HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-08-14, Page 6OTRULE-
Difterot -ato
. .4004111ft am
peraon in a th
think of the
length of -blies
, says PoPtrar
tied, upononly
corms ion an
ter thousands
• cesSful effort to
able unit in 'Eta
The foot has
many nations,
modern that
it waa meant to
litims,n foot.
• instance, was
length of the f
miles. Howev
. large raa,n,,so
12.14 of our in
iasis probably
the feat of 5055
it was 11.08 inc
middle ages the
„came 19..21 inch
been dis,00ver
our inches in le
. hand, the foot
Pythia, and on
The Germans
,.age, attempted
unit by talcin
nutaber of feet.
sixteenth cent
rule: "Stand
, church. on a 5
bean men to ooto
Tall Ones
as they happen
. the servioe is
them put their
the other, and
tabled shall be
rod to measure
with, and 'the
shall be the rig -
The foot thus
undoubtedly ca
ble variation, tv
the inoh of oar
was provided by
the reign of Ed
inch should ha
"three barley
dry, laid end
corns differ mac
,round and dry;
have been possi
at will. Strom
ever, this old
bailey Corn pea
the numbering
3 ehoes are. a • th
is, one barley
No. 2; and so
Our yard rep
successful atte
factory, unit in
twelfth centurY
that the yard ,sh
from the end.of
of his. thumb ;
however, in wh
his arm and he
surements were
fax as to have
proper length m
• ies were prepare
dared to be rot
The Earli
now in existeuee
the end of the
the reign of Hen
made of bronze,
our- modern inc
was need 012 the
until 1588.
• The new 13riti
was called the
It was made of
the legal stan• ds
bar is in existe
fen ample evide
the report made
who examined i
chen poker, fil
would make -ea
It hits been -bnok
clumsily thatth
loose as that of
Nevertbelesa, Ili
worried along wi
the simples reasse
not agree upon
Phe belief beca,
eighteenth centu
ishable things a
made unsuitable
was thought Aha.
' might be found
Therefore, a cti
inenE,• in 1700, h
pare a stasnclard
36.00002 of our
adopted, for mos.
Finally, in .1824,
that Bird's yard
legal standard o
January, 1826,
• Damaged
The British h
however,, that a
are hard to rat),
made they are w
time' In; the gr •
1834 the new,ly
Was ho badly dam
ed worthless,
disappeared tem
• pot .feund until
had been made
w„eie again with.
stahdardS -
Bird had` left 5 1i
phiating the etaxid
silo:Wei- be lest,- b
1.4sta following' th
duced sticks. 2 ye
length: :/l'herefer
was prepared, ao
Possihle. I
'sAloptscl the:sten
, •
mains to this da
is provided that
or diataace tie-taie
the trattsverscelin
„ .
, , , a
. ,
• `
plugs. i,' the bentitioshat. deposited
-the. ciffiee Of; the exchequer shall
be the,e0vnii,,iiiez,st,andaftaad, yard' at 62,
4eg,,,,, . . our. 0 copses. were
„buildings and. two were ,seet to the
-rjeiSed....dta.t . . .
' ' ' • ' — , ' ,'''` ' ' . s ' .
Ittiffal.ie..',Islimberniean ;Wile ;Scented:
. - thaasue 2, Colonization sltighteS :,
Jackson' of jaekeonboree when he
is ' houte in his native State of New,.
iorc, SS, pao am or mary, everyday
1 lira)? eirma,p, ' lien; . it ''ieS true•-• n• 'eh
eno„,,i to. be ,r,anked. Lea, a lumber
barest. ,Whe.o he io el ca,,iliwa we
li. . 3 1 .
ens a0 oson, la, by. theagraee bf`the,
, Giltalf° begislaterea 'king 'of..,ther
14'1'11814s ef' .Baggartaand Renck; Y
' with his ca. it' 1 • ' J 1
, h. P sa city •-•04 ' ' ac tsons
- • 0"4.'•''''''" ••••";''..'"'"" ''')' '' • ' ' '' `''
tee's ',,Pe_reesniedicentY'of• ,tillileinniNeKei '3.0.7n9tak's;ine"
yr'ieweni'dkoaa't. ii°11"c9Crp°0mi•OttifakloYnewirthilea,# acie,_
"ijlisulii'itperr.esinien. '1Boe'll•idffaaltd# 21slulci'll'iee'sslt,t2;n" ehde.
, .. . ..of two (easels) enwnsb••
thithinsrdooutffigh heceodue„"et tItehje.ew es illhiglittbhhoeraoin* ed,s,, a,t`,trbee:faleadiTovitins,4::
: s es
°I 'claggant. and 'KnildrY -
ofP:hteerictioly'e.aGgtdte,fxsroir pt' the
81,7unl. rPgs
W. , a _ • , •
". "-.'"seksens el Buffalo, l'r. ' Y.,
from -virgin bush lands on the banks'
of the Mattagami RiVer •in North-
ern Ontario h b • 1 b • se
4„,, _ as 1.0141 In_ exio„.
'''''' go • aaeckso•nbero, the neweat,
-own in Tee province The modean
aro, .type . • .
.k. root
'e u the great Rassia,n has ge on the Czar, 'however
Ile net' 1 • / • '
' ... on y in es..Ins town, he owns
• '' RIJI4X- 41.-±-• Tirik'l-tp‘'''' '''2
Tn, Olthta ' tii,,,Ereed. -Man, le',Held
' • 'Responsible for- 'aeod' 'Order
- ,• Mter.yea-haYe`lived' in Chiea for
,g9rcio ,,thale and ,atudied its institu••'
:10mi-the 'one thought that strikes-
you sie ,the 'feeling- ••ef .r•eeliell" sthil,itY'
, ,that. p,erVadeil ,severy ,phase of 'China
, eao, life , Ma asah .ef,: ' .
•miSsIonairY iti Oltimaalorty' years,
tells; in "Men and Manner s of -Med-2
'.ere China," heer'lliis eep- a ...of , per
tonal' re`e en `)3'1' ' 'ictl"
•-• .P , Si 1,1-tY . net e.S• 11BeleSS'
the ssordinery. eXcuressathat a ei, h
tale , European or meric n. • ,
'-uw° men 'weises gansbliaes in ' an
' obscurellel3 apwaartioiro'%6'0k1bwdelli,'Inii'acmi:b,r2A
s 'driadPendtai.na10° atag hc,t7ar.i.idth:negaomf72t'h'elt,
pot a fatarstab. It was two o clock
lot:lots 4,i,tfia cthehepa;p:well 211 .aan°,reddke. tk• ,t hi:Int Tidh ‘ephv 1, :i? wholeftinhthiei heel,: dye k,d..mw.e. man:n'et
; e y were' in
2 Li4d, (3'0' that he Was entirely ese
aware pf• what was eeiug on. His-
Protestations that he knew nothing
of the mattes' 'were received With a
sneer, and -with the.rerciark, "Walla
theneyou ought to h,ave known."
eBut hoW could 1?" he modestly
"Never mind hew,".' was the offi-
mai answer; that is Your business
' " '
The 'ward is in your charge, and you
• '
are the responsible person to look'
- .
. . .
- UR 10 , AC I D. .
R HE U MAT ISM • ' ,
a weirs to less se it, 0"you' i, satioactu' il.'
Xi' YOU. hOVS aliened ti • - '• eh mio.'
to---ficlUthAti•terMy 'ivilatzRYB:00:00:nitlediiti..e4;inallAte.
enes-Zte Pause' end cures' Thom rtd•
' oall it ssrha most WonderfuL •hook a ara
mid. a• eteatin--.4V eZ.B.
,Senumie FREE, ',TERSE A eastesaltittia)
476,, 1160,*tOrie .14 a8Kr. U .0.4., ; '.atrallf
, ,, •
.! q
,, . Alt lour So;era ' T„suita”- ' '-, - 'Orilet" The' Slsetha''2-2.
' St. Lawrence &tug Mugu- ' ' -- • '
.,..latedismarsind la threedif. .• ' eider. •
:prituotoen ettst potoGtplr:::111:: 47d; borre'Csurtaebetahgtfae:z:tjg e: ,a1,1 It:fi,,tattx,;nraogMaiiiiitlitelttiedhi:
. ' In,this.erery grain from top • Pura' cane' ,allga.r.,- ahoWn by
• analyse seaeliso to soor. pt.. ,
,, .,,regereErelne(bleelebellit: . . 'The weight fll.'fraqranteed int
, , .
... ,,ene 1011.4 Pe=veol ' w.q6.4,P4Plality.
, : .
'' ahredttailh' .'.,r' ' .' . . .• liage.zoolba, nitre' wee, .
Coarse, Crain (green label), : : ' . Cartene sibs., a
. Like small ,diamonda and
• almost, as 'brilliant, but ,
. quickly melted: • - • ^ St; Laralart SagatiallUTIOS.DOSOL
. „
aletels ' in Diffeaent
. , ' . . , , .
„asal..fsifforonee. -'')'
. , , ,
ISnyarelaticks" are
„Lean,/ ever .stope to
r' ,.,,:i:lian. 0,-LrettaIdli::
of' yearte
by 1,;)fitesnedr; , . s,t_ln,s'e dare :ay n awe s
1„.A.rk nlyq.11, A,...ci
asses,. a „ a . a,..
a soioiltists boitoye
be the. length of the
!he -Greek foot for
mppossed t,e. be the
. -
PotAef the hero Her-
sr, Hercales was a
their unit mea.sured
hes. • The Macedon-
').:'k their unit from
re 'giant leaderfor
ies.in length. In the
foo6 in Geneve be
etse andserte Mot has
d aetisally 23.22' of
ngth. On the other
was- 9.72 inches in
y 8.73 inches in Si-
. '
A , ,. •
, a LOW • centuries
to •sePu•re a better'
; the•average of a
A Surveyor of the
try presort ts
'bed th'
y ,4.3„ A,.„.‘„; _e a
-:__r_''' "'''''.ra..•,`.'• .
=clay and DM..
nd 'Small 'Ones,
to pass ou, when
inished a then make
left feeone behind
the length thus ob-
bhe right and lawful
and survey the land
dxteenth part of it
it and lawful foote;
; selected, though
pa,ble of conaidera-
neeees e]zsge th 8,
early anceators. It
'law an 1324, during
[ward II , that the
the •length of
corns, round. and
to end." Barley
h in length , oven IS
therefore, it Mast
islo to vary the inch
gob, enough., how_
unit based on da the t
sints -be- this y n
of shoes. Number
ircl of an inch -that
eornaeareer- than
ith other
eeenes a sizes.tl
pt . to. find aersaltlins-
n • satis-
Attire. In the
Henry I. decreed
nilel be the dlattmee
:his nese to the end
te' are not certain
• - '
ut position he held
ad when the mea-
taken. He went so
3, mete' bar of the
ado and tl tens cop-
d, stamped and de_
'al measures.munition
!St Yardstick -
was prepared near
liteenthacenthry in
ry VII. This stack,
'' ' , . .. • .• ,
' ' ' r• '......'."' ' , ,,
Preilieting theFuttire From Baby's
. , . . ,
'Pink Foot .' . •
Cauntes cl" 1 'tech f "ld who
s e '°' . " °kw' ' •
traceS her, •aneestry beak te the
bl. t blood'l' --' -. • . '— h.---
s ilea ,o .1 ranee, is the ere'
,i,,Iihe.e ,boafiva,;:ifeowcit.se"14.$11hte-'p. r'ellieets I:ferret-41'2s.:
the. cradle th,e future of the ,Th,tiniYa
elTtiettl7aeciewnliee 'irse.Pc,aleled5 tshoelletm. .
Oountees de le fon ' ld from
her girlhood, days .has had a perfect
fa;amsot enegi,ydoi dvei .ii,h1:ablemoae em ea di ni n gth, i rl:cloe sea...
twetthet whenever there wa•s a din-
nee partror.afteanooe tea she was
, . ,
besieged by 1.1°'ste'ss and glieStS t°
lay bare the fearsorae mysteries
that lea,ve their imprints on the
• . : . • • -
hand, •
p / IP ' 0 0 0 • ...
atm reacting had its Innata,tions,,
however. I..ength of life, the trage-
dies or felicities. Of love, a -mertendin g
ide ts' ace ceased to. interest
1P" h • A yearning. toward the fore- 2
' T. •
waamn ,s of ira idin crime oh-
. g ' Pak g -
sessed her. She believed the feet
would be' the Medium by whioh one
eould•tellthe future criminal in the
baby or point Out the -undiscovered
murderer in the man.
' - Tedioup mid long were her re-
searches, and it is, only now after
thoroughly satisfying herself that
her prognostiCatione are absolutely
sound that she consents to divulge
h ,
her seciet. . • •
"Murderers are marked from
• •ra ,, • • •
es an, peewee/es the countess,
"Traits of viciousness and crimi-
misty are shown in the feet <if the
new-born baby; unTeadable, na-
turally, to all but an expert in this
study .
'I have not been able to follow
the career of a child, so marked,
asranch as my experiments °aver,
PrseticallY; only a Period of ten
years; but whenever these signs of
criminal, tendencies have :shown
themselves; that baby has develop-
ed into a cruel , brutalizing boy ,
and. as time passes I 2,m convinced
that a life will be ferfelted at his
hands. •
' "I was in Tunis a .ahort vrhile
ago, and while there visite,d the
jail. To put ray theory again. to a
further test, I asked the warden if
he could bring into the amtocham-
ber a number of prisoners who had
been incaroseated for varioas
crimes. This was d.one.asked
"The prisoners there are alw,ays
bare-footed, S.0 when a grono Nv,re
brought out I was not hampered by
Tour are murderers,' I vouch-
sated, and indicated by my finger
cia,ch Prt4). An affirraative nod of
the ,heael from the 'warden proved
the correctnees of Tay diagnosis. It
was the big too the,t fastened the
. - • •
crime. an efeeh case it was thick,
short an•d•,hlunb-undersized as to
length in comparisen to the other
"And the knowledge ' eel b
gam Y
this study, do you thin.k it will pre-
yeot crime?" tbe eynne,eas was
ag .
"It Will check it to a great ex-
tent N t 11 when •
, • a ura ' y, the signs of
the criminal appear in ti foot f
the new-born baby greater care can
be given to its meral teaehings and
thus in a :measure c,aunteraot the
possible fate of the terrible 1 tr•
clr' " o ca • la
-", . ' ' '
A. , -British., ' Savant's 'Exeavation
work in, nie suda. , ,
.Prof,' asho. Gozareareg ,;f• the ere.
astiat-saittya of Liverpool has boLthfeoriftilhi;
Past four seasons eonclucting ,with
,., 'treasuresera! aaa'caaetadsniatwasaenr, irtyrkseetarnd9;athadoi:encuitode:aelidab 1. eneagishn •te•ilbxtee*,
, , • more or ess. a -
ingly, the civilizingSnfluence of the
mysterious Nile.' . .
Font SeaSons investigation at the
Reyal City diacovered ab.Meroe,.in
'Ethiopia, hive helped to establish
the fact that the buildhigs •and ob-
jects 'found represent three distinet
of evolution in t:he city's
history, and of course in the Su-
dan's history This Royal City, the
early..walls• below , the Royal•Baths
and the Sen Temple belong to the
seventh or eighth cantury B.O. , In
that 'age Egyptian 'ideas dominated
. .
Mermtic 'art, but .a,fter the battle of
/BSUB/ when Alexander entered
Egypt, Csreek motives and methods
sepplanbed those et Egypt.
" The Sudanese seem to be a race
of more than ordinary intelligence,
if not of great originality. This is
proved by their ready adaptation of
new ideas and customs. The Wave
of Hellenism that made so pro-
found an impression on the local
arts of Meroe may also have been
responsible for the intraductim of
burial by cremation and ha cense-
quer.b innovations in religious be-
lief The Middle period lasted from
300 to B. 0. 22, and it is in
ferred that between this period and
the early ,Meroitic s(B. C, 650-300)
some catastrophe overwhelirseel the
city, which, as Prof. Garstamg says,
may have renaained deserted for
s°flie 'time'
An exhibition of antiquities re-
centlY discovered at Ileroe has Just
been opened at Burlington House,
London. Here there are to be seen
plans indicating with perfect elear-
ness the. various changes effected in
the successive period of ties. royal
city. Of the many objectF t, h
rotig t
to light by pick and shoaa after
long centuries of burial i., a well
carved statute,' on the was bait of
which the n,ame f I'" •
0 1..1;,,; JNeteg-
Amen is pre e
s rvecl. 'ea:. eerk re-
calls the characterisras of Ptelema-
ie art, so that the d 2 '...e of this king
may be placed early in- the second
century B.0.
Another significant discovery is
bhe fragmenb of a good style red
figure vase (circa 400 B. O.), 'which
was found together with pieces of
incased ware of coarse .style and eX-
envies of ea,rly painted vases.
To the middle period 1
a so belo,ngs
a cup painted with curious scenes of
torture. One shows a figure garrot-
Ling, another somewhat in the fa-
shion of the coup du Pere Francois,
the second represents a figure try-
ing to force on its bod-
y what ap-
pears to be a spiked instrument or
't h d 1 1 '
i may e a rum le (I in front of
the body -the artist may have been
a primitive cubist. Nor are the ear-
her and later periods without fresh
-: • ) - -
e , . t , .
. . . ---
• • .
WA ' ' kr e '
, ,---711,;,,,,a1k7tryiyreupie,,yr4:71..ezto:ciip6sstrire. Ireqpiet.ottArtolioqOurihno;e7,:it70,:htimptitio:ntrureiter'iltiooti•,:t1Ino;fidtio'd;pot:nhat..0.;.rticioodepa'inig.i.
,chiesretx tma .„,. scfNuir,7,4id.i,40....
tohydeltreolird°Vran°nuthiza. i'tede frlioTuraeBlurfe6Irloirw-°antur'c-riat zany:
oqii"er: aPelli4trme
pleasant' Woik Whble ei` aPaXa time, write Oa and WO Win Send
golIVIN'Enntreal'eAti-a34 We Ala We 19a7.316 SOLLEDE _STREET, T0R0s4T0, ONT.
ly 11 -(1 f M--- '
hi i ori e o ereury Should `Not
H. W. LIA.WPASOMIZICrintneltygLILItrns Street.
_ 'Be Ina! lige".
To have.a medicine chest in every
, rme In all sections et Ontario.
S0100 allapa.... • , •
household is a great improvement
It makes forbetterhealth. The ap-
plication of an antiseptic in time
r aoTene BITES w
1 Railway , tra.okagn CT; WITotLc=1,,
, rampton Land • other towns and cities.
after it
With that a - •. ,
. a , .
may often prevent a serious case of
blood poisert: It may some •• time
la nsnansarism PROpERTrEs TN
'W.1!;AmWPtScOnti r,sliolabodrn°:
'$' V.
' a;
a........ s
he. was turown, Alpert his
face, and a bouple of sturdy Haters
, who had been looking at him with
hungry and expectant eyes , pro_
ceede.ci to administer with s their
bamboos a lesson irt the art of rul-
un g a ward that would keep him in
a recumbent postiire for at least a
week to come.'
This doctrine of responsibility is a
very- comfortable one to a foreigner
when he is traveling through the
. counti7. The innkeepers where he
lodges take the greatest care of him
svhile he is under their roof lest
, ,
they be called to account for any
injury done to him or his property.
On one occasion a certain BenifSoe
pursued a guest, who left early in
the morning, or miles along the
road, _with some article that he had
left behind him. -The innkeeper was
panting and perspiring when he
gob up with the traveler, and the
• .. ,
Save not only 4 limb, but life. ' But
the line be di laetween
s must awn
household remedies and those to be
taken' only upon a doctor's pres-
cription. .
By no stretch of imagination can
Q TAMP COLLI.:CTattel-111INDItgll DIP- '
ae resent , Foreign Stamps. Catelogne.
Album, mile Seven Cent. Marks Stem.
sersesso. Ta-nete '
bichlorid.e of mercury be included
in the class of household drugs. It
is a powerful germ destroyer, but
it is also a most irrevocable poison.
No druggist would sell pure carbel-
iesa,cicl unless the customer present-
ALARGE 40 0,1'. Torreatse OAR, COST
oitanglan4noZir, tletr Ira e:t:
feed. This is a heitutiful car and is in
17Yttleirica7sTiTv`sairdenneo'r:aentn.ax ".*
ed a docter'S` prescription. Bi-
chloride of mercury is farless
amen -
able to antidotes than carbolic acid.
An ordinance restricting the sale
of this bichloride except upon the
order of a Physician would not in
e7, NolsiiiTweiflgrkivrIz )14.i;.' 8;..1,-.'
'sal times. Doug'al. TA, Graham,' StratiaroY.
0-0. Ne• 1, Ont.
terfere with legibiznate home inedi-
cation, Alcohol, peroxide of h3N
drogen, boric acid are ample anti-
soPtics for the lay medical chest.
:,,,ija ri:ternal and external. eared with-
in be htreatment, Writs
us before toour ome o late. Dr. flellmen tfedioel
Limited.ordlingwood Ont.
To.guard against the mis-taking of
dangerous antiseptics, when pro-
cured on a physician's erste-, for
aspirin or any other nommen drug
the wrapping al each Individual tab-
let in colored paper labeied poison,
as is done in European countries;
lasir der Stones. Kidney tronble. Gravel.
Lumbago nd kindred ailments po.ttiveir
etstrael elitlic•etleert..GIereman ;Medi.
th r new remedr
for Diabetes -Mellitus. and sure cure, Is
• Sanol's Anti-Dlabetes." Price MOO from
druggists or direct. The fia not Wangles.
taring Company of Canada Limited..
w'""'sew. Von
Mr. W. R. Jackson.
latter was greatly amused when the
innkeeper, -with a pleased and vir-
thous look, handed him
. ,
rg foot of land in it and ever
eve , s Y
an emPts'
match -box. - 2
stick of tiraber that has '-gone to
build the houses, . .
The citizens of Ja,cksonboro • are
all on the ay Toll et the New On-
• P .
tem ColOnization Clompamy, even
to the ;reacher who has been im-
I , , , ,
ported to minister to the :spiritual
steeds of the setblemenb. There is
al ach 1 t ' nd s h 1,
.8p. a oo maa•er a, a, ,c. oe
built and: nfaintamed by the corn-
pany, whores:the ohildr,en of the
worlcmon are edueated.
The postma•ster of Ja,cksonbaro
received his appointment" from t,he
Dominion Govenunent, bu,t he also
is storekeeper for the New Ontario
' ionization Company and receives
his salary from them. The store is
, . , ,.., , ' stores.
not tun exactly nice other
It is a cornpany store after the
manner of the Hudson Bay Corn-
stores. Its customers are
all the employes of tiee easinpamy
with the excepeion of a few stray
Indians, who bring in game and
fish and with the money they 're-
• '
ceive buy their gro.ceries and
mos and am-
1 fil s theirfishing1'
° ° ''"--'
at the store.'
That Soft Answer.
Poor George! It didn't raatter
what he did, or how hard he tried,
he was always late. Unpunotuality
was the bane of his existence, an
incurable habit which had t h
oes 11X1
o wrtuMbie o fr.
PI 1 s, m ney, lends, and
which almost cost him— But
thereby hangs a tale.
George, in fact, -was engaged to
be married, and, in due course, his
wedding -day arrived. But, alas!
the marriage was arranged -to' take
place.from the bride's home, which
happened to be Some thirty idles
from Geor,gPahente. Hence, need-
less to say, George failed at the
- •
critical moment to ut in an ap-
Picture the unhappy briale-eleet
waiting at the church for her tardy
r Of eour e she k
love . s , le new about the
latter's little failing., .8till, as the
minutes passed, and no George ar-
rived, she rapidly sank into a eon_
d't* b d '
1 ion or ermg on nervous col-
f .
came, a telegram ;
"So sorry; unavoidably missed
' hb
ring we •-e Ma—e a toga, require -
4. -
If •about his corns would say they
didn't bother hen because he alwaye used
Putnam -a Corn Extractor. Por fifty years
"Putnam's" has been the favorite becauso
Painless and sure. Try only "Pubnam's,"
25o. at all dealers.
A. •
, you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly and
furnish tools free." We give ' you actual
shop experience. Write for free °eta.
' I g
oue.toMeier College, 219 Queen St. East,rou.
Archie -In so serious a matter as
matrimony, Arabella, you had, of
course, a perfect right to the most
deliberate consideration; but you
need not have Made qiiite such a
perfect ass of me I Arabella-How
cruel to say so. You ,know I was
only assisting the natural course
of nature, Archie! ,
The Duke of Wellington was
Prince of Waterloo, though he nev-
er called himself so, and had many
other titles, for whic-h he once had
to pay dear. .11e told 'a man to
. - . .
order dinner for him at a parties.
Mar hotel, and the man did so,
mentioning all the Duk-e's titless.
Presently the Duke came and wait-.
lifinerd's Liniment no., Limited.
Gentlemen, -In Juno, 98, I had my hand
and wrist bitten and badly mangled by a.
''''''°1" horses I suirored greatly for sev-
eral days and the tooth outs refused to
heal until your agent •avo me a bottle of
MINIM:0'3 LIN/MENT,4 which 8 began ye-
ing. The Meet was magical; in flee hours
the pain had ceased and in two weeks the
wounds had completely healed and tar
Intuit and arm 'were as well as over.
' A. R ROY,
St Antoine, P.O. Carriage Maker.
ed a long time. "Is the diner not
coming?' he asked; "why don't .
you bring the dinner?" "We are
lei) se se waiter, or.
,•• 1. cl le "f
• rOSt of the party." They had
prepared dinnea. fer about twenty
Via Chicago and 'North Western By,
Special low rate round trip Mel ate on
sale from all points in Canada 'to Los
Angeles, San Francisco. Portland, Seattle,
Vancouver, Victoria, h'dmonton, Calgary,
Banff, Yellowstone Para, otos, during Aug.
ust and September. Eveellent triton Ber.
A "onwn T.rvrirrwl2cirrurm.
-`'• ''''"'-'""'•-• '''''''''''''"''''''''--.
Spent Twenty Years in the Interio
ear y, . y
I train Will be with cm at
e.30. Don't get married till 1 ar-
rive' George."
... •----__„s
Live Wirea, Barbers, Hotel Keep -
ers, -write for Booklet "Billiards
as a Business." Clearly explains
cost, easy terms d h to t t
, an o,w , a ex
• •
the best -paying bussmess on earth
, •
'very town over One Hundred pop-
illation should have its Billiard
, - . . , a. .
-""om, eociass or church Club, anti
every home ' its Brunswick Table.
Write Dept. .A, Bruns "ek-B lk
es„.___ se „ a _ ,owit a e-
..`....'"""e r 'jot; 80 Y *k Street,
Toronto. Lergest makers in the
of D ark Africa.
' Dan Orawf ,d who ' 'I Id •
et , as se in
England to be the suceessor to Livr.
in ton When, a young rnan of
wen y was . rea n ivi, i lung
t t th te eel 't1 l
trouble and was ordered to Africa,
It WaS in 1889 that he first saw the
(east of Africa, slipping -past, under
the port • '1 •
rat s of a big steamer as
she rolled to the long oombers of-
the Atlantic. Belanded, b•olieving
that h had ' •
e come for a brief se-
journ. As a matter if Sa,et be was
no , , .2 .
t to seturn for twent .2 scars.
His fir,st expe,dition vass 200 reile,s
inland After it what la ' • the
. ' . ' , e 1, elms e
bonne in to the antsrier hsegam
- •
Thirty-two months , afta. leaving
B 't ' h h cl tl '
Great se aan I e ream e . ' le say-
„ea aa„,„ ,,,e e
"'"es- "-- '''''• Benguella, 1,006 miles
from the coast. There helive,d with
the groat King Mushicli, whose riss
power and the mi us. f that
t° P° se -e °- '
power he graphically 'deeeribea. He
helped to essta,blish the mis•sion sta-
tionalb Luana b ilt ' lf •
'tb, 1.1 02 a 2 !'' 21'21-
hanging the Great ' White Lake.
with unfailing succe,ss he
preached -the Gospel to the utter-
moat p,a,r,ts of Africa, drawing the
natives to hire. from far distant
PlaeeS. .
' His interpretation • ,of • iiative-
RledeS of • thought, of natiVe cas-
tams, native secret processes is
eornething entirely new in- aeoeial
• •
chsc,ovemea, Hellas much SO say on
the subject of...the tendency to de- "Frenchmen
gradation in 'the white man who
finds himself iselated ins" the jangle.
- . • ' ' ' -- •
One waste: wonaa,n he 'found, a, Por-
tuauese the aueen cif. an Afrid
- '' ' an
Nero, He beeara, „ware of a se.,
cr.., . • , . , s ) . •
e society., wtecn nourushes
Central Africa. It es a sacred in
• • •
alatution with hidden rates, and
- - . 'r • to k •
n'es Its purpose is keep
-1 ' ' • -
, i • .
-'n ' b' t• - Th
, 11 II • `de ` h• - ,
masc:y .- se a. sa w sch the ,civalized ,,
mid has of the l co of ' ' .. f
w• , • . IP a' ' w°4"kalka.'11
Airiest, but as. efe saraaseoad 0 e
, - , ,''. , . , ' co,Y ,
very awert everyblii th •
IS. re-
.icaordi. to 'white notiona.
, . . - -,... • . • , 414g,-
At firat sign of i • she
liness during t
hot wea,ther give the little one,s
Baby'e Own Tablets, or in a kW
, .
hours he may be beyond cure.
These Tablets will prevent summer
, '
comptaants if given oecasionally th
the well child and will promptly
cure these trouble if sthey come on
, , e . '
al ed-niy. Baby's Own Tablets
should alwa s be ke b in every
. --• Y P
home where there are young chi
, 1-
.ren. There is no other medicine
. .
as good, and the mother has the
guarantee of 'a • vernment ansa
,.., , go lyst
tnar, they are aaeellitely safe. The
Tablets :are sold bv medicine deal
• • -
rs or by raail• at .15 °eats a ox
se 1 . :1,, b
from Lie Dr W1' tams' Medi hie
.., ' a , .• . -a
• ' -
, . ..•-, . a
LA TOLL ,1110 V ellIENT.
Financier Saws ',•ferk I B
., s e
• When Imloirers Sin
• • ) g., ,
A movement to increase the effi-
ciency of, workers by inducing t‘hera
to sing witile working has been set
en foot. by Jacques Vernes, ,the well-
known•French financier. ,
M.. Tenses argues, that France's
industrial decline, as compared
with other nations, is largely attri-
hatable to the fact 'that modern
have neglected the arts
&nee •
of song and d , This theory has
aroused lively discussion in the ar-
8 le as we as e in, us ita, c_r-
ti t' 11 the ' d t, •" 1 ;
eles of Paris, • '
.e...: ,
'. What is chiefly needed 10 tile in-
dustrial pursuits " sa s M. Vernes„
k 1 d 'f 1 Yh
is, a now' e •ge o r lyt mical move-
' • • ' •
(< - ' '• ' '
As rhythem la the principal basis
o wor c, . • save eci e . in ro-
f • l' 1 h d 'd d' to ' t
... . ... , . . .
duce music, in all the indestriel era.
et:Kees ws , tv se . am connec -
d . t d ,I ' . h • ' - ' •
., T , de , b sat t a Pyrenees,
h , 1'. la 'it d d
W era ,we ave • tu roa s an
bridges, The 'result'is (limply mime-
- • .a. ' ' - - • •
1 d6 not moan ragtime musts)
measures of
me in.lengths and
gnglish standard
h standard of 1588
Winehester yard.
;fess and remained
el until 1826. - The
we to -day and-,ef-
ace of the truth of
. s ones
by a eoneni si " '
in 1742: "A kit:
1 et both. ends,
good a standard,
en .azid repaired so
joint is nearly as
, ,
a Palr Of ' tongs..”
e • 13ribish officials
;Ai it until 1826; for
re:that they'dould
new setancteed,l .
rlie e0M7D00 ill the
ry. that. etsph per-
a the: kireee. arm*
etand,arde • but it
, , .
,a, mut in ns,bure
In the , pen•dulum .
„awe of pasifa.
id John Bird „pre-'
I Wliich measured
'indica,. was mot
3 than 60, 'years.
it was peovided
should become the
a. the first day of
- , . •
n the Fire -'
I not yet- lammed,
, .
:curate , standards
e, .an a once
4 th it
irth careful. attest-
London ft .
at re of
sdaptsee, standard
eget" that it s,eeins
„et. &„,n.
lately, -1 and was'
P s •, •
1891,- - Noteosnes
)1.ci t4f, le Bah'
a' ,- ' . 11f1" •
qlt. ,aR.'' accurate
, . .
directions for.' re4:
' • rta-
arcici 11 ,e,ver 0.
A seer., t • .
i e. eciee-
,80 di,),,,tigns pl,..'
:syini,„ „widely , ineottv.aersepael
0., 'new standard.
aearly,siko..th • Id'
0 0 .
.. , . .
,. ,
tardeyitrd that rea
ei.t1 , t, , , 4., . ss,
,' 41'3' $, ragh ' illS'
`...41 'ille '00a3rfl' ef'•
, , .• , •
is in thetwo aolti
. . , , ,•; .
, THE S•1111,ITES.'"
A Lady Finds Help from Siinple
Civilization brings blessings and
also. responsibilities:
The 2BOTe highlY organized we
became the more need -there is for
• regulaTit andnatural • 1' 't '
y simplex y in
the food we eat: ,
The lawts of body nutrition should
be carefully obeyed, and the finer
more highly developed brain and
nervous aystem not hamp.ered by a
complicated, unavlseaesem,e dietary.
A lady of high nervous temsio .'
saYs t '
"For fifteen years I wa,a a Eine
• ferer- from dyspepsia,: I confess
that an improperly regulated . dietBrockville
was the chief eauee of my suffering.
Finally, nothing that I ate seemed
to agree -with ray stomach and lif
a:a ..,1, ' , ,, , , e '
at moles, um... est Seem w0.1.'Lll ,uvitig.
"I began to take a aoseienistio
view of .everything an(r e'ee life 'Here,
through dark blue r to
g ass, sa
Speak, • My head became affected
with a heavy creeping eensa,tion
and 1 fearedparalyi, • • :
a ,"Palpitation of the heart ceased
me ta fear that I might die (sudden-
ly Two yeare•ago, hearing Orea.pe-
' -
Nute so highly &pokers of by some
estimable friends of -mine 1 deter -
• A to t .t 1
mine ry .), ,
"The change in my condition was
/wee ' ,ess . -, ,
i ae than miraculous, In a
shors ten.. th. pajaitaean . bed
s a - t' '"''' • '
feeling in head said body began to
disappear and i • „
• ' ' the mpievement nes
eontinued until at the present time
I find myself in belt 1 elle th•
' e, , le 1 ', an
I have ever enToyea, .
'"My. e -eight ha,s inereased--20 lbs -'°"el''')
•• ' • . - ' • - "aluehaed
an the last year ' et s
, ,, end Iff look a
etght .and sunny .47 pie 24 iii did
• • • •
We.en.T Was a 01.414,1-. . '
' '
1,4.unie ViYou k.frs vie camiadia
' • ' ' • - ' - /1
'-estate Co, Win ' Ort Oat
r 2 . te . ,,. , . ... vel,....,
, . e .0 ,9 a• ,aeson, eald lb , Ts
explained:win t' C./ little hOok f (The '
a . ' • , s , . , 1 ;
1044 .t›Cr ' ,,,,eillqiier PI, pkgS/ , .
tee. Reim. ts 1110.7 ,A novena
a • Tom , time to Thin/ ors
genuine.) truil,.:Eind,,fule Of human- intioniel. '
' - • _s:_a____.sa • ' Impress
• ,,. , . ,----.....—. log
.•.A $50, tniitiner's.'cr itt'on 'is ' fall'
• t a .. ° I ,. a Poor,
ec.cap wx u, gli"Y:68:, set 'in. an
attem t to catch •an e
,p„ , , : , , . conontical ,g
haeheler - ' ' ' • . ' ,sa
, ,,
• - --- .., -. .
' ' - - ' • - '` 2 '
nmartre kielmeet Cures,Dorgst: in eeea, expected
IN i .. .
A. British Waiter Seeree Their Rule
viog Por rates, illustrated folders time
tables and full particulars, .• ddress,.33. R.
Bennett, ciencrei Agent, 46 aronge Street.
Toronto, Ontario.
of That Country.
note of alarm under the title
A t'
The Coming Ca,tastrophe in In-
dia" is sounded in London Every-
man. The article shows that Brit-
Some fellows never propose be -
cause the girl doesn't stop long
enough to give them a chances
Itinnilrd'e Liniment Cures Colds, nu
ish rule in India is unsympathetic
and unjust, harsh and tyra•nnical
i. . II .
P° lbica .Y# ruinous economically,
and that it has done all that was
possible to crush Indian initiative,
to destroy Indian culture, to splint
, L ,.
Inman agisculturo and inanufa,c-'
"Having a place for everything
is 'a geed idea," said Uncle Nat
"'c h '
ause w en you .want to find a
thing you know just where yoli need
. . • e
nal) waste time looking for it.
The woman who does her own
house' work has the servant irl
• g
problem solved.
Mlnard'a Llillinent cures Diphtheria.
ture; and to drive the wealth of the
peninsu a, o sea II am.
1 t G• t B.'t '
T1 .t• 1 h • that il B .•
The ai , ic e .c .aa gas the /A-
ish as a nation sitfee 1857 have look-.
ed down upon these peoples and
treated them as inferior 'mortals,
not recognizing that Hindustan is a
land of no'ble races that have led
the world in many' departments of
art science financ • 1 • li
e, meta s, le -
• ' ' '
gum end induetry, and are capable
of even greater achievements in the
: •
• '
"India,", says :the .artiole, "has
been bled- and is bled tci-day, b,y a
deain of compierciel produce topay(
interest, home charges,' remitbs.,noes r
military depots, etc., th Great Bri-
tain to an extent to account fully
. . • ' '
for the frightful impoverishMent,
fol. the plague and for the disease
' • ' '
of poverty. The object of the Brit-
ish in India is to be bribe as nia y.
' n
capable Indiana ,as they can by Goy-
t poet and in other ways ' to
eremen s .. .
stipport•the system which is ruining
their fellow countrymen.'' -
• •
pea. •s -..a.t.
,... :, •
. ....a sa,
''..-&,,a.,... ,,,.r.' .
.he est reatment
"1" -
It h. S I D
c ing ea ps, an-
and Falling Flair
Mrs justwed - "
, • • Robert, hist
think what the n•i hb r 11
, e g ° 8 WI-- Say
when they hear that I do my own
work." Mr. Justwed-'`Whose work
do'you want to do 7"
Try Murine Eye Remedy
If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes
or Granulated tyelids. Doesne Smart
-Soothes Eye Plie. Druegists Se '
1VInrin ' ' ''-'
e Eve Remedy, Liquid, 25c 50c.
Murine tye Salve ' A t" '1'' b
in sep lc u es
25c, 50c. Eye Books Free by Mail, .
Ere ti,emedy Co., Chicago y. mni. Gond 5OAllEye. that Need Care
' . •
, Few men reach 60 ,witheat wish-
mg they .hacl been more economical.
- . 2 • •
Mlnard's Liniment Cures Diatom eri
, , P •
----- '
Wylee-Lend me a dollar, • old
, _.• a ... ; )
chap. It' 1 live until Saturday I'll
. SID. le .-0 t lde't 1
pay 500. Y 1 o 1 , . co it.
You couldn't live until Saturday on
a dollar. ' ' ' • '
ass -22T ".
-- • -
it . 1
--, piece
- , rtght
e' a
-41 1•3!...„'
- , I4
11.,''''' eaaelt:'CalD,r.. :. , .,
t"'1°'` sit;'),A'' -'1-". 'P''''41
, .1(sassaya.. ts; sag . a a etilled
4 ' qirsil'e-Si-E.5""',01,1170 shad
. • .a. le-
, .: 4., 1..,1,
' .' "*.t.' • a' THZ r I cif',"
• ... '.. aunt
.• •
, ,
swee girls...mammas ,we've got an
soNful. nice ice man. ,
Mother --Is he, dear 'I Why do you
011.nk BO.
Wee tiint-Why, he dropped, a
of see on hu foot, and he at
down on the' ste.p and talked
God. '
Te allay itching and tation of the scam;
prevent dry 'Thin and ,f Ilin 1, I
. • . . -- asa-a ...a.r, remove
cruets, sades and dandruff, and promote fho
' meth and beauty of the hair, the followbig
special treatment is moat effeative, agreeable
and economical. oh retiring, comb the halo
outatraight all around, then begin at the aids •
and make a parting, gently rubbing Outieura
elateant Into the Parting wItlia tat (deal .
flannel held over the end of the 111 51 t 'nt
additional. art ' ' . 41 5'
a Ings about tall an inch apart
' urea the whole scalp has been treated , Menu.,
pose being tO get the,Cuticura ointment on the
YeiY. 'fine '
• _ . , ' ' ,,
'' .totaeheV. had exPtained 'the
meantrig ' a the wOrld "pa r " 0-
' • ' .* : further ., .• 1. : , 1.
4 - she at§ltSds; 140. -
Old of the 'window• at the newlY
' s . '.. • s
Thee snow . • . . ,
',Frank, .ish.en Peteracund You are!
inn , • ' - •
, g home to lanth what will you,
make?" • ' ' - •• - ' , - ' , '. .
, • . , ., ,
, The, roily earne ,promptlY and `un2s 'la
' -• - 1.. aT -, ' .. • : '
y, ' rackes11'.,for-Workeas."
pp tango:des-ming, 1.want .to reyive
the tinsep wisen'every Terbium. f38.418 .
at hip bench. . '
liTips f3 • 't ; ' i i•
•,,. „ pine •oe eommerc.easm ,as
exeMplified se Paris by Americen
methods has had d ' ' ' '•t
- . - ' ' a °Pressing. 111'
fluence in Isratnee. While it hap
taught us much ib is in direct coo.-
' ' ' • ' ' - ' '
.fliet with our nature 'A 'Counter-
' ' ' ' • ' -
a,ctieg aufleenee is 'nebessary . and•I
l• th t 1 li f d ` b •' i
' . ', " • ' ' ' --
. ED.7:
Ono Drasehaelc. ,
. . .
Little Herbert,' aged 6, had eist
hisahair cut in 'bey fealties -a,
hat's 'better' thin, the' - Buster
, . . ,
Bre*, n Way; ien't it 'aeked Ilia
, , .
•- ' `
, . . , . -
"Yes, only I'll. have -to ivash my
's,wahie i'e ' ly - •'
s now'
, scalp skin rather than' on the hair, The
Dv Frain!, .shapt mo With Tigieltra scam
11, et wa ar. beirpoos a one may te-
useed,,tts often n -a agreeable, but once or
tl; I . a month is g.enerstiv sufficient for
' these:alai trettimenf kr war&In''s %Ir.- Cnti. .
cure Soap and Ointment are sold thrtnighent
the Norld A liberal sample of earn with
82-pago boolclet on the care and trealinent
- ' . ' '. ' . ' 2
Of the skin and scalp, sont post;free. Add c.c.Eis
tOntionta." Dont. 23D: Boston V, S. A
. ... .
' . , ' 'ISSUE 33 .'1.3. ear