HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-09-11, Page 1Vele, No. 1798 —34th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO,' THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th, 1913 THE HOME PAPER Good Morning ! '25, cents will pay a sub to The News -Record to end of I9I3, any Place in Canada. To the U. 6. 40c ameamesnounneaneesnanelemilnomeisee if you want for Weddina s the Jornething Different you will find it easy to select in Vat � lass' "1 er ldeis `ale ks and Nina r �� ie at Ifeilrtar i � �evele. u P. S:—Wedding Binge. the latest design. 1 A *eiiqcir • /meter and Optician - - Clinton The Royal Bank I OF CANADA. Capital Authorized 625,000,000 ' Capital Paid-up 11,500,000 Reset vs and Undivided Profits 12,500,000 Total Assets 175,000,000 325 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Debosits. General Banking business transacted. R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch. tthhhhhhhtthhtthhhtttt�ttr i Te Molsons Bank I Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1879 Capital and Reserve = $8,700,000 85 BRANCHES IN CANADA $ A • GENERAL BANKING • BUSINESS 'TRANSACTED. OI eoneeeIS BETTERS ole CREDIT l TRAvelm,a is CHEQUES - - `ISSUED. J BANK MONEY ORDERS - • -- SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT At all branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate, C. E. Dowding - Manager – Clinton Branch. READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING ORDERED OL,ITeIING The Secret of our Successful Hat Business. We have a style and a size to fit every man at just the price he wants to pay., $1.00 1.50 $2.50 $3.50 Come and see, how easy it is to find' just whatyou want here. THE MORRISH CLOTHING CO, r CLINTON,ONTARIO Motto , "A Square Deal for Every Man.'.. i ENGi) Gl IE\ r ,ANNOUNCED. ,71II'S. At hi r MacRae announces' the, engagement of her datighters, Bertha Isabella to Mr. George t A: MacLen- nan of Clinton and /_ads Florence to Rebut ,7. Clharieswortlr of Pott Ar- thur. Both' marriages will take Place the last week in Septenhher. SHOULD BE'PHOS IN CLINTON. 'The Bell Telephone crew of men have -completed their work of pot- ting,the wires underground on. Main, Mill and Wallace streets and , are now busy. removingthe_polesi The improvement made the appearan ce of the eteeets is remarkable, the' -ab- sence of the poles giving the streets` a; wider appealancte If all the, were • removed fr.oul:the business sec- tion of Main,and' Wallace. strode, it wopid'greatly add to the appearance of },he etreets,�Listowei Standard. LIKES CANADA AND CANADIANS Mist B. F. Ward, Who returned last week to resume her duties as prin- cipal of the Clinton Commercial 'Col- lege after spending her vacation eat her home at Rockville, Md., declares herself glad to be back in the Land of the Maple. "It is the; only place to' live, • really," she ' reihiark- "It exceptionally hot down ed: was so a tion P 1 south this summer that it was de- lightful to get back to Canada again." On the suggestion 'that • she went south at the wrong season Miss Ward said, "Well, I went at Christ- mas and was ill all the. time I was home. The Canadian climate suits` me." The News -Record is pleased to say that Canada, and especially Clinton, is pleased to have Miss Ward and should she decide to make her permanent home here•will be all the better pleased, Mrs. Ward -ae- eompanied her daughter and has been visiting; in town and also taking in the delights of Bayfield, where her cousin and Trice, Miss Garrett and Miss Mothersead, have been spending the summer. Mrsi. Ward in- tends making quite an extended stay. WESLEY CIIURCI3. Rev. A. W. Barker of Seafortli preached at the morning service on Sunday, his subject being "Moral Re- form," The pastor occupied his own pulpit in tine evening. At this ser- vice Mr. Murray Jackeon rendered as a solo "Hold Thott My hand." The reopening of the League, which had been discontinued for the months of July and August, took the form of"ani At Home for the Model students on Monday evening last, when almost the entire class ac- cepted the invitation to be preeent and also a number of the, young people of the congregation gathered in the. League room at the appointed hour. After a brief program com- posed of selections by the orchestra, solos by Miss Lulu Howe and Mr. Murray Jack:eon, a reading by Miss Stewart, and a brief address by Mr. H. E. Rorke, the pastor occi.hpying the chair, partners were found , by means of Coral cards and refresh- ments were served at small tables laid in the class rooms. The rooms were prettily decorated ,with Cowers, giving a pleasant air of festivity, and a happy social hour was sperm. The weekly meetings of the League will be continued. THE TOWN COUNCIL. A .tM dnight'smetin of the Monday meeting town council 'Councillor Paisley ask- ed for light on the collector's roll. Are last year's taxes all paid ? If not why was 'the roll returned 0 Are there many in arrears and how far back ? From the answer it would appear that there are taxes still'' outstand- ing. • • Councillor Ford, chairman of the street committee, reported the year's , work as completed. "We- have spent our allowance so can't go. any furth- er even if we so wished. We have spent a considerable sum • . on the Base Lino and Bayfield Road en-. trances to the town and I believe have got good value for our money -and that it will be apparent .to all when the wet season sets in." Three small jobs . were subsequently sug- gested to Mr. Ford, at D, Tiplady's, 1 T. Judd's and W. Steven's, and he' undertook to see, that they were done, forthwith. The ,Waterworles 'Commission asked for 'more funds .to, extend the service. •Supt. Chant, in response, to en- quiry, said that of late they have; added •forty more 'householders to their list of users and have a dozen' applications yet to -deal with. He believes that fully one hundred more extensions will be asked, for.' After considerable dismission in; which the "councillors all took part it was decided, to ; ask the Ontario Board for pehlmession to raise $2000 by debentures s for extension purposes,) the debentures to be sold to the 'I Staking Fund account as the money i is required. A few year ago . Mr. Jos.. Copp sold a• piece of land on King sreet to the Thresher Company and in order ta give the Company more room a swap was made with the town council which ;accordingly mov, ed up the ;street, thus taking in the purchase from Mr. Gopp. The trans-. fer was red -taped according to the latest statutes. Unfortunately for the latter the Company went- smash before pain for the, 1 3 g lot. This is how matters stood when.the Motor Company 'took over the property. As Mr. CopP has never been paid' for . the land, and the prospects are n. g. he is now asking that it be returned to him. In dealing with the matter the councillors are rather afraid of getting into a ,Jogai' maze though personally symapthetie to Mr; Copp in his.endeavors to get his own. 'THS. LOCAL..MARKET. }Wheat 85c.. Oats 320: Barley lye to 50e. Butter 180 to 32c Eggs' 21c to 22e Live Hogs 19.50. ALWAYS AMONG THE LEADERS. In the Scotch doul.iles tournament in 'Toronto last Week. Messrs. E. C Courtice and .7. 13. Hoover represent- ed Clinton. They won Clown to the finals, Guelph at last out-scoiting, them.. Clinton lawn bowlers alWayS acquit. themselves ell and h1they don't win first honors they ate very close thereto_ awl, invariably partici- pate in. the prize• distribution, MARRIED IN R,ORONTO. • The marriage took place in Toron- to on Wades play of last week of Mel-. en .Constance Christian, of Toronto to. Dr. J. O. Gaudier of town. After a honeymoon spent in Muskoka Dr. and Mee. Gandier will take up their residence in ,the cottage on Ratten- bury street lately. occupied by Dr. Gunn. During his residence` in town Dr. Candler has won many friends who heartily join in congratulatiehd and happiness ood wishe for the future g G and prosperity of himself and bride. Dr. and Mrs. Candler are not 'ex- pected home until. rear the end of the month. LITTLE BOY BURNED.._ Master Harold Jackson, the ,four- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Jack - sem of town, got rather badly }fern-, ed Sunday ,morning last anti as a consequense has been in a rather ser- ious condition ever since. 'rho little fellow got up' before the rest of the family and procuring some matches he proceeded to light some papers which he found in the woodshed. The b are speedily got.beyondhis con- trol and caught in, ins cloth- ing before his parents came up- on the scene lie was pretty badly Married about the chest and had al- so swallowed considerable smoke. At latest reports lie was pro - re 1 4 it pro- gressing ss g favors b y alt. t is hoped tie will soon be all right again. FUNERAL OF MUSS SHIPLEY, • The funeral of the late Miss Car- rie Shipley, daughter of 1'L', and. Mrs. Thos. Shipley of town, who died in Winnipeg, took place from the family, residence, Victoria direct, on Thursday afternoon last. The services at the house and graveside were conducted by the Rev, S. J. Al - lin, the family pastor. The pall- bearers were Roy Plumstcel, Frank Tyndall, Amos Castle, Sidney Watt and. Norman Sly. The circumstances of Miss Ship- ley's passing were particularly sad as she was on her way in company with her aunt to the latter's home in Regina, where she purposed re- maining sonic time iii the hope of benefit to her health, but the - party was detained in Winnipeg -owing to her illness and, in spite of everything that could be done- to relieve her she passed away. Mr, Robinson accom- panied the body home, Mrs. Robin- son continuing her journey to Re- gina. MORE LACROSSE. The C. R. S's, a name they have conferred upon themselves for want of something more appropriate, wore trimmed at lacrosse en Friday even- ing last. This is the second time' they have thus been operated on of late, butthey fully expect to make a better showing before the season closes. The line-up was as follows C. R. S's : goal, Ernie Little ; Point, Lloyd Wiikin cover, Jean Sanderson ; ,defence., Willie Walker, Herb Mackenzie, Artie Mathieson ; centre, Fred. Lawrence home, D. A. Cantelon, Mettle Sehoenhals, Har- old Kitty, Willie Could, Vic Crich, The Victors; goal, Earl Steep ; point, Mervin Elliott cover, Clin- ton Cook,' defence, Lorne beeves, Jack Carter, Mick Canter centre, Bill Pinning ; home, Milton Cook, Bill Grant, Mansfield Cook, Bert. Beeves. The officersof the C. R. S's are as follows lion; -?resident, W. S. it. 'Holmes. President, Otto Fink. - Vice, Percy Couch. Secretary, Lloyd Wilkin. Treasurer, Vie, Crich. Capt. and Manager, Willie Walker. THE APPLE CROP. Said Mr. D: Cantelon to The. News -Record on Tuesday . "Ontario is short on apples this .Wesson. West of the ridge of hills, sometimes -called the Blare Mountains, which terminate at Collitugwood there will not he a quarter crop. East of that it will' be au ter more. • q az e The Spys predominate bitt even they are scrubby and spotted. The benefit of spraying is - to be seen wherever you go.' Orchards that, have been sprayed will have better fruit diner .those not so treated and where orchards have been well eared for in every respect there will he almost a full yield, and the frust will be of such quality that it will command a high price. . Tho pitovinee over three-quarters of the crop will .be No. 2 which will'' n ardtendcnc ' the w w y on price. in Bruce county I will from ohser have a do valion say that not ten percent., will be No, 1. Annapolis 'Valley, the famous. a pie district of` Nova Scotia is not making a good showing: But still you know we are' getting some stock and , I ' have already bought over -I0,000 ' barrels, but near- ly all outside of Huron County." ONT. ST. CII'URCH. ' `The League held their 'consecration. service on Monday evening. Miss Ef- fie Pickett read tevening's he lesson Mr. Roland Fisher took up the topic and the Following' other numbers were given : solo'by lilies Grace, Walker, reading Miss Rem, duett, Miss. May- frid Allhn and Shurwin Allin, I?0WI, A,ND—IFIIN'E. A :quiet Marriage was solciuisized tit - St. Paul's ' church on Monday atm - noon. when Miss Mary Bine, daughter, of the -nate W. He Hire, and Raglan R wlard Wete ui e#n55 ri noth y, the rector, Rev. O. L:,lcakins per- forming the ceremony in. the presence of only a few intimate friends. 'Mr. and Mrs. Rowland left the Baine af- ternoon for, a trip to, Toronto and. Montreal. Both are very 'well and' favorably known in Clinton and -then-. large circle of friends join heartily in good wishes .for their itur a bi- f t C It pl ness and prosperity. -• ABOUT THE S. A. For the effective accomplishment of tite annual. harvest thanksgiving- fes- tival the local corps, of the Salva- tion Army has set itself as a goal of financial result the sum of $125 which ch will he devoted* to the main- tenance tenance tinextension of h ir many h nelicent agencies for the social amelioration of the degraded and needy classes. All friends and sym- pathisers who would like to give than':offerings at this time arc earn- estly invited 'Lo do so. Gifts need not of necessity take the form of cash ; offerings in kind will be equally acceptable. Krtawing the warm and well-deserved sympathy which the acknowledged good work of the Army has gathered there eeems to be little doubt that the highest expectations of those con- cerned in this effort will' be realized.. OCCUPIES PROMINENT • PLACE. The Clinton Business College .open- ed on Septeninnr 9th under the most flourishing auspices. The enrollment is unusually large as thirty-three students were registered, with the assurance that the number will be doubled before many weeks. • The rooms were thoroughly rend vated during vacation ; 'Clic new paper, the freshly painted wood work and the modern sanitary, ar rangeinents all' show careful, thought- ful planning for the comfort of the pupils. Too much cannot be said in "coin- nhendation of the capable principal, Miss Ward. Her untiring efforts in behalf of her pupils, her desire tp have theist rank among the best as they go forth into the business, world have done much to maize the Clinton Business 'College occupy a very prominent place in this scct'.on of Ontario. I i HAS' ADVANTAGES. Clinton is beginning to put on iter "beautiful garments" that is the rich garb of' autumn and is at pres- ent very fair to behold. The fine avenue:] of trees throughout the town, especially on Rattenbury and Ontario streets, are, just beginning* to tunh; the rich autumn Cowers . are beginning to bloom, tlie, postoffhce square and the other little beauty Patches in the centre of the town are rank with grass and foliage and altogether on a bright day you could hardly find a fairer spot than "The Hub." -"Clinton is the pretti- est town. through which we passed," remarked a travelling man who haul been making an auto tourof this part of tile country recently, , "and if I had a business there that's the place I'd. like to live." Clinton i0 all right, too. We have good streets, good water, modern anii tip -to -date stores, splendid educational• advan- tages, churches 61' almost every: de- nomination, a genial and _ progressive people, 'and altogether this is a most desirable place of residence. Fifty -two Years Married Are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kemp. Mr. and Mrs, Edward Kemp o London, formerly of Clinton, arid', who spent over a.week-end recently with their son, Mr. 5: Kemp, on Labor Na) observed the fifty-second, anniversary of their weddingmm day. They weree P n red inhe A ellenn chine] a� t arr t zr, church lieehurst, Kent; England, on Sept. 1st, 1861. They have six sons, Thomas, Albert and George, London, Will, Stratford, Harry, ,Cgderich, and Samuel, Clinton. The News-Reeoed joins the numer- ous friends • of Mr• and Mrs. Kemp, whoare, indeed, a most estimable couple, in wishing them many more happy years together. • ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT. The engagement is announced of. Miss Ida Gertrude Holmes, _ A. T. V. i f Mr. • AI., eldest daughter o and Mrs. Robert 1-lohnes, Palmerston Boule- vard, Toronto, and Mr. Charles Frederick Wheaton, St. George Apartments,„ oronto: The woddin,; will t'cle piece October tenth.' LITTLE LOC1f ,3. News -Record to Jai, 19id.for 215c; Rev. ]11r. Fish of C)wen Sound ad- (tressed d-( :esseil a -.public meeting in the town hall last night. Mr,. CIO presided. Mr Josh. Cook is having a them- eale built across the fgont of his residence on 'Ontario street; an addi- tion which will add both to the ap- pearanee and comfort of thea dwell - ST, PAUL'S 0I3URCecet.. The' opening meeting of the fall. session of the Ladies' Guild was held at the rectory on Monday last, an unusually large - number being present. Mrs. A. J, Holloway was elected president. It was decided to give a harvest supper 'on the occasion of the reopening of the new addition to the school house on October 14th. This. i u be a conjunction with the will1 ri'est festival hW e t 1 on the previous Sunday but more details will be giv- en later. "LALRANT" The man of Many nhy ,ries wet appear -in the town hall, Tuesday, Sept.' 23rd, 'introducing magical tricks in slight of hand, evilly of which are his own invention. Tables varnish, tucks appear and ecu ) sur- prise pc sible to imagine is pro- duced', all very funny and mystify- ing. Mr. Laurent has done much to raise- the art of magic to a higher plane and has received the Highest honors bestowed on any art- ist in his line, having been presented with two medals. by hie fellow mag- icians and world-wide admirers. Plan of hall at Fair's books'.;oi'e, open to subscribers on Monday, nest and to, the public on Thursday. People You Know. Mr. J. P. Sheppard has been laid up. part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.. Davis are visiting friends at Parkhill. Miss Lizzie Carter, Princess street, left on Wednesday to visit friends in Exeter. - Mr. and Mrs. John Guest rei;urned on Tuesday after a visit in Streets- ville and Toronto. Mrs. Will Ross and Miss Helen re- turned Monday after ;a ten days' visit in 'Toronto. Mfrs. C. A. Bradslhnw slid Miss 'Ethel left this nhorn'ng for a week's visit with friends at Leamington. Rev. F. W. ' Hovey and little MisS Mary of Burlington are the guests at the former's parental Thome in town. Miss Etta V,hieatley is visiting this week with her sisters, Mrs. Geo. McCartney and Mrs. John Ward, Woodstock. Mn.' A. J. Grigg went to . 'Loadun yesterday to attend the Fair: As usual, lie has sonic- chickens os ex - tion. Messrs. C. and H. Twitchell, Otto - Fink, Ray. Runhbail' anti A. Wilkin autoed to St. Mary's on Tuesday to witrcss the St. Mary's vs. Han- over lacrosse match. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Langlortl, Miss Serene anti Master Harold: Orient the last three days` of last 'week with friends in. London, and London township, making the trip in their auto. Mrs.: J. "J. McCaughey left this. morning in company with. Mr. and Mrs., J. B. Reyno ds and Mrs. John 'Reynolds of Godericlh,on an auto 'trip to London, Georgetown and Guelph, ' Mrs. Wasman returned on Monday night from, Brussels where for six weeks she nursed her mother,' Mrs. George- Pollard, who passed into the better land last week. Her - father, who accompanied her, will make his liotne with her forsome time.- fs'. Pollard at fourscore and* five is hale and hearty. Varna Rev. T. J and Miss Effie Snow- den returned Friday from a ten days' visit with Hamilton and Tor- onto friends. Rev. Mr. Steadman of Elimvale will preach in the Methodist church next Sunday evening, the pastor being absent conducting anniversary ser- vices at Milverton. Mr. Steadman will 'also c ndUc' o t services x at Kippen and Goshen. • News Record to Jan; 1-914. for 25e. Hullett Township T. McMichael and Son have been taking atmeost everything before them in the matter of prizes for horses at the Western Fair now in progress:. at London. Lord Ronald won first.. price and sweepstakes, and first for the best Clyde record in the Cana- dian Clydesdale Stud ' Mak. Cr1r- rae carried off second prize and: first. for himself and five of his colts. The Messrs. ,, McMichael were also awarded first and second for yearling stallions, first for yearling filly, first for. two-year-old filly, second and third for brood o br od mares' and hJacond. and third for foals The young hors- es and -colts welt' ail by 'Gleprae. The News -Record to any address to the end of 1910 for 25' cents. Kindly and;Industriolas. is Mr- Murdoch Ross, Bayfield.. Theabove represents Me. ' Murdock; Ross ,of Bayfield gathering in his nets in pursuit of his 'calling as fish» erman. Mr. Ross has lived in that breezy village these manS years s and is 'one of its outstanding `' fires. figs Kindly and industrious he erloys in a• large degree the respect and good will of all who know him. Bagfield. Mr. Harold Pollock left this week for 'Toronto, where he expects to remain. Mrs. Thos. King and Mrs. Ward spent a few days this week at the. London Fair. Mrs. Daniel Harrison of Goderich and Mrs. Calderwood of Winnipeg visited friends in the village last week. Mr: -Clifford- -Pollock, who, has been in the west for the past ' four months, has returned home. Mrs: (Dr.) Stairbury and her'Ks. ter, Miss -Stuart, left on Tuesday fon London. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Greenslade and Mr. John Tippett attended the ex- hibition at London this week. Mr. and Mrs. lough McKay and Mr. and Mrs, H. W. Erwin and Mr. RobleMcMurray attended the Toronto Fair • last week.Miss Jane Robison of Seaforti is the guest of her niece, Mr:,t, A. E. Irwin, this week.The Marriage took place at the rectory on August 30th of Miss Catharine Harrison to Mr. Samoa) McRwan, the ceremony being per- formed by the 'Rev. H, J. CondeIl. Mr. Lewis Crook and his sister, Miss Cecilia Crook of West Chicago, Indianna, natives of Baysel'd who left the village with their partrits in 1872 for 'British' Columbia, renewed old associations in Bayfield and vie' inity during thepast week. Mr. Crook is a contractor and has plied his profession throughout the greater part of the American union. Ile and Miss Crook leave shortly for Aus- tralia, whgre he has accepted a posi- tion. Comparatively few were found who remembered the family, only a few of the old-timers. The time for our annual Fair is again close at hand and the directors are busy making preparations. In order to facilitate the work the see- retary requests that; entries be made early, that is that exhibitors do not wait until the last moment. 'Phe annual harvest blianksgiving services will be held in the English churchets, iii '.Bayfield, Goshen end Varna respectively at the usual hour's of service 'en Sunday next, Sept. 14th. The Rev, Mr. Brown, rector of Seaforth, who is on,e of the best preachers In this pert of Ontario, has been secured as special preachers for the. occasion, Visitors are' cora dially invited and will be ]heartily, \welcomed to , any and each of these services, Mr. E. Menet:, ' having leased the evaporator from Mr. John Whiddoe, expects to commence operations this week, Don't forget the date of I3ayCeltt Fair, Sept. 25th and 26th. News -Record to Jan, 1914; for 250, Hullett Township Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brennan and family. Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bedard of Goderich township. Miss Vina McCourt spent a few days last, week with her sister, Mrd Jos.- Reynolds. Mrs. Jas. Flynn' spent the week,- end with Mr. arid Mrs. Jas. Rey- nolds. Messrs, Will. Curtain and Jos- Flanigan of McKillop spent Sunday, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. D, Flynn, - Misses Mary and Eileen Carbert Sur,dayed with Blyth friends: Messrs. Will. Broekett . and Will; Walley were Seafortli visitors on Sunday. Mr. Mike McCauley of Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Carbei't recently. Mr. John and Miss Lizzie Shanahan, Mr. John and ' Miss Annie McGuire, Mr. Gabe e ��IP t h D ho t and Miss A. Kill - tree motored no ed up to St. Augustine on Sunday. g` Mn, and Mrs. Win, Morriso'i spent Sunday with friends in Godericih. Mrs. P. Quigley returned home . on Monday after spending a few days with relatives in Coderieh. Mr. C. M. Brown was in I3amile. ton last week attending the C. M. B, A,. Coneeiition as the representative of. Clinton Branch.