HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-10-09, Page 5Coat st3iipataortm..-r. is an eneinrwithiti thecarom h wiit• , , underaline the sticiogest constitution • arid ruie-the'inost vigoeeus 'leads to indigestion, 'biliousness, ionpure I load bad complexion, sick . headaches, and is .one' of the 25�st frequent cansos of"alMendil. neglect it is slew. suicide, Dr. or 3 lAdi4n' Root Pj positively pure COnstiprildent, Tbey „are entirely Vegetable in comPOsition and2donro: sicken. weakee 'or gripe. Fresey your health by taking , DV. S e9,0 48 .1111:41a* .„ eno,caviotil BITSIIIE523 COLLEGE, TO. ronto. Canada' -.Popular Dimmer, cial School. Magniteent Catalogue free. 11. W. pavvsotl, NIntitY Colborne Street, -Wil,1112.`, STOCK, GRAIN AND ItAIBY Farms in all sections a Ontario. F.ACTORY SITES. WIPE( OR WITHOUT Railwar trackage, In ',Toresto„ rammer, end Other tonne end cities.' • RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN Ate _Brampton end a dozen other town*. H. W. DAWSON, Colborne, St, Toronto AGENTS WANTED. WANTPED -PERMANENT MEN Og Women lousily, Falary and. Lem. mission, Make Five to Ten Dollars day, spare time meeepted. .1. L. Nichols Co., Publishers, Toronto, Canada. 'STAMPS AND COINS. Q TAMP COLLECTORS -HUNDRED DIE. ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue, Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp ,, Company. Toronto, NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. - COUNTRY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOR Sale in good Ontario town. Excellent Opening for man of energy. Write Wilson Publishing Company, Toronto. INISCELLANS011a SDITD 15 CENTS FOR THE WALTZ Song Suceess. "My Wonderful Girl." 10. Wilson, 26 Melinda, St„ 'reroute. CANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETO., internal and external, glued with. out pain by our home treatment, Write us before too late, Dr. Reitman Medical Co.. Limited. Collingwood, Ont. XCLUEIVII AGENTE1 WANTED IN every town to handle household usertsSity. Sells on sight. Agents make $5,00 to WO a day, .Anply 20. Wileon, 25 Melinda, Toronto. . el ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD Nil' der Stones. Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred ailments poeitivelY cured with the new • German rem'edy, "Sono]," price 51.50. Another new' remedy for Diabetealfellitue, and sure cure is "Sanas Anti.Dlabetes." Prism MOO from druggists or direct. The Sanol Montane. 'Curing Company of Canada, Limited, Wineireg, Man. 1 ELECTRIC DYNAMO OR GENERATOR - FOR SALE 30 KW., 110 VOLTS, IC., 675 R. P. M. • At a :Very Reasonable Figure for Immediate Sale. S„, FRANK WILSON & SONS, , 73 Adelaide St. W- orinfor0. jtti up: twice voivo •• If 'We, Could Do L. If . exuarimenta now h'eii.agH Made- ea, the brain of' the late Dr. ,It1Ph4rd,sou tor, 'hie. tortrier,-ecion7 tifleassoCirass Shatld furinislr.th.s, de, aired' reSalte, this;oItf world' would have to he Pieced' 00,,a different teot-' ing froth any that.it 'ever ,hirld, befere, whether for better or *cope,'The end sought , after ' Is to, ,,read , the thoughts which they:think legye a permanent, IMPreesion topon the:bide defilitte ardeoti' Was.n firin` :believer in' thia • thedry, and ,it was thatclt; might . be, studied in his own case that he Made' diepoeition of his brain in • analegY, at leaet.the -idea pre- sents features that ppb it of abeurditY. The meaner in 'which the steel ne,editi' Makes ita inipreasion on the wax cyl- inder of the phonograph,.and the later reyersal of the operation fen the Pur- pose of reproducing the message, is one of the best illostratioits' of a Doe- sible similar process,in the phenom- ena of mental impressions and their translation, into speech or action. That the similaritY appealed to Mr. Edisen himself seems more than probable, as he has in this, as In ether views, fully committed himself to a wholly Mater- ialistic conception of life. ' If the theory, then, has even slight kindred evidences In its favor, the re- searches now being carried on with much Beerecy may tlisclese unexpected results. If the lines on the brain should be found related to definite thmight impressions, their interpre- tation is not beyond human powers. The same order of mind that wrested' the lcey to the Egyptian hieroglyphics from the iinitilated Rosetta Stone' may possibly do .ag. much froni the brain of a dead professor, bringnig to light the thoughts which he kept hidden even from his own heart while in 110 e. Should- this come about, however, it is hardly neeessary to speculate upon the portentious changes that would be wrought. No man could hide himself, nor could any nation practice the arts of diplomacy. No one could be led astray that was not willing to go. The* Black Hand 'would betray Ito own secrets, and the white slaver convict himself. Congressitinal inves- tigations would cease, and the re- former disclose at a glance whether he really liked grape juice or pre- ferred something stronger. And John couldn't -even think that his wife thinks he is. going to the club, for fear that she would find him .out, the gay deceiver. . In view of which, together with a thousand and one other complications that would. ensue, It will perhaps be best if the Harvard scientists fail of their purpoee. MOTHER AND BABILro Every mothor is anxious for the welfare of her little ones -above all she wants them to have good health. Thousande of mothers have learned the secret of keeping their little ones healthy - they have learned that by keeping Baby's Own Tablets in the house and giv- ing an occasional dose to the little ones that they will escape eonatipa- gen, vomiting, colic, colds, worms, ea. •The Tablets never tail to be of serviaa.....40 --keeping the baby althy and happy. Bold by meeli- cents Medi - cfrOce 4f4 •,.:C-ao:,,..,pkr.....,'..,le , () ' ''',.. Oyit ,. ..-..-.::,.....,,,,.,. , ik. -,..-Iciii:q.igii4,e4i,e4sr:',4y-''' 'H -,. fiPtios,i.1::,,.0."'.'-','",-, .;.+' . .',',..ii,,-,,, f.',.. .......,:'!.P.Iii4iii...:',:?..10',;604:•Of', rifTOS: iii . , ..... ,.. .'461.0.,t64;(!!!iligHot ::.'.7..:',.,,':::„; aOse.i3,6ii,-....., . ',?,',.,,:,'.1i,,,,,,:,... "n 14'4i.Y2.:•E‘...,e'.."'..• . rY,,..,,e. , That • ,thiserable liervensriese' and tiOd-alithe-titne condition - la due nine' caees .00 tea` to a Clogged. and; despondent,',yeuule,oli,,ambiticin, gy seemsan gona Serest' :road' ,to' health is by, the 'frequent rise of:Dr. Hamilton's. Pills; they will -make you feel like 'new all over 14 a Elliott' Writing from his ,home33arce- , .lond, Mr, Frederick G;Meyer -states: "Ithink, no one ever suffered as se•- verelree I did for 'nearly siXmonthis.' So many 'seriona .eymptoins were de- veloping ae. a consequence ottliie evil condition of ray system that V r,eal- ized, I must find a remedy. ,The strong Pills of ;various Iciode I tried seemed after their first 'effects were 'over to make me far wore and I 'did not know which way to, turn for relMf. I ea* Dr. Hamilton's Pills advertised, and the first box used satisfied me. 0 found a true remedy. Instead a griping with undue activity,.Dr. Ham- ilton'e Pills acted as naturally as if physic had not been taken, •I inver had to increase the dose and., indeed, within a month I reduced it, and when the -system filially acted of its own accord as a result of Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills, 1 took a dose twice a week only, lust to make sure the old condi- tion would not come back." No other remedy cures constipation and biliousness so easily or safely as Dr Hamilton's Pills; they are an ideal family remedy for -all diseases of the stomach, liver and bowels, Sold in 25c. boxes, five for $1.00, all druggists and storekeepers or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N Kingston, Canada., thr in treats e road three urgery it," is ow re - from ed by Med a rt ---the nclosed orld's as the rt with Any in - h; any injury many o of the wounds death. years t upon 1 cases y from tervals ff or 0 lis up the rep<rts of this Y one, negro sources is boy wound. pex of he left rly half y was e, in a O death et •were of the o Made t above y. could an, the at each in his rd and ed the ration- thetic- ixteenth p; in a good ao bituted a ot made y. JOhn- is firiger ebh at doing ' /Ting' to Bid 'Sore"Lofed Ctitioui‘a Soap qfid"Oint- inejit Cured In1)4Weeki, , ,-1\auuby; -t!t'?,?11;i? ..", ; seatterech.i The tops ef 'them we're white; matter. Vide in them, They Were butte large, '..011C1 my fade was sore ande Itehy and lOoked badly. I :=71=1:1==. sr= had' tosoritchie 130 C011ifOffr• able and 'oometlines Jost My sleep. ,The soreslastod about / two months arid I triad gidn'ti like .;•them, ,Then / sent for some bucl.Fa Soap - and ()algae- Olittmeht used them foetWo weeks and I Wascompletelyourech"(Ellabed) Alex. It. Oke, April 2; 1012,• ' TILE "0" IN IRISH :NAMES. — , • People Here Drop It, Which is a Pity. 1018 a pity so many people here drop the Irish 0, for it is a prefix of nobility that is the oldest in Eu- rope, says Tryconnell O'Donnell, in New York Tribune. Many of our besi Dutch °families in New York came here without a surname, but there is um a family in bre- land possessing a surname in. 0 that has not .borne that surname since at least the twelfth century - That is surely a high distinction and proof of social standing that Ireland's fall from its higit estate cannot obliterate. I believe that Venice has families whose surnames dateifriim the ninth century, but with 'that exception Irish surnames are the oldest in Europe. Under compulsion of the penal laws, many people in Leinster adopted English names, but these people belonged mainly to the loW,. er classes, and nair.n they adopter1.7.--Rmit,h,- 'Carpenter, Cook, Buthher, showed their occupations and the meaning of their Irish sur- names. Such names always bore the Mao, and in Ireland's whole history you will fiad nowhere in its 'ancient nobility: a family bearing a name associated with any trade or occupation, nor any such name with the 0 prefixed, Howard -or Hogward, the most aristocratic name in Britain, would have been borne only by hereditary swins,-. herdsin the old Irish world., The belief prevails in parts Of Ireland and Europe that only five families rightly bear the 0 -the G'Neilla, high monarchsorIrelancl and kings of Ulster ; the O'Don- nails, ,prineos of Tryeonnell; the O'Connors, kings of Connanght; the O'Briens, kings of Themoncl; and the C'Elaliertys, princes of Lan Connaught. LIQUID 'SULPHUR used according to directions is 000 of the most Potent restoratives that can be taken into the eystem. It eleaesee the blood and makes it passible for the or - ...aim to do their work properly. ' DC/ZEMA and eruptions of tho, skin yield at once to treatment. Hundreds are more than willing to testify to the bene- ficial resulte of using LIQUID SULPHUR. RHEUMATISM is .simply the result of impure blood end (dogged blood vessole. 'LIQUID SULPHUR removes the cause of the impurity and cleanses the blood Channels, For sale by all druggists. Price 60 ciente Per bottle. The Limit. "As a rule I'm 'a peaceful and easy-going man."' "That's your reputation." 'I believe "in being pleasant and accommodathrg," 'Yes, that is 'true.'' `And I try to keep my temper. I don't 'believe in profanity." ."I'm' glad to hear it.", . w,arit.; to • say toyou that I'm not :responsible for what I say when my wife wakes me up at one o'Clock in the morning ,bo go down. and let in the serVant, girl who has forgotten. her key," . minartes i-iniment for, Saie everywhere. ' The Texas 'Sort. or hue., troub- , ke that rds. He hp said '4 SCALY ECZEMA ON FACE Clarkson; Ontivio.-" MY little girl, aged two years,' started' with a skin disease oh', her fano, so I called in the doctor and he said it was eczema.. The, skill. .was quite red and all‘scaly. I washedethoparts well With the Outicura Soap and tlion I put the Outleura Ointment on. You ought -to . see now -as fair as a , "2 suffered a great deal with piles. I had there very bad, and they Itched and burned so I could hardly bear It. Whoa I got the Cuticula Ointment -I tried it. Nov it has entirely cured rim."., (Signed) M113. Cyrus Ward, San. 1, 1012, " Cuticura Soap and Cutieura Ointraerit are sold throughout the world. Send to Potter p. & o. Corp., Dept.'53D, Boston, U.S.A., for free sample of each with 32 -page book. GraillS of Gold. 4 'reTen' 'Sot Fair? A rainy, ,day not' only depresses your 'spirits, but is apt te lead you into mistakes Whioli you.7i-ould not ,weather. It, is well knowii bauleirthat error,s' to -fig- ures are far moi, efrekqUent 'clayo than on,fine, othd sclaiolitea,ch- ors haVe ''observed bhe 3attie''thing. A warM,, bright ,day the -.best for mental 'effort,' hutit, i3 also the worst Yop epime. There',a,re more "conVictiono, for askault 'with vio- . lenC9 dnying the wittln weather thatt,oluring -the ,f act, t,ha.t "probablidue te. the' misapplied, tion .of ' the:energy which 'the fine days bring to 'all of us. When the weather- hecome's very ,hot, on the other hand, the effect,is'depreagrig, and there is it 'marked decrease in crimes of violeno, with a falling off also in, th output of ,soulid 'inontal work-arrether, illustration' of the, law of compensation. ' k man who tries to swallow the whole world ueually chokcie himself In the process. -Sir T. Lyons. There le no elle thing so trifling ,but Which (if RIB to be done at all) ought to be done well. -Chesterfield. There IS OA pleasing some people. If you butter their bread *on both sides they want it marmaladed round th,e edges. -Mr. John Burns. He who is' false to present duty breaks a thread in the loom, and will find the flaw when he may have for- gotten the, cause. -H. W. Beecher. In 70 or 80 years a man may have a - deep gust of the world know what It is, what it can afford, and what 'tie to have been a man. -Sir Thomas Brown. • It is unreasonable to .blame the po- lice for allowing children to play in the streets, because the children as a rule have no places but the streets to play in. -Sir Edward Henry, ' Gra.Ciousi That skirt is so tight that 1 can plainly ace What you have in your packet."' ' But I have no pocket." "Then what is that lump 1" Oh, that's a mesquite bite," ED. True and Brave ,Womeio , - To be able to look cheerfully and bravely through clouds of poverty 'and distress is an accomplishment bestowed by nature upon every true and brave woman and, no matter how poor .and humble her horne .may be the magic powers of smiles can brighten its 'shadows and light- en its cares. Upon the troubled mind of a feeling husband a wife's smile falls like a sunbeam on a flowsr. And how much more beau- tiful it makes the face that wears it than it frown 1 When a, wife and mother forgetting sorrows and hardships, smiles away her tears there is a loyoliness 20 the -act that speaks to a, man's heart more elo- quently than words. Villagers Didn't Mind. In the -course of the late Balkan war a correspondent had the tooth- ache while in camp. life sent for kon'st.' drawer, -who,..earee...WiPh huge pincers, He was set in a chair outside his _tent, with the vil- lagers gathering about.. He mildly protesbed against the pubficity, but the village blacksmith said that the villagers diclret ' mind. Die teeth came dub. Nuisante. Judge What is the charge against the prisoner 7. Officer -Yee honor, he's a public nuisance, He's been goin' around In tit' middle 0' the nights, waking up night watchmen and thin run - nisi' away, 01, A DIVORCE GRANTED' . After many 'years of Patient suffering 0011 ,Ins divorced from 00/110 by ea). rising Putnam's Corn Extractor, Which acts in 24 hours without p,oln. Refuse a substitute bentuce "Putnam's" is • tho remedy that 8 eato and painlose. 26o at 011 dealers. . •,. No onp ever yet found happiness by running after it. It may look only a little W.V. ahead -in the...new house.you are building, in the high- er position you are seeking, 121 the wealth which you are hoping to se- cure- but it is in none of them. When you reach the place where , you seemed to see it, like a wilil-o'- the-wisp it will be dancing it little • beyond you,just out .of reaoh. The -only way to be Lanny is to stop try- ing. Forget whether yon are happy 1)1' not in 'Crying to. add it little to the happinese,of those,. about yob, and, some day you will find that life has grown very sweet. " How to Cure Horse Distemper „ gy CLEANLY' PBC AIME AND DE FIALATC64NIL'IGXREPEN°1!1) F3fle Se' mules molded Oil OiscluIrY rens SALAIDA,r, Torcinto; In Experienced Horseman Solemn- ly Declares Nothing Is So Satisfactory as kerviline. Says Nerviline is f.Fine Liniment. "After fifty years' experience in rais- ing horses I can safely testify that no remedy gives such good results for an ail -round stable liniment as Nerviline." Thus opens the very earnest letter of J. J. Evanston, who lives near Welling- ton. "I had a very valuable horse that took distemper it month ago, and Was afraid I WaS going to lose him. His throat swelled and hard lumps devel- oped. His -nostrils ran and he had a terrible cough. I tried different remedies, but was unable to relieve my horse of his pain and suffering till' I started to use Nervtline. I mixed a bottle of Nervilineand sweet oil and rubbed the mixture on the throat and chest three times a day, and you ivonid scarcely believe the way that horse picked up. Nerviline cured john. I ale° have used Nerviline for colic In licirSee and cows, and earnestly re- commend it to every man that is rais- ing stook." For strains, epraine, swellings, colic, distemper, coughs and colds, no lint- rhent will prove SO efficacious in the stable as 'Nerviline"--it's good for man or boast, for Internal or exter- nal use Wherever there is pain, Nerviline will cure it. Refuse sub. stitutes. Large size bottles, 50o.; trial size, 25o., at ati dealers, or the Ontarrhozono Co., 13uffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Ont. 1111i PILLS F011 WOMEN Read what isrs. Harris says About Them. - Mrs, T. Harris of Tyneside, Ont., knows all about GIN PILLS. "I am now taking . my third box of GIN PILLS," she writes. "The pain acrose my back and kidneys has almost en- tirely. gone: - I was a greet, sufferer from rtheumatiSm, but it has all left me.. I strongly advise all women, Who suffer from pain In The \Knelt and Weak Kidneys, to- try GIN PILLS." 50e, a: hos, 6-001' $2.60. Sample free '10 you write National Drug 'and Chem- ical. 'Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. • A • • When a, woman accidentllr fore- casts a shower an hour in advance she thinks ;bile Government ought ..to give her,. a job in the weather , burean.. , Minard'e Liniment Cures Dandruff, ''Wh'at's the traublel" ' "The, doctor has chaitgect my. -medicine.. I ,wonicl'n'.t take-. it up - less, the l'itirf,te gav me alciss each, ' '.`The .61d .niedieine 0 took- every .fifteeri mintifies. *No,,w. the .clootor has •giv,,et, me odMe :to take` every .four; Trouble for Pa. ,. 'enquired Bobby '''hasn't .pa' of queer idea 01. heaVen1"-* "'Why do yea Ask thati"' • 'Cause '1 'hesycl hint tell, Mr; NaY-',. 'box that the •week you spent ab :the seashore., seemed, heaven,. to , •SW,454tK-ri.10' • .;;,1fIir1420.42161;10W V;07,cf'{; A The EASY reollish Makes Shoes ° Last L.011103812 Said., N. Y. Hatalitm,Ost. Ring George and Lloyd -George. Although David Lloyd -George, the statesman, has achieved much ram and success since ho left Crlccieth, She little town in Wales where ho first practised law, ho would hardly layclaim to any such triumphant car- eer as a compatriot attributed to him. Shortly .after the death of King Ed- ward, an Englishman travelling in Wales 'got into talk with an elderly Welshman,. The traveller happened to be the first to toll the old man of the king'm death. "And who might ,be king now?" asked the Welshman, , "Why, Georgio is king 110W." "George!" exclaimed the -old man, in surprise. "Well, how he has got on, to be euro -and I remember him as a little lawyer In Crieciethi" Try Murine Eye Remedy If yon have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Gramilated Eyelids. ' Doesn!t Smart -Soothes Eye Pale. Druggists Sell Muriue Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 500. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tithes, 25c. 50o. Eye Books Vree by Mail. An aye Tonto (food for All Ryon 01005 Nood Coro Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Frightened. "Why 'has' Mrs, Jones deeided giye up the European trip she was contemplating 7" "She. happened to hear'cimehody say that travel broadened axle, and she weighs one 'hundred and eighty' now.'' . • Baltimore, Md., Nov. 11, 1903. Mlnard'S Liniment 0o., Limited. , came liArCafl a bottle of your M,INAR.D'S LINIMENT in the handes of one. of, the students at the University of Maryland, , and 'he being so kind ate let P10 use it for a veryi , ntd ePreiti, which' I dotaluea training for foot races, and to say that it helped r[18 would be putting it -very, mildly, and I therefore Elea if 'You would let me know -ok one of your agents that ia closest to Baltimore so that I may obtain some of it. Thanking yon tu a,0 vanes 11 remain, ' • „ Yours tray._ ' ' W. a, ktoCUDAN, 14 St. Paul 'street, Care Oliver Typewriter Co. P.S.-Kindly answer at once. , Awful End. "What .became of that Russian count who in,sultecl you'?" , choked.to death." 'clid,-,t/aat happen?" , PI made 11200'810011010his .werds I" Porsta iisrbal-No poisonous 59105155 0ntisentid7.-Glops bland -poison :Soothing -fah pain and inlitii011, sts• , 210e. 4111:euggf se and Stores . FOR SALE FOR SALE OF USED THE Cars listed below have been taken in eb'C- change for our latest models with the Knight Motor. They are in good repair, fully inspected, and are ready to go on the road. The prices we are asking are just what we allowed for them in exchange. "RUSSELL" flodel "33," fitted with Dainder-Iinight Motor. Beautiful Torpedo body. Fully equipped at a reasonable price $1,500.06 "RUSSELL" Model "R." A five -passenger Touring Car in splendid shape. Price $500.0e0 "RUSSELL" Model "22." A. beautiful five -passenger. 120-ineh wheel base, 36-inelt wheel. A fully equip- ped Touring Car with the knight Motor. This ear will carry our regular guarantee. Price, $1,500.00 IThe cars are in splendid shape, and will bear examination and comparison with any others 'on the market. RUSSELL 314iTOR cArt-C6)„ LIINITED t011 RICHMOND STREET WEST. Long Distance Phone, Adel. 8276. A HOUSEWIFE IS JUDGED BY HR KITCHEN. FOR A BRIGHT STOVE AND A BRIGHT REPUTATION, USE MACK Kmiewr. .4 PR5TE I THE F E ()ALLEY e.LTD.1110 Don' NOWASTE HAM I LTO M. 0 NT. NO 411 EMPEROR AN2L,GRENADIER. Napoleon Granted the Simple Sol- dier's Plea.— -- It was at an improvised review in the presence of the enemy that Na- poleon for the first time granted pen- sions to simple soldiers, and named. them Chevaliers of the Empire, and` members of the Legion of. Honor. Later, the chiefs of division always conferred the distinctions, but the em- peror permitted the soldiers who be- lieved that they deserved the honor to present their claims to himself in person. so it happened that an old grenadier, who had made the 'cam paigns of Italy and Egypt, not having been hollered by his chief, sought the emperor and asked for the cross. "But," said Napoleon,. "what have you done to deserve this recompense?" "10 was I, sire, who, in the desert of Jaffa on a day of frightful heat, presented you with a.watermelon.' "I thank you again for it, but, a gift of fruit is not worth the'croes of the Legion of Honor.", 'The grenadier, excited -almost to the point of paroxyam, cried aloud. ''Elr, and do you cOUnt, ray .wounds, dor nothing? IVIy seVon wounds 'rd- ceived on the bridge of Arcole, at Lodi, at Castiglione, at the Pyranilds, at $t. Jean d'Acre, at Austeriltz, at Friedland, eleven campaigns bit Italy, In Egypt, in Austria, in Prussia, in Poland, in-" 13tit the emPorer,.interrupting tam and laughingly imitating the vivacity of his language, cried, "Tal tat Ea! How you flyinto. a passion when you come to the essential potato! That's where you should have begun; that'e worth much more than your melon -I make you Chevalier of the 'Empire, with a pension eil twelve hundred francs. Are you content?" • "Bat, sire, I prefer the cross." "You 112,Ye hall, since. I make yon Chevalier." "I would' rather have tile croSa." The honest grenadier would not de- part, and it was with great dillIcultY he was made to understand that the title of Chevalier of the Empire car- ried. with it that of the Legion of Minor. He was satisfied on thle point only, when the eamorer had fasten the decoration on his brea.et, and was infinitely more pleased by than by the pension of twelve bund Once in a -while a man doe forget his old friends after BM iiig wealth and fame. minards Liniment Relieves Neural FOR SALE . Puileys el. Shafting Suitable for King, Manufacturing Plants, Printing Houses, Eto. 2 Wood Split Pulleys, 12% x 4.8 for 3 18/16 in. shalt. 1 Wood gplit Pulley, 2.,% x 40 in, for 2 16/16 ip. khait, , 1 Wood Stplit Pulley, 1°% x 28 in, for.3 '7/16 in. shaft, 1 Wood Split Pulley, 10% x 36 in. for 3 7/16 in, shalt. Pulleys of smaller sizes and' phAft,itig of various lengths, oad rises f,olu3 sold at very low figult3a. Box 23, Wilson Publishing Co., Toronto.