HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-11-06, Page 4ttEADED EPILEPSY k Oise 'flat Bring Rope to Other Sufferers Thereare inany casesof.epilepsy tneurablei so tar:'aa' present medical iltnewledge extends.and,the aufferbr rs dooned'to go; through :life a vice tint to:i diaeaSe,which has- stricken. him suddenly and -without warning PO with each yrecurring affects "mental ;, powers,: Taken in tinfe; :however, many, cases of epilepsy , P ;Neve ..been permanently " cured by the use of Dr," .Williame',;Pink Pills, .:and in cases where the disease has not ;reached an acute, form, thi1s' iemeily is wortli' gi1'ing a fairtrio . Ain ng'tlie cures we give the fol - ,owing. Mrs. Robert Stringer, New .Liskeard, Ont., says: "1 have long . felt that; we sshouldwr to yen L S4nd you 'ou. know what Dr.' Williams' Pink Pits have done for our grand- son, who was attaeked with epi- lepsy.; The trouble seemed to come on following an attack ofwhooping cough. Ziis ,liarenta seemed to no- tice that his eyes seemed to bulge out, and that he would be irneon- scious fora few seconds, and would go about his play as 'usual, The child was five years oldat this time.' The trouble• seemed to be growing more severe and the at- tacks to come oftener, and as the local doctors were not helping him • they sent him to the Children's Hospital in Toronto. He remained there for a 'short time, when the doctors said his trouble was epi- lepsy, and they could do nothing for him. Time went on and the - attacks grew worse, and in the fall of 1908 my daughter wrote me that the little fellow was getting so bad that they wanted to send him back to the hospital, I asked her to send him to me for a time, and as one of his eyes had become 'crooked I took him to an oculist, who said this trouble could be cured, but it had nothing to do with bringing on his other trouble. As I knew that . Dr. Williams' Pink,Pills were a -splendid medicine I ecided' to give e; `.them to him, in the hope that they might benefit him. We were very careful as to diet, and, as to keep- ing the 'child from excitement. In about a month we noticed that the trouble was lessening, and at this time the little fellow returned home and his mother kept up the treat- ment. In a few months he seemed. fully cured, but during the holidays the trouble came back in a milder form, and the PinkPills were again 'resorted to, and again the trouble •disappeared, and although more than. a year has passed there has not since been any sign of it. We feel so deeply indebted for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for him that we hope this plain statement of our experience will benefit some other sufferer." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any 'dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. JP A. Gentle Hint. 1IA11R11;•)AT Flans CLUB. Sir' James M; Barrio', is not ail all pleased that hie English friends have poked so much fun at his new piny, "Th?e .Adored One," and.• it. needed a good deal of persuasion'td prevent him launching' a reply to his critics that would have made one of the most scathing and furi- ous attacks on the intelligence of the public that an irate author ever• penned in the hours Of lois disap pointment, disgust :and defeat; A1theugh he is: "lionized" wherever he goes, the ;;famous -.novelist ^and playwright' doesn't love 'society, and now society has failed .him •he will love the world of fashion less than ever. He belongs to very few clubs but i5 a member of the Attie naeuin, to which he was elected for literary merit withqut taking his turn on the .waiting list, a.distino- tion paid to very few men. Where is a good story told of his first visit to the club. He had ne-, ver been inside the building bo- • Not all the worms that turn are as gentle and as -tactful in their turning as the one, that a German paper recently described. A quiet, patient little man had been pushed' about and trodden on by the other' passengers on a crowd - •ed street -car. For a long time he suffered in silence. Then, in a meek voice, he addressed an awk- ward youth standing next to him. "Young, man," he said. "/ hope you will not think mc rude, but may I ask your age?" The youth stared ab him for a moment, and replied, "Eighteen." ".'Eighteen," repeated the little man softly. "Now, really, young man, don't you think that you are old enough to stand on your own feet?'' Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart —Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e, SOc. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Titbes, 25e, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail. An Eye Tonic Good for All Eyes that Need Core ..,Morino Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Sir J. M. Barrie. 13eat'faulds, ileal A'rl)roath, tenant;;' 641;, uy Mr, R: S, Slnith Lay. the. upsetting of a •rowboat A ilea, ' Firth of. Feri h, tire. men, James Qb•pdtvelter. and Robert Mc, Kenzie, `,were drowned. A new- hall, gifted to•.Garbmoxo• ;by, Sri'. -Charles Cayyer, of Gnat - Mare. House,' Gartmore, , has' been forsna,ly •,presented by the owner. A'.destructive fire broke out at the fare} of 1VIr,'; elm Hamilton,.`Goat- milk, Leslie,: and 'damage estimated w at '$5,000 ,a:s k dens. _:, ,, .,Tire Law -and Fin.anee Cfoin'mrttee o Greenock Gorpoiation: ,ieecentle. decided ' to recommend, a net in- orease o£ 3 contain the rates:. The Dudliess of .Sutherland mo- tored from Dgnrobin eastle.to •Bo- gart, and • distributed ,prizes to tweed' workers in - the parish, of • fore, and, seeing a gentleman' standing in the hall, he. went' up to him and asked him if he would kindly direct him to the cloak room, ..The gentleman not only obliged, but seeing that .he was a new mem- ber, volunteered —afterwards to show him around the building They spent quite a pleasant hour together, and in the course of which Sir J. M. Barrie was introduced to all the literary curiosities which the Athenaeum possesses. When the round of the rooms was completed Sir "Peter Pan" Barrie, as he is sometimes called, warmly thanked his new found friend for his cour- tesy. "Don't mention it, don't mention it," said the gentleman. "I have been a„ member here for thirty years, and you are the first member of the club who has ever spoken to ore." The hair of the head grows faster in summer than in winter. MInard's Linimebt Cures.Carget In Cows, .Mede to Order. The .13oss—Jimmy, this is the third morning you've been late; coil you give me an-excuse'7 • 7inuuy--Certainly ; 'what kind of a onedoyou want?'. • Regiaalair t of the bowels is an absolute neces- sity for good health. Unless the waste matter from the food which collects there is got rid of at least once a day, it decays and poisons the whole body, causing biliousness, indi- gestion and sick headaches. Salts and other harsh mineral purgatives irritate the delicate lining of' the bowels. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills—entirely vegetable—regulate the bowels effectively without weak- ening, sicltening or griping. Use Dr. :Morse's' S0 ` A serious outbreak of swine fever', has iierrecl at the farms of East Freugh, Coin . Awhick and Spittal; , Crofts, near •Stranra'er • Mr. George Gilroy, 56 year of age, of Portmahomack, dropped (lead on the Bruntsfield golf course, while playing in a foursome.e. It is announced that Provost Ber- nice, Inverness, whose term of of- fice expires in November, has de- cided to retire from municipal life. Ab a recent meeting ofStranraer' town council, Mr. W. G. Belford, solicitor, was appointed town clerk in •succession to Mr. Wm. Black. At the annual sale of Blackface and Border, Leicester, rams and ram lambs at Ayr, the average prices 'obtained were the highest in the history of the sales. David Clark Kerr, a postman of Montieth, has been charged with housebreaking. Over $250 worth of LL property has been recovered from his house. For freeing a ferret in a Dumbar- tontramway car, to the great an- noyance of several ladies, a Ren- ton riveter has been fined $1.80, or 5 days' imprisonment. Ib Surprised the Bishop. A bishop was one day addressing a Sunday School, when he said, in a most impressive way : "And now, children, let me tell you a very sad fact. In Africa there are 10,000,000 square miles of terri- tory without a single Sunday School where little boys and girls can pass their Sundays. Now, what shall we all try and save up 'our money and do 7" And the class, as one voice, re plied, in ecstatic union : "Go to Africa 1" KEEP BABY HEALTHY. To keep the baby healthy his little .stomach should be kept sweet and liis bowels working regularly. Nine -tenths of the maladies which afflict little ones are caused by some derangement of the stomach or bowels. Baby's Own Tablets 'are the ideal medicine for little ones. They .sweeten the stomach ; regulate the bowels; break up colds; make teething easy; dispel worms and cure constipation and indigestion. Concerning them Mrs, S. Shannon, Urney, N.B., •says: "1 have used, Baby's Own Tablets for .my two little ones and think they • are just what children near. I would not be without them." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25c. a box from The Dr. Willitume Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND Xb'7.1E8 OF INTEREST FROM 111)5 BANES AND BRAES. A Boon to Stock -raisers To Know How to Cure Colic; Dis- temper, Colds. Swellings, elm., Saves Thousands Each Year. Of Practical Interest to Horsemen. It is a matter of vital importance to every farmer, horse -owner, and stock - raiser to lnlow exactly what to do when one of his animals is taken sud- denly sick. The letter of Mr. Frank 'G. Fuller- ton, which we print below, gives in- formation of inestimable value, and tells of 1119 experience in curing ailing stock • during the past thirty-eight years._ 'Several years ago when my horse took colic I used to give them Cayenne Pep- per in hot milk, but in a few cases only did I help, and be- cause I had no means at hand I lost several valuable animals. Some one old me of the success Mr. Wendling, of Brockville, Ont., had in his racing stables with `Nerviline,' so I laid in a supply. It wasn't very long before Nerviline saved the life of a valuable stallion of nine, which was worth at least $1,000.00. This horse was taken with colic, and would have died had it not boon for Nervillne. I have used Nervillne `for .'educing swellings, for taking out distemper lumps, and'eas- ing a bad cough, and always found it worked well I recommend every man who owns horses or cattle to keep Nervillne on hand." Large size bottles, 50e.; small size, 25c.; all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Company, Kingston, Ont., and Buffalo, N.Y. 4 HOSTELS FOR WOMEN ONLY.. London Helping' to Solve Problem SAVED $1,000 BY NERVILINE . of housing the Underpaid. What are known in London as "women's hostels" are said to be growing more numerous in the Eng- lish metropolis and are helping to some extent in solving the problem 'of housing the underpaid woman worker. - The rent of a cubicle.in a hostel, according to The London Times, averages about ninety, dentis a week, which rent must -always be paid in advance, A reference is required with each intending resident fromsome re- sponsible person, and the cnetsdn writes for this reference before the would-be resident takes up her abode at the hostel. All the cubicles are small, but very clean, and painted white. Each cubicle contains a bed, chair, washhand' stand with two drawers and .a rug at the bedside. . A framed and colored scriptural text hangs over each bed, and there 'are hooks at the foot of the bed • on which to hang clothes. Residents at the hostels are supposed to make their own beers and keep their cubi- cles dy, - T'htiere is a large airy room pro- vided as .a general sitting -room for the residents. What is Going on In the -Highlands and Lowlands of Auld • .Scotia. The death h -as occurred at Castle :Douglas of Mr, James Craig, in his 94th year,, The total number of visitors to the Royal Scottish Museums since its opening' is 18,366,565. There is :a proposal in Greenock that the town should take over the • tramway undertaking. .I diem Root 131119 Mr. John Grown, of Berwick, has FOR S4LE Pulleys & ,.Shafting Suitable for Mills,. Manufacturing Plants, Printing Houses, Etc, 2 Wood' Split Pulleys, 121/2 x 48 in, for 3 15/16 in. shaft. '1 Wood Split Pulley, 121/4, x 48 in, for 2 15/16 in shaft. 1 WoOd Split Pulley, .1232 i 28 In, for 3 7/16 in. .`shah. 'I. Wood Split Pulley,"f01/z X 26 in, for 3 77/.6 in. shaft. ""pulleys of smaller sizes and Shaft. log ,of various lengths and sizes to be sold, at very low figures Rog 23; Wilson Publishing' Co., Toronto.' just completed sixty-five yetrs as a salmon net fisher in the Tweed. • A fine swordfish " was recently stranded on the sands of the Sol- way at Annan. It measured 71)4 Came Oft n Scales, Itched Sadly, Had to -Tie Hands, Little Watery' Pimples." _Cuticura - Soap and Ointment Completely Cured, /307 Davenport Road; Toronto; Ont.— eczema'arst. started when I was a baby; on ray face and scalp, It. loomed dry and wheal peratc ked it, Yt came off in scales. ' It itched very badly and I Was obliged to liave my bands tied' up so as to prevent' sera -telling .my face, Little white watery plmpleti casio on my hands and face,and I bad to stay home from school fot'nearly two weeks. 15 caused myface and hands to look badly,; The eczema took avery bade form, appearing on my face in little watery ulcers so bad that I could hardly boar to be. touched. My hair being naturally very thick I found to belgetting-thinner and won- dered what could cause it to fall out. ',My mother tried •— and and spent no end of money trying to get me bot - ter but it did no good.. At last a friend roc t ommended Cutieura Soap and Ointmentand my mother used them. We applied the Oedema Ointment to my face, head 'and hands and washed with the Outicura Soap and the eczema began to disappear. Before six months had, passed I was completely cured. (Signed) Miss Constance Jane; May 20, 1913. 4 Outicura Soap and Ointment doso much for pimples, blackheads, red, roughBUMS: itching, scaly scalps, dandruff. dry, thin and falling hair, chapped hands and shapeless nails, that it Is almost •criminal not to use then,. A single set is often sufficient. Cut!- tura Soap And Outicura Ointment are sold by druggists' and dealers everywhere, Fos a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book,send post -card to Potter Drug ds Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U. S.A. Fee oars' he •' a , time i 'i,a t athe , largest o t pyorlil, :have been built by a, Berlin, street railway company, To flip. shade rollers` of various lengths is the aim of the new brack- et oontaining .a .spring that allows a margin of several inches. The French city' of 'Grenoble plans to make itself a health resort by piping to baths curative "waters`' from a lake 25 miles away. ". The richest and" probably the larg-; eat iron ore mine in the world,, whioh is' in Lapland, is being•equip ped with electrical machinery. India, ; has 'become one of the`, woxld'e•,greatest :eensumers.of alt. minium, importing more than 4,- 000,000 pounds in the year ending', with March. Grenades to be fired from rifles to explode and display bright lights One half of the average man's .over an'advanein enemy has been lifeconsiats of eying ulcus he can'tt invented in Euro a for"infantrY pay and theother halff in having money owed to rum that he can't collect.• Mfnard's' Liniment Cures Distemper.' T cr®� nothe i as a delp(� . tfally refresh. A stip ' silo ani lei air: soother. t EXrL,ON •'T�a ads the Wor $1alled Lead PPcket sOn Only. Bew3rd of Sbethpte . Railroad embankments in China are protected, from floods by plant- inglthem with a peculiar native grass with tenacious roots' to resist. erosion. Working on the principle of the hand screw a new nut cracker that may be fastened to the table cranks' the shells without' injuring their contents. All woodwork employed in the construction of rolling stock for London's underground railways is rendered non -inflammable by a chemical process, -• Because of a lack of accessible quarries from which to obtain pav- ing material Brazil' is forced to im- port cobble stones for its streets from Portugal. To enable persons to take breath- ing exercises systematically and on a progressive scale is the purpose of simple apparatus' invented by a French doctor. According to a German scientist women can talk more thanmen with less fatigue because their throats are smaller and they tax their lungs 'and vocal cords. less. Either gas or electricity may be used in a new water sterilizer for public places, which raises the wa- ter to the boiling point, but delivers it thoroughly cooled. An English army officer seems to have perfected a -practical weapon which discharges by, centrifugal force at high speed missiles against a rapidly revolving wheel. Water is pumped by hand over the dishes in a new household dish washing machine, and it can be us- ed so hot as to sterilize them and leave them so warm that they dry quickly without wiping. Tests having shown that recon- naissance work cannot be effective- ly done at greater heights than 2 600 feet, the French army has de- cided that its war aeroplanes must be armored against rifle bullets. • The British admiralty is contem- plating the construction -of a huge floating self-contained factory, cap- able of carrying out almost any kind of repairs to war vessels: that can be done without dry-docking. Mistaken Courtesy. An old Irish countrywoman, going to Dublin by train, says the London Times, stepped into a first-class car- riage with her basket, and made herself comfortable. Just before the t'r'ain started, the conductor passed along, and notic- ing the woman and the basket, said, gruffly : • "Are you first-class, my good woman? • "Begor, I am, and thank you," she replied, with a smile, "and how do you feel yourself 7" LIQUID SULPHUR is prescribed and used by leading nurses in Toronto as an anti -septic. LIQUID SULPHUR by virtue of being simply - pure SULPHUR liquified is one of Nature's own remedies for skin troubles. It is. simple, costs very little, but is most effective in its results. • EC- ZEMA disappears when LIQUID SULPHUR is given 'a fair trial. For sale all druggists. Price 50 Cents per bottle. Pearls of -''Truth. 'The way to gain a good reputa- tion is to endeavor to be what you desire to'appear. Socrates. Men, as a rule, act rightly in civilized society, not from compul sion, but from ethical habit.—Lord Haldane. True manhood comes from self- control—from subjection of the lower powers to the :higher condi- tions of our being.—Smiles. The way to avoid evil is not by maiming our passions, but by com- pelling them to yield their vigor to, their moral nature. -H. W, Beech- er. Good nature and common sense are required from all; but one proud distinction is enough for any one individuallte possess or to as- piro to.—Hazlitt. The man who will succeed must seek, and he must see'—ho must strike, and, above all things, he must believe. Nature does nothing for doubters.—J. S. Blackie. Knowledge must be accepted. from whatever source the truth comes, and -no Church is entitled to set a bar to the progress of 5oienti- fie inquiry.—Bishop Weldon. The water supply at Hamilton is so restricted that Provost Srnelton hits recommended the --avoidance of any waste, Andrew Gray, an old soldier known as the "father" of the Scots' Greys, ha -s just diet,. in Glasgow at the age of 81.' Some alarm was caused in tho higher parts of Kilmacolm, ' the other might, through a large stretch of, heather taking fire. Damage to the extent of about $750 was caused by a farm fire at Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &o. Varying Luck. Mrs. Exe—What sorb of luck do you have with cooks? Mrs. Wye—Oh, varying. Some the keep as long as a week and some as long as a meal ED. 4. ISSUE A druggist can obtaih an imitation of MINARD'S LINIMENT ,from a Toronto house. at a very low price,' cud_ have it labeled his own prodnet. This greasy imitation is the poorest Ono we have yet seen of the many that every Tom, Dick and. Harry has tried to intro- duce. Ask for MINARD'S and you will get it. NEWS FROM SUNSET COAST WHAT THE WESTERN PEOPLE ARE DOING. DEATH REPORTED. An old offender that hung on for years, Nothing touched ,tie stony heart but Put• ham's Corn Extractor and oilt he came, root, stem and branch. 511 torus cured just as quickly when Putnam's is need;' try it, 25c. at all, dealers. None Has. "There is one thing about a cold which science has never attempted to utilize." - "Will you mention it?" "Sure—its hoarse power." You will End relief In Zam-Buk 1 It eases the burning, -.stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zanl- Buk, means cure: Why not prove this v Drsagfao bold Stores. Progress of the Great West Told In a Few Pointed Paragraphs. More than 10,000 known species of orchids have been listed by ex- ports. Argentina has established an ex- periment station for the cultivation of tea. A motor driven aerial propellor, placed in front, draws a sleigh in- vented by a'. German' engineer•• Wireless telephonylhas been in- stall'ecl'in an English coal mine, and is giving satisfactory .results. Helmeia for ',aviators have been invented which have wireless re- ceiving telephones e-ceiving'telephones built into the ear flaps• , At'a voltage' of 78,000 a Swedish hydro electric :company will trans- mit 150,000 horsepower a '•distance of 150 miles. A finely ,appointed motor train driven;lby, benzol electric power has. ' been builtitl-Itngtand for the Iihe. dive of Egypt. „. ' Car barns- will trackage for 500 1 ELECTRIC DYNAMIC OR OEN,ERATOR FOR SALE 30 KtWe,110 VOLTS, D.C. , 675 R. P. M. At a Very Reasonable Figure 105 Immediate Sale. S. FRANK WILSON & SONS, 73 Adelaide St. West, TORONTO. Sugar For Preserving —buy St. Lawrence Extra Gra- nulated by the bag. You got the ,choicest, pure cane sugar, untouched by any hand from Refinery to your kitchen—and FULL WEIGHT GUARANTEED Bags zoo lbs., 25 lbs so lbs, Cartons 5 lbs., s lbs. 3 But dealers can aapply you. Si. Lawrence Sugar Refineries, Limited. Montreal, A man willg•iv hs e i wife £e $10 to pay $t30 worth of bills. 'Then he will borrow $6 of the $10 back and want to know what site (lees with all her money. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.. 'LILL/017'F aRtSINE8s COLLEGE, TO. ionto. Canada's Popular - Common Mal School. Magnifteent Catalogue free. PANMS FOA. SALE. !• -'•- 11..W, DAWSON,- Ninety ColbOrlsb street. Toronto. F$UIT, STOOK, GAIN AND - DAIRY. Farma in all sections et Ontario. Some snaps. - 'GI ACTORY SITES, WITH 01t.• WITHOUT A.' Railway trackage. 10. Toronto. Ihampton' and other towns and cities. 117 ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN itt Brampton and a dozen other towns, N. W. DAWSON,,Colborne St., Toror.tl. STAMPS ANO 00100' STAMP COLLECTORS—HUNDRED DIP. Gwent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue. Album, only Seven Cents. Marko Stamp Comnn.ny. Toronto- - - NEWSPAPER FOR SALE, COUNTRY' WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR Sale to good Ontario town. Excellent Publishing, Company, Toronto. Wilson. - MISCELLANEOIIS.. CANCER, TUMORS, - LUMPS, ETO,. Internal and external, ourod with. out pain by our home treatment- Write tie before too late. Dr, Bellman Medical Co., Limited, Collingswood, Ont. sr -'t ALL STONES, ICIDNEY AND BLAD• IX der Stones. Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbagoand kindred ailments positively cured with the new German remedy, "Sano,;" Price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes•Mellitne, and sure cure, Is "Sanaa Anti•Diabetee." Price $2.00 from druggists or direct. The Sanol Manutae. taring Company of Canada. Limited, Winnipeg, Man, D4 CANADIAN' KNIGHT `.�. DISTIINGUISIiED SERVICE ORDrxr, COMPANION OF TIIE R4INGE A P4STE t THE F F D,4LLEY @ IYo.i NO Dust NO WASTE HAMILTON CANADA RO r rrsT The new model has improvements making it the best heater ever made. New flat font with patent -locking flame -spreader insures clear, odorless heat all the time. Wick and carrier in one—makes rewicking easy and clean. Finished with blue enamel or plain steel drums. Stock at all chief points. For best results use Royalite Oil THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, Limited Toronto Montreal - Winnipeg Ottawa Quebec Calgary' Halifax St. John Regina Vancouver Edmonton Saskatoon' S Many happy Mothers are using Baby's Own Soap in the nursery n merely because . they themselves were washed with it, when infants, but also because ex- perience has shown that no other soap will help the skin so much -make it s white, so smooth —be so ._.san little. ' I to 'us. � ,-::'>Yrld cost ass , Baby's Qzfha-,Soap is best. far Baby and Lest for you. Imitations and' substitutes are merle ea cheap as possible; Baby's Own is as .good as possible, 5.1.13 ALBCRT.BOAPS LTD., IVifra., MONTREAL