HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-08-21, Page 51 arTehrattgapnAoarfirtnegibtintiteLtesio:wirw hi T HOME I COLLEGE Anoanlo to occupy lucrative positions as stenog, raphers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in fact every sphere of Business Activities. Ton may flnioh ni college if you so wish. Positions guar- anteed. Enter college any day. Indiv idiot( instruction. Expert teaohers. Thirty years' experience. Largest train ers in Canada. Seven colleges. Special aurae for teachers. Affiliated with Commercial Educa- tors' AsSooiation of Canada, Suromei School at, famous Spotton Business College. London, CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Ggo. SPoTTON El. F, WARD , President. Principal. August 2Ist, 1913 Clintois News -Record Bluth tsP Emina laelth lias been Viiiitiiig n. Haimatton. and Torento. Mr -Fred Thomas- of 5Ii1verton, vis- •ited • his' •brother. Station Agent" Thomas, hese last week. . Mr. J, G. .Enireh isi last week for Whitewood ,' where ..lie. will Vis-- 4-tr'his son fox ,a, eoriple of menthe.. Mess.rs.„; $....A: Popleetone and S.' -• McVittie, reeresented the, tIlteeelinle-. ,ers. at' the- -Grand Lodge In Belteville leat;ayeek:,_ ; 1Virs. A. M. Babb and children , of' ' Tees*ater have beer' ViSiting''' the lady's inother,, Mrs. H. PacQearrie. Masters Charlie Emigh and Eddie and Frank litaiVelen of Parry, Sound are the guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. F,migh. Igra. D. B. Kennedy visited her sis- ater, •Mrs. •Edward Watson, last week. The latter lady has been (mite ill. ' Mr. J. G. MoSer of Watertoo • vii - "Siting his daughter, Mrs. Irtank Carr' and other friends in toWn. last Week. Rev. Mr. Reid of. Londesboro preach- ed very acceptably in the Presbyter' ian church on. Sunday week. Miss Ruby • Gibson has returned from a visit with Hageraville and Essex friend's Miss Annie McCommis of San Di- ego, Cal., has been Visiting her many_ friends hereabouts. • . Mr. Adam 516Kenzie bas returned from a prolonged stay, in ' Lanark eounty. Mrs. C. Spofford and her son i and -danghter are visiting the lady's sis- ter in WoodstOck, '• litiss Rene Bennett left on .Satur- day to take a position" as milliner in Toronto. Mr. and: Mr,'. Maurice Nesbitt and child of -Detroit are guests of the former's parents. Mr. Nesbitt has not been en:oying good health for some time. More Local News. LITTLE LOCAL. • Mr. Wesley/Walker hasbeught Pile, Frank O'Neil's resilience on •fligh atreet one of the -very best -•propen ties in town. . IVfr, H. Hilt having ' purcitairm a power mixer, is busy these days mak- ing CeMela bloeke toe Mi. O. loare's, . • verandah and putting; in a new-- cern- The Women's Institute will meat' at :the, home of- Mii. ;Welter, ,Dowas next 'Phersday -afternoon. The top- ic Will be •taken, ' by Mrs. Howard 'Fowler' and there Will he a readiag by' Mrs.' Dodd, Seaforth Mrs. Alan alcLean Rale, ilea: 5' • Mrs. Peter Scott of Brussels are vis- iting friends at Ottawa and Perth. Messrs. John and Arthur Musgrove, .of Toronto, sons of the late Rev. P. Musgrove, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Goverlock for a few days recently. Miss Helen Larkin is firing the position of organist in the Presbyter- ian church during the absence of Mrs. Kinder, who is holidaying. Dr. Ross has purchased a fine five passenger touring car. NI". S.' Dickson has returned from a two month's visit with his 'son in Edmonton and his daughter at Fort Saskatewan. Mr. -and 'Mrs.. Thos. Henderson left last week on a, trip to Stoughton, r. Sask., `to 'visit their daughter. Mr. Joseph Dick, who has a good position in Regina, has been visiting his parents, in town. He, left, again for the west last week. Igra. R. N. Hays has returned to lier home in New York after a vis- it with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. DavidMole and 'leo sons ot N. Y., visited the former's brother, Mr. Ed. Mole, last week, Miss Lucy Stone, who has been vis- iting Mrs. DeLacey and other friends in town, has returned to her home In Rapid City, Man. - Mr, and Mrs. joshua Jones and son and Mrs. Geo. Cook of New York visited for a few days a ith Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hart. Miss Merlins of l'oraoto for a few days with the Misses Mc- Kay. Mrs. W. R. Smith ant Mr a. -.1 chit Stewart were f n I 1 an !ton , It st weelc. • Mr. Wm, Ross of Carberry, Man., hasbeen visiting his brother, Dr. I-1.,11. Ross. ' Mr's. Ross, Sr., has gone on a vis- it to her daughter at Sault Ste Marie. Dr. and Mrs. Harburn attended the funeral of. a cousin in Mitchell last week. The Misses Larkin have been holi- daying at Bayfield. Miss Mary Modeland, who has been with her hister in the west fcir the past year, has returned home. Mrs, A. E. Forbes and two' little daughters, have gone to visit friende at Ann Arbor, Mich, John, Truesdale, an employee .of the HYdro-lillectric, while unloading poles at the station the -other day, had the misfortune to have his leg broken. Mr, A. 5, Mertons of the Dointinion Bank staff,- who, was accidently shot sonte wce3ks ago, left. , for his home in Toronto ,last week, The bul- let has been extracted and he is con- valescing very satisfactorily. • _ Prof. Lloyd Hodgens of St. Paul's school, Concord, New Hamshire, who is speeding a vacation at Bayfield, 'was in town recently greeting old friends. Mrs. D. Andrews is visiting in De- troit. ' Mrs Acheson returned las% weeldIso her home in Godetich after visiting her daughter, Mrs J. U. Greig. The engagement * announced of Miss Janet Barr of The Maples, to Pat. James A. 1VIeNatighton of Cal- gary, 'Alta., the marriage to take place the end of August. HAD IT REMOVED. Mr. R. Warmer having bought the old cooper shop on Albert street, north, -formerly owned and used by' the late David Dickenson, he has had it taken down and removed for the ,lumber. The removal of this building will add to the appearance of this portion of the street, as an 'old wooden building which is no loner in use is always something of an eyesore end the residents of the vicinity are glad to have it remov- ed. C. C.,L Makes Good Showing. The Clinton Collegiate Institute will reopen for the fall ternt on Tuesday, ' Sot. ffird. The stad will consist of Principal Treleaven as- sisted by Miss t. J. Macdougall, 13. A., specialist on Moderm and His- tory, Miss H. Bell, 13. A,, Special- ist in Science, Mr. 0, W. Robb, B. .,,specialist hi Moderns and His- Peysics, Miss A. 'M. Stone, Commer- dial Specialist, and Miss K. Ford, Specialist in Art, The results'ot the'Department Ex - **nations for 1913 have been meet encouraging to the staff and reflect credit upon the diligenCe of the pupils. Twenty-four candidates for -Lower School Entraneeato Normal and the Faculties of Edecation were success- ful. Out of twenty-three candidates for the Middle School Entrance to 'Normal, seventeen Were successful in passing the examination, while twe secured entrance to Model Schools. Of the successiarl • pupils in this ex- amination, six obtained, honerg or over seventy-five percent. of the marks assigned. All the c,andidates for Matriculation were sucessful in obtaining matriculation • standing, while three candidates Ziecured hon. org in various . departraents. A com- plete list of the successful candida- tes in the different examinations • is is published. below, . Lower School Entrance to Normal and Faculties of Education: 'C. Beacom, V. Colbert, O. Cole, M. Cook, lg. Davidson, M. Elliott, V. Evans, V. Hearn, S. Henry, A. Hoare (lionours),' H. Holmes, ,, E. Manning (honours), J. Middleton, P. Moffatt, W. Nelson, P. Potter, R. Rennie, I. Roberton, H. Rodaway, H. J. Smillie, S. Smillie, 11, Thema-, son, E. Wasmann, Fa Wise. Middle School Entrance to Normal Schools : D. Barr, E. Beacom (hon- ours), F. I. Brown, II. R. Cantelon, A. (1. Draper, L. Ford, W. H. For- rest, N. Garrett (honours), E. Gray, (honours), M. McAllister, I -I. Mc- Crostie, W. McGregor. (honours), C. Nicholson ;(honors), K. 13. Reid, M. C. Reynolds, G. I. Walker, J. M. Wylie (honours). Entrance to Model Schools : V. Lobb, A. McConnell. WESLEY, CHURCH. The choir of this church will be as- sisted at the evening service on Sun- day. nexts by Mrs, C. Colville of tribute a solo, inaddition to the us- ual Program of range Mra.' Colville Grand, Ledge., Mich,,. who will con - is prominent musical circles • her home town - and will he rernem. bered by many here as Miss Mary Callender who. a member of years ago was organist in,. old Rattenbury street church. The pastor, Rev. Dr, Routledge, will preach morning and evening. At the latter service the sermon will be, addressed particularly to young people and will have special applica- tion. to students the subject being "Life's First Quest". The combined morning service of congregation and S. S. is found to be an excellent departure. The "Id- eal" all the S. S. in the church and all the church in the S. S. is by this means almost realized,. Teachers in.Training in • Clinton Model School. 'Inc following arc the teachers now in training at the Model' School' lint it is expected ' 'the number will be further supplemented during the com- ing week : Daisy Copp, Clinton. Mary Reynolds, Clinton. Manley A. Shipley, Clinton. Albert F. Cooper, Clinton. Harold R. Canteton, Clinton. Elizabeth Ford, Clinton. Jean Wylie, Clinton. ,Gladys Draper, Clinton. Henderson W. Forrest, Clinton. Flossie Brown, Londesboro. Emily P. Law, Drumbo. Charles Fowler, Wingharn. Emma E. Stewart, Wingham. Robeet I. Ferguson, Belgrave. Nellie C. Moffat, Teeswater. Una Martin, Teeswater. , Lorne S. Farrell, Teeawater. Isabella W. Potter, Blyth. Cora M. Schroeder, Dashwood. Matilda M. Miller, Dashwood. - Florence M. Lewis, Clandeboye. John F. Cook, Belfast. Vera A. Atkinson, Lucan. James C. Walker, Exeter. Pearl C. Mackenzie, Dungannon. Laura Griffin, Knitted. • Anna E. White, Redeckville. Elva R. Watson, Kilmanagh. Hugh A. McMillan, Holywood. Sarah Smith, St. Helens.' Grace Schram, Parkhill. Ewart D. Cameron, Lucknow. Annie Macdonald, Ripfey. Annie -O. Curran, Ripley.' Gertrude M. Kidney, Ripley. Annie M. Macpherson, Ripley. Wingham Personals. Miss Isabel Gunn is holidaying by the lake at Bayfield Miss. 1VIarion Hartand is visiting Mrs. • Lorne Murch in Stratford, " Mrs, Woodhull df Lambeth is the guest of 1VIrs. James Shepherd of , Townsend ,street. - Misses aMabel Canteloa and Mary Smith are in Toronto attending the millinery openings. Misses Jean and Lucy Mason of Lon- • don are spending at few weeks the guests) of Mr. andaVIrs. L. Peacock of Hullett. Mr. J. A. Irwin was in Windmill an Sunday' conducting services in the Methodist church in the absence of the pastor. Miss Rena Pickett has returned from her vocation which was spent with relatives at Parkhill, '<ippon and other pointa. . • Mrs. McCordiek, Miss 1VIcCordiCk and Miss Annie Thonmson have retern- ed to their home at Mount Al- bert, after a visit of several weeks with friends hereabouts, Mts. Me- Cordick was formerly Miss Ellie Thompson of Clinton, but it is over thirty years since she left liere and she sees many changes in place and people. Pass Junior Matriculation : Dora I. Barr, Elmer C. Beacom, Albert F. Cooper, Harold R. Cantelon, W. Henderson Forrest, Edntund Gray, Vera IL Lobb Wm. McGregor, Cora G. 'Nicholson, Mary C. Reynolds, Jean M. Wylie. Honour Junior Matriculation : Manley, A. Shipley, honours in, Eng- lish, French, German, Chemistry, Botany, and -Zoology ; Dorothy Tier - nay, honours in French and English; Edgar T. Torrance, honours in French. Entrance to Faculties of Educa- tion Part 2, John E. Windsor. Announcements will be sent on "re- quest to any students who contem- plate attending High School. These give full information with regard, to courses of study, regulations, fees, etc. Address : Principal Treleaven, Clinton, or phone No. 31. SEED WHEAT FOR SALE - THE undersigned oilers for sale three varieties, of fall wheat for Dawsen's,. • Golden Chaff. Democrat, and Egyptian. Araber--lt is all splendid wheat and clean, Price $.3.-.0a per bushel. -L. Tyniall. -95. NOTICE -On account of the heavy loss sustained in the recent fire, I would like all out -standing ac- counts settled at once. In the meantime the coal office will' be found next door to MeTaggart's Bank, where business will be car- ried on with a full supply of every- thing as before. -A. Forbes. -95 "ammumensi t-ioupE To RENT ON IICRON. street, 6 rooms, hard and soft water in woodshed, acre of land, bearing fruit trees. --.John Snyder. -90- IIOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. - One of 'the best locations in town corner Princess and William streets. House contains 7 rooms on, ground lfloor, second floor not finished, Hard and solti water. acre land, fruit trees, etc, - For further particulars apply to D. S. Cluff. • ' -69. • - FOR SALE DRIVING HORSE, buggy, only reit two seasons, and harncas in good repair. Apply to -John May, Clinton. -95 Marriages TA'Y'LOR-CULLEN-At Huntsville, on Aug. 1211t, Jessie, youngest .daughter of Mr. Thos. M. and -Mrs. Ctmllen, to William Bricken- den Taylor; only son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Taylor of Clinton. . PEARSON-COLE - At the home of Mrs. T. D. ' Johnson on August 19th, hy Rev. Dr. Rutledge, Clar- issa, Elizabeth, only daughter of 1V1rs. Andra Cole, Wayne, Mich., to George Pearson of De- troit, Mich„ eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pearson 01 God- erich township. COLEMAN-NICKLE - At the Ont. St. parsonage, Clinton,, by, Rev. S. J. Allin, on. Aug. 21s1., Pearl E. Nickle of Clinton to Francis Elba Coleman of Stratford. Goderich Miss Edith Falconer has been leal- idaying in Bayfield. ' Mr. Herb. McLean is home from New York' for his vacation. Mr. and Mrg. Newton Chatlen of Sitneoe are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrg. D. Cameron. Rev. John Young of ,Pittsburg, has been the guest of ,his brother, Commillor Young, and other friends in town. Miss Alma Goldthrepe attended the celebration at Hamilton last week. She will spend a few days in Toron- to befete her return. Mrs. J. J. Macdonald leaves this week for Calgary, where her, hus- band has been for some little time. The Misses Morrish, wlio have been -vigiting Mrs. E. Mitchell, have re- turned to their home at Fargo, Mich. Milts Ella Cronyn is spending a va- eation in Hamilton. Mr. .3. A. Irwin of Clinton preach- ed ia the Methodist church lost Sen- dai', the Pastor, Rev. Mr. being absent on his holiclays. Mr. Samuel Young kas sold his blacksmith- shop to Mr. W. I -I. Gur- Dr. and Mts. Arthur Jukes John- ston and Miss Gwendolin of Toronto are, in town for the remainder of the season: - Mrs. (Dr.) Packwood and her sis- ter, Miss Robinson, et Hamilton Bermuda, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. DeTouzel. Miss Jean Caittelen, who is just returning from a trip to Europe, has lfeen •Visiting friends in tovn pria to .continuing her journey to her home in Vancouver, 13: C. - Misses I-Iazel • 'and Effie Stewart have returned to their home in 'Sea - forth after a pleasant, visit with their aunt and uncle, Mr.- and James H.- Stewart. Mihses -Florence and Hattie Curren and Masters 'Albert and Hector Cur - rel of Toronto visited in town last week, later going 'on to Port Albert to visit their untie, Mr. 1-1. Haw - j WINDSTORM INSURANCE. - THE Canada Insurance Co. will insure all buildings against damage done by windstorms. Moderate rates; no premitin note.--Oharlee B. Hale, District Agent. Clinton. -74. BELLEVIEW ,F"A R M DAIRY. - From. ourstock of first-class cows we • are , prepared to supply you twice daily with the beet ofmilk and cream. We solicit a share of your patronage. -Richard Fisher, E. 13. Hill, Phone 125. -80 TEN DOLLARS REWARD WILL be paid to any person giving; in- formation that will lead to the conviction ,ot anyone shooting Hom- er Pigeons. --Clinton Homing Soc- iety. -91-4. COURT OF REVISION - NOTICE is hereby given that a Court a Revision will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, by His Honor, the Judge of the Coun- ty Court of the County of Huron, in the Council Chamber in, the town of Chilton, on Thursday, the 4th day of September 1913, at 9 o'- clock, a. m., to hear and deter- mine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Township of Goderich for 1913, Dated Aug- ust 20th, 1913,-N. W. Trewartha; Clerk, Goderich Township. HOULDEN McCULLOUGH - At --Southampton, on Aug. 6th, Is- 'abella _McCullough to A. Harry Houlden of Medicine Hat, Altaa formerly of Clinton. MeKAY-McDONALD -- In Goderieh on Aug. 13111,. Maigaret, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mre, Menet McDonald of Bayfield, to Norman McKay, Goderich. DAVIS,-GRIFFIT-HS At London, August • 7th, Sara Howard -Griffiths to Thomas Matheson Davig of Goderich. Miss Agnes Walker has accepted a position in Toronto. Miss Ada Haines, who has been teaching at Ripley, has been appoint- ed teacher of the Holmes' school in Tureherry. Mr. and Mrs. John Reading of Ham- ilton haVe returned home after a vis- it with Mr, and aks. J. C. Read- ing of town. ' FARM FOR SALE -THE UNDER - signed offers for sale his fine farm of about 130 acres adjoining the .town of Clinton. The farm is In a good state of cultivation and has good buildings -brick house, bank barn, driving house, pig pen, etc -all comparatively new. A. first class young orchard containing all kinds of fruit, also small fruits. The farm is well fenced and well drained and is a very desirable home, For further particulars apply on premises or address John Torrance, Clinton p. 0. -63 TEACHER WANTED FOR S. S,. NO 5 Stanley, Second class. Duties to commence Sept. 1st. Applicants re- ceived until August 23rd. Apply stating salary 'and experience to - Robert MeClinchey, Zurich P. O. 94-2. Births CURRIE-In St. Jokaph's Hospital, •Victoria, B. Ca on July. 29111, to lgr. 'ate' Mrs. Harry Currie of Cherry Bank, a son, (still born.) BAIRD-At 'Balfour Averrie, S.haug- bnessy Heights, Vancouver B. C. ,• on August. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baird (nee Mary C. Lough, • Clinton, Ont.) a daughter. ANGUS-In Wing.ham, Aug.- 901, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Angus, a son.. HARTRY-In Seaforth, on Aug. 9th to Mr. and Mrs. Howard alartry, YOU AFeE INVITED , TO TraE' "Ar - ter Vacation" Evening itt Ont. St. church on Monday evening -at 8'0' - clock. A committee of ladies will serve refieshments after a program of music, etc., eta. -95. WANTED.-EXPERIENCED GIRLS and girls to learn knitting and looping. Will pay $5.00 per week while leery:mg. Steady employ- ment, pleasant position. , Apply now. -Clinton Knitting Co. -93 SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and repairs kept on hand, also ag- ency for new machines. -A. Hoop - or, Albert street. -70 THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live . Pickling Season is here again we are well stocked with all -kind of spices and. vinegeta. ,• FLotrt CLINTON FAMILY FLOUR. FIVE ROSES. PURETY and EXETER. FARM FOR SALE. -CON. 8 WEST half of lot 9, Mullett township, containiug 50 acres. There ar on the farm a frame house 20x26, kitchen 18x14, and a stunmen kit- chen and wood shed 24x11, bank barn 58x4.0 with stabling ender -- nee -tit and cement floors with hen house and pig house. The land is good clay loam, entirely clear of weeds, is well drained with tile, and in a good state of cultivation. No waste land. There is one acre of good orchard and a never failing well, Terms : $500. of principal Paid down and the rest can re- main on mortgage. As the pro- prietor intends giving up fanning, if not sold the place will be rent- eRdile-y"Spprr.5,' co 01 611 raennel ei eps oor to'John -86. FRUITS ORANGES. LEMONS. , BANANAS • GRAPE -FRUIT PEACHES PLUMS. • WATER MELONS and TOMATOES. A CALL SOLICITED. pak • • 116J 11 I IL .11.1 •, • • You have heard that :, • George Washington could • • 9. • not tell a lie. We could, • • :but we eydi oh tnhoet ehiaevs ee to, om faorr, • • • w • het and sell at the closest 6 40‘ • t • It 15 130 lie that we • • are still selling • • 100 lbs. Redpaths Granu- ▪ lated Sugai for $4.75 • • • • . • 20 lbs. for $1,00 • • • We have added to • o • • our well-equipped stock, • • • • . • Creamery Butter and • - • • Buttermilk. : • • • • •• • • • • VV. T. O'NEIL : • • 4,The Hub Grocery." • • :006,41 ******* obeepoosses, E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET. LIVE GROCER. FARM FOR SALE -LOT 40 AND part of Lot 39, Con. 9, Goderich township, .consisting of 107 acres all cleared and good tillable land with the exception of five acres of bush and ten acres of orchard- con- taining apples, plums and cherries. Farm in good condition being of good clay loam, well fenced and having an abundance of excellent water. On the premises are two barns, one 58x30 with shed 25x10, all On stone foundation. The oth- er barn is 59x30 with shed 47x30 and also a gravel house. Situated one mile from school mile from English church, 1 mile frora Meth- odist church, 5 miles from Clinton, 6 mile; from Bayfield. Rural Tele- phone connection. Also part of lot 36, Telephone Road, containing 50 acres adjoining school and 4 miles from Clinton, on which there are no buildings but containing a small swamp making it an excellent pas- ture farm. For further particulars apply on the premises, or address - Geo. A. Cooper Clinton, Ont. Phone 7 on 155. -71. SLABS FOR SALE, 11 INCHES. long, Will sell by load or cord. - A. Forbes, Coal and Wood Dealer. HOUSE 'AND LOT ON ORANGE street for sale, now occupied by Mrs. Easom. Six rooms. -A. J. Tyndall. -88 CALVERT-Ift East Wawanosh, on August 711t, to Mr. and Mrs. , Harry Calvert, a son. Deaths . Clinton, on Aug. 16th, , . Edith Rose, „infant daughtee ' , of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. House. -OREW8-eIn Minnie Pridliern; fo' ef Mis. P. B. Ctewe, formerly of Clinton. BELL -In Wingkarn, on Augest 12th, Margaret Fare, relict of the late Alexander Bell, in her 751,1 year. HACKETT-In Ashfield, on August '8th, Jane Johnson, widow of the, late Alexander' Hackett, aged 81 years. . BRANT -In Windmill, on August 8th, IVIarion Peailr, Grant, of 1-Ienfryti, in her 19th year. DUFF-Dore:weed in Maitland River, on Augirt 12th, 'Reginald G., son of Mrs, Robert Duff, in his 141,11 year. VOTERS' LIST, 1913', MUNICIPAL- ity of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, --Notice is hereby giy en. that I have transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned iit sections 8 and 9 of. the, Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by such sections to b'e transmitted or delivered of the list j made, persuant to the Said Act,, ot all persons appearing by ,,the last revised assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entit- led to vote at elections for the members of the Legislative Assem- bly and at Municipal elections, and that the said list was first posted up. in my office on the 9-th day of August, 19113, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said, list and if any omissions or other errors are found thetein to take immed- • iate steps to have the Said errors corrected according to law. Dated this ath day of August, 1913.--R. J. Richardson, Township Clerk. Helping the Farmer To Make Money. Have Your Eyes Tested LIVE FOWL WANTED. -I AM NOW ready to handle fat hens, young • chickens and duck's at highest prices Poultry taken not later than Thurs- elay of each week. Other fowl hand- ed later on. -W. Marquis, Base Line, Phone 14 on 166. -91 For the benefit of our many customers we fiave se- cured a few. hundredi bushels of choice Seed Wheat, Gold Coin and 3lem15dan4e, two varieties that have. given the best re- - sults in Huron County this season. Above will be sold on a - very close margin. If your field is not in the best -of con- • dition try a -few sacks of. Gunn's Special Fait Wheat Fertilizer. A full line of Flear, a cod and Poultry Foe& always on hand. Always in the market for newalaid eggs :tad live pout. try. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins. If you are suffering from headaches the cause may be eye strain due to either not wearing glasses or wearing those 'which do not acconarno- date themselves to your eyes. To ascertain the cause of your trouble have your eyes tested by -a graduate-eptician, We make no charge for testing. FOR SALE, -11E0 ,RUNABOUT IN first -Class order. Tires good. Will demonstrate if desired at any time for anyone meaning business. A snap for quick sale. -Thos. Watts, Shoe Store, Clinton. A. J. GRIGG GRADUATE OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. I GOOD CHANCE TWO STORY HOUSE ---and— NEW COTTAGE For Sale Located side by side. PrOperties in ex6ellent condition. Would lease from buyer. Cleaning Dying • and Pressing. Bring your putt. to us ,and bave it eleaned and pressed - or eyed so as to make it look almost as godd ad new. We.. solicit your custom and guaranteri.'yoti satis- We are also agents for the Parisian. Steam Laun- ry. L R. L. alOORE, - In the Normandie Block', Open 7 to 9.30 p. m. and Satex- • day afternoons, Slabs For Sale. HARDWOOD SLABS, 14 INCHES LONG. IDEAL FOR SUMMER USE. ALSO 12 INCH BODY, WOOD. Stapleton Saw -Mill. F J. Hill, oilmen. Phone 77. BEFORE, THE STORM. the wise man lias the rain pipes put in condidion to carry off the, over- flow. This work can be entrusted to us with the certainty that it will be done right. Our experiersae TINNERS covers all branches of the trade. What we do we do well because we like to, and because we are paid to do it that way. Letus exarnine the rain pipes, eav- esPiPes, etc., and estimate tha Mist of repairs. The Strongest of all Firer:lots The Sunshine Furnace fire - pot is heavily ribbed and in two sections, which allow for contraotion and expan- sion. It will never crack. Ashes won't adhere to the. straight sides --always a dear and economical fire. Our -local agent will show you this and many other "Sunshine" advantage's. Send for free booklet. Sunshine Furnace SOLD IN CLINTON BY, BYAM & SUTTER THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. IIEATING AND PLUMBING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. CEMENT. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON 'A STOCK pF NATIONAL PORTLAND, CEMENT PHONE ORDERS OR CALL ONi JOHN HUTTON, Londesboro. sanitary. plumbers Phone 7, GRANO TRUNK SYSTEM ONLY LINE REACHING ALL, SUMMER RESORTS IN HIGHLANDS OF' ONTARIO, Including Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Georg- ian Bay, Algonquin Park, Magatteta- wan River, French River, Tintagnmi, Kawartha Lakes. Full Slimmer Service now in effect to all of above resorts. Write for full particulars and illustrated foldees to any Grand Trunk. Agent. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION. Each Tuesday 'until Oct. 28 inclusive. Winnipeg and Return $35.00 ' Edmonton and Return $43.90, Low rates to other pointe. Return limit two months. Pullman Tourist Sleepers leave Toronto at 11.35 p. m. on above dates running through' to Winnipeg via Chicago and Saint Paul without change. Tickets are also ox sale via Sarnia and the Nor- thern Navigation Company. The Gtand Trunk Pacific Railway, is the shoirteet and quick'est • route between Winnipeg, Saskat000n anal Edmonton. 'John Ransford and Soil, uptown -agents; A. 0. Patteson, staticra ag- The Newe-Reeend. to Jae. 11. tor 40e. eat.