HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-08-21, Page 8Closing Oiit Sale
Screen doors
Window screens
Regular $1 00 or $ 85 •.
1 25 " 100
1 75 " 1 59
2 00 " 1 75
20 " 15
25 " 20
39 " 25
35 30
Hammocks 3 09 ' 2 50
" 2 50 " 2 00
„ 200 "' 1 50
4 qt Lightning ice 'cream freezer " 3 00 2 75
3qt „ „ „ 250 225.
3 nick. oilstoves - 1 75 ' 1 50
1 bread mixer 2 00 ' 1.05
2 lawn seats " 1 25 1 00
2 only lawn mowers 4 knives " 5 25 400
Mrs. Potts nickel plated irons 1 10 "' 88
English charcoal irons
2 second hand gasoline stove, 2 hurner, good order 150 ,
200 ,
A small quantity of pure Manilla binder twine to clear.
flarlaod liros.-
See what You Gan Save
on Shoesand Oxfords It you onlg
Come to tile rigiit place
This sale offers price reductions that are worth while.
Prices so low that no one wbo wants to make his or her dollar
Icount, canatford to plies this chance •
liens $500 Shoee Sale price $4.96
Mens $4,00 Shoes Sale price $3.20II-
Mens $3.00 Shoes Sale price $2.00
Ladies 54,05 pat leather Sale price $2.40
Ladies $3.00 tan lace Sale price $2 00
Ladies $3.50 oxfords Sale price $2.50
Ladies' and Men's $4,00 Oxfords for $2.00
Bargains in Furniture and Carpets.
We found a manufacturer who had an extra fine lot of goods and was hard
up for cash. His goods are on our floors, marked at prices which will sell
thein during August,
5 piece parlor sun regular $25 00 for $ 9 90
Taney couches • 7 00 " 5 00
Odd parlor rockers From 3 00 to 15 00
Kitchen cabinets $0 50 10 00 20 00
Carpets, rugs, malts, oilcloth and linoleum at moderate prices,
Picture framing and repairing promptly attended to,
Phone 7 and 8, • Free Auto Delivery,
J. H. CHELLEW Estate
Furniture Blyth Undertaking
NN♦♦♦••••••••••♦•N♦ ♦NON•♦♦♦N♦•M♦NN:.
On All Summer Goods 1
',ash Suits at 05c.'
3 very special lines for Saturday—Children's W ♦•
We have about two dozen of these suits left, some made in - Nor-
folk coat -and bloomer pants and others with blouse and bloomer pants
and all regular $1,00 and $1.25 lines. Saturday choice for 05e, •
WOMEN'S PliMP5 and OXFORDS $1.29
Our NOuserovas NfJJ1➢ER, 4.1 (
The Housewives'
Full of articles on things
every home -loving woman
delights in reading about.
Single copy, 10 cents
at the Pattern Counter
Ask about our liberal
subscription offers.
Often Cheapest - Always the Best'.
Patent colt shoes—Odd lines and broken sizes of hues that sold :
, < at $1.75 to $2.25. Saturday choice 51,20. w.
_ —.. Ilutllll 11..
Miss Libbie Gibbings spent a couple
of days in Seaforth last week.
Magistrate and Mrs. Andrews were
in Goderich over the week -end.
Mrs. Wiseman spent a few days with
Mrs. Tozer at Bayfield last week.
Miss Gladys Reynolds was at the
camp at Burks' over the week -end.
Miss Tena Matheson leaves on Mon-
day, for Toronto, to attend the mil-
linery openings.
Miss Olive Brooks of Mitchell is vis-
iting her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Cantelon.
Rev. i4Ir. Johnston was the guest
while hi town over the week -end
of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lindilay.
Miss. Ethel McKay of Norwich is the
guest for a few days this week of
her cousin, Mrs. E. 0-. Courtice,
Miss Irene Harrison Bayfield has
taken a position as stenographer
in the Knitting Company's office,
Miss Grace Shepherd returned Mon-
day after a visit of three weeks
01' 10 with London and Lambeth
Mrs. Medd and Miss Flolerne Gar-
rett, who have been in the we0t
for some time, are expected, home
this week,
Misses Grace Cluli, Elva Lavis and
L. Shanahan returned Sunday even-
ing after spending a week or so at
Grand Bend.
Mrs. Boles, Mrs. A. T. Cooper and
the boys who were camping at
Burks' for the pada month have re-
turned home.
Mr. J. E. Match, who has purchased
a tonsorial business in Goderich,
was in town over the week -end
with his family.
Mrs. H. D. Neagel and,"dauglbter, Miss
Verginia, of Chicago are guests at
the home of Mr. Thos. Jenkins of
Woodiandil Farm, Huron Road.
Mr. J. D. Atkinson 'returned on Sun-
unday atternoorl from Exeter. He also
spent a day or so in Harniltoui,
taking in the, big celebration which.
continued there all last week.
Mr. A. F. Joints, Toronto, visited
ucan bu
anice dress coat at this
smock -when o y
ea 125 Saturday :'!c.
arprice ,
wonderfully low yrice—Raga] $ , y
•N♦N•♦♦• NNN•
Furniture Dealers �
—and— 1
Funeral Directors
Phone 104
for a few days the past week with
his brothers in the old township of
Tuckersmith and with h s
and his sister, Mrs. A. Seeley of
Mrs, ID. P. Malony and three ghild-
ren, who 7iave been visiting the
lady's mother, Mrs. McLennan, for
the past fortnight, returned to
their home at Sault Ste, Marie
Me Leslie slue .1. Wasmann Char-
ence Kilty,Edgar Torrance, Hugh
McCr stie.ared
ss Wallis have
returned from London, where , they
-have been attending the teaohery'
military camp.
Miss 0. Cooper returned on Thurs-
day after a visit at Toronto and
Niagara Falls. At the latter plla;ce
she met Miss C. Culbertson, of
Ontario, Cal., who accompanied
her home for a short visit.
Master Frank Smith, who with his
mother, Mrs. Mcl1ardy Smith, has
been in Europe for several months,
was in town over the week -end.
Mrs, Smith and Frank left
for Vancouver on Wednesday.
Mr. and Kn. Jacob Taylor returned
Saturday from Muskoka, where they
attended the wedding of their son
on Tuesday, later visiting numerous
friends at different points. Miss
Delle, who accompanied them, is
spending another fortnight visiting
in Toronto, St. Catharines and
Niagara Falls.
Mr, and. Mrs.. G. J. Stewart, - Van-,
are visiting old timf
e niend s
in Clinton and vicinity after an
absence of several years. On leav-
ing Clinton they located is Man
'Hobe., then moved on to Alberta
and are now settled fn the most
promising of the coast cities. While
they have grown to like the sun-
set province it does not after all
take the place of Ontario, partic-
ularly thirr''choiee pant of it where
they will always find the latch
♦•rN•N'••NM•N04'N••N••••••N••K• ioNNNN•• . string flanging out.
News -Record,
August -21st, 191'
- 35
Smart, k-ttractivo Models for Ladles' Wear.
We have just passed into stock thirty-five exclusive ladies' coats collected
from several of the larges"t manufacturers. These coats are the very latest Amer-
ican styles, made from soft pure wool tweed, three-quarter cut -away,. trimmed
with large buttons and frogs to match, shipped to us for early buying,. and no two
styles alike. Come in and see this beautiful range. We will be pleased to show 1.
you through as a buyer or not.
New Silks' and satins, brooade and plain.
An advanced shipment of new fall silks in brocade and plain, in all the want-
ed shades. Brocade silk will -be a strong feature for fall wear, and we advise an
early selection. Priced from 50c up.
Play suits and Rompers for Ohi1dren Ilnderpriced.
Boys play suits made from good
quality galatia and, duck in several
colors, also plain. These are regular-
ly 75c. Friday and Saturday they go
at 49c each
Little girls' rompers made from
English and Canadian prints, all good
patterns and will stand the tub, all
sizes, regularly sold at 50c. Friday
and Saturday they go at 39C
About People You Know
Messrs. W. Cook and Clarence Pais-
ley are camping at Bayfield.
Miss Ethel Doherty of Boston is
spending a vacation at her home
iv town.
Misses Isla Wilkin and Minnie Pinning,
visited friends in Hensel] for a 1ew
days Last week.
Miss Mac Biggart of Niagara halls
11 in towru %isitirlg her l,rot),et,
Mr. Will Baggact.
Mrs. Bert Langford is visiting her
brother, Mr. William, Vodden of
Londesboro, this week,
Mrs. Ramsay of Plattsville spent a
few days vii ting friends in Clin-
ton the,end of last week.
Mrs. C.I. Smith and Miss A. Mc-
Nabb of Seaforth acre gut>ts at
Mrs. T. Mason's last week.
Mr. C. A. Lemon, special salesman of
the George M. Hendry Co., Tor-
onto, was in town yesterday.
Mrs. Crich of Albert street has been
quite ill for a fortnight 00 so. Her
friends • have 'been anxious concern-
ing her but it is hoped lier recov-
ery will not be long delayed.
Mr. Ed. Floody, Jr., returned to
Toronto on Saturday after a fort-
night spent with friends in town
arid by the side of the beautiful
Huron at balmy, breezy Bayfield.
"Dick" Tasker, who pitched for the
Brantford Red Sox last season, has
again signed up with that team and
left for Brantford 'Tuesday, playing
against Guelph TaesdaY
Mr: ff. R. Cameron of Luc now, who
v says i tesda .a s lo-
was inCl aloin Tuesday,
cal Option ,is working successfully in
. his town, whatever, disarrangement
.of bueiness there may have been in
the initial period having been
smoothed out. He said as well
that the general business of, Luck -
now shows ria falling of as the
result of the closing of the bars
but rather that the results as a
whole are very satisfactory. In
short, Mr. Camer•en, as the resuit
of experience, cordially recon-
anends local option to other munici-
palities, large c . sniail.
Mr. E. owl • v s
Lewis l7 an , Louisville,
Lucky, visited his brother and sis-
ter, Mr. F. W. and Miss Evans,
Tuesday and yesterday on leaving
for home he was accompanied by
his little son, Master Sam, who
spent several weeks' with relatives
here and at their cottage on
lake shore. Mr, Evans is always
pleased to get back to Clinton,
even 41 only for a day, but pro-
bably never more s0
b l v than this
b more
month ' for the south is passing
through a period 01 extraordinary
and almost unprecedentedi drouth
and heat,. There has been no rain
h spring floods • fall since the ng cod which'
devastated those states and the
produce ofthe garden and field is
everywhere drying ivp. As the
years roll on and his/ experience
widens Mr. Evans 15 more them
ever convinced that the dwellers in
Ontario are a favored people. -
;Miss Effie Pickett spent the week-
end with Kippen friends.
Miss Pearl Foster of Clarksburg is
the guest of her,. cousin, Miss Mabel
Mrs, lnekinelr and het friends visited
in Ethel. a few days during the
week. -
Mr. Chester Marshall of Toronto is
spending a vacation at his home
in town.
Mrs. Peter Cantelon area Miss Har-
riet spent the week -end with God-
erich friends.
Miss MacFarlane attended the Pres-
byterian Summer school in Coder-
ich last week.
Mrs, Clara Rumball has returned af-
ter a fortnight's visit with Wing-
ham and London friend:.
Miss Dlayfrid Allin has returned
from a ^holiday visit with her
brother in Cleveland, Ohio. -
Misses M. and A. Hanna of Toronto
have been spending a few days with
their sister, Mrs. S. S. Cooper.
Mrs. Houlden, who has been, quite
ill, is gaining somewhat, though
she is not entirely recovered ak
Miss Ida Holmes of Toronto is ex-
pected in town this week on a
visit to her numerous friends in
and about Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Matheson and
three sons .of Chicago are' • the
guests of the fornter's brother, Mr.
J n oftown.
A. E.
Mia Haddock, who spent her vac-
ation with her aunt, Mrs. Eck-
mier, Princess street, has returned
to her position on the nursing staff
in the Brandon hospital.
Mrs. J. Januwine and her daughter,
Eulalia, returned to their home in
Detroit on Saturday after a six-
weeks' visit with bile lady's sister,
Mrs, W. 0. Brown of town, and
with friends at Lucknow, Kinlough
and Kincardine.
Miss Belle Paisley, trained nurse in
the Dr. Kelly hospital, - Baltimore,
who has been visiting at her
father's, Mr. W. J. Paisley's for
past fortnight, leaves on Friday to
visit her sister, 'Mrs. R. DnnI
more, St Thomas, before returning
to Baltimore,
The News From Londesboro
Miss E. Lyon returned to London
on Tuesday after spending a few
days at her home here.
Miss R. Young spent a few days
this week with Westfield friends,
A nwnber of the young folk bpent
Wednesday at the lakeside at Bay-
Dir. Wm. Weymouth, who has been
employed on the section here for the
the past year, left this week to go
with J, Leiper during the threshing
Mr. and Mrs. I -I..8. Brown of On-
tario, Cal., are guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. T Greig. Mr. A. g
Brown, who has dust disposed of bis
business in Ontario, is making an
extended trip through the- cities of.
Canada. DI
as ern states
the e and t
Brown is a brother of Mrs. Greig.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scruton and tam
ily, accompanied by' Mrs. Scru
ton's mother, motored to London
and bank one day last week, Mts.
Mennel, who is eighty-seven years
of age, and the little .daughter ,of
Mr. and Mrs. Scruton aged two
and a half, showed gveat vitality.'
in withstanding the long journey .of
'one hundred and: twenty-six miles
without any serious atter ekdectfs,
Miss E. Webb of Seaforth spent a.'.
few days with her sister, Mrs. J. H.
Shobjbrook, this week.
Mrs. B. Mason and Master Harvey;'
of Blyth visited friends here for a
few days,
Mr, and 14105. 'Barnes of Toronto
spent a few days at the home of.
Mr. J, Lanham.
Mr. F. Hibbert, who has been vis—
iting friends here, hent for Fort
Francis where he has taken a pox --
Won in a furnishing store.
H ullett Happenings
Miss Lena Glousher has returned to
,Wingham after spending a fortnight
under the parental roof, She in-
tends leaving shortly for they west.
Mr. Edgar Pattison of Wingham.
was, in the neighborhood recently
with a load of. pumps.
Mrs. J. Bentley and daughter,
Grace, visited Mrs. R. B. McGowan
on Friday last.
14I155 Esther McClinchey visited, her
cousin, Miss May Weber, recently.
Mrs. M. Brown was ill last Week,
but it is hoped she will soon be
quite herself again.
Mr. Wm. Racket and sort, Harvey„
started threshing last week.
Miss Mary Weber visited her aunt,,,
Mrs. Wm. Deer, last week.
Misses Ella and Lena Glousher-
autoed from Dungannon to Godericbb'
on Sunday last.
Miss Irene Carbert of Scaforth.
is visiting friendl and relatives 01 this:
vicinity. •
Misses Irene and Dorothy and Mas- -
ter Edward Byrne, who. have been,
holidaying at the bonne of Mr.,, and
Mrs. Patrick Reynolds, lett yester-
day for their home in Cleveland,
School Shoes
School days are almost here again
and we are prepared to meet the requirements of the
girls and:boys inschool shoes,- we have the:new shapes
in all leathers, price to suit any purse and also in that
nrnost essential point that school shoes should have, good
wearing qualities. Call and see for youtbelves, it will
be a pleasure to show you what have.
Repair Departrnent
On MoLda
YAug.ug 20
th,Mr. W
will ll take
over our Repairing Department and will be glad to
see all his former' customers and friends in our store.
Any work entrusted' to his care will be neatly. and
promptly attended to.
_Successor to J. Twitchell & Son