The Clinton News Record, 1913-09-25, Page 3Bright, Ruddy Cheeks For Pale Girls No Longer Any Need to Be Pale, %Yeah or Anaemic. BY F el owing the Advent of, Mies. M a E wen „ You Can 126.11Ciily BeCOMO ttiVing Again. The pallid girl alwayi 'lucks anlletite. Whit little the at 18 badly ',digeste1. igiht he le rot, ees, but fiOecn't4. eleep eoundly, Vital fotee inust be increased, new blood nauFd bo supplied and a general re- building take 'place before she •will feel 1ko she ought Dr. Hamilton has invaluableexperi- ence' in flies° caves and found withing en prompt in building up young women es his vegetable pills of Mandrake and'Ilut• Dr liesnilton's begin by elearie' ing the system and 'purifying the blood; they alio improve digestion and render food.: ready for abeorction. 4ddiiena1 nour. ishment is aleo supplied' and the ' patient ie faut strengthened and. invigorated. Full of spirit, ruddy and strong is the ; 'girl that egoista her eystem by the use of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Tho follorring recent letter from Mies Etta MoRgen, of Haliburtoia, ,speake for "In tieing Dr. Hamilton's" Pills et find a „my syitere is .woederfullybuilt is oartainly the moot effectivereniedy. ever need. 3 have now e...gOod appetite, Sleep, more eoundly, and awaken in the - morning feeling quite refreshed. •TormerlY I felt tired and depreased. I looked. ie -if a severe illness were hang- ing over my -head. , "N.othing 'could give quicker results than Dr. Hamiltop'e Pilla and I eironglY advise,every young woman ' to U.930 them." All dealer's sell Dr. Hamilton's 25e, per box or five boxes for 51.00 by mail from The Cata.rrhosone Co., Buffalo, N.Y,, and ICiugeton, Out, Sweet Sally Smiled, Sir Samuel Sims {taw sweet Sarah swimming. Suddenly she seemed sinking. Sir Samuel stood dunned. • Striding seaward, spurning seething surf, Sir Samuel {swiftly • swam Sarah -wards. Sir Samuel ekilfully pueported swooning Sarah; swimming shorewards'flir Samuel euocessfully Bayed Satale Seeming somewhat shaky, Sir Samuel sampled some spirits spe- cial &doh. Sir Samuel saw sweet Sarah's sweetness. Sarah. saw Sir Seanuers self-sacrificing spirit. • Sir Samuel soon sought sweet Sarah, striding slowly. Sarah sigh- ed; Sr Samuel seemed.speechleas, "Say something, Sir Samuel," said Sarah. "Say 'Sam,' Sarah!" said Sir Samuel,- • Sarah, smiling softly,. said "Sam!" "Sarah—Sally," stammered Sir Samuel. "Sweet Salah — sweet- heart 1" . Sarah smilitgly surrendered. 1 y THE TEA BRINKINO HABIT " THEONLY FASHIONABLE BEV- EltAKE IN LONDON. Soeiefy Women Meet Amid Bril- liant Surroundings ot. Big Try Murine Eye Remedy U you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes er GranulatedEyelids. DOesn't Smart —Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50o. !Maine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25e, 50e, Eye Books Free by Mail., An Eye Tonto Good far Ali gyre that Heed Oen • Idurino Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago "Lysander," said the wife sweet- ly. "do you know what day this • is?" "Of course," said hubby, pretending to have remembered all the time, "it's the anniversary of our wedding day, dear.'" "No such thing!" frigidly anewered the wife. "Ws the day you premiered to nail the leg on that old kitchen table." Carterhall, Nfld, Minard'S Liniment Co, Limited, Dear Sim -While itt the *entail lost • emumer. wit& badly bitten by mosso!. tow, to bully that I thought Woo,ld be dietigtired for '41 couple of Weeles, 1 Was advised to try your Liniment to allay the irritation, and did so. The effect Wise - more tliSri •X expected, a kw applicatione completely curing tho irrital4on, and preventing the bites from becoming gore. MINAILDE LINIMENT is also a good artiolo to keep off the mosquitoeil, •Yours truly, W. .A.. V, IL Tea, Rooms. Nowhere in the "tea: habit" quite en universal as in I,oeldon. Eng- lish people have alWa•ys 'had the habit, but it wan not until the last decade that they indulged therein in the sight of all men. Society women used to aok each other to come to te,a, in their houses, and a few men, a very few men, drank lea in the afternoon at their clubs, writes aaLondon correspondent.. Every pastry shop and, bakery in London is crowded nowadaye a,t 4.30 with ladies drinking tea and eating cakes: the restaurants look to the tea hour as one of .theie great sources of income; ,there are tea, pavilions in all the parks and pub- lic garden's and in all the atreets which are the hives of men who live by brain work the tea shops have sprting up like mushrooms and are driving the bare out of ex- latence. . In the clubs the man who drinks whiskey and seam in the afternoon is the excepition; the men -who drinks tea is the rule. A glance into some of the temples of the god- dess of tea, may prove of interest. - It ia Midafternoon in the palm lounge at the Carlton restaurant. The istrin'g bend is playing on erhe reified terrace before the entrance to the restaurane. The double glass roof which takes the place of it con- ing so filters the light, whether by day or nigh6, That theire ass no sharp contracts, but always a. gen- de; diffused brillieney. The pilas- ters of creamy marble with glib caPitele and little dependent med- allions Of Wedgwood ware, the win- dows of the corridors of the upper stories, the walls light in oelo.r, make a charming barokgeound to a. ehaeraing -scene. • Luxurious Surrounding's. Query. "My wife is an angel," said the Boob. "H.ow long lias she been dead -l" asked' the Grouch. LOVES 1113 BITil dresses, white ceps and aprons are kept busy all the time from 4 to 6 roups ol country -folk see- ing London, touriets with red cev- ered Bae.deicer's open on the table befereethem are to be seen. But the majority of the tea drinkere are Londonere• journalists, typists, lawyers' clerks and others of the black coded elasees. Hurrah, No More. Lame Backs! Looking over the flowers and evergreens whirl are banked up against the terrace, the floor apace seems, to be a living bed of blos- soms, with here and there a palm rising from it. The flowers are all amove, for they are the hats of the pregy women who sit in fohe green cane chairs arid drink tea and eart cakes and ohatter to one another. The men—for, of course, there is a. reasonable sprinkling of the unim- portant sex—are 'the dark-colo.red dots amid the rainbow sea,. There are 'small tea parties and large tea, parties, the latter 'group- ed at three or four tables, the host- ess 'reeving from table to table to chat with her guests, And the waiters threading 'the maze ` of tables and chairs carry silver trays with delicate china cups and tea- pots and plates with thin slices of bread and better on therm and little wicker Stands with as many stories as a pagoda, and on each story different delicacies prepared by the patiesier, aad wooden plate ters on which are the cakes of every imaginable kind. No tea party given in & private houee has Buell luorurious surround- ings. All tharb the heatess ha e to do is to ask in the morning that tables for her guests elan les reserved, and when they have left, as dinner time comes near, to pay the bill of half a crown it head which the head waiter will present to her. ' Prince William of Wied, who has been designated to rule Albania, CHILDHOOD AILMENTS Athinents such as constipebion, colic colds", vomiting, erg., seize children of all ages, andethe mother 'should be on her guard against these goubles by keeping a box of Baker's Own Tablets in the houses If any of these troubles ("erne on maidenly.. the Tablets will care them, oreif the little tone ifi• given an omesional dose of the Tablets he will escape* these troubles. The Tablelos axe sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail a,t 25e a .box- froth The Dr. Medicine Beockville, Ont. Saturday Tea at the Zoo. And now a,norther teacup scene. Time Saturday afternoon; plaza, the ioo. The fellows of the society take tea, in a lbecHy pavilion, with the manels as their eeighbors on one aide and. the llamas on the other. The visitors flock to a space which is bounded on, one side by the platforms from which the. cthil- dren climb onto the howdahs of the elephants, and, on the ether by the cages of .the vultures. 'Mere is a terrace 'with an awning over it, and a building ecntairting refreshment DOOMS, and a shelter, and in thes,e comparatively .aristroeratio enelo- auras, hes, bread and butter and a free &Hank on a plata of pastry is offered at le. a head. But the 'buffet tea out in the sun- shine, ,art the zinc table on the. gra- vel, is the real zoo rtee4,, The bend is playing in the bandstand, guile* close at hend—a real military baud in uniform,—the big elephaeate and the two .small elephants, with red howday clethe and howdahs like the tops of jaanding cars move down the wide path in full' sight, with loa.da of small Children strapped on, and then ;return to disembark their pasdngers; the camels and drome- daineti also go for short walks with 'smaller oreeeeof tiny Persons., and the names., harnessed to miniature carriages, stand hard by waiting to be hired. • Chneren at Er`ery Table. Nailed to one of the trees is a Largs white hoard on I'Vhich in block letters isi detailed tho,tarilfe Every chair in occupied, and the parties of -trippers from the provinces arkii the Iioltdonei•i have all brought their children. The oups a,nd settle- ers'and rilatese-are so thick that tiles; • -....„--ee defy any "attempt to break them.; Wo other krams the sklal angisatip the bread and butter is thiok also, , so deem. and dear, so sweet and and tirie le all the better for a ism hmithy. Used with Cuticura-Ointe appetite, arid the ehildren de not meat, it manes t.tritatiens whichgrrimble that the e,ake. ±8Out „in , , often prevent sleep and if neglected greet wedges. Tlie children ere the F : become chronic ei,figuroneAts. impattant% people alt the zoo tea! Millimas of mothers use:these teere there are one or two of them et Could Then Run up ?glare. "So your uncle paid your debts; that was very kind of him." "Humph! I don't think so. , He might have given me the cash and let me pay them." "What difference would that mak e • "It would have re-established credit," Not Leap Year Either. Ethel—This craze for geld seems to me very foolish; now a very lit- tle would make me perfectly happy. Jack—Hew ranch? Ethel --Just enough to resell around my finger. ° ADOPT KNIGHT MOTOR EX- CLUSIVELY. , This Case Proves That, The, Best anti Strongest Linimeet, Ever . , Made Is Nerviline. When it comee to determining the real merit of it medieine, no, Weight of... evi. deism is 'more' convineing than thi etraightforWard statement of BOnle re- liable and well-knen,n person who has been cured. For this reason We, print the verbatim etaMment of, Juan E. Pewell, written from hie home. in Carleton., "I am a strong, powerful man, nix feet tall, and weigh nearly two hundred. ' I have liege accustomed all nay life to lift 'great weighte, but one day i ovbrdid it, and wrenched by back badly. Every tendon and muscle was sore. To Stoop or bend was agony, I had a' whole bottle of Nervi - line rubbed on in.one day. and by .night I Was well again. I know of no liniment possessing onehalf .the penetration and pain-eukdkinjf -properties of Nervillue. I urge ite uee stronglyas an invaluable liniment and hoe...hold, cure for all minor ailments, such as strains, sprains,' swellings, neuralgia, eciatieu lainbago, rheumatism, and rauscular pain," , .No better medicine Inc ouriag -pain was ever put in is bottle than Nerviline-rnb it on and rub it in -that 'rubs out all aches, pains, and Sere/Mee. Large feel. Lly siSe, 50e, trial size Mo.. ell dealere, or The Ottarrhozono (To., Hudak/. N.V.. and 'Kingston, Ont., . , sweet and gentle emollients for e."" --Y `60,41°* every purpose of the toilet, bath But the tea shot' known to the b one of the ilk companies. ant nursery. . average, man ea wtomen. is that run ybig-, -duttries Sean earl Unmoor 011 nrkl thronfomef the.„,,ti& 8iieem etmee et eeee, tIOl;teen, Imaide are merble topped tables, hoist0t tiro ooro aoomextothnafro' end 'loegeouliter with large,-ettkeuncl .s e' sale, arra pq,r-irre, Adams. rotors, Drug ,k!..11aora, Laos, beni waita.ez,sell in k. ED. • —.... London General Omnibus Decision. Perhaps the tmost striking tribute the Knight Motoi3 has received is contained in the following item of -news published in the `Automo- bile" of August ifth, es follows: "Actiording to definite news pub- lished to -day, Ale big London Gen- eral Omnibus 0o., which has 2,600 motor onanibuee.s on the Dondeen streets, has been, -no thoroughly sat- ielled with 'the servite given by the 800 Knight -rigged Daimler 'buses which have been running for twelve menthe past thee 'they /axe decided. to replace gradually all the poppet engines In their 2,600 ',buses with Knight Motors. The 'busee in ques- tion are greatly fevered by the publio on &cement of their eilenee and amooth-running qteilibies, while the great power of secelenation en- ables the driver to pick his way through tra,ffie to very best advan- tage, with the result that the Knight Motor has now been select- ed as standerd for figure week, In view of the feet that the daily run of a London 'busis 110 mike of very drenuoue work, it m,usb be admit- ted that the .sueeese aebeeved here ie. very notable indeed," ` The. London General Omnibus Gampamy ie one .of the most effi- ciently managed commercial oar companiers in the world, It has spent hundreds of thousands of pounds ID developing a type. of motor 'bus meet suitable to London traffic, and its adoption of the Knight, net only as a standard- for future new 'louses, but to replace the poppe,t valve motors in the 'buses on the streets, is the"rnost striking feature the Knight Eligine has ever had. Madge: "Don't yoq think a girl should marry an economical man?" Dolly: "Ihsuppose so; but it's aw- ful being engaged to one' Historic ,Battlegroniel. Greeks and Bulgarians have been coming into confliot in the neutral sons and the spot is associated with more famous names than olmod any other even in the Balka,ne. Rare Bacchus avenged himself on the Thracian King, Lyeurgus, who had ba,nishe,d him and hie vvorship by driving the king mad, so that he cut off his own legs, thinking they were vine bran•ches, and was torn to pieces by his subjects, who want- ed to have Beeches (and wine) again. Seated on this- mountain Orpheus charmed, the trees and beasts. On the southwe,d it looks toward Amphipolis, for which Mh- enians and Spartans druggled (Theicydiclea was- banished from Athens for losieg it as general and on the nerthead Philippi where the. earthquake release( Paul and Silas in prison, and Bmi- tets and Caesar's ghost met again. —___g LIQUID SULPHUR is tho Most benefleent medical discovery of the present ceatury. The change in our methode of living has deprived the system of some of its most neceeeary in- gredients. Our graudinothers gave us SULP/ItTE, tut the doctors laughed. It did not assimilate witit the blood, Tho diecoVery of liquifying SULPHITE has changed the dootor'ee opinion. LIQUID 'SULPHUR aealmilatee readily with the blood. Leading physicians are recom- mending LIQUID SULPHUR for all blood troublee. LIQUID SULPHITE is a post. titre cure for ECZEMA, Hundrede are 'willing to testify -to tho benefit it haa been to them. A. few drops three timee a day will entre the most acute ease of IDIEHMATISAL For sale by all druggists. 50 cents per bottle. took the key from the keeper's cod and managed to unlock the door. After the feet escapade, the door was faetened by a," bolt fax - above remit, and he , was, given a cage teorapanion, Alone, or aided by her, he pulleda, seuel box to the foot of the door, she eot on it, and he, on her shoulders, drew the bolt and freed them both. But our koolokaiabe marks the height of animal intelligence. It, has not onlylliscovered what a look is for, but it aetnelly made a key that .opeeed it. This it did hang- ing from the bars by the right hand, ,while with the left it poked a stick into the keyhole, biting off splinters until the end fitted the equare aperture. We let the creature per- form -the feat a emend time to prove tliatt‘it was not a matter of ehance. Then we screwed the door up. ElltElE'ROOF RAILWAY CARS. — British Railways Taking Precau- tion Ageinst Fire. For some, time past attention has been given in rellway circles in Bri- tain to the question of fire -proofing coaches, and each mooches are now a feature of up-to-date practice, At Swindonexperiments were first Made on two or three OnaehOg af- ter whieh it was decided to eXtend the principle to pradically all new coaches; eoesequently the wades now under ennetruction at Swindon have fireproof floor.% The base of the floors is farmed of 13heete ef galv,anize.d oorrugated teel, rivet- ed together and secured to rthe low- est member of the side framing of the ;mad. On the top ef this are fastened expanded metal sheets, and on the bed thus formed the fire -- proof flooping is law -to an average depth of -one inch. When dry the material forms a .haed fire residing sebetance through which it will be iinpossible for flames to penetrate. As a further precaution against fee the coaches are cased with galvan- ized steel sheets at 'the sides and ends, screwed on Ito the wooden framing. Manslaughter in Second Degree, Cutting corm with ti; razor is danger- olle and useless. The only remedy ie Putnam's; Corn Extractor, which removes corns and warts in one day. Bemuse painless and safe, use only "Putnam's," Sfe, per bottle at all dealers. A Sympathizer. A clergyman was being ahaved by a barber who had evidently be - 00131e unnerved by the previous night's dissipation, Finally, he out the clergyman's chin. The lat- ter looked up at the artist re- proachfully and said: "You see, my man, wild comes of hoed drinking." "Yes, stir," replied the 'barber, consolingly. ,"It makes the skin` tender." Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, Three clothing stores are in the same block. One morning the mid- dle prepeietor saw to the right of bbs a big sign, "Bankrupt Sale," and to the left, "Closing Out at 'Cost.". Twenty minutes later there ,appeared over his own door, in 1 ergo letteni: `Mein En trance • ISSUE 89-13. MONKEY CLEVERNESS. Some Remarkable Feats Performed By These A.ninuils. Whether animals can et -busily reason or not. is a perpetually dee bseed question. Occasionally, as Mr. George Jennison shows in the Manchester Guardian, it is decided- ly difficult bo- explain thts doings of eons animals on the ground of mere instinct, For cleverneae, even dogs and ele- phants must give way to monkeys. For the last thirty yeara ours ha,ve pumped their own -water or dawn it from at well. Each learns from the others in the eage. Mr. Fitz- simons of Port Elizabeth gives the chaerna, baboon of Soueh Africa a very high plum. rt is sometimes used, he says,."instead af a boy to lead the front span of oxen," and he wants us to believe that it can count. Our own young epembnen is certainly very °lever ; ±8 a day it learned to WS a {slot machine; and it will not put more than a single penny in an 'empty Machine. It was, I believe, a monkey of this species that was fibt•ed with a pair of epectecles in Breslau Ga-rdens, and perfectly appreciated their use. It wore them with gravity, treabed them with" reaped, ancl carefully folded them after use. Ordinary bolts are quite ueeless to bnprison orang-utans, and a nail at the head .ef the bolt is so ineffee- teal that our keeper always fastens the belts with a screw. The beasts probably draw the, bolts raid nail by diaries at first, lout they quickly learn how to repeat the trick. Indiscriminate feeding is bad for apes, and We keep them behind double bars, as much out of harm's way as, possible. But people insist on trying to. feed -them., and it large ntiraber o nues fall in front of the cages, apparently out el,,reech of the animals. One day a chimpan- zee passed his ;blanket through the bars, threw it on the nute, and dragged them in. We took away the blankets and gave him, a, dick, with which he also gee the saute by sweeping them toward the cage. But he conld never learn the ad- vantage of it crooked handle. Herr Korbert tells me their orang-utan hes gone a etep further. There are palms in the ape -house, and the orang-nten used a strip of blanket to got palm -leaven, When the palm,s, were put farther away, the ape bora the deep of blanket down ehe middle, --almost but not quite in two,--eo'tha,t, it was timely twice as long. With this he could reach the ,paltn-leates again. Apes undei nand the adieu of a leek. We taught the fled Cloneul to "retook his door, and it wee amus- ing to see him chease the right key a,nd let himself out. But the ex- perience taught as never to teach another, TWIee he was found at 'rage in the gardens ; he must have opened with t•oole of hio -own two simple locks, and then iteholted it door Mr. Hagenbeck tells tne that it chimpanzee, about two years ego, Too Good to Lose. "Will you be my wife 1" asked the star -boarder. "Let me see," roused the land- lady, "You've boarded with. me tour yearns. You haste Stever grum- bled at the food. 'You have alwaye paid promptly. No, I can't accept you; you are boo good a, boarder to be pet on the free list 1" A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY si Delicious Drawing flualities ve Are manifested in millions of Teapots daily THE TEA OF STERLING WORTH BLACK, dXED or flifIEE111—Seoiel Packets Only wnEe Sample Mailed on Enquiry fe Address s "SALADA,,, Taranto Art eminent scientist, the other day, gave his opinion nhat tee most won. derfal dioevery of recent veal% was the dlecovery of ZaneRuk. just thinkl As soon as a single thin Meer of Zeuentak ie applied to a wound or a tiara, such injury is insured against blood POJE1011 1 Not one species ot microbe has hoen found that Zam-Buk does not kill I Then agate. ,As soon as Zara -Belt is applied to it sore, or a cut, or to {skin disease, it stops the emarting. That is whY children are such friends Zameluk. They care nothing tor the science of the thing. All they know le that Zan-Buk °tope their pain, atothers Should never formit this. ,Again. As soon as Zam-Bok is ap- plied to a 'wound or to a diseased part, the cells beneath the elrin's sur- face are go stimulated that now healthy tissue is quickly formed, This forming of fresh, healthy tissue from botow Is Zam-Buk'a aecret of healing, The tissue thus formed is{ worked up to the suratee and literally casts off the diseased tissue above it, 'Phis is why Zara -Bak cures aro permanent. Only the -other day ler. Marsh, of 101 Colorimier Ave., Montreal, called upon t110 Zaan-Buk Co. and told them that for over twerity-eve years he had been a martyr to eczema. His hands were •at one tittle SO Covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves, Four yeare ago Zezn-73We was introduced to him, and in a Yelff months it cured him. To-day—over three years after his cure of a Meese° he had for twenty -eve years—he is still cured, and has had no trace of any return of the eczemal A11 druggiets sell Zareatik at 50c. bos„or we will send tree trial box if you send this advertisement and a le. stamp (to pay return postage). AA, dress Zaneltak Co., Toronto. ,•47 tan, .toffz. $200.00 IN COLD GIVEN AWAY FREE OPAHE ROYItlitl ERPA neRWIA11610:1344Offitglithitelitl° .iitTel : k xt lity ggh""iti, 2„ yeRAF78,1110,:i . , .ili4.,,,:11,,,:z.:,,,,,, . 1., ....:111,..6,,,I.,..r.r1... 1.,...01,,.....4,,,hy.15.....,„...hirtz.,....,.fizi: tat'ar.iir.sa,trAT„,7,_;,,,--,47„711,4.4-inong,,,—.17.71 7 ',°,4"4"-", '. "'' "" rt: rso gorse re lamo own gar.* firsfh rift 4'. Sioilla xoor'porgo'to ooloolosArg IFIrOrt=.', oPhoM otA of P.Oookorlil won, errek Noah roOd vlog $so.00Load oo oo fa lko oroncatOino.otoildod i VDT EtilDrOPC1815,4, .`Mairgt .varAltrAva i?giskisvInT,Irafgez: Iva ,!•_,),21.1' war kukta."1.1Z ,00WA'Dill. stuD0 PrnvioP171475.onosotiaouxooftimor cow% or.q. 7,67., ',en eelll,', The Modern Shine, Easier to Use ' Better for the Shoes Mother—Now, children, I want you to kiss Mies Lemon good-bye. Elder Brother—Come me Billy, be a sport, It'll be over in a amend Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. WANTED—More Workers Ilgereellote dewielfhlreour eev1:111uotrfnelr Ohem18. Mal PrOoose. Site.P10, roecheniettl work, rapidly done. All pob terns furnished. Positively no asp-brims:3e required. We ferniah the PL,000178 ad chemicals and wanly yo* with ploturea to oolor. which you.return to us Good prices Raid isromptlY by the Week or montlt lqo canvassing Sr selling -our trav- ellers Gall tbte goods and the field Is unlimited for our work. If you want deem pleasant work the year round for whole or gyaMe time. write ma and we will Bond you contract and the Price' we Pei . 815 COMMERCIAL ART WOFIKS, COLLEGE STREET, TORONTO, ONT. NEWSPAPER FOR SAM C WEEKLY NEWSPAPER FOIL 'Li Sale in good Ontario town. Excellent opening for man of energy. Virrito Wilson PublieMing Company, Toronto. it's Nature.. "That cold seems to have a strong hold on you." " Yes; it has it great deal of hoarne power' Dr. Morse's lhodian Root Pillee exactly meet the need which so often arises in every family for # medicine to open up and regulate the bowels, Not only are they effective in all eases of Constipation, but they help greatly in breaking up a Cold or La Grippe by. cleaning out the system' and purifying the blood. In the swim way they reite-ve or cure BilioneneeS, Indigestion, Sick Headaches, Rheum. atinu and other common ailmetes. • In the fullest sense of the words Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pais are A Ploalseholdl nesnodr FOR SALE Pulleys & Shafting Minable ter Ries, MenefacturIng Plants, PrintingiNauees. Eta - 2 Weed l2 -x- 48 -in for a lettelni Wood Mt Tali*, 12% x in. Lor mite ito. 1 Wood EiNat,pkturq, la% x 28 In. for 3 /116 ehttft. 1 Wood kip% ,Pluney, log ne foe 8 7ntain.. shaft. Pulleys of emalles eimas arx1 !ARMS FOR BALL H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto, 17.111tUIT, STOCK, GRAIN AND DAIRY. J. Forme in all motions Nit Ontario. Some anoint AOTORY SITES, WITH 011 WITHOUT A: Railway trackage, la Toronto. Prempton and other towns and cities. ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN I, Brampton end a dozen other tootot. H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto STAMPS AND COIN& TAMP COLLECTORS -HUNDRED DIP. ferent Pereign Stamps. Catalogue, Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp Company, Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED. MEN WANTED YOUNG MAN BE A BARB 00 0