The Clinton News Record, 1913-08-14, Page 8ews-Record
Sii1 U►It$
$cinch doors,. Regular $1 N Por $' g5
1 25 1 00
2 175 .1 50
00 " 1 75 ,.
lyind1w screens " 20 ," 15-
1f 25 " .20
iic'' '.36:25
i' " oo
Hammocks,." " 3000 25
2 00 0' 150
4 qt Lightning ice creams freezer " .,3 00 ' 2 75
3 t " 6.. 250 225'
3 nick, oil 'stoves, 1 75 " 1 50
1 bread mixer " 2 00 " 1 65
2 lawn seats 1 25 " 1 00
2 only lawn mowers 4 knives; 5 25 " 4 00
Mrs, Potts nickel plated irons 1 10 " 8S
English charcoal' irons 75
1 second hand gasoline stove, 2 burner,' good order 1.50
2• 1. • " 3 " " 200
A small quantity of par e Manilla hinder twine to clear.
llarland Bros.
See what You Can Save I
on shoes and oxfords- if ijou onlij
Comte to the riuftt place
This sale offers price reductions that are worth while.
Prices so low that no one who wants to make his or her
count, canefford to miss this chance
• Mens $5.00 Shoes Sale price $4.00
Mens $3.00 Shoes Sale price $2.00ens $4.00 Shoes Sale price $3,20
Ladies $4.00 pat leather Sale price $2,40
Ladies $3.00 tan lace Sale price $2 00
Ladies $3.50 oxfords Sale price $2.50
Ladies' and M's ' t .00 Oxfords for $2.00
INK Ur r
Bargains in Furniture and Carpets.
We found a manufaeturer who had an extra fine lot of goods and was hard
up for cash. His goods are on our floors, marked at prices which will sell
them during August.
5 piece parlor sui regular $25 00 for $20 00
Fancy conches 7 00 5 00
Odd parlor rockers from 3 00 to 15 00
Kitchen cabinets $0 50 10 00 20 00
Carpets, rugs, watts, oilcloth and linoleum at moderate prices,
Picture framing and repairing promptly attended to,
Phone 7 and 8, Free.A,uto Delivery,
J, H. CH ILLEW Estate
Furniture Blyth Undertaking'
N•N••••••'i•••••••4N• ••••N•••••••••4••••••
On Ali, 'Summer Goods • G
3 very special lines for Saturday—Uhildren'c Wash Suits at. 150, •
We have about two dozen of these suits left, some made in Nor-
folk coat,:and bloomer pants and others with blouse and bloomer pants 1and all regular $1,00 and $L25 lines. Saturday choice for 05e.
Patent colt chaos=Odd lines and broken sizes of lines that sold
at$1.75 to $2,25. Saturday choice $1.20.
Why buy a smock when you 'can buy
98c. •
a nice dressy coat at this �
-wonderfully low yrice—Regular price $1,25, Saturday 80e.
M E •
1.x.1 I IJL 1 V J J- 1 J
Me. J.D.' Atkinson,'whb for the past year has been associated 1p
u'e1 r einees wit Mr. Jas. Dunford-'the firm name • being
the furnrM u h
•I'Interests] befn `taken over ;b .
Atkinson & Dunfcird—has retired, his - g Y ..
Mt. J'olin May.
rThe new
firm will he known wn as Danfordford&May`
and respectfully
solicite,a continuance of the generous support so -long enjoyed by this
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Iirectors,
Phone 104
PHONE 127—11i,ogT AND SI:'NDAY CALLS=- P> oNE 194
.... ••••NbaN*iN•NN1••NHH•••• 1N4***4•••
Dur•ieig'. the hot 'weather
folks want to get next to
that, "thatss next notli-
ing." 'Ai has}mock When
properly suspended is the•
best means we know to get
next nothing. Its a good
comfortable thing in which
to recline without the heat
of a bed, its goodi for an
out door healthy sleep,
good to rest in, good for
reading or study. We have
an especially attractive
and serviceable one at
81.75 or the sa(nw ham-
mock with a vaileice at
$2.50. We consider them .
the cheapest we have, of
course we can supply them as low priced as $1.00,
and so good that we ask
$5.00for them,` Will you
do us the 'favor of your
inspection. If so., .why n^t
do it today.
Often Cheapest — Always the Best
Rev. :A. Macfarlane of Bayfield was
in town on Saturday.
Mr. Jos. Bramlield :spent Stnday
with, his mother in town.
Mr. C. E. Dowding has returned from
a holiday trip to the west,
Mrs. McConnell returned ,of , Friday
from. a. visit with Goderich friends:
Miss Boles went ' out b'enday, to
spend a few days at the camp by
the Huron.
Miss Ruby McLean of Goderich was
the guest last week of Miss Dor-
othy. Cantelon.
Mrs. Kirkland of Toronto is the
guest this week of her sister, Mrs.
Chiddey of town.
Miss Cook of streetsville is vis-
iting her aunt, Mrs, John Guest,
for a few weeks.
Mr, A. T. Cooper spent a "w days
at the camp at Burks', returning
Monday morning.
Rev, Wnr Wade left on Saturday on
a visit to hie) son, Mr, W. L. Wade
of Fort William,
Miss Mary Mitchell visited her sis-
ter, Mrs. Thos. Kyle of Rippon,
over the week -end.
Mrs, Morris and lVliss Marion are
spendipg, a couple of weeks with
friends in Listowel,
Mr. and Mrs. 11'eatherwax of `Filson
burg visited ati'the -home of -Mr.
and Mrs. D. Cantelon last week.
Mrs., Peter' Cantelon and Mies Gladys
have returned from a visit with
To nto and Streetsville friends,
and Mrs Harry A. Sell r
Mr. 3 c y . of
Chicago visited their sister, . Mrs,
A. T. Cooper, at Burks' camp last
Misses Elva Lavis, Grace Club,' G.
Horne and Lizzie Shanahan aro
spending a 'fortnight at Grand
Bend. •
•Mr,' Colin Shaw of Springfield,
Ohio, has been the, guest during
the past week of his brother, Dr.
Mrs, Gordon Rutledge of Winnipeg is
the guestof her husband's parents,
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Rutledge of, the
Wesley parsonage.
Misses Agnes and Lily, Ferguson of
Smith's Hill were in town last
week visiting. Mrs. Duncanson, and
Mr's: Osbaldeston, ' Jr.
Mr; Gordon` and .,'i;s Florence ('un-
Inghame, Mr. H. E. Rorke and
-Miss Mae East spent • the week -end
at the camp at Burks',
Mr, ` Ed. Mole of Seatorth was in'
towns on Monday on his way home
•from Auburn' where he had spent
the, week -end with his father.
Mrs. N. A. Phoenix left Tuesday for
her home in Hamilton after spend-
ing a few weeks at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. J.
Mr. Dean Courtice of Toronto: was in
town over, the : - week -end, having
come up to .attend the funeral of
-his grandmother, the late Mrs.
Mr. Andrew Weatherwax cf Orillia
spent the week -end- with his wife
and little son at the lady's parent -
home, that of Mr. and Mrs. D,'
Cantelon. •
Messrs. , Harry, Bartlift and, •Norman
Kennedy are in Hamilton this week'"
(attending the ,big centennlial colt?-`'
bration there in the interests , of
Clinton's fire department: ,
jr.A. E, Blackall of Woodstock, ac-
•coni'"anted' 'Master Merman and
b N rn d
P 3; o n
Miss Norma; visited Mrs,'• Wm, .0o1-.
dough .,of Goderich township, ,,,for
a couple of days tlii's week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. .Johnson of ' Tor-
onto have been visiting friends in
tows and' viciniiy during ,the 'past,
week, having conte up to be pre-
' sent at, the funeral of the late
lWra. Courtice,
Mr: John Rice of Bowiranville has
been in town during the Mast 'week
shaking hands with old friends, of
whore he counts a good many in
the town in which for several
years he made his Nome,
August +141h, L814,'
imart,,..No(le s fog ladiesWear.
We have just passed into stock thirty=five exclusive ladies' coats collected
from several of the largest manufacturers. These coats are the very latest Amer-
ican styles, made trona soft pure wool tweed, three-quarter cut -"away, trimmed
with large buttons and, frogs to match ;shipped to us for early buying, and no two
styles alike. 'Come ° in and see this •beautiful. range. •We. will be pleased . to, show
you through as,.abuyer or not.
New Silks and satins,: hroeado and plain.
An advanced shipment of new fall silks in brocade and plain, in all the want
ed shades. • Brocade silk will be a strong feature for fall wear, and we advise; an'
early select?on. Priced from 5Oc up.
P1ay' suits .and Rompers for hi1dren illderpriOed.
Boys ,play suits made from good
quality galatia and duck in several
colors, also plain. These are regular-
ly 75c. Friday and Saturday they go
at 49c each
Little girls' rompers made• from
English and Canadian prints, all good
patterns and will stand the tub, all
sizes, regularly sold at 50c. Friday.
and Saturday they go at 39c
About People You Know
Mr. Silas Davis has returned after a
visit of several weeks in. Toronto.
Mr. Clarence Shepherd of the Royal
Bank •staff, Iroquois, is spending
his vacation athis home in town.
Mr0," McGuire of Goderich.'township
visited at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, 1). Shanahan, .last
Miss Olive -Cooper has been engaged
as 'assistant to the principal of
the Model school during the Model
Mrs. J. C Greig and Masser Billie'
of Seafortis visited ted at the 'hone of
Mr. and Mrs. T. Jackson, Jr., yes-
- terday.
Miss Mary Chant, while stepping
from a sari ,y " the other day,
twisted. • her ankle and has since
been spending a good part of 'the•
time on a couch,
Miss Audrey Collyer has returned
hone after a visit of six weeks
with Toronto and Hamilton friends.
Mr. W. F. Cantelon of Toronto is
taking charge of ,111r.. 'Flovey's drfig
' business while "the latter is attend-
ing the,. big shoot in Hamilton this
, week. '
Dr... Edna Guest of Toronto 'paid
Mrs, John Guest' a flying visit on
Tuesday, returning to the city yes-
terday.Dr, Guest has been rat
• ti:3irig in Toronto for the past cou-
ple or years but she leaves early an
September on an extended trip
around the world, including a
visit . to China, India, and
the Holy Land, as well as
`emu'se of study in the hospit-
als of Vienna. She will be absent
probably a couple of .years.
H ullett JIappenings
Miss' •'Esther Bell of Blyth visited'`
at Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Morrison's
this week.
Mr. John 1•'ly'nn and Misses, Eulala
Flynn and Dorothy Byrne-Sundayed.
with IVIcKiliop friends.
During the fierce electric stcein
which passed ; over this' township ear-
ly'Sunday morning' the' ba'rn of" Mr.'
Geo: Manns, Jr., was struck' and
burned to the ground. The, barn,
which was a fine large structure,
contained. ,:all this •'season's crap,
Some larm i'inplemerits, a threshing
separator and ten young pigs, There
was a horse in the barn but it was.
rescued. There is an .insurance but
nevertheless Mr. Mann's loss' will be
very heavy,'•
Miss Laura Andrews of Toronto is
visiting her sister, Mrs.' B. B. Step-
Miss Vera Colclough and; Miss
Jean Govier of London are visiting.
their grandmother, Mrs. .Tliaell of,
Miss Spencer of St. Joseph spent
a few days the guest of her sister,
Mrs. L. Regan.
Mr. Robert Clarke preached in the
Methodist church here on Sunday af-
Mrs. Tames Ford and daughters of
Clinton visited Mr. and Mrs. Button
on Thursday last.
EXACTL 1i•+ . -
• Aunt Cindy. was running around in
Cindy. �
tho' rear of her cabin.seeking tn'
drive into her henhouse a dozen or so
*of ehieke ie- that • seemed anxiousto.
go anywhere but in a henhouse.
''Why da you go to all that trouble.
Aunt Oindy ?" asked a passer-by.
"Don't you know • that el—delimits conic
home to roost ?"
"Shu', I knows it, white' folks,"
answered Aunt Cindy, "an' dat's de
trouble-dey's goin' home to rocs' 1'"
Use of Nicknames.
"Our overseas brethren are great
on nicknames," says a ,writer .in
London Daily Chronicle.
"Take Canadians for example. The
other day I read, a short leading
article in a Dominion newspaper- in
which reference was made to a
neighboring town as the "Ambit-
]nus "city," And saver an explana-
tion was given as to which city was
meant. To me, and to all others
who have had real estate circulars.
sent thein, every city in Canada Is
amtlitious, and it was only after
some inquiry' that 7 found that the
special city referred to was Hamil-.
Idiscovered also that nearly every
city has its nickname.. Winnipeg is
the "Prairie City," Toronto is the
"Queen . Ci"ty," Jiingsten' tha "Time
stone .City, ' 'Quebec •the "-.Ancient
Capital,':' and Montreal is the "Met-
's.opolitan City.". Lven provinces
have been nicknamed 1,y the Caned
fans, Do you ]moral which is the
Postagestamp province ? 11 is
quite • easy to discover. Look at
'the npp of Canada, and, ^partlieuiar
ly at Manitoba, Surely its shape
Indicates that that is the province
'dile News-1Zeeord to Jan 1914 for 40c The News -Record to .Jan 19141 for dOe
The News From Londesboro
Mr. Joseph Manning. had the mis-
fortune to fall and injure his sheu14-
et and consequently will be laid up'
for a few dabs.
Mr. John ilamieson left on , Wed-' to' spend a few weeks en• New
Mr':' 'and Mrs. 'Joseph Lyon re•ceiir-
-cd the sail news of the' Heath
of " their •" daughter, • Mrs., J of n
Spindler of Lucknow, nrn hon-
lay,the funeral took, place • to
Dungannon- Cemetery en W
Cdac'da .
Messrs. 1i'ne. and Harry Lyon, Miss
E. Lyon, Mrs. Geo, Lyon, Mrs. Jos-
eph "Lyon and Mr. and Mrs. - flies..
Sampso ta
'• n attended the Iun c ti
l hem
liere. ` •
Mr. Hamilton and family of Mel-
ita; Man.; are visiting at 'the home
of Mr. Wm. McCool.
Mrs. Win. Lyon, Mrs. Thos, Lyon
and Mrs. Thos, Shobbrook left for
western points on Tuesday.
Misses Minnie and Elsie Lyon and
K. Brown, are spending the week at
Mrs, •F. H. Johnston who has been
visiting- friends at Cleveland, Ohio,
returned home on Saturday.
• Mr, Frank Ribbert of Ottawa is
visiting friends in the vicutitf.
Miss 111, Stephenson of 'i'atonto,.
biles Wheatley of Clinton vine-
guests of Miss A. Bell on Moncliy.
Mr, D. W. Boyd of Chicagp spent a
few days at the home of bit. and'
Mrs, R. Adams, having on Thurs-
day for his home.
Mrs, S,nallaconrbe, Who has been
visiting at Mr: James Shobbroak's,
leaves shortly for her home at Cry-
stal City,Man.
Mr. Geo: 'Longman received woi d
this week of the death of his sis-
ter, Mrs. Wm. Manning of Pilot
Mound, Man, •
Miss Alice Bell attended the Mas-
on -McGuire wedding ' in Brussels last
week. -.
: The International Geological . C'on
grecs decided to meet in Belgium; in•
FireChief 'Thompson reported that
half of the recent fires in Toronto -
have been of incendiary origin.
The Grand Encampment of 7.0.0.F'
of Ontario opens its fifty-ninth annu-
al session in Belleville to -day.
We have still a few lines of Summer footwear that we
must dispose of this season. They are from one=tbird
totwo-thirds less than the regular prices. Our ob-
ject in making the great reductionson these lines
is to clear up our stock for the next season, and you
will receive the benefit. • It willpay you to call and
see these shoes for yourself.
Men's Oxfords Women's, Oxfords
liegular Price 4.00 to'5.00., . Regular Price 3.00 to 4.00' i .48
A few pair only 1.9`8 Sizes 2t to 5 only
Mises OxfordOxfords 4c Fam s
Childs Oxford's &Pumps:
Regular Price 1:50 to 1,75 Regular Price 1,25 to 1,50
Only 30 pairs left 918'0 Sizs S to'107, 80c
50 pair to choose from
Successor to J: Twitchell & Son