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Clinton Nacrs-Record,
ugust 2Ist, 1913
• ReV- Mr. Mekaormick.- 'and f Minty
will retuth Gina ,holidays, this
week and. neat Stinday the pastor
will occupy his owe Pulpit:. Laet
Sundry 1hc servicea Were taken by.
Messrs. Rohert YOE11; EMI ‘14Martd-
05 of Cioderich. • ; .
, A shipmeat of :4000 • pounds .01
elieese was made Iran the factory-. on
Tuesday to the McLean:Compaq Of
Woodstock. The price 'efictuted Wee
12e cents per paled the Manes -tap-
ing Lor the repute -No of 'our 'fac-
toty PorNo. 1, cheese was long ago
establiahed. - • '
Mr. J. 11. Sowerby with his wife
and family are holidaying with Mrs.
Sowerby's father it the village.
Miss Varcoe of London is visiting
at the home of her uncle, Mr, G.
C. Holland,
Mr. le. C. Elford, wife and lararly of
Toronto are expected this week .to
visit the lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Coirrtion, and other re-
latives and friends in the vicinity. •
Mr.- N. W. Trewartba was in Lon-
don on Tueeday an business It con-
nection. with _the. Gunn, Langlois Co.
_ 'Ere sound of the eteam thresher
is again heard in the vicality.
Threshing will not be a very leng-
thy businese this season ast straw is
Mr.,, Charles, raebbutt leaves this
week for Port Arthur, where he. is
engaged as principal in a school of
Manual TrainMg. Another of Holmes -
vine's boys with a prOatiSillg NOM
anid one who' will 103 (100'4 make
his mark.
Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Holdsworth of
Pittsburg, Pa. are guests of the for-
mer% mother, Mrs, Holdswath. .
Mrs. (Capt.) Johnston, Mrs, ant
Miss Charleswortli end the Prater
and Palmer boys of Detroit are Vis-
iting at Mr. S. Sturdy's, thefor-
mer's parental home.
•Viesday nexta" liasabgee.,deelared '
eivie holiday. for Hayfield, when all
businese places- will beclose.
late marriage took place in. Oode-
tell! 'on Wednesday of• last wok of ,
Mi$s Margaret ' McDoitald, fourth
daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mc-
Donald of this village, to Mr. Nor;
man McKay; Son o[ CaPt. MeKay
din ' Labor Day there, it1 he: a
danee in the pavilion bothafteknoon
arid evening
Mr. J, ohn Ferguson has had his
sling boat, "The Squaw" complete -
rebuilt arid will launch it this
week.' Mr. Feegueoa Will then be
well equipped for the fall Meting.
The . W. Ie. M. S. of Saint An-
drew's church will give talent tea
on :the lawn of Miss Ferguson, on
Friday evening of this. week.
Mrs. H. Dramann and ,family re-
turnea home Saturday after spending
the past six weeks with friends at
Mrs, Daniel McDonald left on Mon -
lay to • visit friends at Berlin.,
Mr. and Mrs. Colson of Seiforth
and Mr. and Mrs. 'Underhill and
child of Lender' are guests at the
Wither Ervein (if Hayfield spent
$uhelay under the parental roof.
Rev. W. H: Harvey of Ldraion will
occupy the pulpit; of the Methodist
church on Sunday evening next at
team -thirty.
Mr. Isaac Richards and son Char-
les of Brussels sCent a few days the
past week with 'the fornfer's mother,
Mss, Richards,
Mr. Chas. Parker met with a pain-
ful accident. on Friday laat while
engaged - in threshing for William
Stinson of the Sauble. Line. As be
was throwing one of • the belts off
the pulley his hand was caught,
• crushing one of his liners badly.
Mr. and WI& Nelles,111iss Smieh,
Miss Maud Smith, Miss Edith Hod-
gins, Mins Emma Reid, Mr. Murray
' Arrnstrone, and Mr. Ramage of Lon-
don • Miss Isabella Armstrong Re-
gina, Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Cantelon,
Miss Wathleen and Master Wilfrid,
Toronto ; Mr. and Mrs. Miller and
family, Miss McIntosh, the Miases
Ross and Miss Murray, Stratford ;
Mies Maud Wiltse, Miss Lucile Grant
and. Miss Isabel Gunn, Clinton ; Mr.
and Mrs. Evans, Miss Helen Evans
and 'Mr. Cranston of Winghani are
guests at Miss Ferguson's.
M. Garnet IVfeBrien of Winnipeg is
visiting under the parental roof.
Mr. anti Mrs. J. Scarlett of Lead -
bury were visitors at the home of
Ur. Geo. Tyner on Wednesday of
last week. --
—Wed' -1airhas returned after a
Pleasant visit with friends in'Croderi-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston of
Porter's Hill visited friends here on
Sunday last.
" Dung vnnon
This village of ours contains a
greater number 'of marksmen than
any other place oi its size in the
country and in whatever eompany
they complete two or more of them
get into the prize-winning class. This
week C. A. Beadle, J. A. Elliott and
W. Reid are atteedin;g the annual
meeting of the .Ontaria Rifle Assoc-
iation at the Lang Branch ranges,
Toronto, and all three have won
prizes. Not so had for Dungannon.
Mrs J, 111. Kenaedy and daughter,
Miss Thelma, have returned to their
home at Elm Cree.k, IVJaa,-,---aftet-aer
visit or. eeYarat 'Weeks with the for-
me-1'as mother, Mra. Tracey. Miss
Maude Fluety accompanied them
home for a visit at several western
Mr. A. E. Ricker, the new Hugh
school principal, has arrived in town
with his familY.
WEA R Holism Fintrinninvios
Couch & Co•
August is the month for bargains- as our new fall
will be here shortly we want to make room for,
so give great reductions on all summer goods.
Special No. 1
We put'on sale Saturday 1 dozen Ladies allover
Embroidery dresses all New Styles and sold as high
$8,00. Your choice $3.79.
. Special No 2
We put on sale Saturday all Ladies lawn waists
all thiS season's styles all sizes. Now is your time to
buy a good waist at a big saving,
Special No. 3
300 yards of cotton Foulard in •pretty checks,
strips and spots navy 'and white, Green, and White,
Black and White, Mauve and_White, Regular 25 and
35c, Choice Saturday19c.
• these
Special, No. 4
MILLIN• _ ERY - 98c
Just 6 tri-mmed hats left, we do not want to carry
OV6r SO put them on sale at 98c
Special No.5
We have only 11 fancy —parasi?ls left in all the .
pretty colors natural wood handles your choice i price.
Special Nfo. 0
1 dozen only wash skirts inade of good quality In-
dian head and Repp. Regular 1,50 and 1,76. Satur-
day price 98c.
Goderich Township
Mr. P,ercy Weston, of ahe Hayfield..
Road left on the Oin inst. for , De-
troit, aceomPanYlaa. Ilia siefer, Mrs.
Wm. Macdonald, who .had been on a
yisit to the old homestead, He
mayremain for some time or ori'y
for a short Peetod. ' ,•
The .funeral or' the"late Lorne Can -
talon took piece . on, Wednesday 'af-
ternoon of feet week and' was Vera
largely attended. '. Interment Was
made in Cliathn cerneterk. • 'Rev' Mr:
Langford cOnetticted. the servireeS " at
house and graveside. The pallbear-
ers were :Russel Currie Harvey
Alexander, William Cox, Wm, Mc-
Donald, Mowat McDougall aria laoug-
las McDougall. Amoag the relative
'attending the funeral from a ',Mamie°
was Mr; Robere Cantelon of Dayton,
Ohio, brother of deceasei.
Mr. ,and Mrs. G. J.,' Stewart of
Va.ncotiver are visiting. old friends and
neighbors hereabouts. '
Mieg Bessie Weston left on Satur-
day last for Detroit to attend 'the.
millinery openings.
No services- were held in the
Methodist church on Sunday owing
to the fact that armiversary services
were heat at the „Goshen appoint-
ment. Rev. Mr. Miller of Auburn,
a tamer paator, preadad excellent
sermons hoth, morning and everting
and there wero goal congregations
in spite of• the extreme heat. The
church choir, furnished special music
an:1 the day's services were both en-
joyable arra helpful. A number from
here were in attendance.
St. John's chach held threir an-
nual garden party on Mr. McAeli's
lawn on Friday evening last when
an exceptionally eraioyable lime was
spent. The weathee was ideal for a
gathering of that description, the
cool of the evening being gWateful
after the heat of the day, so that
a great number took the opportunity
af spending it out of doors. The
ladies saw lee it that there were
plenty of good tlangs to eat and
what with iee cream, cooling beve-
rages, MUSIC, happy laughter and
social conversation, the hours 'sped
all too quickly. The proceedg a-
mounted to a snug sum,
Stanley Township
Miss Emily Clarke of Toronto is
at present visiting under, the parent-
al roof but business calls bur back
Mrs. Jatertas Batten and Master
aEfiare Batten, wire haee-been spend-
ing their holidays at the -home of
Mr. Wm, Clarke have returned to the
Mrs. Wellington Johnston and Miss
Emily Clarke spent Monday in' Sea -
forth visiting friends,
Mt. Win. Clarke has haat a very
pretty verandah erected at hie new
home which adds very much to the
appearance and also makes 111 much
mole comlortable to sibout on these
hot days.
Miss Agues Joluistone who accom-
panied her cousin, Mtge Grace Biers
to London is spending a short While
Mrs. Thomas • Batten .and Miss
Florence Clarke spent an afternoon
recently _at the tromp_ of aheir uncle
Mr. Lancelet Clatke.
The English church garden party
which was held on Friday evening
last was e grand, success and the
weather favored them with a very
'warm night and as usual every thiug
in connection with the supper was
first class also the music. • The hro-
ilast.elass also the music. The pro -
Rev. W. 0. and IVErs. Richardson of
Arthur visited at the home of Mr.
Wm, Clarke on Wednesday last.
Dr. Smith and Mr. Harold Pollock
of Hayfield attended the Varna gar-
dea party, on Friday evening last,
Mr. Kenneth Smith of Hayfield and
two young lady friends, Miss Welsh
and- Miss Sander, spent Priday even-
ing at the Varna garden party.
Mr. Harley Attwood and Miss Lil-
lian King both of Hayfield took in
the Varna garden party.
MiS:3 Florence Clarke who has been
spending the past six weeks at the
home of Miss Ferguson, Hayfield, re-
turned home recently mud.' mproved
in health,
Miss Annie Foster of Varna, who •
has -a -Jen sick with an attack of ap-
pendicitis is improving nicely and -we
are all glad to see her about again.
Mr. William. Beatty and niece, Miss
Edna Beatty, spent Sunday at the
home of ' the latter's aunt, Mrs.
Frank Weekee of the parr Line.
Miss Isabel Qua of Toronto spent
an evening of the past week at Mr,
Wm. Clarke's,
Rev. R. A. Miller and family of
Auburn spent Saturday and Sunday
at the home of Mr. Nathan Peck on
the Babylon Line,
Miss Margaret Clarke, who has
been spending her vacation here, has
retailed to her duties in -Berlin.
Miss Ruthie Houston of the Sau-
ble Line is spending a few weeks
'holidays at the home el C. H. Reid,
Betieefield. .
The Misses Emily and Florence
Clarke spent an afternoon of last
week at the home of Mrs. _Fred' Mc -
Ewan in Hayfield.
Mr. George Kennedy ',recently sold
his: farm to Mr: David McClincheY.
Mr, Melvin - Talbot has returned
home after a pleasant trip to, the
Mr, Warwick Cole and Miss Flos-
sie Cole visited friends on the Baby-
lon Line on Sunday last.
Rea. Mr. Miller of Auburn con-
ducted the anniversary pervices at
Goshen Methodist ehurch on Sanday ,
last. Al largd.and,appreciative audieece
vvae present both 'naming and even-
Dr. W. Peck Me relairrod borne for
a few holidays.
Mrs. Jim Hudson, and tevo sons
" Masters Bert and Jack of Brandon,
Manitoba spent a dew •days teat week
at the home el 111r. Wha, -,Clarke.
A Very Successful Oardexr
'the . , gardeit, parta• connectioe
with St, John's clierch,
which , yea,- held 'tire 'beentifel
lawn of' Mr. lered' Cori: was
a- decided Sudeesea' Leat ,eyeilingwas
an idead' one for such , an eVerit. 'rife
music .was furiibhed by the, ;
known lilirekstoneorchestra .: and Mee
by Misses 5, awl J. Ceolt arid' R:
Johastram •whe gave - seyerar musical
eeleCtions, ,'fliere was , a .rgeord,
croWd in 'attandairee. . The ••. garden
patty was the moat seecefisful that
bas ever been held Under the atteeie-
es of St. John's eburell. The pro-
ceeds amounted 116 O.
Much credit is due the varione
committees for the sitecesc . of • the
London Road
Miss FannieWaldron of Clinton
spent the week -end the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Waldron. .
• Miss • Vera Stephenson 'has returned
home after a months' visit with _her
sister, Mrs. Wheeler of London.
Mr: and Mrs. Henry Livermore
leave ora Saturday on • an extended
trip through the Canadian west, the
Dakotas aud Minnesota. They will,
visit Woods at various points 'and
will probably' be absent a couple. of ,
months or SO.
-Mrs, 1,evi Wiltge leaves Saturday
for Saskaaoon, Sask,, to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Hailed
Miss Elsie Sperling- ar cranbrook
is at present the guest orber cous-
in, Mise Orace Stephenson.
Mr, John Stanhury of Hayfield has
been) renewing old acquaintances on
The Road during the past few days.
Mrs. • Topping and two, daughters
of Toronto are visiting the Layton
and Innis families this week. • •
Harvest is over in this vicinity
until the beans are ready. 'Phe Cain
yields v•all and is of a good quality.
Na complaints are heard regarding
the crops in this locality,
Mr . Geo. Matheson of Dearoit bias
bore Visiting -his sister, Mrs. G. Car-
rot of town.
Rev, W. Conway of Yarmouth
Ceutre was in town last week. He
has been viaiting at Nil, a totan.er
Messrs. C. A. Nairn and F. Davis
lett last week for lrricana, Alta., lo
attend tob11s3, beaver:thee or "their big
Dishonest Fruit Packing.
'Fruit growers and aruila shippers
have come M Poe• sii:Me rather eux-
eoraplImentare. remeelm of lath, ;be-
cause, of dislionesty in packing :fruit.
We have :no alesire' to condone dis-
honesaa in any shape: or form in the
rnarketing;,01 any kind of farm pre-
ducte., ie only by honest • and
straightforward methods • that, any
businese can be successfully conduct-
ed,' wirether it be • that av some-
thing else. Moreverawe do not
think there Is any more alieaonesty
in the apaelring and manketing of
fruit than, there is in any 'Other bus-
iness in Canada, where equal oppor-
tunity for perpetrating fraud exiets.
One would judge from reading , so
man,y press •despatches, . as there
have •appeared lately in regard to
fraudulent apple peeking, that agri-
culture was the only industry in
Which fraud' 05 dishonesty lie maeket-
ing. existed, It la not lair fa the
Westerner or anyone else to con-
demn the whole fruit industry. be-
cause a few unscrupulous individuals
• haye been dishonest and have not
maintained the standard defined by
law in packiag fruit. There are,
many times over, more honest than'
dishonest handlers of fruit. But the
trouble is only a few dishonest in-
dividuals are necessary to give the
' Whole trade a black eye. We • have
in Canada to -day a very effective Act
for the' prevention of fraud in the
marketing of limit arra we believe
that Act -is being very effectively ad-
ministered, both ab' regards the for-
eign and domestic trade in fruit. But
there,. is no act or law no' matter
how well admiruistared that will ab-
solutely prevent fraud, in fruit -pack-
ing or anything else, if there are
"slippery" individuals engaged in the
business. A tr the same time, it is
well to remember that conditions in
this respect have very ar,uch improv-
ed since tire Fruit Marks Act came
into force. Let the consumer go
back a fev,, years and contrast the
fruit -packing of that day' with, the
present and he will be convinced of
An honest fruit -pack cannot be se-
etired in its entirety by an ace ot
parliament, no more than stealing
can be prevented by providing laws
for the arrest 'and punishment o' the
thief, The Fruit Marks Act must
have the support and backing of ev-
ery fruit man who believes in. mar-
keting an honest product. The a eat
exists for the peoteetion of the hon-
est dealer as well as the consumer,
It does more than this ;, it educates
both consumer and producer as to
what constitutes first, seemed and
'crop. They expect to be absent
Mane time.
thirsi grade . standards -ire a fruit -
pack. As the consumer becomes
better acquainted with these grad-
es he become's more critical - as to
what he buys and also is more
Lo pour out his wrath upon
the Producer, This is something
that the producer and shipper should
always bear in mind. And this ap-
plies to ..other products than fruit.
Take butter, for example. The con-
sumer's knowledge of what consti-
tutes good butter has changed very
much in recent years. What might
be called second or third grade in
batter to -day would have passed as
first grade a few years ago. And
the same is true of the home trade
in cheese. Ten* years ago it was
very ()Molt to buy a good bit Of
cheese in any of our towns; aria cit-
ies. Factories were accustoened to
dump the. "culls" upon, the local
market and the consumer accepted
them as a matter of course, because
he did not know any better. Things
are different to -day. The consum-
er's standard has been clianged, and
the " culls" cif a few years ago
could hardly find sale to -day at any
price. The fruit -grower and • the
dairyman are in the same boat so to
speak. The consumer is demanding a
higher staudard in the quality of the
product he buys and will not ac-
cept anything in the way ot fraud
without a murniur.—Canadian Farm.
Miss Gladys McNevin, who aas been
teaching at Zurich, lias taken a
school at Wolseley, Sask., and will
-leave shortly for the west.
Mr. and Mrs. II. J. A. Maclewan
were in Hamilton last week attend-
ing the big centennial celebration.
Maeor Joseph. .and Mrs. Beck of
Toronto- have been enjoying a pleas-
ant holiday among their many God-
exich friends.
Mr, John Sturdy has moved in
front Goderich township, having tok-
en uip his residence an Wolfe street.
'rite re-acoring a Maitland bri;dge
leading to Saltford has been com-
A number of enembers of the God-
crich Hoard Of Trade journeyed to
Hamilton ,last week, 00 invitation of
Die Hamilton board, toattend the
big celebration. '
The Summer school, which was con-
ducted in Knox church all last weelr,
;vas very well attended and the ses
sions were exceedingly interesting 'and
Mr. and Mr, Harry 'Hunt have
gone on a visit to the west.
Dr. Macklin intends leaving' ahnost
immediately on a trip to Europe,
where he intends taking an aavaneed
course in London, Eng., and :Vienna,
Miss Agnes Hamilton has returned
from Toronto where she bad been
taking an art course . during the vac-
ation tilme. She •. will teach at
Burks' Valls after the holidays.
,Mr. James Logan has removed
with his- family to Moose Jaw, Sask.
Bon. Dr. Reatene visited, his Wife
and (laughter, who are guests at
alotel Sunset, last week, •
Mr, Thos, M. Davie was married
in London on Thursday week to Miss
Sara H. Griffitlie, formerly lady sup-
erirotendent ,of the Goderieh hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Davis have taken up
their residence here.
Reginald Duff, the fourteen -year-old
soh of Mrs. Robert; Duff of town,
was drowned on Tuesday aftethoon
of last week while bathing at Pi-
per's, on the Maitland. Though
there were several other boys along
they- were powerless to Mlle and be-
fore other help arrid he was dead,
Young Duff's father died only a cou-
ple of months ago. •
Mrs. Geo. Achesou and Miss
Brownell of Toronto are guests
'Fairview,. 13ritannia Road.
Mr. 'Sidney McArthur of Ham-ilton
spent a few days in town last wok.
Mr. John Mosseau has purchased an
mita being the first farmer in thia
vicinity to make the investment,
Mrs. • W. Mossipp of St. Mary's
visited lief sister, Mrs. IVIeD.
for a few days recently.
Mr. H. Coghill of Stratford visit-
ed friends in town last Week.,
Mr. and Mrs. James Logan • of
Ooderich 'visited the latter's mother,
Mrs. Hudson, last week, prior to
their leaving foe the Wedt.
Mr. John; Fitzgerald attended the
Grand Lodge of I. O. 0. Ie. in Bel-
leville ,last weelt as 'representative of
the local lodge.
Misdee Mettle Ellig and .Anuie Car-
lisle represented the Rebekah lodge
at the Proviecial Assembly
ville levet week.
Mae,..Grawfoact of the Learloa Road,
who is eigaty,, years of age, was op-
erated: ori in Clinton fast week for
aPpeadierins and Is doing mealy.
The News -Record to Jan 1.911 for 10e
l'he News -Record to Jan 191-11 for 40e
Dinner Sets
Teapots -
rim) THIS OUT—
IS :JUST rrrri ONE
Better Brea
Could Not Be -
Our stock was never larger or better as-
sorted than at the present and a call will
convince you when you look over our as-
Special Prices On Rugs.
of Quality,
Phone 28
W. Walker
Furniture ,Dealer and Undertaker
0% a
Heintzman Leo•
• Real Bargains in Upright Pianos $
• Ten slightly used, Upright Pianos, all in good
$ condition, at one third to one half the original
$ price on small weekly or monthly payments.
• Write
193-3-7 Yonge St. -, TORONTO
38 Ontario St. - Stratford
Heintzman & Co
mail me
today 0
........ •
a list of slightly used Upright Pianos adver-
tised in The Clinton News -Record.
...aaaaareae, 1101•11,1101WN .110
IThe Western Fair
London, Canada.
Sept sth to 13th
$27,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions
Magnificent Programme of Attractions Twice Daily.
Two Speed Events Daily Fireworks Every 'Night.
$2,000.00 added to the prize list this year.
Take a Holiday and visit London's Exhibition
Single Fare on all Railiouds in Western Ontario
SPECIAL EXCURSION DATES—September 0th. lith and 12tla
Prize Lists and all imforrnation from the Secretary
W. J. REID, President A, M, HUNT, Secretary
National Portland Cement.
After trying other kinds YOU aways
come back to the BEST. The best ce-
ment is the National Portland Cement.
It is the Old Stand=By. A- Car loadfjust
The News-Recdrd to end of
1913 !for 40e.