HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-10-09, Page 6atober 9th 1913 Goderich 0 Miss Hattie Belcher left last week or Vancouver to visit friends. The, butchers of town have start- j,,,,s.stein of cash on delivery, T.it'en, and report the system, 'working, nut SatlgaCtOrilY' , Jeal , Forsythe has returned .01 holm in Berlin alter' a very, Visit with iMist, Alixe Salin- e Itev. W K. 'Hager returned last week from a month's vacation in the islands of the Georgian Bar. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Brown, Mr. and -.)Irs, WM, W. Green and Mrs. D. •L," Richardson motored up item, De- troit last week. On tbeir retuan they were accompanied by Mrs. J. Bedford. " The members of the Church Base- l:nil League, and some friends were entertained at the Y. Pl. C, A. rooms ! ' one evening last week, when the Knox -"church team web' presented with the banner as vdnnerg of the series. A Very pleasant social evening was ; sPen • - . Mr. W. Protnifoot, ..,. Jr., and Miss , Isabel Proudfoot have returned from -a Most enjoyable trip to Europe. Mrs, Walter Eldridge and children ...have gone,te,„Dundas where Mr: Eld- ridge has been for some time and where they intend to reside. ,Miss Kathryn Kenny- has returned' -tr.,: her 'home' in Detroit after a visit with Goderich -and Ashfield township friends, ` Mr. Gerald . Kidd •of Westmount, • Quebec, is spending a vacation with . his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Kidd, Mr. Russel Buttrey of Strathroy has taken a position with the How- ell Hardware Co. - `Miss Jean Lawson has returned to Detroit after a couple of months' va- cation at her hame, that of Capt. and Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. W. E. Kelly and Miss J. Man- • son left last week for .New York Joe- a months' visit. Miss Wilson, a sister 'of the former lady who has been visiting in town, accompanied ' them. • The record for unloading grain was •'made one day last week when,' the ; Calgo of the McKee, equivalent to .120,000 bushels of wheat, was un- loaded in eight and 1, quarter hours. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Cameron and '":1CIri. M. C. Cameron left last week --for Weirsdale, Florida, to spend the -winter, - Mr. J. W. Vanatter returned last -week from a vacation bpent at the "-summer cottage of Rev. W. K.. and ' Mrs. , Hager on one of the' islands of -the Georgian 'Bay.' ' " ' ' Mr. Jas. Fowler, who has held a positron with Hodgcns Bros. for e some 'time, left last week for Lon - Mon where he takes a position. He , has also been engaged as soloist in -- Dundas street 1VIethodist Church. The marriage took place on Satur- • nay , morning last at the home of• the bride's mother, Cam- -''bria Road, of Mary Elizabeth, se- -mond daughter 'of Mrs. G. 1Vlorris, to Mr; rWilliaml Strachan of Louisville, Kentucky. The house was very pret- tily deco,rated and the,..bride wore -h-et liand-grnam travelling suit of grey :ffiroadclo-th. The ceremony was per - 'formed. by Rev. Geo. E. Ross in the 'presence of only iinrnediate friends. After the wedding breakfast Mr. and -Mrs. . Straelian left by the morning -train for Toronto and other points. Clinton Model School Report for September Division 1, Senior class-rNora Kennedy 83, Percy'Ladd ; 81, Edwin Judd 77, Lois Holmes. 75, Winnie Draper 72,Dor- atilY RattenbuTY 68, 1.a,rerti Langford 67, Hattie Greig 66, Pilerle Moore 64, Margaret 'Walker 64, Nellie Watkins • Junior class-Shurwyn ABM. 91; Gladys Keller 86, Ruth Mc- . Math • 86,„ - Alvin Leonard 86, Mabel Marshall 89, Irene' Keller 77, Marian Gibbings 77, Leona Hearn 76 Charlotte Sheeley 86 Frieda Wallis 73, Aileea Armour '12,: Nettie -Glazier 72, Murray McNeil 72, Cecil Peekitt 72, 1-lannah Argent 71, Harold 'Man- ning 70, Alice PeckItt 68, May, Rut- ledge 63, Orville Murphy 60. -Olive Cooper, TeaCher. Division '2 Seniors - Clete Dunford 91 per- cent, Harry Lawrence 90, Ethel Was- mann 87, Lyda Livermore '87, Harry Rance 86, Ernest Livermore 83, Geo. Middleton 82, Alex, Eagleson 81, Ed- na McCaughey 79, Mary Taylor 76, Ruth Argent. 73, Marion Andrews 69, Jessie Jackson 68: Earl Cooper 65, Fanny, Hellyar .65, Edna West 65. Juniors -Sadie Draper 76; Madelon Shaw 73, Edith Jones 71, Merritt „Nediget 69, Ernest Hall 66, Wilfrid Seeley 65, Mary W,alton. 64, Carl • A gent 61, 61, Ernie Little 60: -M. E. Chidley, Teacher. Bluth Mr. James Barr has purchased a •',runabout which he will use for both .business and pleasure. • Mrs. Maynard and daughters, who •'have been visiting Mr. John and Miss • Janet Lamont, have returned to 'their horne in By City, Mich, Mr. Michael Kelly, who was injured by falling from his wagon a few --s-meeks....ago, is_ not improving as fast as his friends eould wish. Miss Marion McKenziehas. returned 'from a visit with friends in Dunham, Mrs, R. J. M. Barr has been engag- ed as principal of the Public school -to fill the vacancy caused by the re- . signation of Mr. D. A. MacDonald, who has held the position during the -past month.' • Mr. P. Gardiner hag purchased Mrs. Geo. Powell's residence on Dinffiey street. • - Mr. Chas, G. Bailey of Los Angel- - os, Cal., visited Ms' sister, Mrs. John Parrott of Morris last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Thomas and • family have returned from a vacation • spent in New Ontario district. Mr. Archie Wells spent a few days - with his grandmother last week prior -to returning to Toronto to resarne his •;tudies at the school of Practical Sci- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bease of Berlin • . are on a visit to their son, Mr. C. Bease of town. - Annivertary services will be held in the Methedisk church on Sunday 'next when Dr. Rai -Sledge of Clinton ,will conduct the services. -/ • Trinity church held their annual , -.vest, home festival on Sunday week when theru wasa good tarn out and -very successful services, Mr. • Hartley of Dunham was the preacher •of the day. Mrs. Go. Hood passed away at her here on Wednesday week aged eighty-three years. For many years - :Mrs, I -rood and her husband fanned ,in Morris township but on the death • -0i• the latter she with her daughter, moved into Blyth. The deceased lady wa,s possessed of a sterling character :and was much es,teeinted by , all who •Sknew her. A large . fardily . survive, two of whom, Mrs.' W. ...fackgon. 'end Miss Hon, reside here. Rally •Day ' was- observed in " the terian charch here, a. splendid , en by the members . , righter of Mor- d - Division 3, Senior class -Flora Miller 96, Beryl Cooper 96, Earl Liverrnore 95, Agnes Walker 91, Willis Cooper 87, Lawrence West 82, Willie Bell 82, Doza Seliden- hals 80, Charlie Cole 79, Pearl Graild 77, Bert Sloman_73, Halide Lia er- more 72, 'Annie Lawrense 62. Junior class --George Walla 89, Marcus Tierney 76, Jean Bell 75, An- na Grealis 68.-J, Wilson, Teacher. Division 4, : Senior 3rd, -Cora Miller 90, Amy Hellyar 89, Jabez Rands 88, `Jas. Walker 87, John Taylor 84, Dorothy Rorke 80, Gordon Hall 79, Fergus Reynolds 78, Willie Mutch 74, Bessie Murphy 70, Harry Ball 78, • Hetty Langford 68, Cecil Cooper 61, Juniors -Bessie Morrish 89, Mildred Biggins 87, 'softie Judd 86, "Agnes Reynolds 84, Macgregor Grant' 80, Geo. Carter 75, Milbornie Bailey 76, Alicia Kelm 71, Eva Bouck 71, Asa Bolton 70, Catharie Wylie 68, Jack "Bawden 63, Fred Elliott 63. • -L. Stevens, Teacher, • Division 5, Senior class -Nellie 'Rutledge 95, Gortrude Fowler 93, Daisy Nediger 96, Audrey Collyer 88, I-larold Law- son 88, Jean Miller 86,, Wilbur Bezzo 85, Nisbet Cook 84, Amy Gould 80, Charlie' McGuire 79, Helen Roberton 77, Lucy Levy 77, Gordon Lawsoa 73 Gladys Wiltse 72. Leona, Taylor 70, Joe Yesbec 70, John Yesbec 65. Junior class -Ivy Plewes 75, Elean- or MeTaggart 91, Hilton Butts 88, Margaret Cree 88, Leila McCartney 87, Frank Muteh 87, Winnie McMatila 81, 'mica Hill 83, Frank Scruton 80, Dorm Mulholland 80, Gladys Wiltse 79, Roy Livermore 77, Cecil /Cook 76 Chte. Cook 76, Mary 'Argent 72, Malcolm McTaggart 72, Herbie Hol- tzhauer 70, Pearl Carrick 66, Cecil Matheson 65, Ruth Evans 64. • • Division 6, Senior lst,-R. Middleton, M. Von - Rohl, L. Judd, Wm, Miller, J. 'Allis- on, (H. Cochrane and H. Sloman eq- ual), L. Wheatley, M. Beeves, D. Ball, G. Mennel, R. Walker, C. Tur- ner. Seaforth, 1Miss Harriet Wilson has returned 'to New York to resume her hospital duties. She has fully recovered from her indisposition, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hinehley have been enjoying a fortnight's visit in various points throughout Michigan. Miss .B. Morson is visiting in New York City. Mr. Andrew Malcolm, a former re- sident of town but who, atter years spent in the west, now resides , in Galt was a Visitor in Seaforth last MiSs'Nellie Duggan :has gone to Col-. umbus, -Ohio, where she intends re- maining', for some time. ' Miss Phetnie Gevenlook, who • has , been giending is vacation in the west, spent a few days at her home here' last week before returning to Ottawa to resume her duties in the Auditor 'General's . office. Miss Phyllis Pearcy. of Toronto ,is the guest of her aunt, Mrs: Georg'e Smithers. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stephenson, old and respected residents of town, leave shortly for Winnipbg. The change has been necessitated by the state of the former's health. - • Miss Hattie G-utridge of Sarnia has returned to her home alter a visit with Miss Ada Sleeth. Mr, • James Martin has purchased . . , the residence of Mr, Hugh Stepheng,m• who ,is moving, to ,the west. Mrs, Lawrie, Who has been visiting Mrs. S. Dickson for some tithe, has returned to her home in Seattle: The Young People's Society Of the Presby'terian church, has been re -or- ganized with Mrs, Larkin, president, Mrs. Meridith, secretary, and L. T... DeLacey, treasurer. • They. intend giv- ing a series of entertainments. Mr W. R. Potter has returned •to his home in Seattle Wash., after' a visit with his mother and sisters in town.; 'Mrs.- Clow of Winona, Minn., is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Dickson. • Mr. Dave Marks of Goderich was a visitor at the home of Mr. H. W,. Strasser for a few- days recently. Mrs. McQuaig is the guest of her father, Mr. John A. Wilson. • - Mrs. W. Tracey and her grandson, Pilaster Cyril, left last week to spend the winter in Detroit. Mr, Geqrge Dakin is visiting his parental home in Galt. Miss Quenaie Southgate, who has spent the summer months at her home in town, has returned to New York. gliss Ruth VanEgmond has gone on a trip to the west. Her destination is Regina, where her brother resides. 'Mtg. J. Keating and her daughter, Miss Gennevieve, of Eureka, Cal,, are on a visit to friends in town; - Junior lst,-13, Comb, 5. Rorke,' .L. McClinchey, N. McNeil, S. Gibbs, M. Blacker I,' Reynolds (R. Jea- kins and H. Ladd equal), J. Ford, K. Grant, G. gniott, B. McGuire; J. Britton, A: McIntyre, J. Wiggington Cooper, A. • Comb, V, Huller. • -M. Macgregor, Teacher. Division. 7, • Senior class, total marks 250 -Isa- bel Glazier 233, Grace Stong 227, 1V1yrle Sweet 222, Charlie Shipley 221 Wilfred Grant 221, Ferguson Cat -ter 220, John Nediger 219, Marion Mor- ris 216, Wilbur Nelson 216, Fred Mc- Taggart 216, Myrtle Ben 213, Nor- man Counter 213, Charlie Mennen 212, Russel Bezzo 193, Wallace Wheatley 190, Eleanor Plumsteel 189 Oliver Murphy 177, Ernest Ford 175, Clyde Kennedy 158. ' Junior class, total marks 150 - Norma Treleaven 135, Kathleen Tay, Tor 134, Phylliz Tozer 133, Florence Johnston 132, Kenneth Robertoni 132, Russel Peckett 131, I,ouis Howard 130, Willie Argent 123, Jean Simp- son 128, Myrtle Carrick 127, Elmer Miller 127, Luella Glazier 126, Jos- eph Howard 123, Clifford Carter 122, Olive Schoenhals 123, Vera Cook 118 Cecil Ashton 118, Bert Marshall 117, John Livermore - lh6, Nellis McNeil 115, Margaret Ball 112, Francis Bain- es 112, Olive Lawrence ;112: -M. Wiltse, 'leacher. Division 8, Third class --- Myrtle WiltSe, 94, Charlotte Von Rohl 93, Burton 1301 - ton 92, Robin Hunter. 91, Lonna Cochrane- 90, Austin Matheson 90, Ray Carter 88, Clarence Ora,,ler 82, George Turner 66, Willie Glazier 66, Alex. Oshaldeston 62, Helen Cook GO, Viola Livermore, 60. • Second class -Bessie Cole, 04, Hu- bert Reynolds' 93 Alvin house 89, Howard G-realis 81, Doris 4;0,1yer lieta Elliott 76, Freak 110 arm d 76, A.rthur Hessian 72, Howard Mulhol- land 68, Bruce Tozer 65, Johnny Rands 63, 'Edgar Maguire St. First class-Linnie Necliger e5, Tom Jackson 83, Clyde Wilt:lid:ea- 20, Freda Schoenhals 79, Addie Carter 70, Wil- - tiler Dee'ves 67,-M, Ker, Teacher. Wingtiam Mir :s Irlma Kennedy has none to Toronto' to enter on a course of mett, ical study . Her father„ ,Dr. Kennedy;, Went Mown to the city' -with her •••- to to get 1157: settled in the college. " , Mr. John Linklater' and his son, Mr.. G., H. LinIrlater, have purchased a furniture -anti undertaking business in Teeswater and took poSsession-- last week. , Mr., ,J A Moynihan and little dau- ghter of Waterloo are spending 'a few weeks with Mrs. John Armour. • Mrs. D. McGregor has gone to Ed- monton where she internl'.; ma,king.her home, Wingham Mr. Davis Pickell of .0shaw-a was a recent visitor ,with his brother, • Mr, J. N. Pickell of Cultosg. Mr, William Heayn of Chicago has beep renewing old friendships in town. He was engaged in the planing mill business here many years ago. Mrs. Thomas Brandon end Mis Hazel Brandon were in; Becton attenik lug a wedding last week. The °tiler evening the town council of Winghara presented Mayor Van - Stone, who is removing to Toronto with an address • and a gold -headed cane. Miss Edna Cooper has been engaged as teacher in the High School, com- mencing her new duties last week. Mr. Cranston, who has been on the staff of the Dominion Bank for some time, bap been promoted to the head office at Toronto. , Miss Jean 'Werth of Elora has been Visiting friends in town. Miss Alta Pryne of Brussela has been. a guest at the pargonage during the past week. • May Smith has pen visiting with Strathroy frieads. • Mr. A. H. Moon arid bride of Belle- ville were the guests last week of the farmer's brother, Dr. Moon. Mr, J. 13. Elliott or Fiendship, Wis., has been the guest of his sis- ter, Mrs. John Nichol, Mr. W. J. Greer was in Toronto for a few days last week awing to the illness of his sister. Miss Marjorie Smye has nnurned to her home in Hamilton after a visit with Miss Cronyn. An inquest took place oa Friday evening into the cause of the death of Chas. Wood. Coroner ' Kennedy presided and -the following ,composed the 'jury : Richard Clegg, Robert Al- len, J. W. McKibbon, H. B. Elliott, Wm. Holmes, D. 13e11, J. W. Hewer, W. G. Patterson and J. L. Awde. Several witnesses were examined and Dr. Tarnblyn, who had charge of the poet mortem, stated that death was without doubt caused by drowning. The jury brought in a verdict to that effect. Mr. Dudley Holmes look- ed after the interests of the crown. Clint on News -Record ' Marriages MaeDONALD-JACKSON-At the re- sidence of the bride's parents, on Sept, 24th, R. Royden 1VIaoDoroald 'of Brigden, to Carrie, daughter M Mr. and 1VIrs. Henry Jackson, - Morris township. STRACHAN-MORRIS -- In Goder- ich on', Oct. 41h, Mary Elizabeth Morris to William Stratchaa of Ky, Deaths HENRY -In Clinton, on October 91h, Rosanna, daughter Of the late' John Henry.' SIIANAHAN-In Clinton on ,Oct. 3rd Daniel Shanahan, aged 88 years. LYON -In Hullett on October 4th, Mary Barley Hewson, wife M Mr. Joseph Lyon, in her 86th year. ROSS -Suddenly, in Clinton, OR Oct. 6t1, W. D. Ross, of Exeter, aged 60 years. , JEWELL-In Colborne township,, on October, 1st, Florence Armstrong, wife of Melvin Jewell, aged 29' years and 9 months. SHORT -In Exeter, Oct. 1st, John Short, aged 90 years and 8 mos. MOGNEY-M Weyburn, Sask., on Sept. 10th, Henry Mooney, form- erly of Morris township, in his 73rd year. HOOD -4n Blyth, on Sept. 24th, Jane • Laidlaw, relict of the..late Geo. Hood,- of Morris township, aged , .83 yea5,s: • FOR SALE,- DRIVER, BUGGY and harnesg, Bargain for quick sale.-Appry to. IVIisk Amy ,Howson, Clinton. • -01 TENDERS WANTED- TENDERS will be received by the email of the -Viivanship of Hallett up to, 2 na. on Monid'ay, October 27th 1913, for the digging and construction of the Bowes award DraM in the town. - ships of Hallett and Morris. Plans and hpecifinations can be seen at the Clerk's Office Londepboro. The lowest or any 'tender not necessar- ily accepted. -- James Campbell, Township Clerk. -02-2. FOWL WANTED KINDS, dressed or live. Delivered any day in the week. Highest price paid -- T. E. Mason, the Postoffice Store, Summerhill. -02. • BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS OF , second-hand heaters.-Byam & Sut- ter. -01 Births McLEOD-In Dayfielil .on Oct; 71h, to Mr. and IVIrs. W. .1. McLeod, ' a SOn. , McGILL - Brucefield, on 'Sept 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Byron McGill, a son. ALLEN -In Seaforth, ' on Sept, 29th3- to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvditer Allen, a son. ALLEN -In Seaforth, on Sept; 29th, . to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Allen, COPELAND-In Wingham, on Sept. 29th, to Mr, aral Mrs. C. It. Copeland, a daughter, • BARS -In East Wawanosh,. on Sept. 21st, to 1V1r. and Mrs. • Arthur Barr, a daughter. OR SALE OR TO LET-IIOUSE on Mary street. Apply to -A. J. Tyndall. •-02. TO nENT-28 ACRES v54-ty BEST clay land, 1 miles from Goderieh, small house, good barn, old or- ' chard, very seitable for market garden, 'poultry, milk etc. POirseS, sion immediately, -Oliver J Clinton, ' TEACHER WANTED -MALE PRO- testant, second-class professional, ditties Jan. 1914. State salary and experience.' Applibatim. . received up to Oct. 21. -Apply John Wan- less, S. S. No. 6 Stanley, Varna P. 0. Ont. • -01-2 WANTED.--EXBERIENCED GIRLS and girls to learn knitting and looping. Will pay $5.00 per Week while learrang. Steady employ- ment, pleasant position. Apply now. -Clinton Knitting Co. -93 LIVE FOWL WANTED. -I AM NOW ready to handle fat hens, young chickens and ducks at highest prices Poultry taken not later than Thurs- day of each week. Other fowl hand- ed later on. -W. Marquis, Base Line, Phoge 14 on 156. -91 FRESI-1 CREAM CAN 1:3E HAD AT Bartliff's and MeLenaan's restaur- ants. •-1800 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and implements. -The •undersigned has instructed Mr. T. Gundry, to sell by public auction at lot 18, oon, 3, Hullett, on Tuesday, October 11, at 1.30 o'clock the following: agri- cultural mare 7 years ,bred to Glen- rae, agricultural mare 6 years bred to Glenrae, 4 months filly sired by Glenrae, 2 cows 9 years old, cow 8 years old, cow 7 years old, 2 cows rising 4 years, cow rising 3 years, all supposed to be in calf to thorobred Durham, cow 8 years old to calve in October, heifer 2 years old last Aug., steer 2 years in Oct. steer 2 years old Jan. next, yearl- ing steer, 3 yearling heifers, steer 10 mos. old, 7 calves, Deering disk drill, Massey -Harris binder, Deering mower, Deering 10 ft. rake, BataVia cli,sc harrow, single, furrow plough, tavo farrow plough, scuffier, gat iron harrows, mud scraper, farm wagon, • democrat wagon, two seated buckboard, single buggy, 2 single cutters, pair bob sleighs, set double . harness, pet sin- . gle harness, hay rack, wagon box, cutting box, pulper, wheel barrow, fork, car, slings, and pulleys, 3 set whiffetrees, tile scoop, shovels*, forks hoes, etp, grind stone, spray pump, cream separator (De Laval), plat- form scales capacity 240 lbs. also •household furniture, kitchen cup- board, Daisy churn, extension table, bedsteads springs, mattress 2 ;washstands, 6 dining room chairs, pails, stands, etc., etc. •ereis : All sums of $10 and under, cash eta that arnoUnt 11 niOn-thS' credit en furnishing approved joint notes or 4 percent. per lannum, off credit •a- mounts for cagh-T. Gundry, auc- tioneer, S. A. Brown, proprietor. APPLES „WANTED. -I AM PRE - pared to' pay the- highest market price 'for apples at the „ Hayfield Evaporator. -E. L, Merner, Bay-- • field. -98 NOTIOE-On • account of the heaVY loss sustained in the recent fire, I would like all out -standing ac;• counts settled at once. Id the meantime the coal office will , be found next door to Mc-Taggart's Bank,' where business will be car- ried on with a full supply of every- thing as before. -A. Forbes. -95 SL -ABS FOR SALE, Li INCHES long. Will sell by load or cord. - A. Forbes,' Coal and; Wood Dealer. IT WILL PAY YOU. -WHEN HAV-. ing an auction sale advertise it in The News -Record which goes into the great majority of homes in the district. BELLEVIEW FARM DAIRY. - From our stock of 'first-class cows we are prepared to supply you twice daily, with the best of • milk and cream. We solicit a share of your patronage. -E. 13. Hill,, Phone 125. -80 FARMERS, ATTENTION. As Mr. Dave Canitelon will be buying apples in another sec- tion of the country, it will be impossible for him to buy , Beans for uuc the next six weeks. f In the meantime we have 'se- cured the serviaes of Mr. Win. Reid (Thresher) to look after, oar • interests and buy for us. We are still in the; market to pay the Highest Price for Beans and `our Mr. Newman will be at Clinton; Brucefield, Varna. and Bayfield the first df each -week. Cash will be paid at car the day of loading on all purchases. See -Mr. Reid before selling or call him on the phone. No. 172. Ring 8. EWMAN & RIDGET , FARM FOR SALE. -CON. WEST half of lot 9, Hullett township, containing 50 acres. There an on the farm a frame house 20x26, kitchen 18x14, and a summer kit- chen and wood shed 21x14, bank barn 58x40 with stabling Tinder- neath and cement floors with ben house and pig house. The land is good clay loam, entirely clear of weeds, is well drained with tile, • -and in a good state of cultivation. No waste land. There is one acre of good orchard and a never failing • well. Terms : $500, of principal paid.., down and the rest can re- main on mortgage. As the pro- prietor intends giving up farming, if not sold the place will be seat- ed. -Apply on premises or to John Riley, Sr., Constance. P. 0. -86. , FARM FOR SALE=LOT. Act AND part of Lot 39, Con, 9, GoderIch township, consisting of 107 acres all cleared and good tillable land with the exception of five acres of bush and ten acres of orchard can - tabling apples, plums and cherries. Farm in good condition being of good clay loam, well fenced and having an abundance of excellent water. On the premises are • two barns, one 58x30 with shed 25x10, all on stone foundation. The oth- er barn is 50130 with shed 47x30 and also a gravel house. Sittlated one mile front school I mile from English church, 1 mile from Meth- odist church, 5 miles from Clinton, 6 mile h from Bayfleld. Rural Tele- phone connection. Also part of Lot 36, 'Telephone Road, containing 50 acres adjoining school and 4 miles from Clinton, on • which there are no buildings but containing a small swamp making it an excellent pas- ture farm. For further particulars apply on the premises, or address - Geo. A. Cooper Clinton, Ont. Phone 7 on 155. -71. FARM FOR SALE -THE UNDER - signed offers for sale his rine f arm of about 130 acres adjoining the town of Clinton. The farm is in a good state of cultivation and has good • buildings -brick house, bank barn, driving house, pig pen, etc -all comparatively new. A first class young orchard containing all kinds of fruit, also snaall fruits. The farm is well fenced and well drained and is a very desirable home. For further particulars apply on premises or address John Torrance, Clinton P. 0. -63 Have Your Eyes Tested SEWING MACHINES REP AIRED , and repairs kept on hand, also ag- ency for new machines. -A. Hoop- er, Albert street. i--95 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live HOUSE.CLEANIN6 Season is Here Again. ••••••••••ese sees • • • • • • • • WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF SOAPS • • • • • • SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY. • 6 bars Comfort soap 25c, - • 6 bars Cosmos soap 25c. •• e. • Annmoniah, Pearline, Gold Dust, Gil- lett's Lye, Soap Chips and Old Dutch Cleanser. , If you are suffering from headaches the cause may be eye strain due to either not wearing glasses or wearing those which do not accommo- date themselves to your eyes. 111k f $ * FRUITS. Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Grapes, Pears and Citrons. VEGETABLES. Sweet Potatoes, Spinish, ()Mons, Cooking, Onions, Cabbage, Tomatoes and Celery. • ,„ A CALL SOLICITED. To ascertain the cause of your trouble have your eyes tested by a graduate optician. We make no charge for testing. - A. J. GRIGG GRADUATE _OPTICIAN .ND JEWELER. E. E. 11UNNIFORD LIVE AND LET. LIVE GROCER. Only engine of its kind', win.o more work -do work in wore dif- ferent places -give 60 changes of speed. 'GILSON ' •"4 -12:4 - Delivers 10011 service. Farmer's power house on wheels. Carries 11, 04011100 shaft, pulleys, belt tightener and pump lack. Ready for any job, any- where, atany time. A 10 00 h. p. Agents wanted. Wilts for particulars. 1, *-71GIL•SON MFG. GM /ad.. -..i.0 L York St Guelph, 141!1‘ . .1".10• 100Z ,Irlr' ..kt# __... , .. -,--.. Service ,--... AGENT AT AT CLINTON M. G. RANSFOIRD Slabs For Sale. HARDWOOD SLABS, 14 ' INCHES LONG. IDEAL FOR SUMMER USE. ALSO '12 INCH BODY. WOOD. Stapkten-Saw M Hundreds of women throughout the tori and surrounding the canary ask every day for O'Neil's Groceries And have done so for years. Satisfaction M the great truth behind as. See the special display of Criseciancl crystallized ginger chips in our south window this week. : • W. T. O'NEIL • "The Hub Grocery." ' • •••••••••••••• oo 6004 LIIE POULTRY WANTED 2500 CHICKENS, 1000 HEN 1000 DUCKS EACH WEE FROM NOW UNTIL JA U'ARY. • • To finish your own point we have wheat, oats, and bu wheat specially, ground • fattening purposes at very r sonable prices. 8000. dozen Otrictly new 1 • eggs wanted each week dini the winter months. To P duce these eggs we have a 1 line of poultry foods to k your layers in the pink condition. A full stock of BRAN, SIR FEEDS FLOUR, OATCI-10P, LEYCHOP etc, etc. always o Give us e, call, iMr=22I I