The Clinton News Record, 1913-09-25, Page 1No. 1800 —34th Year
The News-ec11 be sent to any, address in Canada until end of 1914 for - 00. To U. S. $1.50.
•. Baufield
l'ile feaire at G mit:rich, Seek -eta
1Med a. carload , of applee To ;Sud- ed a very earliest sermon. in the in- Oats 32c. . and Zurich, held last eveek, were Mr. Rieharcl.• Bailey of Calgary,.
n Sa.turdey ' laSt Mr. D• Cantelen Rev. Mr, Sireox of Toronto preach- :Wheat -82c,
attended, by the very finest, 01 wea.. Alberta, -, who accomPanied the. IT:-
ry.• 'PheY consisted. of Alexanders, terests ,oi temperance on Srunlay ev- Barley ..4.5e•to fieb. • maine of his brother, the late Johe
lie :Rivets, Blush Pippins and, Col- ening, After. the ,sermon MrS." East Peas 80c,, , ther, coesequentdy at all three plades
there' Were record crowds. Otherwise pm.,113,,,aifloerY'a fej:,,r,°e'nlreetiltlse NaVenSlto'n.g7:1101., re:
rts and being , good 'stock the nie- and Miss Delrle• and Messrs. , Moffatt Butter 20e to .22e.
• weelters .‘vill no doubt be de- ,and least ' rendered, an appropriate Eggs .24c to 256. ' too, i°r the•gete el°l'eY ls Trelr the lativeS herd before returning to Hie
an,ding all they can get., quartette. Rev, Mr., Greene. had , Live Hogs $9.310. • solo consideration though a• very int-
, .. , . charge of the mornieg ,service ' on • ' portant one, the Fairs were 0. k. The wit. moss, who las been assisting
Mrs. Arthur MacRae will receive et the Rev, Mr. Condell during the sum -
rhe -Proton Agricultural, School, • the his .9wn PelPit next Sunday.
her home on leattenburi street,' from , l`Te•w's•-llecerd is very glad to be able
Mee months, will preach his farewell .
. AG-RICULTURAL ,SCHOOL. Sunday but the pastor will • oecupy WILL REXEIVE•
to so repott.
three' tO five o'clock on Thuehlay iti- sermon next Sunday morning,
et of its kind held in .,his part of '
. . C. I. -FIELD DAV rl'OMOI1110W.
e eeuntrY, was.. held irf the .sehool Don't . forget the •liaylield, .'Fair on
se of Cedarville 'on, Tuesday last, The Cadets were. out. for practice ternoon next. Her daughters, yes. lerincipal Bolick of the Moderecliool Friday of this week.. lt promises to
d was a. great , success. Many..., ex- on Monday afterneon ,". , getting into GeorgeA. MacLennan and Mrs. Rob- bed 'a ,..pleasant duty, to, perform ' on be a big thing. /Niue will alSe he
bits of grains, seeds, evemds, preeer- shape for the 'parade which takes ert J. 'Cliarlesworth, also Mrs, Mar- Tuesday .' when:he placed the Duna grand ',coneett in ,the evening. '
d fruits,' fowl and plain and , fancy place to,nioreow .,(Friflay) in celiac°, tin Charleswkith, will receive: with dun in the custody of Miss 'Nellie IVIrS. ,(Rev,' 'Ni:.) Stewart and Miss .
king,. all the work ot, school child- tion with the 'field day sports. The lier. Mr. and Mrs, It, ,J, eltie,rles- Kemp who won. it by reason of Kate 'Gibson • of Toronto are the
n, were shown, miller 'a Diego tent Clinton. Cadets always retake an ,ex- worth leave the following Seri:m(1;1.y heading the list of successful 'Olin- guests of Mrs. Stanbury, . . .
d 'valuable money prizes awarded,— ceedingly ' smart appearance and no for their fickle in Poet, Aether, , - ten studente at the last Entrance Rev. H. J. and Mrs. Condell and
irliam Chronicle., doubt many .will weet to see them Tu.'E:sDA' .y. is ENT. .,arr,4.[N"mEINI..*, , examination, Miss Nellie is a• clever Miss Glaays lef t On. Monday for Dee-
IE -ORGANIZED. on parade , to -morrow as well as to
. student-. and will no doutit acquit ware for a week's visit.
witness the full program. of sports. ,k full house greeted the nest of herself well at future 'exan-ie Dr. Metcalf of Detroit' joined his
the Doherty series of concerts , on wife and family at liheir summer home
. ., , .
on INIMiday night and elected the . .=. ' ... • , Tuesday evening, ,W11011 Laurent, . the , ••
on. Monday. '
Mrs. MOtrison of Seaforth is the
The local Conservatives re:organia- BAYFIELD TOMORROW. ' , THANKSCHVING.
llowing officers : The Bayfield Fall Fair takes place magician, amused .and mystified .the Monday, the twentieth day of Oc-
guest- of Mrs. Thomas Carnere,n. •
President, A. 'J. Grigg, tothorrow and, provided the. weather -house for a couple of hours with his tober, has peen set apart as Thanks_
Vice, H. E. Rorke,' • 'Mrs. Fraser of . Fort William is yis-
Secretary, W. L. Johnson. is favorable, there 'Will, no ' doubt 'he a3ogether '" ununderstandable triekse giving' ,Day. - The. selection 'of Mon-
a large attendance. It is about the •He manufaCtured out of nothing at day' i3hould -meet with the approval
of eirerYbodY• ' The devout ' ones eat' riMj°insiss°Inda Rouatt' of London is .vis'f-
iting•her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Ja.s,
Treasurer, B. Cantelon. last out-of-dcfor function of. the rea- all tea, or coffee for thursty ones,
Ward chairmen : St. Tarries, It. J. son in the -southern- part of the candy for the children, made ' Jive attend divine service on that ' day as ting her parenth, Mr. and Mrs, Robt.,
Cluff ; , St, John's, Jas. A., Ford ;. county and, , apart , from the merits el ducks jump out of empty boihes,- dtd 'well as any other while fin. - those
Oaten of Brusseht occupied
St. George's, P. Cantelon ; st, this. Fair', very—manY '.will doubtless fortune telling stunts by means. of a who go in for out-of-door sports all
Anfieew's, D. Cantelon. take advantage ,:of : the occahion to bell, etc., etc. The last trick, When days are the same,: ,save ' and except
the pulpit of St. Andrew's church on
IS LORDSHIP SURPRISED. meet old friends.. Let's go over to the Union .Jabk -was displayed', .peov_ Sunday. Thirdly .and not at all
Thanksgiving Sunday morning last and that of the
'Methodist church in the evening, his
the rally at ' the Fairee, eft to be a most popular one. It was leastlYr - a Monday
• doesn't disarrange business.
discourses being in the interest . of
. Judge Doyle,- while. in town the • all clean and ainuaing . and the audi-
temperance. ..
ay, paid 'a the -Tohltry A PLEASANT GATHERING; ence seemed to be thoroughly satis-
The funeral of the late John l'.-
lant•, and expressed,. hself as great. . The -C. C. I. students entertained lied'
whose death occurred at Med-
'surprised to rind such progress be- the members of the MOdel class ' 00 NEVER MIS -‘,',4-'41;:') 'A WALK. •- Trade generally, is slower this fall Bailey,
for som,e icine Hat, All:pita, tdok place from
than has been the ease
g • made in the egg and poultry bus- Friday evening in the town hall when ,„
the residence of his mother dr, the
ness• "I had no idea," reinarked dancing was indulged iii, refreshments The followinvis;aii extract ' from Years and everywhere- there are more
men than jobs, so, in view of this afternoon of Thursday last, The ser -
is lordship, "that there was so ex- served and an altogether enloYable the Orange Sentinel's report of • a
' to vices were conducted by Rey, H. J.
he county. I' ant sure that an Up- time was spent, the Party breaking Meeting -recently addressed in the state of affairs, it is refreshing
see :WO . of . our local inditstrim Condell and Rev. Mr. Hinde. The
ensive an Industry of the kind in
lo -date. and progressive, business such up about midnight. , As guests there town hall by • Rev.- A. H. Fish, Grand
working., over time. This is a re- Canadian Order of Foresters, of which
the one carried on by the ' Late were a number of the young, people oi Chaplain : ,"A very harmonious and
town who are neither C. I. students pleasant meeting, with a hearty vote ferenee to the Jackson Manufacturing the decaesed vvas a. member, also
lois people -rn,usti be of untold bene- ot- yet members of the Model class, ot thanks to' Bro. Fish, came to ' a ComPany and the Clinton Knitting
Company. No doubt one reason why bearers were all memebrs of the Or --
took part in the cerOutonles. The ,
it to the town of Clinton and sur- but all vote the ,-2.11's fitht-class close. During the evening, Bro. Fish
called upon the lodge to extend the
"cotih °tat iseYst 013 ianrd:uosotdrnisilerusetillileiyebsutstiiirne: t 01 it ueh:Ils u p e Tr ihoer
many Rdeorbt, Snowden, Chas. Marks,' Arthur
being Messrs. John Cameron,
ounding • country." ,
-brother, David Beacom, who is in his
Grand Honors to our venerabre
Lien Brand clething., and the Wear- Greenslade: The deceased young
Elliott, D. C. Galbraith and Geo. E.
On Wednesday- evening of last week Rev Dr. Abraham of Toronto, rep- 87th year. Bre. Beacom came from
well hosiery • are known from ocean to man WRS the second son of Mrs. Ric-
he marriage took place at the home resenting . the Dominion . Alliance, Pre- Ireland in 1842, and was initiated in
chard Bailey ' of this village and telt
of the 'bride's 'mother, 'Mrs. Elizabeth acheil an excellent telnperanee sermon L. 0. L. 189,• 'in Goderieh Township,
°:•eraT41;2NDED. MIL. ITARY FUNERAL. ago. He was but in his thirty-fiftli
- here for the' west about four 3 ears
Johnston' of 'Toronto, 'formerly of on Sunday morning. The pastor oc- 67 . yeart., ago, and fewer missed . a
Clinton,. of. Miss Elizalieth Johnston 'eupied his pulpit in the evening, 12t13 of July walk. In very kindly
Bridgeburg. The Ipride wore a ..very tertained the Model 'plass, the' senior Bro. Beadoin and invited him to ,a Doivding and Lieut. Towne attended matter for keen regret. Besides his •
01 • Tho' League on Monday evening en- terms the Grand Chaplain addressed Major Shaw, 1VIajor Ranee, Lieut. year and his early taking off is
to Mr. Robert M. McGregor
pretty and becoming gown of •White students of the 0. I.' and the teach- seat 'bedside him . oe the platform," the funeral -oLthe late Col. John J. mother he is survived by : his
crepe. de °Ilene with satin and pearl FINISHING UP. . Wilson in Seaforth yesterday after- three brothers, . Robert and Thomas
trimmings and a hat of , white vel- ers. The Sunday . school rodm was .
prettily. decorated and .lookeil bright, . noon, Col. Wilson,' who died .at, Kin- at home and Richard of Calgary,
yet and plumes. Her tioquet was cheerful and inviting in coritrast tO deroley,'.Sask., was Colonel of the who. accompanied the remaing east. .
a shower of bridal rosch and Myra- ' The Hydro pole' planters, having
33rd Regiment some fifteen years The deceased young man, was also a
being a member Of Vie God-
the4alley. , Her sister, Miss Maria; Mr. • Mild occupied the chair and - ,
the dismal ' - weather, outside. Rev,
a egich, are again. in town and are now
coMpleted their work to and at God- 83:6
erich Lodge. The 'Sympathk" of k the
and cousin, Miss Filva Brown, were marksman, havin
caigrocleasn.d 1}viaes INvvaelsi kanic;own llain military Mason,
bridesmaids. Mr. Wm. Johnston, very pleasing program was . gone
through, consist'ng of a duet by the along which the line extends to Sea -
poling out to the second of Hullett
g on more than one whole community pes. out' to the her --
brother --of the bride, was best, man. Misses Lobb, solos by• MisS Mayfrid forth. They are putting up a lot • of ,occasion been a member 01 the Whit- saved faintly.
bleton team, where the ranges were
Allis, Miss White of _Sarnia, a- guest long poles some being sixty-five feet
located previous to their being 1110V-
at .the parsonage, and Mr. E. Cam- and others only five feet less, -
ed to Bisley. He was a brother of Stailleg Township
eron, a duet by the MisseS , Miller These Hydro men are a pretty fine
Col. Wilson •of Seaforth, the present
and Wylie, a' reading by llliss Ste- bunch, There is not a dap or . a
Colonel of the Regiment, from whose A very sad accident and 'one wkiCh
*art and short speeches by. Principal polock among them, all being Prov -
residence the funeral took place. ' resulted in the death of an esteemed
Treleaven' and Mr, Robb. The num- ince breds which is of itself a cen-
resident. of this township, •in the per -
hers on the program 'were intersper- siderable guarantee 'in these days RURAL CLOSES POSTOFFICES. son of Mrs; Ralph. Stephenson of the
.sed by guessing contests, which ser- When thoroughness ,counts ' •almost.
ed to mingle the company and get In the 15013 few months no less
Parr Line, oceurred on Monday even -
?hem acqUainted, • At the conclusion above everything else.
The wire men are still buOi down ,,than 88 postoffices in variouh parta
driving home from Mr. Edward John-,
hie ME. and Mrs. ' Stephenson were.
served at ' ta.bles arranged about the aa., of the Dominion, but mainly hi the
ston's on the Goshen Line and just
of the program refreshments Were at Berlin but .are expected along any
room and a.. very pleasant social ev-• 3 and then the construction work east, have been closed. Of , that
as they turned onto the Babylon Line
ening was brought to a close. - number 77 have beef) closed upon the
a small bon fire of leaves or rubbish
will enter upon. almost the home
stretch. inauguration of rural mail delivery,
on the roadside frightened the horse
Forty Mikes have been closed for
WILLIS CHURCH. which made 'a quick bolt throwing
this reason in Ontarie alone, and ile
beth occupants of the rig violently
It was with a 'shock of surprise inan3r postmasters are conseque.ntly-
to the ground. Mrs. Stephenson was
that nicht people learned on Satur- of the Dominion Alliance, preached at
Rev. Mr- Johnoon, a representative
out of positions.
seen to be serfously hurt and as soon
The• rural mail segvice is being rap -
day evening, of the death 1 Mrs. as -help arrived she was carried. to
the evening service on Sunday. Dui -
John Guest, •for though those who idly, extended and now the postal de -
knew her intimately knew. that for ing the hervice Miss Glen sang -the
partment deliverh -mail at the dem% the home of Mr. George Stephensou,
some time' she had not been in good solo, "'Twill Not Be Long," by Her -
of 90,000 farm houses. When •the where she expired shortly after, The ,
iousness 'of her condition. 'It is . but preciated by. the congrega,tion. Miss
Glen has a soprano 3,11,:,0 of exeeL.ea.
1 i, in 1E1, only 014 routes seiVing 16, -
Present Government came 4no power cause of death was said to have been "
the ,bursting of a blood vessel. Dur-
ing the greater part of the-- summer,
health, few were aware of the ser- bert _Johnston, which was much ap-
a fortnight since she returned. from 000 boxes were hi existence. ' Remit -
quality and her enunciation is eiear Mrs Stephenson had been . in very,. '
a visit with Toronto and • Skreets- tarices by postal money orders have , '
and distinct. Subscription kihrds 'in poor health and was !net beginning,
aid Of the Alliance were distributed increased 88 per cent. - .
.to improve sufficiently to be able to,
ville 'friends and until within thirty-
six hours of her death she., vdts up . at. the close of the oirvice, go about and take her wonted place,.
and about apparently much as usual. A QUIET WEDDING.
So that the suddenness of ,her , taking;
On' Friday her disease took a • ser- Next Sunday will be Rally Day in
connection, with the Sunday school, A very quiet wedding ,took place otf seems all the mere sad . ind 're- .
iouh . turn, however, and Saturday the service to be held at two -thirty yesterday afternoon at the home .of grettable. She was 'a daughter of the
morning she became unconscionl and Mr. and Mrs. .J. G. Medd when the late Williara WeClinchey of the Gosh -
never • gallied. • in the afternoon. • -
The Girls' Club held their regular latter's sister, Mrs. Emma Connell, on • Line and was a native of this
The deceased,. whose maiden name monthly meeting on Monday, eveniree, was joined in the . lioly .bonds ' of township. She is survived' ' ' by her
was Lucy Cook, was born at Streets- when Miss Edria Cooper gee° an in- matrimony with Mr, Williams •Stane, bMeaved husband and a family ot six
ville but she spent nearly all her life teresting talk on missions. Miss B. ley of Ilolmesville, . ' . children, two of whom are. „married,
in Clinton and vicinity. She *as -twice MeIvor rendered a sole and the young • At the conclusion of the ceremony Mrs, Whitt Turner, of the Pai
married, her first husband being Mr. ladies served refreshments. ' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley drove to their Mrs. David Jolinton. of the
Peter Cook. For several Yews they , - ,
residence at Hohnesville where a re- and Emnia, Willie, ',Florence an
fainted on the•• con. of Goderich A LITTLE LAD PASSES,
ception was tendered them, among at' home, T-hree sieters and a 1
township,' Since the death , .of heor
A couple of weeks ago The News- the guests present being t Mr, and er survive Mr. Robt. MeClint
husband ,she has been a resident .
Record reported an aepident which IVIri. 11'. E. Stanley, Ba,yieeld ; Mr. Mrs. Wm. Hart and Mrs. Wi
•Clinton. Seven . years . age sh ,
and Mrs.' J. G. Medd, Miss „,Garret Armstrong all 61 this township, ,
was married to Mr. John Guest and befel Harold; the four-year-old and
ane Miss Lou Connell, Clinton , Mr. Mrs; •Iolin Stephensoe of -Mk
they continued to reside in her own ' only son .of Mr. and Mrs: George
Jackson .of • town, who set 'fire to his and Mrs. Jalhes Grahatri of Cie:beech igan. Mrs. -Stephenson ••• was ,
hose on Albert -street. • township ; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Methodist in religion, being a, mem.-
- Two 'sons; II,arry, 'Cook of Trenton clothing early on Sunday morning be -
Coon -lick and. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mul-- ber of Varna IVIethodist, church. The
and Dr.- John Cook of.. Goshen, Ind., fore the rest ,Of the family. were as -
holland of , Holmesville, _ funeral .takes .place.. this afternoon.' to
:survive. Also Cour brothers, Alex. tir and before assiStance reached him
The newly -wedded pair , have a big Bayfield demetery. To .the bereaved
Gook' of IVfiltcn, Henry and William was pretty badly burned. For some
circle of friends, including The family and friends goeS 'out the Sy111-.
Cook of Streetsyille and John Cook days the little fellow was in a very
News -,Record, all of whom, extend pathy of the community in their ter-
' of Toronto, andsisters; , Nets. critical condition but he afterwards
rible affliction. •
Stephens of 'Streetsville and Mrs. rallied and strong,. hopes were -enter- good wishes' galore. '
Subscribers to the rural delivery
Kennedy of Toronto. • '• tained for his recoveey. Later he ,
from Zurich have received notice . to
Mrs, Guest was a Methodisi ' beingt
greW worse, 'however; and in spite
get boxes so , will soon be haying
was , a quiet woman and one who teal skill could do he passed 'away People Yon Know.
a member of Wesley church, She• of careful nursing and all that med-
their mail delivered - at their doers,
spent most of her time in her • own on Saturday . morning after several 1\liss Jennie Robertson is vtsiting at .Mr. Dan Gascho has 'tlie contract,
home; the state of her health pre- days ,of ,great. suffering., He was . a Woodstock ahd Brantford. The Bayfielcl arid Zurich routce seem '
preventing her 1 r o in taking part bright and winsome little lad and his Mr. 4. 5.. Chapman was in London poorly divided ,as the former is only
in inany activities outside of it, but death is keenly felt by his parent's; And. St. Thornas this week, , about twelve miles in length while
she had a large circle of friends who who have the sympathy of ,their fri- Mrs: Nfartin „Waugh of London was the latter -is twerity-live. Then both
much' regret her sudden demise. • end§ in .tlkir loss. • ' . • the guest .9£ Mi -is, S. Kemp yea- travel through a stderead "where Mill; '
. ,
The funeral took place •on Monday The funeral took place from the terday. ' one farmer lives whereas other parts
afternoon. The service at the house 'parental residence on Maple street OR Mr. ,R," Mackeneie kit yesterday to of the section served several families
aSsisted by Rev. S. J. Allin; the for_ house and graveside were conducted ing company at 'Detroit..
accept a Position with -a contract- have to go to the nearest sideline rc, , .-
was :conducted by Rey, J. Greene, • Monday aftereoon. The services at the
get their mail. r ' , ,
mer also cenducting the service at the by the Rev. Mr, Grant. The bearers Mrs. Israel Taylor of London is via. Last week the message went' over
iting at the paternal home, that the -phone around the neighborhood,
-.graveside. - -.The .pallbea,refs.' w.e r e : Were :'.. Fred. and Charlie Thompson,
Henry ancl Alexander CO.Olt, 'brothers -.Mervyn Elliott and Lloyd Wilkin. The of Mr. James Stevens. . ' that a cottage „meeting would be
of the deceased; David and 1•?eter Can- tiny casket Was, emliowered in flow- Mr. and Mrs: Wen l'clid ' returned , conducted by. Rev,, C. E. Jenkins,
telon, D. S. Cook ,and De. Evans.. • ers, tributes of '• symp,athy. from the Tuesday .from a very' pleasant 'vb.1:t Rector of St, Paul's, Clinton, on
Those .from a distance,
who Were friends of the• stricken, parents, ,areong :with Varna and Hayfield friends. Thirisday. evening at the home of Mr.
heceatsed's two sons, Dr. John Cook from the cradle roll of Willis church. Somerville --Taylor wedding . in starting had arrived somewhere in
Miss Margaret Malaaffy attended' , the Chas. Colton. When,' the' hour of
present, for tlk obsequies were the them. being a cradle of white asters
of Goishen, Ind,, and Mr. Harry Cook -Among those from a distance .-who. Sta.nley yesterday afternoon. . : the neighborhood. of sixty people,
of Trenton, the latter, being accent-, attended the funeral were : Mrs. R. Mr. James Campbell, the veteran young and old, had a.ssembled and
'pained by his , wife and , little soh, Cole, ' McGillivray ; Mr. sod Mrs. ' Clerk of Hallett, township, was in they listened with much interest, and
Mr. A. Cook of Milton, Mr. H. Cook James Cole, 'Waterloo e Mrs. Cowan, ' town yesterday, Conferring with profit to an address on ''The• Life
and Growth, ,of the Christian," Ev-
and Mrs. Stephens of Streetsville and Mr.- Frank Longman and Mrs. W. J. Judge Doyle re voters' list revis-
eryone was so well pleased with the,
,and sisters. Also Mr. Ernest and. Misses. 1Wayfrid Allir,, Elva Wiltse meeting that ibis hoped that Mr..
ion- ' •
Cole; 131ytlit' , , , . -.
.1‘,Ir, and Mrs. Jacksen take this
Mrs. Kermedy of Toronto, brothers
Miss. Irene Guest of Elginville. . ' opportunity of . thanking their . friends and 'Emma: Levis *ere delega.tes Jeakins 'will again .favor the people
The funeral, was large'y attehded by and neighbors f or . the ., kindness and 'from the Ontario street church Lea- in thk section with another like ser-
vice. "
old friends and neighbors/if:L:2)in God- sYmPaily, shown them in their ' gue' to the convention at Holmes-
erieb township as well ag," from town. trouble, 'ville. ' ' ` - News -Record. to Jan. 191,4 for '25e.
t . ,
tte-s ton ot
itctt wate it -to but(
Is a hard one for the average man to deside.
Dozens of grades are sold under the same
name, and itpuzzles any bot an expert to
deside where practical utility stops and ex-
travagance begins. We* are watch experts
and will gladly help in this matter. Our
Stook embraces the best vvatehes made.
6ati3faetion uaranteed.
W. • e ttar
W yi X II
jeweler and Optician Clinton
The RoyalBank ,
Capital .A.uthorized _ $25,000,000 1
Capital Paid-up 11,500,000 1
Reserve andUndivided Profits 12 500,000 i
Total Assets 175,000,000as
325 Branches, 'With world wide connection. Interest allowed
on Debosits. General Banking business transacted.
R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch.
1 lie Molsons Bank 1
Incorporated 1855 Esta,blishecl in Clinton 1870
Capital and Reserve - $8,700,000
Canotri-Art LErTnris or CREDIT - - .....,......,
TRAVELLERS Ounguns - - - - - ISS u V.,1 -i.
BANK MONUY ORDERS .- - - - • 1
At all branches, Interest allowed at highest current rate.
C. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch.
I wiaimm,....m...imil
,..,. •
For Your Bog,
and 'e've gathered together a lot of n'ew suits
and overcoats for style, quality and price will
- out -class any stock you'll see elsewhere.
and you'll be delighted when ,you see 11)hat ex-
celletzt clothes you get for little money, ghese
big value are going to attract a lot of new cus-
tomers to our Boys' Department.
and let him slip on the coat of a new fall .suit.
Note how `tvell it fits, how flat the collar sets
around the neck, that the sleeves are long enough
and fully fashioned, then realize that careful
tailoring makes all of these featly es of fit and.
style lasting and you Toil! knoll) why Ive are
anxious to have every boy and his parents to find
out about
The Exceptional Qpalities
of our Boyt.s Clothes.
Among the guests from a distance
who attended the wedding were Mrs.
Susan Crawford, aunt of the bride,
and Miss Brown, the bride's cousin,
from Londesbero, 'and Mr. and Mrs.
E. Haggitt of Myth.
A very pretty doubie wedding took
place at the home of Mrs. Arthur
MacRie-, Rattethury street, at noon
yesterday when .her daughter Bertha
Isabella became the bride of MT.
George A. MacLennan, and Zada
Florence was married to Mr, Robert DEATH OF MRS. GUEST.
J. Charlesworth of Port Arthur.
The brides were each daintily 'ar-
rayed in a gown of ivory duchess
satin with trirrimings of seed pearls
and chrystal, wore pretty Juliet caps
and carried boquets of orchids and
lily -of -the -Valley. They were unat-
tended save by their little niece, Miss
Helen Roberton, as flower girl, who
wore a pretty little peasant frock of
pink silk mull with rosebuds, a
sweet .little mob cap and- carried a
brass basket filled with pink and
white astors and fern. The bridal
party entered the drawing-rooth to
the strains of 'Mendelsshon's wedding
march, played by Mrs. Thompson of
Brussels, and took their places be-
fore a bank of fern and pink and
white asters. The double ceremony
was performed by the Rev' D. K.
Grant, assisted by Rev. Dr. Stewart
of Toronto. As the ceremony was
concluded 1V,Irs. Thompson played very
beautifully Lohengrin's bridal chorus.
After the newly -wedded coups had
received the congratulations of those
present a dainty trincheon was ser-
ved. The "dec6rations throughout
were carried out in white and pink,
the luncheon table being. decorated
with dainty baskets of pink and
white blooms, ,
1 Both couples left on the afternoon
train for a brief honeymoon trip to'
I3uffalo Niagara Falls and , other
Points. Mr•s. 1VlacLenean's going a-
way suit was a handsome tailored
one of blue diagonal with which sek
wore a small black plush hat, anici
that of Mrs Cbarlesworth was a
tailored suit of Goblin blue with
hat to match.
13oth beides were recipients of many
beautiful' gifts, among which were
several handsome cheques, The gift
of the grooms to the pianist was a
star and crescent of pearls arid *to
the little flower girl a pretty -pearl
and ruby ring. .•
Among those from out of town who
attended the , wedding were : Mrs.
Martin Charlesworth, 'Grand Forks,
North Dakota ; Mr. Arthur MaeRae,,
Detioit Miss Thompson, Seaforth ;
Mrs. BaRentyne, Brussels ; Mr. thigh
MacKenzie, Teronto Miss Jean Mae -
;Motto : "A. Square Deal for Every Boy." Kenzie, ',Isucknow ; Mr. 'Walter Mof-
fatt, Brucefield, and Mrs Thompson,
1 'Brussels. ,
HE MOBIIISH CLOTHINE. „,„:. and Mrs, MacLennan will con-
tinue to reside in town belt Mr. and
Mrs, Charlesworth will take up their
residence in Port Arthur, where Mr•
Charleewerth has been located for
some time. 13otli eouples are very
A me Thee,;03,, well an'd favorably 'known and their
orBoY's CAPE many friends kin heartily • in good
I WiSheS for their future happiness and
monimimillinnomonommmuilINEi prosperity,