HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-10-09, Page 1CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th, I9I3 THE HOME PAPER -Record will be sent to any address in Canada until end of 1914 for $1.00. To U. S $1.50. memo 1 1 WILIAS CHURCH. The W le. Mi S. ie,tend nodding their annual 'I'hankollering service on Thursdayevening next, when Mrs. Turner of Blyth will give an ad- dress. " ONT, ST. CHURCH. Rev, S, J. Allin, pastor, will preach next Sunday' morning.. and eve ening.. The lapin OE the evening's discOurge will be : "God's Love and its Relation to Purdshinerit and An- nihilation.'' CLUBBING RATES. The Toronto world is a 13 paper, but News -Record sueseribees can now receive it for $2 for a 'whole year. ' Beeter Still, The- News -Record anti the World will bee sent to any ad- dress in Canada .to end of 1914 for e3, this being two papers foe a long period for the price of ma. The World excels . as a market pa- per. . • WILL BE MARRIED TOMORROW.. At three o'clock tomorrow after- noon at 472 Palmereten Boulevard Tororeto, residence of, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henries, fornierly of Clinton, the marriage will take, place of their. eldest • daughter, Miss Ida, to Mr. C. F. Wheaton junior member of the Dodge Mfg. Co. of Toronto After a honeymoon trip they will take up their residence in the city. Miss Holmes' many friends in Clin- ton and vicinity wish her much hap- piness and prosperity. Mee. 41. B. awl Miss Gertrude Chant, Mrs, ,A.. T. Cooper and Miss Amelia Harland of toim will be guests at .the ' wedding tomorrow. OTJST'OMS INCREASES. The 'Customs collections in Clinton or , the six months' ending Sept. 30th yeee $18,482.15, als' against $16,781. 22 for the same period laet year, or an inceease of $170093. IYDRO SUPPLIES ARRIVING. Supplies for Hydro are arriving and shortly the wire groig will be along. Of course they caned ' come Loo soon eor Hydro at the earliest possible moment is what is desired, but there being sueli demands upon the Commission we will have to take our tern. e AN ACCIDENT. One of the Hydro digging gang gashed his right leg rather badly last week. lIe was using a draw:. knife when it slipped and be sustain- ed the injuxy aforesaid. -.After the surgeon _had . dressed the wound the digger went ahead digging as if noth- ibg had happened. A CHANGE Ole PROGRAM. 01 interest to Sunday school work- ers will be the announcement that instead of a central Provincial Con- vention of the S. S. Association this fall two meetings have been arrange ed, one at Owen Sound on October 28-30, the other at Ottawa October 22-24, A$ chief speaker at the- for- mer meeting will be the celebrated Marion Lawrence, General Secretary of the International and World's S. S. .Association. Prof. Excel' of Chicago and Prof. -Roper will have charge . of the music. Aerangements have been made for special rates on 'the railroads and there should be a good . turnout of delegates. CALLED SUDDENLY, The _death, angel came suddenly to Mr. W. D. Riese of Exeter ea,rly on Monday imeireing. Mr. Ross and his wife came up to spend the week -end with Mrs. Will Ross of town and on Sunday he had attended church; gone for a little motor drive, called on fei- ends, and was to all appearances as well as usual op retiring. Early Mon- day morning, however, his wife notice ed that he was ill and medical • attend- ance was immediately called. But nothing could be done for him and he quietly slipped away in- to the great silence. The •carise of death was heart tr ouble with. whithehe had suffered previous- ly, though for sonic time he had been exceptionably well. The remains were removed to Exeter Monday afternoon the funeral. taking ,place from his eate residence there, The d'eceased during ,his visits to town on various qua- sions had made many , friends' in Clinton, friends who were drawn to him by 'the kindliness and eweetness of his nature, andthese were Much shocked to hear of his sudden death, For him, however, death had no terrors. He was ready rot the summons and gladly answered to the call. Mr. Ross, was much in- terested in church, and especially; Sun- da;y School work, one objection he had to leavine home over Sunday be- ing .that he would be absent from his place in the Sunday school. But he has been called, to a higher eoevice. SAME MEASURE, EVERYBODY. The mayor being still 'absent in the 'west and the reeve also out of the bailiwick Monday evening, 'the ' leadership of the town council devol- ved upon' Dr. Thompson who tpolc up the duties thereto attaehed in as matter of fact a way as if he' had been filling the chair right along. The council unanimously decided to place all users of electric right' upon the same' _feoting, that is, upon the meter. This will meet with the coidiel approeal' 08 all citiiene for no one nowadays, asks for a low fiat rate when :others are paying ' so much per kilo. Of course and to be sure the eleeteic light dep'a.reiieent will in consequence thereof be able to show better net , receipts. Superintendent Chant was appoint- ed inspector of eleceric light inetalia. tions so that in future all wiring of private or public buildings must he under his supervisione - The police were directed to keep 'bete eyes open for automobile joy riders. This flees not apply to our own citizens who are fortunate en ough" to (me cars but who are ,con- siderate ofthe rights oe pedestrians but to the '",for.eigne element who 'dash, through towe apparently exbilarated by the perfect condition of Clinton's streets, liewevee, tlay must elacicen up their speed to fifteen miles per hour or take the consequences, A bylaw was, put through- to raise 42000 for a further extension of the waterevorke system, to be aPereeed of by the Ontario Railway Board. The ton Will buy Pe the debentures itself. e ' Fuel a fund known' as the. eSports Fund', a grant will be made the THE, LOCAL' MARKET.' Wheat 80c Oat30c. Barley 505. Sutter 20c to 22c. - Eggs 25e, to 26e. Live I-logs_18.40. LITTLE LOCALS. Mr. JamJes olmston and family 'have moved det to the Torrance farm on the I-luron Road. Mr, e3yard 11111 is moving this week to the house which he has rented on Albert, street. Mrs. Thos. Beacom has purchased the house which, Mr. Hill hae been .occupynag on Townsend etreet. MISS ROSE I-IENRY PASSES. WILL MAKE A FIGHT. A' meeting of- Huron county hotel - keepers was held in -the :mimed cham- ber on Monday. It was not a soe- ial conclave, but a gathering Lor the purpose of devieing ways and arrange, ing for means wherewith to dans the Temperance wave whicb threatens to flow over this county. It is under- stood the bonifaees will put up a fight, not of the oyatorical order but of so quietly strenuous a nature as to keep their opponents aguessing. It now begins to look as if the coining campaign will be a short one, but a hummer while it lasts. AT WORK ON THE, RINK. The perliminary arrangements hav- ing been completed work on the new rink has already begun and will be pushed ahead with all possible Speed. The Welding will be. 180 feet long with a width or 90 feet. 'Phe „mat- erial . to be used will be largely cement' and galvanized iron. For the accoMenodation of spectators there will be a gallery extending complet- ely around the rink. The location is on Mary steeet next the electric light works. It is hard- ly as near the centre as was desir- ed, but the owners of other lots wouldn't sell. DOHERTY CONCERT COURSE. Everett Kemp, the great American monologist and entertainer, will ap- pear iri the town' hall, on Thursday next as tbe beconid aetraction in thd couree. Mr. Kemp will be assisted by Mr. J, Edwin Jessop, late conductor, and bass soloist of the Royal English Bell .Ringers, Who were. in Cliaton two years ago oft their big Ameriean tour, Mr. Jessop has proved himself eo be a- very popular soloist with Clinton audiences, being emoted repeatedly for every ' nueriber. He will eing some of the best bass solos ever heard here. he plan of the hall,- which °newel todaY at Fait's book store, is rapidly filling up: ' A PRETTY RECEPTION. • A pretty reception was held at the home of Mrs. Arthur McRae of Rat- tenbury street, on Thursday afternoon lase when her daughters, Mrs. George A. McLennan and %es. Robert J. Chjarlesevorth received .with her, also leers. Martin Charlesworth. Mrs., McLennan and Mrs'. R. J. Charles- worth wore their 'wedding gowns of ivory satin with drapings of ninon and trimmings of seed pearls and lace and both looked charmingly dainty and pretty, Mrs: D. K. Grant •pour- ed tea and Mrs, G. D, Roberton and Miss MaeLennan assisted in the tea' l'oonne Little Miss Helen, Roherton, wearing her- pretty little peasant frock of pink silk mull and dainty cap, opened the door. The decorations vere in white and pink; the scherne,be- Ing- veryprettily carried out in the 'tea room. DEATH OF DANIEL SHANAHAN. After teeing L in poor health for some months Mr. Daniel Shanahan passed. out Irene this life on Satur- day last at the good old age of eighty-eight years. • Born in Couresw Kerry, Ifeland, in 1825 he came tb Canada in his twen- treecone wear. For twenty-four ' months he lived at Peterboro and then he came to Huron anel settled epee lot 23 on the eth concession of Hullett which has eve.]: since remain - ie in the possessieh of the family. Thirtee nine years ago he moved to let 23 On the, 3ed concessiee, now owned 'by Mr, Loren 'nyndali, where he continued until 1891 whee ,he be- came a resident of Clinton. _ Me. 'Shanahan, was well known as a hospitable man of staunch integrity. His wordwae, at any time as good as a bond and he endeavored to live ep to the prineiples of the (olden Mrs.' .Shanahan died forty years ago, the survivinp; members of their family being four 'daughters and '140 son ri ' Mrs Andrew MeGuire, Goderich township ;I Miss fellen Clinton ; Mrs, John Lacy, of Ceoderich ; Mrs. John. Ce McIntosh and leer, John .Slianalian, 1-Iullett ; and Mr. Daniel Shanahan, Seaforth. funeral took place on Menday ferehoon to Se. Joseph's church Where, requiem inaits was, said, by Rev. Fether Tiogan.. Frone thencethe coetege , pueeedecl to St. Joseph's cemetery in. I-Iullett 'where the inter- ment took place, There WaS a' very large ,attendance of relatives, aed firiends. 'Thee pallbearers were 7 P 0. Reynolds Hayfield. ell:. Rice:Poet, (Dieie) Bailey left on Tuesday to return to Calgary. Mrs. Hunts of Edmonton spent a few, (lays recently evith Mrs. Pareoes. The evaporator is only run.neng pare time owing to else shortage of the apple ctop. Me, and Mrs, John Haines of lees water were guests of the first men- tioned's sister, Mee., eI, Drehman. The Public solrool' will be . closed on Thuesclay and Friday to enable the teachers to attend the convention at Exeter. - Mi. Thee- Olaled, an old-time resi- dent of the village, is a guest at the Connnercial. His home is in Cheboy- gan, Mich. w Thu NOW -a -Record will be sent to any addrue , Canada to end of Miss Rosanna eIenry, daughter of, the late Mr. and Mu. John Henry ei next year for one dollar, ,te United Blyth, passed away this morning Dee States for one (teller and fifty cents. .Sie ter an. illness extending over several Mestaneury was one of the jud gee of fine arts and flowers at ' the months, The funeral will take place Hayfield Fair and has acted in that on -Satueday , from the residence of capacity at eaeli of the Fall -Fairs ele. J. E. Herey, Victoria street, to Blyth eeenetery. The funeral will for years' , . , , leave the house at two o'clock, the MrDouglas Sheppardaccountant Sterling 13ank, is holidaying at his service commencing a half hour ear- lier. CORDIALLY WELCOMED. • , Mr. aril Mrs. John Morgan of The crowds of intellectual looking Cleveland, Ohio, are guests aid the young men and women from out 01 Hotel Albion. Mr. Morgan is one of home in Orilla. Mr, Geo. Maokenzie of Cliweon, of the Varnabranch, is relieving. ' town whom you mee# upon the streets of Clinton today are the Pub - lie school teachers of East Huron Inepectorate, who are gathered here for their annual twb-da.ys convention. The News -Record, ort behalf of the citizens,. bids them welcome, extends the feeedom of the town and wishes them a eucceesful convention. INSTITUTE MEETING. The East Heron ,Teachers' Institute meets today and tomorrow in the town 'hall, Clinton, Temight Rev. A. MaeMillan of Mimic° will give an ad- drees on Sir Walter Scott's works with readings from the seine and there will also he .a musical . pro- gram. 'those who have heard Mr. MacMillan will want la hear hill a- than usual, but they, have become so gain ani those who have not heard attached to their beautiful hdrue here that they regret leaving it. It is well to give every ement ST, .PAUencouragto LeS ANNIVERSARY, suth men as Dr. Metoall to leeate The new addition to St. Paul's our, town for they expend large sums ie improving then: property, thus ad - church, which has been in course ding to the appearance of the wbole erection for the past few months, is , now complete wind will be formally place. A, bunch of surveyers ran a line ex - opened on Sunday neXt at the annual ,tending fr OM Goderich donne through thanksgiving. festival service', The Stanley this week, crossing the Goshen c lector, Rev. E, Jeakins, willaejeine at Mr. Wit. Rethwell's faun preach and the hoir have _ been blest' „ e proposed line rune somewhat east preparing special music for the emcee Te of the village. Vieille west Stanley sal:111,011,0'yr:: order of service will. be needs railway comrhunication nobody Morning Prayer ds bars ing very much on this Acherne .- and is not likely to until more de - Processional, "Come, be ' Thankful People, Comefinite iniormation is obtained. The .'' Venite, Gosh, 4400,00 of the peeple's money squane Te Deum, Dykedered in the railwa.y running north s. Jubilate, Henley. from Goderich is likely to make prop- erty owners a little canny about tak- Hymn, We plough the Fields end Scattering up anything but gilt-edged pro- ." ' p tuitions Sermon, Forgotten Sheaf.'' Duet24-19. Tha town council has under consid- Hymn, . ' Now Thanoration a plan for beautifying (elan "k We All Our God Gregor Square by cutting out the " , , Offertory, Anthem, "Cl Lard Low ' Manifold are Thy Works" E. A. , Clare. Reccessional, "Praise, 0 Praise Our God and King." Evening Prayer : ' Hayfield's Old Boys and always en - does a visit to the old home village. Mrs Andrew Law ane her sister, Miss MacDonald, left last Friday for their home in Port Dover after an extended ViSit With their aunt, Mrs. John, Tom. Mrs. Tom accompanied' them for a visit. A carload of baled hay was teamed from Brucefield to Hayfield on Thurs- day. Thee importer was Mr- Cope land, the proprietor of the stage line. This is said to have been the first kaled hey everebrought in such a quantity to this village. Dr. Metcalf expecte to leave this week wiele his wife and family for their Detroit home. Their stay in Hayfield hae , been lenge]: this year him should not fail to do so. gravel loads angling across it then leveling up the ground and fencing i±. are actuated by worthy motives for in. The promoters of the scheme they desire to make the Square eat' only the sport centre but one of the beauty spots of our town. But the Processional, "On Our Way Rejoice work, involving as it does the tear- ing. . e eine up of a piece of good • gravel' Proper Psalm§ 141-150 to ,Moening- roedd and the building of' .another ton and Humphriee. Magnificat, Bunnets. stretch, would entail a considerable ' expenditure which many believe is not Nunc Dimittis, Philip 'elite. HymneAnthere, 'The Strain Up- warranted as this period so they are '- iv As so opposing it stron mebody raise of Joy and Praise." might say, 'There i much' la be . lieirin. "Lord 13ehold Us With Thy Favor" said on both " Thesides.bylaw will be dealt with by the cauncil on Nov- 'bee more easy ol accees. An endea- Senate' "Ruth" Ruth 2-4-8, , embee 3rd. Lord, Is Ended." ' - Offertory Anthem, "0 I-Iappy Bang of _pilgrims" '`Wilgoose."" Receesional, "The Day Thou Gayest Marks ber next celebrate his ,80th birth - [30 be itl 0 i . m ' boats, say eyeeedeelle eeneeeting with ' voe should be made to gat, a line of ce era Town arilY, ee ,4 . day. Born in the lawn of Dundalk, (!tld Well on the lath of *N-Ice.nj-: ST,Ialti„.en,ia°,eP1:3drtaddriutormithe agnewderapj ereiete easel increase its County Lough, Irerand, he came to importance as a resort for .toit3trie,i,eet,;. , A supper will be given next Tues- day evening followed by a musical this country when e youth _and with 1..63TwIsle. News -Record leads for ae le 'ehe exception oe„, three years spent in Sarnia district and a, sineiliar period in the rnerchantile business at Eg- mondvilie, he has ever since 'been a citizen of Bayfield--sixtyesix years, no less. He has seen our, town in its infaney and in its golden wee when 'it was a shipping point of COn- siderablo importance, eat at no time was he more interested in its nater - f sal well being then at present., When l the elth„ of November conies aeceled the whole community will join in wishing Mr. Mares "Many happy re- turns of the day." , . . - An accident which was serails en- ough, but might have been so .• much worse that there is cause fer thank- fulneers,eook place on Wednesday of lest, week iralront of Mr. Copeland's Will Be Glad to See Him Around Again. Mr. 'T. Jackson Jr. Mr. T. Jackson Jr, has been con- fined to his room foe the past fort- night by a severe cold caughi while in the Maritime Provinces attending the annual Convention of the Manu- facturers' Association. "T. J." is of so strehuous a nature and has been leading guch an active life that this enforced idlenesee goes hard with him.- He has the sympathy or the whole community in his illness and all express the wigh that he may soo11 be up and around again as ue- ual. Bagfield Airs. Harry Darrow is visiting Clin- ton friends. Mr. Albert Catling left oil Monday, Tor Port Stanley to engage in fish ing. *A little fisherman arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. J, McLeod on Tuesday. . Mareiger Halley of the Sterling Bank retnened Saturday from a de- lightful trip down ehe Se. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs Sam Parsons of St. Thomas have bean visiting the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Parsons of the village. Mr. Thos. Harrison, courier of rt. rt. No. 2, has bean engaged as care- taker of Dee Metcalf's fine property here. ' Mr. 'Sterling McPhail was in the village on Tuesday on his way home leom the Soo where he delivered his roadstee stallion, Pope, to a party in that city who purchased , him. Mr. McPhail took boat from. Sarnia, to which place he drove. The Ladies'. Aid of St. Andrew's church purpose giving a supper. in 'the basement of the chitech oe the evening of Thanksgiving Day. ' Tho supper will be followed by a pre - gram, which judging from past re- cords of such entertainments, is sure to be a good .one. Mr. Alex. Taylor of Lurgan, Ire - 1003, is visiting with his uncle, Mr - James Stargeon. PIe was never isa Hayfield before, or in Canada either,. until this visit, but the prospects all please him very much so far and he, will ptobably' make his home in elide. great conienclitalewide country.' The News -Record to Jan. 1914 • for 15c. 1 'Ma Ivor'< of extending the docks is now goine, on under t1s supeeintend- anco 0 0ouncillo 5. 1onro. This gives employinout to a number oi our citizens and will make the hare program, and. to include also an ad- dress by Rev, Camp Tucker, rector of St. Paul's Cathedral, 'L'ondon. People You Know. . . , . Mr. Alfred Owen, New e York, of the Clinton Knitting Company is .sn -town this week. Mrs. W J. Rose has been in Exeter this week, having gone down to at- tend the funeral of the late W. D. Mrs. C. J. Wallis is he Sttatfoed at- tending the Provincial convention of , the,W. C. 'I'. Tee as delegate ftom the 'lope) ustion.„ Mr. Robt. Meson returned last week from, a months' visit with friends at pl:yth, .Auburn and other points place on thee Square. The following in the „poi -there, pare of the coun- ty., „ eight ladies : Mrs. Stanbitry, Mrs, MranC\vie, ielre, Ward, Alre. Macdougall, . d Airs . Lace Kaenedy and Mr . a , „", , eni Mae. Clegg of '1Vieshain were 'ire' ' eeterline, mee. °°Peleed in town 'Saturday 1)1o:0:e-el te.,Sece- ' forth to attend the funeral oi a enerneer• oi one el the most Pee- . minent lamslse 1850,„ Rev. Frank I -Iceman of Caledon '-East spene part , of the east week' at the old home in Clinton; leavieg yes- terday for the, scene of his minis- terial labore, This was -.almost 'his hest real holiday in fifteen years. 2,nd ncedlees to eay among famil- , bar scenes he thoroughly enjoyed it. Mrs. John” eracItie or Athens, who is a delegate to the W. C. T. 1.1coio. vention at Stratford this -week, ae cleleeate from ,the Coiteties of ',Leeds 'and Frobtenac, epent. Sunday and Monday in town as a gueeie or the Andrew's families. _Plenty -one years ago she attended elese Stewart and Miss Chesney, had galeiezed to attend :e meeting of the W. 1" 11 S. of St. Andrew's cheich at " Mrs. leavie Tough's, Bronson, Line. They- were sitting in the car- ryall ;when ,'-j1u8± as they were stait leg ma of the lines became imsrlep- Superintendent H. B ped and the drive:: pulling upon the • other caused the team to- sharply Mr. el, B. -chant, Suee wheel to one side and upset the vehe the Municipal Electr id° with all its occupants. It is Power Department, . , • . not pleasant to contemplate eviat pointesl leeeeebee ° would ' have happened had the horses stallations, attempted to rurs away for as it was ' Alieeshan e each .ene of the ladies suffered more eaused or lees, . these mere than the others: hileee illiss Chesney, Mrs, Ward, Meg. Sten- inspe bury and Mrs Sterling The .115 • . • tunete effete N Appointed Inspector of Electric Light Installations. '41 4 1 4 • 4