HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-08-14, Page 1•
8,1794 -44th Year
- 4
orning .
he, Label tells the story.
an. 14 means Jan. ist 1914.
ow nes yotir Su read?
,,Wheat 00,6 to 92e. ' .
.. " .0,ats.'35e.- ., - ' - .
, Barley 50-a to 55a. ' •
• , "Butter 19c .to 21e., ' '
. Eggs ' 19e to, ,21c..• :
Live Hogg, 14.75. ; .
. • ' ' ' ' .. • •
AN ANNIVEI-I•SARY. - , -.:, , ..
, . „.. ..,.. .. ...'
. Mr.,. and Mrs. A . T. 11011,0 611,y ilie
other day celebrated their .8dYar. Wed"
'ding anniversary.. • , No one, mentaug
1 11 . d t' 1 - ..-b i•h
Mr, 1- o oway. an no mg us- oy. s
appearance • and manner would' , zin-
agine . that' he had. been the respell-
d of a household ' for . such
sible had
a length of time, Set It is even so:
News -Record arid their fr oily
friends extend ermgratulaubms and
good wishes for the future. . By the
way, 'Mr. 11011-oway'S is one of , the
names mentioned -for mayor for next
terns,, .
: • . , • • ..
. Mr. and Mrs: Williath Doherty an-
mince the engagement of their don-
,,,..bite_., • , to Mr. Samuel
r Helen Irenem
Thotnas Kemptborne of Saskatoon,
SAL, the marriage to take place on
the third' of Septemb'er.. •
Mrs. 'William Christian announces
engagement of her youngest
daousgelpitier, Constance olleleelt, • oti? _ nDtr .
J JC.Gd , 1 t,O.,
son of Rey. J. and Mrs. Gandier, of
Newburgh, Ont. The marriage will
take place on September 3rd.
Mr. ' and Mrs. John Pearson, of
Olinton, announce the engagement of
their daughter, m. iren.,, to Mr.
Walter el. Holmes, Edmonton, Alta.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. I-Iohnes,
Toronto, formerly of Clinton. The
Inarriage will take place the latter
part of August.
, ,, , .,
, •
• ton
The annual meeting of the Clin
Hospital Association was held on Fri-
day evening last, when the old of-
fleets airci directors were re -appoint-
ed. The sec. -treasurer. Dr. • Gunn,
presented a f inancial report which
was satisfactory. The secretary
• • • • •
said, in giving his report, that some
people had an aversion to being
treated in an hospital' but that when
it is considered that 'two hundred.
arel twenty-five cases had been treat-
ed in the Clinton institution during
the past year and Seven , months
'withoat a single death, such fears
seemed to . be groundless. These were
nearly all. surgical cases, the greater
portion being major operations. Dr,
Gunn said,. also, that much of the
credit for this fine showing was due
the house surgeon, Dr. Gandier, and
Miss 11,1aePherson, head' nurse, a,nd
her loyal -a,ssistants. ' To these must
be added the names of Dr. Slia,w
and Dr, Thompson, who as consult-
ants and assistants rendered valci-
able services, If it were not, he
said,. for the fact that outside ' doe-
tors had enough confidence in the
hospital „to refer eases the institu-
lion could. not be Maintained,
',Elizabeth Pickard, widow of the
late John, L. Cotirtiee eassed to her
, .
final reward- on ,rrIday Met as Die
good old age of nearly eighty-nine
, • • •
years. ' -The deceased was born in
the Parish of Bideford, Devenshire,
England, in 1825. She came ''''''''1"11
. her parents to this country, in
1852, sailing by the eld shop- "Lady
Peel", . the journey oecupying thir-
teen weeks. The crossing -01 the At-
lantic ' was then a =eh mere for-
inida,ble undertaking than it is now
In 1855 the subject- of this sketch
. . .
was married in piegering, to her late
husband,. W/10 predeceased her by
. only a few months. Mr. cind Yrs.
Courtice came to Huron county in
1886 first settliwr OR the ?it Line,
Goderieh township, where for iaveral
years they engaged in farming. Lat-
er they. moved to Holemsy.ile and
conducted a ,,nerchantile r business,
moving to Clinton, in 1372. . •
,• Until'after the cl 'tis et het hay
hand in March itst Ales. Ccoirtiee
kept her own house, performing. her
own household Mitt:M. e. Bet since
that tilne,• she has resided with her
. . .
son. Me. 11.. G. CourtiOe. Since her
partner passed away she seemed to
lose interest in life and was ready,
even eager, for the change.
' Mrs. Courtice iyas,a Bible Christ-
ian until the union tok Maco, since
when she has been a 'so 11 lie-.
ing a very eonsistt mienber_of that
body.She was Milted with the On.-.
tario street church. . - '
: One son only ;unit% eu
s, also a s-
ter, WIrs: .111. Hollway cif Toronto,
and One brother, Mr. James riekard
,of PaYk. Rapids, Minn, ,
The. :funeral took place on Su tricry
, ,.-
'afte•rnopri to Clinton elaniiteeY, where
she was , laid beside her huF,bal,d,
whom' she so seen followed. , 7'he
seiviees were conuti
iled 153' 1150 'Re7,
!Dr. ,Rutleolge, in the absence 01 her
Own ', pastbr, Rev. S. .1. AI-
ilin.. The pallbearers ,were „the
:same as officiated at the , falire.A,
. ,. , . ,
ial of Mr. Courtiee, Messrs • •lariles
Stevens D Tiplad,y, John Covitt
Jahn, Gibilings; H. 'Wiltse and H .
"Pliimsteel. From a distance, attending
the funeral were . /ler' grandson, Mr.
Dean couriece of Toronto, and Mr.
',and' Mrs. 0, 'T. ' Johnston, also ot
•that city. 'Besides there. Were inanY
old inetids and ;relatives frenn, .00d-
, ' •
cried-clowns:4. In the- passing, of
this *nicer another ito.k.,,hinoilig the.
. . . . . .
- ' -• f h ' ' . lc -
paSt .o t e present ia bro,.en.......: .,
', ' Mr.. E. G. Genttice- WiShes'Are thank'
•an thb,se', .*b43.;.. so kindly. tendered
• - th • d' '' 1 t be ' .4lie tkre
synips• y an , aas s, e e . in , • , ...
,of his bereaVement. - • - • . . -. '
,MODEL S.C1100-L OPENS..., : ' I
, .
••ille Model tent. eornmences.'Puesday
and • by „ this time - next,- week' , Olin-,
ton will he Swanning with „' bright
and interesting.....teactiers-im•trainirig.. .
:, 'Principal Borrek. would like the nem-,
es of those .wisliing to take model
atardenl;s . to hoard, . , . ..
Will Fra'Ll) PIC*TiC; . -
. . -
The ladies' or St • Jed,411es ,
-purpose bolding a rioaSter plane.
M da • b .'s. 'er ' , I' ed -cede
r. aro al . ant 1.,. . y.
August 27th. ' :Grea, - • prep•ara :ions
are being , made to 'ensure its see-
eess . and as this n, -;,,citilon hive
not Ilair'iin•yilling of 'the sort for
heveral years a good initient ami an.
enjoyable time is confidently expect-
ed. , , ' - .. . .
. _,.' •' ' ,. , 1
TEACHER II:NZ-all-ED. • . • c
riv4ss Evelyn. Tiplady, daughter ' oil
M. d M Ralph T- 1 d of
t'oll;nallwho has been in Toritna.toY '. foor!
severe' 1 ;months - taking a comnfercial.i
course, has been engaged as assistant;
on the, Ripley Pubfic 'school staff at.
a salary of eight hundred dollars.:
As a - - member of the Clinton stall
she gave excellent satisfaction andi
the Ripley board are to be congrat-
ulated on securing her services.
S. A. NOTES. .
- The services in the Salvation Army
hall Sundlay next will be conducted
by Cadet Sergeant-Major Spooner of
the 'Praining College, Toronto, who
is al male of remarkable talent. As
a speaker he is soul-stirting and as.
a ,musieian he has few equals. His.
concertina solos are alwa 8 very
much appreciated and he is a master
hand with a brass instrument. Ser-
geant-Major Spooner had the privi-
lege if . taking charge of a contingent
of Sceuts to the Coronation of King
Geor e and will lecture an Thursday
g ,, .,, ... •
evening of next week on, A lup
to England and the Crowning of a
King." He will conduct meetings,
Saturday evening and four serviees,,
on •Sunday, at seven; eleven; three
and seven -thirty. All will be made
welcome to these meetings.
Subjeet Sunday morning : "Ziglag
In "Ashes," Evening "l'he Weighing of
a 1-T11111w-1 Soul,"
'The Clinten baeeball team won
from the Creditor' nine in a hotly
, , •
contested game oa the latter dia-
mond on Thursday last.
The Junior Baseball nine won from
a team. picked from the Church Lea-
gue; Goderieli, on the local field on
Wednesday last, Goderich's eivic hol-
May. .
The lacrosse • match which was to
have been playel. in the Park •._ . on
Saturday afternoon last had, to. be
called off on aedount of the rain.
The Clinten bowlers who went to•
Wingliain . • and; Myth on Thursday
last- had a pleasant outing and„ play-
ed Winning games.
"It /ooks like Clinton were -going
to be. winners of the group in. this.
3. . -
section of the C.L.A. vineya al "
Goderich Star. . '.
The folloiying rink Notre Clinton is
taking part in the Exeter tourna-
ment this week : . Di,. A, Eorrester,
W. Jackson' J. Wisenian C. E. Dow-
. . . , , , •
ding, skip. -- . .
Ge.--- irfirlay last'
just before the
noon hour the employes of the Jack-
' k
son Mfg. Co. gathered in. the work
room and presented Mr. Joel McLeod
who has been silaerintendmit for the
past six years and a half and NV110:
now . leaees to take a nos' ' in.
. ' . d'adine gold head-
Guelph,. with a Alan .. -
ed cane, Mr, Will' Carter and -See-
eral of the employes spoke 'of 'tCrhe
regret felt at the severing of the
relations, which had always
been : of the pleasantest, and
expressed the hope that Mr., McLeod
, would find many new friends - an
Pleasant 'associations in his new
sphere. Mr. Will I-IamblYn made.the
presentation. ,
, On . . Friday evening. .it II. 7e0ci5l
meeting of the Clinton -lodge, Mr. i
McLeod was Made the• teeipient of 8'
very beautiful cut glass dish with
silver lining as a mark of apprecia-
tion by his fellow. members of the
1. O. O. F. Mr. John Wiseman; acted
as chairman and the presentation
was made by Mr. H. 13. Chant, Mr.
,MeLeod replied in a fitting manner
. - . ,
an.d Messrs. Moore arid Hellyar also,
;made brief speechesexpressing the
regret felt at the removal from town
of thel ' guest 'of the evening, • w
though ' not a member of the local
lodge, was one of the. most active
workers. • Being, well up an, Oddfel-
lowship Mr. McLeod's adviee • and co-
operation was always very much aP-
preciated by his brethren, He is a
good Odrifellow and his removal will
..be a distinct loss to the lodge. Light
refreehreeete,w9re,:,,,segv.FKI diming; the
evening.. , , ' - .. ‘
: ,Mr. . McLeod. left . '1 nesday. for
' Glielph,.. where' he,. has accepted ,..aille-
, .
rative position as manager', of the•
Thorn.ton-Dund.as c. l„ohing-,.store Clin.p„e.acefu,
-.•Con would like- to • know' -What is the
ioadotone , .,wjach. is .draiYing, so many
of' our, best citizens 'to the Royal
, . •
CitY, this being the third family to,
leave. here , for Guelph, during . the
past:'.aix: Months. . Mt.- and- M
Mys• e-
Leo& will. be nuich missed in ,town.
, , . ,
as.. they- , have„ ,. won many f Il
Mrs. ' McLeod, will; he especieliy. mist.'
, • ., ,. , , ,
• ' • t ' p v and'
sed in Jit,hureii. etrehie„„s. •„ . au, s .
Willis congregations .both..losing, - air
active welter, by her. deParttire• , The
IN '. li. d d 11 ' ' : f 4 • d . ish"
..eWS- , ecor at r ma' r en , s -,,w • .,
them, nuecess, in their. neW . home, .,
. .,
. When are- 4vo going 10 be linked Up
, with' Hydro 'electric ? ,' - . .
Does, anybocW lineW ? ' . ,
WM), ,is -,t0 Jblame for ',the delay ?
Isn't. it up to the council to, find
nut '?' • - • , , ; '. , . '
People are , beginning to be im,pa.e.
tient. --Wouldn't it be welt to make
some Move 7
• ' ' '
11"fueli regret iS expressed.' at the
.nt .s, 0,1 1 . . . i t
1 •-.e d 1 ....cepartere ; rem. town of
Kr.. Frank O'Neil and family. Their
handsome house eh High street will
be put up for ,sale and Saturday
,and it. is their intention to take up
ifehidenee at Moose. jaw, where Mr,
. O'Neil has been conducting .businesS
for some time, - • ;
.. .._ , . , , , ;
ALL' .;l'IrLLD' ' . ' ' I
The trouble earls I b II e • 1 9 t
of the officials of . et(he 3' King le IL. at
'Methodist church, Toron1,6, to aseter:peil
, Dr. Cook as their pastor, has been,
adjusted by ,the appointmenten
of Rey,
W. . Wilson of Steelton • an pastor
01 the King street congregation, Dr:
Cook to .go to Steelton, a suburb
of the Soo. Dr, Cook is a former
pastor of the Ontario street church,
• ' , , • •
Mr. D. S. Chill and iamily have
taken Mr. S. S. Cooper's house un-
4/1 their own residence is ready km
Dr. Gunn and family have taken
up their abode in their own house
recently occupied by Mr. Cluff. They
are making extensive changes and re-
Pairs to the same which when com-
Pieter' will . make, it on0. of the
most comfoitable iesidences in town.
It chanced that amens- the rest&
. , ,
mit s and guests in cam; at Burks',.
'on. Lake • Huron, on Sunday last there
were five ,Sunday school . teachers.
ansi. three officers ; a Provincial As-'
se:elation. .officer, a superintendent
and a librarian. So many entlius-,
esti , - • - '
1 e uoiheas could not let the day
pass . without a Sunday se lo (
1 ol ses-
sion„ which wae accordingly, het I,
twenty-five answering to the, • roll
a . Wes! '
:11111111y llSU°. 1101:ke ° I. • • etI7 '
school conducted the servide, while
mr• A. T. -00P- •
('' -1.. took eharee of the
lesson study. , A featino of the Mos-
in exercises w s the in ,•'n ,••
g a: • s 61 6 of the
national anthemS of the two eoun-
tries represented. All sang heartily
a verse of "My Country, 'Tis of
. "
lime,after ivhiell the hills and ray-
hies echoed the old, yet ever flOW
song, "God Save the King," It Is a
1 thing while en'o rin • the sons -
gor4. • . 5 g • •
mei. outing not lo allow oneeelf to
get away from these od influences
.a. . g
-a ' '' '
'f' he Clinton Lacrosse team. suffered
tilfirs defeat ,of the eon 1 v S
eir - t - - '--- . --sal : e -`
terday afternoon at the hands of the
Whighani. teath en the latter's.
grounds, the secire. standing 1-6 in,
as oi o e . mg lain . a6gio6a. ion.
f ' • f •th W' I • r • • , t•
"It Wils an all day , for Clinton, all
right,' . remarked one ,of the stick
• 1.
wielders this niorning. We should
have won. that . • name But 1,1 en
-----, - - --'---,
soinebodv's got, to lose." •'Phat is
- - ..... • .
the spirit of amur, sportsmanahip,
Play to win bit 1 tette defeat with
good -nature, 'Me losing . •°- f -11 i
game leaves Clintbir with till s , ta o
' '
ellabces of wirenag•the somi-anals,. so
they are hoping for better. luck next
time. • A. .large mum .
' ber of citizen s
motorert"•over to .Witighalit ,Y. ,StalldaY
to See .•.„the.. Match. . The ' Clinton
line-up was is follows :
Goal, W. John an ; • po'nt, W. Toz-
ar ; a. Po'nt, C. MeK imam .. defend-
e 1 W. s• R• HeimeS; R Rumball,
R. McKenzie ; centre, B. Orford ;
homes,. 13. .Tohnston, W. Whitely, O.
Fink ; , outSide, 0, ,McKenzie ; incide,
P. Couch.. .. • •
,, . , .. • :
After an illness extending over '
several m
months. James Cooper, young-
est son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coop-;
er, passed aiVay at the residence of,
his parents at midnight on Tuesday.'
The deceased was only twenty-sey-'
en years , of age ant Ile leaves a
-young wife'. aad little babe, a fact
which "inakes•his passing •all the trnpre
sad. - .'
Mr. Cooper has been living in
Brantford for several . years, being
employed with the Cockshutt, Plow
Co., and owing ;to his -cheerful, . and
happy disposition he had won many
friends. few months ago„ when
his illness took a serious turn, he
was recommended to go to the San-
itorium at London, . which he .did, ye- ,
maining there until :a .week befOre
his death -when 'his brother George
weht down with an automobile' and
brought him home, . making the jour-
ney sloWly and carefully. Naturally
he wished. to, live ' :and:Made a wal.-
int fight.- for life , but as', the end
approaehed , and he began' to realize
thaf-he w,ould not recover 116.4...Tame
quite resigned; ... and iiiis.'14eath was
and h, appyT.u t fl115Mi'ss
months ago, 'almost to the day, .his
brether - John was. ;Called away. • • .
T3esides -.his - wire !and • • babe .. 'his
, . , . , , , • , ,
patents, three brothers; George 'and
Fred ,. Ol....talen. and.. -Anfoe ',of •-St
oa-s, ;and one sisiien): Miss Lucy,
survive.. . . ' ' ' .
. • . . • ..
. He Was A member 'OF 'We .canadiaa
'Order' Of Ferresters ' ' - .
, , . .• ., . •
.. .I ' ' Ito . • ' '
The • uneral„ ta. s place tomerrow
At-berme:41,10 clijitoR .gometeri% •
The. . 'fatally.' and •Sniendd'halke the
-.-.• ' ' h ' • • ' - • - - - • ' ".-
,,,,mrpat y. of all in- , them..bereave,"
moat. ' .• • . ' - . . •
; "The'new. Pest office building.,la no,
• eompleted . and ready for oceupa•ne
with the. exeeption , of •the ; post ,offie
Mixes, Whimi . have, not yet ' arrivet
my.' Richard; Wright, the sup,ennteri,
cut, takes great pride in. showin
people through... lt is a beautifi
building both .inside , and out and .doe
In -ore- than fulfil expeetations. Mr
..IVIcKonzie, the dontraetor; "has mad
• • • • ' ' • ' -
which . is, creditable to hi
, .
skill, werlimanship, and honesty as
contra.eter.," -.Expositor Seaforth.
M). N T1411' IVEST '
' '
Much regret will be felt by tit..
main', .fiends of Mrb. Andrew . Pal
terson, wife of Mr, Andrew Patti
son, now di the City Hall Staf
Toronto, .but formerly. of town
when they learn that. she . died ver
suddenly at Medicine Hat -T1 i
. on iti :
day-. last Mrs Patterson had gon
' ' ' '. 0 ' ' '' ' '
Iwieer"cial9ignif:ecre, thin'iliee%11, tlIvieholsielliehil• sine cd
in Jim weSt, and where she was tal
illThe deceased lady was nuic
esteemed ill . clinton.
'', - '
e .
. ;.54'
. _
, ,
W - •
, .
7,{eur ZO die . SZu Vorreetlq?
. . . • ,
' If you 'expetience :any difficulty with it leave it
'Witt:Ft:S.' • • ,• '
. , ,.. .
' ' -• ' - • • • • _ ,, , - e .
We Will ive Jt' Yin %xperi zxamination
, . '
If it 'needs repairs we can supply them at a very
, , • ... . . .
;moderate cost, If it does not we will frankly
. .
tell you so: - .
... lOatch gepaired bq us
. -
thill gulf vorr. •eetk. - '
''. .-
WILL/S CHIJR01-1. , . .. •
, .. ... ,
. Hugh Matheson preached M
•• this -elitireli Johnstonjof on.Par.Sldinday, . Rey, Mr.
,irale•will, occupy the .
pulpit fot,. the following- two , Sun-
days, • ' ..;" . .. • , .
• .• . • ... • .
ST. PAUL'S CEU4'1.11., ' • '
It .is expected' that Mr, John Tart
ley. i•vill conduct ' tile' °services in; this
, . . .
church on Sunday. - • . • '
men s Auxiliary will .. ,a' old
•theiy regular 'Monthly meeting at the
residence . of Miss Hine on Tuesday
afternaan II•ext' . - . • •
The ram which fell so generously on
Friday and Saturday nights will be
worth thousands ,of dollars .• to •the
farniers of this -section, . even thOugh
considerable. damage. was done .by the
lightning. • Both storms were pretty
severe aed „eackteoir, 1.4. t911 Pl. the
way al. nraa'; ...... - ;,•• . - ' .
Mr, John, Burton of the 5.th con. of
Goderieh tewnship hal his ,I•arn de-
troy•ed early Sunday maiming, the
loss being m heavy one. , • •
Mr. .Geo.',Mann, ir., of flullett also
. WO X/ ; •: 1:14e111071r-
jeweler ana Optician - - - Clinton
Mrs. J. IdeLeod was ' in, London, o
Miss Mabe! Cantelon. is holidaying a
mtBay ie. . . ..
•• D. Cantelon , was in Stratror
on Tuesday.
Mrs. Rorke and family aro camel!'
at the lakeside.
MiS. s Mae Forbes Is sPendirig a vacs
teen al Bayfield,
'lir; .Win. Robb Is visiting his son 4
. Clifford this week.
Miss °Hazel O'Neil is visiting lllr:
Reelne of Dutton. i
Mrs. M. Archibald is YR. -citing i
Hamilton this
Iljiss Florence Aclanis of Essex is tis
guest of Miss Edna Cooper.
Miss Clrace Dyer of Stratford is tt
guest of Miss Bessie 'O'Neil: I
MrW. Collyer spent a couple
ds in Hamilton this week.
Miss011im Harland of Toronto i
. .
spending a vacation at Bayfield.
Mrs. Thos. ' Erie of Detroit visite
bilis Bert Langford' over Sunday.
iss ae Nichol is visiting thi5 wee
with her aunt tffrii. .James Youn
of Bayfield.' '
Miss Larine Langford visited he
aunt, Mrs. Chas. Redmond of Her
sail last• 'week
' ' - '
Miss Matnie Reid has .returned t
town after a, vacation spent at he
home in Stanley. •
Mrs. Wesley French of Kippen wa
the nuest of her aunt 'Mrs. Chan
- '
bers,011. WedlleSday, .
Mr. John Farmiliar was in Goderie
on Sunday attending the funeral o
the late George. Steep. .
Mr, Joel McLeod left for Guelph 0
'I uesday.. Mrs. McLeod will n
main in town for a short time.
Mt. and Mrs.' William, Gimbam are i
Hamilton this week visiting friend
, . taking hi the centennial. , eels
.. .t.
eta ion. •
Mrs. •Upshall, who has been visitin
her sister, Mrs. Chanfliers of towi
returned to her home at Kippe
. yesterday.
Master Lawrence Wheatley spent,
. fortnight of his vacation - at - tis
home- a Mrs. William Colelough 1
Goderich township.
Mr. Melville • Rouson and Miss GI
. .ford Rouson ()LI...guidon, have, 'bee
spending the week with their atir
Mts. Bert Langford,
• • • •
Mr. and Mrs, Shillington of Windso
vliave been the guests during th
past week of the latter's parent:
Rev, Dr. and Mrs. Rutledge.
. "
MrJohn Emmerton and little so
- „ ., .
„ of 13ervie visited over the week an
at the home ,of the termer,e tattle;
M. 'John Emmerton of town.
•Messrs. ' Wm.,, David and John Stec
' attended the. funeral of their unelc
the 'late Geozge Steep, at G.oclerie
on Sunday last, .‘yhrethey aete
as pallbearers,
Mrs., Gordon, Wilo has been ,visitin
her aunts, Miss washington of tow
and Mrs. 'Jas. Southcombe of Hu
Mtt, left fOU her home M Ikallact
burg on 'rueiday. - -,;( e -•
Mrs, - Hyslep and twit littleeone:
Who .have 'been visitirk the lady'
, Parents in town., Mr. andMr:
Isaac Jackson, are this weekvi:
iting friends in Goderich, • - ,
Messrs, J. Er Hovey and J, E; Cal
. taloa( left. on Monda,y,.• to attend 1:11..
shooting tournament in liamiltoi
Their friends will, he. .disaPpointe
if .they do not bring • home soin
of the trophies.
Mr, Albert '' Mitchell is in Bellevill
: this week, representing the loco
' lodge of I'. 0. 0. F. at the Gran
Lodge now in session there: II
Went , to 'Toronto Tuesday, takin
the boat from there.
Dr, , and. Mrs. Garrett, who spent 51
past month in town visiting V
: Indy,Is• parents,..elett, on: Friday . fo
,Onderteh from, whieh town ' they.• 1.,
tended '' taking a 'ten - by boat 1
Detroit before returning to • the
hoine in Hamilton. ;
Eva Stevenson -or' JacI ts0
Ilifiell-; and Mrs, • Colwille • Gr,ai
Led . . ' If h ' .b
ge,' • w o a;ve been .,the gue
f t ' f - ' : ' t Ill'' J 1
o,,, he onner s sis er, is, o
, ••Ciirtinghatrie, are now •Spending•
few •days at •the' camp at the Laic
t. irde,,, ...• ".. ,,..,..., .. -
Pr' ' 1 B I M - 1 ."
-recipe , cum r, Mrs Bettor and faett
' arrived. • In tow11 osterda fro
M ' 'I) ' Y .' ' ' Y
orris ing where they /client me
. • ' ' •
of , the voreaVon time, The Mot
,it.errn. commences .on Tucsrlay met
- - tisat NI. . 1' '' '. ' -
so •, a . „i. Boiler s vacation
prantical•ly , over and. lie will 111A'
.1.. -....J. r.....- J.- '1,_ ...._..;
T -the
' he Itoyal Bank
. • • .
• • • .
. .•
lost his barn with its -contents dui-
ing the same storm.
I tarM.broihdeorlpoir. Ms r4oAolibeerrt011.1%e:rp6rFNgi
,. , .. ! .
town, had two barna burned Friday
night.' He had just finished thresh-
Mg the day before and conSelilentlY
the bass to him was heavy.
A VA-FfIANT• ' ,. ;
The Clin•ton lockup, had an inmaie
on Saturday night, . Getting on in
the evening the • police were informed
that an unknown woman was loiter-
ing around the Lockwood and neigh-
boring places north of the town and
that she, had hetter be takenl care of.
Accordingly. Sergeant Welsh, went out
to see about ity .By this. time she
had disappeared nnd• it was quite a
Capital Authorized: $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 11,500,000
Reset ve and TJndivided Prof its 12,500,000
Total Assets 175,000,000
825 Branches;Virith world wide connection. Interest allowed
on Debosits. General Banking business transacted,
R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch.
time before she could he located and
the storm Was approaching bat the
' rie
C. E.
Molsons . Bank
1855 Established in Clinton 1870
and Reserve . . $8,709,000
Sergeant managed by driving 1 at to
get in before the sterm broke. Mag-
istrate. Andrews committed the Ivan-
ilering one for . vagrancy and. she was
safely lodged • in,, the 'cell Tor the
night but after a good breakfast in
the Morning she was allowed to go.
It . seems a pity that h woman
should be allowed to wander about
the colurtry thus. 'Why didn't yell
take her 'to the House of Refuge ?!'
was the question put to the Chief.
"We couldn't do' that," was the an-
swer, "because she dbesn't -belong to
. ut She belongs to
this county -." B
come county- she said she hailed from
:Stratford --and surely that is what a
county home is for. She was • old
and apparently poor and friendless
and she ought to .he eared for.
: Four rinks. of. the Lawn Bowling
Club motored, to Myth, and Wingliam
la,S1 • Thursday and had ealoyable
games at hoth .places. They . were
' 11 t It ined d the -outing wits
we en e a an
the best of the seasen. .
' The following are the scores : ;
-• --Clinton Vs Myth,
Clinton . ....,. Blvth
A. j..Holloway . ' ' 1V.• Moore
, ., •
:..y. WiSeMan .1 Eel. Mr Turner
Rd.. Lantelon •A., Sloan
J. • Harland A. W. Robilson
. Skip 18 Skip .
C. Wallis A, MeKe lar•
F. Jackson • _ H. Robinson
J. T. Watt J. M. Hamilton
J. N'ecliger . . • J. .Carter
..Ship 8 .. . • Skip 17
A1'. •J...,Grigg - P. Combe•
J. McLeod .. : A. , Elder
A., J. Morris]] : J. Emigh
N. Ball . .• .... . J. McMurohie
, „Skip, 11 • . • ;Side 14 „
W. Jackson . ' • W. SIMS
J.. A. ConstanOne E. Et Robinson
t . H. A. Tho.as•
W. Granm
D.' A. Forrester , Wni. Charlesworth
, . Skip 15 - , ,:' .• . • Skip 8 • • -
- ' ; ' ' ' • -- .
52 . ' 46
Clinton vs Wingham : . •,
Oaten ' • VVingham
I A. J. Grigg -, • Boyce
J. McLeod • , ' . Carnpbell
A. J. Morrish . ' . . 'Binkley
. '
N.. Ball , Porter
' Skip 19 . - ' Skip .1 '
A, J. Holloway . . Walker
J. Wiseman . , l , ' Griffin
a 3. Cantelon . Musgrove
J. Harland4 • . Smith.
. .
Skip 11 Skipm
17 ,
W. Jackson Burgman
J. A. Constantine , Mason
W. Grant ' . Holmes
. .
D. A. Forrester- Allen
Skip 12 • ' :Skip. 16
. c. J. Wants .- Ring
F. Jackson . Vanstone
J. Watt Evans
. J. Nechger ' Kennedy
Skip 11 , . Skip. 16
- - .. _
' ..- 53- •• . - '''• , . .., . ' .56 .••
. • .• • Second...eatne ... .
'olintolr, . . - . .... Wingllani
A. Jj . Grigg, Skip'.1.4 -. Musgrove 'h.
hid, ..Clantelori•-Skin IV • . ' '".9
-A. j. Holloway kip 12 •Bi' nkle.y.IA
F. Jackson Skill 19: .HohneS. 9;
- , ---.
• . 05 • ' .. 391
' T -he Hensall -Rink which won the
Trophy. at Exeter bast Year ;motored
.np, on ; Monday night 'and ,pjayed a
friendly -game, losing •to Shit/ 'Bali
. „ . . . .
,after . a close ,and . exciting game,
Clinton. . ' ' .. ' • Hensel
A J G • ' D • .
. .. . ngg, ' „ cairteion
,G, 'Itpberboz ' ' . :. Geo. Case:
A.. J. Morrish . ; • ''', .- IT, Arnold,.
- ,Ball ' '
N. . , .. 0.., A. Afkizion*em,
. , Skip 17 : , 'Skin 16 '
all branches. 'Interest allowed at highest current rate.
, •
Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch.
. . .
-- ' 7.--''''
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jr_ . liat
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of ang straw
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7.30 Panama Hats ' $3.75
. , .30 . . ,
5 00 PanamaHats --$2
3.00 Sailors , $1.50.,
, .
' 2.00 Sailors . . ' -$1.00 ,
1.25 French Panama $., 63 ,
. .. „ . ., . , - • • ' -
.. . . . ., „
. . ,
1.00 Straivs .. ' . . ' $ ': 50 .
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