HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-08-28, Page 4Clinton NeWs-ReCOra
A Pretty Wedding That Took Gocierich ProwashIP
Place in Stanley Township On Teekday evening a muncher of th�.
girl friends of Miss. Frances Jenkins
Yesterday Afternoon. Aatherec ter hon'te en the Tele-
v,m.mthis; phone Road and in view of her an^
viTI-;re proaclung maniage presented her
rof ellaneems
hOme oIVIr. and NI e' 'John Ptaron ,With a snOwer misb
I • 1 " old use 11/lany of the
F Stn When ,t1,01: .1e,es oi louse t. ,
n.,11, 0, 'gifts were 'of linen, some handsoinely
young,eSt daughtm Mary iii
be- ' onibroirlered, 'and'all were ,pretty and
. came the bride of Walter (terdon.
eesf 1 Aft ' resentation •the
HAte'rin1,4e-ned()/yrt ,strrs. Robert Ho!rnes,ala°•,..` °veiling was very happily spent in
' tongt
-.erly of. Clintea,,, now, a Toront,o, rfutSie, and he ortneti
daintily, prepared refreshments, promptlY at., .1c2 • o'clock, to Mr. and Mrs, Edwards and ':titeir
'StiainS di; .111(/ wedding fitariAl lilaYed two daughters of Toronto •were , ,the'
by Holmes, guests' Of their aunt and uncle, 'Mr.
onto, the bride entered the reocli oci and Mrs, 'Charles 'Cook of the Lake
the arm of het" father, end took her
Shire Road, tlie past week.
Mr, Williams of Toronto has been.
a summer guest at the home of Mr:
Trick and also of other friends in
the vicinity. ,
On Surilay morning last at $t.
James' Ouch', Middleton, Miss Mina
IVIidcileton and Afr. Williams of Tor!'
onto rendered as a duet, "AD Is
Well," Mr. Williams, who is leader
of a choir in Toronto, has very,.
kindly assisted in the service -of song
in this . church on several occasions
during the summer and it is expect-
ed tliat he will sing a solo at next
Sunday morning's service. His eon-
tributiens have been very much ap-
preciated by both preacher and peo-
Miss Maud McGregor is visiting
friends in Toronto and New Ham-
place beside the -groom, it:110i.4t11 • a
wedding bell, in an evergrien and
rose-oi-sha,ren eanopy, '
Rev. Dr. SteWart of Toronto per-
. formedi the ceremeny, and at ' its close
Mrs. John Innes bang "0, • Promise
The bride was prettily attired in
charmese satin and carried a shower
hamlet of White roses. Fier travel-
ling dress was navy blue serge. M-
, ter congratulations and a sumptuous
wedding dinner, the wedding ,party
left for Toronto, whore they will
their home in Edmonton, .
sped a Mw days before going to
Among those from a distance who
attended the wedding were : Dr.
MeElven of Detroit, uncle of the
bride :„ Mrs. E. Holmes, -St, Cathar-
ines, arid Mr., Mrs. and Miss Idd
Holmes of Toronto.
The bride was the recipient of
many handsome presents, amoral'
them being a piano front the groom.
The Picnic a Great Success.
The picnic held yesterday mider the
auspices of St. Joseph's rniiii111 was
was one or the most successful in a
long series. -
The weather was o. k.
The arriNements Were elaborate,
and complete.
Misses Winnifred and Irene Miller
left on Monday for Toronto to re;
same • their positions as stenogra:
pliers after an enioyable fortnight'
vacation under the parental root
that of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miller.
Mr. Mogaly of Exeter spirit ihe
week -end as 'the guests of Mr.
Charles C'ook,
Miss& Hattie, and Edna Mrler have
returned home aftet: spendiag, a week
with friends in Goderich and Salt -
Miss Elizabeth -Routledge and her
friend, Miss Flayor of Steelton, spent
Pretty nearly the whole country a feW days with the formes's aunt,
Mrs. James Milfer of the Hayfield
There was music by the Lucknow Line. Miss Routiedge also spent a
pipers and others, It was Mate gal- few days with her aunt, Mrs, G. It
, ore. , 8heppard at Hohnesville.
• Everybody had a good time, The Misses TIaherlaek of Buffalo
Financially as well as ahem& spent the week past as the guests of
• the picnic was a success. Mrs. C'. C'ook of the Lake Shore
side appeared to he present.
Mrs, Alex. Taker and son of Har-
ristonhave been the guests of tho
l'ady,'si brother'Mr, J. H. R. Elliott.
Mrs: Wm. Scott and Miss Patience
Scotthave returned from an extend-
ed visit to New Mexico,
The Grand Trunk Railway will is-
sue single fare tickets Saturday and
IVIonday, good until Tuesday. And at
fare and one third on Pridby, Satur-
day and Monday good to retina Wed-
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moritz. and
family of Guelph and Mr. Geo. Kib-
ler of Berlin yere in town for a
couple. of days last week, making the
journey in Mr. Moritz's auto.
Mr. E. Demomy of the Sauticle Line
lost a tarn with a quantity of hay
and two valuable horses by fire re -
Mr. Saniue, Geiger .of 1, he j t,ivince
of Saskatchewan is spending a veva.
tion with his parents, l'er. Mid hits.
Moses' Geiger, and other ft lends and
relatives hereabouts.
PHONE No, 78
Day Goons
Couch & Co.
New fallNiantles
Never in our business experience have we been able
to offer our Superior trade as Mantles as we are showing
now. We spared no effbrt, to secure the best that ex-
perience. skill andf money
could make we no w oiler
them to you for your choos-
ing. We passed into stock
this week 225 Mantl6s in
eluding Ladies, Misses:and
childrens, every woman ex-
pecting o buy thisseason
should see our display be-
cause of their unusal beau-
ty and excellence. • Come
and take a look to buy or
not to buy.
Millinery News
Our Milliners our back
from their holidays and are
busy getting ready for the
opening which will be an"
nounced latter.
Second Wife Said to, Constanc
From C
$t: Paul, „Minn.,. Ang,,'25,Litev.
31, Picathoni a coagivgaianal ,
isiter 'of -St. Dmitri eloped, with a
year-old girl. of his 'church, They
were 'married bn Winnipeg ion Week; ,
„Rev, Lldr. Pearson- • Ilea Made
numher df statements regarding pre-
vious marriages that have restated
in the suggestion that he may, have
committed• bigamy. It is ,alingetl
that his second wile 'formerly lived
Ta Clinton, Ont., and that hbr peispie
now are there. Mr. Pearsonat 'first
said she died in Sioux Rapids, Iowa,
then amended his 'statement by say-
ing -he meant, the wife of a friend
of- hiS died in "Siena Rapids. /Pearson
also is quoted as having said lie ob-
tained a divorce. •.
What became of his first" wile also
is Dot clear. She is an English
wornain it is said.
• (In reference to the above •Dr.
Thompton bas received S,'" letter from
Mr. Morgan L.. Hutchings, ,Qcoretai y
of the Society, for the Relief of the
Poor at St. Paul, who, representing
the authorities is ankle is" to It aril
the whereabouts of the second Mrs.
Pearson, The Dr. has been unable. to
furnish any information, na person
hereabouts appearing to know any-
thing about Mrs. Pearson, at arty
rate not by that liable, rhe fami y
with whom dhe is said to have dirtad
here know nothing of imr.
Hallett Township
News -Record to end of 1913 for 25c
Mr, Michael Blake returned. to Win-
nipeg Tuesday after spending a few
pleasant days at his home here,
Mr. Edward Blake of Detroit is
visiting his permits, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Blake, having come over to at-
tend the big picnie held yesterday.
Miss Alice Carhert of, SPatorth
come up last week and is visiting
her cousin, Miss Allie Carhert.
Miss Lizzie Sullivan of Kingsbridge
is . visitins at Mr. I), Flynn's.
Mr. George Mann Jr. has bought
Mr. P. 0. Reytirokri bath to take the
place of the one he recently had
burned, and is baying it moved.
London Road
Messrs, Walter Layton, Wm. Wal-
ter and Oscar Switzer left for Sas-
katchewan on Monday afternoon.
Mr. G. B. Hanley is attending the
Mg Fair in Toronto this \vim',
Albert Livermore of To-avo is
spending a vacation at his to te here.
Mr. Fred. Nott has greatly it'll:or-
ed the appearance tof his place by er-
ecting a wire fence across the front.
Mrs. W. •Falconer and Miss Jean
spent the week -end the guests of
Mrs. Harold Landesborough of .Eg-
News -Record to end or 1913 for 25c
Stanleg Township
Mr. Thomas and Miss Ruth Reid
have been visiting Lucknow friend,
during the past •week.
Mrs. Geo. Coleman and her son
Anson and daughter Elsie of Hills -
green are in Litekrow this week at-
tending the funeral of the late Mr.
Robt. Blake,
Little Miss Eunice Reid visited in
Clinton ld'st week.
News -Record to mid of 1913 for 25c
News -Record to end of 1913 for 25e
Under New (lniternment Etiglish
Language to he Elinditatial
One cause of the recent uprisin^
Mexico was foetid in the extent t -r
which the resources of the ectintr:,
had been exploited bx fore:otters for
the benefit or the foreigners. Under
the new govarnMent an attempt Is
apparently • to be made to se^ilre
larger share of the profits from these
resodrees for the Mexican ceorie,
Among ether, things re.ilwave,
have heretofore been ornrated arge-
ly by n'en from the united
Ste tos amt Canada, are, if pre-
. sent Intentions are rarri-ed ont„
to he operated by' 'natives. As part
of this movement a convention of rail-
way men front all Darts of Mexico has
been called to meet in the C:ty ot
Mexico next month to devise the most
effective plan to abolish the foreign
languagea on the railroads." When
It bs remeMbered that oh' nermunt nI
the employment of so many Atherl-
CAP locomotive 0.11g11(10r8 anti eon,
duntors on the National Ilise,s and
other roads, train &dere are given in
Cnolich, this novetnear hes fin ornin-
011A book. it Is further deelared ttrat
'the conVention will' have n
Vale, and railway men will select their
oresidential candidate and support
In A Lady."
Value In Straw Stack&
Many farm leases this year contain a
new and wise provision stipulating that
straw ,must either be converted into
manure on the premises or its equiva-
lent in manure returned by those carry-
ing it away. City dealers who have
gone to the country recently to con-
tract straw have met with flat refusal.
Where straw has been sold to neigh -
tiers the ,return of manure haa been
denlanded. The average farm owner
even when a nonresident Is learning
that soli depletion IS poor policy. -
Breeder's Gazette.
• i la spring ,the farmer is do.wn,.
. And out -down In the furrow, out
, SS
the. fieldi
• . Melon Bugs. • .. , .
To get rld of the melon aphis, the
little hug, that spoils your crops'spray
. the Vities with a . mixture of„ eight
pounds,of Whale olt or laundry Soap to
, fifty .gallons of water or one p$irt
,.''hlack lea.f.4(.1,'! g tobasce .eoncOctIOnl.
"to 1 000:parts, ot water to which whale
ell or laundry, Soap:has. been added at ,
Hie rate .Of four pounds to, fifty 'galiella.,
• .otwater,. say s the„profesoor of. onto- '
niolOgilt the KO apt a.eitietantrateet..,,
lege. :,...-LL-L_.-2'..._,.............._-_:.;..::...:_.L., '
0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0
Miss ,Lailra Au•drew has returtrd'to
prOtt afkeZ
Lint.11 I .6! Si•ster P, Stephen-,
• Mrs. 'D, Sutherland iS visiting her
'daughter, Mrs, -S. B. Kindy of t Tor-
°'11Mr.i'. J. 11; returnad
ir two-fuorltlIs.' Visit. with her,
/qrs. • Gorier of London spent a
-few days the guest ' of her sister),
Mrs, .11, Cololough., '
• Quito 'a number in this vicinity are
getting their threshing done.
• Mr. Hector- Lindsay of Cleveland,
Ohio, viSited his brother, Mr: Peter
Lindsay, for a few days recently.
His twice, Mists Janet Lindsay, who
has been visiting here for • some
time, returned with him to her home
nt Eloreriee.
Mr. Wm. Stanley of Fi.oli-riegville
visited his daughter, Mrs, D. Tudor,
last week.
• St. Helens.
Misses Edna and Nina Woods have
returned home. after ,spending a few
days in Bluevale.
A union picnic of the Sunday
schools of St. Helens will be held
in Mr. Morton's grove on Friday of
this week,
Rev. 5. M. • Whaley Will preach in
Lana's Presbyterian church on
day next, next, botli morning and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell 'vis-
ited the latter's father on Sunday.
Mr. Hyde has engaged Mr. Crosby,
formerly of Belfast, to look after
his blacksmith shop during his visih
to New Ontario.
Mr. Hyde lett this week for Nex
Ontario to loo"c after lig; claim
there. Ile intends staying for some
Miss Lizzie Wellwood of New 'York
York is vgAting her sister, Mrs.
Geo. Webb.
Mr. win. Rutherford had a marc
and colt struck and killed by light-
ning Thursday night.
Quite a number of our young men
left for the west this week,.
Mrs. Ilenry Woods spent , a a few
days ab the, home of Inc parents in
Mrs. Craw, and family left for their
home in Fergus after spending a few
weeks at the manse here.
Miss Minnie Ramage spent a few
clays in Wingham last week.
Miss Ftsarl Webster leaves this week
to attend High School at Toronto
Miss Flora Levis of Kinlough vis-
ited at the parental home here last
A lino bouncing toy arrived at the
home of Mr. Jas. Baker lastt week.
' Zurich
Miss Elsie Johnston Las rritIrned
to her home in Kincardine eller a
visit with her sister,
Mr. W. 11. Moise ef Luckno was
a visitor in town for a few days re-
The ever improving facilities Inc
the importation of foreign grown
fruit into Canada is creating a new
situation in Canadian markets.
At one time , Canadian consumers
had to eat home grown fruit or none
at all. Now foreign grown fruit is
sold in every village. Oregon and
Washington apples are competing
with the Canadian product in the
prairie provinces. In Ontario itself
Washington fruit finds a ready sale.
Even the imported banana to some
of 'our apple growers is beginning to
look like a serious menace.
The situation, however, is not so
hopeless as some seem to consider it.
This foreign fruit is not Underselling
the home grown product, In fact it
is generally sold at a cookideraMy
higher price, For instance, Oregon
apples, were selling in St. Catharines
O few months ago at five cents
each, while Canadiaa apples could be
had , for half the prieel
---- The difference between foreign and
home grown fruit is largelyi in the
packing. United States growers
take great care in making their
packageslook as attractive as pos-
sible. . Instead of the awkward and
unattractive barrel they offer the mut-
veniently sized and attractive box.
And they pack honestly.
When Canadian fruit growers learn
a lesson from foreien rivals, and
pack aS well as they do, foreign
grown fruits will not find such a
ready •roarket in Canada.-Fatm and
Sometimes my conscimice says to
me, says he,
Don't you know me?
And I says, skeered chroligh and
Of course I do.
You are a nice Chap every way,
I'm here to say.
Your make nie cry, .you make me
pray, and
All them good things that -a -way.
That is at night. Where do you stay
Durin' the day ?
And then iny conscience says once.
You kniaw me, shore ?
Oth, yes,. says r, a trill-1111in' faint.
You're jes' ' a saint.
:ysaufre ways 'is all no holy -right,
I love you better every algid
You come.' around, till pluni day-
light. •
• When you are out of dight.
And thenmy conscience sort of grits
. his teeth 'andspits on his two
•; hands
, And grabs, 'of course,
Some 'old remorse •
And beats me with the big butt end
Of that thing, -,till nay closest friend
hardly ilsnow • me. Now, says he,'
'Re Perdu'', aa you into be, •
Atid allus .thInk o'
-James Whitcomb HilleY
Mrs. Shannon, wife of Solorno
Shannon, one of -the early settler
here, died on Friday weeic after
shOrt illness of. paralysis,
• Miss Hanna Moore Ot Toronlo
who spent a week with her •Sister
Mrs. 5, .1. Bell, has returned home
Harvesting operations are , abou
complete. The prop is hut an.ave
'• Wm. Davidson, who had • a stcok
sone time ago, is not improving 'vr."
Leonard „Bolton of Baden
home on a visit last week,
Mrs.Megwan spent a few days it
Toronto recently.
On WednesMay of last week one o
the fastest games of Lacrosse wit
nessed in Winghtun was played a
the park between Cffinton and Wing
ham. The game wok clean an
fast and resulted in 6-1 in favor o
home team. Out boys deserve grea
credit for their development an
are now in the running. The Clinto
boys proved themselves to be maul
sporth, playing the game clean an
square.-Wingliarn Advance.
The Spotton , Bodine:3s Colleges
which re -open for the fall term o
Sept. 2nd, are the largest trainers o
young people in Canada. They ar
affiliated with the Commercial Edu
cators' Association ot Canada an
have a chain of ieven colleges o
I which the Clinton Business- Colleg
a worthy link. There are man
reasons why young neople should at
tend one of these colleges as we hay
over two thousand graduates per yea
and these schools have been estab
lished 'during the past thirty years
Every graduate is guaranteed a pos
ition, consequently no young perso
need hesitate as to gaining a foothol
in the business world. "In a multi
tude of counsellors there is wisdom,'
consequently having over thirty tea
Mims in these various colleges w
have been able to piek out a currieul
um surpassing most schools. Thu
famous system of Bliss book-keepin
is a leading feature in the Comme
Mal Departments and in the Steno
graphic Departments students ma
take either Gregg or Pitmanic short
hand, Those who cannot enter on th
opening on. Sept, 2nd may enter an
other day of the year as each studen
is instructed individually at his ow
dedx. Those who cannot enter a
present may study at home througbm
our Home Study Department, with-
out any. further charge. The Spottm
Business Colleges have trained ten
of thousiands of young people and
eonsequently are in a position to
train other ambitious ones, Thos
desirous of improving their condition
in life should write to the Glint°
Business College, Clinton, Ont. -2
Many of our readers may attend
Business College this tall, Do not
,forget (hat some schools are hotter
than others. We direct the a.ttea-
tion of our readers to Stratford Bus-
iness College which has no superior
in the province. The Fall term is
from Sept. 2n4. Those interested
should write the College for a free
ONLY A 111,1 .3 .
Many Are not being benefited by the
summer vacation as they should be
now, notwithstanding much outdoor
life, they are little if any stronger
than they were. The tan on their
faces is darker and makes them look
healthier, but it is only a mask, They
are still nervous, easily tired, upset
by trifles', and they do not eat or
sleep well. What they nod is a
tonic for the nerves, that perfects' di-
gestion, creates, appetite, and makes
sleep refreshing and that is Hood's
Sarsaparila. Pupils and teachers
will generally lind the Chief purpose
of the ' vacation best subserved by
this great medicine which, as we
know, "builds up the whole system".
Re -Open
Sept. 2nd
We are ready with
1111 III'
Agust 2Ist, 191
• WITHOUT Better Brea
A DOUBT Could Not Be
YOU' f,I.,
• MEAL -
Our stock
was never larger or better as..-
tban at the present and a call will
you when you look over our as-
Prices On Rugs.
ity Store
of Qual
Phone 28
'WI W alker
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
Heintzman & Co
. Limited.
Real Bargains in Upright Pianos
Ten slightly used, Upright Pianos, all in good
condition, at one third to one half the original
price on small weekly or monthly payments.
Write for needed particulars.
Heintzman & Co.
19305-4 Yonge St. - TORONTO
38 Ontario St. •Stratford
HEINTZMAN & CO.—Please mail
a list .of slightly used Upright Pianos
tised in The Clinton News -Record.
me today
The Western Fair
London, Canada.
Sept sth to 13th
$27,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions
Magnificent Programme of Attractions Twice Daily.
Two Speed Events Daily Fireworks Every Night.
$2,000.00 added to the prize list this year.
Take a Holiday and visit London's Exhibition
Single Fare on all Railroads in Western, Ontario
SPECIAL. EXCURSION DATES -September 9111, 11111 and 12th
Prize Lists and all imformation from the Secretary
W J REID President • 1, M, HUNT, Secretary
National Portland Cement.
After trying other kinds YOU ways
come back to the BEST. The best ce-
ment is the National Portland Cement.
It is the Old Stand -By. A Car loadnust
25c. will pay a sub to
News -Record to end of 191