The Clinton News Record, 1913-09-18, Page 8!Seely^.
eciais for Saturriau
an a all next week
ranitp ware at less than half price
We have jest received a large lot of seconds,atittevvar-e
slightly damaged but big value at the price we are selling at,
we have assorted them into four:lots• ,
Nos, 1 and 2 in our big window your choice 49c and 24c.
Nos. 3 and 4 oar tablee inside of stone your choice 15c and 10e
Including the following articles
Preserving Kettles Teapots
Mixing Bowls 'Donee Pols
Tea Kettles Double Porridge Boilers
'Witter Palle Sauce Pans
Covered Pails Dish Pans
Meat Platters Chambers
Dippers Tea. Drawers
Callanders ' Pudding Pans
• Soup Dishes Pie Plates '
Jelly Moulds Basting Spoons
an extra special 40 Granite Basting Spoons Oct each,
Now is the:tinie to use Brantford Roofing and Roofing Paiet,
Harland Bros.
Bargains in Furniture
Dining Room Sets Buffet with long Bevel Mirror, lined drawers,
display shelf above, diners -5 small 1 arm large
extension table round or square cot oak finish, regular $54,00 for $45.00.
Combination Sideboard and China Cabinet, a beautiful piece for the dining
room, 4 styles $20.00, $24,00, $27.00.
White Brass Beds Sanitary, Beautiful and Comfortable at $3.00 to
$15.00 each.
Dresser and Stand Princess dressers, large Bevel Mirror,
Swell front
drawers, Mahogany Veneered with stand to
match. regular $24.00 for $20.00
Window Shades, Picture Frames and Room Moulding at low prices.
a Phone 7 and 8, Free Auto Delivery,
J. H. CHr,LLEW Estate
Furniture 8Ivth Undertaking
domminimonammi ummEtwo
'The Best At
Every Price Always
Has established for us a reputation for good
that -is second to none.
Spend a half hour in our Shop looking over
the new fall Styles and we will prove to you
that buying of us means a distinct:advantage
to you and a positive assurance of being cor-
rectly fitted with shoes that makes them
truly distinctive and exclusive.
111111111& INK ‘11111111,1111111111MMIN1111111 111111111111110101111•11111111111111111111111,
,, NEW 1/111.1%TLES.
. •
These coats have heen tailored fortis by the Laurel Mfg Co.
of Toronto, one of the largest high-class mantle manufacturer •
. . in Canada, which is a guarantee to our customers that they pre ' •
getting the finest of workmanship and the very latest style ideas •
During the past two weeks dozens of the seasons newest up-to-
date Ladies' and Children's Mantles have been added to our
stock, and we now have one of the largest and best assorted
stocks of high class coats ever shown in Clinton.
that the season has produced.
.PRICES--"Oer prices the lowest possible" this is our motto . •
•• ..- And we are certainly living up to it in our mantle department. ! •
.---,-,-, •-", - . We want to sell our coats early and have marked therm accord ••••
!! ...
We want you to see our coats and invite you to come in and -
look them over before you purchase. . •
''• , - ,
, 1141144••••••••••••••••••••••••••••411•••••••••••
, .
414•••••••••••••••••••••••••4••••• 010414 440-4,11,41N*4 •••••••
IFtirni.ture Dealers i
I Funeral Directors I
I Phone 104 i
464.•••••••••••4•*4.••••4•••••••••••44•• 444•••••••••
ult irotfeir yrS,
Awa -Record,
The Housewives'
Full of articles on things
every home -loving woman
delights in reading about.
Single copy, 10 cents
• at the Pattern Counter
Ask about our liberal
subscription offers.
• W. D. FAIR CO,
Often Cheapest — Always the Best
Mr. Leslie Wasman, teaciier; Brod-
hagen, came home for over the
week -end.
Miss Edna Cooper was in Wingham
for a day of two the ,beginning of
the week.
Mr. Norman Kennedy spent a few
days recently with Dr. J. E. Black-
enat- Bothwell.
Miss Harriet Pickett of Toronto is
spending a few weeks vacation at
her home in town.
Mies Sadie Mahally has returned from
the west and hag resumed her pos-
ition in Hellyaz's store.
filth. D. B. Kennedy has been vis-
iting for the past couple of weeks
at Caledonia and Brantford.
Mr. J. E. Hovey and Rev. F. W.
Hovey spent Sunday at their bro-
ther's camp at the lakeshore.
Mr,. D. A. Cantelon of Toronto was
the guest of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Cantelon, on Sunday.
Mrs. David Gardner spent a week in
Port Huron the guest of Mr. W.
Robertson, city treasurer, and
Mrs. Robertson.
Misses Anna and Nellie Smith of
Stratford, formetly of town, vistt-
ed old friends in Clinton for a few
days during the past week.
Mr, Fulton, manager of tire Knitting
Company, was called to New Yotk
last week to confer with Mr. Owen,
president of the Company.
Misses Lucy Cooper, Clara Holtzhau-
er, Mary McIntyre and Alice Sb -
man were were among the visitors from
town to the Western Fab: at Lou-
- don last week,
Mr. John J. Ward, Woodstock, was
in town on Friday last. Mr. Ward
thinks Clinton is all right and
when he makes a move it will be
in this direction, He's. a hustler
after business,
Mr. James Fair, formerly of the
Clinton mills, is now in Winnipeg,
the Western Canadian manager of
the Avery Scale Company of North
Milwaukee, Wis., Mr. Fair's numer-
ous old friends, hereabouts will
wish him abundant success.
'Mr. John Howson left Tuesday for
his hese at Medicine Hat after a
visit with his mother and sister in
town and with friends at Peter.
boro, Mrs. Howson, who was at
the latter place, met him in Tor-
onto where they took the .train for
. the west.
Mrs.'R. A. Bell was in Gdderich on
Wednesday of last week attending
the funeral of Miss Tine Clark,
yotingest daughter of Mr. and .111th,,
Win. Clark of that town, Miss
Clark had on various occasions vis-
ited Miss Jean 'Bell in town and
• was known by many here. Much
sympathy is expressed at bee early
' passing.
Mr. A. Erwin, the genial and ef-
ficient secretary of the Hayfield Ag-
ricultural Society, was in teem on
Monday. He has' been busy for
weeks hack preparing for the fall
Fair to be held on Thursday and
Fri -day 'of next week and given fine
weather he is looking forward con-
fidently to a most successful
Mr. Tom Craig; , formerly of, the
Clinton Motor Oar Company, 'but
who fOr some month/ past has
been at Los Angeles, Calif., • part-
icipated in a recent 500 mile auto -
race being mechanician of the win-
ning car, As the race was run at
the rate of aeout a mile a mirnite.
Tom was too closely occupied
-watching the gasoline and the tires
, to have any other outstanding ! im-
Mi. Chester Marshall, who while hol-
idaying at his . borne in town,
had the misfortune to break
his wrist the result being -a
much longer vacatiop than e
had intended taking, had so.
far recovered as to be able to
return to -Toronto this week. His
employer • wrote last week saying
-lie was keeping his place open for
him, which fact proves that Ches-
ter was making , good:
eIltemt)er 18thl 19*
ciuflantsof-ja les' Ma Than Firs
Wear Less titre.
Children'sof manufac
2O ends of ladies mantle cloths: all under three yards in' length go on sale SATURDAY '11ORNING• All
thi season' s styles and all pure wool. These`will make splendid coats for children and the cost will ' stir-
piise. you. Don't miss seeing them, regular $2 and $3 values, sale price about half price,
Never were 'we better equipped to render
prompt and satisfactory service in this department
as, we are this season. We are in better position
than ever before to overcome the tedious delays of
recent seasons in having our garments 'made up. It
is our endeavor to gixe the best possible and quick-
est service in this important department, and stand
behind every garment made. Order your fall suit
now and have a full seasons wear.
See our new Fall Suitings.
This season we are showing a splendid range of
Scotch and English tweeds and worsteds, as in other
seasons we stand behind our blue .and black wor-
steds, and guarantee styles and workmanship. The
fact that our tailoring department is going ahead
every season speaks foi itself. Order your fall suit
now Nhen the range is complete. Tailor made suits
to your order $22 up.
All the new colorings are now being 'shown,
and some of the most beautiful effects for bed com-
forters are here in colorings to harmonize with, any
room. Many have been looking for these new de- .
signs, and wa are pleased -to announce the arrival i of '
our entire fall importation, 30 inches wide, per yd
15c, 20c and 25c. Also special downproof at per yd
35e. Batting filling, best quality American south-
ern long fibre cotton, light and fluffy, 3 -sizes, a
bunch 10c, 15c and 20e,
Daily we are receiving new shipments of the
veryQiatest styles in ladies and childrens coats and
furs, all exclusive and no two alike.
If you are thinking of a new winter coat or a
set of furs, don't miss our display, come in as often
as you please, compare ours with others. We invite
Flannelettes, dress goods, trimmings, collars, towelling's, bed spreads, satecus, rugs, mats, linoleums, oilcloths,
11,42?4 sf117}
About People You Know
Mr. Reuben Graham was in Buffalo
last week.
Miss Edna Wasman visited friends in
Mitchell over the week -end,
Miss Irene Pope of liensall visited
lasteldweek with Miss Mary Bran-
and Mrs. R. E. Manning are
spending a few days with friends
in, London this week.
Mr. Silas Davis has returned from a
visit of some weeks with Toronto
and Peterboro friends.
Wilbur Ford and Thos. Herman vis-
ited Bert Hovey at his cantle aS tee
lakeside the forepart of the week.
Dr. Annabelle MeEwan of the' Fergus
• hospital staff was the guest 'of her
mother and sister over the week-
Mrs. Horraes, Sr,, arid her guest,
Mrs. Archibald of Seaforth, visited
Goderich friends during the past '
Mr. Oswald Hunt returned last week
to London after a fortnight's visit
in town, the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Will Hamblyn.
Mr. Otto Pink went to Hanover on
Friday to witness the Hanover vs.
St. Mary's lacrosse match and re-
mained over Sunday --
Mr. John J. Martin, manager of the
Public Service Corporation, New-
ark, N. J., motored to Clinton
last week to call upon Mr. Fulton,
manager of the Knitting Company,
Major fiance, Surgeon-Majot Shaw,
Major McTaggart and Lieut Towne
will attend a farewell dinner to be
- tendered Major Gordon Hall at the
Tecumseh House, London,onFri.-
day evening.
Mr. aril Mrs. J. P. Tisdale and
Fred, Toronto, motored 'to _Clinton
on Friday last and remained until
Monday tile guests of Mr. ,and Mrs.
G. D. MeTaggart. Mr. MeTaggart
accompanied them on their home,
ward run, returning on Tuesday.
Mr. B. R. Higgins of Brucefield w as
. iii Clinton on Friday last talking
up the 'Hayfield Fa,Ar and ark rug
names to its membership roll, The
Fair has not a more active dime--
for than Mr. Higgins who does not
by any Means. 'confine his energies
merely to Fair Day.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Midi of Detroit
are visiting Mt! and Mrs. H. W.
Cook, Mr. and 'Mrs. Ben Cole and,
• many other friends in newts. They
purpose remaining a couple of weeks
but it Would go without saying
that • they will be given such a
good time that they -will be sorry
to depart.
Mr. R. B. Eames, who has been en-
gaged in colporteur work in New-
foundland for almost six months,
is expected home this weelf. ' But
his stay will be short as the fam-
ily - leave! 1st of October' for the
State of New Jersey where they
'will winter. Mr. and Mrs. Eames -
have been residents of Clinton for
six years and have to a very large
degree the respect of tit* fellel
Mr. James Cook was iri Goderich oij
Mrs. Chas. Lovett visited with Myth
friends on Monday. ,
Mr. Harry Cantelon of Toronto spent
a few days in town this week,
Mr. Len and Miss Harland spent Sun-
day the guests of Londesboro fri-
Miss Grace Walker goes to London
on Monday to attend the Normal
Mrs. J. A. Ford entertained on Wed-
nesday of last week and Mrs. Brie -
Lowe on Friday.
Mr. Robt. J. Miller spent a week
visiting friends in Toronto,' St.
Catharines and Buffalo,
Mrs. David Gardner has returnad af-
ter a three -months' visit with her
Son, Mr. D. T. Gardner, Winnipeg,
Mr. John Irwin of London was a
guest at brs . home in town over
the week -end, that of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Irwin.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morrish were
guests at tire Allan -Oak wedding in
Colborne last week.
Miss Emma Colelough attended the
wedding of Miss Agnes Thomson in
Leamington on Wednesday of last
Miss Emma Lavis returned from God-.
erich on Tuesday, having gone up
to attend the Harold Jarvis con-
cert on Monday evening.
Mrs. Brigham of Flensall called on a
few of her many friends in town
lege week being for a couple of
days the guest of the Misses Doan.
Mr. Russel Murdoch; who has been
holidaying at the Cuninghame camp
at the lakeside at Burk's, returned
to his home in Washington, D C
lasts week.
Dr. W. A. Matheson of Detroit and
his bride, who Was Dr. Sheller of
the same city, spent the past week
the guests of the former's father,
Mr. A. E. Matheson of town.
Miss Margaret Wiseman, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wise-
man, who is in the Customs De-
partment at Ottawa, leaves , -today
on an extended holiday trip to the
Miss Garrett and Miss Motlietshed,
cousins of Miss Weed who have
been( spending the summer in town
and enjoying the lake breezes at
Hayfield; left Monday, for their
Ironic in Washington, D. C.
Rev, J. Greene has returned from
Galt where for seven Sundays he
conducted the. services in the lead-
ing Methodirti church there. He has
resumed .charge of the church at
13rucefield where he will preach
next Sunday afternoon.
Goderich, Sept. 17-19.
Seaforth, Sept.' 18-19,
•Ztirich, Sept.' 18e--19.
'R Baydield, Sept 15-26
Winehain, Sept. 25-26.
Blyth,Sept. 30, Oete,list
The News From Londesboro
Mr. and 'Alm E. J. Pull/nen and
family, who have been visiting at the
home of Mr, R. Radford, returned to
London this week.
Mr. R. Dorranee. of Seaforth spent
a few clays this week at the lions° of
Mr. and Mrs. R. Adams,
Mr. V. and Miss Harland of Clin-
ton were guests at the home of Mr.
Wm. Brigham on Sunday.
Mr. Embree of Brussels spent a
few days with Mr. J, D. Melville
this week,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Brunsdon of
Blyth spent Sunday with friends in
the village.
, Mr. F. Taylor of Vancouver, 13,0„
Visited at the home of Mr. John
Lasham this week,
A new immdation is being put un-
der the council hall, the work being
done by Mr. Stewart of Blyth. Mr.
Stewart will also lay some cement
walk on the west side of the street'. •
spent Sunday last with Wingham
11 ullett Happenings
While working on an old shed on Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Clark have re-
l hutsday of last week Mr. Win, turned from Nutana, Sask., and will
Fear of the Gravel Road had the spend tire winter in and about Wit -
misfortune to break through the roof infer. The many friends extend a cor-
and fell to the floor and as, a re- dial welcome,
lt s now confined to his bed suf-
fering from three fractured ribs and
otherwise badly shaken up. His
ninny friends- hope for his speedy and
complete recovery. '
I Miss McDonald and John Whitty of
I Goderich spent a week with Clinton
i and Mullett frierele.
News -Record to Jan, for Mc.
Mrs. Hunt and Miss Hunt of Mc-
Killop Sundayed with friends of this
vicinity, ,
What's a -truly honeeth man
Well, I'll tell you if I can
He is one in whom plain dealing is.
deep ;seated ;
He is frank and square and ,true ;
He's, in short, one with; whom you
-could trade horses in the dark and'
not get cheated,—Nixon Waterman,
Your Fail Shoes.
THE NEW MODELS We are showing in foot-
wear for the new fall aid winter season, faithfully
reproduce all the style features of the highest priced
custom-made. We can meet every possible requirement
at moderate expense and guarantee thorough satisfac
I tion with every pair. -
They are refined styles, made of the very best ma-
terials, and easily stand at the head' for quality and
REPAIRING. --Mr. A. VVilken has taken over our
Repairing Department and is prepared 'to meet all
your requirements in that line,
Successor to J. Twitchell & Son
moor ''