HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-08-28, Page 771'71 , - Most Popular -:– with • Most People — for. •Most Purposes — Comfort Soap 'POSiTIVELY 'the LARGEST SALE i CANADA APPLE FAMINE IN ONTARIO Fears Are Entertained that the Output Will Not Be Half the Normal Yield . That there will hea apple fam- ine. in Ontario,this season is pre- dicted in' the Crop report recently isued by the Provincial Depart- ment of Agriculture. Arcording to the statements of the Government corresaondents throughout the pro- , 7 vince, .the apple crop will be re- markably light, and under exeep- • tionally favorable conditions 'will not 'equal hall the rearmed yield of the orchards. From the first of the season the apple trees have suffered greatly from early frosts and subse- quent dry spells, ,while even in many of the sprayed orchards the ecala. revages have been very -bad. The tent caterpillar has also been bad in the Eastern sections, and $01110, orchards have been greatly defoliated. Tim -early frests have also injured the vineyards badly, and the grape erop Will . be but small. The pear yield will be good, while plums and peachea will be fully up to the yield of last year. The reexats a the grain orop show that the avezage yield per acre is large. The grain is plump and of exoellent color, and, al- though the unfavorable conditions pthvalling in the early Spring °mind some anxiety, the excellent weather following eliminated.. anY bad effects whieh might have resulted, • The barley, oats and spring and fall wheat yield irs heavy, al- though the rye is emir' to be only fair, Phe grain has been free from any blight, and -there, are practical.' ly no complaints of smut, rust or ravages ef lased». The straw, how- ever, „although clean and of good quality, is remarkably short, The ea crep will be fair, the yield in Northern °Marie, being exeeptien- ally good, while -the bean yield' is heavy, Corn also will have a good yield, • In„the 'opinion of formees the potato crop will be only fair this year. In some districts the reports show that there. is practically no crop at all, while others abate thet the yield will he good. They will be undersized, however, owing to thefroidsurnmer -droutlt, but the Utlalite will be good,. The tubers have been exeeptibnally free ft= Oolorado beetles, The root crops will also be fairly good., although the turnip yield will be larger than that of mongola. ONE MEAN MAN. . Robbed Clergyinen After Ile Re- ' Mended Him. A despatch from Winnipeg &aye: Edwin Brewer'charged with the theft of' the houeehold furniture from the home of Rev. W: B, Cars- well, was arreated in Minneapolis at the request of the Winaiaeg po- hoe. A short time ago Brewer - poured into the minister's ears a ,,A1116-) tale of woe which, coupled with his r• forlorn appearance, constrained the Idndly parson to take him into hie household as a, friend. Brew- er's gratithele was an eloquently ex- pressed that when Carswell want on his vacation he left the house in the young man's eharge, On his return be fond it denuded of its more valuable furnishings, and his • protege miasing. The police were notified,, and the furniture was, traced to a Ideal second-hand deal- er named Harris: A desetiption of the missing young man wee epread, resulting in hie apprehension by the 'Minneapolis police, WM.---dN---"SUDDEN KILLED.. Emery Wheel In a Galt Factory Burst. ' A despatch Brom Galt says: The bursting of an ornery wheel at the works of Bt. Olair Bros., manufac- turers of cement maratines, caused the instant death of Wm. Sudden, thirty-six years of ago, on Thurs- day.. Sudden was grinding a chisel on the wheelewhen it exploded, one Of the piedes hitting him over the right .eye. Other workmen rushed to his aid, but he was dead before they reaehed him, He wee an ex- perienced mnployee, being foreman over one of the departinents. Be- sides his wife there survive two children, a brother, and a sister. FARMERS FROM THE STATES Two Train -Loads of Newcomers VVill Purchase • Farms In Canada 'A- despeteh- front Winnipeg says: Two important ,speeial trains ar- rived in western Canada on Phut's- , day morning, bringing 650 fanners from the United States. The inter- est 'ettaethed to the newcomers is the feet that •Lhey. have no intention of going homesteading, but, on the other hand, they have left their nra tive countny., with the -idea, ef per - chasing farms and ,settling down in the Canadian west. The first of these trains came in by way of North Portal, and brought 275 per- sons from Illinois, Iowa,. Kansas and Wisconsin. They araived under the guidance of the •C.P.R, department of nat- ural resources, and are, bound for Calgary, Some of them possess from $3,000 to $40,000, and 'on the whole they averaged $10,000 apiece. The second epeeial train came theraugh Emerson, and carried 375 hemeseekers for the Lost Mountain Valley district. The members of the party hailed from Wiseonein, Iowa and Indiana. They brought with them an average of from $7,- 000 to $8,000 each. Make Us Prove It We dare not exaggerate to you: We are dependent upon your patronage. To get it we must haVa your trust and eon* denee. We make the following statements with a full under. standing of what they mean to us. You are safe when you believe in these statements, of bowel ills and in a short time For the 13oweis ••• usually make unnecessary the con. If -you only knew as much al we tinned use of physics and purgatives; and those who have used them know -thus tending to...stop such unhealthy about Rexall Orderlies, you would habits as rosy have been farmed. he as ellthUSiaStiO out recominend. • mg them as we are. They taste just like candy. They net so easily and Make us Prove This . • so pleasantly that tho taking of theta We do not ask you to take our is a pleasure, word for this. Wo Want you to make tven childmn like Resell Orden. no prove it, and at no cost to you. lies; and you know that -if a medt. Buy e hex of Rexall Orderlies at mne.appoals to a child, It will weal our store. Use them once, or uso up to grown-upa the whole b„ox. Then, if you aro •,'• not theemenly satielted, ust come us. e42. cc.a ithout ob igating you ot • trk omPti, banded and tell bqueotien- lg you We will return. the money help these gloom; dispel •bluee and You Paid ns for thein. snake you fed happythy their salon. Doesn't thrakindicate that Bezel1 did tonic!, cleansing and, Strengthen. Orderlies are at idailt worthy of trial? • ' • Ina (Afoot *upon the bowels, - They • Doesn't it prove our faith in thorn? ate to free the sy,stetn'-,and keep it 'Doesn't it merit your ceofidence? • • free- from tkleistrearancl ip feeling C'Otild any offer bo more fair to you?- . r that natetal results from movie' We particularly recommend Recall , and inactive wow, • Orderlies for children, delicate' and • ^ Retell Orderlies do this' cmietlY; aged persons, Itexall Orderlies come without griping ok missing nausea, in convenient vest-poaltet size tin purging or excessive looseness. They bozos. 12 tablets, 10c; 36 tablets, • •' .aot to overcome and remove the omen) pe; 80 tablvto, 50e, • CA,UTIO11: Please bear in mind that Timed' Orderlies ire not sold by all drug, . • gists, You otra buy Rexall Orderlies onlY at thoReaaII Storm. You earl buy Itexert Orderlies in this oonununity y as our store; • ' • " • ,Cttn9on • The store,• . , . , s akcw$l Stot�ern ezd eby 91 910 United S.ettes, CanadA„end- ' Oreat•B 'thin, Theta in a different Itexail Rcinedy. fa. nowlv OVOiY ordinary bora n 0.1 cede. cspgoisily deal ned for the particular fox whicth itie,reeennt,en,led, .• , ,` , • . • •• The Rexall ,Stores Orantetit.53rne. Stems , Tren, PRICES Of FARM PRORUCTS ,IREPORTO FROM THE I. EAD1NO TRADE , CENTRE'S OF AMERICA, Vetoes . cif Cattle, etain, ctlims• anti OttiM P reduce tie .Hoftur and' Abroad. , Tortwito,' Aug. 26,7-linour-Oniatrio whea t liettra, 90. per cent.,told, 34 .10 44.10, Toron- ,to and •Montreal freight, Near made of new wheel quoted at $3.60, seaboard, for September ,delivery. Manitobas.-Piret Pa' tents, • in 'jute bags, $5.40; do., seconds, $4,90; strong bakers', in jute bags, 54.70. Manitoba Witedt=h1O. 1 Northern. $1, On track, BaY Porte:” 110.0 at 99e; No. 3. 240, Ontario wheat -No. 2 white and rad wheat, 90 to 94o, Outside, and new wheat at 84 to 85e, outside. Oath -No. 2 Ontario *ate. 34e, outside, and at 36 to 37o, on traok, Toronto; new oats, 36 to 370 nominal. Western, 00,110 -da oats, .00e for lee. 2, and et 390 for No. 3, By ports. No. 1 feed, 39a; No, 2, do., 36e. Peas-Nenain al. Barley -50 to 5213,`ontside, 55e, Terento. Corn -No. 3 American corn quoted nomi- nal at 79e, c.i.f.. Midland, Rye -Nominal. 13uokw1oeat.--7om1na1. Bron -Manitoba bran, 820 a ton, in haze, 72orento freights. Shorts, $21, Toronto. Country Produce. Wholesale dealers' (imitations to retail- ers are:- Butter-Ohotee dairy, '23 to 250; inferior, 17 th 190; creamery, 26 to Ole for rolls and 24 to 05e for solide. Uggs-Oase lots of now -laid. 05; selects 26 to 27o per dozen: freeli, 20 to 210, and second, 16 to 180. Cheese -New cheese unchanged at 103-4 to 14a for large, add 141-20 for twins. Boans-Iland,picked, 92,25 to 5235 Per bushel; primes. $1.75 th $2. Ifoney--Extracted, in tins, 101-2 to 12e Per lb, for No. 1 wholesale; combs, 52.50 to $2.75 per dozen for No. 1, and $215 to $2.50 for No. 2. Poultry -Hens, 16 to 17c per 194 Spring Chickens, 20 to 210• ducks, 16 to 170; geese. 13 to 14e; turkeys,'18 to 20o. Potatoes -Native, $1.20 to $1.26 per 90 lb. Pravlsions. Bacon, long clear, 153-4 to 150 per lb. in ease lots. Pork -Short cut, 529; do,. mane, $24. Hama -Medium to light, 2/1.2 to no) heavY, 20 to • 201-43; rolIe, 17c; breakfast bacon,'22e; backs, 24 to 25e. Lard-Tiercee. 14l -4c; tubs, 143-4o; pail% 15o. Baled Hay and Straw. Baled hay-Nev hay, 012 th VI No. 1 at 814 to 614.60, at track, Toronto, and No. 2 at 511 to $12. Baled stra2W-$8 to 58,25. on track. To. route. Montreal Markets. Mc:Areal, Aug. 26. -Corn, American, No. 2 yellow, 83 to 631-20. Oath, Canadian West, ern, No. 2, 41 to 411-2e; Canadian Western, No. 3, 391-1 to 40e; extra No. 1 feed, 401-1 to 41e. Barley, Man, feed, 69 to Me; malt- ing, 62 to 64e. Buckwheat -No, 2. 68 to 60e. Flour. Mao. Spring wheat patents, firets, 55.60; seconde, 55.10; strong bakers' 64.90; Winter patents, choice, 55.25 to 56.50 straight rollers, 55 to 55.10; do., bags, Oa to $2.40. Rolled oats, barrels, $4.75; do., bags, 90 lbs., 62.25. Bran, $19. Shorts, $21. Middlinge, $24. Idouillie. $26 to $32. Hay, No, 2, per ton car lots, $12 to 813 - Cheese, finest westerns, 131-8 to 133-50; fin- est easterns, 023.4 to 130. /hitter, choicest areamerY, 24 to 24 1-4o.: seconds, 209.2 to 23 3-4e; seconds, 231-2 to 231.40. Eggs, fresh, 29c; eoleoted, 270; No. 1 stook, 24c; No. 2 stock. 18 to 190, winnipth stain. Winnipeg, Aug. 26,-00,th prioner-Wlmat --No, 3 Northern, 92 1-2e; No. 3 Northern, 87e; No, 4, 843; No. 5, 521-2o; No. 6, 679-00; food, 60o; No. 2 tough, 041-25; No. 3 tough, 821-2e; No. 4 tough, 730; No. 6 tough, 651 -Se; No. 6, 610; feed, tough. 54e, Oata- No. 2 0.W.. 36e; No. 3 0.W., 35e; extra No. 1 fded. 350; No. 1 feed, 35e; No. 2 feed, 32c. BarleY-No. 3, 460; rejeoted, 41e; feed, 41e. Plax-No. 1 N.W.C,. 51.32; No, 2 0.'W, 91.29; No, 3, C.W., $1.17. United States Markets. Minneanolis, Aug. 26.-W1koat-Septe112- bar, 87e; December, 501-4c; May, 95 Me. Cash, No. I hard, 90c; No, 0 Northern, 88 to 001-2e; No. E Northern, 86 to 871-10. Corn -No. 3 yellow, 735-2 to 741.10. Oath - No. 3 white, 40 to 40 3-4c, Rye, No. 2, 611-2 to 620. Flour and bran, unchanged. Duluth. Aug. 26.-W1ieal-No. 1 hard, 905.40; No. 1 Northern..89 1-4; No. 2 Nor. thorn, 571.4 to 070-40; September, 683.40 bid; Deoember. 937,00 bid; May, 901-8a. nominal. Close-Lineeed. 31.50 1.21 Seldom- ber, 91.491-2 bid; Ootober and November. 51.50 1.4 bid; December. 41.48 LIve Stock Markets. Toronto, Aug. 26.--Cattle-creeite export, $6.80; choice butchers. 96.25 to $6,10; good medium, $5.65 to $1.90; common, $4 to_ 551 canners, 52 00$2.50; <utters. 53 to 34.29/ fat caws, $5.25 to $5.75; common cows, WM th 44. Oalyes-Good veal, 55 to $7; choice, 48.25 th $9; common, 43 to 9340, Stockers and feeders -Steam 700 to 800 pounds, $4.50 to $5; extra, choice heavy feeders, 900 pounds, $5 to 55.50; rough Easter, 400 th 650 pounds, MN to 54.25. Sheep and lambs - Light ewes, 34,25 to 5545; heave, 53 to $3.60; bucks, $3 to $3.50; spring lambs, $6.75 to 57. Hogs-$1.25,fed and watered; $9.90 f.o.b.; and 510.50 weighed off cars. Montreal, August 26.-Onttle-4eee1pts, about 165; °elves. 702; sheep and lambs, g" 800; ho800. Prime beeves, none. Milob cows. 320 00 465; calves, 27.43 to 6c; 21thell, 4c to 41-43; lambs. 70; hogs, /0 1-2c, 111111 BUSINESS OUTLOOK. The Couutry's Trade Is Expanding at a Phenomenal Rate. A despateh from Vancouver says.: Sohn Aird„ Aseistant General Man- ager of the Canadian Bank of Com- merce, arrived here on Phureda,y after an, extensive tear of the Prairie Provinces, and eaki : "The business outlobk throughout the Dominion is very ratisfaetory, and 1 -am decidedly optimietic regarding Cie coming 'year. • The volume of trade of the whole country is ex-. pending ab a phenomenal rate, and thousands of neweomers, many pro - tided with ample capital, are flock- ing to the Canadian West. With a geed ()rep almost assured, and the present situation in Europe greatly relieVed, I am expecting to see a, decided improvement a &Haire in Canada by the beginning of 1914." ' SMALLPDX OUTBREAlf.. Collin's Irdet, ou Georgian Bay, Is Threatened. A- despetclt from( Toronto 6a5S: For the second time in 1)., month the Provinvial Health authorities are coneerned with an Outbreak of smallpox at Collin's Inlet, on Geer, glom Bay. The former 0400 was coolly .disposed ef, but ruiners of a fresh eutbreak have called the.,dis- triet inspector again to the scene, and remedial measures are being applied at once. Lumbering is the „principal industry at Collin's In- let, and practically the entire popu- lation is supported by the , mills keitteet-t,lhere, , "That Mrs. Naybor edvopped in this afternoon and got eff a let of theap talk.' '"Cheap talk ?' she esed ear telephone for a "full. half-hour.'' •„ • ,` • , ' •, , A, 4ftii'11tnd in Meacney.• strength produber, Pi•Mi Dr. Sun Tat San, , •the former Provisional President of China, is 'now a fugitive in For- mosa, following th.s cellapth of the Canton rebellion against the GOV,- ernment. He was the 'foremost figure in establishing republican government in China. • ,. COMMENT ON EVENTS Nothing Wrong With Canada. On hie -return from England, Sir Ed- mund Walker, president of the Cdnadian Bank of Commerce, expresses himself very hopefully on the money situation, and in an intervieW stated tbat there was no need of anxiety among reputable Oann- dian business men engaged in ordinary business ventures of, a sound nature. "There is nothing wrong with Canada," said Sir Edmund, "The whole trouble is With the world supplY of nioneY• The Pro. duotion of gold has inereased, but not sufficiently to keep no, with the world- wide prooperity of the last few years. and the tightnese in the money market le due mainly to this cause, though of course the war in the Balkans has also helped by diverting money from commercial (Mau. nets: The only reason why Canada has been singled out for criticism," went on sir Edmund. "is that she is the most pro. minent borrower, and therefore attraote most of the attention when capitalists be '811 to diserhninate in making their loans. Canadian credit le not ih the least injur- ed, and interest in Canadian investments has not flagged, but investors in England are obliged to discriminate more care- fully and to charge a higher rate." Widow of Sir John A. Macdonald, Baroness Macdonald of Earneeliffe Is the only Canadian woman, almost the only British woman who holds a title in her own right. The Baroness le the widow of Sir John A. Macdonald, and was creat. ed poerese in 1891, on the death of her husband, in consideration of his public services. Sho was a Miss Bernard, (laugh. ter of the late Hon. T. 0. Bernard, 00 710' maim. Mor marriage to the Canadian statesman took place in 1867, the year of confederatiou.' Lady Magdonald makes her home in 'England, but continues to take alt interest in things Canadian, al- though she has reached the age of seven- ty-sevon. A woman of intellectuel power, Lady Macdonald in. earlier yenrs did a sorvioo to Canada by writing for the Eng- lish prese of the resourees of the eountry. IloW manY Canadians knew that the fam- ous etatemnan's wife was still living? Temperance and Insanity. Ono of tho sneakers at the medical con- grese now in nession in London (Jammed the remarkable growth of the temperance movement in Great Britain. Ile referred to the improved habits of army and navy officers, who aro TIOW expected to set a geed example to the men under them, as well as to the enorinourt change among the eammeraial and professional °loathe. Other obseri vers, ncluding the chart. cellar of the exchequer, have been calling atteution 10 the same gratifying pile nomena, and the average Man, without so much ae it glance at statistics, knows the (statements regarding the spread of tem. perance to be true. It le undeniable, moreover, that the progress of temperance ,ivsidnect confined to England. It. Is world. Now intemperance is P, potent cause of Insanity, and there should be observable everywhere a decrease of insanity as one of the results of the, gradual -elimination of the drink evil. Yet, accerding to. speakers at the medical congress, insanity is growing and growing at an alarming rate. In ingland it has inereased 276 Der cont. since 1860, although the population has increased only 87 per cent. Is the increase largely apparent rather then real, because of better registration and diagnosis, or le it actual? If actual, what are He eauses? Conditions of life have improved, and so have eonditions of la- bor. Is it our modern pace that kills the minds of 60 mann Light is wanted. Tho Peach -Grower's Lite. lVhen the oity man gazes upon the carmine -tinted peaohes in the fruit stores, his imagination conjures a life of pleas. ure and ease in growing the Insolent; fruit. The reality is not quite so rosey, according te one who hae tried it. "The peach -grower's life is a life of aux. lay. He watohes the ,olouda, Sis marke the windS, he studies the thermometer, as another man 'might the tape from a stock - ticker. He has ploughing to do and fer. Wining. He milet cut back tho young trees and prune the older oiled. There are insidious diseases he must treat -yellows, twig blight, leaf curl, black epot, Insects dispute the possession of 9115 orchard - Mirk beetle; aphis, peach tree .borer and aa otcasional stranger with an appetite for destruction quite 40 strong. C:10 price of laud in the peach growing district in. diorites that the orchards pay. But there is one thing thepeach grower will swear to by the deadliest oaths. This is that he earne his money. There are none who can readily dispute the fact." Canada Will Exhibit. , As the Dominion Government has de- eided to exhibit at the Panama Pashto Ex. position in San Francisco next, summer it will behoped that a really line tion of Canada's resources and producte will be made. It is altogether a different thing for Great Britain to' take, part in this exhibition. The United Statee aud Canada run parallel for over 3,000 miles and yet there are vast differences in their resources and possibilities which con only be gauged by a close coMparison. While it is unfortunately impos'sible trate (Canada'e resourceful °Emote ' the products of that climate maY be seen. This will be a fine opportunity for the individnal provinces to advertise their 105,396, A Governor's Downfall, Only -a man without compassion could' help beton sorry' for the Governor of Now Toxic State, who has been impeached, and whOmay- indeed be threatened with crim. mat proceedings fer falsifYing the docu- ment in which lre was required to. account, for the money spent in his election 06711- paign. Xn ;,the course of that eampaign, while' lie with denouncing the corporations and pledging himself to the service of the People, lio appears to haie been speculat- ing privntely in Wall Street with money Shat had been even 21110 le be use4 in sie. curing hth own eldetion end:that of other candidates of hitt party, Governor Sulzer hos been Sotectlung of a demagogue, climbing to prorainenos as clinanpion of the "plain peeple," and as the- unoompromising• enemy,,o11privilage. and gr,aft. Since attaining ,ofilee he 1150siucorely tried to eerie out the Premisce he inads 10 the coarse „of Ids eaanPaign, and the reason he earned the 'enmity of Tammany Hall Was that he did try. 10 10 had continued tobO a mere' shouter for reform, and at the Silin10 ,:tilne; an enemy of progress, he would, not 11011 MIA Mut- er:If at the end of 'his Political' carom:. Ile has been purSued-and rained.not for his faults, but for his virtuee, ;There...is _earth- • on to believe thel, resn011iiibilitY• Made it uew man of Sulzer, that his,-..,solehin oath of office drove him le brealrwterhis Tara - Maur partnere, and eventually „to defy. them when theY ilootred hhsl to Make prop er • 'appointments.' No .,Ortis elt in his downfall, least, ef all tli.e -neople of the Statdof Neiv York; Who, will have .lost a. man who wrecknd brilliant ear. eer, tholigh hi eillee he tried to'be true to the trust they 'hadleipoeed In him. Peirk Eleans Crirei retlfelehroarf, eat'r•e;":11; 006#1q, wino? • THE calor ourrAoK. 3 Reported Throngliout Manitoba in • Splendid Conndition.. A desnatah train WinThilleg 'says Hem. Geo.. A. Lawrence, minister of agriculture, has just returned from a trip through the south court - try and reports the crops through- out the country in splendid condi- tion with harvesting in. frillasWaY at alraost eVery point. The prop promises ,grade higher -than last year. Recent storms tat swept over the coantry were reported to have done great damage, but the damage appears to have been more imaginary than real. There is geed demand for harvest help, but a steady stream of tvorkers is pouring into the province from the east and from the British Isle». e CROOKS ARRESTED. TIteir ' Intention WAS tO Rob the Bank of England., A despatch from Loridon says: A notorious gang. of international crooks, known to the Secret Service Bureaus of half a dozen Govea'n- ments, were taken into custody on Wednesday. Papers found in their quarters indicated they were plan- ning an attempt to role the Benk of England. Scotland Yard detectives learned' Seine time ago that the crooks had rented a handsome resi- deneain the west end, a,nd one of thein was posing as a. well-known American millionaire. The raid was made early on Wednesday, and all members of the organization were captured. ,____* BRITISH ARMY AIRSHIP. Towed Naval Airship Into Port With Machinery Disabled. A despateh from London says: The novel sight of an airship towing her disebled oompa,nion was wit- nessed at Aldershot) en Wednesday afternoon. The 13ritith army air' - ship Eta and a navel airship Wei% out reamoeuvring when the' machin- ery in tho latter 'vessel became dis- abled. The Eta attached a hawser to the other dirigible and towed her to the factory forz_ epairs. ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION. King and Queen of Roumania , Fired At. A despatch from, London says': Revolver 'Idiots were fired by ban- dits on Thursday at King Charles and Queen Elizabeth (Carmen Syl- va) of Roumania as they were rid- ing in an automobile near Sinai& a fashionable health resort of Rect- mania in the • Carpathian moun- tains, according to special des- patches received here. Neither of their Majesties was injured. As soon as the bandits began firinethe chauffeur of the Royal oar speeded up his machine and succeeded in carrying the. King and Queen to safet3r. - 4 -- PRESENTED TO DUBLIN ZOO. Dominion Government Sends Two Fine Buffalo. A despatch ham Montreal says: TWO fine specimene of buffalo from the famous herd at Wainwright Park, which the Dominion Govern- ment has presented to the authori- ties of the 'Dublin Zoological Gar- dens, were shipped on hoard the Inishowen Head, which sailed -from this port for Dublin on Wednesday, NEW GOLD, HEED. In Kiln, in. the Belgian Congo, South Africa. , A despatch 'feorn Johannesburg says: The newspapers have given prominenee to authoritative ac- counts of the recent 'discovery of a gold field in Kilo, in the Belgian Congo. Some of the reefs a,re said to yield 70 per cent, geld, and it is declared that the Rand will' have to take a back seat, A doctor, who was very young 'and shy, WAS asked to dinner by. a lady who was' at least 50, and tried to pass herself eff a20 and appa- rently imagined that being rude the tomboyish aesisted to. sustain, the youthlal allusion.At dinner she asked him to Of1.1..{,43 a fowl end never haying carved a fowl before and being painfallr •shy, he made a mess 3 of it. Ineteadeof trying to Vea, his confusion, hoetess call- ed attention to it pointedly' by _looking down the table and saying 10114113u "Well, Die you may be a eiever surgeon,, but if 1aV%ant- col. a leg off 1 sheltie' not come -to 'yen d•t) it.'' ''No, madam," he replied -politely, "bet then yeti' see usuon are not a chicken." . • Ferty years in use, 20 years the • ettindard, preirribed and reeorta mended by physicians. For Wo, man's• Ailments, artel'q Female Pills, at yonr droggiSk• - THE NEWS- IN A PARAGRAPH _ HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN Ceattilit, the Empire and the • los Geiteral Belitrie Your Canada. The Cenedian Northern 'Railway expects to operate grain trams .frorn the Northwest to Quebec this Edmonton is likely to have a gegen in the investigation, of its 'pollee department adminietration. Salmon catch at Pacific coast has been large this year, and canned salmon will -he 33 per cent. cheaper than a year ago. • Canada's Inlaad Revenue returns for July totalled $1,851,335; as cent - pawed with 1,779,009 in the same • month of lest year. - A Brantford Realty Company pur- thalami a twenty-three-aore proper - 1>y, the Oakwood subdivision, for $49,200, and will erect boluses there this fall, More than half the issue of the city of Toronto 4 per cent. bond 'bought by N. W. Harris Sr Co. of Montreal has already been private- ly dis,posecl of to lJnited States and Canadian purchasers, . The Detroit River Tunnel Co. owes the city of Windsor $10,000 in taxes! for 1913, and has failed, for some unknown reason, to pay, • which calming the members of the Council much concern. • The new .arrieralment to the judge' act" will mean the retire- ment in a short time of ten county court 'judges, eight of them in On- tario. Under the amended act a luudllpge'aretires at the age of 75, on Walter Turner, Chief of the Red Cliff Fire Brigade, has been com- mitted for trial by Magistrate Hen- derson, charged with attempting. to bribe two policemen to let him run a gambling and disorderly house. If. M. Kersey, of London, has been appointed general manager of the C. P. R. company's trans-At- lantic a,nd trans -Pacific fleets, /10 - cording to the announcement of S. M. Bosworth, Vice -President of the C. P. R. G Teat Britain. The London Times urged the Brit- ieh Government to reconsider •its 'decision not to participate in the, Panama-Pacifie Exposition, At London, England, Andrew Paterson, an elderly visitor from Montreal; was hurled through a slam window near Charing ODOM, by a taxi cab running amuck. His injuries were trifling, G eneral. Nearly one thousand.delegates at- tended the opening of the Peace Congress at The Hague. A measure will he introduced in the German Reichstag affecting commercial rlations with Britain and the overseas Dominions. Anstealia's Colton. Interest was aromatic' recently in. London by the announcement of the High Commiesiener of Austral- ia that the services of a cotton ex- pert were required to superintend the 'cultivation of the plant in the Commonwealth. Experiments so far have been mostly in Queens- land, where a variety of cotton es- pecially 'favored is that known as Caraeonica-a, cross betwe,en Peru- vian and Mexican. It ie a tree which, if pruned back, attains a height of twenty feet. On poor, sanely soil it is 'said that growers have made from $25 to $50 an acre, and there ara thousands of acres of auitable land to be obtained in northern Queensland •at from, $2.50 to $5 an acre. Prize Winner: • Another one has ,started and pro- mises to become a' worthy successor to "How much wood would a wood- chuck check if a woedelitick could chuck wood?" Many heretical ver- sions of the new teasers are at large, but the true Iform is as, foie lows, and meet be strictly adhered ' to by the faithful: Bill had a bill -board and Bill had a heard bill, and Bill's board 'bill bored Bill till Bill sold Bill's bill- board t,o pay Bill's board bill, and then Bill'e board bill no longer hex- ed Bill. :Sarsaparilla- ...giadicateS and, all• other 'hitt-tiers, 'utiree all ther ,Jeffects, matceg. the blood rteh,. •, tan'a;itabaut4.101"a.:glaitr‘les,'Take ir 'engtliei. titS be' .1. ' There Is no "jilstas-iood" Medicine. insist on haying Hood's:, Get it today. THE NEWS-RECORO'S CLUB- BING LIST FOR 1912-13 e:TnX:2B fewc:Rerd LTd brailan.dtenIee., $iewoEecOt-daib:.....„'...1,66Newe-Reoord anFamily Herald and Star with PreinIUM News -Record and Witness 1.75 Lewwereceaorrdd sed B1Prnee'P-r-e'se'...::::::.• 171 Newatteeord a,nd Advertiser ..„... 1.79 News•Record and Toronto Saba:clan NigOot Nes•Record anF d arm and Dairy... 1.7 News.11ecorwRd anand Y'armer's 2.1- News -Record and Canadian Farm- 1114, News-ecord d Youth's -Companion News-Rcoord and Canadian Country: ' Newesvo-11,eriVan and, The ' Canadian • News -Regard News -Record Nowe-Record NewaRecord News -Record News -Record News -Record News -Record 1.56 3.00 DA ILIES. and Mall and Empire.. 4,25 and Globe 4.23 and News .... ...... 0.35 and Star.. 2.35 and World''•_ -2.25 and Morning Free Press 3.25 and Evening Pree Press 2,75 an d A dyer clear 3,03 • MONTHLY. Newe•Recora and Poultry Review 1.25 News•Record aud Lippthoott's Maga. eIsa .135 News-RerorW and &Made nionthly, 1.49 If what von wont le not in Ibis list leh us know about it. We oan supply you at ' less tlia,n it would cost you' th send direct. ' In remitting please do so 137 Post-offire Order, Postal Note. Expreee Order or Reg- istered letter and address, W. J. MITCHELL, Puollsher Newi-Record CLINTON, ONTARIO Richelieu & Mario LINES VACATION TRIPS BY WATER THE SUMMER PLAY -GROUND ROUTE "Niagara to the Sea." Daily Steamers from Toronto. To THOUSAND ISLANDS - and Return $13.00 To MONTREAL and Return 34.50 To QUEBEC and Return 33.50 To SAGUENAY RIVER and Return 46.50 Meals and Berth included. Inland Lim Limited Steamers "City of Ottawa," "City of Hamilton," ' - "Majestic" and •"13elle'411e." HAMILTON to 'MONTREAL and Return $20.00 TORONTO to hIONTREAL and Return 19.00 Meals and Berth included. Steamers leave Ham.ilton on 'wed- nesclays, Fridays and Saturdays, and leave Toronto same days at 5.00 p.m., for Montreal, Str. "Belleville" leaves Toronto for Montreal, via the beautiful Bay of Quinte, on Mondays at 10.30 p.m, Steamer leaves Toronto for • Cleveland and Detroit on Fridays at 9.00 p.m. For information apply to your own Ticket Agent or HUC/II D. PATF,RSON, Gen. Agt. R. (Sz 0. Lines, Toronto, IL FOSTER CHAFFEE, Pass. Traf. Mgr., Montreal, P.Q. Etery WOH1311 le Wares ed and ellonldlinOW about the wonderful Naval Whirling Spray Douche Ask your &mkt for it If he cannot supply the MA,RVEL, accept no other, but send stamp for illus. trated book -sealed. It giver; fall particulars and directions-Ito/Ennoble to ladies,WINDsonsuPPLYCO.,Wthdeor,l)D0 General Agelits toe Canada, If every man waS rat fierce in ac- tion as he ie in thought all the jails would be full( • FARM LABORERS SCARCE There Are Not Man 3i Experienced Hands Respond- ing to the Call of the West A despatch feora Toronto says: Although- the railways have spent a email fortune in their <efforts tr.1 securesuffieicat la,borees to. harvest the Western grein„creaus tho outlook at present is that there will be an - ether thertage of farm llitnt18. wry 11/1, G. Murphy, chataistprisseeger agent of the Canadian. Pacific Rail- way, who is in chargeof the Ontar- io ,arrangements is of the opinion that the, number of haavestees to go West this year will not ecrael that tit last season, • ' "The la,bee question is alwaye a ramiliar one," Says Mr, '.111arphy, "and it -is difficult to secure any cle- fiaite figures. Although the bar- vestee excuesions run to date have li,een .excepticmally -large, there is every indication that we tvill have difficulty in securing men. lfffiere hasbeen a ecathity of tarnt labor all ever: the province <hiving the sume mar4 and that, in itself is not peone 1 y 1 , ieing for the West. The Canadian Pacific Railway Mrs spared no ox- rou.se in, advertising tbe excursion)) and .the needs of. the' West. We have' billed every post -office, sta- tion, cheese !notary and -creamery , in the country, arid eent out many circulars, bet it would appear that we will not seeltre Ole BitinbOr Of man required," The opinion of 1119:‘: Murphy was, voiced by ether railway experts irk the city. The reports Erma the var- ious railway agents in the eountry eaews that there utre bilir FOW in- gniries made at, the station AG ±.() the date of the excursions by faera- en, and every day adds to the fear that there will be bet a eroal) Map - her rsf experieneed farm laborere leave fel' the The Clanadian Paeifie, will ran a nurcher of epectitell trains, repel ever 3,000 will h./IVO: by that lino alone. 11 ±0 estimated that all told 00013 5„.000 will leaVe For the West.