HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-08-28, Page 5August 28th, 1913 Amoommenima• • Goderich Mr. John Sharman of Woodstock •Was in town, Mrs. Thos. Edwards and daughter, -Velma, have returned to, their home in London after a pleasant visit with the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs Ashton., , Mr. A, E. Bradwin of Parry Sound • was in town -last. Week. Mrs, Chas. Rabb and Miss Mary. :have returned from a pipst pleasant visit'down the St. Lawrerue and e- arning the Thousand Islands. " A disasterous fire took place on Friday morning,last .resulting in the ,destrtiction of the Kensington Earn- eture factory,. All the ere brigade •,could do *as to prevent -the ilatnee • sprea,ding to adjoining buildings. 'Phe • less is , estimated about $S00,000. Mr. R. • R.• Gamey, was en. • Goder- ich on IVIonday, Kiss 'Evelyn Riinthail •of - London igen visiting at the parental home. • Mr. M. P. Lane of the staff -of the Bank of Commerce, Revelstoke, s.13. C., is the guest of hire parents, County Clerk Lane wed MrS. Lane. Miss Doherty of .the staff of the Stratford C. I., lias, been in town visiting hoe brother. Mr. L, E. Dob - Miss 'Fannie' Wild Of Geneva, -N. Y. is Spending a few weeks visiting friends in town and surrounding dis- Mr. J. A. Richardson, of Duluth :has been visiting friends in town Ned vicinity, . Mrs. Biekle, of Hamilton was the guest of the Misses Mallough for a (few days. . Mr. A. S. Valleau of Deseronto is relieving Customs Collector Farrow While the latter takes a vacation. Mrse flocking of New York is the „gueet of Archdeacon and Mrs. Jones-. Bateman at their summer home. Miss Vera Elliott has returned Iron: a pleasant visit in Detroit. Mr. Trout oi Detroit accompeeated her home for a visit. , M. E. R. • Wigle has purchased Mrs. Lynn's dwelling on Wellineton -street end will take possession next month. Mr. Jas. Buchanan Jr., has put- oliased an auto. Eighteen new mail boxes have been received to be placed in various parts, of the town. This 'Snakes twen- ty-four. Lend. W. Y. Hayden, Corporal E. V. Lawson and Guide T. J. Saltkeld •of the Corpb of Guides, left Mon. day with their horses to attend the Westerni'Ontario malitia manouvers in A demonstration Of explosives was held on. A. Rougvies farm, "Huron 'Middlesex county. 'Orchards" one day last week when a muddier of farmers were on hand to watch the results. The funeral of the ate Mrs, P. B. 'Crews was keld on Thursday after!. noon last from the home of her brother, Mr. E. J. Pridham. _ Wingham Bliss Frances Davis is visiting Tor- onto friends. Messrs. Geo. and Bert Little have ,gone to he west. - Mr. J. W. Dodds has returned from .a visit in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. VanNorman have re- turned from a trip through the west. The Misseb hale of Montreal were in town for a few days recently, the ,guests of Mrs. Wm. Isbister, Mr. L. Bisb'ee has returned froni a vacation in Muskoka. Mr. Crane of the Bhnk of Com- merce has returned from a vacation spent at Peterboro. Mr, Harry Day has gone to the vest to engage in teaching. Mr. J. McGillivray of Detroit is 'visiting, at hjs home in, town. Mr. Frank Gillespie has returned to Sudbury, Mrs. 'Sperling of Meaford has been visiting her mother and sister, Mrs. 'Mooney and Mrs. Jobb. Master Joe Saint has gone on. a . visit to friends in Buffalo. • Mr, and Mrs. Carruthers of Glen- ' 1301:0, Man., and Mrs. M. Carruthers and daughter 01 Brandon Man., have 'been, visiting, the idisses Routledge, Mr. H. Davis had the misfortune to fall. and break a rib the other • Mr, Fred Orr has ,gone to ninon- - ton, Alta., to try las fortune in a wider field. • IVIr. Joseph Stalker, for four years and a half principal of the • Public school, has removed to Ingersoll, where he has accepted a similar po- sition at an increased celery. Mr, Stalker was not only- a successful teacher" hut was a good citizen and will be much missed. Mr. Mills of Kincardine bas been • awarded. the contract, for -building the • new armoury in "W1eigham and, the work will be, corthnerreed• on the building almost immediately. Mr. ,Marshall Bell has, purchased the gloom business‘ ot Mr. W. J. Pat- tisoti, elides already in possesseon. Mrs: Thos. •S. Watt of Cltnton -vis- ited friends in town last •week. Mr. Sam. McCracken of • Tyner, Sask., visited for a few days recent- ly with Mrs. McCracken of tows. ' , Mr. John Chiddick ot • Teeswa,ter has joined, the stall of .the local •branch or the Bank of Commerce. • • Zurich ' • eliss Rose Kaereher ot Berlit is • sPenefilng, a few.weeks With friends in • Mrs, A. Schmidt and- Miss 1Cnet- diet visited the fortner's ' daughter, Mrs. "Ce. Ilartleib, laSt week. Miss Katie Campbell it visiting in Berlin and Guelph. , The funeral et the late Mrs. Eli Ducharme took place an Friday after- noon lase from •the home of her dau- ghter, Mrs John Charette of the Sauble tine, • The deStased lady wee seventy-nine yeare of age. •Mr. Ches. Eillrer has been spending vacation at his home here. Clinton News-Recoid Seaforth Mrs. Wamsley has returned 0 onto after visiting'her aunt, Mrs. A. Archibald, who accompanied her' to Toronto for a sWortvisit Mr. and Mrs, T. Rands and tlau- . ghter have gone on a visit to friends, in. North Dakota and Saskatchewan. The Misses Neil 61,,Stratford have Veen visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oscar The tireneen, who assisted in extin- guishing ,thefire at • Hensel' recently, weee •preiimted by Mr. 11, Bell, who enyeed the block,. with a., cheque for twenty -live Dr, R. Ross, while cranking his auto recently, had his arm badly in- jured by the handle flying back anti striking him. Mise Swingier of New York and Miss esabel Powell of, Philadelphia lave;"been. the guestS of Mrs. fl. Case. -Rev. Mr. Dallas of South Carolina visite'd Mr:. and Mts. John Beattie and other relatives in the _vicinity last week, On his return he was ac- coMpanied by his wite, w -ho bar ken the guest ot her Sister, Mrs, , Beat- tie, for, some weeks., Miss Southgate has ,returned from a visit with Collin -woad friends. Mrs. Jas. IVIeLau.ghlin of New York arid Mr. 'Gus. McLaughlin of Wey- Sesk., have 'been visiting Mee. •Helea blueray. MT. and Mr/. John Lennon of Sag- inaw, Miele, have been visiting the formoes sister, Mrs. james 11)e‘(r.:. °aux. Mr. W. 13. Xerr, son 0' Mr. ant:. Mrs. James Kerr 01 Meliitlep, Walt the Prince ‘of Wales and first Edward Blake scholarships at the recentma- triculation exams. Mr. G. F. Rodgers has gone to North Bay, where he has • ,accepted the principalship of the High elehool. Before leaving Seaforth Mr.'. Rod- gers was tendered a farewell ban- quet and wa.s presented with a hand- some club bag and a pair of silver bowls and for Mrs. Rodgers several pieces of silverware. Mr. H. W. Willis was in town last week. Miss White is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Hugh .Stephenson. Miss Minnie Gibbous of the old State of Kentucky has been visiting in town. _ Miss Ruby Duncan of Lansing, Mich., is spending her vacation with her mother in town. Miss 0. Matson has returned after a visit of some weeks ,i•n London and Hamilton. ' The Misses Steele of Tavistock are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Mc- Gregor. Mrs. Campbellandchildren have returned to 'their home in Toronto after a visit with Mre.T. H. Broad - foot. Mrs. Jeffrey and daughter, Miss Norma, and Miss, Agnes Batton are visiting relatives in Tilsonburg. Mrs. .S. . Somers and Miss Rachel Neilens were in Hamilton last week. Mrs. John Frawley and Miss Laura Kale have returned to Detroit after a visit of several weeks with, the latter's mother, Mrs. Thos. Kale ot town. Mr, and Mrs. 0, Layton, Mrs. C. Aberhart and 1VIrs. H. R. Scott were the Seaforth delegates to the 1.0.0. F. convention in Belleville last week Miss Minnie Campbell of Calgary is visiting her parente, Mr. and Mrs. A. Campbell. --The Firemen's convention will be held in Sea5rth next year. Mrs. .1. Isreal hat returned to her home in Walkerville after a, visit with her daughter, Mrs. W. Cudmore, Master Jack Cudinore accompanier' his grandmother home. Mr. and Mrb. J. Pinkney of Strat- ford visited for a few days eecently with the lady's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Clark, J. 0,- 'Greig, A. E. Colson, W. D. Bright and J. M. Best vori the con- solation prize at the Exeter bowling tournament last week, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hays have re- turned from an extended visit in the Old Land. Mrs. P. Case of Maple Hell has a most beautiful night -blooming cac- tus which last week had no less than fourteen large blossoms on it. • Hire Farra Hands by the Year. Thie pertinent paragraph from The Times, Port Hope, is worthy • of reproduction a -"It is hoped that , farmers heDer- ham County. Who have been for- tunate enough to eecure men from the Old Land will use them right and hire, them by the year. It will be oheaper in' the long run, and make the labor question easier of solution. Thousands of men in England, Wales Soo_tiand and Ireland would come to Canada to work on farms if they only knew that they could get ent- ployment at fair wages all the year pound. Farmers have this matter .en- tirely 1in their own hands. If they will ge more extensively into dairy - Ng and stock raising and thus pro- eide more winter work for hired men , the labor question would soon right Give hired men fair pay and contintious employment and the farm- er's life would not be euch a hard one after all. • The solution of the labor ,probNni lies with, themselves but they cannot expect. laborers to lie idie five or six months of the year. , LIVE FOWL WANTED. -I AM NOW ' -ready. 'to handle ' fat hens, young chickens' and ducks at highest prices • Poultry taken, not later than, 'Thers/ • day of. each week. °tiller fowl heed- ed later on. -W. Marquis, Base Line, Phone 14 on 166. • -91 FOR SALE, REO'BUNABOtir IN first -glass order.Tires. geode, Will .demonatrate if, desired at any time • for anyone , meaning business. .A. *nap for quick sale. --Thos: Watts, Shoe Store, elintdn. , • 'e-90 • • lalgth Mr. E. Taman it Stratford ard Itis niece, MiSfi Evelyn Burt of Lon don, have been visiting the former's ;Aster, Mrs. S. H. Willey. MA IVIartitt 04 London- has• be -FOR .SAGE. --A BO Uer 80 YOUNG visiting the Misses Cutt, Dr. Perdue has purchased a • runa- bout, Mr F. Toll was in Sarnia last week attending the Grand Lodge •r 1.0 F. • Mr. 'Caeser of Markdale is the guest of ,his daughter, Mrs. H. A Thomas, ' Mrs.. Geo. Sptingford- of Grand Cou- lee, Sask., who has been vibiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Potter, has gone on a visit to Iluealo Fr -l- ends. Mr. Wen. Copp has returned to his duties at. Ayr after a holiday spent with his mother 'here. .. Miss Eva Struthets visited South- ampton feiende recently. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Milne and dau- ghter of Palmer, leliehe have been visiting Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Milne, • Miss Hall ot Toronto lias been vis- iting her sister, Mrs. P. Gardner, Mr. and Mrte. H. Holmes and Miss Perkine of Gerrie visited Rev. T. H. and Mrs. Farr recently. lelp,x pulling is going merrily on, being nearly completed, in fact. The crop is pretty fair. Mr. and Mrs. R. I -I. Marcuse and son of Niagara Fails, Mr. and IVIrs, Moser of Buffalo and Mr. and Mrs. 'noronteau of Windsor were guests recently of the lad's mother, Mrs, IL James. Mr. Frank Nixon has gone to the west fdr the harvest. Miss Hazel Benneet returned last week after visiting Auburn fri- ends. Quite an interesting time took place at the race course last Friday after- noon when a number of horses com- peted. There were two classes, the 1 free-for-all and the green race., There Iwere four horses started in the lat- ter and three in the former, and the heats welt interesting. Mr. L. 0. Charlesworth acted as starter and Alderman Carter as judge. There was quite a large turnout of citizens and , visitors from Auburn, Belgrave and other points in the viciiiity, of Blyth. The .races were graced by the presence of the local clergymen. There were three half -mile heats in each event as follows : GXCen race : Higgenbotton, J. Auburn -1 2 8 Hooper, 01. 0. ,Blyeli -2 I 1 Mason, Wm., Blyth -3 3 2 Wright, J. Morris -4 4 4 Free -to -all : Miller, J., Ilelgrave -2 1 1 Coulter, T., Blyth --1. 2 2 McKenzie, R. 13el5rave -3 3 3 Titne-1.11, 1,13, 1.15, Marriages itoLmEs—PEATISON—At the reit- tierce of the brides parents, 2nd con. ot. Stanley, on Aug. 27th, by Rev. Dr, Stewart, Walter 0. Holmes 'of Edmonton, formerly ot Clinton, bo Mary Irene, youngent daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jobe Pearson. FINN--HAMSHERE -- In Port Ar- thur on June 91,h, Amy E. Ham - slier°, formerly of Clinton, to Joseph E. Finn. FAIR-HAMSHERE - In Port Ar- thur on August WI, Beatrice M. Hanishere, formerly of Clinton, to Harry Fair, Births MIDDLE'PON—In Goderich 1 onnnliip on August Oth, to Mr. ee4 Mrs. C. B. Middleton, a seen MILLS -1n Helena, Montana, on August 15th.to Rev. E. L. and Mrs. Mills,(formerly Miss Alberta May) a son. , SIIIELL-In East Wawanosh, on Aug 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fferbert Shiell, a bon. LANIS-In Wingham, on Aug. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Levis, a daughter. RAU-At the Sauble Line, Stanley, on Aug. I8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Rau. a son. ' DEIVIONY-At the Sauble Line, Stanley, on Aug. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Demony, a eon. Deaths SHANNON --in McKillop, on Aug. 15th, Sarah Alen Switzer, wife of ' Solomon J. Shannon, aged 71 • years, 6 months arid 5 days. NOTICE -On account of the heavy loss ,sustained in the recent rite, I would like all out -standing 'ac- counte settled at once. 5 the meantime • the coal office will • be' found next door to Meraggart's Bank:, where business will be car- ried on With a full supply of every- thing as before. -A. • Forbes. -95 THE DOHERTY UUIUJLUI , • -- J. E." Doherty, - Manaeer; Season 1913-14. Talent trader manager/rent of Red- . • path Lyeeurn Bureau, • New York City. Oldest and 'eargeet in, the world. • • The five, concerts in the coure8, be- gierting Sept. • 251 are j "Laurant"-- The marl of many myseteries. Ever- ett Kemp-MonOlogiet a,nd entertain- er Chicago Glee Clete -Vocal and Trombone Quartettes. •Kellogg,- Ilainee 'Opera Co. Dixie C,..uintette: A limited ,nutnber of seasoe book tickets for sale at $1.50- each, Orders for tickets -mai be left at Fait's ,flookstore or with J. • Ve. Doltemey; Clinton, ' WANTED—.POSITION AS MOUSE - keeper to widdwer or elderly couple 2 --Apply GI) News -Record Of- fice. —91 chickens cheap.—Apply to Frank Hutchings at the 0.T.R. Station. —06 TEACHER WANTED FOR THE Junior room of the Bayfield Pnblie school. State salary, experience and certificate. Duties to commence on September 2nd. -1-1, Drehmann, Sec- retary Public School. Board, Bay- field. • -96 105 •SALE. -----ONE SECOND-HAND furnace • in first-class • shape, also one second hand Radiant Home heater without oven, -Apply to Tires. 'Hawkins at Rowland's hardware store. 96 WHOOPING COUGH -ALL CHILD - ren having 'whooping cough will not be allowed to attend school or leave their own premises for a period of six weeks after its 'commencement, By- order -J. W. Shaw, M.H.O. -96- WANTED, A LIMITED NUMBER boarders. -Apply to Mrs, Foster, Albert street. - -96 TEN DOLLARS REWARD.. WILL be paid to any person giving in- formation that will lead to the conviction ,of anyone 'shooting Hom- er Pigeons. --Clinton. Homing Soc- iety. -94-4. EXECUTORS SALE Ols \TALC - able Farm by auction, -The execu- tors of the estate of the late Elias Bali will sell by public auction at the Auburn Hotel in the village of Auburn on Saturday, Sept. 6th, at 3 p.m. the farm belonging to the' said eetate consisting of 165 acres ot land, . more or less, being part. of Lot 39 and Lots 40 and 41, ' Concession 11, Hullett. On the premises, which is all in one block, there N a good brick house in splendid repair,, has slate roof, good cellar. s.urnace„ and more 0011VE11- hues 'than elstrally, 10,Wid in a tare 'house. The barn N 1115 x 50 on stone stabling, with a straw shed 25 x 35, also on a stone wall. Al- so a large drive shed about 35 x 60, a good brick pig pen and 'other out -buildings. There is about two acres of orchard -cherries, plums arel apples. 'Phe farin is in a good slate of cultivation, . Fences are good and the place 5 exceptional- ly well watered. There is an ar- tesian well at the house which also supplies the barn. There is also d never -failing spring which waters the pasture fields. Terms tf Sale -Tee percent. ot purchase money to be paid or arranged for at the time of - sale, balance with- in thirty (lays, -or art amount equal to half the purchase Money may re- main on mortgage to suit perches- er,-1-1. H. Hill and Geo. H. 13aII, Executors. Thos. C4 undry, Auct, FOR SALE DRIVINC1- HORSE, buggy, only rim two seasons, and harnebs in good repair. Apply to ...--John May, Clinton. -95 COURT OF REVISION - NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, by His Honor, the Judge of the Coen; V Comb of the County of Huron, in the Council. Chamber, in the town of Clinton, on Thursday, the 4th -day of September 1013, at 9 o'- clock,- a. m,, to bear and deter- mine complaints ' of errors and omissions in. the Voters' List of the Menicipality -of the Township of Goderieli for 1913. Dated Aug - lilt 20th, 1913,-5. W. Trewartba, Clerk, Goderich Township, WANTED,-EXPERIISNCED GIRLS and .girls to learn • knitting and, looping. Will pay $5.00 per .week eenile rearreng. Steady employ- ment, pleasant position. Apply now. -Clinton Knitting Co. -93 SLABS ;FOR SALE, 11 INCHES long. Will eell by load or cord. - A. Forbes, Coal and Wood Dealer. • HOUSE AND LOT ON ORANGE street for sale, now occupied by Mrs. Easorn. Six roores.-A. J. .Tyndall. -88 'VOTERS' LIST, 1913, MUNICIPAL - 145' Of the Township ot Stanley, in the County t)P fIuron,--Notice is hereby given that / have transmit- ted or delivered to the person „mentioned in sections 8 -and 9 ot tire Ontario Voters' List Act, the • copies required by .srteh sections to he 'transmitted or 'delivered of the list made, persuant to the said Act, of all persone appearing by the fast revNed assessment Roll 'of 'the said • Mulicipality to be eetit- led to vote at. elections forthe members of the Legislative Assem- bly and at Municipal elections, and that the .said lisit'was first posted up in my office on the 91h day. of August, 191,3, and remains there for inspection. • Electore are called upon to examine the said. list and if anv -• omissions • or other error are • foand therein, to take immed- iate 1eteps lee have the -said errors correeted according to law. Dated this 9t1i day .01 Arigust, 11913,-5. ‘T. Riehardson, Township Clerk. - -94. SEED WEIPIAT FOR SALE — TI -IE undersigned offers for sale three varieties of fall wheat for 9aed-- Dawson's Golden Chaff. Democrat, and Egyptian Amber—It is all splendid • wheat and clean, Price $1.00 per bushel. -L. Tyrrlall. -95. HOUSE TO RENT ON HURON street, 6 rooms, bard and soft water in woodshed, -A acre of land, • bearing fruit trees. -John Snyder. • -90. WINDSTORM INSURANCE. -- THE .Canada Insurance Co. will insure all buildings against damage done by windstornis. °Moderate • 'rates, no premien note. -Charles B. Hale, 'District Agent. Clinton. • -74. BELLEVIEW FARM • DAIRY. - From our stock of first-class cows we are prepared to supply' you twice daily re/Mb the best of milk and cream. We solicit a share of your patronage. -Richard Fisher, E. B. Hill, Phone 125, •'1-80 FARM 1005 SALE -THE UN,DER- signed offers for sale his fine farm of about 130 acres adjoining the town of Clinton. The farm is In a good state of cultivation and has good buildings -brick ' house, bank barn, driving house pig Pen, etc -all comparatively new. A first class young orchard containing all kinds 'of fruit, also small fruits. The farm N well fenced and well drained and is a very desirable home. For further_ particulars apple on, premises or address John Torrance, Clinton P. 0. -63 FARM FOR SALE. -CON. 8 WEST half of lot 9, Mullett township, containing 50 acres. There ac on the farm a frame house 20x26, kitchen 18x14, and a summer kit- chen and wood shed 24x14, bank barn 5850 with stabling ender- neath and cement floors with lien house and pig house. The land is good clay loam, entirely clear of weeds, is well drained with tile, and in a good state of cultivation, No waste land. There is one acre of good orchard and a never failing well. Terms : $500. of principal paid down and the rest can re- main on mortgage. As the pro- prietor intends giving up farming, if not -sold the place will be rent- ed. -Apply on premises or to John Riley, Sr., Constance. P. O. -80. FARM FOR SALE -LOT 40 AND Part of Lot 39, Con. 9, Goderich township, consisting of 107 acres all cleared and good tillable land with the exception of five acres of bush and ten acres of orchard CM- taining apples, plums and cherries. Farm in good condition being of good clay loam, well fenced and having an abundance of excellent water. On the premises are two barns, one 58x30 with shed 2550, all on stone foundation. The oth- er barn is 51530 with shed 47x30 and also a gravel house. Situated one mile from school mile from English church, 1 mile from Meth- - odist clinch, 5 miles from Clinton, 6 MBA from Bayfield. Rural Tele- phone 'connection. Also part of lot 30, 'Telephone Road, containing 50 acres adjoining school and 4 miles from Clinton, on which there are no buildings but containing a small swamp making it an excellent pas- ture farm. For further particulars apply on tbe premises, or address - Geo. A. Cooper Clinton, Ont. Phone 7 on 155, • , -71: Only engine of its kind Will do more work—do work In more dif- ferent pleees—give 60 changes of speed. GILSON ree9-arxX Delivers 100% service. Farmer's power house on Wheelt. earrlos Its own line shaft, pulleys, belt tightener and pump isOlc. Reedy for any soy- whore,stanytheo. 1 to Se 1. p, Agents wonted, Write for partleulsra. GILSON 55011. 00. Ltd. York St, Guelph, Caned°. AGENT AT CLINTON M. G. RANSFORD Rave /our Eyes Tested If you are suffering from headaches the cause maybe eye strain due to either not wearing glasses or wearing those which do not accommo- date ‘therwielves to your eyes. , • - To ascertain the cause 'of yotir trouble have .your eyes tested by a graduate optician. • We naake no charge for te4ing, A. J. .ORIGO.: , altibpAmri-.op-riotAx ; . .f.OW,41,1%R. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and repairs kept on hand, also ag- ency for new machines. -A. Hoop- er, Albert street. 55 TIIE„CilfINEll STORE Live and Let Live Piekling Season is here again we are well stocked with all kind , of spicee and virregers. • FLOUR CLINTON FAMILY. FLOUR. FIVE ROSES. PURETY- and EXETER. - 'FRUITS ORANGES. LEMONS. BANANAS GRAPE -FRUIT PEACHES • PLUMS. WATER MELONS end TOMATOES. A CALL SOLICITED, E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. 1 Helping the Farmer To Make Money. For the benefit of tette many customers we have se- cured a fent hundred bushels of choice Seed Wheat, Gold Coin and Abundance, two varieties that have given Se best re- sults in Huron County this season. Above will be sold on a very close margin. If your field is not in the best 'of con- dition try a few sacks of 0 trun's Special Fall lit heat Fertilizer. A 511 line et Flo P eed and Poultty FoodS always er, hand. Always in the market for newelaid eggs and live pout/ try. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. 5. W.Trewartha, Win. Jenkins. GOOD CHANCE TWO STORY HOUSE ----and-- NEW COTTAGE For Sale Located side by side. Properties in extfellent condition, Would lease from buyer. F J Hill, Clinton. Phone 77. The Strongest of • all Firepots The Sunshine Furnace fire - pot islieavily ribbed and in two sections, which allow for contraction and expan- sion. It will never crack. Ashes won't adhere to the straight sides — always a clear and economical fire. Our local agent will show you this and ▪ many other "Sunshine" advantages. Send for • free booklet. la r s Sunshine Furnace SOLD IN CLINTON BY BYAIVI & SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers • Phone 7, •••••••••••••••••••••• ▪ Listen'. • go You have heard that : • George Washington could • • 6). • not tell a lie. We,,pould, • : but we do.not have to; for we buy in the closest Mar- • ket and sell at the closest • • • • prices. • • • • It is no lie that we • • • • are still selling • • • • :100 lbs. Redpaths Grano- • lated Sugai for • $4.75 • • e • • 20 lbs. for $1,00 : • • • • We have added to: • • our well-equipped stock, • : Creatnery Butter and : • Buttermilk, •• • " • •• . . : • W. T. O'NEIL : • re "The Hub Grocery." It • • • relitie•••••••••••••••••• Slabs For Sale. HARDWOOD SLABS, 14 INCHES LONG. IDEAL FOR SUMMER USE. ALSO 12 INCH BODY WOOD. Stapleton Saw Mill. I3E105E THE STORM, the wise man has the ram pipes put in condidion th carry off the over-' flow. This work can be entrusted to us with the certainty -that it will be done right. Our experienee ab TINNERS covers all branches of the trade. What we do we do well because we like to, and because we are paid to do it that way. Lt • us examine the rain pipes, eav- espipes, etc., and estimate: the cost of repairs. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53, HEATING AND PLUMBING IN AT,L ITS BRANCHES. CEMENT. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON A STOCK OF NATIONAL PORTLAND 0515155T PHONE ORDERS OR CALL ON JOHN HUTTON, Londesboro. emon.B.H..............m. ICOLLEGE AT HOME Thousands of ambitious young people are fast preparinff in their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenog- naphers, booklceepers, telegraphers. 01052 55105015, in fact every sphere of I Business Activities. You may finish 51 college if You so wish. Positions guar- anteed. Enter college any day. limb y idnal instruction" Expert toacliers. Thirty years' experience. Largest train ors in Canada. Seven colleges. Special course for teachers. Affiliated with Commercial Educa- tors' Association of 'Canada. Summot Bohmi at fanions Seaton Business College. London. CLINTON EUEINESS COLLEGE GEO. GPOTTON . • '11. F. WAltn. . PreOident. Principal. 11111111111111MINIMIS NANO TRUNK SYSTEM ONLY LINE REACHING ALL. ALL SUMMER 'RESORTS IN HIGHLANDS 'OP ONTARIO.' Including Muskoka Lake, Lake of Bays Georg- ian .13ay, Algonquin Park, Maganeta- wan River, f'rtnch River, Timagand, Kawertha Lakes. Full Summer Service now in :effect to all of above resorts. Write for full particulars and illusttated folders to any grand Trunk Agent. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION. Eaoh Tuesday until Oct. 28 inelusive. Winnipeg arid Return • $35.00 Edmonton and Rettiin • $43.00 • Leteee rates to other points. • Return limit two months. Pullman Tourist Sleepers leave Toronto at 11.3,5 p. in. ,on above. dates reining through to Winnipeg vM Chicago and Saint Paul without change. Tickets • aro also on sale via Sarnia and the Nor- thern Navigation Company. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, is the shorted and quickest mute between Winnipeg, Saekat000n , attd Edmonton. John Raneford and Son,.• uptown -agents; A. 0. Patteson, station ag- The News -Record to Jan, 14 far 407). Gan 11 4