ''Bish6t>! -of, Huron, `Rea. ,, h DavidIS ilii' ms . will conduct *;a con - a • airmationIa servace. in:; St. .:Peter's church on• Dees.' 5rd at half. past ten in the forenoon, - Clinton News -Record Goderich Rev. DJ."Rowl 'of•.Buc -'s Falls has been' conducting" cervices in the Baptist churc'lif,the,'past Jew Sundays, Mr. J: -1V-.' Trussler'• has ` painted' i,. ,. G,. from .a photograph 'a Portia t of God:" ,- erich si firiit Mayor', " the,late Belgam'- in Parsons"; and'has ••presentedt 'it o the torn council to' he the .;eouncil chamber.. ` Mr: Parsons s 'was mayor, int -the • years 1850-51. ' (•:Viet ria ' acreet' 'I The Lathes': Aid o o .� r church are 'installing' ,' electric %lights in the, paraoriage.:`, ' • The Laymen's 'Missionary congress, `':,toffs held :last 'tveek 'in"coder;.c h a very • successful • ` sand '`• enthusiastic gathering. 'Fine •addressess'were giv en and, it is betrayed the 'results "ac- 'cruing :to the congregations 'of the county will be 'large. Mrs.: John Black aaf Dungannon'hat ,been yisiting her son, Mr. S. -Van- stone of ,'town. Mrs. Farr and Miss Farr of Strat- ford were in team last °week. Miss Gertrude Fox of London' is spending a vacation at her home: Mrs. Major of Cleveland is a guest at - the home' of her parents, that of Mr. and 'Mrs. A. M. Polley.' Mrs: A. E. I3radwin and family "have : arlrived in : town, Mr. Bradwia having. had charge of the Signal for' some time. The :family have moved into. Mr. r J. Pridham's house 'on Newgate street. Mr.',C. E. Thompson has Been • ap pofn`ted. a railway. clerk • and went to London last week to take up his ,Bluth. Mr. and; Mrs. Wm. G. Nethery ref East Wawanosh have , the sympathy of their Amoy 'friends 'and neighbors in, the death ,f'thei'r" infant 'daughter; 'Verna Muriel, aged two' months and 'eighteen ^°days, , The ,' funeral';, took plane on Monday to •the Union .Genie `IdllagannOA rs -''J.•- Ryan'' has - removed into en' Augustine's house. ora. Kennedy of Goderich has guest of her 'sister, Mrs. rnin of the' Mallough`House '.e. past week. Yn'nie Pentland has returned rho e a ter a visit" of -several` weeks With Hamilton and.. Acton friends. Among those who attended the Mis- sionary g sionar ' C n Tess in Goderich from 0 a this' locality v � ere: Rev. J. E. Hun ter, Rev. ' R. Gonna,- and Messrs R: A. Robinson, ,S, F. 'Treleaven, ' S. i A. 'Roach,R. Detrain, McQuoid Rd and 'H. -Bellamy. , The Sailor's Sacrifice. The day was dark and: dreary,` The rain came quietly down But the face of . the heavens was covered. ' With a ,dark and lowering „frown. A,s eventide -drew nearer The storm grew fierce and high And it raged all night in its fury Like sgm,e -wild beast of prey. , As we sit by the fireside cosy ' Where comforts around us flow, We, ne'er think that many shall per- ish - ' Outside in, the blinding snow.. Out on the foaming waters Far away. 'from "Home Sweet Home,':' • Many aa laden vessel In the ditrkneas and storm doth 'On the decks of the ice -sheeted ves- sels Men bravely stand and wait 'When crash, on some rock they' .are` stranded _:..Awhile others share a different fate. Some on the ,sand -bars are lifted" While other's are battered and torn; Their only hope is the life belt. As over, the waves theyare borne. • I ._� 3vlany� stalwart sailor ' Whu`2o heart .it stout • and brave, Goes down. in the icy'billows ' And finds a watery grave. Bravely and vainlythey strive to reach The shore where safety' lies, " But the only harbor they ;gain at last Is the harbor beyond the skies. 'When day breaks en ,the scene once more What asi ht forhuman eye, Noshed up by the waves all battered and bruised, ` Along the beach they lie. The ,new officers, in the Maitland. Lodge'' A. F. and A. M. are as.: foll- ews Mastarllr. A. C Hunter S. W., P G. Selland J. W., W. L. Miller , -;Chaplain, R. J. • Megaw Treasurer, ` R. G. Reynolds`; Seem tar J. Straiten; Tyler, J. Tancatt Y, 1 The funeral of the 'late Dsrvid"Hoi' ton, who died, from the effects of a kick froma horse, took place , from his: 'father's 'residence .on' the' Hay- field Road on Tuesday of lasO week: The :deceased , young man was only, twenty-six years of age and leaves ^.:a wife and: two small children, , He had been living at Niagara Falls for some, time past. Mr.;:R. O. Carter of Winnipeg, . for-' menlY 9 0 € the Ideal branch of the Bank of ' Montreal, has been' visiting in town:. Bishop Williams will conduct or- dination" services in St. George's church oh Sunday week. The. News -Record to the end of next year for one dollar. Many a happy' home is. sad And many a tear is shed Tor fathers and brothers who'll steer return Till the sea gives up its dead. 'God pity those who weep in vain For loved ones `they'll ne'er see a- . 'Warr- stood '.et their -post in dahger's 'hour And died like true British men. In Huron's waters they perished In Huron's grave they . lie, 'But we ,trust they; are safely an- chored In the haven beyond the sky. 'Clinton, Nov. 191,3. -M. L. C r Are You a Bean Grower ? 'HensalC Mr. W. H. Harburn has been hunt- ing in • the Muskoka woods. •. Mr. and Mrs., John Cameron -a of Georgetown recently 'spent a : few days with the fornrea's- parents, here Mr. and Mrs. • Mcfarg of' London 'spent a couple of days ' visiting • with the parents of the latter, Ur.' and Mrs. Pearl, Mr. : John Welsh; of the .London Road, Who, had erected a. house in. Exeter and with intends removing there shortly, has disposed of his faint. to' Mr. C. E. Tuckey, of London township tor $10,,000.. • Mr, Will Wilson,' who went' to Win- nipeg , a couple of months ago to take a position 'on the staff of the Molsoils Bank, has. Seen obliged to return on account of his health. • On Wednesday, `of -last, week Miss Margaret," daughter' of M4: Robert` Stewart, .was married- to Mr. W. Murdoch Bell of Hay. ' Mr. Louis Clark, who lives a cou- ple of miles east of town, while handling a loaded ' shot `gun the otlr' er day had .the misfortune to get 'a charge ie his arm. It is hoped • 'the arm may be saved, but the wound is a very serious' one. The 'News -Record to the end of next year for one dollar. Readers of The • Dominion will ,ave noted that the fiscal year Ap- lril 1st 1912 to March 30th 1913 witnessed the largest importation of 'foreign beans into Canada of any year in its history. In the twelve 'months the importation amounted to ,over 400,000 bushels. Last year was a bad year for Canadian beans. The, crop was heavily damaged by early 'rains, while the season was wet fihroughout. The home crop was damaged sufficiently early to permit' 'of large orders for foreign beans to go out in time for the latter to 'reach Canada before, what .was left of •, the home crop was' ready' for mar- .tet. The remnant was soft and poor in quality, not equal 'in fact to that lfof: the 'lm,ported beans. Having thus gained a footing here we have been. interested in watching how ,;long and in, what quanties the foreign. beans would continue to come here, . We have no returns yet giving the im 'portations of thisyear'scrop, but' t ' xeturns for August are to hand,,. ,'showing that during that month we reported 22,365.bushels. For the five emronths of April. May, June, July and August' the total import was '89,439 ,bushels, 12,428 .bushels came "'from Great .Britain ; 14,681 bushels' g rom the, ; 31,942 from rlunUnited Stgary-. ; 13,731 from" Japan,' an '16,657. from' other:,00ultries. Our 'export,ior, the five months amounted to 3,443 bushels, .2,31.2 bushels. going, to die' U. S. Whether the new ';...for - ails, to any extent,•";hate ' en hada in the face of the', 26 BLYTH, s du"ty and much lower prices Dr. J. McTaggart and R. V. ' Pili that have prevailed at home this Kay, wore visitors to Toronto 'this' season, 'we cannot yet say Ridge- week, taking in the -Horticultural and own Dominioe. '" Fruit exhibition: ' Auburn` lIi ; ,'Lio}d' Ferguson' has returned from .the west. The' band ui.. � i nKiri i i ants "which; were . sent to' ' Termite" fot,repairs have been returned='and= the baud boys' are getting down to•'business..' Mr.John , I «stop of• 'Gull Lake, 'Lo Sask. <h. asbeen- renewing, ,acquaintan- ces'around• Auburn, elyi • wson "°Mr. II 1 Mr.j",Joseph-Ia g Mfoirsts" Mole' and"Mil' Carter 'attended • hehLawson-Sclater' wdddin.' inm `Sea last week '` AnrtversarY ,servicq were conducted m ,the 'Methodist ;• chiurch'. on : Sunday last by Rev' Mr. 'McCormick of HOU: mesville, Rev. Mr.• Miller 'taking 'the services -at the later place. The an- nir'ersarv, was a, very successful one., Bluth' Death called very _saddenlY o n Mon- day r day of teat week, ,'another' of the old and :'respected :residents of this; section,'in the person of 'Alexander Patterson, who passed away: at' his home in 'East '.Wawanoslr. Deceased had suffered a paralytic , gtroke some months ago, from which he never Ty recovered The late Mr. Patterson was • born at sh'akespeare,, Perth County,' in the year 1849,, and 'came to this section upwards.' of 3t years' -ago and about 32- years, .ago purchased the farm on which he died. He was married -to Miss Cathereae Plaetzer`'thirt,y-one'year's ago, the te'sult of such union being a family of eight, seven ' of whole survive,. 'under cock Blyth ; namely, Mrs.. N. S ame Y X, rt Rose, John of Berlin, and. Robe , , Janet, Willie and `Walter at home. A,dagghter, Mrs. H. Jackson, died' on the 28th`.oF° February' last. • Mrs. Jake Youngblut :and Mrs. F. Youngblut of Hullett are sisters ' of deceased; besides 'he -has. a brother, and 'sister residing at -Shakespeare. .h`religi'on deceased • was, Presbyter - an and in politics 'a Liberal. Mrs. John Bennett visited Auburn fiends last' week: ' Mr. Luxton Hill intends operating hist saw mill again 'this winter. The remains of the late William. A. Bell, son. of Mr.. and Mrs. William, Bell, who died at Calgary, Alta., were brought here for interment, the uneral taking place on Monday week. Tho young man, who was but in his hirtieth year, died of fever, His mother and sister' were with him at the end. Mr. E. Moser of the west, formerly of town, has: been visiting his sister, Mrs. P. Carr. - ' Mr: Robert Sloan has returned rota' his farm'', in Goderich township, there he has been -picking and pack ng apples, of which he has over sev- en hundred barrels: As the apples are good winter ones and the price this year, is higher than usual Mr. Sloan will realize a nice sum for them. In company with Mr. "Hamlinek of God- erich Mr. 'Sloan purchased fruit for the Huron County Exhibit and they aro this week in charge' of same, at the show in Toronto. Mr. Herb McElroy has gone to Listowel where he hastaken a posi- tion. Wingham Mr. James Bowman, MP., was in' town last week, Mr. James Dore has returned to England for the winter and will bring his family out in -the spring. Mr. • T. L. Jobb has returned from a visit with his daughter, Mrs. Leckie of Aylmer. Mr. Geo. • H. Walton has gone on a trip to England and ,on his return in the spring will be accompanied by his wife, who has been visiting there' for, some time.. Miss Mary Reynolds fell on an icy. 'walk last week and broke her arm. Mr: Norman Fry ha$ purchased the property fronting on St. Patrick street belonging to the Morrow es - Sea 'orth Mrs. (Dr.) Burrows was in London. last week for 'a -few days. ...' - Hydro -Electric' stood the storms on Sunday, week, only `going .out for a few minutes. Some "of the sur- rounding towns were in .darkness all enin e,vg Mrs, W. E. Southgate is spending a few weeks with Toronto friends. .Mrs.' W. C. T. lvlorson has gone on a visit to friends in Hamilton' and Cobourg, Miss Gretta'19rompson attended the Western 'Ontario Library . Association convention in Stratford, last week. Mr. Duncan McCalluhas come •in• - to town for the winter after spend - ng the summer on his farm at Full anion, Miss. Killoran of. Toronto visited Mgs, J. C. Greig last week. Mr. Mertens, who was so seriously injured in a shooting ' accident some months ago, visited friends in tolvn last week. He seems to have com- pletely recovered from 'the effects ,of the unhappy accident. ." The ladies of town organized a Canadian Club last week with • the following officers : President, Miss S. McLean ; Vice, Miss May ; - Secretary - Treasurer, Mrs. Jas. Watson Execu- tive Committee, Mrs. E. McFs,iiI, and. Misses Watson, Young, ,Crahzm, Campbell and Dickson.' - Messrs, Johnson and Barber of Woodstock are about to start creamery andcheese factory is the old electric light building. They ex- pect : to have the new enterprise ready in the, spring. Mrs. J. Archibald visited her moth- er in Hamilton last week. Miss }lassie Broadfoot of Cromarty was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. Dickson, last week for a few clays. Mrs. L. Kennedy of Wingham spent a few day with her mother, Mrs. McKay, recently. Mit Roy Everett has taken a pos- ition in Smith's Falls. Miss Grace Stephens is spending ' few weeks with Toronto friends. ` Mrs. J. Ireland has returned to her home, in Harriatoe after spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Turner, who has been .ill. ",Scott, Mrs. 1 . IL Larkin, Mrs. A. Mrs., at M. Wilson and Misses H. 1, Graham and, 'Alva Graves attended the .W, H M, S. Presbyterial at'Ex- eter'last week, Mr., A. L. Smith of the Baalle . of Commerce has been. hunting in 'Mus Mus- koka.' ' Miss Beatrice, May, „daughter of Mr: and 'M sred RobinsonRob ins'on of L gm ond"' rifle, was married on Wednesday of last;; week to:'Mr.-W..I) Bright, 'Jr., of Seaforth, ' The young couple Have taken up their residence on Main street. Dr. H. E. W. Tamblyn was in Tor- onto last week for several days. ' Mrs. Peter Deans and her little son 'have returned' home after a month's visit in 'Toronto. Mrs. H. B. Elliott has;: been visit- ing friends in Toronto aril London. Miss -•Maud Davis has returned af- ter 'an extended visit in British Columbia. The News -Record to the. end of next year for' ode dollar. Marriages o - - n- Stanley,n ' LN I ELLIf7I1T GL . , Nov, 1.9th, .by .Rev,':D ICs;„Grant, Mary, elder daughter of Mr. ' and 'Mrs..Wm. ,Glen; to„Gabriel , M. Elliott, son 'el Mr.,acri M s.�`, a: iV Elliott':.of Clinton SAUND'ERS-=GLEN `Iu Stanley,. Nov.'19th, on'•' v Rev, D. K. b 1 Grant,.,Abfg Y ail oi ages i `;laughter' of; Mr. and Mrs., WthGlen; to W; Franci'; Saunders son 'of' Mc, `Mrs.' Alex, Sieriacrs f: Gid- nd o -eri'ch FAEQUIIAR-FLUKER`= At the m hoe 'ob `f tdie ride's''Parents" in' Clinton on November 19th, Eliza, betir 'Belle;; ,daughter'`of' Mr'.' and Mrs. Win, 'Pinker,- to Wilfrid,' son of Mr. and'Mrs: -George Farquhar of, Willett. • , - PARFIN'SON-MEN'NEL-In 'London, on',.Nov.,lath, Vera, -only daugh- 'ter of Mrs. Florence Mennel, for- inerly,of Clinton, to Charles Par- kinon:of London,:.. BELL-STEWART = In :Hensall, . on Nov. 12th,'"Margaret Stewart of Hensell. ,.'to. W. Murdock Bell, • of Hay township, ,• Births KENNEDY -In . Detroit, , Mich., on ''Nov. 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. John' B.'. Kennedy, formerly. of Clinton,_,, daughter. EVANS--In Grey township, on Nov. • Bile,- to Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Evans COLLINGWOOD In Exeter, on Nov. 7th to. Mr.. and Mrs. Ern. ,Col- lingwood, a daughter. ELGTE-In Tuekersmith, on Nov. 7th; `toMr and Mrs. John T. E1 i e r a daughter. MCQUADE-In 'McKillop, on Noir. 9th,. to Mr. and Mrs F. J.: McQuade, a son. Deaths BEATTIE-In "McKillop; •, on Nov.. 7th, Andrew Beattie, aged 71 years. BROOK=In Egmondviile, on Nov. 4th, Thos. Brook, aged 80 years and' 11 months. ' • GREATEST EVENT OF THE SEA - son -:Alice in Wonderland, under the auspices of the Junior Athletic As- sociation on Nov. 20, 21,.,,• and 22. in the town hall, Clinton, fon which Miss • Scott of New York is train- ing the 100 girls and boys who take part; all parts taken by. home talent. The colored tight et - teeth show off ' the , costum- es and it is both a pretty and a funny spectacle, Concert prices 20th and 21st, 50c 'and 35c. Mat- inee Saturday afternoon,` 35c and 25,c.. No concert Saturday night. AN ,'ENTERTAINMENT: "A LAD- 'es' Aid Business Meeting at Mo- hawk Crossroads" will be given by the League 'of Wesley church in the town hall on the evening 'ol Nov- ember 28th. A unique and clever entertainment. Bemire and 'see it. -05 THE NEW CHILDREN'S ACT. The police of various. towns and cities, have been 'served with copies of the "Children's' Act " which states, that all :children not in the companyn d of an adult must be off the public streets by nine -o'clock at night. It is now contrary, 'to ' the few of,, for a boy or girl' to be on the street§. 'atter nin e ' nie.b a unaccompa d ylilts alt o'clock:'' This is a law the police of every` town are sworn to enforce, . It is to be hoped that the, authorities in Amherstburg see that there is' no Half -}}carted enforcement: of the.' law here. ,'It is , a "" good law, but :';not, worth the paperit is printed on, if left to enforce itself -Echo, PERRY PEERLESS PLAYERS- The firemen of Clinton intendbring- irlg the . Perry Peerless Players to town for a three night engagement, Dec. 4, 5 and 6. Don't fail to hear them. They're all right. -08. TELEGRAPH SCHOOL -`I I•IAV> started a night:telegraph school and will start.a'day school as'soon as I. can sell my flour and, feed store or exchange it,for town•or,..farm•.• prgp-, 'Matheson ` - -05. FARM °- FOR SALE.."-, A'GOOD farm consisting'ot' 88' acres,'being g is h Mai 1 u eon.,Goderich 'Lot 70;, tan. :township..' 2 -miles nortlf`:p1,'Hol`: mesviile convenient, to church and • u school, also, please^ and-bater.fee- 1� .tory;' Good •, - seven xoom'' house with •pantry and 'back -kitchen,. ex- cellent''cellar,' plenty of herd 'and sof twater Water' "i to``` barn` w _ p ped oo'd, tank barn 45x45, straw 'shed 8. 18x36, 'stabling. :underneath a11. Two orchards .principally, spies and baldwins. Farm tile- drained, well fenced, small bush, no waste' -land, all seeded down except ,117 acres which is ploughed. Rural ,tele phone, in house with long distance, connection,. also on Rural., mail . de-' lidery route. • 'Possession given to suit purchaser.' - Lewis Tebbut.t, Holnresville, 'Telephone "9 on 143,, Goderich 'Township: -06.' TO RENT -28 ACRES VERY BEST clay; land, 4 miles from. Goderich,' - small house, good barn, old or- chard, very suitable for market garden, poultry, milk etc. Posses- sion immediately, -Oliver Johnson, Clinton. 02. FOWL WANTED - :ALL KINDS, dressed or: live, Delivered any day in the week. Highest price paid. - T. E. Mason, the PostofOce 'Store, Summerhill. -02. LIVE PIGEONS WANTED- 20c, per pair, paid,, delivered Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 25th and 26th, --Bert Fitzsimons. -08-1. POTATOES FOR SALE,,- WELL selected potatoes wanted .delivered at Wiltse's grocery. Highest mar- ket price. Phone 40 pr 9, -Jas. .Steep & Co. • -08. FARM FOR SALE -LOT 40 AND part, of Lot 39, "Con. 9, Goderich to nshiP, Ceasisting of 107acres all, cleared and ;good tillable land With l the exception of Ave acres: of:. bush' and ten acres. of orchard con- taining apples, plums and cherries. Farm:: in goodcondition,' being..: of good clay loam; well fenced and. having :' an .abundance of, excellent water. On the premises are two ' barns,':ono 58x30. with shed 25z10, all on -stone : foundation. ; The. oth- er''am . is''50x30 With shed. 47x30. b and also ag ravel. house," Situated one mile frpm school .. mile from English church,' '1» mile from Meth- odds*. church; 5 miles from°Clinton, 6 mile's from Bayfield: Rural Tele- phone connection. Also'part -of Lot 36, Telephone Road, ` containing 50 acres adjoining school and 4 miles -from Clinton, on which there are no` . buildings but containing a small swamp making it an excellent pas- ture farm. For further particulars apply on the premises, or address - Geo. A. Cooper Clinton, Ont. Phone 7on155. -71 FARM FOR SALE --THE UNDER. signed offers for sale his fine farm of about 130 acres adjoining the town of Clinton, The farm is in a good state of cultivation ,and has good buildings -brick house,. bank: barn, driving house, pig pen) etc -all comparatively new. A first class young orchard containing . all kinds of fruit, also small fruits. The farm is. well: fenced and ' well, drained and is' , a very desirable'- o For particulars me. ' further art iculars 'apply on premises or address John' Torrance, Clinton P. O. • -63 WANTED.-EXPEE!IENCED ; GIRLS and girls to learn knitting and looping: Will pay , $5.00 per week while i'earr:,ng. Steady employ- ment, pleasant position: 'Apply now. -Clinton Knitting Co. -93 LIVE FOWL WANTED:,, -I AM NOW ready to handle. fat hens, young chickens and ducks at highest prices P.oultrry taken not later than Thurs- day of each week. Other fowl hand- ed later on. -W. Marquis, Base Line, Phone 14 on 166. -91 NOTICE. - THE HULLET'Il TAX Collector will' attend at the 101-' lowing places on the respective, dat- es to receive taxes: Londesboro Nov. 28th, Dec.' 12th ' and 15th, Clinton, Monday Dec. 8th,- Con. stance, Wednesday Dec. 10th, Au- burn, Thursday Dec. 4th. Taxes not paid by the Lyth will be charged 5c on the $ extra: W, Moon, • -2 Col- lector. -08 FRESH CREAM CAN -BE HAD AT Bartliff's and McLennan's restaur- ants, -1800 IT WILL PAY YOU, -WHEN HAV- ing an auction sale advertise it in The News -Record which goes into the great majority of homes in the district. BELLEVIEW F ARM DAIRY. --- From From our stock of first-class cows we ere prepared to supply you twice daily with the best of milk and cream. We solicit a share of your patronage. -E. B. Hill, Phone -80. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY council. - The council of the Coe- - potation, of the County of Huron will meet .in the council chamber, in the Town of Goderich, on Tues- 'clay,, December the 2nd, at 3 ' o'clock. All accounts against • the county must be placed with the clerk be- fore this date: -Wm. bane, Clerk. Dated at Goderich, Nov. 16th,' 1913. -08-2. WARNING -W 0 0 D. HAS' BEEN Stolen from -the Rathwell bash on the Varna Road. The parties are known and any repetition of the of- fence will result in immediate arrest. -05 MARE AND. COLT FCR SALE, coli rising 6 months, Fred' Watts,, Raglen 'St,: - Phone 149,. Box 156. -06: SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and repairs kept on hand, also -ag- ency for new machines. -A. Hoop- er, Albert street. :-95 HOUSE . • FOR SALE. ' -= NINE rooms; 1• stogy frame dwelling on Ontario street, in ''gooot and aha d repair, air if • good stone cellar. L with garden and fruit trees, -Mrs: M. J. Boles. -06. WANTED-DRIEDAPIPLE S, BUT - ter, Eggs,etc. Highest price paid. -Cantelon Bros. -03 JOHN • MAY, Agent FOR THE DEERING: CO.. In L. J. McMurraly's old stand. Will have on sale cutters, rob- es, ' harness, ' halters, whips, washing machines, wringers, ,wheelbarrows, churns, a few hog troughs at a' bargain also a good condition powder for hogs. Phone, Office 82,' Residence 194. HIGIIEST:PRICE,S FOR CREAM.- Farriers, haVing ` cream to .sell dur- in the• fall, and the winter' months can secure best results by shipping to the ''Walkerton Creamery, All' Express charges will be. paid; Every can -carefully weighed and tested. Semi-monthly , payments.' -Write for carts to the W k - • •amer Walk ELECTRIC WIRING Electric Bells, 'Telephones, etc, . done on . short notice. Write for prices of electric supplies of every description ; -Tungsten and Carbon Lamps- -Flashlight Batteries- -Hot- point Heating Goods,- -Shaded and Fixtures- Work'.will be done at a very reasonable price. Distance not considered in contract. W.. J. HUDDART, Goderich, `'' Ont: THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live What About Your CAKE I CHR 'STMAS and PLUM PUDDING. ING. HAVE YOU Decided TIME FLIES AND .IT IS ONLY' FIVE WEEKS UNTIL DECEMBER 25th. Have you decided what you will buy for Christmas ? If it is anything in Jew elery, Watches, Silverware or Chinaware it will pay • r ri you to loot over G gg',s stook and. learn hisprices. , We have the material for mak- ing thein. New Raisins, New Currants, Figs, Dates, New Peels, Orange, Lemon and Citron. • Fruit Oranges, Lemonnp Bananas, Grape -fruit, Malaga grapes, Ap- ples, Cranberries, Fish Salt water. herring, Finan-haddie Cod -fish and' Smoked herring. A CALL SOLICITED. E. E. HUNNIFORD •• •••••• •••• .••••• ••, • SOMETHING NEW EWA Our. many customers are r at- • • • Ways looking. foe ',"something • • new." We are ready 'for them •, ' • now with, a full supply of • • • Fash r �Ne • . Fruitfor • W• • _ Christmas , • ; . • W Ne select Valencia rfileins''- ' .' • • f 8Ib �f 2a s °r c New cleaned currants'' ' a • Fresh new figs at 8c: per, lb• • • " dates at lOc • • Dromedary' - ie per pkg • • Also new Peels, Leiden, Or- • ange and Citron.'• • ' New shelled walneets. •', " almonds. • • • • We lav also a quantity of • • 1912 raisins, awhile :thelast lbs • •y • • for 25c. ,' • a • •.• •.. .. • • ▪ w.'TNEIL . O NE •. • •, • • ' • "<The Hub Grocery ."" • • R ANTED- LIVE POULTRY 2500 CHICKENS, 1000 HENS' 1006 DUCK'S EACH WEEK'. FROM NOW UNTIL JANUARY. To ' finish your own poultry we have wheat, . oats, and buck- wheat specially ground. for fattening purposes at very rea- Soaable prices. LIVE AND LET. LIVE GROCER. A GOOD CHANCE TWO STORY HOUSE -and- NEW COTTAGGE For Sale Located side by side. Properties in ex6ellent condition. Would lease from buyer. F J. Hill, Clinton. Phone 77. The, Strongest of all ,Firepots The Sunshine Furnace fire - pot is heavily ribbed and in two sections, which allow • for contraction and expan- sion. Itwill '.never crack. Ashes won't adhere to the straight sides = always a clear and economical fire. Our local agent will show ! you this: and many other "Sunshine" advantage's. Send • for free booklet. , ary s ine Z111S�,1 Furnace SOLD IN CLINTON BY IBYAM & SUITTER 8000 dozen strictly new laid. eggs wanted each week during the winter, months. To pro- duce these eggs we have a full line of poultry foods to keep your layers in the pink "of condition. A full stock of BRAN, SHORTS, FEEDS FLOUR, OATCHOP, BAR- LEYCHOP etc. etc. always on hand. Give us a call. POULTRY TAKEN ANY DAY OF • ',EACH WEEK. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The: Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm, Jenkins. • JUST A GLANCE. shows our "trouble man" the cause of .your Plumbing difficulties. But when you send for him you can be sure he will take time enough to do I , , 1 a thorough job .of , . REPAIRS r ` PLUMBING. that will piove lastingly sansabtory:' , v . In''s the same when we instatl"l eke. c Plumbing -our work pleases" every ' I'41 n. body: . oill A KIN M THOS. HAW ,,ri l Phone 53. ;EATING AND -PLIJMBINGI IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Sanitary, Plumbers ; Plion• 7, Slabs F Sale. �� � or " • HARDWOOD SLABS, 14 INCHES LONG.. 'IDEAL FOR SUMMER USE., ALSO 12 INCH BONY; Stapleton -'Saw `Mill t '. COLLEGE AT HOME Thousands of ambitious young people . are fast preparing in their own homes to occupy lucretive,poeitlone as: stenog- raphers, 'bookkeepers, toregraphers ofvil•servahts, in fact every 'sphere of You mayfinish at. s Activities. . Business college if y,ou so wish.. hositons guar-' •anteed. Punter college any davandiv. ;dial instruction. Export teachers. Thirty years,experienca1Largeet train ore in Canada, Seven colleges. Special course for teachers. •Aliliiatedwith Confinercial Adaca , Itore' Aeeociatiob of Canada,: Runimei 'school at famous Spotter.: Business College: London: . CLINTQN,BUSI,NESS COLLEGE GEE. 9vossoN ' - B. P. ;WARD Pr b 'Principal.