The Clinton News Record, 1913-09-25, Page 8'SEPTEMBER Is The 'Housewives' Number Full of articles .on' things every home -loving, woman delights in. reading about. 'Single copy, 10 gents at the Pattern Counter< Ask about our 'liberal - subscription offers. W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest — Always the Best 'q' , e i n ltWpun nnnnnilull tlh — -- _—�.nnnlll Mr. Gordon Struthers of Galt was the guest over the week -end of Mrs. "Wm. Cooper. Mrs. J. E. Hovey and Master Billie returned last weekfroma-.visit at the lady's parental home in Mark - dale. Mr. Edward Collis of Henfryn has been visiting his cousin,' Mr. John Cunningham, during the past week. Mrs. Coleman, who.- has `been the guestof the Misses Cole, Huron street, left yesterday for her home in Winnipeg. Dr. John Cook of Goshen, Ind., wa in town a couple of days this week having conte to attend the tuners, of his mother, Mrs. John Guest, on Monday afternoon. 'Mrs. Baird and her son and-herdai- sifter and some friend; from. Park- hill motored over on Sunday, to visit the lor,mcr's sister-in-law, Mrs. George Pickett. Mr. Gledhill; coal merchant, Goder- ich, was in town on Satarday on his way to spend the wee?t-end in Kincardin, where he was formerly in business. 1410. Gledhill scarcely looks older than when he sold` boots and shoes 10.1 Clinton, though that wad several years ago, Mrs. John Hodgcns and Miss Edith of Toronto are at present at Frei - ton Spring's for the benefit of the Dormer's health, she having suffered a good deal the past couple of years with rheumatism. Mrs. Hodgens' Clinton friends, and they are ` many are hoping the treatment will prov beneficial, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Kernpthorne are expected home this week from a honeymoon spent in a trip down the St. Lawrence and in Montreal, Quebec, New York, Hol- yoke, Mass:, and other points ' and after a few days atthe lady's par- ental ltoa)le, that of Mr. • and Mrs. W. Doherty, will leaye for their home in Saskatoon, Sask. Mr, F. 0. Mcllveen; for thepast cou- ple of years manager' of the Au- burn branch or the Sterling Bank, has been transferred' to the' still more important branch at Watford, `The 'good people of Auburn were sorry to see him depart for they had come to entertain a very high opinion of him, but individually and collectively they wished )tiny welt The Steeling's interests at; Watford are in capable hands with Mr. Mc Ilveen in charge, Mr.. A, W. Beacom came down from Harlock on Saturday last with • a horse he had disposed of to Mr. d. J. Wallis and after rushing through business he hustled oft hone, but. 'not 'before he had put in a few good words for the rural mail sys- tem., ys tem ".The rural phone,"said A. W, "is good, but this, I verily think, 11 better and I can assure you that we farmers 'appreciate it. --Perhaps it might make us stay at home a little more than, .heretofore, hut it's a 'great thing all the same." Mr, Wm. Jones, an old-time :citizen of Clinton, has returned to the city of Hamilton after an absence of several months in the Old Country, Y, He ha,d a delightful time, particularly in , his native Wales which lie had not visited fo a great many years. He naturally noticed a great many changes, more hi the people than the places, there. not now 'being- in' the land .of the living, net in Wales at any rate, very many of those with whom he associated In his early years. Mrs..Susan Crawford of Londeshoro was the guest over the week end of her daughter, ' Mrs. Ed; Johnsen, and her grand -daughter, Mrs: J a s. Crich of town. She was just re- turning from Toronto where silt had attended the wedding of a niece the previous Wednesday, Mrs Craw. ford is remarkably active for, a lady of her years, being note" in het Sev— enty-eight; year, and she thoroughly enjoys a' little jaunt among her. friends, of whonsshe has a wide circle, who are always glad to wet - ' come _ her.. ei a is Far re ►' h utl Than toorsost.... Jhitdrcn's G�otlts f�r- first 20 ends of ladies mantle,cloths ail under three yards in length ;go on sale SATURDAY f1ORNINC.i.- All, this season's styles and all pure wool. - These.. will mal e•splendid coats for eidildren, and the cost will stir -- prise you. Don t coxes seeing them, regular $2 and $3 values, sale price about haif,price. LADIES' TAILORING AND, DRESS- MAKING. Never were we better equipped to - render prompt and satisfactory' service in this department as we are this season. • We are in better position'' than ever before to overcome the tedious delays of recent seasons in having our garments made up. It is our endeavoy'to'gixe the best possible and quick- est service in this important department, and stand behind every garment made. Order :your fall- suit now andhave a full seasons wear. See our new Fail;;Suitings. MEN'S TAILORING DEPARTMENT. This season we are showing a splendid range of Scotch and English tweeds and worsteds, as' in other, seasons we "stand behind our ' blue and black wor- steds, and guarantee styles and workmanship. The fact that our tailoring department is going ahead every season speaks for itself. Order your fall suit now when the range is complete. Tailor made suits to your order $22 up. ART SATEENS FOR COMFORTERS. All the new colorings, are now being shown, and some of the most beautiful effects for .:bed com- forters are here in :colorings, to harmonize .with any, room. Many have been looking for these new de- signs, and we are pleased to announce the arrival of our entire fall importation, 30 inches wider per yd 15c 20c and 25c., Also special downproof at per yd 35e. Batting filling, best quality American south ern long fibre ,cotton, light and fluffy, 3 sizes, a bunch 10c, 15c and 20c, NEW WINTER FURS and LADIES COATS Daily we are reeeiving new shipments of the very. latest styles in ladies and childrens coats and furs, ,all exclusive and no two alike. It you are thinking of a neww winter coat or a set of furs, don't miss our display, come in as often as you please, compare ours with others. We invite. competition.. NEW GOODS THIS WEEK. ' Flannelettes, dress goods, trimmings, collars, towellings, bedspreads, sateens, rugs, mats, linoleums, oilcloths, curtains. About People You Know. Mr. Gaetz,- ledger -keeper in Molsons Bank, returned to duty on Satur- day after' a fortnight's holiday. Mr: Ernest and Miss Irene Guest of Elginfield have been visiting their father in "town during- the past week. Rev. Dr. and 111r5, Rutledge, who have been spending a fortnight. with their daughter in Windsor, are expected' hone this week. Messrs. C. J. Wallis, Harry Bartliff and 'Inspector Johnson' each took. Parties of friends to Seaforth Fair in their autos on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and little son of Trenton.have been in town for as few days, having conte to be present at the funeral of the form- er's mother, Mrs. John Guest.. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Gaudier arrived in town from their honeymoon trip yesterday and have taken up.tresid- ence in the cottage on Rattenbury Street recently occupied by Dr. Gunn. Mrs. Stephens of Streetsville and Mrs. Kennedy of Toronto have been guests of friends in town this week,, having came up on Monday to at' tend the funeral of theil: sister, the late Mrs. Guest. Mrs. Marsh and, little son, Master Norlman, who have been visiting the lady's parental bonne that 01 Mr. and Mrs, George Davis, for sev- eral weeks past, deft last week '.for their hone in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, T. Jackson, Jr., re- • 'turned Monday from Halifax where. Mr. Jackson attended the meeting of the Manufacturers' Association. They spent Sunday in .tile Domin- ionl ..Capital where Mr. Jackson's sister resides, Mr. Carl East, teller in the' Royal Bank, is this week enjoying a holi- day by the lakeside at the Naftel camp. Though a little late in the season there is still much enjoy- ment to be had in .the rural haunts by true lovers of nature. Rev. C. E: Jeakins was , in 'London on Sunday conducting the services in the , Cronyn :Memorial. church. I -Ie was in the same city yesterday at- tending conference i 6 a o fence of An ]lean Sunday school workers of the dio, case, which is divided into fourteen districts, the rector of St. Paul's representing Huron County, Mr. Murray Jackson, after a consid- able and very enjoyable holiday,", re- turned to Toronto - on friday last to take up the work for which : he has been preparing .for the last "cou- ple, of years. Those who are ' ac- quainted with our young friend and (know his happy manner and thor_' ouglinc'ss are quite confident that success willattend hint..` Mrs., ',McKee, who hat been visiting her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. William Doherty, or some weeks; left last week for her home in Strat- cona, "Alta, Strathcona, as many are aware, is really now a partof the city. of Edmonton, but the C. I'. It. still retain the old ,1 name for their station and the name of the postotl'ice remains unchanged: Mrs, George Jackson is visiting her parental home in Berlin, Miss Rena Leppington spent Satur- day with friends at' Wingham. Misses Marion Irwin and Ruby Wise "'represented' Wesley League at the District convention, held at 13olines- tive. Miss Bessie Irwin of Montreal is spending a fortnight's vacation at her home in town, that of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Irwin. Miss White of Windsor was a guest of. Rev, and Mrs. S, J. Allen of the Ontario street parsonage for a few days during the past week. Murray, Draper, Williatn 'Tiplady, Martin O'Donnell, Dave Cook, Al- bert Carter and C. and N. East have gone, down the country, to as- sist in apple packing. Rev. Dr. Stewart of Toronto has. been in town this week, having come up to assist at the Mac( on- nam-MaeRae and Charleaworth— MacRae weddings yesterday. Mr. Clarence Duplan,, student of Flur- on College, whose home is at Cen- tralia, took charge of the services in St. Paul's church last Sunday in the absence of the rector in London. Miss Annie Wallace returned to her home in Ottawa on Thursday ^last after spending some time with her cousins, Mrs. Hiram Hill of town and Mrs. R. J. Watkins of Summer - MD, and other friends in the vici- nity, Mr, and Mrs. Fred. Hill and family returned on Friday last irom.1-lave- lock, Frontinac County, where" they spent a fortnight. A Holiness Move- ment camp-meeting ove-ment<camp-meeting was in progress there; the first weekof their stay and as Mr. Hill never misses a tweeting of that kind 11 he can pos- sibly help it, 'his time, we know. quite well, was thus :pretty much taken up. " ,Mr. and Mr's. A. Shaw and little soli came up front. ioronto. Saturday evening, put up at the:; Rattenbury 1 -louse for the, night and on Sunday morning Mine Host Rattenbury` and Mr:; G. Elliott took them out in an auto to the parental home of the' lady, that, of. Mr. and Mrs Tied. Dyer of the 13oundary' Line, ITtil- lett.. Mr. Shaw will probably re- main a week or ten days but Mrs. -Shaw and her son intend making a longer , visit. Mr. Wm. Campbell of Godetich 'has again been attending the various courts of revision, a, duty for which he is eminently 'qualified by reason of ability, long- experience and - the real interest he takes in the work.` "There are ind ed few 'men ; who .'un- derstarrf quite', so well -as he what: does ;or does .not,, according to the Acte" constitute a voter. Mr. Camp hell is the -youngest 'appearing man of his, years in all, this district. Not one in a hundred, if asked to guess his age, would say almost fourscore, and yet such is the ease. Here's hoping that the veteran may have many more busy 'years, we say busy because he would not other- wise ie happy. The News From Londesbore The regular meeting of the Wo- mens Institute will be held at the home - of Mrs. (Dr.) Young next Thursday afternoon. All the ladies are - cordialy invited, Mrs. Young will have charge of the programme. Miss Lawday Young left Tuesday for Regina, , Sask., to resume her duties on the teaching staff dI the Regina College: She went by way of Chicago ant Duluth, stopping off at Bothgate, North Dakota, to. visit. friends. Misses E. Miller, L. Lee, V,, Phill- ips and Rev. J. H. Osterhout and family attended the' convention at Eolniesville on Monday and Tuesday. On Sunday, morning next a Rally Day service will be held in the Meth- odist church here and in the evening the pastor will preach a special ser- mon to the Epworth League. 'Mr. and Miss Kerslake of Exeter are visiting friends hereabouts. Mrs. Crysier of, Delhi is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. 0. Lounsiiury. Mr, and Mrs, John Bowcock - have moved up: from Toronto and are oc- cupying the house they recently pur- chased from M. Brown. Miss A. Potter, whohas been visit- ing Miss -I:3. Miller for the past few weeks, returned to her home in Bay City, Mich., on .,Monday. News -Record to Jan. 1014 for 25c, 1 Mrs. F. Johnston visited Bl'ytite friends on Tuesday, Mr. John Stewart has couipletedl the work on the new sidewalk ` On . Main street and also the platform in front of the council chamber. Messrs. Chas, Crawford - anti ' F- Gorbett are working with the G. 'P.. R. bridge gang at Stratford. Hullett Township Mr. Frank Lansing is adding farm, to farm and now has 395 acres, that's all. His latest purchase was, theElias Ball' farm of 155 acres. This is the old Ball homestead on the Base Line and.has a commodious house and good outbuildings.` The price was about one hundred dollars over 08000. Mr. Lansing is a hard worker and a good manager so is making good progress. 'News -Record to Jan. 1914. for 25c, Wingham The funeral of the late, Rev. They.. Edwards, who died in Toronto, took- place last week from the home of his father-in-law, Mr, John Leathor'ns Mrs;' Edwards died six years ago. NI9W FALL ootwea: If you want FALL SHOES that are worth all you pay for them, and want a service that positively makes it impossible for you to be dissatisfied, you'll be buying your shoes -froth us sooner or later. 1 rtnow .eta t h ._not. Y NO matter what size or shape your feet are, you , will find shoes to fit -them,; Styles. and shapes bought with the idea of pleasing your taste: Qual- ity_seleoted with, your satisfaction to mind, Repairiri Prompt: attentionand neat work will be found in our repairing;depertment under the able hands of ' Mr, A. Wilken,, Successor to J. Twitchell & Soni