HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-09-18, Page 1• • , " I . L799 4th Year CLINTO.K, ONTARIO, ,THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER I8th, od Morning ! cents will pay.a sub to The ews,Recor to end of 1913, anyplace in Canada. Wedding 9resen 3 • Jemething Siffet'ent you will find it easy to select in Jilver Vloelc6, ut Slass locks and tahina • at Yiellt(ai.'d • P. S.—Wedding Rings the latest ..„clesigil. W. Y. Yiellgar fewelet ana Optician - - - Clinton The Royal Bank OF CANADA. Capital Authorized S25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 11,500,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits ' 12,500,000 Total Assets - - 175,000,000 325 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Debosits. General Banking business transacted. R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch.• 1 Molsons Bank. Incorporated 1855 ' Established in Clinton 1870 Capital and Reserve = • $8,700,000 85 BRANCHES IN CANADA 8 - A - GENERAL- BANKING - BUSINESS - TRANSACTED. ' • CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT - -, TRAVELLERS CHEQUES - - - - - ISbUBD. BANK MONEY ORDERS - - - - -1 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT At all branches. • Interest allowed at highest current rate. C. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch. TI -IE -LOCAL MARKET: ONT. $T. exuRpH. Whe4t 85e. , • ' 'Rev It: J, lifocoiania .addresseli the Oats -320. ". "' , ' 'Lea 'tie on MondaY- evening :The young. people. intend glying an At 1-lonie for, the. Model class on Monday.even ng 1 'Butter 18e to 22e. Eggs 18c to 23e • b. 1W., 8. NEws. Mr. J. J. Tilley, ex -inspector of Model Schools, delivered a Series of lectures ,on ,school management to the Model students here last week, all of I"vhich were "greatly appreciated, Two lectures 'were' given daily, from 11 to 12 a.m. and from 3 to 4 pAn. WESLEY onuRoi-r. The pastor being absent Mr, A, J. Irwin preached in the morning on Sunday fast and Rev. R. J. McCor- mick of Holmebville in the evening, The League meeting Monday even- ing was in charge of • the misonary department, the sated of study be- ing Japan. WILLIS CHURCH. ' ReV. Joseph Elliott of Goderich Oc- cupied the pulpit Morning and even- ing on. Sunday, preaching very an- ceptabily. At the •evening service Miss • Barbara MeIvoe rendered a solo. Rally Day in connection with the Sunday School will be observed the last Sunday in the month, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. Work on the new addition is going along steadily and when it is com- pleted, in the course of a few weeks, a decided improvement will be oh - served. ' In addition to the greater room in the school house proper, roorin which was Much needed, the building will be attached to the ves- try of the church, which will prove to be a great convenience. rraica READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING • On DER ED CLoTIIING FALL T!ME • MEANS NEW CLOTHES For .Your Bog and lve've gathered together a lot of new suits and overcoats for style, *quality and price will outclass any stock you'll see elsewhere. WE HAVE MADE THE VALUE EXTREMELIY BIG THIS SEASON and you'll be delighted when you see Ibhat ex- cellent clothes you get for little money. ghese big value are going to attract a lot of new cus- • tomers to our Boys' Department.• BRING THE BOY HERE, and let him .slip on the coat of a new fall suit. • Note how 'WU it fits, how flat the collar sets around the neck, that the sleeves are long enougb and fatly fashioned, then realize that careful tailoring makes all of these features of fit and style lasting and you knolls why 'toe are anxious to have every boy and his parents to find out about - The Exceptional Quahttes of our BOi S Clothes. r.... ,••, M�tto: "A Square Deal for Every B�y." iews 05? )1-01-1`4 • . . LAURANT 86: COMPANY:Y., The great niegiCiane will appear in the. town' hall on Tuesday next. This company appeared inthe' Grand (Meta, house.,, Tottneto", last week' so , the citizens of :Clinton are assured of 411 entertainment or the highest °lase,' PRIZE WINNERS, ' Secure your seats now, as the plan - • is filling up. Plan at Fair's. MARRIED AT LEAMINGTON. • • Misb'Agnes.: M, Thomson, 'who for a couple Of years 'Was a resident of town during which:.she made a 1111111, bet of friends, was married at Leam- ington on Wednesday of Jest week to Mr. lirdmund Nicholson of that place, Mr, and Mrs. Nicholson will their home • in Leamington. Tlie bride's Clinton • friends waft good wishes. • MY.' A. J. Grigg exhibited - fifteen of his' chickena at the London Fair and notwithstanding the keenest of competition won seven firsts, three seconds and two thirds. Twelve out of fifteen' is about My. Grigg's • us- ual-record—few poultry fanciers can beat it. : TEMPERANCE FIELD DAY. Sunday aext being Temperance Field Day, the pulpits of the town will be occupied by, representatives of the Dominion Alliance as follows : Rev. -Dr. Abraham of Toronto will preach in Ont. street church in the morning and in Willis church in the evening. Rev, Mr. Silcox will oc- cupy the Baptist pulpit in the morn- ing and that of Wesley church in the evening. VISITED MURPHY LoDG-E. Rev. IV A. Fish of Owen Sound organizer for. the Grand Lodge, visit- ed Murphy Lodge on Thursday even- ing last and initiated ta" ven or eight new members at the same time gathering in several who, coining from other lodges and -neglecting • to identify themselves with the local lodge, were in a way of wandering from the fold. Mr. Fish is a (meek- er of ability and seems to be thor- oughly up in his work. TO INFORCE THE LAW. S. A. NOTES. . Next Sunday will be annual Har- vest Festival Sunday in connection with the, Salvation Army. - In the hall special services will be conducted et 11.00 a. m. 8.00 p. m, and 7.30 p. m., the building will be buitably decorated for the ThankOgiving ser- vices. In connection with the H. F. el - fort, gilts of goods as well as cash are being received, and these will be sold on Monday night next. Every- body has a hearty invitation to these special meetings, SOME REAL ESTATE GRANGES. Several changes of residence will be taking place in Clinton e'er the snow flies. Mr. T. T. Murphy, who recently sold his cottage on Ratten- bury street to Mr. Henry, has pur- chased Mr. • T. A. Greig's handsome residence on .1Cirle street and. will shortly take possession. Mr. Greig has leased Mr. Wesley Walker's cot- tage on Huron street and will move into it as soon as the latter has vacated' it to take posseseion of the fine O'Neil property on High street which he recently purcliated. COST HIM TWENTY -POUR. A young chap came down from Goderich on Thursday of last week "pretty well corned." He was so noticably so that a Samaritan at the station advised him not to go -up town, adding "It you do the cop will gather you in." However, he was The C. N. R., telegraph company, sufficiently exhilarated to be regard- whose local agent is the Cooper Co., less of the possible consequences and and who for 1 if ty years have, been along he came. At the Bank cor- telling us just what sort 01 weather ner Chief Wheatley sure enough took we might expect during the follow - him in charge and, as expeditiously ing twenty-four hours, beginning with as possible, the youig man went this week instead ot issuing the through the experience elf being coop- "Probs" at eight o'clock' a.m. will ed, tried, fined and, h» lieu of a issue them at eleven a. rt. In con' twenty -dollar Sine with four dollars 'sensation for having to wait so long cost, jailed. In the county castle he before finding out what kind of a in now meditating on the folly of day it is going to he the new regul-• not taking good advice when it was of- ation provides »for the publishing of fered him. The moral is : Don't the probabilities for the following come to Clinton with too console- day as well, So when arranging for • uous a load of booze,- either inside a picnic or other outing a glance at or in kegs. . • the bulletin today will give one an idea as to what may be expected in the ONE WAY OF MAKING MONEY. Way of weathem r toorrow. Wheth- Mr. -D. °enteren has for years ad- er thie chatige will have any material vocated the cultivating and- spraying of orchards as a means: to an end, the end being greater profit to: the orchardist. As the seasons , roll a- long and his • experience • widens he becomes more and more convinced of this. Last week he bought 1800 barrels and 4300 boxes of apples from Mr. C. J. Harris of Ingersoll, who has orchards: of his own and rents other. M. Harris ivas formerly in the Government eniploy and went about the country preaching the bettex care of orchards. What Ire preached he now outs into practice. He cultiv- ates his orchards and sprays them at proper. intervals. He also has his trees gone carefully over •early in the season and all the small and inferior apples picAd oft which is better for those which remain and brings a- bout an even crop. Mr. Cantelon says that in' all his long experience he hover saw such apples on ,trees. Over ninety per- cent will be No. 1. . Mr. Hartis will have all his boxed fruit individually wrapped and has brought over, a high -salaried Ameri- can expert to teach hib men how to do' it. The apples are carefully sel- ected wrapped and packed in tiers and will command the highest price going. They are chiefly intended for the cheice: .Onterio • market 'though some of 'them will be shipped west. For the Harris Stook it is needless to say,. the ;highest possible price was Paid and there has been • com- petition among the big dealers to MOVING INTO TOWN. Mr. W. Crich, the courier of R. 11. No, 5, who has been residing upon the- London Road a mile south, has decided to move into town and has rented Mr. John Snider's house On Huron street. The couriers ate find- ing that it is necessary, in order to save time and wear and tear of out- fit, to get as max the postal, centre as possible. LITTLE LOCALS. A meeting of the Local Option com- mittee was held; on) Tuesday eyeing when the working out of the law, was tally dieleussed Gratifying reportivere received from the ward committees regarding the benefits already re- sulting and it was .decided that every assistance should be given the local officers in having a Strict obser- vance ot the law. In order to make the enforcing 'of Local Option more effective it was decided to offer a reward or twenty-five dollars for in- formation which will lead to the convietion of anyone selling liqour Within the municipality. :11,LI:SPEAK WELL OF HY'DRO, The Hydro pole planters are now within three miles or Goderich and in a very shott time will have- 'com- pleted their work. Everybody says they are making a splendid job. .ds one good farmer said : "Survey the poles from an elevation and so straightly planted are they that they beam as but one pole." The tree -trimming gang ate busy on their portion of the work and are pushing it along as rapidly as pos- sible. Between tile Hydro wire and tree tops at least ten feet must in- tervene. Should they touch there would be trouble, The Bell Telephone people can learn not a little but much from the Hydro management in the matter of poles, planting, etc. Anything that has the length is apparently good enough for the Bell's, that is in pole A 'LITTLE CHANGE, News -Record to Jan. 1914 for 25c. Good Morning ! How does your sub to The NewS-Reeord stand ? The lab- el tells the story. The Women's' Institute will meet at Mrs. George Levis' nest Thursday ar- tunoon. In sending in his sub to The News - Record a subscriber writes : "It would hardly seem like living . with- out The' People's Paper." ATT'RACTIVE WINDOWS. window dressing is an art and sey- oral of our local dealers excel there, in. For instance, there is Percy (Medi who has been a leader sines his primary days in the old Palace. A. J. Morrish of the Morrish Cloth- ing Company always has a window exhibit that draws the passerby. Everybody crosO:ng or rounding the Morrish corner admires the display so well arranged in the Morrish win dows. • HolmesVille some .0i the - farmers -are' digging, ,derne to Hayfield', Fait FEicley, oe • . • their potatoes and in some cases re- next,,week, . ' port signs of blight 'appearing, as Mrs, Eugene Saader is. the guest • , lat- season. • • of her Parents Me and Mrs. II. W. Corn cutting is also in order 9,s Lr vin • the recent frosts would' injure tbe There- died al: Medicine . feeding qualities of the crop ,11 lett o.n Saturday last John Paul...Halley, , to harden. , in. Ms thirty -filth. year- Intern:mat Much ' sympathy is • expressed for '`,„v1„,11- be flied° le the, °avileld' eerie • 'Mr. 'and" Mrs, :Larder in the death'. ot ' ' ' • their infant ehild, which occurred on, Sunday last. The inteeior of the basement Oi the church is being re -decorated. On Sunday n101:fling , last in "the Methodiet church Mr. Dyer, an Atill- enian student, gave a little talk des- cribing somewhat ,the persecutions •of his- people' by the Turks and the faithfulness and devotion of the Arm, entails; Mr. Dyer also delivered a lecture on Monday evening on the "Manners, Customs and Industries of Armenia." The :talk was very inter- esting and fall of humour. » His des- cription of the social life and habits of the people was illustrated by cos- tumes with which several of the young people of the congregation ar- rayed themselves. A special feature was the costumes worn and the man- ner of a native marriage ceremony. There was a good turnout and the theevening's program was niuch en- joyed.News-Record to Jan. • for 250, Miss Susie Acheson was in Gode- rich on Saturday last. - . Miss Elliott went to SeaCorth last week, A large number from thisvicinity attended the Western Fair last week. Our Public school is progressing finely under the direction ot Miss Robinson, who is painstaking. and thorough. The Poultry station begins to Put on a new activity owing to the fall influx of fowl for fattening. A very large trade in eggs was carried on during the summer. Miss Ellie Snowden of Varna was the guest of I-Ioltnesville friends over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Tebbute of Redlands, California, celebrated the sixteenth arreivetsarY or their mar- riage et the home of the lady's brother; Mr, S. T. Walter ,recently. About fifty gueots were present and The Dibltrict Epworth. League Con- vention will be held in the Method- ist; church here on Monday and Tues- day next. As this annual meeting is usually largely attended there will no doubt be quite a gathering and the hospitable people hereabouts are making preparations to entertain the delegates. 111r. A. J. Courtice returned Sat- urday atter a fortnight's visit with his sister at Orillia and with Tor- onto friendsIle, of course, took in the big Pair at the Queen City, which has grown to large dimenbiona since his first visit to it many years ago. Ills bro ther-in -law, Mr. 0. 13rayley of Orillia, was just at the edge or the fire district and lost quite a lot ot valuable timber in the fires which did so much damage in the northern ,country recently, but his buildings incl other property were uninjured. Mrs, "McCormick is just recovering from a rather severe attack of bron- chitis. ' TEACHERS' MEETING, The meeting of the. East Huron Teachers' Association will be lield in Clinton on October Oth and 101h, bit, Emery, science master in the Strat- ford Normal .School, will give two addreOJes, and for the evening meet- ing a lecture on Scott with illus- trative readings will be given by the Rev. Mr, MacMillan, The rest of the programme will be taken up with papers aril discussion by the teachers of the coanty. Altogether a most successful meeting is' anticip- ated. Programmes will be sent out at an early date. Teachers and the public are cordially invited to • at- tend. - A COP'S MISTAKE, In answer to a summons served on him in Clinton a resident of that town appeared in the Toronto Police Court charged with disturbing wor- ship in a Toronto church by sound- ing his automobile horn. He pleaded not guilty, and the case was dlseniss- ed. It appears that a mistake 'was made, and that the accused hadi not had his car in the city on the date of the offence or for a month before that, yet he had to come 120 miles to plead to the charge. He had to bear this expense and loss or time because a policeman blundered and because no one .had gone to the trouble to find out if he liad really been in the city --Tuesday's Mail and Empire. The citizen referred to is Mr. A. J. McMurray. COSTS MUST BE MEI'. •• It is somewhat understood that the Centre Huron license board will ask the town council to set aside one hundred dollars to defray the ex- pense of . enforcing Local Option. ' This is a duty that devolves upon the municipalities which are expected effectupon the weather remains to be to recoup themselves out of the fin - seen, but looking at the matter from all points The News -Record is in- clined to the opinion that we'll just have to take it at it collies • as heretofore. • C. M. S. NEWS. The literary society in connection with the Model class held. their first regular meeting in the Sunday school room of Wesley church on Tuesday evening, A 2 number of outsiders were invited and there was a large gathering and an interesting program. Mr. L. _Farrell, the president, oc- cupied "the chair, his speech consist- ing of a feW 'well chosen and ' grace- ful remarks, Miss Schram gavo an Miss Cunningham, who has been instrumental which was appreciated ; »supplying in S. S. No. 4 South for PrincipaloHhoeseuckgheavael aa andexcellenththil cd,,-. :The News-litecord leads for Holmes- two weeks, lel t for her home at yille news, , Port Albert on Saturday. The 11'sleissmIlifaaiKlreerazejeonatiabuw13eyditea Miss Snider of Jarvis is the guest trustees of this sehool are as ye.t sof her frieEaendsinbus :viinty.. aunt, Mr8h'1.cLalddl,ana unable srsa0 to. secureesarkpRiesdacalinelr. Shipley and' Oanieron rendered a :!'bbe:hGco. Dou- quartette ; the Glee Crue gave a sel- Mr Young of Cloderich preached in glas have bought the nom and feed ection ; Mr, Houck gave a reading ; the Methodist church on Sunday '.ev- store frOM Louis JeffrOY; Vaiticil, and steam speeches, were delivered by Mrening, the pastor being absent taking will take possession in ,Octeber. Mt. cameroni Miss Kearns and Mr. Wal- the service in Wesley cbutqh'Olin- Sparks will have a sale betote. leav- liar, each of wIloni quitted himselfing, for to1vn. Hgrass 'and intends to gra' and herseit wet) ; miss Wylie gave a Tile milk gatherers for 'elle, • cheese bis farm. Me.,1)thigras who has lived recitation and the "11'4'e-01301er," -the factory have been obliging their pat- in Hensall since selling his Farm will elarn. lispanrpoeirdeTA paper, ya:T:111d. by Thishela editor,tterrens by delivering 'the .maii along aise move to,,,turich. We wiSh them mduring • ',%e'eds lapiPse lInai ini:eyer erl)nai onitIde6d hu,n, eeeny nyll ,eerl hsenvteorf 711totheise, nt'llweeoni r°1s. m' :sieuire:7 ba ting staTireavh Ira° rseeljedmnvinebenyr, sCuiRetcybevs:s ''aidiwe ha rd sW avn; si 'ref n g° hMi s 4etak ti lhawo close who wene mere itnmediately i:enpee soon be 'diseePtintled, 110Wc- Mr, John Wanless, . • ciaogneeorfneldh.e; tg,e tram sfiarasetessmcanatd-.. n—clf ,'isehyPenratlhawNhvo4gnqao's aceoataebettao!latinlige frrei:rnedts'. lames ,postoffice will their' bate boxes aol bbsis in - Very 'poor health at 'Pre-' gave promise of better 'thingS • 10 be served PY one oranother' of the So far here there has been no re- couping. The first ciftender escaped from' the lock-up and the second hav- ing no money had to go 1.6 jail— both of these transgressors wine, by the, way, drunks from outside. As booze fighters. from. abroad will in/ the future in all probablity turn their stray steps in other directions, and locally there is a commendable adaptation to existing conditions, the expense of enforcement for some time to come may hardly be worth a par- agraph. • Holrnesvilte Miss Mary Reid and sister, wiles,' Ida, left last' ' week for a 11150» ' months' trip. to the west. , IVIrs. Andrew Low and Slater, Miss Edith McDonald ot Port Dover, are' the 'guests, of their aunt, IVIts. John Toms. , • Miss IC. Gibson is the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Stanbury. Rev. Mr. Macfarlane occupied his . own pulpit on Sunday and lett on Monday for Collingwood to Visit bis sister. Miss Cr arrett and Miss Mothershed, who have spent the past two months in the -village, left on Monday for then: home in Wasington, D. C. Willie Brandon of Wingham .is vis- iting his mother at present. , — Miss Clondell, of New York is the -guest .01her brother, RCN,. J. 1-1., rectory. Ath ma_rt °widen, arid of Mrs. Condell at the etry. . , Catlin, who has been fishing at, Port Stanley Inc the past few months, returned to the village last week. Miss Hinds of Toronto is the guest of her rather, Rev. Mr. I-linde. Mist) Dunn of Ingersoll is visiting Miss Margaret Campbell. Mrs,: Ewing, Mrs. (Dr.) Smith and Master Kenneth Smith left last week for Toronto where they will reside. Mr. John Gerninhardt and wile of Detroit are visiting friends in the Village and vicinity. Barring accident, such as a spell of bad weather, the fall fair this year promises to be the best ever and the authorities are confidently, looking forward to a big gathering on Thursday and Friday of: !next week. On Friday evening a ',g'tanci concert will be given in the town hall, a London company, composed of the following artistS, being the per- formers : Mr. Floyd McPhail, bar - i tone and entertainer ; Prof. Dunn, leader on the 25th regular band, sing- er and solo cornet player ; Miss• Jen- nie Steel, pianist and soloist, and Stanley Warner, comedian and enter- tainer. Popular prices for seats, twenty-five cents and thirty-five cents. Harvest thanksgiving services were held on Sunday last in the English churches of Hayfield, Closhen and Varna, when the Rev. T. 1-I. Brown of Seaforth preached very eloquent and instructive sermons to over- flowing congregations. The people of each congregation were greatly, pleased with the preacher and Mr. Brown will be sure of. a warm wel- come whenever he in future visits these 'churches. The the-ill:offering at each service was very large. Mr. Mess, who has been asbisting ' Rill'. Mr. Condell during the sum- mer months, took in the Western .... _ Pair in London last week. The ladies ot the Home Missionary Society of St. Andrew's church met at the home of Mrs, CopeXand on More day evening, of last week Inc a social hour together. During • the evening the following address was read and • Mrs. .(Dr.) Smith was presented with a beautifully bound hymn hook and. Stanleg Township MrS., Ewing with a handsome caser- • ole, in recognition of their valtiable• We are going to Bayfield Fair on services in connection with the Soc- Friday o1 next week. iety ;—"To the President and Seere-• Mr. Jacob Kennel and family of tary of the IL M. S. : We, the ladies; Blake, who have been living in a of the 1 -borne Mission Society of St. eerircd house since losing their own Andrew's church; Hayfield, have by fire, have gone to New Ram- learned with keen regret of your in- burg where they intend to reside in tended departure from our midst. Ever since you became members of t• ORO society you have given of your best to the furtherance of its inter- , ests. You have spared neither time future. What might have resulted in a ser- iotts accident, it not fatal, was nar- rowly averted on Saturday evening. Alter finishing threshing, at Mr. Harry Zapfe's the men moved the separator forward to the edge of the gangway but in doing so too much strength had been exerted and it went down the grade full bang into the engine. Mr. Wm. Douglas, who had the tongue hung on till the last minute. The front of both engine and separator were somewhat dam- aged but after a few, days' delay the ask }mu to accept thesesmall repaitls were on hand and Mr. Thirsk gifts, . trusting ,that yont et• is wfibcking away again with his old forts in the • larger field of work which we feel sure you will en- ter upon in your new home will be crowned with as great success as they were here. And we .hope that as you continue your work in a new field these will serve to remind you of the citele of friendb, met here to bid you. farewell and wibei you every blesoMg.—E. Stanbury, vice Presid- ent, S. J. Chesney, treasurer. 1 i _1 e e not thought to make it a success , and increase its usefulness, You have ever been ready to assist in every fresh effort proposed and we„ as a society, feel that much of our success during thepast few years is dna to your splendid work as our president and secretary. As a slight token, therefore, of our appreciation of your valuable services We would time vim:* Mr. Oscar Klapp is busy cutting cern, for the fanners of thio Corn -binders seem to be few ,as yet. The people of this -neighborhood turned out en masse to Zurich • Fa4r, yesterday and today. Mr. Wm. Fee is. the first farmer of the neighborhood to sport an auto. We understand more are to follow Varna • We are going to Hayfield Fair on Friday of next week. ,. St. John's church held 'their an- nual harvest \festival on Sunday last, when Rev. Mr. Brown of Seatorth preached a special -sermon. There was a' good congregation and the thank - offering was most encouraging. Mrs. Johns and 1VItbs JohnS left • Thursday on a visit to Chicago fri- ends. Miss Effie SI (ler' spent the week- end with IICIniesville friends. Rev, Mr. Steadman or Elinivalo ,pteached 'Very acceptably in the Meth- °dist, church on Sunday evening, the oaStor being at Milverton, AJ large number from hereabOuts ate. " tended the Western Fait at London last week NeYes-Reeord to Jam:1914:19r 85e. ' No,,,es-Reord, to Jan, 1914 for 25c.