The Clinton News Record, 1913-09-11, Page 6GUARD BABY'S HEALTH IN THE summeR, 'The summer months are the most dangerous to littae ones. The coin- , plaints of that season, whieli dre cholera .inlantum, colic, diarehbea, and dyeeetry, come on so quithly thee often st!atittle one,' i• beyond itiel before tire mother realizea he ie ill. The mother most be, on her guard to "prevent these troubles, or, if they -do come on staidessly, to euae them. No other medicine is of such .(1 to mothers ditring hot weather as is Baby's Oven Tablets. They LION -HUNTING IN A &MEL Exeiting Thne in BIrntingham England. The man who trains wild animals must always be prepared for adven- tures, even when he,least expects thon• During a kir in Birming- ham, England, says Mr, Frank 13os- tock in the Scout, we attenapted to transfer a fine African lion from a small cage to a larger one, where the crowds cottlel more easily see him. The animal was in an ugly mood, and leaped into the largei compertment with such force that regulate the stomach amd bowels the two cages rolled away from each and are !absolutely eafe. Sold by other, ahd left a space between the medic'im deer's br by mail at 25 doors, through which he promptly conts a box,frowThe Dr. Williams' jumped. In.aaother minute he was lliedidne 00, Brdnkailla, Ont. out in the streets of Birmingham. As he ran along, roaring fiercely ,SLEI1P AND NOISE. at the crowd that quickly collected, he came to the opening of one of the city" sewers, and into this he sprang. Then he disappeared, but as he passed aloag the sewer ho stopped at every manhole to roar again, until the whole earth scent- ed to be full of angry lions. By that time all Birmingham knew what had happened, and I realized that I must do something at once to stop the panic that was spreading everywhere. . First of all, we set an empty cage against the sewer -mouth, and sta- tioned polieemen at the various manholes. After that I entered the sewer, with Marco, my great boar. hound, and three trustwerthy men. We crawled slowly forward through the dark tunnel until sud- denly I saw two fierce green eyes glowing, and knew we had come upon our quarry. The next moment Marco daslaed forward, and a fearful fight began between the lion andethe hound. After a desperate encounter, the faithful dog came limping bask to me. He was badly torn, and I had to send him out to have his wounds dressed. , The men were making all sorts of noises, in the hope of driving the lion toward the sewer-moath; but neither horns, blank cartridges, nor Roman candles would start him. I therefore took off my heavy top - boots, pulled them on over my arms, and advanced against the lion. When I got up within reach I was lucky enough to catch him a lard blow on the nose with one of the boot heels, butstill he ,did not move. So I went .baek to" get my head protected before Vrenewed the attack. I got a big kettle, and told a men to put it over my head; butts he was trying to do to, theakettle slip- ped from his hands and went clat- tering down against the stones. That did the trick! The lion could not stand such a racket, and took to his heels on the Mint. We followed hastily, and were soon almost deafened by his bre. mendous roars. On we ran, and found that the lion had stepped in- to a noose thar thb men had drop- ped from one of the manholes. He was now hanging, lead downward, half -way between the street and the bed of the sewer. We quickly slipped other ropes round his head and paws; then we fairly hauled him along into his cage, where ha landed safe and sound, after an adventure that had caused me -plenty of trou.ble and anx tarty. ' • PRE DOCTOR'S GIFT. Food, Wadi' Its Weight in Gold. A Special Form of Bad Dream for Each Sleeper. Both Bi;smarek and Pepys found that noi,se enhanced the value of se night's .POSt. Bismarck confided in his old age to an interviewer that he could ";never sileep in Berlin at night when it is quiet, but as soon sis the noise beglea, about 4 o'clock - in the morning, I eon sleep a little and get my Test for the day." Pepyir reciords in, his diary" on September 23, 1661, that he ,elept ait Wailing, "and still remember it that of all the nights that, ever I Alept in my life I -never .disd pass' a might with more esaieurism of sleep; there being now and thexs a noise of people that waked ane, and then it was a very canny naght, and :then . . was a little weary, and that be- tween waking. and then sleeping again, OMO after anothe' e I never ,had anueli content in ,allmy life." The probability that we get snatches of eleiep itt odd moments when we suppose ourselves to have remained continuously awake is supported by the Phenomena, of dreams. Mark Twain accounted for his own "disappearing visitor" by the belief that he had unconscious- ly had a very short map; and many have explained visions of ghosts as due to dreams during each short naps. • For nothing is better establiehed isa eminebtion with dreams than that an apparently very long one ean occur during an almost infini- tesimal time. Alfred M:aury had a long, vivid dream of the Reign of Terror, including the trial of him- eell before "the Revolaitionary ,Tri- bunal and his execution; and Was able to ahow that it :all happened during the moment of awakening by the fall Of a rod from die bed eanopy upon his neck. • Th sleep, perhaps to dreaan. Most of Ua have our apecial form 'of bad dream, born of 111 advised and ill digested supper, usually. The cotnxnonest of the smaller night- mares is the experience, of facing a 'drawing -room or a public thoiough- fare without clothes. But I "sup..p,oss we an have our speeial holittor 00 the edge between sleeping and wak- ing. My own is the belief that I am in for any finals at. Oxford, and have not yet lobked ,inb Aristotle, and aimply ;can't gat him into the tante at my dispoeal. And when I really wake to the cervainty. that I have passed all my examinations until the Day of judgment, that is the meg joyous moment of disillusion. Mr.- Gladstone once e-onfessed that Oily twice in the whole ceurse of his career had he heen afflicted with "•eleeplesspees. The first seem- sion was detri.ng the formation Of his first, Cabinet, when he lay awake one night trying to think out how certaiu Minis:tare Would agree with one, another: His aecond sleepless night WOO due tears gale of vsind. He had almost out through the trunk of a' large theetnut that afternoon, but had left the' tree atan.ding.an order that Lord Napier, who wee" ooming next da.y, might , see it; hearing the wind, he ley speculating what were the chances of the tree remaining etanding. Sailor& .and (looters are, perhaps, the only people who cam always slee.p at will, The sailor, aa he will tell you, 'cam "sl.e.ep ats well on a clothes line as en itt feather bed." He eim.ply throws himself down, eleees .eyes, and is asleep befo.re you col Gay "Tack Robiason." SALT RHEUM CAME OUT ON HANDS Formed, Watery Pimples, Itchy and'. Had Horrible Burning Sensation. • LostSomeof ringer Nails, *Could ' Not Open .Hands. Cured by Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment, • 235 N. lisgar',St., Toronto; Ontarlo,--: "Vor,eevon years I have been troubled whit salt-rlieum, It came out on my hands and formed kind of watery pimples aU over them which become itchy and it. had a horrible burning sensation Which caused me a good deal of pain., It same out* on my bands in the fall and, remained / :there till after spring. might 'mention that I lest some' of my thiger-nalls by the' (Meese. .Ditring this length of time 1, was utsboely usalesa, as could -not .open my bands. 1 tried several other, patent medicines without s bit of roller. Some Of my -friends advised me to try Cuticula Reined/es sol sent for'samples and by using them thoro was a 'great int- provemeot. Then 3 went to the druggist and bought one mike of Outleura sere aim two boxes of Cititicties.01ntanent; after using' emu 1 em_glad to say 1501 ' completely cured1 lan given up, all hope of being cured. I can Say to ell those who have , suffered as t have, not le lese courage but' to give ()Mimeo.' Remedios 'a fair (Signed) ;Silas iswin, Oct. 0, 1e11.• . For more thou a generation Cutionra; Soap "and Con:Ma' Gintsnout hare affOrsiedGm 'roost economical treatment for' e'lfnetiOnS 'oL the skin and scalp that torI ,re llcl,, )A16,, scale, and destroy steep, Sold everywhere, , , m Pie Of.esch 'Mailed fres, witit,32-p, Skin Ddek, Addresfi post card Potter DrugSa CLe1a. Corp., Dept. 150. Boston, 0. 8. A. We usually expece the doetor to put its ion some kind of taNd give us bitter medicines. An Eastern &dor bro.ught a pa, - tient something entirely different and the results are truly interest, mg. . "Two years ago," writes this pa. - tient, "I was a frequent vicara of *cute indigestion aral biliousness, being allowed to net very few thillgg. Oe day 'our family doe - tor brought inc it small package, saying' ha haul found eomethirug for me to eat. "He said it was a food called Grape.Nuits and oven aa its golden color might !suggest it was worbh its weight in goldr was sick and tired, trying one thing alter an- other to no avail, but consented to try ,this new food. ((wen It eurpaesed my doctor's fondest a,ntimpation., and every day same then I have blessed the goad dootor and the ,inventor of Grape - Nato. "I noticed-ireproyement at once, and in it enooth.'s,thate my farmer spells of indigeetion, had disappear- ed, la:".fbwo anuntlai.- I felt like a new' man. My mind was meeh clearer and, keener, my body took on the 'vitality of youth, and this condition has continued." , "There's it Reason." Name given by OabacItian Poets -en Co., Windsor, Ont. Read "The Road att> Well - sill,'' in pkgs. • / Ever read the abevesietterf A new 0111, appears from time to tone. They are Genuine, true, and full of human Interest -------e- Uitttejdiouittl Suggestion. Worrying again 7 , • Yes. So Many people are telling me net to worry that I can't help thinking about my troubles." Asi old farmer from the County Derry really emildn't, believe that people who were: miles apart were' able to converse:over a telephone wire; One day hiS wifewent to a distant friend, Who: had a telephone iu her house. 'During the after- noon the, farmer &night shelter from the thunderstorm .atthe hoese of a neighbor who also possessed a .telephone, and whopersuaded the farmer to call bis wife' as a little surprise. Yellowing ieetnction, alae farmer put the receiver to his ear, ttad' after 'the uaual preinnnn- itllea lia thouted '111110, Jane aTust then a flash of. lightning Struck 'the wire, and hp fell to the floor sin - der bo force of the shock. Rising 'to his "feet epal, shaking his head ,,,dsely he said, "It's Wonderful, that wes Sane right enough.'' a AUSTRALIA'S BIG FUTURE, Department of Agriculture Talks of Egg Lash% Conteets. The Department of Agriculture of New South Wales, Australia, in one of its bulletins, has the following to say relative to esg laying contests : 'Teuly, it can be said that the com- petitions have proved the greatest edueational force the Austrelia:a poultry world has known. The in- dustry has been revolutionized and placed on a sound remunerative ba - cis, withevery prospect of further advancement in extent, stability and profitableness. The old-time query, alces poultry pay 7' is inet with a chorus of affirmative voices in actual results. The competitions have set a standard and provided an ever present incentive and stim- ulus to progress. Everywhere We find better fowls, better cared for, giving better monetary returns. The spirit or rivalry and emulation has infected hundreds, thousitntle, and the constant study and striving to secure and breed fowls of higher productivity has inevitably borne good fruit, and is reflected in bal- ance sheets of the poultry farmers "The whole history of livestock breeding bristles with proofs that man cannot coneentrate effort, skill and intelligence upon a higher ideal without ultimately making Progreso in the direction of fixing and en- haacing desired characteristics. This is as trio of the hen as it is of the race horse or the merino sheep. In the process breeds and etrains and types that did not conform to the objective have been east aside by the progressive in the quest for better and better layers'. Naturally many have met with disappoint- ments and contradictory results, but this has not affected the general 'average in the forward march." 'Chest Colds Wheezing Cured Over Night You Can/Break Up Cold, Feel Fine Next Morning, by Following the "Nerviline" Method. EXPERIENCE OF A TRAINED NURSE. Every mother knows how difficult it is to get a young child to take a cough ma- tnre. Seldom Will one help unless given In large doses, and the reedit is to.. coin. Pletely upset the stomach and make the child sick. Speaking of the promptest cure for chest troubles and children's colds. Nurse Car- rington says: "In all my experience In nunsing 1 haven't met apY 'generation SO &vendable as Nerviline. It is the ideal liniment, Every drop yon rub on is absorbed quickly, sinks throltgh the pores to the congested muscles, eases, re; neves, and cures quickli. Especially for chest colds, pain in the elde, stiff neck, earache, toothache, 5 kayo found Novi. lino invaluable. In treating the miner ills of children Nerviline hae no equal. I think Nerviline ohould be in every borne." Rundreds of 'thousands Of bottles of Nerviline used every year—proof that it is the Ideal, liniment for the home. 12.0- fnee anything your dealer may offer in- stead of Nerviline. Large funillY step bottles, 60e„ trial size, 25e. All dealere, or the Catarrhozono Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Out. PAID POE GOOD WISHES. Hotel -Keeper takes Neat Revenge en a Lawyer. A Berne (Switzerland) hotel - keeper who recently conehteled a awsuit in the Swiss • courts which sad lasted for years a,nci who receiv- ed at the close an exceedingly engthy bill of costs has just taken neat revenge upon hie lawyer. The ill of costs, it should be said, was aid without demur on presenta- ion. The other day the lawyer had ceasion to hinds at his client's ho - el and at the elose of the meal the ollowing bill was presented to him: reparing luncheon ..... ..$0.50 erusing bill of . . .. .80 wo consultations with the . greengrocer . . . . ... . .20 Carrying up the soup .20 Blowing on the soup / .10 Taking fly eut of the soup .10 Herbs for soup .......,... .20 Soup . ......... . . a .50 Waiter bowing and scraping- .10 TVTO consultations with the cook . . ........... ........ . .40 Six kinds of meat and vege- tables . • .. . .. ... . 2.50 Saying "I hope you'll eniO3' your luncheon" . .10 Ten visits to the cellar ...... 2.00 Suriday acts of courtesy, etC. .40 Matches . . .. . .. .10 Wine and cigars . , ..... 1.60 Reading bill of 'fare aloud .10 Serving- dessert 20 Dessert . 1.56 Clearing the table .30 /Satisfaction of hunger . „. .. .10 'Wear and tear and breakages .70 Letting down window shutters .40 Clearing away remains of luncheon .80 Salt and touching saltspoon .. .10 Verifying present bill ef costs .40 Surprise on receiving it , .10 Acceptance of bill . tO Receipting same' .10 Wishing good -'bye .54 Total . Ten per cent. nliscount. $15.60 ... 1.66 $14.04 ED. 4. ISSUE 3. Gained in Weight, Digestion "Restored, Health Renewed Here Is Illore Proof of Quick Care for All Folks That are' Weak, Ailing Nervous. More Pralis tor Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 'Per a .period last eurainer the thought of .fooci exeited feelings' 'of xiansea," writes Mrs. C. A. Dodge; of Bloomsbury. "'The heat had made inc listless and the dis- taste for food reduced me to a 0011aitiOn of semi -starvation and broug,ht me to the verge or Iii`VOUE, collapse, Tonics were meeless to restore tin active desire for; food. The doctors tol& inc my:liver and kidneys were both at fault but the medi- cines they gave me were too severe and reduced my strength so that 5 had to abandon them. At- the suggestion, of a "frien,i vrho had been cured of blood and skin trouble, 3 began the use of Dr. Itamilton's Pills. The' difference I firet noticed was, that while theycleansed the syetem, instead of feeling weaker I felt better after taking them. Indeed their. activity was So and it was easy to for. get I had taken them at all; they eeemed to go right to the liver, aud in a, very brief time 500 only itiiI n.11 source of naii- sea disappear'. but I began to orate food and 3 digested it reasonably 5511. Then began to pat on weight until within three months 5 was brotight to it oon- dition of good health. urge Dr. Ramil- ton's Pills for all who are in poor -health." Get...this best of all medieinee to -clay and refuse a substitute for Dr. Flasnilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Sold by all druggists and storekeepers. 25e, per box .or fiVe for $1.00. Sent pastpaid. by The Caterrhozone Go., Buffalo, N.Y., and Kingston, Oanada. FRANCE'S GREAT INVENTIONS Paris Architect Says Most Marvels Originated There. What nation has created most of the naarvele of modern science 1 A Freneh architect, AIL Manin, replies to this question in the -following manner: • The first. practical automobiles were built by Serpollet and Levas- sera about 1889, both Frenchmen. The first dirigible baboon able to resist the wind *as built by Giffart in 1885. In 1883 the brothers Tis - sandier and in 1884 Renard and Krebs built balloons which could be steered perfectly. All five were Frenchmen. • Another Frenchman, Ader, con- structed in 1897 the Avion; the first heavier than air mathine to leave the ground. This was built on the same principles as the , aereplape, which was later transformed com- pletely and :made practical lay the Wright brothers in 1004. A Frenchman, Adler, built the first practical submarine in 1807. The telephone was invented by a Canadian, Graham -Bell, in 1816, and the phonograph by an Ameri- can, Edison, in 1877. The elements of the cinemato. graph were die:covered by a Belgian, Plateal, about 1865. A Frentla man, Maxey, photographed the movements of livingereatures about 18, and an Amerman, 'Edison, in 1895, invented the modern moving picture carneras Lippman, a citizen of Luxemburg, discovered a process a color photo- graphy in 189l, and the Lumiere brothers, two Frenchmen, invented practical method, 'which was en- irely different, in 1904. • A Gerrnan, Roentgen, disoovered he X-rays in 1895. Another German, Herta, dis- overed in 1890 the Hertian waves, hieh a Frenchman, Branly, about 900, utilized in inventing wirelees elegraphy. , A Frenchman, Moissan, manufac- ured diamonds and rubies in 1803. Two French citizens, M. a,nd Curie, citicovered radium bout 1090, A Frenchman:, Pasbeur, in 1885/ iscavered and applied successfully aceination against hydrophobia, A German, Behring, and a renehman, Roux, discovered and pplied anti -diphtheria serum nd other serums. A Frenchman, !Carrel, who settled n America, kept animal tissues live after separation from the bodies in 1612. The north pole was reached in 1909 by an America,n, Peary, and the south pole by a Norwegian, Am- mundsext, in 1911. This list, drawn up by a French- man, therefore _Mentions thirty-two tnwainte:sas(oetwuon)t,,inogf .7..thliicohseninmeebneotin'onare French, :seven American and three German. .5 Where He Cot It ' Teacher--eNow, Willie, where did you get that chewing gum 7 I want She truth Willie—You don't want the -truth, teacher, an' I'd rather not tell a lie. ." • Teaoher---How dare you say I don't want the truth ! Tell me at Once where jaiu got that chewing gum. your desk. A naval seaman lia,s .once, every clay to 'solute 'the quarter-deck of his ship, ev'en if ijo Offieer. is .upon it. ."Saladig,'„ Ilea, is; in sucdis popu- lar favor that many people feel, like saluting a packet wherever •Se,en., No Time For Play. Ten -year-old William came horn° • 000 day in a regrettable state of disorder, and a somewhat bruised "0 Willie! Willie!" exclaimed hie mother, sheekecl end grieved. "You have disobeyed me again I How often have I told you not to play with that naughty Toluasen 'boy 7" "Mamma," said Williaip, in utter 'disgust at this feminine reprimand, "do I look as if I had been playing with anybodyr Many a man's euccess it due to his ability to obtain five by adding ' twe end two together. • ENGLISH „HOLIDAY CLUBS. ' Custom of MillAperatives of Lanca. , • During his Lancashire tonr King George had en opportunity' of wit- nessing one of the most, interes,ting' -sights in the world." Ho saw Lanna shire .0peaatives' holidey-makieg, and thee° is no,,one Who g.sts" More hearts, enjoyment out of Ins seseere by the sea than !the Mill Rend. For fifty or fifty-one wdeks in the yeas; he pubs a little '''brass" in the going -away olub, and' then when his holiday weekorfortnight conies round he has a grand ,tirne, a really jolly holiday, caring naught and 'spending freely until he comes Inc the end of his money; for •bo return home with .8,ny of. his •eavings left, is 110t the way 'of the Lancashire la.d or latesie. "Th' mon," • they say, "who Winne, blue ids 'wake' bra,ss would borrow money feem you to put i' th' hank." not an uncommon thing for a family of operatives to spend 220 or 4130 in ehe course; of five or six days' holiday -making, and one lama- ily has been known to save as much ae 4147 for a "wake," and return from their holidays without a single coin' left. This, however, is but typical of the mill hand who works hard and plays bard. Every mill haa its going -away - club, and it is estimated that this year they have shared out half a million sterling. Saving *labs of Bolton have paid out over 4150,000 and the banks .1220,000 more., and from Oldham., Blackburn, Preston and Burry eAnne the same tale of hundreds of thousands of pounds being paid out by clubs, to the hap- py-go-lucky mill hand's, wh,e from July to 'September inv,ade mostly the nonehern outside resorts. Daring the last 'MVO, of three yearn, however, they have varied the usuel holiday at, Blackpool or Douglas by going farther a,field, and one finds them, holiday-ma,king nt such places as Folke.ston' e Deal and Dover, Torquay, Weetoneenper- Mare, while many of them indulge an excursions to Holland, Frainte and Belgium. Blackpool, however,. is still first favorite with the majority, and it; is estiinarted that that popular re- sort is invaded every we.e,le by et least 50,000 operatives. There is no place like Blackpool in thei.r eyes, and apparently in the eyes of other. people, too, for it is a. ;bad Sen150(11 for Blackpool when its tots,' number of visitors is fewer than 4,000,000. The oatill girl is. even, more entlaus. i as n regard to,saviag for.holi- days than the men, and no Mattel. what ehe may earn or what her weekly expensee aro, she will find ways and means to put by it little for the going -away club. It may only be a few eoppere .but all "mounts up," as they say, and she generally find.s herself witih 43 oa 414 for herself when the holiday week opines round. How Could Het Pat and Mike were walking along "the side of a bog when Mike had themisfortune to fall in. On ,see- ing this Pat turned and ran back to a house, and knocking a,t the door, ehouted out ---"For the love of Heaven give me it spade! Mike has fallen into the bog!" "How far in is he, P507" asked the occanant. "Sure, he's up te the ankles," an- swered Pat, . he's only up to the ankles he can surelywalkout." "Sure, and how could he when he's in head firstl" Plenty of lime. "Papa, I want an ice cream sun- dae. "All right, deals remind me of it again; this is only Tuesday." BLED TO_ DEATH Tried to trim a wart with a razor and severed an artery. The oelY wart Mire ie "Putnarn's,°' which, removes warts 001,1113, canonises in ono day. Insist on getting Putnam's Corn and Wart, Extract- or, its the beats 200lit all dealers. Only a fool girl believes that every unmarried man she meets is looking for a wife. Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. It Didn't Ilelp. "lVlay don't you try dieting for your trouble " ''I have tried it. All last week never ate more than twice a Try Ithwirke• Eye ,Remedy If you, have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart --Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Muriee Eye Reinedy, Liquid, 250, 50c, Marine Eye Salvd in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c, Eye Books Free by Mail. An Eye Tenit Good for All ryes that Need Caro Morin., Eye Remedy Co., Chicago IVIaay a good man is married to bis 'boss. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc, -- Hare Cleverness. "Why don't you buy eometlii2g., at my ta,ble 7" dernaaded the girl at the charity fair. "Because I onlg buy from homely girls," said the man. "They have a herder time making sales," The girl was not offended, and he worked this right down the.line. Bad Blood is the direct ansi Irtevitable roe,tI5 of -irregular or constipated' bowels and clogged -up kidneys and skin. The it5digested joed and other wastemat- ter whkh is allowed to accumulate poisons the blood 'and the whole system. Dr, Morse's Indian Root Pills , adt directly,ori the bowels, regulating them—on the kidneys, giving them ease and strength to properly filter the blood—and on the Skin, opening up the pores. For pure blood and good health take 9 Stl Dr. Morse s Indittn ri-ocaot 1,7i113 sOl,5;0ub 00Seale, Does the neatest, quickest, and most uniforin writing. The same pen will last for years of service. The gold pens in Waterman's Ideals are smooth end of any character your hand requires. The Spoon Feed gives an even and accurate flow of ink and prevents flooding. The Clip -Cap prevents loss, Every Peri gdaranteed. Sold Locally, by the Best Dealers L. E. Waterman Company, Limited, Montreal • ',..Vv1W 'ft .,t4,&' WELL Sill ED SHOES All7111111111;T:mp:310E UNDATION OF_COOD APPEARANCE ,01 S OE POLISH 'GIVES A QUICK, BRILLIANT POLISH TUT LASTS EASY TO USE. GOOD FOR THE SHOES WANTED. —More Workers ttroilsk,to dew/11141z cowl:rile:1r Chem. In Mal Proems. Simple, mechanical work, rapidly done. All pae. turtle furnished. Positively no experience reaubed. Ws Dania the PrOCNI011roi ehemioals and eapply you with pictures to color, which you return to us. 0 prices paid promptly by tho Week or month, No eanvessing Or eelling--onr tray. oilers eell tho goo& and the field Is unlimited for our work. If yen want dean, pleasant work the year round for whole or spare time, write no and we will send yen contract and the prices Wo DOX. COMMEIICIAL ART WORKS, , SIS OOLLECE STREET, TORONTO, ONT, Suit Your Sugar Taste. St Lawrence extra grann.. toted is uovr sold In three dif- ferent sixes of crystals ;alt choicest and parestcancsagat Fine Groin (red label) : In this every gra) a from top to bottom So about the size of " krot. tnn inG a, (blue label)' Like etnedseed pearls, even and while and marvels of sweetness. Conran Drain (green label) Like small diamonds and almost as brilliant, but gttlelely melted. .111 Order The Size Yon 1 . Prefer. -... Every grain, no matter its size, is Suest extra granulated pure cane sugar, shown by analysis so-golzoo to zooX pure, ' The weight is guaranteed as well as *e quality. Hags melba, 251119., 20 lbs. Cartons sibs., 2 lbs. St lawman ins' Refineries, United. Montreal. 4 FOR SALE Pulleys at Shafting Suitable for Mills. ManufsetUring ,Ptanto, Printing lioness, Eto. 2 WOod 124 x 43 in. for 3 15/18.43. shift. 1 Wood Split Pulley, 125 x 48 in. for 9 15/18 in, shaft, Wood Split Pulley, 1234 x 28 in. for 3 7/16 in. shaft. 1 Wood •SplitRulley.10% x 36 in. for 3 7/16 in. shaft. Pulleys of s3na1ler siren and rzakting of various lengths and es to be sold at very low figures, Box 23, Wilson Publishing • Co., Toronto. Angelic Influence. Old Lady (offering policeman a tract)—I often think you poor po- licemen run such a risk of becom- ing bed, being so constantly mixed up with crime. Policeman—You needn't feat', mum. It's the criminals wet runs the risk o' becomin' saints, bus' mixed up with us I Minard's Liniment Go., Limited. ' Dear Sins,—d had a 'Bleeding Tumor on lay Pace for it long time and tried a num- ber of remedies without any good results. was advised to try MINARD'S TANI- MENU', and after using several bottles It made a complete mire, and it healed up and dioappeared altogether. DAVID RENDERSON Bolleisle Station, Kings Co., N.B., Sept, 17, 1904. Explain ed. "Is that your ladder 7" 11 tloesn't "7rc11, 3-00 See, it's , rnya step - look like years." ladder." , -Low Colonist Dates to Pacific beast.. Via Chicago and North Western Rail- way, On eel° daily Sept. 21151 to Oct. 10t1t,,duclusive, from all points isi Canada to Los Angeles, Han Francieco, Portland, sett, Lake City, Seattle, Victorits, 1an- 00i0er, Nelson, Roseland, and innaY other points. Through tourist eleepors add free reclining their ears from Chicago. Variable routes.' Liberal stop avers. For Tull information as to rates, routes literature, write or call on 0, 11, Bennett, General Agent, 46 Youge Street, 'Toronto, But the man who sings his own praise seldom gets a' curtain call. Minard's Liniment cures Dandruff. His Annuity. An eminent lawyer decided to 'turn oveepart of his low praet'es to his son. la }103' Lily afterward the yo ung man elite red the effles, and, with a face beaming with picasnri„ exclaimed; "Father, yon know that Wilhona catie you've been trying tor the last ten yeare7" - , • Tlic older lawyerainutted thatIte (11(1, "Nell," said the young man'tri- umplia,n lily, ve settled it" "Settled it !" exclaimed the fa- ther. "Setti ecl it 1 Why, ny y, l' -gave you that case as an 11.1101.12. 115 1" . 'She --,If I'd known you'd be such a brute to poorIitdo, ra never hate mareied you. He—The anticipated rlea:u'ofk.,i:ki1,glusbleittlhsstiytso2ie4of hief (:Isoniutlp1i • FARMS FOR SALE 15 W. DAWSON, 'Ninety Colborne street. Toronto. Faniell?,°11 VAILAIT 01= Some snaps qAMORY SITES, W1T11 oji WITII0IIT RallwaY trackage, in Toronto. Brampton and other towns and cities. irja ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN It. Brampton and a dozen other towns. H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Tamale AGENTS WANTEb. A IV asTArmrsnno MONTREAL 130- ves4anent Company selling dividend paying Securities, requires the services of able mon. Exclusive territory to right - parties. Good profits ean be mode in whole or spare Mine. This is a sone Pre- position bucked by emeentiat melt who, form the` directorate. Write P. 0. tot 1446, Montreal, for particulate. Mention, paper.. STAMPS ANO COINS S'PAMP COLDECTORS---111INDRoly Dry. ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Album, only, Seven Cents, Marks Sta.une. Compeer, Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED. MEN WANTED - TOITNG MAN BE A TUBBER. I TEACIr You quickly, cheaply, thoroughly and furnish tools free. We give you actual Shop experience. Write for free cata- logue. Molex College, 219 Queen St. East. Toron to. MEN WANTED tat SCO 10.5050110. CANCEM IL, TUORS, WIMPS mos internal and external. cured With" out pain by our home treatment, Write ye before too late. Dr, Boliman Medias! Go., Liinited, Colliugwood, Ont dri AGO STONES, KIDNEY AND BLAD. VW der litenee, Kidney trouble, Gravel, Lumbago and kindred ailments positively cured with the new German remedy, "Sena" priee $1.50, Another new remedy for Diabetes:Mellitus, and pure cure, is "Senors Anti-Diabetee." Price $2.00 from druggists or direct, The Sanol Manufae. lairing Company of cantata, Limited, white:ma Man. " Get' lt tt .Once. , A pompous lady enquired of the. teacherhow her girl w.as getting on with hoe education, '`Oh, well,'' ileplied the tutor, "I think if any- thing is Wanting in' your daeghter it is capacity." "Why, the," said the puaseproud dame, ''let her have one. Her father does not need to lot his daughter want for anything, so you can get 51 at once!" Minard's Liniment for sato everywhere. Pa's Sympathy. the man your SiSt,er iS goin' '60 marry rich?" "New ; every time the marriage is mentioned pa says, 'Poor man I' " - - When troubled with tall rashes, eczema, or antr skin disease apply Zani-Buk Surprising how quickly it eases (lie smarting and stinging! Also cures cuts, burns, sores and piles. Zatri -lank is made front pure her- bal essences. bto animal fats—no mineral poiions. Finest healer 1 Druggiete and Sterile Eemytehere.