HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-08-14, Page 5Fees. August I4th, 19E5 Goderich Mr. Fred Toole of Guelph bas pur- chased the barbering business of Mr. James Logan who has gone to Moose Jaw, Rev , Jolla Pollock lies resigned the Pastorate ,of the 'Baptist church. Mr. Win , WOOdeCiek ot New York City, a former resident who lett here over forty years ago, , vis- ited Goderich last week and was mitch interested in looking up a few old f fiends, Miss Hazel Clark of Detroit has' been visiting her aunt, Mrs. 'James licelacherty. Miss Jenny Jaffrey has re -turned to her home in Galt after a vistt with the Masses Nairn of town. Miss Sophia Strachan returned last week. to Winnipeg after visiting her sister, Mrs. Bates of town, Misses Teresa and I-Iazel Cassidy of Ayr been visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Burrows. . Miss Margaret Paltridge, is spend- ing a fortnight - with Forest and Michigan; friends. She was accom, pealed by her cousin, Mr. H. Keefer cat Norwood, who had been visiting in „town for a few days. Mr. Hugh •M. Polley of Winnipeg has been spending a few days in the old home town, . Mr. Frank Smith, who formerly liv- • sd. in (g0d oh'biit who lee Ireen residing at Swift Current for some tilde,. was - renewing old acquaintan- ces in town recently. 'Mre. Lawrie ot Seattle has been visiting Mrs. M. Bates. ' Miss Alice Sharman of Regina is visiting. her relatives in town. Mrs. Vail and Miss Bruce of Wash- ington, '1). C., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Colborne'. Miss Gertrude Whitehead• returned last week , to Toronto after spending been withaut a tenant. a month in town. Clinton News-Recoid Bluth Mr Frank IVIeteali left last week tor Medicine I-lat, yvhero will make his permanent home in future. Mrs, Metcalf and Mhis Ella, will not go -west for a low , weeks. Before leav- ing Mr. Metcalt was, presented by the members of Court Ivy Leaf, I. 0. F. with' an address and, a badge as a mark of their appreciation and esteem.' Miss Ruby Nikon of Luclinow vis- ited, friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs, A. II. Thornes -were in Berlin last week visiting the lat- ter's parents. Mr. and -Mrs. S. H. Gilley visited their daughter, Mrs, MeVittie of Aylmer last weele and also with Ex- eter friends. The council was petitioned the oth- er evening to ring the curfew" bell. A- number ot towns have adopted this custom arid it seems to b'e giv- ing general satisfaction. Nis action was taken by the council. .Al present a gang of foreigners are doing repair work on the C. P. ItIrs. H. Kelly, ot Arkansas, ar- rived in town last week on a visit to her father, Mr. J. Brown, and sister, Mrs. T. Stewart. Master Currie Campbell, of Toron- to was a Blyth visitor be Saturday, en route tor liayfield, The' housing of the' harvest is pro- gressing favorably and this week the farmers are busy with the oats and barley, both of which are an average crop. Mr. J. Stothers has now all the stock removed from the Metcalt stand to his own store, and the store in the Meilarehie block is now vacant.' This block was erected thir- ty-three years ago by Mr. Jos. Car- ter and this is the first time it has Ilensall Mrs. Chapman, Sr., returned home from Oakville on Saturday week. She was accompanied by Mr. John Dick, who remained over until Tues- day. M _ Mr, and Mrs, Will Bontinon and child of. Detroit` have been visiting the former's parents in town. °Misses Florence and Irene Pope oi Brandon, Man., are spending a vac- ation at their home here. Mrs. Cawthorpe of Tavistock ' and, her -little son are the guests of the lady's mother, Mrs. Dick. Mrs, J. C. Stoneman of 'Toronto was a I-Iensalt visitor for a few; days last week.' The Bell block, which, was partial- ly destroyed by fire, will be rebuilt Most of the walls are standing and can be used again. It is the opinion of some that had. a bucket brigade been formed as son as the alarm was given at the time of the recent fire that it would have been brought under 'control be- fore the firemen appeared on the scene, The loss is placed at about iiiteen thousand dollars, the insur- ance being but ten thousand, ' Dr. Sellery has started practice in Toronto. His many Mensall friends wish him success. Mrs. (Rev. Dr.), eliougall and two sons are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Sinclair of Britannia Road. The Oddiellows intend observia,g a week from Sunday as decoration day in the Maitland cemetery. The Presbyterian Sunnner school is in session in Knox church this week. The 1301 Telephone Co., is busy with a gang of men putting their wires around Ilhe Square uhder ground. The centre of the town will be much improved by the ab- eence of poles and wires. Frank Sylvan was discharged by Magestrate Kelly the other day on a charge of shop, breaking. He was ,committed for ten days for vagrancy. • Dr. Caesar, R. J. Acheson, W. Me- -Lean hnd J. Andrews took a motor trip to the Beaver River to fish ' last week. They had some good sport. . • Mrs. Geo. Green, a highly esteem - 'CAN, red resident, passed away huddenly at her home on Monday of last week at 'the age of, eighty-two years. She had spent practically all her life in Ccoderich town and township. Her aged husband and a family, all mar - Tied and settled, survive. Ernest Mason, an employee of a 'Toronto concern installing a sprink- ler system in the Western Canada; 'Flour Mills, was drowned at the mouth of the Maitland River here on 'Saturday afternoon. He, with a companion workman *named Jennings, had been oft the shore in a rowboat„ but in returning 'home a northwest breeze. 'had sprung . up, which created a heavy surf at the mouth of the river, and when round- ing in the small boat eaphized, throw- • ing both men into the water. Each . managed to climb on top of the up- turned craft, and they were within apparently easy reach of resetting boats which had put out from shore, when the unfortunate man let go or was washed away, sinking immedia- tely in ten or twelve feet of water. • Jennings was reseued sately, but the body of Mason was not found un- til an hour later, when it washed . ashicire close to the scene of the sad 'fatality. Medical aid was immedia- tely available, but efforth at resusci- tation were of no avail. Deceased leaves a iviie and one -child residing here. , Wingham -Mrs, J. C. Smith visited in St. 'Moines last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burton have gone to Toronto. Miss Grace Greer visited in Pal- merston. recently. . Mr. John Martin„,visited his dlugh- ter at Kincardint ?peach last week. Mr. Frank Gillispie of the Bank of Commerce staff, Sudbury, is spend- ing a variation at his home here, Mr. Walter Haines has been trans- ferred from the staft of the local branch of the Dominion Bank to the branch in Seeforth. Mr. -Gus McLaughlan et Weyburn, Sask., called on old friends in town last weak, Mrs. D. McGregor heti returned from a visit at Edmanton and other peints in the, west. Mrs. Scott, who has been visiting relatives and friends in the vicinity for some time, has returned to her home at Oakner, Man. She was ac- companied by her eiece, Miss Pearl Walker. Mr, J. K. jrwin et •Feversham, whe purchased the general store, bus- iness of John Kerr dr Son, has tak- en possession. Mrs. C. N, Griffin attended the wed- ding; ot her niece, Miss Ina D. Buch- anan of Toronto, to MT. Wm. W. Scheales of the same city, last week. Marriages SHAW-ROSS,L•By Rev, Jas. E. ,Ford, on Atig. 2nd, Joseph B. Shaw, of Cabri„ Sask., to Flor- ence B. Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ross, of Goder- .ia. SANDERS-HANNAN-In Brantford on July 30t1 Quennie. Hannan, of Toronto, to Fred J. Sanders',' son ot Mr. and Mts. Thos. San- ders of Exeter. Births amimmeinume OTERS' LIST, .1915, MUNICIPAL-- itv or, the TowniShip of Stanley, in the County ot Huron,e-Notice is hereby given that I have -transmit- ted dr delivered to the •persons mentioned he sections 8 and 9 ot the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by such sections to he transmitted or delivered ot the, list ; made, persuant to the said Act, , of all persons appearing by the last revieed assesninent Roll 'of the said •Municipality to be entit- led • to vote at elections for the members of the Legislative Assem- bly and at Municipal elections, and that the said list was first posted up in my office on the 9th day of August, 19113, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called. 'upon to examine the said list and if any omiesions or other errors are found thetein to take immed- iate steps ' to have the said. errors corrected according to law. Dated this 9th day of August, 1913,-R. J. Richardson, Township Clerk. • -91, TEACHER WANTED FOR 5, S. No. 13, Stanley, second class ; dttt- ies to conirnence, Sept. 1st, applic- • ations received until August 1st. - Apply stating salary and experience to Jas. T. Keys, Secretary -Treas- urer. -92-3. CASTLE -In Clinton, on Aug lith, to Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Castle, it daughter. GRIGG-In Goderich township, on Aug. 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Reu- ben Grigg„ a daughter. MeDONALD-Iii Gederich township, on Aug. 6811, to Mr. and Mrs. Al- lan McDonald, formerly Miss Vio- let Cole' a daughter. JOHNS-AtRockwood, on Aug. 8th. th Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Johns of Toronto, a daughter, Margaret Ella. DUNLOP -In Zurich on Aug.' 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Dunlop, a son. • DUCHA.REME-In Drysdale on Aug. 5th, to Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Duch- arrne, a daughter. The News -Record to Jan 19141 for 409 Auburn Mr. and Mrs. David Mole and two sons of Rochester, N. Y., are visiting the formerle father, Mr. John Mole, who continues to enjoy a fair share of health. • Mr. David Mole has pro- spered in the American city, hie, old friends will be pleased to hear, and has amassed a comfortable share of this world's gods. MIA. Geo. Platzer passed away on Tuesday lasts the funeral taking place on Thursday. Besides her hus- band a family of one son, Noah, who resides at home, and one daughter, Mrs. Halstead of Gederich, survive. Major Joseph Beck was calling on old friends in the vicinity on Sunday and was heartily welcomed by many. Mr. Ed. Mole of Seatorth and Mr, and Mrs. Will Mole et DttragallBOn visited over the week -end at the home of Mr. John Mole. FARM FOR SALE. -CON. 8 WEST half of lot 9, I-Iallett township,. - containing 50 acres. There ex on the farm a frame house 20x26, kitchen 18x14, and a summet kit- chen and wood shed 24x14, barer barn 58x40 with stabling tinder - !teeth and cement floors with lien house and pig house. 'The land is good clay loam, entirely clear ot weeds, is well drained with tile, and is a good state, of cultivation. No waste land, There is one acre of good orchard and a never failing well. • Terms : $500. ot principal paid down and the rest can re- main on mortgage. As the pro- prietor intends giving up farming, 0 not sold the place will be rent- ed. -Apply on premiseor to John Riley, Sr., Constance, P. 0. -86. AXOTION SALE. - THE UNDER - signed has been instructed les Mr. Frank O'Neil to sell his Loaselield effects and residence by public auction on Saturday, Aug. 16t1, -Thos. Brown, Auctioneer. -02 LIVE FOWL WANTED. -1 AM NOW ready to handle fat hens, young chickens and ducks at highest prices Poultry taken not later than Thurs- day of each week. Other fowl hand- ed later on. -W. lkilarquis, Base Line, Phone 14 on 166. • . -91 FARM FOR SALE -LOT 40 AND part of Lot •39, Con. 9, Goderich township, consisting of 107 acres all cleared and good tillable land with the exception of five acres of bush and ten acres of orchard con- taining apples, plums and, cherries. Farm in good condition being sit good clay loam, well fenced and having an abundance of excellent water. On the premises are two barns, one 58x30 with shed 2500, all on stone foundation: The oth- er barn is 50x30 with shed 47x30 and also a gravel house.Situated one mile from school mile from English church, 1 mile from Meth- odist church, miles' from Clinton, 0 mileh from Bayfield. Rural Tele- phone connection. Also part of tot 36, 'Telephone Road, containing 50 acres adjoining school and 4 miles from Clinton, on which there are no buildings but containing a small swamp making it ad excellent pas- ture farm. For further particulars apply on the premises, or address- iGeo. A. Cooper Clinton, Ont. Phone 7 on 155. -71. FOR . SALE., REO iRUNABOUt IN first-olass ordee. Tires good. Will demonstrate if desired at any time for _anyone meaning business. A snap- for quick sale. --Thos. Watt', Shoe Store, Clinton. -90 Deaths COOPER -In Clinton, on Aug, 12811, James 'Cooper, in his 288h year, CANTELON--In Goderich township, on _Aug. 1181, Lorne Cantetan, ag- ed 29 years arid 7 months. COURTICE-In Clinton, on August 8th, Elizabeth Pickard, relict of the late John L. Courtice, 111 • her 80th year. GREEN -In Gorlerich, on August 412t Janet 0 ardner, wile of Mr, George Green, aged 82 years end 1 week. —Ts FOR SALE --OWING TO TIIE FACT that I am leaving town will dis- pose of by private sale 1 coal heat- er, 1 gasoline range, and other articles. -Apply to Mrs. J. McLeod Townsend street, Clinton. -94.--1 HOUSE TO, RENT ON HURON , street, 6 rooms, hard and soft water in woodshed, acre of land, bearing fruit trees. -John Snyder. VOTERS' LIST 1913.--MUNI9IPAL- ity of the Township of Mullett in the County of Hueon.-Notice is hereby given that T have trans- mitted or delivered to the persone mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the cop- ies required by such sections to be transmitted or delivered of the list made, pursuant to the. bald Act, of • all persons appearing by the last revised ASSeSSMOnt Roll ot the said Municipality to be entitled to vote at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal elections, and that the said list was first posted tip in ray office in Londesboro on the 251ih day of July 1913 and remains there for inspection. Electors • are called upon th examine the said list and if any omissions or other er- rors are found therein to take lin- mediate proceedings to have said errors corrected according to law, Dated this 25th day of July 1913. -James Campbell, Townehip Clerk. -92 TEACHER WANTED FOR S. St NO 5, Stanley. Second class, Duties to commence Sept. 1.st. Applicants re- ceived until August 23rd. Apply stating salary and experienee to -- Robert IVIcelinchey, Zurich P. 0. 94-2, FOR SALE -FARM CONTAINING 100 acres on the Gravel Road 2 miles from Clinton. This farm ib in god condition Fel has erect- ed on it it good house and first class bank barn with stone foundation. Can be bought on easy terms. FOT particulars apply to -A. Writt, Real E4ate Agent, Stratford, Ont. -94-1. Grand Trunk Railway System FARM LABORERS! EXCURSIONS $10,00 TO/WINNIPEG VIA CHliCA.G0 AND DT_PLUT1-I Plus half -cent per mile from Winitipe g• to destination, but not beyond Macleod, Calgary or ,Ednionton. IIETU RNING • $18.00 from Winnipeg, plus halt -cent per mile from points east of Mac - iced, Calgary or Edmonton, to Winnipeg. .PAUG ..18th -F otu all stations east of Kingston in Ontario. • AUG. 22nd -From all Stations Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel inclusive, via • Stratford, and South thereof of Ontario. AUG. e5th-From all stations North of, but not including Main Line 'Toronto to Saraia Tunnel, via Stratford, all stations Toronto and East of Toronto to Kingston. 'SEPT. 3rd -From all stations Toren to and East, and East of Orilla and 'Scotia Jct. •. 'SEPT. ,5th-Frorn all stations Toronto to North Bay inclueive and West thereof in Ontario, "The Greed Trunk Pacific Railwa,y is the shortest andquickest route . between Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton. Full particulars at all fieend Trunk Ticket Offices, or tt 1 ite (`. E. HORNING, 1). P A.. G. T. Ry., Toronto; Ont. • SEASIDE ..1XCIHRSI0NS Aliguet 15, 16, 17, 18 ane 19 Round Trip Rates from CLINTON to NEW LONDON, Coen $17.90 PORTLAND Me. 19.35 ORCIIAIID, tele, • 19.65 KENNEBUNKPORT, Me. 2050. -MURRAY BAY, Que. CACOUNA, Que. 23.10 'ST, N. B. HALIFAX, N. S. • 29.05 'CHARLOTTETOWN, P. E. I. -41.40 'SYDNEY, N. S. • .34.45 Proportionate 'Low Rates to Other Points. Return Limit, Sep- tember 4th, 1913. Zell Particulars from 27.95 HOMESEEKERS THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Fielding Season is, here again are well etocked with all kind spices and vinogers. FLOUR CLINTON FAMILY FLOUR, FIVE ROSES. PURETY and EXETER. FRUITS ORANGE'S, LEMONS. BANANAS GRAPE-15RU1T - PEACHES yurms. WATER MELONS- ancl TOMATOES. How is your Eyesight? A CALL SOLICITED. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROC•ER. Perhaps the eye glasses you are:using don't suit:you, or Helping the Farmer To Make Money. Perhaps you are not, wearing glasses when you should. • In any event come and have your eyes tested. No Charge Made, MAID WANTED IMMEDIATELY. - General housework, no washing: Twenty dollars a month. -H. Aus- tin, Bayfield. -90 HOUSE AND LOT volt SALE. - One of the best locations in tovvn corner Princess' and William streets. House contains 7 roams on ground floor, seecnd floor not finished. Hard arid soft water. t acre land, fruit trees, etc. - For further particulars apply to D. S. Clint -69, WAN.TED.--EXPERIENCED ‘GIRLS and girls to learn knitting and looping, Will pay $5.00 per ' week wlkile %erring, Steady employ- ment, pleasant position. Apply now. --Clinton Knitting Co. • -93 EXCURSIONS , SLABS FOR SALE, II INCHES long. Will sell by load or cord'. - A. Forbes, Coal and Wood Dealer. Each Tuesday until October 2811s inclusive Winnipeg_ and Return ' $35.00 EDMONTON and Return $4.3.00 Low rates ,to other points. 110 - turn limit, two months. ,Pullman Tourist Sleepers leave Toronto 11,35 pm, on above dates, running`through to WINNIPEG via Chicago, St. Paul and Duluth without change. 'Tickets are also on sale via .Sarnia and 'Northern Navigatioa Company. any Grand Trunk A,geeet. SUNDRY DINNERS -at the_ HOTEL NOIWANDIE -Bill of Fare - Green Unions, .Radishes, Green • Olives,' Pickled Beets. Soup. Ox Tail , ' English Tomato, Fish. Baked White Fish with Egg Sauce Entrees. Roast Spring Duck with Droving-. , - • Roast. Prime Ribs ot Beet, Brown, Potatoes, Leg of ,Spring Lamb, Roast Goose, •t Vegetables. New Boiled I'otatoes; Mashed Old Potatoes, Boiled Cabbage, Lina Beans. • Dessert, Rhubath Pie, Lemon Pie, • Stra,Wherry, Shortcake wfth Whipped Cream, Ice Cream. Tea. ' Coffee. Milk, Ca.nacitan Factory Cheese. MeLeeert's Cheese. Di nets 50c. HOUSE AND LOT ON ORANGE street f or sale, now ' occupied by Mrs. Easom. Six roems.-A, 3, Tyndall. A. J GRIGG GRADUATE OPTICIAN ANDI JEWELER. Slabs Foi? Sale. HARDWOOD SLABS, 14 INCHES LONG IDEAL FOR SUMMER USE ALSO 12 INCH BODY WOOD Stapleton Saw Mill. WINDSTORM, INSURANCE. - THE Canada Insurance Co. will inSUTC all buildings , against damage done by windstorms. Moderate rates, no preinuin note.-=Oharles B. Halo, District- Agent. Clinton. -74, BELLEVIEW Ie A E ISI DAIRY. From our Stock of first-class cows we are prepared to supply you twice. daily with the best ot milk and cream. We solicit a share of your patronage. --Richard Fisher, E. B. Hill, Phone 125. • -80 On Anything For the benefit of our many customers we have se:. cured, a, few, hundred; bushels of choice Seed Wheat, Gold Coin and Abundanee, two varieties that have given the best re- sults in Huron County this season. Above will be sold on a very close margin. If your - field is not in the best 'of con- dition try a few sacks of Gunn's Special Fall, 11hea,t Fertilizer. A tull line Of Flame P'eed and Poultry Foci& always on hand. '•••••••••••••••••••••• • Do riot spoil your fruit • • • • •. this year for lack of sugar, • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Extra Granulated • • 100 lbs. for $4.75 as we are selling • Redpath • • • • 20 lbs. for $1.00 ; • • •• • • • This is 75cts less than • • • ; last year so much for the ; • • Tory' Government. • • • • : W. T. O'NEIL • • "The Hub Grocery." •• s•••••••••••••••••••••F Always in the market for neweisiid eggs and live poule try. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm . CLINTON. N. W, Trewartha, . Wm. Jenkin,s. You want done in the line of Plumbing, Tinsmithing and Evetroughing, let us give you a price. Agents for the Sunshine fur- nace. BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7, SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and repairs kept on hand, also ag- ency for new machines. -A, Hoop- er, Albert street. -70 Cleaning Dying and Pressing. FARM FOR SALE --THE UNDER - signed oilers for sale his fine farm of about 130 acrei adjoining the town of Clinton. The farm is in a' good state of'' cultivatioa and has good buildings-bnick house, hank barn, driving house, pig pen, • etc -all comparatively new. A first class _young orchard containing all kinds of fruit, also small fruits. The farm is well fenced and well drained and is a very desirable borne. For further paeticulars apply on premises -or address John Terrance, Clinton., P. 0. -63 Bring your Ault to ns and have it cleaned and pressed or eyed so as to make it loolc almost as good as new. We solicit your custom and guarantee you satis- faction. We are also --agents for the Parisian Steam Laun- • dry, It• R. L, MOORE. ' , In the Normandie Block. Open 7 to 9.30 p. in. and Satur- day afternoons. 1 HOTEL SUNSET Goderich, Ontario. OPEN UNTIL sEPlEMBER leth Unsurpassed location on east shore of Lake Huron. Splendid sutnmer cli- mate, beautiful surroundings, hotel ser - i vice drsi,class in every respect. Convenient by rail or boat to Tor - 212: Hamilton, Buffalo, Cleveland. De - Palace steamer City of Detroit II (D. et C. Line) retur,ning leaves Gorier. 1 iree=ggVelabetaioilr' ItiOndDr131go p. in. arriving at Goderich 7. or m Day trip both ways. This makes a delightful weelvend outing. • Folder with rates and other infor- mation sent on application. "Address: MANAGER, HOTEL SUNSET. i rl.....".."-..."..".."03 Goderich, Ontario. COLD WEATHER. is fast approaching. Consider your heating !wants now. If your fur- nace need$ 9Y041.41119I15 1.14W 911 tithe to have the werk done. Do tett as we will be , busy then. ahd you leave it until you want to use it may have to wait some time. At- tend tO it at oilers, Repairs for every make of Range and Heater al- ways on hand. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. HEATING AND PLUMBING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, GOOD CHANCE TWO • STORY MOUSE NEW COTTAGE CEMENT. For 'Sale Looated side by side. Properties in exaellent Condition. Would lease from buyer. F, J. Hill,- Clinton. Plirtne 77. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON A STOCK OF .NATIONAL PORTLAND, CEMENT PHONE ORDERS OR CALL • ON k JUN HUTTON Londesboro. Canadian National Exhibition I EXPANSION YEAR1 IAT HOME COLLEGE Thousands of ambitious young people are fast preparing its their own homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenog- • mutters, bookkeepers, 'Wiwi's Pliers: civil servants, in fact every sphere of Business Activities. You may finish at college if you so wish. Petitions guar- anteed. Enter college any day. Indiv idual instruction. Expert teachers. Thirty years' experience. Largest train ors in Canada. Seven colleges. Special course for teachers. Affiliated with Commercial Educa- tors' Association of Canada, Summer School at famous Spotten-I3usiness College. London. GLINTON BUSINESS col...LEGE GEO. SPOTTON B. r, WARD President. Principal. New Livestock Department Everything in Agriculture Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by DoMinion Government Exhibits by Foreign Countries Acro of Manufactures I MAGNIFICENT ART EXHIBIT I Paintings from Gerrnany, Britain, United States and Canada Educational Exhibits Cadet Review Japanese Fireworks Canada's Biggest Dog Show America's Greatest Cat Show AND NERO THE I BURNING OF ROME The Musical Surprise The MusicalRits, Auto.Pel0 Matches ClrrealL„td.JAzome Roman Chariot Races Athletic Spurts „OP -- Great Water Carnival I IRISH GUARDS BAND Score of other FAMOUS Bands Twelve Band Concerts Daily Wreck of the Airship Withington's Zouaves New Giant Midway Grand Double Bill of Fireworks I PATRICK CONWAY'S BAND I Aug. 23 1913 Sept. 8 TORONTO GRANO TRUNK RAILWAY svsTEm ONLY LINE REACHING ALL. SUMMER RESORTS IN HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO,. ., • - Including Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Georg- ian Bay, Algonquin Park, Maganeta.- .wan River, French River, Timagaingi, Kawartha Lakes. Full Surnater Service now in effect to all of above resorts. WHO° • for • full particulars and illustrated folders, to any Grand Trunk Agent, IIOMESEEKERS' El/WT.111810N. Each nesday until Oct. 28 ilhelusive. Winnipeg and Return $35.00 Ednionton and Return $4.3.00 Low rates to other points. Return limit two months. Pullman Tourist Sleepers leave Toronto At 11.35 p. in. on above dates running through to Winnipeg via Chicago and Saint Paul without change. Tickets are also on sale via Sarnia aad the Nor- thern Navigation Company. ' The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, is the shortest arid quickest route between; Winnipeg, Saskat000n and • weiniNIIIISSEI1111111•11101MMIIIIIIMMB Edmonton. 9, Ranstoed and Son, uptown 'Hie News -Record to Jan. 14 for 400. eat, ' agents; A. 0, P4ttesen, station ag-