The Clinton News Record, 1913-09-11, Page 8News -Record Bargains in F -trnitnre Dining Roons Sets Buffet with long Bevel Mirror, lined'drawers,, display shelf above, diners -5 small 1 arm large extension table round or square k cut oak finish, .regular $51,00 for $45.00; Combination Sideboard and China Cabine,t, a beautiful piece for the dining room, slstyles $20.00, 5'24.00,'$27.00. White Brass Beds Sanitary, Beautiful and Comfortable at 53.00 to . $15.10 each.. Dresser and: Stand Princess dressers, large Bevel Mirror, Swell front drawers, Mahogany Vaheered with stand 'to, Match. regular $24.00 for ;,20;00 • Window Shades, Picture Frames and Boom Moulding at low prices, Phone 7 and S, Free Auto Delivery, J. H. CHELLEW Estate Blyth Furniture, Undertaking' Asammetooramasrpl A Good Time To paint buildings, roof and put on new roofs to be prepared for fall. We have a good supply of Sherwin-Williams paints. The ,popular Brantford roofing, good enough ,for any mansion, also the cheaper grades suitable, fox -sheds, chicken mouses and hog pens. We have a.spec- ial carbon roof paint for old roofs.. We have a full, stock of brass and iron steam fittings, -rubber and as- bestos packing, Peerless polarine and cylinder oils, leather belting and belt laces. A. good supply of window glass and putty, coiled spring, barbed wire and Daisy post hole augers. Harland giros. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES. DESIONLR o,,* 17049es'tvi, pump.' e, { SEPTEMBER Is The Housewives' Number. Full of articles on things every home-Ioving woman; delights in reading about. Single copy, 10 cents at the Pattern Counter Ask about our liberal subscription offers. W. D. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest - Always the Best 1r■■1111111-arrM1•1111 11/11111111•11111111111111111111111 —lily IYEARSe,OF ADHERING STRICTLY TO THE POLICY, The Best At Every Price Always" Has established for us a reputation for good shoes that is second to none. L Spend a half hour in our Shop looking over the new fall Styles and we will prove to you that baying of us means a distinct:advantage to you and a positive assurance of being corn rectly fitted with shoes that makes them truly distinctive and exclusive. I�:' JACKSON TAC SON IIIIMIIIMINIS •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••N••1'••••••• IBIG SAVING• • On All Summer • Goods i G 3 very special lines for oz Sa urdav- G rldren's Wash Suits at 05c. DRY 000DS-SUMMER CLOTHING AND SUzM;RSHOESALLPIOED FOR QUICK SELLING. • a We have about two dozen of these suits left,some madeinNor- • : folk coat and bloomer pants and others with bloue and bloomer n , and all regular $1.00and lines Saturdayy choicefor - pants Z , 51,25 6,rc, • 4», WOMEN'S PUMPS and OXFORDS $1.29 •? P • t• Patent colt shoes -Odd lines and broken sizes of lines that sold • ,. • at $1.75 to $2,25. Saturday choice $1.29. • a ' MEN'S SUMMER, COATS• 98c. •• i wonderfully low yrice-Regular price $1.25.: Saturday 80c. ALSO SOME WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN. RUGS, LACE CUR- j. TAINS, LADIES WAIST AND WHITE UNDERWEAR. , ,•. j'SMALL , PMORE i 'PROFITS S S . BUSINESS � USINESS t • NN.•••••N/N•e•••••••.•••• ••••44 IWhybuy y asmock when you can buy a nice dressy coat at this ':.DUNFORD MAY 1 • Furniture Dealers and-- 1 nd--- ♦ Funeral e 1 Die � Mors... Phone 104 s • • PRONE 127 —I, IGfT AND SWNDAY CALLS— PHONE 194 Y JAMES DUNFORD JOHN MAY • *•!•••• 4N•NM001♦..••4/'x1*.0.0•..NM ••,• *4.* 410• Miss Marion Irwin is in London this week. Mr. James Wylie visited over the week -end with Goderich friends, Miss Jean Ross left last : week for Seaforth to resume her position in Stewart Bros. millinery. Miss Susie Johnson of Zurich is the guest of her uncle And aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnson. Mr. Robert Mason has been on a vis- it to friends in Blyth, Auburn and vicinity during the past week. Miss Rose McCaughey went to Blyth last Friday and is spending a few days with relatives in that burg. Good Morning I To have their names included in The Newd-Record's'per- sonal columns is a courtesy due your visitors. Mr. and Mrs. James Mahaffy spent a few days recently with their daughter, Mrs. Win. Sparks of Stanley township, Mrs. Walter Morris and daughter Marjorie' of Clinton are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Osborne. -Lis towel Standard. Mr. Joshua Cole, after several weeks visit among Clinton friends, left last Thursday to spend a few; days with relatives about Georgetown. Mr, 1. Rattenbury, Mrs. J. Ratten- bury, Miss Hattie Holloway, Miss Davidson and Miss M'Iercer made; up an auto party to Grund Bend on Sunday. Mr. Roy,CGlrigg of the staff of the Bank of Montreal, FiamiIton, is Holidaying at his hone in town. Be visited in TOronto last week, taking in the big Fair. Mrs. A. De La Penetoire and}er i • two children, who had been visit- ing with her mother, Mrs. Bris- towe, for three weeks, returned to Niagara. Falls on Saturday last ac- companied byM . D Mr. La •'en tot Pc F e ze who came up the evening previous, Rev, Dr. Stewart returned to 'Toron- to orFridaY after spending the week the guest of Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas. Walkinshaw. Dr. Stewart, while supplying at Seaforth " and Brucefield during the :;past couple of months, has taken the opportun- ity of visiting his many friends in town and surrounding vicinity by whclm he is held in very high es- teem. Mr. Elisha Townsend, : who since 'taking a course at. the Holiness Workers' Training School, Ottawa, has hadh charge a of a 'er circuit at g r Cookshire,. Que., spent'; the-' past week visiting old friends in town and' relatives 'it= es in Fiullebt township., He also visited his sisters in Tor- onto and his brother in London. Elidhh is thoroughly in love with his work and is looking well. Mr. D. Cantelon o met w'' ttha rather r painful p accident the other day which happened in a very simple manner. He was staying over night`in an hotel in a neighboring, town and before retiring he pro seeded to open a window in his room. On doing so he found that the :shutter outside was also closed and on endeavoring to unfasten it the window, which 'he had failed. to prop, came down en his right hand giving it a nasty bruise.. The consequence is s tl at A. C.has had to nurse that reviler ever since. Mr. and Mrs; J. W: Irwin, their daughter, Miss Agnes Irwin, Lon- don, and Miss MlcLaws,.St. `,Thom- as, together with their son, Dr. W. W. Irwin and wife, Moosejaw, Sask., were in town Saturday and Sunday and ' exchanged greetings with many old-time friends who were all glad to meet 'them again. This is the Dr's first visit to the old, town for several, years. Hehas a fine practice at Mooscjaw and has, as well, clone well in real es- tate .In short he has no reason to regret the day he. located in the prairie town. The " Dr. . and wife have been east now three weeks but return west again this week. The party atitoed to Clinton, then to Coderich and back to the city by way of Bayfield and Grand i Bend. September Tlth, !9I musuemmagra FIRST STIOWING OF THE NEW FALL COA' mart rao ive 'lodeis ■ n Ladies' Wear. We have just passed into 'stock thirty-five exclusive ladies' coats collected from several -of the largest manufacturers. These coats are the very latest Amer- ican styles, made from soft pure wool tweed, three-quarter cut -away, trimmed with large buttons and frogs to match, shipped to us for early buying, and no two styles alike. Come in and, see this beautiful range. We will be': pleased to show you through as a buyer or riot, SWEATER COATS FOR 11EN, WOM- EN, CHILDREN The new sweat- .- er coats for ear- ', ly fall wear are now in stock comprising t h e very newest col- or combinations, in styles right up to the minute as in former. 'years. We are showing- n.othing but the products of the best manufac- turers and every garment guaran- teed. Prices run from $1 to $5. BOYS' ''CLOTHING MADE IN CLINTON This season we are showing a large range of boys clothing made by the Jackson Manufactur- • ing Co. which alone guar- antees good value and. workmanship. Eve.xy suit passed into our, stock has passed through an experts hands and thoroughly guaranteed. Cloths and styles..this'season are ex oeptional; a call will con- vince you of the fact. 'Pric- es run from .$4 up. About People You Know Miss Mary McCaughey visited friends in Blyth last week, Mr, John Shaw has returned after_a visit in Toronto of several weeks: Mr. Guy Sewell of Buffalo is spend- ing the week with Prof. and Mrs. Bristowe. Mr. James Rath of Acton Was the guest last week of 'his sister, Mrs. S. Kemp. Miss Marion Harland has • returned borne after a fortnight's visit with: Stratford friends. Miss L,Covan of Blyth th andMiss McManus f a o Goderich.visited in town on Friday zdaYa I itt: Mrs. Thos. East has been visiting Mrs. R. P. Bell of Seaforth for the past couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Atkinson • and Mist Eileen t e n moto •ed z to Exeter on Saturday evening, returning Suer - day. Rev, D. K, Mrs. Grant and f ily have returned from Bayfield, where they spent the summer months. Mrs •Boles left Tuesday on: a visit te. her son, Mr. Frank Boles of Cooks- town, Minn. She will be absent, several weeks. Master Oliver Johnson returned last week from Toronto, where -he spent the vacation with his brother, Mr, H. C. Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Evans and the latter's cx s sistez, Mrs. Woodman of Boston, were in London attending tire Fair on Tuesday. Miss Sadie Mahff Mahaffy, who has been spending the past couple of months with friends in the west, is ex- pected hmne this week. Mrs. A, J. Grigg and Miss Helen re- turned,.last week after - a month's visit with friends nd in London St. Thomas, Windsor o N ndso and Detroit. Messrs. Gordon Cuningharne and Rus- sel Murdock carne in/ from camp onMn Monday. ay The latter is spending a few days in town, the guest of the former. Mrs. Jas. Johnstone of Mill street and Mrs. Fred. 1Vhutch, both of whomi leave been very ill, are im- proving rapidly, the many friends will be pleased to know. Messrs.. Fred.illie G s W. S. R Holmes, Jas. Paxman and -Jones composed an auto party which took a run down to St. Mary's on mTuesday to witness the'lacrosse atch. Rev, Dr. and Mrs. Rutledge left this week for Windsor, where they will visit their daughter, Mrs. Shilling - ton, for a ,fortnight. They' went by motor car, taking a couple of 'days for tire trip, Mr. T. Jackson, Jr., leaves • today for Halifax where he will attend. tire annual meeting of the ' Manu- facturers' A ssociation. Mrs. Jack- son accompanies him and they will be absent a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Iioflick" and children,, who have been visiting their grandmother, Mrs. John Lay- ton,,. and their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. .John Walker, returned to their home in Berlin last Weelr, Miss Nettie Was:nan is spending the I week in London. Mr. J. A. Irwin was a London vis- e itor for a few days this week. Mrs. E. Saville visited her: parents in I-htllett during the past week. Mr. and M cis. G. J. Stewart visited friends at Berlin the past week, Dr. Field of Goderich was in town one day recently, not officially, but just calling on friends. MIr. and Mrs, Perkins of Winnipeg t havebeen een i n town for a few days Y vtJittn rbc, frit •' er s mother, other Mrs. Pratt. Wilmer Wallis, eldest son of Mr. C. J Wallis of town, now holds a position in the sporting goods de partutent of the ;Eaton store, Tor - Rev. H. M. \Iann'ng, formerly pas- tor of Wesley church, Clinton, has given up, the active work of the ministry s r.y aid taken up his residence in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Erwin and their youngest son. of Bayfield were in town Friday afternoon last. They just returned from an auto trip to Berlin and Toronto, having gone with their son-in-law, Mr. Sander of .Berlin. The genial Harry had enjoyed. the motor ride, .the visit to the big Fair and the whole out- ing and will no doubt do all the work r , e ork far the change. • Dr. Edna Guest, one of the most popular of the women 1 •i ' p tys scans of Toronto, has given up her practice. in order to accept, thechair of Anatomy'' in the Women's Christian Medical College, at Ludianna, In-. dia. She sailed from. San Fran et sco on the 10th inst. and will spend keine P r one time in Japan and China eat route., She is a dattgirter of Mr. John Guest of Clinton. Mr. J. J. Tilley, Toronto, is in 'town this week paying the Col- legiate an official visit. Mr. Tilley has a great many years occupied a prominent place in tire -educational hie of this Province. Several years age, beginning to feel the weight of years, he accepted superannuation but at the request of the 1 Depart- ment, cPart-ment, which wish tovail a itself of his ability and long experience, he accepted partial duty. To such amen as Mr. Tilley Ontario is greatly indebted. Mr. W. G. Smyth returned on Satur- day Rom an eight weeks/ trip to tire west the greater part of the tithe being spent in the Saskatoon district. He -noted the rapid growth of the country, the great 'influx, of settlers and all that, hilt 'Le saw as well a vast amount c.f' carless farming and it was just as amp ii - est to our worthy citizen its rt is to all ,observant; travellers - that that class of farmers roust: (tent- ually go to the wail. Mr. Smyth had a pleasant trip, but he is glad to get tack and is now thoroughly convinced. that Ontario of all the provinces Of this great Donminion the greatest, • The News From Londesboro Mrs. 1, Saville of Clinton visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. James Webster this week, Mr. E. Ashley of Kingston, who has been visiting the Misses . Milian, returned to his home this week. Mrs. E. Bell spent the week end with London friends. Mr. A. Vodden and family attended the reception tendered. Mr. and Mrs. Wnz.. Vodden at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jenkins of Goderich town- ship on Tuesday evening. . Mr.• Mrs. rs. Thos. Nott, who have been•-si ze (lentsf this o h S t �ownshiP, . for over forty years, expect to rehire frofn their lanai on the 8th con. ere long and take up their abode in Lon- desboro. We wiII all be glad to have them settle in our midst for we know._ them well and esteem them highly:' Itis now forty -tour years since Mr. Nott o t cams out from Dev- onshire, England, and ndl with the ex- ception of a few months all this time has been spent in our township. I-iullett was pretty nruch a wilder- ness forty-four years ago but now it is one.ot the most fertile and well cultivated townships in all Ontario. The News -Record gives the ' news df Lonclesboro and I:Jullett. Are you a subscriber. 'To the end of 11913 [or twenty-five cents, Rev. J. H. Osterhout, and family u London autoed to ado on Tuesday. Quite a number front here spent Tuesday at London Fair. Miss Elsie Adams of Chicago ar- rived home Tuesday, having been, called home on account ,of the . ill- ness of her mother, Mrs. Thomas Adams, Sr. We hope for her speedy; recovery, . The infant Iron of Mr. A. Qfiinne of Ettrick died on Tuesday at the home of Idr. M. Braithwaite. The re- mains will be taken to. Ettrick" on. Thursday for interment r . Y The funeralI o the late Mrs. Thos. Manning,who departed this v d th s life early Monday morning, was. held Wednesday. The interment was made at -the Union cemetery. Deceased' was 82 years andfive months and was 'as well as usual untilSatur- day Sa r - day afternoon when she was seized' with a slight! stroke. She was up on Sunday morning but during the day site was taken worse and con- tinued so until Monday morning When the end came. She is survived by . a husband' and two sons, Charles of the 13th con, and John of Wood- stock. Mr, and Mrs. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Geddes, Mrs. Cole, and.' Mrs. .Shedden, all 'of Belgrave were at the funeral Mrs. Manning was a Presbyterian, being a member'- of" Knox church for a number 01 years. Those bereft of wife, and mother have the deepest sympathy of the .com- munity. ond1 i unity• i Your Fall Shoes. rmorro,H THE NEW MODELS We are showing in foot- wear t wear for the newe falland winter Reason faithfully reproduce all the style features of the highest priced, custom-made. We can meet every possiblerequirement re uirement at moderate expense and guarantee thorough satisfac tion with every pair. They are refined styles, made of the very best ma- terials, and easily stand at the head for quality and value. REPAIRING. --Mr. A. Wilken has taken over our 'Repairing Department and is prepared to meet all your requirements in that 11111114•111111111t, H. S. CHAPMAN Successor to J. Twitchell & Son