The Clinton News Record, 1913-08-28, Page 81r++slttwttr111ros111 1 •••■■■•t ry1. Y'EARS'OF .ADHERING STRICTLY ' TO THE POLICY ".The Best At Every Price Always Has established for us a repuuation for good shoes that is second to none, Spend a half hour in our Shop looking over the nets fall Styles and we will prove to you that buying of us means adistinct`advantage •to you and a positive assurance of being cor- rectly fitted with shoes that makes theca truly distinctive and eielusive. FRED. JACKSON -.isms mmins®ml Closing Out Sale OF SUMMER GOODS. Screen doors Regular $1 00 For $1 $5 c. „ 1 75 " 150" " - 2 00 1 75 Window screens " - 20 " ''15 " 25 " 20 "30 . 25 - ,: Hammocks « 3'0000 .c2 50 250 " 200 d gtLightning ice cream freezer " 8 0 " 75 8 2t " e " „ 250. ,.- 2'25 8 nick. oil stoyes " 1 75 " 1 60 1 bread mixer. -" • 2 00 „ . 1 05 2lawn seats - . " 1 25 "1 - h" . y law) mowers &knives " 5 25 " ' 4 00 Mrs. Potts nickel plated lions " 1 10 't 82English charcoal irons 75 1 second band gasoline store, 2 burner, good order 1 550 2 ,i e A small quantity of pure Maniila binder twine to clear, Harland ihos. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES. 11r AUGUST SALE ! News -Record Amor MJF DESIGNER 1 'Ov11 nOTSSO IVO$ 140),14*, 0 liP7FIrtkr '13.1.6) n.nonw 'moo carom', w SEPTEMBER Is The Housewives' Number Full' of articles bn things every home -loving woman delights in reading about. Single copy, 10 cents at the Pattern Counter Ask about our liberal subscription offers, W. D. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest Always the Best 1r snunw chime l „, I�:lil�i� X{tAl�im all Miss Henry has taken a position in Irwin's store, Mr. and Mrs; Frank Dixon are spend- ing a few weeks in Toronto. Mrs. Tony Lawsonhas been in Tor- onto this week attending the big Fair. Miss Ina Trowhill of Niagara Fal'is. is this week the guest of Miss Mil- dred Cook, Miss Eileen Hoover of Guelph, for- merly of Clinton, • was a Bayfield visitor last week. Mr. Chas McKinnon Mit this week to resume hib teaching dirties at Saskatoon, Sasi:, Mrs.- Colville and Miss lava Steven- son are spending a few days in Toronto this., week, Miss Ida Holmes calmesup from Tor- onto Thwrsday last and spent the wek,with 'friends. in town. 11 Mrs. Win. Cantelon spent the week- end in Mitchell the guest of her daughter, Mrs, J. E. Brooks: Mrs, (Dr.) Hossick and daughter, Miss Dorothy, of Innerkip, are the guests of ]L Ir. and Mrs. G. D. Roberton. Miss Hulda Whitely of New York was a guest in town for a few days. 'Sttk had been visiting Gode- rich friends pervious to cooling here. Mrs. Shillingion returned to he home in Windsor on Monday after a visit of several weeks with her parents, Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Rut- ♦ ledge. Mr. and Mrs. W. n Ca tele n1 and two children of n I ton Saturday a for Y Mitchell the 1 tvher e they` stayed a over Y � Sunday, going on to their borne in. Toronto on Monday: Mr, and Mrs: Robt. Smith and son Russel- of Vancouver, B.'C,, who have been visiting.'friends hi Ontar- io for some little time, spent the week-en1 in -town the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Finch, Mr. Onslow Crich attended the I. O. F. High Court of Ontario at Sar- nia last week' as the' representative of Court Clinton. While there he met _ Charlie Pugh, George Barge and Wesley 'Newcombe, former resi- dents of this town, Mr. and Mrs Harry Bright and lit- tle son, Stewart, who ,have been Visiting the lady's uncle and a',rt, Mr. and. Mrs. T. Jackson, Jr., for the past fortnight or so, left Fri- day morning for their hontq in Winnipeg, Misses Elizabeth Chid)ey and Winni feed O'Neil, who have been visiting various points in the went during the past six weeks, are expected home this week. They spent part of the time at Banff and Laggon, , points in the Rockies which for beauty of scenery can hardly be surpassed. Mr. Will Dyer of Parry Sound, for- merly a resident of Clinton, visit- ed over the week -end" with his cou- sins, Mrs. Jas. Finch and Mr. Will Wheatly of town. Mr. Dyer's ar- rival in Clinton was somewhat of a surprise to his relatives as they thought him one of those drowned in the Thames River disaster many caro• ago. Buthe ' is. Y very much a- live and has wandered about a good bit since that,, and after all these years " he took a „sudden notion to visit -the old town' and look up those relativeb still left here. Mr. Martin O'Donnell, Jr. • returned Saturday from the west whither he went about four moath's ago. He says labor prospects are, decidedly poor, that the larger places are full of men who have been without work au summer and that' the d pay 'Of unskilled labor hag been cut on an average' of thirty percent. Martin thinks that the railway companies have not been doing the right thing in tooming the harvest excursions this season as , the majority of .the men they- have taken west will be unable to secure employment, at any price. Bargains in Furniture and Carpets. We found a manufacturer who bad an extra fine lot of Roods and was hard up for eash. His goods are on our floors, marked at' prices which will se theta during August. 5 piece parlor sur -regular $25 00 for 820 00 Fancy couches " '7 00 " 5 00 Odd parlor rockers from 8 00 to 15 00 Kitchen cabinets 85 50 10 00 20 00 Carpets, ruga, matts, oilcloth and linoleum at moderate prices. Pietnve framing and repairing promptly attended to, Phone 7 and 8. Free ,Auto Delivery, J. .11. CHELLEW' Estate ' Furniture Blyth Undertaking ��.�.�rr wr...Mn ••••••••••••••••••044#41 a♦M♦N♦.♦♦•..•..,.N• BIG SAVING it On All Summer Goods SUMMER DRYDSGOODS—SUMMER CLOTHING AND SUMMER ALL PRICED FOR QUICK SI3LLING, • 3 .very special lines for Saturday—Children's Wash Suits at 05e. We have about two dozen of these suits left,some made in Nor folk cos 'and bloomerpants t. and others with bloue and bloomer- • pants and l acregular O $J. 0 and $1.257ines, Saturday choice for 65c, ♦ WOMEN'S 'PUMPS and OXFORDS Patent colt shoes -Odd lines and broken at. $1,75 to $2.25. Saturday choice $1.29. MEN'S SUMMER COATS sf 1.29 es of lines that sold • 98c. • • Why buy a sinock when yob can buy a nice dressy coat at this wonderfully love yriee—Regular price $1.25. Saturday 89c, • ALSO SOME WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN RUGS, LACE CUR- • TAINS, LADIES. WAIST AND WHITE UNDERWEAR. SMALL MORE PLUMSTEEL 1PROFITS ,BUSINESS .MNNN.♦N. lN•••N•N4♦•♦• N�••♦•♦•,!•N•••• • ON N�.••H• NO•N•• DUNFORD. & MAY 1 Furniture Dealers 1 • I and --- -- I_. Funeral Directors' s 1 PRONE 127 —IN s,GRTAND S• tit NDAY CALLS— PRONE 1.84. Iii% JAMES DUNFORD JOHN: MAY N♦##N!♦♦♦'NM:>U10N••t•♦1.1�1••N!•4N 1N•N•NN Phone 104 August 28th, I913 FIRST SHOWI\G OF THE SEW FALL COATS Srnart, Attraetiye lflodels for Ladies' Wear. We have just passed. into' stock thirty-five exclusive ladies' coats collected from several of the largest manufacturers. These coats are the very latest Amer- ican styles, made from soft pure wool tweed, three-quarter cut -away, trimmed with large buttons and frogs to.match, shipped' to us for early buying, and no two styles alike. Come in and see this beautiful range• We will be pleased to show you through as • a buyer or not. SVVEAT1R COATS ,FOR 1IEN, WOM- EN, CHILDREN The new - sweat- er coats for ear- ly fall wear are now in stock comprising t h e very' newest col- or combinations, in styles right up to the minute as in former 'years. We are showing nothing but the products of the .b es t manufac- turers and every • garment guaran- teed. Prices run from $1 to *5. BOYS' CLOTHING MADE IN CLINTON This season we are showing a large range of boys clothing in.ade by the Jackson Manufactur- ing Co. which alone guar- antees good value and workmanship. Every suit passed into our stock has passed through an experts _hands and thoroughly 'guaranteed. Cloths and styles this season are ex- ceptional, a call will con- vince you of the fact. Pric- es run from $4 up. dziRtfillAW G"L?.1V'T01V' About People Your Know The News From Londesboa�o n Misses Annie and Emma Southcombe Mr..Ed. Kitty of Los .Angel•s, left for Toronto today. is fa town. Miss Jessie Reeves of Detroit id the Mr, 'Rees Jenkins is spending a fe guest of Mrs, T. W. Hawkins. Mrs. Thos. Watts visited Wingham friends tor a few days last week, Mrs. Harry Marsh of -Detroit is vis - r iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs., Geo: Davis. Mr. John Crooks is spending a vaca- tion amongst his friends in the old. home town, Fred. Thompson hem s on return p ed on Tues- day from a week's visit at Grant- on. Mr. and Mrs, J, C. Dowson and son of Sault Falls, South Dakota,.spent the 'week -end with Mr. aid Mrs. R. J. Ciuff; Mice Pearl Foster returns to her home in Clarksburg today after a fortnight's visit with her cousin, Miss: Mabel Kerr. Mr, and 'Mrs, Foster of Tara were the . guests of Mr. and ,Mrs. VVnt. Cantelon on Friday. Mrs. Will Ross was in Goderich for a couple of days last week, having gone up on Thursday to attend the. funeral of the late Ars. P. B. Crews. Mrs. S. Crich is in Los Angelos, Cal- ifornia, with her daughter,. Mrs. David Elliott, with tyhom she, pur- poses remelting several months, in all probability until next. spring. Miss Emily Guest spent a few days this' week with.Mrs. John Guest, leaving here for Toronto where she will spenil a few days before going to Belleville to recons her teaching dutieb. Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Holmes carne up front, Toronto on Tuesday even- ing to he present at the wedding of their son Walter to .Mics Pearson of Stanley yesterday. 'They return- ed 'to the city Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Matt Ford 'of. .Mullett, who went to Hamilton to' spend cen- tennial week with her mother, will be detained in the city for some time owii. to the illness of her sister. Mr. Bert Langford motored nut to Londesboro on Friday evening and on Iiih return was accompanied by Mrs. Langford, who lead been spend- ing a week with her brother, Mr. Wm. Vodden; and other friends. Mri• Joel McLeod left yesterday for London where she intends visiting friends' for a few days before going;, to Guelph where Mr. McLeod hab. taken a position and where they in- tend n tend in future ' to reside. Their many friends' in and about. Clinton regret their departure. Mr.and Mrs: Palmer, some years ago an for a time citizens of Clinton, days in Toronto. The township council will meet on Mrs. Young spent 'a couple of days. Saturday to transit g;.neraf l'tri- this week with Clinton friends, w ness and as a court of )•eviaion on t earls, the Bower dram Mr. J. 0. Lounrlsbury and Mr.• Mr. and Mrs. Will Kennedyarevis iting in Caledonia. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wallis are 1 Toronto this week. Mrs,' John Wiseman is spending fortnight in Toronto. Mrs. T. I -I, Cook and Master Nesbitt left this morning for Toronto, Miss Jule u c BatllIff leaves today for Winglant to spend a week with friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. , Davis and family of Kelowna, B �°,, arrived in town on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chaht and Miss Ger- trude attended the Holmes -Pearson wedding in Stanley yestetday, Mrs. W. F. Vanstone of Winehant is visiting this week with Mtc: Chas. Bartlifi and Mrs. Barry Bartliff, Miss Eunice Reid of Stanley was the guest of her sister, Miss, Mamie of town, for a few, days last week, Miss Grace Shepherd leaves today for Ottawa to be in .readiness to resume her teaching duties on Tucl- day next. Mr. G. J. Stewart left this morning for Detroit to spends a few''daye with his sister whom he rias not met for Many years. Dr: Shaw and Mr, A. J. Morrish at- tended the 111 Thos. Miller are spending a few days. Rev, Mr. Reid takes his holidays in Toronto this week, during September and' during hiS.ab Mrs, Janes Webster and Miss Bella u settee his work here will be. in charge g are see/Wing a week with the . form -- of Rev. Dr. Stewart,'formerly, of eieb son.in Toronto and taking; in the a °tinton. The. good people of Fair. Knox and Burns churches have Mr. Thos. Sampson spent Sun a heard. Dr. Stewart on more with.Mr•, Thos. Scott of Canfield, Sunday, than One occasion t o asion in past years Mrs. Mulholland of Windsor spend with pleasure and. profit. Pastor a few days at the 'home of Mr. -John., Reid has been steadily growing in Hutton. the einem of his people who, all Wilmer Scott of Canfield is visiting wish hint a very pleasant holiday. g,: friends here. Mr, and Mrs. S. -McCool, accent- Miss Clara Young is visiting Blyth: panied by lifts. Warren of Clinton, friends. are in Toronto this week, Mr. Frank Lee of Norwich spent Mr. John Finglanel believes in e- the week -end at his home here, quipping his family for the battle of life with a good education, Two of his sons are preparing for the min- istry of the Presbyterian church and a third purposes entering the univer- sity white one of his daughters, Miss Mary Fingland, has almost com- plete her course at the same seat ,of learning, The Women's Institute will hold their regular meeting' in the Forest- ers' hall on Thursday 'afternoon next. A darning contest` will be, a feature of the program. neral of , the late Mrs. Crews in Goderich on Thursday and acted as palbearers.'' Mr, and Mrs. John Howson, of Medi- cine ne TBat, Alberta, arrived on Mon- day on a visit with the: former's mother and sister in town. Miss T essie Crooks went to Toronto last week to attend the millinery openings, going on the Barrie to the position which she held last season. Mr. James Wiseman of, Chicago and Mr. W. Wiseman of Kirkton have been visiting their brother, Mr. John Wiseman of town, during the past few day's - Messrs. ;George 11. Ball and II. H. Hill of Hallett,: executors of the Filiay Ball estate,v were in town yesterday making arrangements for the sale of the farm. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sheppard spent the week -end with Goderich friends Mr. Sheppard talking part in decora- ation ceremonies conducted by the C. O. F, in Maitland cemetery Sun- day afternoon. Miss Abbie Glen, 'dadghter of Reeve Glen of. Stanley township, has tak- en � a position p i as private se0retazy to Manager Saunders of the organ factory, Goderich. She has also been appointed soloist in Knox have returned front. Portage la church of that town, - Prairie, Man., and taken up their Miss 51. M. Stephenson, who has been \residence here again. Mr. Palmer teaching at North Bey for the past five or six- years, has taken a Posi- tion on the stall of the Port Arth- ur Public schools, and leaves on Friday' for London and will take. boat, at Sarnia on Satuluday for Port Arthur has talkers a position in Tozer &i Brown's tailoring department. He says the depression in the west was so 'serious that lie wait, glad to get back to Ontario and to Clinton again. Mrs. James Campbell visited Biytffi friends for a few days recently. Mr, and 1VIrs, Thomas Hill of Bel - grave visited the former's mother on, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, McEwan of Clinton: were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Vodden and Mrs, George Lyon on. Tuesday. Mr, Henry Lear left on Tuesday for the Soo, going by boat from Goder- ich. Mr. William Vodden and Miss Mabeb are spending a few days with Toron- to oronto and .Brampton friends. i School Shoes School days are almost here again and we are prepared to meet the requirements of the girls and; boys in school'shoes,-we have the new shapes. in all leathers, price to suit any purse and also in that most essential point that school shoes,should have, good. wearing qualities; Call and see for youtbelves, it will `• be a pleasure to show you what we have. Repair Department On 1V,Ior.day Aug, 25th, Mr. Wilken, will take over our Repairing Department and will be glad to see all his former customers and friends in our store. Any,work entrusted to his care will be neatly and promptly attended to. S. CHAPMAN Successor to J. Twitchell & Son .#