HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-08-07, Page 8elelMa ei• ie News -Record August 7th, I9R �011 on SI1oes anI-oxfords if ijou onij Cone to tile right place This sale offers price reductions the are worth while. Prices eo low that uoone who wants to make his or her dollar count,canafrord'to miss this chance Mens 85.00 Shoes Sale price 54.00 Mens $4,00. Shoes . Sale price 53.20 Mens 53.00 Shoes : Sale price $2.00 Ladies- $4,03' pat leather Sale, price 52.40 Ladies $3.00 tan lace Sale price $2 00 Ladies $3;50 oxfords Sale price $2.50 ONLY A. FEW PAIRS LEFT Ladies' and Men's,$4,00 Oxfords for $2.00 FRED. JACKSON 111111111.11MIL SWAT THE FLY THE FLY DISSEMINATES DISEASE SO THEREFORE YOU SHOULD SWAT UNSWATTED FLIES ARE VERY BAD BUT SWATTED FLIES ARE NOT The Fly annoys the helpless horse So you may swat without remorse The wicked Fly he carries dirt So swat♦him till your shoulders hurt. With slime and filth they cover their Feet Then wipe it off on our bread and meat If you would rather live than dye Roll up your sleeves and swat the Fly Of the following we have a good supply. Fly Swatters 5c to 15e Wonder Fly Traps 15c Balloon Fly Traps 15c Fly Wash for Cattle and Horses 75c a gal Tangle Foot Fly Paper econom- ical and Sanitary 2 double sheets for - 50 The following at reduced pric- es. Screen Doors and Windows Lunch Baskets, Ice Cream Freez- ers, Humpty Dumpty Egg Crat- es, Hammocks, Gasoline Stoves, Harland Bros. STOVES, 'HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES. AUGUST. SALE ! Bargains in Furniture and Carpets. We found a manufacturer who had an extra fine lot of goods and was hard up for cash. His goods are on our floors, marked at prices which will sell them during August. ' 5 piece parlor sui regular $25 00 for $20 00 Fancy couches " 7 00 " 5 00 Odd parlor rockers from 3 00 to 15 00 Hitchen cabinets 56 50 10 00 20 00 Carpets, rugs, matte, oilcloth and linoleum at moderate prices. Picture framing and repairing promptly attended to. Phone 7 and 8. Free Auto Delivery, J. H. CHELLEW Estate Furniture Blyth Undertaking •♦N••••• MA♦♦♦N• •••••••••••••404,•• •••• • • On Al Summer Goods . ♦ • SUMMER DRY GOODS -SUMMER CLOTHING- AND SLIMMER 11" SHOES ALL PRICED FOR QUICK SELLING. • • 3 very special lines for Saturday-Ohildren's Wash Suits at 05e. 2 We have about two dozen of these suite left, some made in Nor- , blouse andbloomer folk coat,and bloomer pants and others with lou e•pants . and all regular 51,00 and51.25lines, Saturday choice for 05c, 1 WOMEN'S PUMPS and OXFORDS $1.29 •� Patent tett shoes=Odd lines and broken sizes of lines that sold 98c. �. Why buy asinock when, you can buy a nice dressy coat at this wonderfully low yrice-Regular price $1.25, Saturday 89c. ALSO SOME WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN RUGS,LAACE CUR • TAINS, LADIES WAIST AND WHITE UNDERWEAR. •. at $1,75 to 52.25. Saturday choice $1,20, MEN'S SUMMER COATS SMALLM ST E E L MORE i• PLU S BUSINE • PROFITS 5 • •1NNN•♦N♦♦♦♦♦•••••••N••N♦•♦♦♦M♦♦♦♦N• N•. NNINN*No 1••• •N•*Nolo NN•♦••••NNN•N•NN TO THE PUBLIC • Mr. S. 1. Atkinson, who for: the past year has heen associated in' j the furniburebusiness with Mr, Jas. D.untord-'the tirm name being • .:- Atkinson* Dunford-has':' • reared, his.interests being taken over by -• : Mr, John May. • • ♦ The newfirm will he known as Dnuford & May and respectfully • • solicits a continuance of the generous support so long ;enjoyed' by this, store. Furniture Dealers and Funeral .Directors • Phone 104 /-1 • PlzozaE 127 -IN1GIIT AND S1tNDAY CALLS - PHONE' 194 J�.MES DUNFQRD JOHN MAY •••i�•••r„ 4,••1••••II♦!•NN ••••••• ••••., IMFORT Al( During the hot weather folks want to, get next to that, "that's next noth- ing," ` "A hammock when properly suspended is the, best means we _know to get next nothing, Its a good " comfortable thing in Which to recline without the heat of a bed, its'. good for an out door healthy sleep, good to rest in; good for reading or study. We have an especially attractive and serviceable one at"' 51.75 or the same ham- mock with a vallence at 52.50. We consider them .the cheapest we have, of course we can supply them as low priced as $1.00, and so good that we ask 55.00 for them. Wi11 you do us the favor of your inspection. If so why n.t do it to -day, r� W. D. FAIR GO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best Mrs. Bawden was the guest of Hen - Sall friends on Friday. Malster Earl Johnson visited his uncle in Zurich last week. Mrs. Frank Hall of Constance visited Clinton friends for a few days. Miss Faye Macdonald of Hensall• is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Bawden. Mr, Will Morgan of London visited friends in town over the week -end. Misses Shirley Bawden and Reta Herman are holidaying at Niagara Falls. Mr, Russel Murdoch of Detroit is a guest at the Cuninghame camp at Birks', Mrs. Rm,. Cook spent the week -end visiting Mrs. Acheson of Goderich townlhip. Miss Gladys Reynolds was a visitor at the camp at Birks' over the. week -end. Miss Clarissa Cole of Wayne, Mich., spent last week at the home ' of Mr. Robt. Pearson. Mr, and Mrs, Ralph+ i'iplady ,spent Friday last visiting friends in the vicinity of Brucefield, Mrs. Challenger of Goderich spent • a Yew days during -+he a •t en -0k the guest of Clinton friends. Miss Eleanor Thornton 'of Seaforth visited her cousins, the Misses Bartlifi, over the wee'.; -end. Mr, Harry Bartlitf and two or three friends autoed down to Ilensall to see the lire on Monday evening. Mrs. Chas. Colville of Grand Ledge, Mich,, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cuninghane, Mr, and Mrs. C. S. Brown of Tor- onto are visiting. the former's sis- ter, Mrs. T. A. Greig of town. Rev. Dr. Stewart, who is supplying in Brucefield, spent a few days in town with old friends last week. Mr. henry Pollard of Colonia, Mich., visited at the home of °Ir. and. Mrs. J. F. Wasman oper the 'neck - end. Mr. Eddie Shepherd of the Cordon,. McKay Co., Toronto, is spend- ing a vacation at his home fn town. • Mrs. J. F. Wasnian is in arueeels, having been called thither by tice illness of lier mother, Mrs Geo. Pollard. Miss Elva Stewart ofToronto. was the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Graham, over the week -end. Mrs. 11T. D. Ross and Miss Bessie of Toronto visited Mrs. b'. Mcl^-wan and Mr. and Mrs, 11. rllc:murder for a few days. Mr., and Mrs. Chas: Coats of Chicago are spending a fortnight with their sister, Mrs. 0, G, Middleton of the Huron Road. - Mrs. 3. A, .Geddes of 'Belgrave and Mr, and Mrs. Bothen and daughter. of Toronto are the guests of Mrs. Wise, High street, Mrs. Burrows, Sr., of Washington, D. C., and Miss Eva Stevenson of Jackson, Mich., are visiting their sister, Mrs. John Cuninghame. Miss Kathleen McNaughton of. Varna and Miss Bessie Ross of Toronto spent the week -end with Miss Hel- ena Middleton of the Huron: Road. Miss Winnifred Brown leaves tomer - row for her home in Kineardirfe af- ter spending a pleasant vacation with her Cousin, Miss. Hattie Greig. Mr. and . Mrs. Will, Eagleson of Aber- deen, South Dakota, who have been visiting the £owner's : parents at. Bayfield and the latter's father, Mr, Jas. Stevens' of town, for the past month, left this week for their home;: Mr. and Mrs. I3arry Bright and lit - le son, Stewart, of Winnipeg are the guests of "Mr. and Mrs. ;. • T. Jackson, Jr. They came van,' here from St. ,Catharines, where; 'Mr, Bright was taking part in the Reg- atta, Mrs. Bright was, formerly Miss, Louise Jackson wild .is a.niece of Mr. and Mrs, T, Jackson. Mothers, no doubt you will for the children on the holiday,. opportunity during the above chance, don't miss it ! There w this year to _wear them. be needing a new smart dress At this store you will find the days at a saving. This is your ill be plenty of hot weather yet CHILDREN'S:WASH DRESSES Regular $1.50 for CHILD'REN'S WASH DRESSES Regular $2.00 for CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES RegularJ2.50 for '$ 98 1.49 1.85' CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES Regular 53,00 for CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES Regular $3,50 for ... OFIILDREN'S WASH DRESSES Regular $3.75 for $2.25 2,75 8.00 Ladies .Snmmer Dresses Greatly Reduced Ladies' all-over embroidery white dresses daintily made, smart styles, regular 55.00 $3.fi5 for Ladies' wash dresses of print and ginghame, white pique collars and cuffs, regular $2.50 for 1.98 Ladies Ratine dresses in pale blue, brown e and tan, very pretty styles, trimmed with 5 buttons to m.U9atch, regular 57.50 U 9 Ladies'. silk dresses for evening and street wear in all the popular colors, regular $15.00 II .75 for TOzzrft440aw Hullett Happenings Mr. James Snell and Mr. James MoEwan were out the past ween purchasing high -bred stock for ship- ment to the west, and on Monday six bulls were shipped from Clinton station. One of the animals was purchased from Mr.- James VanEg- ncond, one from Mr. Jas. Snell, and one each from Messrs. P. Pl'umsteel, B. RathweIl, Ed. Wise and A. Me- Ewan of 'Stanley. Mr. Alf. Jobin of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Tighe recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell- Sundayed with Mr. and Mru, Geo. Carbert. Mr. Curie. O'Brien spent Sunday at Mr. John Carbert's, Mr. Robt. Bolton and Russel and Louis of McKillop- spent Sunday at Mr. Sam. Glidden's. Miss Edna McCaughey called on friends in this vicinity on Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Reynolds is spending a'fety days, with her mother, Mrs. Jab. Butler of Clinton. Mr, Richard 'clorrison had the i is- fmaune to lose a horse last Satur- day. He had gone out to town and was about to come home when he left his horse standing in front 01 Miller ti Little's implement ,hop while he slipped in togen a +creel, but he was no sooner inside: than an auto shot by, and stated the horse which ran away, h'ut it had only pro- ceeded a short distance when it slipped on the sidewalk, breaking one of its front legs. Mr. Morrison had the animal shot. Mrs. Andrew Flynn is holidaying in Seaforth this week. Mr. John Flynn and Miss Marie Jordan of McKillop• Sundayed at Mr, D. Flynn's, Anna, the second youngest daughter of Mr• and Mrs. Dgmanick Flynn, met with a very painful accident on Tuesday, .by falling backward into a pail of boiling water. She is getting along nicely at present, but it will be some, weeks before she is fully re- covered. Constance Mrs. Farquhar and children of Wal- ton are visitingthe lady's sister,; Mrs. Britton. • Mr. Aaron Tyerman of Vancouver is visiting his brother-inl•law, ; Mr. Geo. Stephenson, Quite a number from around here took in the excursion to' Goderich,_ while others went to Kincardine ,on Friday, Mrs. Frank Hall spent a few days in Clinton recently. Miss Ada Govonlock of Seaforth is visiting her cousin, Miss Mayne Hall. Summerhill Mrs. Watkins and Miss Watkins of Clinton are guests of Mr. R. Watkins for a fewdays. Y Mr. Wm. Miller of Detroit spent Thursday visiting at the home of Mr. W. J. McBrien, Mt. Robt. Miller is the guest of Mr.% llamas Mason this week, Mrs. (Dr.) Lindsay and family of London and the guests, of Mr, and Mrs. 4', J. Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mason visit- ed Seaforth friends on Friday last, Miss G.. Murray of London Is the guest of her sister,' Mrs. T. ,I, Lind- say this week. The Ladies' Guild met at the home of Mrs. Lawson '00 Wednesday after-. noon. A number took in the exeuision to. Kincardine on .Friday and report a pleasant outing. .- y The NewseRecotd to Jan 19141 for 40e The ,Ne Londesboro. ATr: W. 13. Crisp and fancily, who have been visiting at the :•home of John L. Alien, returned to London Tuesday, Holmesville Mrc. Mulholland was called to De- troit on Tuesday on account of 'ill- ness there. We .trust it ' will not prove serious. Mrs. N'. W. Trewartha and 'little, daughter have returned from a visit in Toronto. Miss'Learoyd of•St. Thomas is vis- iting at the home of Mr. Wna. Rut- lege. Rev. R. J. Mc0oriv ick is taking a fortnight's vacation. Miss Mandena Holland, who has been holidaying at the parental home, + has returned to London. Miss MaeVicar,'-former, teacher of Holmesvilfe Public school;, is visiting Mrs. F. Ford, Dr. Hart,Y McCormick of Detroit visited his brother, Rev: 11.. J. Mc- Cormick, last week. Miss Enteline Holland,Who aro recentl. passed her examinations so credit- ably, has secured, a school and will comncenee lrer professional duties af- ter t]ie ,summer vacation. We all wish her abundant success. The Methodist quarterly board met on Monday evening • when all matters financial and otherwise, wets found to be in good shape. The minister's' sal-. any was placed 'at one tliotisan;d dole dart for ;the current year, ' , -Record „to Jan 19.111 for 40e, The News From Londesboro The old school and property of S. S. No. 8 was sold by auction on Monday. The buildings were pur- chased by Messrs. R. Shaddock, Wm. and Henry Lyon, and Mrs, E. IIag- gitt and J. L. Phillips secured the land. , Mrs. B. Brogden of London spent Sunday at her home here, Miss M. Phillips is visiting Strat- ford friends this week. Mrs, and Miss Neal of Battle Creek, Mich., are visiting at the home of Mr, Win: Hiles, 101r. Harold Adams left • Tuesday for Minneapolis. We are pleased to report that Mr. R. Adams is improving. Chas. Crawford is working with a bridge gang which is repairing cul- verts in this vicinity. Miss A. Bell is spending a few days this week with Brussels friends. Mrs. M. Mains and Miss E. Mains returned Tuesday ,alter visiting Tor- onto and London friends. Mrs. J. H. Paxton of Clinton and Miss M. Stephenson of Toronto visit- ed at the home, of Mr. W. H, Lyon on Tuesday. Mrs. Smallaoombe of llrys,al City, Man., is visiting at the home of Mr. James Shobbrook, Mr. and Mrs. James Webster of Toronto, who have been spending a few days at the home of the foriner's• parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Webster, Mt for their home on Tuesday, Miss R. Young of Brantford is spending her vacation at her home. Rev. J. 101. Osterhout and family left on Wednesday for Grand Bend" for a few week's vacation. Work on S. S. No, 8 school build- ing is progressing very rapidly. Messrs. Melville and Johnston, have - already adorned portions of the ex- terior woodwork with a coat of paint. Miss E. Lyon of London is spend- ing the week here previous to leav- ing on Saturday for Duluth. She: goes by boat from Port Huron. Mr. and Mrs, . Geo. Greenway, who, have been visiting their aunt and. cousin, Mrs. John Hutton, and Mrs, Geo. Thompson, have returned to - their home at Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Kenneth McConnell, who has • been engaged with the Canadian Ex- press Company, Clinton; for some' time, has been] upending a few days at his home here. Ile "]raves in, a few days for Brantford, nhere he has accepted a position ashiller in, the,G,T,R. freight sheds, 1 MIDSUMMER SPECIALS We have still a few lines of Summer footwear that we must dispose of this season, They are from one-third to two-thirds less than the regular prices. Our ob- ject in b-jectin making the great reductions on these lines is to clear up our stock for the next season, and you will receive the benefit. It will pay you to call and see these shoes for yourself. Men's_ Oxfords Regular Price 4.00 to 5.00 �� A:few 'pair only , Misses Oxfords di: Pumps Regular Price 1.50 to 1,75 92 Only 30 pairs left } Women's' Oxfords Regular Price 3.00 to 4.00 4� Sizes 2' to 5' only Childs Oxfords & Pu'm•ps Regular Pride 1.25 to 1.50 Sizes 8 to 10,1SSc 50 pair to choose from S.� CHAPMAN Successor to. J. Twitchell & Son