HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-08-14, Page 7•
..Years ofSu . /fens&
.0 iNcE
Retreated- _.
eated. r '
eete .
Choose your variety d
y au
ask Your grocer for
"Clark's... •
I all C iirliele fe-e-driserte
A .Despur,to Cum of Catarrh In ' the .
. • .
"My father had catarrh ,In tbe head
for a long time. It was such.a desPer-
'did ''t kn ' htto
ate case a e n_ MY W a , ,
do, but one of his friends recommended
.Hood'er Sarsaparilla. -He.' got , a bottle,
inimedlately, and is soon As he come
mance , . he , e an
a takingIt I i Itrelief d
,after the,'uee of two other bottles! he
was completelY :cured. He Wits me
well pleased he- has ever etnee recent- ,
mended Hood's Sarsaparilla:" Delle
Aline Begin, Levis, P. Q. .
„. Get Hood's ,Sarsanstrilla. today. Held
b all " dru gists everywhere ' ' '
3,' g . .,
. ,
. '
F' ' of c ' .
oro u y 'More ornmunicable Diseases
, .Month. ,.
,-, ., .
.1 -roved ,Fatal -Than- in 1912.- ,
• ,
e . „
$ g I I
ITS Pi'.
' •
. .
it , costs --so
' L"ttle
and Does so Mueh.
• • ' • ,
- -'that
. eir John M. ,Gibrion; whose term of office
as Lieutenant -Governor of °Mateo expires
on September 22.; will, ,et Is reported, 'be
milted to continue in the offiee for another
Year, Appointed ' originally by hie ;Solit-
ical friends, ,Itie vontinuanoe in office will
be a thibitte alike to bie.eualifications for
the poet end to tbe non-nartisen attitude,
adopted toward the Doeition iet Toronto
and, Ottawa.. . '
By a year from September it is expected
the new Geeernreeet House in Morley
Pack vein he 'completed,. Sir John .himself
will not likely , be priyileged to occupy' it
He will be, as Illosetrof old, permitted only
to see it froni afar. 'As to who the Joehue
1914 will be only Bumper yet emealie.
And ' Rumor, ite , ever, has reany tonguee.
One seeport• is that the' position has al.
ready been offered to arm. Frank Cooh-
eane, now Minister of Railwaye at Ottawa;
, .
A despatch ...from Toronto says:
ee ,
The numper 0 caeca 0 ea' from
communicable diseases for the Pro-
• ' f 0 ' - the ' month
vince o xitario during e mon
, of July hai;..e ben given en t by the
Provincial HealthDep,artment, and
show a slight increase ' over last
year, though deaths from diseases
other than tuberculosis n arly all
, . e
'a eatisfeetory falling off,
The figure ' a. e aie fa:Motet?, the
- .s r ,.
ColUMne -showing firet, the fiturther
, __ _
Of•cases and second he deaths, for
to Year"' . . •
1913 1912
• ma pox ... .. . . 4- 1 46- 1
•S 11 7 '
Diphtheria 136- 4; 310-13
Measles ...... ..... 296-1 1 116-19
Whooping Cough . 22-
4.' .. ','
.fyphoiel, .- 72-_, 9 81,20
Tuberculosis +10844 ' '129-18
Infantile Paralysis . 6- 4 4- 0
Cerebra) Spinal Men-
ingitas ........: 6- 6 -
• '
. . . .
, ' '
t ' emarkable development will
0 1,1 s r
° 'la" '' ithout 'abatement. There' is,
eon iiiier IT.,,,, p ibillty of the money
rn- ar'''' 1 ttillg up for the. next few
Lebanese e
inenthe. r ', •
R by • , • d
• e'vela•tione Mulhall, selkonfeeee
lobbyist, have emne ae eomething of•
shook to Amerioan Political. 0i -roles -which
are not cattily shocked -and ,bave aroused.
an animated diseuesion ari to the Whole.
mmineee-or, prefeeeiori-of lobbyibie The
- • ho' e• u •
word lobby ie one bb t 8 which,
od m purity and innoceuee, bas come
thro,ngh time and ueage to. have a sinister,
meaning. And, yet. asks 'Mine one, what iti
wrong with a legitimaeo lobbylist woeking,
Ma good .30/Dfia. 4 lobbylet, seeve our old
friend, Uncle "Joe" Cannon., former sPeale
er of the U. 0. Howie of Repreeentetives,
in one of those flashes of eYnitial shrewd-
nese with which he so ithtly.hite off a sit
uation, is lobbyist le a person who is 011-
Posed . to the particular ' logielation you
Are Seeking to adv pee; anyone who le
idi en is a "'Alio' spit. ted citizen."
;or nlifinLeilf, Uncle "Joe" demi -not want
- - protection againet lobbyists. He
am-• • h to t
thinks anyone who le emart enough ge
ted 0 • Led to
ted to Con reee ought to be true
look after himself.
- .
but ate Coohrene, loves the freedom
of outdoote and the mental stimuluspresent
busineee too fondlyto consent'th a round
'of gold braid. satin breethee and corner,
Mono, laying. Ife is geld to chafe even at
the social functions his position now re-
quires hini to attend Hon. .. E. Kornis%
-name has aleo been Mentioned, but he is
• ii s
• 16 i
Ritheilell -
OH ano
, . ..
"Niagara to the Sea." -
- „..
' .
Here Are .a Fen, That Will Help
..„, „
;NM a-Pleasaat Holm.
..„, . + , _. . , . i . .,., . • ' • .„
vvny IS a aog ',ening ms. own tau
like 1 / B • - h
a good manager . eeatiSe e
makes both. ends meet.
-nah • • • 7 Be-NUTSHEILL.
y is. love like a potato ,
cause it springs from the eyes,
Why. ha a ship like a title made
wonlan 7 When she -sees a pier' e
. . sh
makes for it. .
Whit is the best w to
ay make a
coat last 9 Make the trousers and
avaistcoat first. •
When does a shilling. act like a-.
razor 7 When a man '114. heir
, cuts '''' r
off with one. '' u- '•
. . - . •
Why is a shoeblack like an editor 7
Because he poi' hes the underattind;•
nig of his patrons.
Why is ,the Isthmus of Panama
like u in cuckoo'? Because it is be-
tmeen two seas,. . .
What is that which, though black
itself, enlightens the world? Ink.
19 1 - • • •
t le devil were .to lese his tail,
where should he go, to supply the
deficiency 7 To -a li cjuor shop, where
spirits are retailed.
e. o goo man-
What is th keynotet d
ners 7 B natu
Why • • 7 Be -tors
is a kiss like gossip
cause it goes from mouth to mouth.
Why is the‘root of the tongue like
a an out of a • b 7 Because it is
down in the mouth.
Why are two girls kissing each
other an emblem of Christianity?
They are doing to each other as they
sdo unto them.
would men hould
What herb is most injurious to a
lady's beauty? Thyme. .
What is the hardest money to get
rid •off 1 Matrimony,
W'hab kind of eabence does a
young nian like when he proposes'?
equi-esee ce.
A • n
Why is a baby like wheat 7 Be-
cause it is first cradled, then
finally becomes the
thrashed, and•
flotver of the family.
Why is wit like a Chinese WO-
nian's lout? Because brevity is the
sole of it. .
How can you make a tall man
short 7 Bo r row ten dollars f rom
hnii. "
y is . re an<
Why • I 1 I likelyto b
the richest country in the world?
Because its capital is always Dub-
lin (doubling).
What. is it that walks with its
head downward? A nail in a shoe.
What are the 'most unsociable
things in the world? • Milestones,
because you never see two of them
to th
ge er. -
e sj..____--
Should Be Ordered Before Price
, Goes UP.
A I tel f Montreal'
c eepa 1 from says :
The . price of . coal will be advanced
all sound on eptem er le y fifty
1 S b t b
oents a ton if not more. This year,
'n addition to th 1 ' '
1 ion e usua winter in-
dealers will have to recoup
crease, -
themselves for an extra tax which
h b • d • al b se -
as been impose on co y v
'.f '
. •
••• . :
• . ___
• ' . •
Canada, the Empire and' the World
in General Before Your
700mi-les of ionization
roads have been conetrueted this
season. • • •
s een appoin -
J. F. 5. Martin has b •• t
Crown Atorney or •, au t: Ste,
ed C A f •S I
A ' 1.1 3. , • •
$25,000 i.ie suit Is entered
against L'Action Sociale by G. De-
aulniere K.0 of Montreal.
s • • ' " .
Mrs. Jennie Foster, aged 79, of
Granton, was fatally burned when
'1 etove eau lit fire
a'n oi ' g '
The G.P.R. will .build a fine new
grain elevator to replace the one
burned at Point Edward.
Montreal moving picture proprie-
want children under 16 to be
. . .
allowed to. attend without guard-
Athabasca Landing C ouncil will
a.sk the Government for the lean of
$100,000 thward rebuilding the
burned district. .
John F. Bryant, a Calkorma avi-
ator, was instantly killed at Vic-
toria, B.C., after Making his six
hundredth flight in the same ma-
chine .
James Easterman of Bay City,
' '
Mich., • was sentenced at Parry
Sound to three years in the Kings-
ton Penitentiary .for theft of motor
boats, firearms, etc.
Charlotte Meeks. of Kingston, tee-
eused of bigamy by a. Rochester
man, her former husband whom She
thought dead, was aet go on sus-
pencled s.entence. .
Albert Edward Ferguson, who
, .,
went from Glanarm Out to Moose
Jaw four months ago, hanged him-
self in a barn near Bounty on Wed -
• .. . ,
nesda,y, °Wing to religious mama.
Inve.stigation is being made at
Sebes Kong reserve, Ken.ora 4 -1••
, .n.0
the murder of Wagondosh, en In-
dian said to have been murdered
by a half-breed while hacking at a
Great Britain.
Col. E. S. Cody, theNews-Record
Anglo -Amer-
ican aviator, was killed in England
on Thursday.
Sir Wm. Oslo;', regius professor
• '
ef medicine at Oxford University,
on Wednesday night gave a dinner
. .
to the m.edicine section.of the medi-
cal congrees at London.
. .
United States.
The widow of Graham Taylor, of
Dallas, Texas who was killed at
Tampico, Mexico, will deinancl $25,-
000 'from the Mexican Governnaent.
Sir Oliver" Lodge tlas Surprises in Store For the
• , . •
World at British Association Meeting
bitions and
eaid to have political am . .
would 'regard a Lieutenard-Governorehth
ad a eldedracking. De. G. Sterliug ,Reer-
son, a former member of the• Legislature.
has also been mentioned. And another
abeLl9WY ruiner, PrebablY Mite specee
ation, has it that Sir James Whitney will
hinieelf accept the position of honor: to
'A despatch from Landon, Eng-
Iland, sey.s : The London Daily
Mail:announced on Friday morning
that Sir Oliver Lodge has some sur-
prises in Store Or le n eh .Asste
elation in his Presidential address ,
Which. he will deliver on Sept. 10.
. ,
He has already tol.c1 the world that
"the• boundary between . the two
states. of the known and the un-
known life ad death is still sub-.
stantial but wearing thin in places,
and live excavators are engaged in
boring a tunnel from opposite end.s.
Wei are beginning to hear now and
again the strokes of the pickaxes of
our comrades on the other side,"
... •
In a ,summary received frOM HIM
of the argument of, his forthcomi g
address curiosity is stirred by his
. ,
protest against eomprehensive an 0
t' I t• d h' in
nega negative •gene.riv iza, ion, , an la -
sistence on the belief in the u -
mate continuity of existence before
and after death as essentialDeath
science. , This, at least, ' suggeits
that he has new evidence to offer
and fresh tests td disclose for all
the evidence that has been produc-
ed in the past by him and his little
band of workers.
The Mail says: "The worM must
wait on tenterhooks for a whole
month to .discover the meaning f
• • • • - ,,
these mysterious intimations.
be succeeded in the Premierehip by Hon.
Adam Beek or ' Hon. W. T. Hanna,. Still
atiother rumor mentions M. Beck hi If
as a, posethility for the Gubernatorial
... 'n• . '
ot e thing is certain that either future
• eumbents of the po'sition will need to
on like Si , John Gibson men of wealth
o' r • d • at f $10 000 '
or else the present in emn y o • , a
.. will' need to be increased materially,
'the new Roeedale reeidence'11 t
w1 e4 up a
good deal more than $10,500 a year.
• The Deaor James Commie.
Phis death after a long Dineen of James
.cl ee. ela as st ice, removes
from me °lir u'enneniner oBfayCaciniadra a remark-
able figure. For tunny years he was prone
tr. he Ontario Legislature, out about
tileatila the
f t f th Lib 1 art
le me e or unes o e era P Y
were waning in teat body. he was re-
moved to a new' sphere of activity in Ot
tawa. For any lack of advantages in
early life, Mr. Conmee amply made up peo
ioareeanontaLe8llie rer. alirwBasa'`.-dbro:nmafiZei.,
In later years no antagonistelightlY en-
tered with him in any battle of wits.
The meet contentious piece of legislation
with which he was conneeted was that. to
which Ids name has been given as the
Daily Steamers from Toronto.
and Return $13.00
To MONTREA.L and 'Return • 34.50
- •
To QUEBEC .a.nd Return 33:50
°Return 46.50
Meals and Berth 41 -Jellified.
..---01. ,
lttystery of the Mail Bag RobberY
• ' Cleared Up.
A despatch. fro* Sudbury says:
iingston young Jack O'Brien, a 'I
man, whose father has the contract
' of •le in that el ,
carrying the mai t'.3 ,
and upon whom suspi ,
'cien has rest -
ed for the robbery of:a mail bag in
L.: home it on -the night of Janu-
his c Y s ,
was taken into custody
ary 22, 1912, '
...., moiler y
v. ta, by Chief of Police
on of
Walker. To Inspector Perkinson
the Dominion Police, who came
here to taketo him Kingston for
rid, ,O'Brien laa made a full -con-
.' 1 1 •
fesslon, acknowledging the deed.
Tho mail bag in question was stolen
frOM the station platform in Rings-
ton on the date mentioned, and
was rifled of its contents known -to
' 3
be at least $275 in cash in American
bills and numerous cheques. .
Inland Lines Limited
Steamers "City of Ottawa," "City
of Hemilton " "Dundurn,"
' i
"Majestic" and "Belleville."
and Re,turn $20.00
and Return ' 19.00
Meals ai
and Berth ncluded.
Steamers leave Hamilton on Wed -
nesdays, Fridays and Saturdays,
and leave Toronto same days at
500 p.m
. for Montreal. Str.
"Belleville" leaves Toronto 103.•
Montreal, via the beautiful Bay
of Quinte, Zyn Mondays at 10.30
p.m. Steamer leaves Toronto for
Cleveland and Detrit on Friday
at 9.00 p.m.
°ma app y your own
For inf t•ion I to
Ticket Agent or
Gen. Agt. it. & o. Line.s Toronto.
Pass. Tref. Mgr., Montreal, P.Q.
- - ,bad
. - •
Prices of Cattte, Crain, Cheese and Other
Produce at Home and Abroad.
December, 90 1-2 th po 5-8e; May,
96 3-4e; No, 1 Northern, 88 1-8 to 89 5-8e; No.
2 Northern 861.8 to 87 6-8o• No. 3 yellow
corn ' 3white' t 39 3 4 th
71 to 72e; No. oa s, •
40 Mc; No. 2 rye, 55 1-2 th 55 1-2c. Flour
and bran unchanged,
Duluth, Atte. 12.--Wheat-No. i hard,
593 -4.3•. No 1 Northern 883-40; eTo. 2 North-
ern, 983.4' to 87c; Sep' tenther. 810.40 bid;t
December, 90-3-40 bid; May, 983-4c bid.
Linseed, $1.4ei ,September. 91.42; Oectobero,
91.42 1-4 bid: No ember, 51.42 1-2 aek d ; -
cember. $1.40 1-2.
Comer, Aot. For many years it has been
vigorously attacked as giving undue Nevi-
loges to franohise-holding electric coepor-
ataons, but Mr. Conmee always se vigor-
ously affirmed that it wee a meritorioue
enrietanent, greatly in the public interest,
Ile could talk by the hour and produce
pt by e ream, repletewith er-
gumente 111 favor of his contention.
Tradition resells stones, probably alio.
crseshal, of the experiencee of ,Conmee, as
P, youth, in the American Clivil War. Of
niciireer in Northern Ontario, 'with which
he Willi identified from the early days,
there are also many, stories, many doubt-
Toronto, Aug. 12.--Flour-Ontario wheat
floure.-90 per cont., 94.10, Toronto or Mont-
real freight. Flour made of new wheat,
93-.60, seaboard, for September delivery.
Manitobas. . fleet patents, in jute bage,
$6.50; second patents, in jute haze. 85;
strong bakers', in jute bags, 94.80.
Manitoba whea,t-No. 1 Northern quoted
at 9/.02 on track, Bay pone; No. 2 at
$tile; No. 3, 96e; Bay ports.
Ontario • wheat -No. 1., white and red
vvheat,,99e, to 91,00, outside, and new wheat
at 86 to 87o, outside.
. Oats -No. 2 Ontario oats, 35 to 36o, out-
aide, and at 371.2 to 38o on traols, Toronto.
Weetern Canada date 39s for . No, 2, and
Winnipeg Crain.
Winnipeg, Aug. 12. -Cash -Wheat -N0. 1.
Northern, 961-40; No, 2 Northern, 93 3-4o,
No. 3 Northern. 893-40; No, 4. 803-4o; No.
5, 72e; No. 6, 68o; feed, 60o; No. 1 rejected
seeds, 88 1-2c 4 No. 2 . do., 86 1-2e; No. 3 do.,
81 1-2e; No, 3 tough, 82 tee; No. 4 tough,
73e; No. 5 tough, 65 1-2c; No. 6 tough, 60 1-2c;
feed, tough, 53e; No. 1 red Winter, 88e; No.
2 red Winter 86e; No. 3 red Winter, 84o;
No. 4 red Winter. 76e. Oats -No. 2 C .W.,
350; No, 3 0.W., 34c; extra No. 1 feed,
341-20; No. 1 feed, 340; No. 2 feed, 31 1-4c.
Barley -,No. 3, e6c; No. 4, 441.20; rejected,
420; fee' seek. Plax--No, 1 11,W.C., 91.28 1-2;
No. 2 ..,.. ",,,, 91.24 1-2; No: 3 OW., 91.12 1-2.
' '
less also apocryphal, others rusting on to
basis of truth. It Is said, for example,
that ae. fate would have it, shortly after
Mr. C,onmee had been made a Justice of
the Peace, there was brought before him
on some trivial charge a former personal
ante oniet. The story goes that the new
71, gwith great enthusiasm, anent days
• .„...eff . g
con ni the Statutes of Ontario which
came to him with the office, in an effort
to discover if a T. P. had power •to inflict
the sentsnce of hanging. .
Labor Party Declining?
. Critioal observers report that the Labor
Political Party, which with meteorie mitt-
__e _
n ir, ensiled into the firmament of 'British
Pante.* in ehe famous relection of 1906. is
'Hundreds of Acres Will Ile Re-
quired for New Canal.
-A despatch from • St. Catharines
says.: According to a blue print of
"the .ostual route of the new Wel-
land Canal, showing the properties
required for expropriation for the
big channel, hundreds of acres of
the finest fruit -bearing land of the
Niagara (18 O l be used for the
N• • I tri t will
canal, among then'. being the farms
owned by Robb. Thompson, presi-
den•t of the Niag . ,
ara. +District Fruit
•ssocia ion upon which
Growers . ,ecoine
' A • t'
years of cultivation and .succeseful
. tStile
nt The
expenmen have been spe .
night of way eeachee a width of half
a.nule at certain points, and at no
place is it less Ilan 800 feet in
•,,,,, '
at 30c for No. 3. Bay ports.
Peas-Tbe market is nominal.
Barley-Pricee 'nominal.
Crirn-No. 2 Ameran corn, 770, Toronto,
and at 73 to 73 1-4e, c.i.f., Medland.
Rye -Prices nominal.
Buckwheat -Market ie nominal.
Bran -Manitoba, bran, 919 a ton, in bagel
Toronto freight. Shorte, $20, Toronto. '
. -
Live Stock Markets.
Montreal, Ade. 12,--Idedium stook sold at
33.4 to 6 cents; common, 21-2 cents; cowe,
$30 to $65; calves, 3 to 6 cents; sheep, 4 lel
to 41-2 cents; spring lambs, 71.2 cents.
Hoge, 10 th 101-4 cents,
Toronto, Aug. 12. -Cattle -Export, 96.50 to
9E75; choice butclaere, 96.00 to $6.50; good
medium, 95,25 to 96.00; common 54.75 to
making no progress. It le said, on the
contrary, that Its influence end power are
actualey on the wane and that, while there
are still BOIne testy membere of the 11011do
. ... , . .
who eubsombe themeehes as members of
the Labor Party, the time is within meas.
iambic distance when the Parliamentary
Leber party will nrecticallY disappear.1
This, if true, will be a sbook to thoee w lo
hoped. for the day when ,Labontes. erne
BIN G LIST FOR 1912-13
News -Record end Mail and Empire. 51.50
News -Record an d Globe , ...... ..... 1.60
•ri and
News -Record and Pamily Bend __
with Premium ,..... ........ 1.75
Neweltecord and Witness ,..,. 1,75
News -Record end Sun 1 75
• • • ......
News -Record and Free Press ......•. MO
News -Record. and Advertiser ..,1.75
Nome:Record and Toronto Sate dal,
Night 055
News-leseord and Pariner's Advocate 2.25
News -Record and Farni and Delry1.75
News -Record and (lamellae Perm1.75
News -Record mid Youth's ' Compenion ,025
and Canadian Country'
mon ,,,....... .......... ...... 1.25
News-Reeord and The Fruit Grower
and Fariner .. . ... . ...... .. ..... 1.50
Newe-Recseed a nd The 01 /median
Sportsman ' 3.00
Newe-Record end Mall and Empire,. 4e5
News -Recent and Globe .... .. 4.25
Neweti,ecord end News . . 2.30
News -Record a nil S4nn , ... .... ...... . 2.31
News•Record and World ....... .... 3.25
News-Recore end Merning Free Press WS
News.R.ecorri and Evenine Free Press 2,75
News -Record an I Advertiser ......... 3.00
Newe.neeord and Pneetre Review .... 1.25
Newe-Record and leppincotte, Maga-
Neiv.-Reeorntoe d an'd *Canada Monthly,
If what You wn,nt is not In this llst lot
tie know shout it. We can supply you at
less than It would cost you to send direct.
In remitting please do Bp by Postofitee
Order, Postal Note, Exprese Order or Reg.
lstered letter and address. ' .
Puplisher News -Record'
. country Produce.
Butter -Choice dairy, 21 to 23,4 inferior,
/7 to 190; oreamery, 26 to 26 1.2 for rolls,
and 24 th 25e foe melds. '
Eggs -ethnic lots of new -laid, 24 te 25o per
dozen; fresh, 20 to 210, and seeonde, 16 to
18c. •
Cheese -New ebeeee, .,.. d1 to ifie for large.
and 141-2 for twins.
Boans-Iland.pickerl, $2.25 to $2.30 per
bushel; primes, $1.75 to e3, in a jobbing
Heney--Extracted, in tine. 128-2 to 13a
Per lb. for No. 1. wholeeale; combs, $2.26
to $3.00 per: dozen for NO, 1, and $2 to $3.26
for 21o. 2.
Poultry-Hene, 16 to e7c per lb; turkeys,
18' to 20e. Live poultry, about 2o lowerRegulations
than the above.
Potatoes -Jobbing lots of new Potatoes,
83.26 per barrel.
$5,00; canners, 92.00 te $3.00; cutters. 92.50
to 53.00; fat cows, $4.60 to 95.25; eommon
cows, 93.00 to 93.75; mulch cow°, 94000 to
565.00 each. Calves -Good veal, 96.00 th
97.00; 'choice, 97.75 to 58.60; common. 53,50
to 94.00. Stockers grid feeders-Steere. 700
to 800 pounds, 93.25 to 94.16; extra choice
heavy feeder% 900 pounds, 94,75 to 55.e6;
rough, light, 92.50 to $3.25, Sheep and
lambs -Light ewes, $5.00 to 9E50; heavy ,,
$4.00 to F$4.50; bucks, 93.50 to 906; spring
lambs, $6,75 to 9750. Hogs -$9.65 f.o.b.;
$10.10 fed and watered, and 910.25 off care.
_____,r--- •
Alberta's Will Make
Woek 'Safer.
A despatch from Edmon•ton Al-
trolling a majority in the Commone, woull,
actually be responsible for the laws o
the land,
There ie no. doubt _that so fee, the in-
fluence or logielation of the. Labor pary
has been dieappeenting. It is. doubtfuldif.
SUMO 1906. there has Iron placed n
1 101 itl i(i'
Statute Books one piece o _ _ ert e e o
which e.ould not, probably would not, have
been put there by the Government en -
supported altogether bY Ali Leber al.100.
Not Through Parliament.
...asides, tbere are arising grave doubts
in tbe minds of labor es to 'whether Par-
liamentary endeavor furnishes the line
along which it can most easily Secure the
thinge it wants, namely, higher wages,
shorter hours. arid batter conditions of
labor. It is doubted if, in the great re-
cent struggles in- d co
the railway and and
other disputes, the Parliamentary Patty
has been. any strength whatever th the
Some has been
- . .
e_ ,, , .„.. . , . ..... r_. ,,e_
Important atisearvei y oi . stIlltti ass
, . ,.
Near Schreiber.
. ..
A deepatch from ' Port ••Arthur
• ,
says: - sit of
An. enormous deposit
nickel is reported by •Me.sers. ,Me-
Gougan and Johnson, prospeaters
at Duck Lake, eight, miles. 'north -
west of Schreiber, near here. Mr.
Johnson, •
. who hold an in1Pethtn'''
position with the mining company
at Copper Cliff, 'says the nickel de-
posits there . are not to be com-
pared with these. They brought in
„ . , • t . • ,
sample?) .ternen assayis 8 C lam pear
out their statements. They claim
, , , e ,
that free geld, copper and zinc are
also Plentiful near theii find. There
. - -. • '
1S quite a rush of local prospectors
for the place.
,. • Provisions.
acon, long clear, 153.4 to 16c per lb. In
mem lots. Pork -Short cut, $28.50 to' 529;
$24 -Hams-Medium to light,
do., mos, . .
200-2 to 210; heavy, 19-90 e0c; rolls, 16 3-4 to
17e; breakfast bacon. 21 to 27e1 becks, 24
te 26e,
Lard -Tierces, 140; tubs,- 141.20; Pails,
14 3-4c.
Baled Hay and Straw.
Baled bay -New hay 812.60 to 913.00. No.
1 at 814, on traok. Toronto, and No. 2, at.,
Baled straw --Good etock 518 to 98.50, on
treck. Toronto.
berta, saye : According to the new'
Mines Act, ,which went into effect
inpanerient of WO-
on August 1., the e 1
men and girls. amd boys under 16
years o age s pro. , Al-iowereway
f i hibited in A
berta mines. For 'safety's sake tile
age on managers and pit bosses has
been raised to 25 years, and that of
firemen. to 23 years, Under the new
order of things men will be paid
twice a month instead of every 30
days as formerly.
labor cause. say it an
actual weaknese. There has. been a die-
persion of energy, at least.. d .
Parliaments are coneervative an are so
d rocedure and
pound onoboorie.obyoi,fooyrnia,,,neh
Ilt .O. ni Pa moderatele
our nie.cer a n n s o re-
Ofa BO i ' t I ki el f
form. This is but to say that reform nniet
come from. the people, that it reaults only
from the preeeure of public opinion. Par,
tioularly for whet reforms Binh as oere
desired by labor it has become a ques ion
if more substantial progress will not be
effected beethe efforts of the Trades Union
othorgoannlf&ti000rdisotrinng directly in the i te
by attempts to control,
unwieldy Parliamente.
Lesson For Suffragists.
the A ••
era o le a s in e mencan
1 the St te
Union. Representatives of Messrs,.
- , .
R b t d M ssrs
aarquhal o. er son an e ..
._. . ,, . ,
.u. rtt la Adair .saicl tnat an i ncrease
was unavoidable, but what the ex-
I fax ' the State • ht b
to -a. coa ax in, • e , Statea mig e
responsible for it was difficult to
gauge just yet,
P 1 ded by the dee-
Peace was, cone u . . .
'. t f • the B lk St bes at
gaten lora e a an 1 a., ,.
Bucharest.. .
A 'de 1 l't. al • 1 t' n
. Nu spree( po i ic ievo u io
bee developed out of the metal
. .
workers' strike in Mslan, Italy.
The Mexican is fast be-
Similarly some students of the e
Suffrage Movement are convin red that
•• Montreal
Oats--Canadlan Western, No. a 41 to
411-20; do., No. 3, 391-2 to 400; extra No. 1
feed, 40 1-2 to 41o. Barley -Man. feed, 51
to 520; malting, 62 to 64a Buckwheat-
No. 2, 68 to 60o. Flour -Man. Spring wheat
patents, firsts, 95.60; seconds, 95.10; etrong
bakers', $4.90; Winter patente, choice, $e50;
etritight rollers, 55.10; etraight rollere.
bage, $2.40. Rolled oats, barrels. $4.45; do.,
bags, 90 lbs, 92.10. Bran, $1.9. Shorts. 521.
Middlings, $24. Moulins$26 to $32, Hay,
- .
.4,44 , . ,,, ,
LriSCOVCred Natitral tillS 011 AM-
i.: /st Island.
A despatch from. Kingston' 'says • .eecivewayo
re on -t e
d' d h
Natural gas was iscove
re _
by Robert Smith,
there are many methods of inilneneof other
than the vote -which offer much eas er re-
sults to the Steffnigiete, Apart from the
abstract claim Of equality with males, the
only ground for advocating votes for wo-
is the influence the new voters would
have on legislation. Whether a say In
tir 1,3'1"'"i i':Vannngts !NIT gIlliat
ec se ee-
tion seerne to be to oneetion. The viper.
fence of the Labor Movement in this re;
be ietereeting to the Suffragists.
ALBERTA GETS 346 095 '
. . , ' '
A.grieultural Gratnt From Dominion
e, . ,,
uoveinment. ,
. , •
A GeSpatell horn OttaWil, .says :
The•Government hae concluded the
- , • ,, ' •ee
last 01 the agreements wile).*.
provin _
oes in connection with the
agricultural 'Did giant. Alberta,
th 1 '±' to be settled. • with gets
-e as - t „
$46,095. The items are :-
. ' , •
Agricultural schoole ....„ $11 84000.00
Eq i merit of schools 9 000 00
11 p . , . .. .., •
Buildings for schools ..... 4,500.00•
..., . . , ,. ,
8 000 00
.vemonstration tarrIne - . 3 •
Special instruction in
, . .
elaerylllg . ..... ', .. e... 0 00
• ' ' 300 '
Domestic science . ...... 2,000.00
Dairy competition ....... .1,000.00
MiBeelleeneetle • 594.95
- , ,' .... - ' '
, ---
A.ceidentally Discharged Gun' He
. .. ,
' Was Cleaning.
A despatch from Sault Ste. Mar-
. .
Onb., says.. . en a s:notgun
•e 0 t • When •
1 ,
which he was cleaning was am-
d 11 l' h d JohnII H• k
enta • y c iso aage , . Iliok-
ler jun . aged eighteen, son of Mr,
- ',
a M "'Joh H Hi kl r Was in-
-an rs. n. H. c e , .
etantly killed on Thursday morn-
' ' • • • f hunt -selves
He was preparing , or a
ing trip. •
• -
corning very serious, and Wilson's
f Tien& predict failure for ex-Gov-
ernor Lind.
Over 250 faetories in Barcelona
are affeeted by the general -strike.,
d h -'k'a
a hine
an some aye m c
guns. -
, -..
The famous rebel. Chines rep-
ment known as the "Dare -to-•
.' • • „ ,
Dies," were rnewed•down 2n ,a aes-
e•rate fight etenong the rebels theM-
P - . • .
at the Wu Lung torts. .
, Dr.' Sun Yat Sen formetly pro-
3 • ,•
visional •preeident of ,the , Onmese
wo.-2. per -ten, car late;, $12 to $13. Ch eese
7,,Finest weeteime, 13 to 101-4o; fluted. east
eons, 12 3.4 to Ho. Butter -Choicest cream-
ery, 24 to 241-4o; secoecle, 231-0 th 043.40.
Ngre-Fresb, 29c; selected, 270; No, 1 st•ock.
Aloe No. 2 eteck,12 to 19o. •
-L ee,.occupied of
Araheret Island, on Tuesday. The
a. well
men, who were digging for ,
were very much surprised when
they found gas eseaping. It is sit-
toted abotit five miles froan Stella,
on the Bay of Quinte_
gard will
Where Labor Rules,
In Australia and New Zealand they are
doille. things differently. in politics, there,
Labor has things its owe way. True, tbe
Labor 'Government in Auetralie, has •just
been evicted from power by a narrow ma.
jorily, but it is eucceeded by a Goverm
ment which ie said to be scarcely lesemounted
Radical, Governments do things as a niat
in that be
.V„ „ very Women
, hi luterested end should knel7
. .abont the wonderful
l•`\ .•, Niarvel whirling SP"
Ask your dregglat for,.7,re .
it. Ir be cannot supply ,
the MARVEL, accept no •
other, bat send stamp for Illes-e
bated book --sealed. It gives full
pareenle s andeirectleuerinVeleable
la ladlearwilwsous (Mem? co.,wanaime ono
General Agents for Canada. •
• -
• . ,0. ,
'-o Our 'Friends_ and Neighbors
T ' '
• ' Youltnow us. You know we Would not -that we could fiat
• ' . - . • -
afford to -go ,back on our word. - Nor can you afford to ignore
this inoney-back-if-notisatisfled offer.on this splendid Inman
. V--.••
We honestly believe we have tho should have been dispelled remain
best bowel remedy.ever made- the to poison the system. - .
most pleasant -to -take, most pet- Headaches, bilio usness, nervous-
manently beneficial laxative for relief •
from the miseries and dangers arising ness and other tormenting and am-
freM conati ation ous i s are commo hen the bow I
fail to ant daily asnnwature i d 6d6
_ . • • nten c .
• , We wouldn't say this if we didn't All this may be avoided, if you will '
believe it to .be true. We wouldn't accept our advice. ,
risk .our reputation by making .sueli ,, • ' .' -"''',
statements did we not feel auto you -
would find them true.
ter of course Australia would
regarded as rank Socialism hero or in
Europe. •
Ons may. have been serprised to observe
that it was the Labor Government he.Ausr.
,tralia which inaugurated compulsory
military training and• Which began the
establishment of e nevse. for en these pares'
labor 'unions,: are generally in the.. fore-
front of peace celebrations. .Ther, exploit
. .
in into
ation Is that, the Labee Party ow e . re
po'wer' on the 'cry of a 'white .Austraha ;
thee want no inniiirsrents from .China or'
aapan or India. To be coneietent the
Labor Party In' power had to previde the
means by which a "white Australia" could
• •
•be maintained. Compulsory military train-
ing and a navy were tbe sequel, Similarly
the party which in opposition had'oPposed
immigration and ,was indifferent to Ini.
perialism, quickly recognized in . office
that dreeelopment of the country depended
on new settlers and that the maintenance
of the Empire was neceesary at leaet for
'many yeare to 0010 e to the very exist-
. Got an anal Rested.
.."` • .r, -
uncle Charles
"Good morning, ••
Rerniblic,-•and a leader of the south-
ern revolution, has tied the country
on a Japanese steamer
. e.
Fruit Growers' Peesident In the
• • •
Niagatra 1)19010.
A despatch. from London, One.,
says : Mr. Dan. Jeli.neton of For -
est President of the Ontario Fruit
Growers', ,Association wa„s in tale
city on Wednesday after so trip.of
inspection through the. Niagara.
, .
Peninsula. "The peacherap is go -
ing to be very large," he said .to the
`.:Plinns are also
Canachan pre§s, .
a plentiful crop, but apples will be
only about a qu.arter °Pop." Mr.
johneton report.sprospects . of A
. ., . .. ..
very' peach and plum. crep in
the Lambeen fruit belt, though an,
'1 .61 '11 1 bo1- 1 f. $ue,
P es there will Lit so 18 1-• •- .
ola a,. en ion is meg given 2.
Year, ' be says, to •tlie development
Of the 00-onerative mlovement. It
• . I that th Onteri f it
Is ii, a Y +....e --„---o -rm..-
' •
+Towers will heve a market a+ ent
6 , . ' . g.
in the West this year seinethin
, , , 8
that' hes been badly needed and
t . ,
that Shoukl make the industryanere
ble for the'
Prof,ta , „ .producers.
Did you sleep well? . afraid
our bed was rather hard and un-
Y +
b " •
even, rit - . .
Oh 't la • ht thank you,
, i was a rig , ,,
I got up now and theta during the'
night and rested a bit, you knoW..
---__.__*--.. ,
"I don't intend to be inan•ied till
' " 'd the lad
I am over 23, sal e young y
I tl aadded," d I don't
.anc len .s, le an .
intend either, to be over 23 till 1
ape married,.
Total .?.... $46 094.95
Our faith. i.s built both on the taste just like candy. They are
knowledge of what Resell Orderlies ' soothing and easy. in action. They
' are made of and on. observation of do not mese griping, nausea, p.urg-
very mane severe eases in which they big or excessive looseness. '1"hey
113aYe proven their merit. tend to tone and strengthen intestinal
nerves and muscles. They promptly
relieve constipation, and help to. per-
• •Try.than.at Our Risk manently overcome it. r
' Emil Orderlies promote better
: i• If thhy do not bundantly !Wove •
, n ..e., , ,, , spi ts an otter ea t ., In all of .
ri d b h I h •
' 'Ikon' merit -With 'you "'also .,.,..•1 .Y9.12. these thin s they are.vastly'superior ' '
.•. are notentirely satisfiedivith them.-- to Id f d h 1 It d
o - RR lorie , • ars s• Ba 8 an
• we.will refund Your 'Money - endwo °tiler purgatii-es; *hieh.a.ro'not ordY ,
• . , Will ' re that'. en lianymer,e 'simile. . uheieasouttetakblintwieehusually."`: •••'
.....1Ye 'don't .aalt.ypsi. to: riek ' a neanY., 'leave the boivels 690 550500 mindition '.
.4811't lhat''fairr • 't • ' than Itt 1 - W - t' la 1- •
• . „ , . .. , . an e ore. ppm, rieu x yr eecoine
P. lastlatilia townie fail in. properly '. • ' mend Rosati Orderlies for eluldreM
...tlemg ...their 'work., -lust 'let- their '... aged and.delieste pemone. .
action be .dnlayed and ineeropletc _ Regan Orderlies come in vest- .
and the entire system and. every pocket tin boxes. 12 'tablets, 10e;
„ .0ther otaan suffers. Wastes that 86 tablets, 25e; Kt tablets, 60e. '
• .• .
CAUTION: Please bear 1» mind .that Remit Orderlies are not sold by all drue.
' 'este. You ean'buy Rexall Ordarliei Only at the Remit Stores.
• TOu oan buy ItexallOrderlies intim community only at our Motet.
• • . ,
Nriro S. •R 'HOLMES
oi, i
The Store
p''' lin,t
ence of a white Australia. Hence the ag•
gressive immigration policy and the Ins-
pertalisin which marked the Fisber re-
.ginut. '' . '
, No Election In Sight.
., - .
Any talk there was of a general o0m3n-
ion election this fall has passed away.
There is now no sign of Paniament being
' •
terminated any time before it heti 11111 lie
ral ti an. Thie will. lee thne foe pole
'nate pr r g.
ole,, and operdoes on the many aided navy
i ' to • t 0' “to definite shape
SS1113 , °lye a up, .1. .: - . • . , - ' -
Dnwn hi the Eastern. .proyeecee Abe In-
tercoloniel, ItailWitY 'bait twain develdued
'into a ,considerable,poeiticee irieue.d.. 'The,
•"""aq'fr' ..r.•••"1`.infiJ'al°r°• -Ditill'• Veil 'M"1-1.!•
nhnn 1 "nn , `11?-fi!le, 6146resli.t.i7X .,.P' -
InPr- -°' uriP p et fr' t;11 g •. '1 . • '
athra ar . • P. .. u e ies. e tea way. ex.
Pert' W11.0;, Was 1.tipi, , long,. ago , plfacedo 2fn
eharge of. the .2 ne,,,.and . h I
w..t°' ..''''Pa' 1'92. '"u9
a year to. mun.lt on. a .bus nese bad S, does
net always see eye to. eyte With the road'
mestomeree who haVe, hoWevee, alwaYre the
rigbt to appeal. dieect to the Cloven -talent,
a nriVilege .whMh they :age not glow to
take advagigg. - • .. .
, • pirionolal outiook setter.;
. Tbs. other day an advertisement .for tivei
' unekilled, leberers ite.Torente prochieed,150
nem enaira. men, amileing for 'work. L The
incident inspirea speeulnition. Lad :to wHat
She condition *2 155 labor roatfint -will. bo
In tbe (Idle eearsori-fiext winter. rRepertse
boom centete of ehe weet arenotany toe
. .
. .,
TIIBEE TEARS' 5E1{171 •.,.
,,,. : VA . 1 A ie a need
Aulltle to .r.1 open fanny x e ..,
FrOill Two to Three lea's, .
A 1 t 1 f says. The,
e espa el TOM. Paris . • . ,Ontario's,.--,
, ' reno 2 . ena, , on,. airs ayea p -
h hill
ed by 25.4„votes,agaanet 37 t ..e, i
intreductg„ theee years!. actiVe• see,
i '''',4- • Indian.' in .„the . Trerieh.
V 6 .- 6•1 6 6 ' '. •
army, which waS •Paseed • 'by the.
. , . . , _
C , ,, ., , , . ,
, hamber of Deputies en July 19th
The measure by increasing the terni
- - , . .
from two. , • ix, th . „al 210
years .. Tee. • ( s ,-
t estimate to.
000 men at,the 10*.es , , , •
the peace footing of the F 1l'k
•bringmg it up to nearly
army, -thnis. •
Th* -service in future
will begin at the age of 20 instwel
, „, . , . , • ,
ct., ..41. . .
• ----4..-.--',..---.
r ,t yews in usea go ears• the.
fthn aru, piesettbe1 aea
mended. bit For ,Wo.
- , , ,• • .
,Initit,f4 Mlnictifs, - III tI.'• •
Br. fir e e
Female Pille, at youndruggist.
'Fxhibit Captures -The 'Sweepstake Prize
, .
- v ..... •
at Cleveland','Ohio. . •
. . .
• ,.
..• • ' • '
, A de,eeateh .from .Toronte say,s :
„ • to_ds h • r
.k.intario y • olds the prenue
. , „
'poSition an the Noe, . America.,."
continent a,s an . 1 e
This was settled on Thurs-
'weary. ' , , ' •
day at the .exhibition of the Imbea-
, ' •
national Apple -Shippers .. Assoesa-
tion at .01eVeland, when the. Peen-
dent's v , •
Chp--a sweepstake - th ,
entire show-waa awarded be 011-
, .. . . , .
6 . ie Word WES receivedon Th•ula-
day fternoon of the welcome news
by Hon.J 5. 9029, im• t r of
.Agiioulture, from Mr. W. '1,': Kidd.
' 1. M . 5 F ,P 1 .i, ' .' SiStailis in
an( r. .„ . a me •, as . ,• . ,
Branch,. whe have .charge
. . .. ,
fp • •'' • f 1 'he T, eau
o tile rovouna ex la ..t• The '• '
• • ' t for i moans
is deubly eignifiean • t .. -
, . . , -
also • On aro on, first in its
that t • w ,
own class, 'where it 550.5 greeped
with Nova' Scotia Maine, • New
...,. . . -1 . -- ,.... ..
eiampshare Vermont inaseacnii-
, ' ; - e '
L' '
Setts, Conneetacut„ Rhode Island,
York, ' •e. • ere e' `
New . Mieln„a,n, 1. aeon, in
and' Minnesota. - 'limey, varieties.
were sh • fifteen w'nter a les
one--• ,. i , pp ,
five sunnner • and . ten fall. • In re-
gted o the sammer apples allow
ame was Made for the eavlv season.
Th • cup is a ard 1 hy Me, I
LoOliniS of New. York+. P,re-dett of
tile association and is oree for au-
, • • • , - ,. .
notal •coinpetition, '
H oste, --110e, e h,ope youi a,
you't o inothe rcieben; tle De h
for .baby's dinner is on the tat.hIc."
ci 11 . '49; 1 i.uthed, 1r.
a et-- lope not, . • - ,
•isn't allowed to have:fish." •
There lia lIgdil 3106 ., °"'IV °Y87 toWn nti ctylethe United Stetea, Cla&
Greet Britain. Than, is a different Reese etemeely for nearly revery ordinary human ill-'• '
'au& especially, designed for the partkeler 111.for whicia a lereerommehricd, . , .
' . The Reran Stores are Atnerica 5 Greatest _Drug Stores , •
there baslheeu a distinet iteproverneee in
'sentiment ,as,' to the financial' outlook.
Many Well informed oommercial cepertie
now leek for no serious effeete to follow,
the 'money stringency and expect that the