HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-08-28, Page 1144)-e'
-re ";,.:•!'re
No. r199 —34t11 Year
' • .
��d Morning.!,
cents will pay a sub to The News -Record to end of 1913, anyplace in Canada T� tbe U. S. 40
If you want for
Wedding 9tleseitts
Jornething Sifierent
you will find it easy to select in
dilver Vkelco, Vut Vass.
V:loekg and Vititta
at Yielkar'6 jetvekrti. dtore
P. S. --Wedding Rings the latest design.
Y. Ye11qar
jeweler ana Optician - - - Clinton
The Royal Bank
Capital Authorized 825,000,000
Capital Paid-up ' 11,500,000
Resei ve aud Undivided Profits 12,500,000
• Total Assets 175,000,000
825 Branches. With world wide Connection. Interest allowed
on Debosits. General Banking business transacted.
R. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch.
Molsons Bank
' Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1870
Capital and Reserve - $8,700,000
At all branches. ,Interest allowed at highest current rate;
C. E. Dowding - Manager Clinton Branch.
41 Rev. Mr. johnetoni of ' Toront
preached at hoth services on Sunday,
bet it is expected that next Sunday
the pastor, Rev. D. K. Grant will
restinte his work alter the suremee
vacation, Miss Mary Glen sang a
solo at the evening service- on Sun-
day, ,
IPiper Macdonald of London has
been the , guest during the past week
of Mrs. Campbell, Maple street. On
.Saturday evening a few intimate rid-
' ends were invited to hear this High-
lander give a few tunes on the bag-
; pipes, a privilege whieh, was much
appreciated, espeeially by those who
happened to be descended teem, true
' j'"Ilighland", stock: Mr. Macdonald is
' a master hand with the pipes.
IChester Marshall, who has been
employed in a business office in Tor -
Tato -siace Easter and who. was
1 spending a vacation at his home in
1 town, • metwith an. accident the oth-
er day which will prolong his holi-'
day somewhat. He was e_ngaged
Ipicking apples when he tell, breaking
a bone in his wrist and also '
1 wrenching the same badly. As A
consequence he now carries his left
arm in a sling.
i .
I Major Ranee left on Monday with Lis
1 horse for London to act as umpire
in the shani lights taking place in
I the vicinity of Mount Brydges this •
; week. The two forces which were
to leave London and Glencoe res-
pectively on Monday evening, bie-
, ouacked somewhere along the lino oi
!march, meeting on Tuesday for the
' sham battle. The manoeuvres will
!continue all week. Maeor 'Rance was
I the only umpire chosen from Wes-
tern Ontario, .
II Rev. Dr. Rutledge preached morn
,.ing, and evehing on Sunday. At the
evening service the choir was assist
ed by Mrs. Colville of Grand Ledge,
Mich,, who contributed a solo
whiolv was much appreciated.
The combined preaching service and
Sunday School session will be held
next Sunday tor the last time for
the seaeon. After that date the ser-
vices will be held at the regular
hours. The plan seems to have work-
ed verywell indeed during the hot
suenner months.
; A. ripple of excitement was caused
on Saturday evening by the ringing
of the fire. bell and everybody made
a rush in the direction of the fire
he reflection of -which could be
lainly seer from the centre of the
*town. As there were a great many
n the streets a crowd soon gather-
ed but before the fire brigade could
get to the spot it was discovered to
; be only the burning of a lenge brueh
pile at the south end of the town.
; It was something of a blaze, how-
ever, and until its cause became
known looked ab if it might pe quite
a conflagration.
The following from Clinton and vic-
inity were booked through to various
. points in, the west by Mr., W. Jack-,
son this week : C. McKinnon, Sask-
atoon, Sask, ; John Pickett, Avon-
deau, Sask. ; Elmer Ker, Provost,
I Alta. ; J. Agnew, Winnipeg e J. Neil-
ans, Crystal City, Man. ; R. Jehni-
son„ Carrot, Man. ;) ILLivetmore and
Mrs. 1,iverenore, Winnipeg ; A. W.
; Cooper, Killarney, Man. ; Lindsay,
Winnipeg ; A. and Mrs. Coftlough
Lauder, Man. ; M. 'Seeepe, Winnipeg ;
FI. Jenkins, Hayter, Sask, • R.
) Thompson, Macklyn, Sask., and- Mrs.
Levi Wiltse, Saskatoon,
The hydro -electric pole plant, to
the number of over thirty, who have
been making the Normandie their
headquarters for some time past,
aie new camping OR the trail north
, of town, west of the 13ase Line,
From Seaforth the line runs up
the 2nd eon. of leullett, then north
a bit and across the country to
Holinesville. From that point the
I-Turon Road will be followed e to
C4c4eerichThpoles are of 'cedar and were
brought all the way from the State
of Idaho, They are perfectly straight
and are 30, 40, 50 and 60 feet long
respectively. ,
IThe hydro line doesn't dip like the
telephone and telegraph but ,is kept
on as even a grade as possible,
hence the 118e of the longer poles as
the ground dips.
In crossing telephone lines the hy-
dro line is run ten feet, higher and at
railway brossings thirty feet aboye
Ole locomotive. 'There are as well
°ate poles
eestatter crossings a double Set
Planting the poles from Clinton to
Goderich will occupy a month, and
'then the stale starte on the wiring
'which may take three menthe so
:that in all pedbability hydro power.
will not, he 'On up this way 'until a-
bout the end of the year.
The local wiring, ,i,e,, will be, (Ione-
hy jocal men tinder' the Superintend-
ance of -an expert providedhy Ole
Hydro-Electrie Commission. -
The pole planting staff are a good-
natured bunch of husky Yettng Can-
ailearis. Mr. G. Gunther .is the
titne-keePet, , , :e
010TRINO .
The Well Dressed
that comes from being diessed in a becoming
suit of the right model, the proper cloth and
made according to the latest dictates of style
Is a part of the
pleasure in selling
clothes here.
We beg to ant -jounce the arrival of our new
fall sui.tings. Don't wait until you see the
suit you want on some one else. Come in
and make y, our selection now while the as-
sortment is complete.
• Prices $22 to $28. •
• (Our Special $'4.5 Blue Suit is the
talk of the Countru. Ask to see it)
M0111115[1 CLOTHIIIC CO.
Motto: "A Square Deal for Every
„ •
The News -Record will be sent to
any address in Canada lintel the end
of 1913 for tiventy-live cent, To
United States points it is forty.
cents, Keep poeeed in the news of
your locality and the county at large
by reading the Peorile's Paper, that
is The News -Record. ,
The Horiiicultural Society intend
having a flower show in the council'
chamber this (TIntreday) • eveningl
It is now SOMO years since the So-
ciety attempted ,anything of the kind,
though for several years very credit -
elite exhibitionwere held. The
Shaw this evening will be free and
promises to be well worth seeing,
and . no doubt will be attended by a
large number of citizens.
A -special commercial course ef two
years has been arranged for students
who wish to prepare thenibelves for
business life. The aim has been to,
provide a thorough business training
together with sufficiently wide course
in English and Mathematics to equip
Wheat. 90e, to, gee.• .
Cats 35c.
Barley 50c. to 55e,
Butter 19c. to 15c.,
Eggs 21e. to 22c. ,
I.,ive Hogs $9.10.4
Provincial Officer Phippee, while in
Clinton this week paid a visit to Oho
House of Refuge, eie thinks that
Manager Mutch is the right man 'in
the right place as everything is well
kept and managed most economical',
ly.--Wingham Advance, '
Mr, C. FIoare of thee music emir -
lune is a very busy man these days
for in addition in handling the large
crop of plums on his fruit farm he is
pushing the sale of -pianos and or-
gans and just recently he has dis-
posed of a piano in London, another
in Ailsa Craig, one in Hay toten-
ship and two in Wawanosh.
ST. PAUL'S criurtm
Sunday sapid has been resumed
and will be held in the church for the
the student for any position. This time being until the extension of the
course will be under the supervision school Is finished.,
A water motor has been installed
to pump the organ and was used for
the first time on Sunday last, prey-
ing very satisfactory.
The Sunday Othool ite picnicking at
Hayfield today.
of Miss Stone, who has proven her-
self a, most efficient teacher,
The lacrosse match between Goder-
ich and Clinton on the home field ori
Friday evening last resulted in a win
for the visitors in a score of 143-4,
The loss of the match leaves Clinton
witbi one other chance of winning„ by
playing the winners of yesterday's
match, but as the team is being bre-
keit up and some of the play-
ers leaving totem it is not lik-
riy that they will avail themselves
of it.
A number of file Clinton filends of
Miss Ida Holmes met at the residence
of Mrs. H. B. Chant an Monday even-
ing am), in view of a coming event,
presented Miss Holmes with a misa-
cellaneous shower, including almost
everything you could think of from a
bit of dainty china to a piece of hand-
some embroidered linen. Each gift was ,
Mr, and Mrs: IL E. Rorke invited
a few friends in on Moriday evening
to meet theft guests, Mrs. Colville
and Miss Eva Stevenson, and also to
give them the pleasure of hearing
Ole fotmer king. Mrs. Colville has
a very sweet and well trained voice
and those present much appreciated
Ole privilege' of listening to her voc-
al selectionte.
Next. Monday is Labor Day.
Public Schools oPen en Tues-
day next.
The News -Record will be sent to
any addrerk int Canada to the end
of 1913 for • 25e, to the 'United
, .
daintily wrapped and containee ` an Mr. James Scott entertained the
'appropriate rhyme, the reading of young men and boys of the Willis
which passed a jolly half hour. Tile congregation at his home yesterday
Riostess served refreshments after- evening) Needle0e to sae a most en -
wards and a pleasant social time was icTahle 'time Was spent.
:spent by the young ladies*- - - • W. G:"T. IT.*OFFICERS.
MARRIED AT PORT ARTHUR. 'rhe following are the officers of the
IV. 0. T. U. for the ensuing year :
Hon. President, Mrs. Cacti. 11
President, Mrs. C. J. Wallis.
Vice Presidents, Mrs. Rutledge,
Mrs. Wylie, Mrs. Allin.
Treasurer, airs: R. C-arter,
Secretary, Mrs, A. T. deeper.
Superintendents of departineets,
Mrs, Wylie, Miss Washington, Miss
Porter, Mrs, Jervis, Mrs, Ouning-
hanie, Mrs, John Bean, Mts. A. J.
Tyndall, Mrs, J. W. Moore, Mrs,
Walter Manning, Mrs. La,vis, Mrs.
Doig, Mrs. W. S. Harland, Mrs. J. A. ,
Irwin, Mrs, J. Twitehell, Mrs. A. T
Cooper, Mrs, S. J. Alija, Ws, Me -
Math, Mrs. H.,...Fltensteel and Rev. J.
About twenty of the girl friends e
of Miss Helen Doherty went Up to
her home on Tuesday afternoon and I
.5 view of her approaching marriage
shotvered her with a variety of ar-
ticles which she 'will find useful I
when she starts housekeeping, The
bride-to-be was completely surmised
but warmly thanked her friends for
their thoughtful gif ts a jolly hall
The marriage took place at Port
Arthur on the 16th inst, of Beatrice
51. Hanishere, sister ot Mrs. W. H.
Iftllyar of town, to Mr. Harry Fair
of Port Arthur, formerly of Brant-
; ford. The bride will be remembered
by many in Clinton as she on more
than one occasion visited hei: sister
On June 901 in the same city Miss
.Any E. Hanishere, 'who is also very
well known in Clinton, having spent
Ole winter with her sister, Mrs.
Ilellyar, previous to going to Port
Arthur, was wedded to Mr, Joseph
n, Finn. Mr. andi Mrs. Finn have
takeil up residence in Port Arthur.
The Clinton friends of the brides
will waft good wishes.
gr. P. Von Rohl has kindly con-
sented to assist the ehoit for a .time.
Rev. S. J. ADM, the pastor, will
condutt the services oil Sunday next
preaching a, special serinon to young
people in the evening.
Miss Lulu Howe sang very accept-
ably during the offertory at the ev-
ening service on Sunday last.
An "Alter Vacation Social" was
held in the school room on Monday
evening, when Miss Olive Cooper
gave an interesting account of her
extended trip through California: The
ladies in charge served ice cream,
cake and coffee at the close of the
Rev Mr. Tolmie, for twenty years
pastor of the Windsor Presbyterian
church, occupied the pulpit of this
church last Sunday evening. Mr. Tot-
mie is a fimilar figure abut Bayfield
where his family spend their sum-
mers. He is an eloquent and pop-
ular preacher.
An interesting tennis tournament
was played off en Major MeTaggart's
court on Saturday afternoon last,
Ole players and scores being as fol-
lows :
In the preliminary round C. Hodgt
son drew a bye; Ray Rumball and
M. Counter ; Major\ McTaggart, min-
us 30, Fred. Tisdall minus 15; Stew-
art Scott, G. McGregor; 30; W. John-
son, 15; Elmer Beacom, 30; E. Shell-
ey, J. Weir ; Roses Forbes, 15; Brod-
er MeTaggart, 30; Carl East,. G. D.
McTaggart, 15.
Ray Rtnnball won be , default; Fred.
Tisdall won from M D. MeTaggart
by 6-3, 7-5; G. McGregor won from
Stewart ,Scott by 6-4, 6-1; E. • Shell-
ey won from J. Weir by 6-3, 7-5;
Broder McTaggart won be default;
G; D. McTaggart won from • Carl
East by 6-1, 6-2.
in the semi-finals Fred. Tisdall had
a, score of 6-2, .7..5; Elmer Beaeoen
6-0, 6-1; Btoder MeTaggart, 6-3, 5-1,
6-3, In the finale Broder MeTaggart
won from Peed. Tisdall by a score of
6-3, 4-6, 6-3 as against 6-2,6-0, thus
winning the finals by 11-9, 6-3. '
Some of the playing was exceed-
ingly clover and was watched with
keen intesest by the. Mends' of , -the
. ; • liagfield,
Mrs. (Dr.) Wright of 'IN/L*03.'30 111
been, visiliine her mother, Mee. Jew -
Ole past few. weeks,
Mi. Charles leraedeniald, wife ahd'
family of Toronto are visiting tvitle
the former's' behther, Mr. John
Macdonald of Bayfield.
Mrs. (Dr.) Thompson and Miss
Marian, Clinton,„ and Mee'. S. 13.
Clarke and Master' Gonege,.'Hanoeer,
were in Bayeeld on Tuetelay, auto-
ing to St. Joseph and ZueiCh. -
Mrs. (Caine) J. Ferguson retheried
'home lest week after a two -months'
left on the !alms With her husband
Miss _Ruby Fisher returnee to Ber-
lin DR Tuesday after spendftvg a few
weeks iu' the village. ,
Rev. Mr. Hindson and family of
St, Thomas are spending a few
weeks in Lakeside Park. ,
The residentk of Deer Lodge Park
gave a hop in the pavileloa on Mon-
day ,evening,
Mr. Alex. McLeod left on Tuesday
Lor Montreal to attend medical col-
Mrs. MeEwan and Miss ElizaeDupee
left ine Tuesday for Toronto.
Mr. James Young, pastor of Ole
Methodist Church, is taking a ant -
night's holiday. He left on Monday
tor Lucloeow.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stelck returned
to the village on Saturday atter • ail
'extended honeymoon trip through the
Maritime Provinces, and 0 stay in
I3oston and.,New York. They [cave
hhortly for their home in Edmonton,
Mee. A ttwood and her son, Mr.
Harley Attwood, left on Monday for
the west. :
Mr. and Mrs. Weof Hamilton
were the gfiests of Mr. and, Mrs. le.
Heath at their cottage, " The Ced-
ars" lakt week.
Mrs. Wilson of Detroit is a guest
at Mrs. Specimen's.
Rev. Mr. Ball of Teeswater vas
the guest of Mr. ane Mrs. IL Dreh-
mann last week,
Mre. 'I'. D. Bentham, and Miss Mor-
ley of Detroit were the guests of the
kfikses Austin at their eottage on
Ole Terrace.
Miss Edna S i I eestee and Miss
Roberti of Detroit; Miss Ashton,
Miss Ifopkins, Mrs. (Dr.) J. J. Mas-
on, son and daughter, London
Mr. and Mrs. Milligan and her SOD
and daughter and Miss Graham, all
of Detroit .are guests at Miss Pen
Miss Daisy Dorien of Toronto is
the guest of Mrs. Wherein in the
the White City.
err. McGinnis of 3e5roft s a encet
at Miss Ferguson's.
Mrs. Stirling of Bayfield ant her
daughter, Miss Maud of 'forma:,
turned to the village on Saturday
ter spending kix weeks with h lends
at the Soo,
Rev. W. H. Harvey 01 London oc:-
eupied the pulpit of the IVIeetiodist
church on Staley evening lase.
Mrs. leIcLean and daueliter, Miss
Mabel, of S'eaforth areeeteding a,
few week) in ,Mr. Thompson's cot-
tage on the Terrace.
Mrs. Maitland and elks KWh Win-
ters of Detroit and Mise Perianth el
Guelph were the guests of Mrs.
Jamieson at her Cottage, "le ill
Karo" in the White City.
The annual meeting a tee Bileeeld
ranch of the Bible Soeieey was
ield in St. Andrew's church oe Mon-
ey evening:, when the 1 iliateing of-
ficers were elected for dm enening
ear - Preeident, Rev. A. McFarlane ;
'ice, James Young ; 100. -we:serer,
I. W. Erwin ; collectors venni as
ast year. Alter the election of 'd-
the agent of the 'Ioci.e.ey,
'reveth el Wyeeliffe College, e'fton-
to, gave a very interesting lecture
u the work of the Society :n Africa,
lustrating it With limelight views.
hour being spent in examining them.
After partaking of refreshments the
young ladies departed wishing their Holmesville
hostess all sorts of good fortune in
Ole future. Miss Doherty has been
PePakar with her circle of friends
and regret is felt that her marriage
will take her permanently from Clive
It was a big crowd which witness-
ed the lacrOsse match, Wingharn vs.
Godcrich, yesterday, in all probabil-
ity a reeeird one for this county.
And seldom liave so many aultoes
been seen here at one time, they
ringed the field.
The Wingham contingent was an
enthusiastic one, but in vociferous
rooting the county town host did
not take second place.
Naturally the friends of the re-
spective teams thought theirs was
Ole bekt , but among impartial spec-
tators the pretty general opinion
was that the Wingliams were the
better stick- handlers and that they
played in hard luck, However, •be
that as' it may, the Goderich team
won by 7-4, and is now in the
Mr. Harry. Hunt of Galt )s ln town.
Mr. Clifford Whitt-110re left this morn-
ing for Toronto,
IVIrs. Holmes Sr. ,arrived from St.
Catharines on Tuesday to attend
the marriage Of her grandson •• YOS-
terday. She ie the gueet of her
daughter, 'Vire. 1113. Chant. ,
.•• Holmesville "
Mn F. V. Mord 510 daughters,
Hazel and Fern, left for Ottawa on
Monday. Mrs, Elford and 'Jean will
'remain. until /met week. Their car
Rev, R. J. McCormick conducted his
own services oft Sunday;
-1V1iss Edna Cooper, ,,5,ister of Mr.
A. T. Coopee of Clin the% who, we
tinderstand has offered heirself as a
missionari )00 China, gave, a most in-
spiring ant interesting gddress in the
Methodist eleuech on SeadaY morning
the work 'fie mizeihns. Miss Coop-
er is a pleasing speaker and Was Be-
ttie:iced toHNovlintilel eaw igreatpeople
a 1 thatth6en;
success in her work.
Mr. arid Mrs. J. W. Yeo, Mrs. Robt.
Acheson, Mrs. W. J. Nesbitt and
daughters, Mr. Whitely a n d Mr.
Holmes tohk in the excursion to Tor-
onto on Tuesday,
Miss Vance, who has been visiting
her aunt), Mrs. George Holland, has
returned to her home ireToronto, ,
• Londesboro.
10110. Frank Gibbs and Mies Sadie
of Clinton spent a few days with
Mrs, "Gibbs mother, Mrs. BrOWIL
this week.
- Mrs. •A, Hamm and Miss Pearl' of
Blyth visited at the home M Mr,
James Hill a few days this week.
Dr, E'ph. aril Mrs. Gray of Lud-
dington, Mich., are visiting Ole Dr's
brothels, Joseph and' Wm. Gray.
-The Londesboro League visited the
members, of Auburn League Wedees-
day evening of this week.
11rti. W. L. lYferritt), ' and daughter
of London :are' visIthig her Mother,'
Mre• W. c.:+: CoOmbe,,
The Missee Brunedon, whet have
been visitieg friends hereabouts for
some weeks, are ispending a few days
in, Torouto and Niagara Falls prior
to leaving for their 'home at 'Hartney,
Manitoba, ort Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. CoVentry of Winghani
spent Monday with Mrs. E. Bell
of .1 u held .
efl e i e as Pet] trait)] We are pftased eeport M. .E.
players. • , Toronto on Friday • '
'MisS Lytle' of 0leeland, Ohio, le the
guest of the Misseb Doan, '
Mies Dorothy 4-Iolnies of Brussels is,
visiting Miss IleleneRobetton,,
thinniegliame, Mrs. Colville, and.
, Miss Eva Stevenson visited Sea -
forth friends on Saturday, ,
Mrs, S. B, Clarke and her little sone
Master George, of Hanover are the
gleets, of Dr. and Itere. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Twitchell are in
Toronto 'where the latter purposea
visiting her sister; Miss Malloy.,
for a :week or so,
Mr. and Mts. Lack Kennedy were
among the contingent from Wing -
ham who witnessed the lacrosse
match yesterday afternoon),
Miss Leila' Ford, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Js. A. Ford, left yesterday,
tor Calgary to take a position on
the city's Public school teaching
Mr9. A. J. Morrish and Miss Bessie
bit this morning for a visit in Tor,
onto and Pickering. Mr. Morrishi
will probably follow at Ole end et
the week.
Dr, Smith of BaylleId was in town.
on Friday on his way home from
London where he had been profess..
sionally engaged from the Tuesday,
Mr. Roy Grigg, second son or Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Grigg, town, who
+as for some time been a, member
of the Montreal Bank staff,-Goder-
lob, has been transferred to Hamil-
hies. James Finch left on Tuesday to
spend the week with friends at
Fairbank, Stratford and Toronto,
Mr. leinell goes the end of the week
and they will take in the big
Mrs. Cardin of Brussels has been the
gueot 'of her daughter, Mrs. Harry,
Bartlift, during the past week, Mr.
and Mrs. Bertha bringing her back
with them when they autoeel
Miss Evelyn Tiplady, who has been
taking a special course, in Toronto,.
is spending the remainder of her
vacation at her home in town.
She will teach in Ripley during the
coming teem,
Rev. D. K . CI ran t, who has been
summering with 111s family at Bay-
field, has been taking a little
trip through the Maritime Provin,
cee, principally to visit his eft home
in Nova Scotia, the past fortnight.,
Mr, 3. W. Newcombe of Fort Will-
iam has been in town the last few
(lays visileng his father, sister,
and old friends in -town. He is
looking well and seems' to be pros -
peeing in the Twin Cities of 'MS -
tern Ontario.
Rev, Clarence Johnson, who has been
ktationed at Brookilale, Man., for
Ge past couple of years, is sigma-
. ing a vacation at his home in town
that of Mrs. T. D. Johnson. Mr.
Will Johnson went) to Toronto to
meat him on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Parker, after a
visit of a month with relatives in
and, about Clinton and other parts
of the proviace, le•ft Saturday morn-
ing to return to their home at
Dunne, Man., where Mr. Parker has
charge of the 'grain elevator. They
went by way of Chicago, St. Paul
and Duluth.
Mr. John) Rice after spending a cou-
ple of weeks or so in Clinton and
other Huron towns, returned on
Saturday last to his home in Bow-
manville. As the result of very,
satisfactory, work Mr. Rice finds
that his business of piano tuning is
increasing wi eh each visit, His
eld friends in Clinton are always
glad to see him.
Mr. A. F. Oudmore left for London
Monday afternoon to attend the
High Court of Canada of. the An-
cient Order of Foresters as repre,
sentative of Court Prosperity;
There ate nearly 80.0 delegates pre -4
sent from all parts of the Domine
ion, but, of course, Ontario hoe
much the largest representation.
In Toronto there are 10,000. An-
cients,, one Court alone having a
membership of 2,000. Mr. ,Ctidmore
is an enthusiastic A. 0. F., To
Ole insurance branch .he has paid
particular attention and he has
done much to increase the businese
of the Society locally.
Prof, Fred C. Elford spent the week'''.
end among old fliends at Hol-
inesville where his wife and familg
Made a, Pongee stay, but all left foe
their home at Ottawa the first of
Ole week. Prof.' Elford is another
of the Huron boys who are making
good. ft is now several years, since
he entered the Demin on Govern-
ment service in ecinevetion 101.1
Ole Poultry branch of the Depart -
nicht of Agriculture. About two
years ago, tempted by a large sal-
ary, he aece;pted- an ervgagement
With an inettbater company in the .
11. S., nut' lie is too thorough -go-
ing a Canadian to remain on the
other side of the border, so when
Ole Conservative Minister of Agree
culture at Ottawa oftere41 ilini the
very -important • post of -Domino
ion Poultry Husbandman, with the
• 'over -sight of the poultry deperte
• *tents 'en the' Experimental Farms
threitgliout the Dominion,. he amen,
ted and ,is now looaeect at Ottawa,
Poultry raising when Mr, Elforel
first embarked in this line of work ,
was scayeely a side iseue on the
Lam,. whereas it has now become
an important and ,profitable indus,
try. Continued adetneement has
net spoiled the Professor in the
Least for he is to -day as gerilal and
unessumieg as ever,