HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-09-25, Page 5Acitma:n cook ,i'01#!? ' The annual ,E1r,vor,th League an Io iew ti4s, . Sunday sehool," ednverition'OT the Go(C- Hoggaittellas ea• ,erich, District,. WaS 110id in the (re methodist- chureb, Ilolinesville, on 1.7C'steril'Ernivers".1 el v mid Tuesday 1vas one 'of the '211/14ae SeliMay: ‘1,'Ie payunn ol'iiteddl'sj'atilic'tte'n't4bstY When a,ppropriate net -vices will monday Thnotti..1g, Scld In Li the president,' Rev, the evening, iU thePaSt°1: A';' W. Barker 'of Seaforth, .in the, nreaelt on the "Ste:1:y of, Ruth andi , Chair; The- morning nenerion was for, , dbafione," the moat Poet taken' up ..j'u .Tean'Yeall returned last week: re .appoiettment of ' ; Viii-Nt*:Ydrit after vis/oh itp histratioi s , business committees, elc. a, 'tnifiS';'' fieler a we,Fok or t; 'The afternoon session waff ' opened It FDcks Va c9utined, IL by the ,president Whose address ,was bee "Iasi' 'week hiR bis recovery is,now. bright, helpful and' interesting. Peer • "liolmel for. , excellent addresses . were delliTered at Mrs, Neelands, was in Toronto last this, meeti week attending the Marriage of ,^a ag One . by Rev. T. E, Saverof Sparta, on i'Our Purpose ' nePhew• in this Convention,Y one by Rev, J. Mr.- and ,Alta. Ballantyne, who E. Hunter, .Dungannon,on "The ,CalI have been visiting '1 riende- in .the . vi- einitvof the Community and How the, S.S. for some' - weeks, were the and E.L. may Respond." The 13'°°44*; Mau' Waete, Conservation and Use. of Hurn - Mins M. Boater of Hamilton bas an and Divino. atesnuaanny, by, enee, been Atte guest of Miss Marie Carlin. P. H. Langfok'd; Field Secretary-, for ext ;Sunday' will be :Raily Day In Sunday schools' and Eptvorth Leagues connections with the. Sunday schools. Mr the, .Provineb of' , Saskatchewan. Mr. and: Mrs. Beach of London have After. tea the '.Sectietary .spoke again moved to town and have taken TIP ers o Personal e„,en 'roam ' Work in tlwir renidence in the house recently E„angeosin,,, purchased 'from the „eitate ,of the late At the eveninr.serVice the Score - Mrs' Th°11.18°n' "Cary sPiake on "Our Call to. the Ilotne ted,fup just 'west of ,the G.T.R. yatd. ton, -,, on Our „eau _ theForeign Dr...,S,.. Gaelter Is.; home after .spend- ,Field.,, ing a year, or more,. in lleVital, work The' "Morning- Watch 'and. 'Bible in Toledo, Ohio. ," . , • Studyf' Tuesdhy Morning' was tak- ." en up by Rev. Ford of Go'der- r. chairnian or', the., distrie't, and Seaforth..-, Auting41,te- Bessie'''. Papers 'Were given - op, The Junior, Our Underworked .Word Was. reeeiVed .bete last .Friday -Milne by Mrs. A. W.: Barker ; "A ol .the. death fat Kindersley, .Alberta,, Study-- Comniittees" by Rev. Mr.: Of Mr., John G. Wilson, formerly of Langford': "'Christian Stewardship, Seaforth; The ,deeeased• Was a broth- A Solplion of Our Financial Diffieul- ..et of Colonel _Alex. Wilson,Mr. Rob - ties," by Rev. I -I. Witlans 'of Nile ert and Mrs. -Andrew Young, ;Wow lo Make the Week. Night Meat- -of this toCvn, and' is survived by his ing. Go," by Rev- Mr, Sawyer. . wife and one daughter. The remains: elle afternoon session, was opened were brought to Seaforth for in- by Rev. S. J. Allin 'and Miss M. ' A. terment in Maitland Bank Ccmetety Bailey gave a roost interesting paper 011 Wednesday; ' , on "The Value .anel Method Of Study The ineinbees of the choir of the Classes" ; Rev. Mr. McCormick, pas - Presbyterian Met at the home of tor of the church, gave' an address 011 MP., and Mrs. Sinithers -one evening "Teacher Training" '"The Challenge -pro to the marriage of their dame. of -our Fourth Department" was the oder, Margaret, to Mr. John; Sclater subject of a stirring address by • the lase ek, and presented her with, a Secretary, Ile also talked on t -he Ban le 'tiler rocker. subject "What Can We Do ?" and misk- Case was in London during Rev. Mr. Sawyer gave' an inspiring the pe..;ti_me_yitteltiryce-etirilagee.,#8,1'S. We Try to Do?" .Misp Anna Bell ha a gone to Toron- After the evening meal Re . to tci.' attend Havergal College,. Sawyer gave a talk on Consecration. Miss Margaret Kennedy is ' visiting The opening exercises of the even - friends in Saginaw and Detroit. ing service whre conducted by the .Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Campbell and Rev. Mr. Snowden of Varna and the Master Robert have been in Detroit, principal address of the evening was 'recently visiting friends. given by Rev. W. G. H. IVIcAlister, Mrs, Walkie and babe of' Toronto Exeter, preeldent of the conference. are' the.guestsof Miss- Lena Graham:. This -was followed by a fellowship Mr. Thos, Gerry, who has _been and consecration set -vice led by the visiting hit daughter, Mrs, MeRinincin pastor, The following. are the new of. 'Calgary, has returned to town. district officers : ; Miss Linbie Freeman attended' the' Hon. President, Rev. J. E; Ford, ' Marriage of her niece, Miskt Edith Goderich. Freeinah of Lucknow, last week. President, :Rev. R. J. McCormick, Mr, James Williams, *Ito has been Holinesville. Vending couple of months .with his 1st Vice, Mies Creasie Elliott, Bay-. brothet, Mr. M. Williams, has return- field. . ed to -Ms hOme. in Detroit. 2nd Vice, '41iss IVI.•Eriatt, Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Reynolds and, 3ed, Vice; Miss Gertrude,' Reid, Sea - family, who have been visiting the forth., , lady's parehts, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. 4th Vice, Miss - Mabel . R. 'Claris, ,Sills, haye -returned to their home at Clinton. Lashimen, Sask. s 5th Vise, Mrs, S. J. Allin, Cline Mrs. Morris Shea and little (laugh- ton. - ter, who have been visitingMrs, Wm. Secretary, N. W. Treviartha, Hol - Dugan for several weeks, have return- inesville, ed to their home in Detroit, Representative to Conference, Rev, Miss Debi° has returned to Bran- W. A. Barker, Seaforth. don, Man., after a Visit 'With her Ws- There was a good rally of work- ter,'Mrs: W. D. Bright. • • ers from every part of the district,' ; Mrs. Love and Miss Beatrice intend every Session being well attended removing to Toronto shortly. • The Bath, ad,dreOs was full of helpfulness lady's son, 'George, has a good pos- and' inSpiration, the discussions were ition in the city, hence the desire lively and enIghtning and thO whole to -have the, family together. 'convention bristled with enthusiasm. 1VIrs. (Dr.) 'Mulligan has returned to Such a gathering cannot hut . be , of her home in ,Grand Forks, N. D., af- great benefit to 'those attending. ter an extensive with her mother, The good .pe,ople pi Iiolines- Mrs.. McQuaid. - villa - made Most generotis and - The marriage was solemnized at the liosp;itabled arrangements ' for enter - home .or the bride's parents on Tues- taining the delegates and during both , day of last week of Miss Margaret days served luncheon and supper in Helen, second daughter, of Mr. and the. basement to all who would re - George Smithers, to Mr.' John Seal- main. .Much ,of the success of the ter. Mr. and Mrs. Scalter will re- gathering was !lee to. the "MarthetS". hide. in town. . ' who made .such ample provision, to 1Viihs Tillie Smith was married at the cotumitthes who ,had the ar- the home of her brother-in-law and rangernent of the meetings in hand, e'P A Good Cortventiort. • guests M Mrs,' Sutherland recently. Dihnonity. what is you, ?” by pee. They leave shortly for their home M Sawy-et ; '`GOd arid I, or the A. big 0140111 storehouse is being fit, Field!, and Mr_ sa.., Irwin or Olim- sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. .E. EOrslake, and , tothe splendid enthusiasm on Wednesday last to Nfr. Ernest M. shown thronghott3 a 11erase, ak - Liverance of Williapriston, Mich. ing part. Miss Jessie Robb has gone ,to Tor- The Holinesville male choir led the ' onto to attend the 'Normal school, singing at the evening sessions of . MrS. Robb and Mins Zella aecompan- the convention, rendering one selec- ied her to 'Portant°, going on from tion the , first evening. The Misses there to Cluny, Alberta, where Mr. Lobb.' also gave, a duet one evening, Robb is located. Miss Reid of Seaforth contributed a ' Mr. Albert . Robinson has returned solo, as did also Nfiss Snider • who is, to his home in Clleveland,' Ohio, after visiting in the neighborhoosi. el visit with hid mother in town. , Miss Fergus Carn.pbell left here for Zurich ' a visa on Windsor and will. later go 'south "for the winter,, . Mr. R-ussel: Hays has been removed Miss Ida, Ortwein wan a Lofided Teem the sladi of the Doininion Bank visitor for a fevv days last week. . here to the branch in St, Thomas, Miss Bulali Koehler visited lier . - - -Dr,. atilt Mrs. Davis of Manitoulin grandeparents in Exeter last weeli. , Island were here On an auto trip last - Mr. W. 13. Wilson 96 the Molsozis, week visiting the fernier's brother, Bank staff has been transferred to Mr. James Davis, and other ,friends _t „,, . ,, , a gaiy with inotructions to report I ft f ., hereabout.. , , ,s a ntlinipel, ,en route. . . w tee . elt. Wilizatn, Forsythe ot_ Greenst tiorboo were guests of the fornier s , , ,. ., ; Mr. and. Mrs, Meno Kmiec of ite, . ",:,‘" , boro, North Carolina, has been visi - brother, Mr. 5, Elinor, last week. in,g•Tiis listed Mrs. J. 0, Chesney of , ttoketsmith. , . mr. Orland Johnston has gone to Miss Rachel. Neilandn lias returned Molsons bank iirancll there. Clinton to take a poSition. in .1,11e from a.' pleasant visit With friends in OCr. . , .,. Wagner,, , .lan .nion . mi. August wt. wno 1 , i Michigan. , ' Mrs II. Martin 'end' Miss Maiie are, ln the west for lfwenty-two , years ' visiting in Given Sound, ' . ,, and whose home is now in.. Winnipeg, has beezierenea,ing old friendsiiipS in so Mrs.. A, Davidson and illiss David - Zurich and v,icinity. , • son have returned from a visit to ., A tia n ti 0 Ct' Mr, 'Lewis Jeffrey has disposed of i YL • . . ,,,,,., ,. ,‘ ., his, flour. and ,feed busiiress to Nlessrs. lvtr• A ' (:"..': Ault lias."(lisP°"'" '"` '1's grocery business -to' .Ma. -.George D. George Douglas . and, George Sparks - I. of Stanley,. neither oi , \thorn is a , . , ii-Iaigh. of Lucke:ow. Mr. Aul,it lias. ,,,. n or to 7urtoh . , , probably been in businase longer, scan-‘ n `'' - til er ' roan' in- Seaforth - he,. hav- ,,,51.,1'sesissst isj„,..sss.A1:'• 01,1\ Ati,otn 1,is ,ref..111,;,n,'„'.(.1 lions....... ing.o;theia a heerif., engaged 'continucaiMy,' -.:itio; ..and,o,fgris. „qt\ , Eilbel. 11,itt,claugh___ for 'o.ier flit?' ),:e-ar• '-',,-."' ",' -'':' _,.'-'-,-,,'"et ter ty'ere. at .Crediton last week , at The:, ftlitarar of tbe .late, l‘irs ;1-.)aGUr'' etending the' celebration of the . :nine- M:ir,fe. McCann; Widely of. the late JD'S, ; ,.,. — fie NI „birbildaY' anniaactisary , of the 'fort .3,TeCann, teok place from. .- the resit -e mei., .fathor. ,,,.,. , , : mrwe ,of lier ,son.,.":, Mr,..P.'',,ly,teCatill; , to' poe. Stiashapi hae' :been leveling up ,, Sb. ,Columban cemetery ,O1i;-Moluiai' of, 'Min property, ' having' -lfail "about six last , week', - ' ' ',or hundeed .wagou IdatiS '9i ' eiirIll out oii. .' ' ' "Ideal weatliei: favoreir=thee Zurich ..7Zillrielli - ' '. ' .... ' ' . . • „ - . , • ' . , . Foie thii year, 'the. result olio1fig a I- e e . reaat da nen, 'nil d barn S. ,of . ',,-Taeter s151,11.u.lu,,,d, ,.2,,i1nil.c.a,i.lis...';,,ei: paii.eg.d.00.1c(lhealt'l Lennf d4t'anuctie' ,.. Kaesi`r, of tis ',Goshen; .„Linet near, ., • 7.orich ' were dootrQ,3.ed by ., nro..,. last. liai e teitii,ned. lo their home after - a T''aaand'ay. night, the' loss. entailed bet fril':tlight'..ii- i'ieit' i..tt 'the .I'rearental horne 1 o - , - ' ' -tilt f a er ' ' ', ': r ' ing uptvards of 94,000, ' .. 01 G. 01 11 . .,_„.., ! ._ - , oae, ' ' ' :Mr, Peturle,I4re,n, visited fOr a le 'days last ,4'likly1:91,stratiero, endn. ' , . ' IfiefinedVAnd family motored - Niagara Falfaf for- caople of da recently, ' Mrs. ThomaS Dunn and family ha arrived from the 'Old Country , bin Mr. lnutn: who has been here Cliedroo Ncws..Recc,iJ Where Has the Money Gone ).1 sumulamonimmimaimmosasamansamiummar 9 afIVE FOWL WANTED --T ,111" t,TOW SEWIN W •Seateilir‘e,West. Shore ,Elegtri 4.7.....T3aStia'ay ease still hangs lire' befor the Ontario itallway Tile en to gutty info ',the finameial inanagemen ys of this enterprise was launchea Imo ' the floor 'of the house durieg the last ve session and the adjourned hearing was to held m Toronto last Friday. Little or Satisfaction folloived, howevee, be- cause .0i the. abaence 01 President J. Ipi.oTaz1Nalyole3oTeot.in4vevielirealg.0 enunt bcoaoneksinvolves the flotation of an electric road scheme along the 'Lake I-Turen shore and the guarantee- ing of a.largn proportion of the bonds by interested inttnicipalitien. The were certified and , the work commenced. Today, however, it lies at a standstill and practically abandoned; The residents ' of " the towns and counties who stood , hind now. seek knowledge of :the' ills- pdsal of the money, patt. of which they ,consider unaccounted. fon Kin- cardine, Gaderich, and Ashlield, Town- ship 'sent - representatives on, - William .Proudfoot Goderich con- ductiqg the questioning. " T, E. Robles (if the Toronto Gener- al Trust Co, in the box stated .that his Company had handled all- .the, fin- ances' of the railway. He 'had .in all things acted. in a manner becorriing the. trustee of such a mortgage,' . bond, iSSTie .bad 'been 'restricted to $15,000 per 'Single track•sied $600,- 000 on the whet°. Out of this amount the municipalities stood 'for bonds of $400;000. . "What. were the Proceeds of the sale ?" he was 'asked. " Three 'hundred and eighty-four thousand dollars," was the reply. He had no statement of the account in 'his keeping, however. The. town- ship bonds -had netted' 97 and , the towns '95, he thoeght. ready to handle fat belie, „amine; mut repairs kept on hand, also chicketts end necks highasipriens eney for necv mathities.—A, Ho ,' Poultry taken not later. than Iftzurs- er, Albert street, ; day of each week, Other , fowlf.litand- ' ed. later on —W.' Marquis Base , Line, Phone 11 on 160. , ; • NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ifc THE matter of the estate of John Ovens Elliott, deceased.—Notice is herebY given. pursuant to Sec. 55 of the Trustee Act that all persons hav- ing, claims against the estate of the said, deceased, who died on or about the 180. day of May, 1913, are required to send by post pre-, paid to the undersigned executors or W. Brydone solicitor en or be- , fore the 27th clay of September, '1913, their naines - and addresses with full particulars in weiting of their claims, and statement of their accounts and the nature of .the se- ,eurities (if any) held by them, dilly verified by statutory declara- tion. And, 'take notice that after tbe said 2711 day of -SePtembe,p, 1913, the slaid exeautors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the 'said estate among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only , to the claims of which he shall , then have notice and the ,said ex- ecutors will not he liable for said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been ree,eived by them or ,their said 'solicitor at the time of such distribution. Dat- ed -Sept. 2nd, 1913.—F. IL Powell and Robert Triok, Executors W. Brydone, Clinton, Executors' Sol- icitor. ' 'Messrs. Chas. ana Frank Itisdon 01 Detroit, tormerlv of town, have been spending a iew days among old fr:- ends here, -,1311.t. and Mrs.. Gordon Paten -53n of Winnipeg have heed visiting the for- mer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. „Arch - Paterson. Mr. J. A. McLean has commenced the work of rebuilding his mill which was destroyed .by fire recently. The High School Board have decid- ed to engage another teacher, such a move being made neeensary by the: large number,,of pupils attending. , Plans have .been- secured for the new wing which , in to be built to the hospital. Mrs. James Duffield passed away one day last week after an illness of several nionths at the age of sev- enty-five. She had .been a ,reaident, of Winglialn for about thirty years and is survived. by two daughters, Mrs. J. Roe of this town and Mrs: F. A. Heath of Hatnilton. She was a member of St. Paul's chutch and was most highly' esteemed. ' • . Mr. Arch. -Paterson has purchased the residence owned by his brother, the late Frank Paterson,, on Victoria, street. , Mr. and Mrs. C: A, Brigs and son of Hamiltor, visited Mr. and • Mrs. Rc VanStone for a few days recent- ly. - Mr. Chas, C. Munro of Toronto has been :appointed to -the position until recently held by ,Mr. C. ,G. Vanstone with the Davies Company 'and having purchased Mr. Thos. Field's property. he intends moving Ins fancily to town. Much regret is felt at the removal of. , Mayor VanS tone and Mrs. Van - Stone from town, thOugh the beSt wishes of their , many friends follow them to Termite where Mr. Van - Stone has been promoted to a more rel:dionsible position. Mr. VanStone has been , mayor of the town since the beginning of the' year, filling the position with much credit and satis- faction. Reeve McKibben will be act- ing mayor until the end of the year. 'ite'rtele-,\Tefelkeee-se_ Ge_e_12)eltreit was the guest last week 'of Mrs. Gee'. „Spotton. Mihs Lizzie Gilchrist has returned from a visit to the Old Land, M'r. John Kerr has gone •th Pal- merstone and his faintly will follow shortly. ' IVIr. J. D. Cainpbell of Stratford visited brother, Mr. W. A. Camp- bell, for a couple of days recently. Mr. Cr. D. Miller of Detroit visited Iris wife and faintly, who are visit - Ing the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Bennett,' • Marriages MeLENNAN—MacRAE—At the home of the bride's mother, on Septem- bar 24th, by Rev. Mr, Grant, as. sisted by Rev, Dr. Stewart, ler- tha Isabella, second daughter of Mrs. Arthur IVIacliae, to George A. McLennan, all of Clinton, CHARL.ESIVOIITT-1-1VeaeRAE--.At the home of the bride's mother in Clinton on September 24t1i, by Rev. 24r. Grant, assisted by Rev. `Dr. Stewart, 'hada Florence, youngest daughter of Mrs. Arthur MacRae, to Robert J. Chartes- worth of 'Port, Arthur. STANLBY—CONNELL—At the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Medd, Clinton, on September 24th, by Rev. Mr. McCormick,' Emma Con- nell of Clinton, to William Stan- ley of Hohnesville. MeGREGOli—J01-INSTON—In Toron to on. ,Sept. 17th, Elizabeth, eld- est daughter of Mrs. E. Johnston , formerly of Clinton, to Robert M. McGregor of Bridgeburgt 14I0X.8--IV/ARSHALL—I11 Myth off Sept, 17th, George E. Hicks of Conti:erne, to Catherine Anna Bell daughter of Mr. and Mth. Robert Marshall of Blyth. LIVERANCE--SIVIITH--In Seaforth, on Sept. 17th, Earnest Morgan lAverance, of Williamston, IVfich. to Tillie Smith, daughtet of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of SeafortIr. " SOLATE,R—SIVIITHER;S—In Seaforth on Sept, 161,11, by Rev. F. H.' Larkin, John Scatter to Margaret eicona daughter of -Mr. and Mrs George Sinithers, all of Sea - for Mi. , Births ANDREWS—In Mix, Alberta, "on August 29t11, to Mr. and Mrs. S, C. Aridrew, formerly of: Celli ton, a daughter. DUNBAR—In Winnipeg, Man., on lith, to Mr. and Mrs, Rob- ert Dunbar, formerly of te heron, a S011. FOX. ---in Grey on Sept. 81,h, to Mr, 'and Mrs. Silvester Fox, a 'son.. 1-IE1VIINGIVAY—lri Grey township, on Sept. 9th, to Mr...and Mrs, Ilenc- ingway, a son. • B()NE—In -leawatio,sh, on .Sept. Ilth, to Mt. and Mrs. J. W. Bone, a 'son. Deaths , sTEpi-TENs,613—In Stanley oh Sept, 22nd, Mrs. Ralph Stepheason, ag- ed 17 'years and 6 mourhs. GRAN T —In Stanley township, on Sept. 23r0, ..-., lelizabeth Avery, relict of 'the 'late Thomas taiourt, • aged 7,9 yearn and 6 months. PROCTOR—In Winghant, on Sept. 6th 'Agnes Nicholson, wife of the late -John , Proctor, of Morris, le her Otsi, year. -' Wingham, on. SePt 14th, Mary Jane Duffield, widow of the late James 1/offield, in her 75th year. JACKSON -4a'. Clinton or; ,Sept. 20th Harold Philip, son of 1V1.r. and Mrs. George,. Jackson, 'aged 4 years.' ' GUEST—In :Clinton 'Sept.!' 20th, The chairman asked the disposal of the $200 000 worth of unsecured bonds Witness saiki the president hate re- eeived them and after that he knew nothing. Engineer Robertson when called hail no books to rely on, and the chair- man" adjourned the sitting with the instruction that on Oct. data must be on hand for resumption. The News -Record to the end of the "present year for twenty-tive.cents $irfE0rn now mitil the end of next yeafTbe--,:neredollar. ATTENTION. --AUCTION SALE 'OP household furniture at 1.30 p.m. on Saturday at late residence of Mrs, Guest, Albert street. Terms, Cash. —G. H.. Elliott, A.uotioncer, YOUNG LADY WANTED.—TO .1barn Telegraphy and atmlst in the store.—Cooper Co., Clinton. —00 FRESH CREANir CAN 13E HAD AT Bartliff's and McLennan's restaur- ants. —1800 WANTED. --EXPERIENCED GIRLS and girls to learn knitting and -looping. Will pay $5.00 per week wlkile reaming. Steady employ- ment, pleasant position Apply rkow.—Clinton Knitting Co, —93 FOR SALE—A WEANING FILLY BY Viking, also new intik cow, third call—Apply: to John' Holmes, Hur- on Road. —99. WANTED.—A I,I1VIITED NUMBER of roomers. 'Apply to Mrs. Chas. Wiltse, Huron street. ' —98 COURT QF FEWISION,11 ,--NOTIC) is hereby given that a dourt will be held, pursuant to The Ontario VoterS' Lists id,- by His Honour the Judge •of the County Cub of Huron at Varna on Monday the 29th day of September, 1213, at 10 o'clock a.m to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Munici- pality of •the Township of Stanley for '1913. Dated the 1715 day of September, 1913 -s-R J. Richard- son, Clerk of the Municipality of the Township of Stanley, —99-2 IT WILL PAY' YOU.—WHEN, FIAV- Mg an auction sale advertise it in The News -Record which goes into the great majority of homes in the district. APPLES WANTED.—I AM pR,E.. pared to pay the highest market price for apples at the BayfieldE,vaporator.,—E. L. 1VIerner, Bay- field. —98 - NOTICE—On account of the heavy loss sustained in the recent fire, I would like all out -standing ac- counts • settled at once. In the , mearitime the coal office will be • found neit door to McTaggart's 13aitli', where business will be car- ried on with a' full supply of every- thing as before.—A. Forbes. —95 WINDSTOR1VI INSTJRANCE, ;-;= Canada. InSuranee Co. will , insuth. ale buifdirigs fae,-C,inat daniage done' by windstorms. Moderate, rates; no premuin note.—Charles 13. Hale, I)istrict Agent. Clinton. —74. , SLABS POR SALE, 14 INCI-IES long. Will 'seli by load or cord.— A. Forbes, Coal and Wood Dealer. , 350131313ANI) LOT ON ORAN,GE street for sale, 110W occupied by Mrs. Easoin. Six roonis,—A. J. Mrs, John Guest, aged 60 years. Tyndall. —88 , , BELLEVIEW FARM DAIRY, — From our stodk of Erst-class cows We are prepared to supply you twice daily with the best of railk and creamWe solicit a share of your patronage.—E. B. Hill, Phone 125. f —80 FARM FOR SALE.—CION. WEST half of lot 9, Hullett township, containing 50 acres, There ar on the frinn a frame house 20x28, kitchen 1.8x14, and a summer kit- chen and wood shed 24x14, ba.nli barn 58x40 with stabling under- neath and Cement floors -with hen house and pig house. The land ,ia good clay loam, entirely elear of weeds, is well drained with tile, and in a good state of cultivation. No waste land. There is one acre of god orchard and a never failing , wbtl., Terms : $500. of principal Paid -ttoW'n nnd the rest can re- main on morlig'age. 45 the pro- prietor intends giving up fleallng, if not sold the place will be sent ed. --Appfy on premises or to John Riley, Sr., Constance. P. O. —86, FARM FOR SALE—LOT 40 AND part of Lot 39, Con. 9, Goderich township, censisting of 107 acres all cleared and good tillable . land with the exception of ilve acres of bush and ten acres of orchard con- taining apples, plums and cherries. Farm in good condition being of good clay loam, well fenced and baying an abundance of excellent water. On the premises are two barns, one 58x30 with shed 25x10, all on stone foundation. The oth- er barn is 59x30 with shed 47x80 aad hlso a gravel house. Situated one mile from school mile from English church, 1 miM from Meth- odist °hutch, 5 miles from Clinton, 6 mule h from Bayfield. Rural Tele- phone connection: Also part of Lot 36, Telephone Road, containing 50 acres adjoining schotil and 4 miles from Clinton, on which there are no buildings but containing a small swamp making it an excellent pas- ture farm. For further particulars apply ou tlw premises, or addreSs— 'Geo. A. Cooper Clinton, Ont, Phone 7 on 155. ,....„ • FARM FOR SALE --THE TINDER- - signed offers for sale his rine farm of about 130 acres adjoining the town of Clinton. The farm is in a good state of cultivation and has good buildings—brick house, bank barn, driving house, pig Pen, etc—all comparatively new. A ftrst class young orchard containing all kinds of fruit, also small fruits. The farm is well fenced and well drained and is a very desirable home, For further particulars apply on premises or address John' Torrance, Clinton P. O. —63 Have Your Eyes Tested If you are suffering from beadaches.the Cause may be eye strain due to either not- wearinu .glasses or wearing those wbicb do not accoMmo- date themselves to your eyes. ' To ascertain' the.Cause of your trouble have your eyes tested by a graduate optician,, We 'niake no charge for testing, A. J. GRIGG GRADUATE OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. . TilE COHNEH STIIIIE Live and Let Live Pickling Season is here again are web stocked with all kind spices and vinegerf.. - FLOUR. CLINTON FAMILY FLOUR. FIVE ROSES. rURETY and EXETER. FRUITS ' ORANGES, - LEMONS. ' BANANAS, GRAPE -FRUIT PEACI-IE$ , PLUMS, WATER MELONS and TOMATOES. — A CALL SOLICITED. E. E. HUNNIFOR LIVE AND LET, LIVE GROC- , Will do more work—do work In more d fereat places—give 60 changes of spe GILSON M70,'°-"feJXr Dili.ve::1,0::_sirvoicie. Farmer's power hon on wnoolo. Canino ito own linooliatt, pulloyo, tigiatener anti pump Jack. "toady for any job, an where, atonyttmo. 1 to 50 15. p. Am:alto want° G-VVILt0":11f7GG:715:,it York St, tStog cp\, Cauastla tervi AGENT AT CLINTON M. G. RANSFORD • Slabs For Sale HARDWOOD SLABS, 14 -1NCHES LONG. IDEAL FiN AtmmER, USE. ALSO 12 fiwric- -Boot. WOOD. Stapleton Saw Mill, II GOOD CHANCE TWO STORY HOUSE --and--- NEW COTTAGE I,oeated side bY aide - Properties in exelellent condition, Would lease from buyer. Hill, Clinton. -Phone 77. For Sale 50 Girls Wanted for Biscuit Depaaitmellt, COO wages. Bright new factory. T-Iy- gienisi Address Ter particulars. ' D. 8. Perrin 86 Dompany Lt LONDON, — ONTARIO. The Strongest of all Firepots The Sunshine Furnace fire - pot is heavily ribbed and in two sections, which allow, for contraction and expan- sion. It will never crack. • Ashes won't adhere to the straight sides— always a clear and economical fire. Oer local agent will show you this and xnany other "Sunshine" advantage's. Send for reo booklet. McClaty's Sunshine ,x Furnace — SOLD IN CLINTON BY BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers Phone