HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-08-07, Page 51 Iaro fast preparing in their CMDA homes to occupy lucrative positions as stenog- raphers, bookkeepers, telegraphers, civil servants, in fact eVery sphere et I nusitiess Acrivities, Yon may finish at college if you so wish. POlilitIOID3 {4110n , anteed, iunter college any day. Intim, idual instruction. • Expert teachers, Thirty years' experience. Largest train I ors in Canada. Seven colleges. Special course for teachers. _ I Affiliated with Commercial Ednoa- tors' Associatide of Canada, SUIDDIOL School at famous ' Spotton Businesn College. London. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE • ORO• SPOWIDN 13. 1'. WARD President. PrMcipill. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•111111MINIA AT HOME Thonsands of ambitious young people COLLEGE I August 7th 1913 ••••••••••••••• Clinton News-Recotd nmenanianismononsisemieninummer Goderich. Misees lathe' and Florence Wooten 'were in Sinelph last week, Mrs.Steele ha n returned to her home n& Chieugo, having been called here by the Illness and. subsequent death of her father, the late Uapt 'Montgomery. Miss S. Straelian arrived last week /ram Winnipeg .and is now the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. K. Bates. Iffiss Coutts is. spending her vaca- tion in Denver, Col. Rev, Dr. Meldrum ,and family. of Cleveland, 0., are ;mending she leer in town. . - Mr, and Aire. Will J. ,Robinson of Seattle recently visited the fformer's parents, Capt. and Mrs. Robinson. . , The Maitland bridge is being re - neared; the work being done at night in order not to. interfere with traf- Mrs. A. S. Oliver, an old resident oi town, died at the residence of her daughter en• Detroit on Monday, week and her remains were brought to God- nrich •for 'interment, the funeral tak- ing place on Thursday last. ' Mr. J. Doyle of the Union Bank ;Staff has been promoted to the Ber- lin branch. The Goderich elevators have hand- led over halt a million bushels •nore grain to date this season than, last. A large. ptunp has been installed in the 'Big Mill's fire protection plant. It ,was a very sad accident, Which 'oectired on the Dunlop hill on Thurs- ., siar morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Reinhatt and family of the 10th con,, Aehfield, ,were coming into Goderich to spend the day at the -lakeside and while driving in they were overtaken • by an auto which Startled the horse as it passell and in springing for- watd a buckle of the holdback broke fend the horse kicked, striking the little son of Mr. Rienliart, who was sitting in the front of the buggy with his back to the dashboard, The `. child was carried to a nearby house 'where he - died shortly afterwards. The little fellow was six yearsof age. The car belonged to Mr. Geo. Heyd of Brantford and was driven by, his chauffeur. Blyth Miss Lena Livingstone is home front. Toronto for the vacation. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. McTaggart, Dr. McTaggart and Mr. H. A. Thom- as visited Exeter friends last week going in the lattee's car. Mrs, John Bennett and Miss Rena have returned from a s net with the lady's sister in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and 1VIrs. Frank Baintea and Mr. A. Bainton autoed to Dundas one day reeentty. Mrs. Freak Cur and children have returned after an extended visit with the lady's parents at Waterloo. Mr. D. A. Macdonald of Toronto has been engaged as principal of the Blyth Public School. The salary is to be twelve hundred. ' Mr. R. At Macitan entoed to Qeven Sound last week to see the final game of baseball between Brussels :era Owen Sound. , Mr. G. E. McTaggart is having a vacation, the station in his absence fleeing in charge ot r, Forrester. Mrs. Sturb ot HamiltOn is visiting her son in town. Mr. James Cutt was nominated for the office of Councillor to fill the va- cancy left by the resignation of Mr. Geo. Powell and the other nominees having declined to stand, M. Cat was declared: elected. , Mrs. Luxton Hill and fa:geily have been holidaying in Goderich, Wingham Dr. McDonald •of. London was . in - town last 'week. Miss Annie Deyall of Toronto is spending her vacations.at her Mame in town. Misses Winnie and Maileline, Walker are visiting in Toronto. . Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Ashton of Sarnia, visited at the parsonage last. - week. Mr. Goo. Dennis has returned from a visit with relatives at Bekgrave, Mises Mary and. Jennie Wighttnan of Bel:grave visited. friends in town last week, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Morton have -gone on a trip. to the west. nliss Pierce, who has been the guest ot Miss Florence VanNorman, has, returned to her home in Niagara Mr. Will. Fairfield of . Vaneouve.r hap been visiting friends in town. - Mr. Ernest Greer has gone west to. take a position. , Miss Agnes -Walker Who bas been ehief -operator in the Belk Telephone .office here for some time, has resign- ed to take a position inwTotonto. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Button left last week for their home in Vange- atdiMan., M'ss Mei° K. Cooper. and Mr. .Iok G. Sturay were quietly) marri- ed last, week by the Rey. Hr. Hib- bert. They have taken, tip .their res- idence in, town. • Mr,' A. C...DuPlan, a 'student of Huron Colege, who supplied the pul- pit of St. Paul's church, during the illness of Mr. Oroly, .has gone to Brueeele to supply there for a'fe.W. weees. Mr. Geo: Spotton, editor of the Ad- vance, • Was in the !mean Crossing, railway accident east week but was uninjured. , • Mr. Geo: Wynn underwent a serious ,operatidn last week but is now re - 'covering nicely, Missies le'snily and Alice Mame are visiting; in Gtelph. Mr: 11. H. Wightman of Port Will- ihnt has been visiting 'friends in town. Mr. John Jackson lett last week, on a few- weeks visit with ' • fiends it the west. Dr. and IVIra. Irwin and ,children and Miss Petrie toolt. an auto trip to. 'Detroit, and Leamington lest week, Mr. • fseslie Creisdale has Startea. a, 71eW grocery in, .Lower Wiegliam The new poettillice' clock- has artiv- ,ad and will -soon be pat in position, Seaforth Mrs, Hopkins of Superior, Wis , visited last week at the home o1 her sister, Mrti. A. E. Cleft., Iffiss I-Iall of Constance visited last week with lier cousin, Miss Jennie G ovenlook. niss Bell MeNa,b of 011 City, Pa.; is spending her vacation at, her home in town. Mr. Flubett FIenderson intends taking a course in the military col- lege, Kingston. Mr. Thos. Geary left lase. week on a trip to Calgary and other meats . in the west. •- Miss -M. E. 'Carman of Irontiois been engaged as teacher of Moderns at the Collegiate to, replace Miss Bowers, who resigned. Miss Harriet Mureay is holiday- ing at Berlin. Miss Mole of Aubtirn was a guest at the home of lfer brother, Mr. led. Mole, last week. Mr. August Arnett of Florida vis- ited his friends in town recently. Miss Maude Laidlaw is visiting in Fort William. s 1Vliss Lucy Stone of Vancouver has been visiting Mrs. L. T. D'Lacey and Mrs. J. 14. Hodgens. 1VIiss Jessie- Cameron ,of , Toronto is spending a vacation with the Misses Larkin at the mance. . Mr. and Mrs. J. A-. Wilson and two children left'last Week on a trip to• Port Arthur. St.' Helen's Mr, James C'assels from near. 'Tor- onto is. visiting friends and old ,ao- quaintances around St. Helens. Miss' Jessie McGregor of Langside is at present at the home of Mr. R, R. IVfiller. Mr. Hyde and Mrs, Humplitey spent Suniday at the home of Mr. 0, Mar- wood of East Wawartosh. Wises Luella and Bernice Shaw of Bluevale spent a few days with Miss- es Edna and Nina Woode. The Woman's Instittete had a Pic- nic at the Maitland last Thursday afternoon and had an enjoyable tijme. Mr. W. J. Humphrey had • a bee last week hauling Mick for his new house. The funeral of the late Thorita,e Der- win of Dungannon was held on last Wednesday and was very largely at- tended. Miss Lizzie Anderson bas ref tamed to Fergus atter a spoil, with her parents here. Zurich Miss Laura Demuth of Port Arthur has Wee visiting relatives' in town. Miss Ida Sipple of Detroit is visit- ing in town, Mrs. Grob is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Reese, of Stratford. Dr. McKinnon autoed down to „ Or- angeville last week to visit his neather. Mr. I4arold Appel has, started a jewellery business in Merlin, Ont, Miss Gladys MeNevin, who has taught in the Zurich Public school for some tele, has taken a position at Wolseley, Sask., and leaves short- ly for the west. Threshing has started in the vicin- ity and the yield,is said to he good. Miss Pearl Schilbe of Detroit is visiting friends hereabouts. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Grenzelerch of Dashwood and Mrs. Bender of Lis- toWer visited Rev. and Mrs. pitlwit last week, FORTY THOUSANDMEN REQUIR- ED. ,Farm Laborers' Exenrsions—'this Year's Wheat Crop Will be the Largest in The History of ' Canada. ' The wheat crop of 1913 Will be the greatest ever liarvested in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, thus re- quiring The feral laborers of the East ifo recruit and assist in harvest- ing the World's greatest ..bread • bat- ket. • n The Governments of the respective Provinces state that fotty thousand nien will be required tor this year's harvest. These will have to be prin- cipally recruited from Ontario, and the prosperity of Canada depends on securing labor promptly, The' Can - edam' Pacific, on which Company will fall practically the entire task of transporting the men to the West, is already making speciad arrangements for this year, Excursions front poMts in Ontario -to Manitoba, Saskatehe- Wan and Alberta, will be run, , and special trains operated, making the trip in agent thirty-six hours and avoiding any change of cars or trans- fers. This wilt be a day shorter than any other route. , "Going Trip West," $10.00 to Win, nipeg, plus half -cent per mire from Winnipeg up to MacLeod, Calgary or Edmonton. ' "Rettitn Trip East,'' $'18,00 to ;Winnipeg, plus half -cent per mile from all •points east of SffaeLcod, Calgary or Edmonton, fee Winnipeg, Going Dates.—August 18th—From all stations Kingston to Renfrew in- clusive and earit thereof in Ontario. August 22.ml—dwroen 'Toronto and West on Grand Trunk Main Line to Sarnia, inclusive and south thereof. August 25th—term Toronto and North Western Caitario, north' of but not' includingaGrand Trunk Line Tor- onto to Sarnia and east of Toronto to Kingston, Sherbet Lake and Ren- frew, including these points. September 3rci—From Towne° and all stations in Ontario East of • hut not including Gram! Truna Line Tor- outo to North Bay. September 5th—Prom all stations on Grand Trunk Line Torento to North Bay inclusive and west thereof in Ontario including C.P.R. Line Sad 'bury to Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, bet not 'Reiman.; Azildit and west, For full „particulars see nearest 0, Pelle-Agent, or weite M. G Iffurphy„ Destitet Passenger Agent, T9ronto, McKillop Township Mr. Wm. Davideon, who had a se- vere stroke of patelysis, is some- what improved. - The fall wheat whielt has been hat- vestea is of a, goorl average crop and, an excellent sample. Mr. John Dennis and his son, both of whom had fever, are now on the way to recovery. Mr. Joe Thornton has eneaged for the threshing season with Mr. Fred, Keeler. The oats are coloring and will soon be ready for the binder. Messrs, Wesley and David Ilarkavell who have been attending college, are spending theie vacation at the par- ental honae. ' Hensall week. King lett fOr Ingersoll Mei Mr. T. Murdock has the contract for the Hensall to Hillsgreen mail route. - flarffiss Ida Ouclmore is spending a. montl Noah Guelph triads. • Mrs. F. A. Sellery returned to Toronto last week taking her child- ren with after a visit with her • par- ents here. , • Mr. James. Johnston of Willow Hall has returned from Victoria lies- pitial, London, and is looking well after his operation. . Miss Gertie Petty, nurse -m -training at Stratford hospital, inholidaying at her borne in town. Mrs. 11.. J. D. Cooke has returned to her home in Toronto, her mother, Mrs. Shirray, now being on the way to recovery atter hen severe illness. Mrs. Johns of Guelph has, been vis - Mg her mother, Mee... 11, Cook. Hensall, August 4.—Fire of un- known origin, breaking out shortly after 6 o'clock to -night, completely wiped out the jewellery store and dwelling of p. C. McDonnell,. along with his stock, and H. McLean's dry goods store, in the same block, and badly damaged the buildings and stock of Mr. George Scott, grocer, and the Bell telephone dace. The establishments visited by the flames were all in the sante block, owned by R. Bell. The entire loss was recovered by - insurance.. The Hensall firemen worked well, and were assisted by an number of Seaforth firemen, who •did yeoman service in preventing the blaze knee spreading to' any greater extent. Marriages ALEXANDER—BURKE—In London, on August 5th, Mary E. I4urke of London to A. A, Alexander, tormerly of Clinton. MUFF—O'NEIL—In Windsor, on July 30th, Minnie O'Neil to Rob- ert Cent of the Bayfield Line, Births OANN—In Exeter on July 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Cann, a daughter. - KILPATRICK—In Belgrave onjuly 26th, to Rev. and Mrs, 1. W. Kilpatrick, a daughter. SMALL—In Wingham on July 2Sth, • to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Small, a daughter. Deaths OLIVER—In DetrOlb on July leStit, Mrs. W. 5, Olivet, formerly of Goderich, , DURNIN—At Durigfinflon on July 26th, Thomas Dern -in, aged 56 years, '1 moral's and 5 days. CURWEN—In Goderich township on July 29th, Henry Curwen, aged '17 years, 5 months and 14 days. ESSERY—In Exeten on July 29111, • Mrs. John Essery, aged 78 ;rears and 6 months. • CURRY—In Goderich on July 3.1st, WS. D, .1. Curry, ageel 34 years. WANTED.—EXPERIENCED GIRLS and gide to learn knitting and looping. Will pay $5.00 per week while rearrange .Steady employ - meet, pleasant position. Apply now.—Clinton Knitting Co, —96 CARD OF '11.12ONKS.—MRS. ELIAS Ball, wishes to thank . the maw • friends for e`h"e kindness and sym- nattily showe,, > them in her re, cent bereavement in the loss' of her husband.—Mrs. Elias Ball, Auburn -P..0. SLABS FOR SALE, 14. INCHES long. Will sell by load or cord.— A. Forbes, Coal and Wood Dealer. SUNDAY DINNERS —.at the_ HOTEL 'NORMANDIE of Fare-- Cateen Unities, Radishes, Green • Olives, Pickled Beets. Soup. Ox Tail ,, Erigl ish • To re ato, Baked White Fish wilh 'Pegg Sauce E Roast SpriegDntureek6sWith 1)r,si ;Mg. Roaet.- Prhne-Ribs of Beef, Brown potatoese Leg of Spring Lamb, Roast Goose, Vege,taelee. New Boiled Potatoes, Mashed Old Potatoes, Roiled Cabbage, LIMA • i)F3CeSaSBC et Rhubarb Pie, Lemon Pie ,Straw berry Shortcake 7.,v ith Whipped Cream, Ice Cream Tea, ' Coffee, Milk. C'anadian Factory Cheese. MeLoroul Chee.Se. DI uueuu TEACHER WANTED FOR S. 5 No. 13, Stanley, second class ; dut- iee,to commence, Sept. let, applic- ations receivod-until August 1st.— Apply stating salery and experience to Jas, '1'. Keys, Secretary -Trees - AUCTION SALE. -- THE UNDER - signed has been instructed ey err. Frank O'Neil to sell' his i.i)AseilEild effects and residenre by public auction on Saturday, Aug. iOth. —Thos, BroW11, Auct ioneer. • —92 LIVE FOWL wANTn0.-4 AM NOW ready to handle fat hens, young chickens and ducks at highest prices Poulbry taken not later than Thurs- day of each week. Other -fowl hand- ed later on,—W. Marquis, Base Line, Phone le on 166. - —91 FOR SALE, REO RUNABOUT IN first-class order. Tires good. Will demonstrate if desired at ally time for ,anyone meaning. business, A „snap for quick , sale.—Thos. Watts, Shoe Store, Clinton.. —90 HOUSE TO RENT. ON HURON street, 6. rooms, bard and soft water in woodshed, jacre of land, bearing fruit trees. --John Snyder. —90. VOTERS' LISt 1913.--MUNICIPAL- ity of the Township of Rullett in the County of kluron.—Notice is • hereby given that lehave trans- . matted or delivered to the persons •mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the 'Ontario Voters' List Act, the cop- ies required -by such sections to be transmitteil or deliveredof the list made, pursuant to the baid Act, of all persons appearing by the lase revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to. be entitled to vote at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and. at Municipal elections, and that the said list was first posted in my office in Londesboro on the 25th day of July 1913 anti remains there for inspection. Electors are galled upon to exaanine the said list and if any omissions 08 other er- rors are Coei:. therein to take im- mediate proceedings to have said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 25t1s day of July 1913. —James Campbell, Township Clerk. —92 VOTERS' LIST 1918.—MUNICIPAle ity of the Village of Bayfield in the County of Huron.—Notice is hero - by given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons menttoned IIS sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Atte the copies requir- ed by such sections to be transmit- ted or delivered of the list made, perstiant to the said 'Act, of all persons appearing by the Iast revis- ed Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote at elections Tor members d the Legislative Assembly and at Muni- cipal elections, and that the said list was Ilret posted up in ,nty office in Bayfield on the 12th day of July 1913 and remains there for inspec- tion. Electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omissions or other errors • are foUnd therein to take innnediate proceedings 1:6 have the said errors cerreeted according law. Dated thin 12th day of July 1913.-11. W. Erwrn, Village Clerk. —91 MAID WANTED IMMEDIATELY. — General' housework, no washing. Twenty dollars a roontle—H. Atte- tin, Bayfield. . —90 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.— One of the best locations in town corner Princess and William streets. House contains 7 rooms an ground floor, second floor not finished. Hard andseat water. acre land, fruit trees, ole.— For further particulars apply to D, S. Chaff. e-69. HOUSE AND LOT ON ORANGE street for sale, now occupied by Mrs. Easona. Six ronans.—A, J. Tyndall, —88 WINDSTORM INSURANCE. — THE Canada Insurance Co. will insure all buildings against damage done by windstorms. Modetate rates, no prernuin note.—Charles B. Hale, District Agent. Clinton. —74. e • DELLEVIEW le A la al • DAIRY. — From. sem stook of first-class cows we are prepared to supply you twice daily with, the best of.: milk and cream. We solicit a share of -yule; patronage.—Richard Fisher, E, , B. Hill, Phone 125. —80 SEWING. MACHINES REPAIRED and ropairs kept on hand, also ag- eficy eon new machines.—A. Hoop- er, Albert street. —70 FARIVI FOR SALE --THE U'N.I)ER- signed offers for sale bis fine farm of about 130 acres adjoining the, town of Clinton. The farm is in a gooft state of cultivation and has good buildings—brick house, • bank barn, driving house, pig pea, etc—all comparatively •new. A firit class yotnag orchard containing all kinds, of fruit, atom Small fraits. The faerrt is well fenced and well drained and is ,a very. desirable home, s, For further particular apply ote prentises or address John Tarrance, Clinton P.0. —63 0. Phe News -Record to Jan 1911 for 40e FARM FOR SALE. -00N. 5 WEST hall of lot 9, Hallett towaship, containing 50 acres. Pliere as on the farm a frame house 20)(26, kitchen 18x14, and a summer kit- chen and wood sherd 24.x14, bank barn 58x40 with stabling finder- neath and cement floors with hen house and pig house. The land is good clay loam, entirely clear of weeds, is well draifted with tile, arid in a good state of cultivation, No wa'ste land. There is one acre of good orchard and a never qailing well. Terms : $500, of principal paid down • and the rest can re, main on mortgage. As the pro- prietor intends giving up farming, if not sold the place will be' Tent- ed. —Apply on premises or to John Riley, Sr., Oianstanee, P. 0. —86. FARM FOR SALE—LOT 40 AND part of Lot 39, Con. 9, Goderich township consisting of 107 acres all cleared and good tillable ' land with the exception of five acres of bush and ten acres of orchard con- taining apples, plums and cherries. Farm in good Condition being of good clay loam, well fenced and havieg an • abundance of' excellent water. On the premises, are two barns, one 58x30 with shed 25x10., all on stone foundation. The oth- er been is 50x30 with shed 47x30 -and also a gravel house. Situated one !nil° front 'school mile from English church, 1 mile from Methe odist church, 5 miles from Clinton, .,6 milen from Bayfield. Rural 'Tele- phone connection. Also part d bat ,36, Telephone Road, containing 50 acres adjoining' school and' 4 miles from Clinton, on which there are no buildings but containing a small swamp making it an excellent pas- ture farm. For further particulars apply on the premises, or address— Geo. A. Cooper Clinton, Ont. Phone 7 on 155. —71. Ilow is your Eyesight ? Perhaps the eye glasses you are using don't suit you, Or Perhaps you are not wearing glasses when you should. In any event come and have your eyes tested. •No charge made. A. J. GRIGG GRADUATE OPTICIAN AND • JEWELER. Slabs For Sale. HARDWOOD SLABS, 14 INCHES LONG.- IDEAL FOR SUMMER USE. ALSO 12 INCH BODY WOOD. 'Stapleton Saw Mill. On Anything You want -done in the line of Plumbing, Tinsmithing and Eyetroughing, let us give you a price. Agents for tbe Sunshine fur- nace. BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers Phony 7, Cleaning Dying and Pressing. .13ring your ,suit to 5:3 and have it cleaned and pressed or eyed so as to make it loon almost as ' good as new. We solicit.your custom and .guarantee you satis- faction. .We are also agents for the Pa,rielan Stearn Latin-, dry. , • L R. L. MOORE. - In the Neirmandie Block.. Open 7 to 9.38 p. m, and Settle - day aiterncions.. C1100 CHANCE TWO STORY HOUSE NEW COTTAGE COTTAGE For Sale Located side by side. Propertientsr exoellent condition. Would lease from buyer. F J Hill, Clinton. Phone 77. JIIE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Preserving time is here again. What about • Jems and Rubbers ? Heinz sweet and sour pickles by bulk and in bottles, Heinz pork and beans with chilli sauce. Heinz red Redney beans, try . them ! Fresh for Saturday • Bananas, oranges, lemons, watermelons, raspberries, cucumbers and tomatoes. . A CALL • SOLIO'ITED. • E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE •AND •LET, LIVE GROCER. oultry 0()1)S. WE KEEP ON HAND A FULL SUPPLY or POULTRY FOODS IN- CLUDINCe : BEEF SCRAP, CHICK SCRAP, POULTRY BONE, ORY- STAL O.RIT, CLAM SHELL, OY- STER SHELL, Etc. • Also Calf Meal a splendid food fox young Calves and Hog • Meal for young —pigs. -- Another ear of Western Oats just arrived also a carload ot Feed Flour, Bran and Shorts. Try Gunn's Show Grain, Fall ' Wheat Speenal Fertilizer, the best fertilizer on the matket. LIVE POULTRY AND NON -FER- TILE NEW -LAID EGGS WANTED. Call and ?see our supplies and get • OW prices. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins. COLD WEATHER. is fast approaching. Coesider your heating Wants now. If your fur- nace needs overhauling now is • the Hine to bave the work dorie. Do not leave it until rou want to use it as we will be, , busy the. and you may have to wait some time. At- tend to if at once. Repairs for every make of Range and Heater al- ways on band THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. HEATING AND PLUMBING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. CEMENT. WE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON A STOCK OF NATIONAL PORTLAND, CEMENT PHONE ORDERS OR CALL JOHN HUTTON, Londesboro. •••••••••••••••••••40 • • • Sugar • • • Do not spoil your fruit ; this year for lack of sugar, • as we are selling • • • • Extra Granulated • • 100 lbs. for $4.75 ; 20 lbs. fOr $1.00 • : This is 75cts less than last yeat so naueh for the • ••Tory Government. • • • • : • W. T. . O'NEIL •• • "The flub Grocery." • • •••••••••••••••••eses Redpath 1 HOTEL SUNSET Ghxlerich, ()Mario. OPEN UNTIL. SEFIEMBER lalt 'Unsurpassed location on east shore 1 of Lake Huron. Splendid summer ai- mate, beautiful surroundings, hotel ser. vice drst.class in every respect. Convenient by rail or boat to Tor- onto:Hamilton, Buffalo, Cleveland. De- twiP•alace steamer City of Detroit II (D. Sc C. Line) returning leaves Gotha,. ioh every Saturday 7 a. m, for Detroit. / rpe. trail r.n airnrifylienagvae s5 GDoedterrogh IVl7 , opii d Hilly .D9.4 trip both ways, This makes a delightful week.end outing. Polder with rates and oilier infor- mation sent on application. "Address : MANAGER, ROTEL SUNSET. Goclorleh, Ontario. ..i/ ..."."^""*...^."1.."..... Canadian National • Exhibition I EXP'ANSION YEAR New Livestock Department Everything in Agriculture Exhibits by the Provinees . Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by Foreign Countries Acres of Manufactures I MAGNIFICENT ART EXHIBIT Paintings from Germany, Britain, United States and Davada Educational Exhibits Cadet Review Japanese Fireworks Canada's Biggest Deg Show America's Greatest Cat Show AND NERO THE BURNING OF ROME The Musical Surprise The Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Roman Chariot Races Athletic Sports Great Water Carnival IRISH GUARDS BAND Score of other Famous Bands Twelve Band Concerts Daily Wreck of the‘Airship Withington's Zouaves New Gant Midway Grand Double Bill of Fireworks PATRICK CONWAY'S BAND Aug. 23 1913 Sept. 8 TORONTO RAND TRUNK RsVrEAj ONLY LINE REAOHING ALL. SUMMER 'RESORTS IN HIGHLANDS • OF ONTARIO. Including • Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Georg- ian Bak,' Algonquin Park, Maganeta- wan River, French River, Timagairai, Kawartha Lakes. Full Summer Servkce aow itt effect to all of above resorts. Write for full particulars and illustrated folders to any Grand Trunk Agent, HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION. Each Tuesday until Oct. 23 inclusive. Winnipeg and Rettrn $35.00 Ednionten and Return • $43.00 Low xatee ,to Other 'ponds, RettlnI iiMit two months. , Pullman Tourist Slfeepers leave Toronto ot 11,85 ja, 171. on above 'clabes Twining through. to, Winnipea via Ohica,go and Saint Paul without change. Tickets are also on sale' via Sarnia and the Nor- thern Navigation Company. The Grand Trunk Panine Railway is the shorteet and quickest route between Winnipeg, Saskat000n and Falmouton. 'John Ransford and Son, eptown. egehts; N. 0. Pattesee, station ag- The Ne s4Record to Jett. 14 tor ,10c. &nit ,