HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-09-18, Page 5BeOtember 18th, 1913 Clinton News-Recoid Goderich Mr, J C. Carrie was in• London apt week. MrS.. 11. W. flail was in London last week visiting her son, Mr, Chas, Mtg. W. E. PkilLIDIgt011... and, family have gone to Toroato Where they intend to reside, Miss, Agnes 1-layin ,has returned to her home in Detroit after a visit at the home, of Mt. and Mrs. C. A. •„ Mr:s. E. l(heeshaW and sons. have returned ” to . their home in Owen . Sound after a pleasant , visit ' with relatives and friends in Goderich and `Vicinity. • Rev. Mr. Seager and family left last week for Vancouver after spend- ing the summer in town, Miss Allena Clark has gone to 'Chicago to take a course of training a$ a nurse. opr Miss Coutts has returned from , a ,' very enjoyable trip to Colorado. Mr. John Elliott of London visited his brother, Mr. G. M. Elliott, for a couple of days last Week. Mrs. Martin Knight and Miss An - ale have returned from a visit with ' friends in the State of Michigan. Miss Rees of Bloomington, Ill., has been visiting the Misses Mallough. Mr. J. J, McEwan was in London for a few days lasit week, Mrs. W. A. Sharman has returned after a visit of - some months with her daughter, Mrs. Kickley of Wey- burn Sask. She also accompanied Mi. 'Sharman on a trip to the Coast ,carlier in the season. . Most of the summer hotels, have ;closed after one of the best seasons •ever experienced. Miss Mary Lauretta Martin was. married' in Si. Peter's church on :Tuesday. �f fast week to Mr'. ' Albert - Moro. The' young couple will take. up their reSidence in town At a meeting of the Board of Trade ,one' evening last week the delegation which interviewed • the Hydro -Electric 'Commission on the proposed county radial railway gave their report. It was 'decided to ask the council to petition. the government -le go over -the- proposed, route, estimate . the co.st of- such a road and have a report 'ready to submit to the next meet- ing of the county council in 1)ecem- 'bet, • The power for such a road would be supplied by the Hydro Commission, who would as well 'supply power to users along the line. Blgth. Mrs. Smith of Port',Elgie has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. 13sOwn. Mr, S. A. poplestone is in Minnea- polis, Minos, attending the Grand Lodge 'of the LOU F. as grand: '. rep- resentative from Ontario. , Mrs, Penhale of lesete'r is sq:siting her daughter, , Mrs. U.. 1). Crittenden: Miss McLaughlin has returned to her .homeat 'Plattsville a•:ter a visit of some weeks with friendS and rela- tives in town, , Mid, • Nichol of River has been the. guest for tile past week of Mr. and Mrs. D. Nichol. Miss , Helen Thompson,. who has been in Vancouver for some 'time, has gone -to St. Thomas to teach piano at the Alma Ladies' College: Miss Marie will teach the violin at the: same butitution, Mr. and ,Mrs. ,F. Bainton and Mr. -A. i3ainton autoed to Brantford, Tor . - onto and St. Catharines last week. - Mrs. Montgomery and sons, who have been visiting the lady's sister, Mrs.' Win. Begley, have returned to thei4r home in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Richmond have returned to their house at Winnipeg after a visit witli friends in Bly tfi and vicinity. . . Mrs. Martin Dyer of Hallett has re- turned from a visit with Toronto friends. • Mrs. °John Mills and Miss Mills are away on a trip ' to the west. They intend remaining a couple of Months. ' Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Milne and Mrs. J. B. Tierney t,00k an 'auto trip. to London last week and spent a couple of'.days at the Fair. Mr. H. A. Thomas is spending a; Vacation and during his absence - the station is in. charge of Mr. ' formerly of Auburn. Mrs. Poplestone of Exeter has been visiting her son in town, Miss Caesar of Markdale has. been 'visiting her' -sister, Mrs. H. A. Thomas. 'Mrs. J. H. Chellew and Miss Mur-. let have returned from • a 'visit at Toronto,' at. Catharines and Niagara Falls, - Mrs. Scott of Mcntreal is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Turner of the manse. •'Mr. A. E. Iradwin, Who has just taken possthsion • of the Goderich Signal, was in town one day recent- ly, • , Mr. Joseph Coombs, Sr., has been 'visiting London and -Exeter friends. • . WilVghani s A. Reber tson tO mak ing an, ex tended vi).d I •Wi th friends in the West. Mr. Marshall C. Huitheringiomi 'Port Ar bhur has berm She guest Mrs Thus, O. Drummond. , of of , :Mrs; B. Elliott and Mrs.' „Jas. Hislop of Stratford -have been, vi:Sit- ing friends at Ong -town, Mich. Mrs H, F. Teller, has , been acting manager of the Bank Of 'SHamilton, Blyth,• while Stint has been tak- , Mg a vacation,: 'Mrs: Spatting Hounith and Miss Marguerite Hoeinth have returned' to Whitby to resume their teaching' duties in the Ladies' College there, • The street paving is going steadily on and it is expeeted, will he fully' completed before the had weather sets in. ' George • Baker a drug Clerk in the employ of .1- J. Davis, had the : mis- fortune. one morning last week to get badly burned' by carbolic acid,. A bottle di the poison fell from the shelf, striking 4 bottle ,of ammonia, both being • smashed and the acid splashed over the young man's Mee and arms. His -burns Were dressed, and he is now progressing Tripping at the top of the back stairs, little Nellie Boardman suffered a broken wrist and Cuts about the head at the public School on. Tues- day afternoon. John Kerr, merchant, Whorecently disposed of 1153 . general store here, has purchased a grocery business in Palmerston front Joseph Pugh, and takes possession in a feW days: - Mr, Pugh, an 'old reSident, of Winghani„ is moving' here. Some unlawful fish' ng has been done, in the acnith branch of • the Maitland recently. One :day last week a 'seizure Of sonic eighty-five' feet of net was made by game War- dens W. B. Elliott and Chavin of Windsor. MrS. Robt. Arbuckle and • children have returned to :their home in Sas- katoon, Sask.,- after an extended vis - Zurich Miss Mary Gellman is visiting her =aunt, Mrs. A. Guhr of Seaforth. Mr. Win, Fee has purchased a new ,car. Dr. McKinnon and W: B. Wilson visited in Highgate a couple of days recently, making the trip in the 'for- mer's auto. • Mrf.c. E. Appel and Mrs, H. Well 'are visiting friends in Detroit. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelm of Berlin are visiting the latter's parents, Mr.. and Mrs. J. Brown. Mr. Alex. Dimes of Edmonton is visiting hi:.3 brother, Mr. A. 0. Mines of town. Miss Kate Campbell has returned from a visit .in Miss Matilda Johnston is the guest ;of Buffalo friends. • Mr.' Wm. Brown and Mr. McVeigh of Winnipeg have been visiting the former's parents, 'Mr. and Mr. J. Brown, Mr. Emanuel Volland of the Baby- lon Line has purchased the auto of Mr. F. Hese; Sr. . Mr. Wm, Wagner has returned front Berlin where he has been undergoing treatment. He is considerably better and it is hoped he will continue to improve. The forty-eighth annual fair' i now in progress in Zurich. . The Turf Club at their annual meeting on Wednesday nic-ht agreed to dissolve, each member getting his share of the surplus in the treasury. Oscar Dueharine, of St. Joseph, white drawing in beans with a team of horses on Monday almost lost the animals. A structure of overlays overhead, where the beans were being stored, gave way and fell upon. the horses. Had- it not been for the quick action of the neighbors the team would have been smothered. Mr. ' D. S. Faust went ,to London one day last week to secure midway attractions for the fall fair, which opened here yesterday. Seafoi•th.. Mr. George Turnbull 'received a box of ° heather from a cousin in Bonnybridge, Stirlingshire, Scotland, one day last week. Miss Jean Gregory of Collingwood has been the guest during the past week of Miss Queenie Southgate. Miss Verna Graves has returned Horn an extended visit with friends at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Miss Mazie Horan of Toronto visit- ed her parents in town recently. Mr. Hales came up from Toronto the other day and on ids return was' accompanied by Mrs. Hales and, their two sons, who hai..; been visiting -.in Rev. Mr. Corbett of Watrous, Sask., and Mrs. Corbett have been visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and .Mos. S. Dickson. They were on their, way to Montreal, their new home. Miss Helen Larkin has resumed her teaching duties at Westminster Col- lege, Toronto. Miss Manic noel has accepted a Position as accountant with the Tor- onto Saturday Night and left last .week to assume her new duties. Miss M. Smithers was given a kitchen shower at the home, of Miss Madge Stewart one evening recently in honor of her approaching rnarri- PORI SALE -k P,RLYER,- BLACK, I BELLEVIEW FARM DAIRY.. -- also buggy, cutter, 'and harness .at From our stock of nest -class cews a 'bargain. -Apply to W. W. Wylie. we • are prepared to simply you -09-1. twice daily with the best of milk and cream, We solicit a share of your patrOnage.-EsB. Hill, phone 125. -80 FOR SALE -A. WEANING FILLY BY Viking; also new 'milk cow, third calf.Anply to John 'Holmes, Him- ' on' goad, • -99. WANTED. -A LiNii-rED NUMBER di'roomers. Apply to Mrs. Chas, Wiltse, I-Iuron street. - -98 CO'URT OF REvi8IoN.-NorriCE is hereby given that a Court will be ,held, pursuant to The 'Ontario Voters' Lists Act, by His Honour the Judge of the County Cowl of Huron at -Varna on Monday the 29th day of September, 1213, at 10 o'clock. a.m, to hear and determine complaints of errors and °Missions in the Voters' List of the Munici- pality of the Township of Stanley for 1913, Dated the 17th day of September, 1913.-R. J. Richard- son, Cleric of the Municipality of the Township of Stanley. -99=2. IT WILL PAY YOU. -WHEN HAM-' big an auction sale advertise it in The News -Record which goes into the great majority of homes in the district. APPLES WANTED. -I AM PRE - pared to pay the highest market price for • apples at the Bayfield Evaporator. -E. L. Merner, Bay - lipid. -98 FOR SALE. -HEN HOUSE 15 ft. x 8 ft., also 60 yards of wire new last spring. Will be sold cheap. -Apply to Harry Hutchings at G. T. R. Station. -98 it. with 'relatives hereabouts. •Miss Alice B. Dawson left last week for Sault Ste. Mare, ultere she intends visiting her grandmother for some little time. She merit by boat from Sarnia. Marriages IVIcICAY-SMITH-In Walton .on Sept. 3rd, William John McKay of South Porcupine to Maggie Smith . of McKillop. • WALKER-OICE-At the residence of , the bride's father, Mr. Charles Oke, 13enmiller, on Sept. 7th, Al- len T, Walker of Denver, Color- ado, to Jessie Maud Clic. Fix- The Responsibility. When a diOasinous railway accident occurs the whole trend of the enquiry, is to' ascertain the „cause, so that measures may be taken to prevent, a recurrence of' time wreck. If a fault is noticed ..in any workshop is not the particular delinquent sought ' out ?' .Every traveller On a steamer pays passage"•money : the several branches • in a department, store are 0 all expected to show a profit on the year's business, So the dairy farmer will do well to enquire as 10 whether he has any delinquents in his present herd of cows, perhaps one or two, are in . a fair way to wreck his fortunesi, their passage money may be paid. by some better producers, for often two or three out of every herd of twenty cows show . no profit at all on the year's production of fat Plenty of cows in June and July gave over one 'thousand pounds of milk and .over thirty-five pounds. of fat. What dairyman 'would voluntar- ily keep the kind of cow that yielded -only twenty-four pounds of fat,. or ) those' that gave only • Pour hundred pounds of milk during last month ? )Yet some men.got onlY , that much. from a great many cows ,in Ontario' and Quebec. This ,is the point,: each dairy cow has a certain responsibil- ity, tlint of producing plenty of milk and fat at a profit. So, also, has the dairyman Ins responsibility, that of • knowing his cows do not shirk theirs. His business is to know what each cow- does ; she won't tell, he hag to keep individual records to find out. They cost little, they do mech. -C. F. Births HOLMES-In Clinton, on Sept. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. S. R. Hol- mes, a son. RICHA•RDS-At Londeshoto On Sept. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rich- ards, a daughter. DEVEREAUX-In Seaforth on Sept. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dev- ereux, a son. KLINO--In Seaforth on Sept. 7111, to Mrs. Frank Kling, a daughter. STEWAR1'-In Exeter on Sept. 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stewart a daughter. S'PE WA RT -In Seafortli on Sept. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart, a son. ROWCLIFFE-In Stanley on Sept, ' 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rowclifle, a son. ' Deaths BAILEY -It Medicine Hat, Alit., on Sept. 13th, John Paul Bailey, son of Mrs: R. Bailey, Bayfield, . in his 35t1m year, , CLARK -In Goderich on September 8th, Mary Christena, youngest daughter of Win. Clark, aged 16 age • years and 9 months. - . Mr., J. M. Best,: who' has been McDONALD-At St. Helens on Sept. nd 2, Hugh McDonald, aged 88 years: . WILLIS-In Exeter on Sept. 7th, Thomas Willis, aged 76 years. . IVIeD01;GALL-In Seaforth, on ,Sept. '5th, Christena McLaurin,' on,. of the late Donald McDougall, aged 82 Years. PROCTO,R-In Wingliam On ' Sept, 8th, Agnes Nicholson,, wife of the late John Proctor of °Morris. in her fist year. iting his, brother at, the Canadian Soo for a fortnight, returned home last week. Miss M. Beattie has returned from a visit at Toledo, Ohio, and other points across the border. Mr. Andrew Scott has been . en- gaged as teachec of the new school In tiruckeremith west of Egmondville, which will shortly be opened. Mr. Fred. Beattie, Who has been • spending a vacation here, returned to Winnipeg last week, . • • Miss IVIcTavibh left last week for Victoria where she intends taking up 'her residence. ' Miss Evelyn Greigleft last week to attend Westminster College, Tor- onto. ' Miss jennte Robb returned last . week front ii trip' 'to the -west Mr. and Mrs. °Chas. Soole intend removing very shortly to Winnipeg. As all their family are located in; the west the intention is to be nearer, to ' The death occurred last , week' of an old settler' of Stanley township, Mrs. Donald McDougall, who for several years had been a resident of town, She was. in lier eighty-second year. 1 Two daughters, Miss Kate and Mrs. (Dr.) Grassick, and one son survive. Bengali Mrs. T.. pepper. returned last weelc after a visit in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Carlin took in the London Fair last week. • • Mrs. Nediands WaS in London last week owing to the illness of her brother-in-law. - Harry Seinen has just Pm- cliasIA six Polled Angus heifers, thoroughbreds, for which he paid two hundred „doll ar8 each, Rai,: R. Hiclrs, who has been hav- ing a vacation, was taken ill last week, but is now quite recovered. Miss Pearl Beek, who has been in the 'west some time, • is spending a vacation with friends in the east and visited in this vicinity recently.. The. annual harvest • thankoffering services will' be held in St. Paul's church on Sunday next 'when the Rev, T. H. Brown of Seaforth will be the preacher of the day. FOR SALE. -A NEWLY CALVED Cow. -Paul Cadeaux, London Road, R. R. No. 5.. -98 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and implementh at lot 35, eon. 15, Goderick township, on Saturday, Sept. 20th, ,cominencing at 1.30 o'clock. -C. H. Holl d, proprietor, T. Gantry; Auctionee • - \ FARM FOR SALE. -CON. WEST 'half of lot 9, Hallett township, containing 50 acres. There ar on the farm a frame house 20x26, kitchen 18x14, 'and „a summer kit- chen and wood shed 21)(11, bank barn 58x40 with stabling under- neath and dement .floors with hen • house and pig house. The land is good clay loam, entirely clear of weeds, is well drained with tile, and in a good state of cultivation. No waste land. There is one acre of good orchard and a never failing well. Terms : $500. of principal Paid down and, the rest can re- main OD mortgage. As .the pro- prietor intends giving up farming, if not sold the place will be rent- ed -Apply on premises or to John Riley, Sr., Constance. P. 0. -88. FARM FOR SALE -LOT 40 AND Part of Lot 39, Con. 9, Goderich township, consisting of 107 acres all cleared and good tillable land with the exception of five acres of bush and ten acres of orchard con- taining apples, plums and cherries. Farm in good condition, being of good clay loam, well fenced and 'laving an abundance of excellent Water. On the premises ate tWo barns, one 58x30 with shed 25x10, all on stone foundation. The oth- er barn is 50x30 with shed 47x30' and also a gravel house. Situated one mile from school mile from English church, 1 mile from Meth-- odist church, 5 miles from Clinton, 6 mila ;from Bayfield. Rural Tele- phone connection. Also part of Lot 36, 'Telephone Road, containing 50 acres adjoining school and 4 miles from 'Clinton, on which there are no buildings but containing a small swamp making it an excellent pas- ture farm. .For further particulars apply on the premises, or address - Geo. A. Cooper Clinton, Ont. Phone 7 on 155. -71. LIVE FOWL WANTED. -I AM NOW ready to handle fat hens, young 'chickens and ducks at highest prices Poultry taken not later than Thurs- day of each week. Other fowl hand- ed later on. -W. Marquis, Base • Line, Phone IA on 166. -91 NOTICE. -THE ANNUAL MEET- ing of the Liberal-Commtvative' As- , sociation of the Town of Clinton for the election of officers and oth- er business, will be held in the counoil chamber on Monday evening, Sept. 22nd, at °8 p.,tn. A large at- tendance is requested. --H. It. Ronke; Secretarys. A,' J. Grigg, -President. -99-1 SEED WITEAT FOR SALE - THE undersigned oilers for sale three varieties of fall wheat for sized - Dawsons Golden Chaft% Democrat, and Egyptian- Amber -It is all splendid wheat and clean. Price $1.00 per bushel. -L. Tyndall. • -95. FOR RENT. -FINE 'BRICK RESID- eons on Ontario street, acar school Bathroom, furnace, good garden, Or- chard and small fruits. One of the finest locations in town, Will lease. Possession Oct. 1st -F. B. Eames. -99. FOR -SALE, REOIRUNABOUT IN first-class order, Tires good. Will demonstrate if desired at any time for anyone meaning business. A snap for quick sale. -Thos. Watts, Shoe Store, Clinton. -90 FOR SALE.:-.1.,'WILL DIISPOSE. OF by private sale several dining room chairs, !two' dressers, bedstead and mattreSs', stands and other artic- les. Each afternoon and, evening Mail Saturday September 20th. - Mrs. Kearns, William street). - - NOTICE -On account of the heavy loss sustained in the recent fire, I would . like all out -standing ac- counts settled at once. In the meantime the coal office -will be [Mind next door to McTaggart's Bank, where business will be car- ried on with a full supply of every- thing as before. -A. Forbes. -95 *ANTED, A LIMITED NUMBER of boarders. --Apply to Mrs. Foster, Albert street, -96 SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and repairs kept OD hand, also ag- ency for new inaehines,-A. Hoop- er, Albert street, .-95 FAR1VI FOR SALE -THE UNDER- • signed oilers for sale his fine iarm of abouf 130 acres adjoining the • town of Clinton. • The farm is in a good state of cultivation and has good buildings -brick house, bank barn, driving house, pig pen, etc -all cbmparatively new. A first class young orchard containing all kinds of fruit, also small fruits. The farm is well fenced and well drained and is a very desirable home. For further particulars apply on premises or address John Torrance, Clinton P. 0. • -63 WINDSTORM INSURANCE: - THE Canada Insurance Co. will • insure all buildings ;against damage done by windstorms. Moderate rates, no premuin noise, -Charles B: Hale, District 'Agent. Clinton, -74. TI -1E 1101-IERTY CONCERT COUR-, se" J." is, Doherty, Manager. Seas- on 1913--11. Five concerts in course. Season tickets $1.50 each on sale at Fair's Bookstore on from J. E. Doherty, Clinton. WANTE1).--T;IXPERTENCED GIRLS and girls to learn knitting and looping. Will pay $5.00 per week while Leari4mg. Steady employ- ment, • pleasant position. Apply now -Clinton Knitting Co. --93 SLABS FOR SALE, lb INCHES long. Will sell by load or cord - A. Forbes, Coal. and Wood Dealer. HOUSE -'AND LOT ON ORANGE street for sa.le, how occalpied • by Mrs. Easom. Six rooms. -A. J. Tyndall. -88 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Pickling Season is here again .e are well stocked with all kind of spices and vinegers. FLOUR CLINTON FAMILY FLOUR. FIVE ROSES, PURETY and EXETER. Slabs For Sale. HARDWOOD SLABS, 14 INCHES LONG. IDEAL FOR SUMMER USE. ALSO 12 INCH BODY WOOD. Stapleton Saw Mill. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN matter of the estate of John Ovens Elliott, deceased. -:-Notice is hereby, given pursuant to Sec. 55 of the Trustee Act that all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of the said deceased, who died on or about the llith day of May, 1913, are required to send by post pre- paid to the undersigned executors or w. Bryclione' solicitor on, Or be- fore the 27th day. of September, 1913, their names and a,dclressles with full particulars in writing of their claims, and statement of their accounts and the nature of the se- curities (if any) held by them, duly verified by statutory declara- tion. • And take notice that alter the,: said. 27th day of September, 1913, the staid executors will . pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have 'notice and the said ex- ecutors will not be liable for said assets or any part. thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not -have been received by them or their said solicitor . at the time of such distribution, Dat- ed Sept. 2nd, 1913.-F. fit, Powell and Robert 'nth*, .Exectliks ; W. Brydone, Clinton, Executors' Sol- icitor. --97-3 50 Girls Wanted for 'Biscuit Department Good wages. Bright new factory. Hy- gienic conditions, Address for particulars. FRUITS ORANGES, , LEMONS. " BANANAS GRAPE -FRUIT PEACHES PLUMS. WATER MELONS and TOMATOES. A CALL SOLICITED. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET. LIVE GROCER. It S. Perrin 86 Company Ltd LONDON, -- ONTARIO. -99-4 Only engine of its kind Will do more work -do work in more dif- ferent places -give 60 changes of speed. GILSON Delivers 100% service. Farmer's powerhouse on wheole. Carries ltd own line Heart, pulleys; bon tightener and pump Jaen. Ready for any job, any, wtioro, atany time. 1 to de It. p. Agents wonted. Write for partleutare. GILSON' MFG. CO. at York Si (tnelph, Canada • AGENT AT CLINTON M. G. RANSFORD Have Your Eyes Tested LIIIE POULTRY MINTED 2500 CHICKENS, 1000 HENS 1000 DUCKS EACH WEEK FROM - NOW UNTIL JAN- UARY. , To' finish your own poultry we have wheat, oats, and buck- • wheat specially ground for fattening purposes at very rea- sonable prices. 8000. dozen subtly new laid eggs wanted each week during the winter months. To pro- duce these eggs wb have a full line of poultry foods to keep your layers in the pink of condition. eeeeeweiroeyeeeereeeeee THE LAST BIG RUN 4: . . on Stigar for the - • SEASON • • Although sugar has • • advanced 20c. per • cwt., for two weeks • • we will sell 100 lbs. : • • •, • • A full stock of BRAN, SHORTS, FEEDS FLOUR, OATCHOP, BAR- LEYCHOP etc. etc. always on hand. • Give us a call. • • • • • Redpath's Granu, at • • If you are wise you • will take advantage of this opportunity ; • to buy cheap sugar • • as it is 1.1 333;ill y ) r • • 4, us to reduce our ; stock to pay for a • • • carload. • • • • pour.,Twv TAKEN ANY DAT OF EA.C.E. WEEK, GUNN,. .LANGLOIS .CO. The Vp-toclate Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewarthar ,Wm. Jenkins. If you are suffering irom headaches the cause may be eye strain due to either not Wearing glasses or, wearing those which'do not acconarno• date themselves to your eyes. To ascertain the cause of your trouble have your eyes tasted by -a' graduate optician. We make no charge for testing. • J. GRIGG GRADUATE OPTICIAN AND. JEWELER. • • • W T, O'NEIL : • "The, flub Grocery." • • • • • • 1 GOOD CHANCE TWO STORY HOUSE —and— NEW COTTAGE For Sale Located side by side. Properties in exbellent condition. Would lease from buyer. OUR PLANNING is for your health, conifort and con- venience. In our estimation 'A MODEL BATHROOM needs not only fixtures that are ar- tigLic in outline, sanitary and dur- able, but fixtures that arc simple in design, easy to clean and keep clean. We have the'same practical ideas about quality work in all kinds of MODERN PLUMBINCr. ; HECLA FURNACE AGENT. F J. Hill, Clinton. Phone 77. The Strongest of all Firepots The Sunshine Furnace fire pot is heavily ribbed and in two sections, which allow for contraction and expan- sion. It will never crack. Ashes won't adhere to the straight sides — always a clear and.economical fire. Our local, agent will show you this and many other "Sunshine". advantage's. Send fail' dree booklet. - THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. HEATING AND PLUMBING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. CEMENT. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON A STOCK. , OF NATIONAL. PORTLAND • CEMENT PHONE ORDERS OR GALL ON JOHN HUTTON, Londesboro. 1111.111!1111 ICOLLEGE I AT HOME Thousands of ambitious young people Iore fast preparing in their own homes to occupy more live positions as stenog- raphers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, id foot every, sphere of 1 Business Activities. You Any finish at college if you so wish. Posittoria Oar- anteed. baiter college any day. ladle ideal instruction. Expert teachers. Thirty years' experience. Largest train ere in Canada. Seven colleges. Special 00111.80 for teachers. . Affiliated with Commercial Mace - tors' Association of Canada. Smumei. School at famous Spotton Business College. London. • - CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. Srovrotr B. F. W#10) , President, Principal:, 11OUNINIMMUMNIIIMIIIIMOMIIMIli SOLD IN CLINTON BY BYANI & SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7; RAND T RUN K Rsn111.:( I-10MESEEKERS' EXCURSION. Each Tuesday until Oct. 28 inclusive. Winnipeg and.Return • $35.00 Edmonton and Return $13.00' Low rates to other points. Return limit two months, Pullman Tourist Sleepers leave Toronto at 11.35 P• m. on above dates running through to Winnipeg via Chicago and Saint Paul without change. Tickets are also on sale via Sarnia and the Nor- thern Navigation Company. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskat000n and Edmonton. • COLONIST EXCURSIONS. Sept 25th to Oct. 10th inclusive Horn all stations in Ontario, at very low rates to: Vancouver, .B.C.., Los, Angeles, Cal. Victoria, 13.(1, San Diego, Cal. Nelatin, B.C. San Francisco, Cal Prince Rupert, BC Mexico City, Mex. Portland, Ore, . Seatific, Wash, • h. swSiii:olki,ani..e;INVic:s., only Opnero-way-loclNavssra:iiteicskettos pointis• ifs Arizona, British Columbia,, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Mexico, New Mexiaa, Oregon, Nevada, Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyom- ing. Full particulars, berth rescrvationS, etc., from any Grand Trunk Agent.' John Ransford and Son, uptown agents; A. O. Patteson, station ag). eat.