HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-08-07, Page 1No. 1793 —34th, Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, *AUGUST 7th, 1913 THE HOME PAPER ood Mornia The Label' tells the stor Jan. 14 means Jan. Ist,1914. atch. Yaults. Sceg Zicur Watch gull Vorrectlq? • If you expelience any difficulty with it leave it with us, We Will Sive 4)t Yin xpert Vxamivaticu If it needs repairs we can 8upp1y them at a very moderate cost. If it does not we will frankly tell you so. 4>4 :Watch epaired bq will gun `dorrectlq. W. Y.Yiellgar ireweler and Optician Clinton ,411111MIIIMIN The Royal Bank OF CANADA. Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 11,500,040 Reserve and Undivided Profits 12500,040 Total Assets 175,000,000 825 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Debosits. General Banking business transacted. R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch. Molsons Bank 1 Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1870 HEAD .0FEICE MONTREAL SAVINGS BANK . DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate on stuns of $1 and upward from date ot deposit. Joint accounts allowed. BRANCHES AND AGENTS ALL Ovjmt CANADA AND AGENTS ALL OVER THE Wons.M. A- GENERAL - BANKING - BUSINESS - TRANSACTED. C. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch. lonimemmorsaremonsime mernmememsoomm ' HEADY -TO -WHA R CLOTHING ' ORDERED CLOTHING Straw Hats at Halt Price Your choice of ang straw hat in this store at exactlg half price. 7.50 Panama Hats $3.75 5.00 Panama Hats $2.50 3.00 Sailors $1.50 2.00 Sailors $1.00 1.25 French Panama $ 63 1.00 Straws $ 50 M00111511 CLOTHING CO CLINTON, ONTARIO 0 o: "A Square Deal for Every Man.' 1 SPECIAL MEETING. • There will be special meeting •of the I. 0. 0. F.cini Friday , night . at 8 O'clock. All Oddiellovia are - re- quested to be present. A, JULY ,WEDDING. • ..• „ „ ,Mr. Robt„ Clad,. son .of. Mr, and MM. John Oluff'of the Briyfield Line, was .married in Windsor on Wednes- day of last week to Miss alinnie O'Neil of that city. After the cere- mony Mr. and Mrs. ChM' 'took a short honeymoon trip to Detroit, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Toronto. They have now taken up their resi- dence on the Bayfield Line and the many friends offer congratulations and good wishes. A BAD ACCIDENT. Mr. WM. Forrester, proprietor _of the Mitchell flax mills, met with a serious accident theother day, He' had gone out to one of his farms and on his return was leading a young horse behind the buggy. The animal reared and jerked Mr. Forrester from. the rig, breaking his thigh. As Mr. Forrester had but just recovered from a severe illness this accident was all the more unfortunate. The injured mao. is a brother of Mr. D. A. Forrester of town. LEAVING TOWN. Mr, Joel McLeod, who has been superintendent of the Jackson Com- panyfor the past six years, leaves on Tuesday for Guelph to asaume the position o1 manager of the Thornton - Dundas store in that city. As Mr. McLeod has had considerable exper- ience in that line of besiness lie is well fitted to take such a position. The salary attached, it is understood, is a very handsome one and Mr, Mc- LeoPs friends, while regretting his sbmoval from town, wish him suc- cess in his new sphere: LOST A HORSE. Mr. R. Morrison while in town on Saturday • left his horse staading in front of Wasmann's blacksmith shop while he went inside. Just at that minute Maalurray's autocome down the hill and the animal taking fright turned and ran across the road op- posite the mill, where he fell on the cement crossing breaking his leg and had to be shot later. The buggy was also somewhat damaged. The horse in question, Old Archie, was no longer ming but was a good, strong beast and full of spirit, and the loss to Mr. Morrison is not by any means a light one. TRANSIL'NT VISITORS, A company of nomads calmed north of town over Sunday and several cit- izens took occasion to visit the camp which was said to be an interesting one. 'rimy were confessedly horse - traders but were in some respects a bit superior to the ordinary gipsy. They have been about a year in Can- aria, previously having lived in the United States, One wagon which they had is said to have been a most elaborate aftair and was so constructed as to- be a fairly coin- lortable dwelling -place while travel- ling from point. to point. Tliey were said also to have had a number of valuable personal articles in their Possession.' It is to be hoped that they were unable to do numb: business in the neighborhood as such charac- ters usually get very much the best of the bargain, YOUNG MOTHER PASSES. There departed this life on Thurs- day last at the early age of thirty- four years,' Nellie M. Jervis, wife • of Mr. D. J. Currie of Goderich. The deceased was the youngest daughter of Mr. and 1VIrs. ChasJervis of Clin- ton. Her girlhood days were spent on the Cut Line, Goderich township, and she was married to her now ber- eaved, husband eleven ycara ago. In her tuftieniely passing was shown the truth of the old saying, "Death loves a shining mark," for she was beloved by all who knew her for her cheerful ,and happy disposition- as well as for lier sterling worth and practical Christian life. She was a.Methodist, being a, membea- of North street Church, and will be greatly missed in church circles. 13'ut she will be most sorely missed in the stricken home, where besides her husband, •three little children are left without mother's care, the youngest being .a tender babe only three weeks old. During her illness, which was attend- ed with much suffering, she was ever thoughtful of others. Before the end came she rallied and showed her care for them, 'by giving her little on- es into the keeping of their grand- mother, 1Virs. Jas, Currie,- and left a kindly message for each one of . the sorrowing relatives gathered about her. The ftineral tacit plase on Sunday afternoon to Maitland cemeters, the services being conducted by the Rev. Mr. Hager. The -pallbearerts were all cousins of the deceased. The large attendance at the funeral and the many beautiful Resat offer- ings sent was evidence of the high esteem M which Mrs. Currie was held. One sister, IVIrs. W. II. Cole or town, and three brothers, Mr. °Ryer Jervis of town Mr Edwin Jervis of Weyburn, Sask., and Mr. Albert Jet- E vis of Napanee, Ind., survive, Who, a 14geiller, with her parents, husband D anri little ones, hath the syMpa.th,y of t ell in their bereavement, -••• All the -wMobmust. bo onceexceedingly, immediate family were rpresent at the funeral: • A g THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 90c to 92c. _ Oats 35c., Barley 50e to 55c. Butter 18e to 26c. Eggs 20c, Live' Hogs S9,65. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. • _ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oak of Ben - miller announce the engagement oi their daughter, Jessie, to Mr. Allen T. Walker of Denver, Col., son of Mr and Mrs. John Walker formerly of Goderich. The marriage will take place in the second week of Septem- ber. MARRIED IN LONDON. Mr, A. A. Alexander of London, formerly of town where he was well known and Where he still has many friends, was married on Tuesday in London to Miss Mary Elizabeth Burke of that city. The News-Tice- ord join irn congratuiations and good wishes. TI4E 1913 TAXRATE. 'At the council meeting on Morday evening the tax rate for the year Was fixed at 29i mills, which is 2S. 011315 higher than last year. This in-- crease is d-ue to the cutting off of the license fees, the decrease in the assessment of the various hotel properties and an increase of five hundred dollars to the Model school for improvements. FORMER RESIDENT PASSES. The death (secured in Detroit on Monday of last week of Mrs. A. S Oliver, formerly of Clinton, but more recently of Goderich. The remains were brought to Goderich for inter merit, the funeral taking place to Maitland cemetery on Thursday af- ternoon. The palbearers were 'Dr. Strang; N. Kernaban, H. E. Hodgens and W. Coats. The surviving mem- bers of the family are two daught- ers, Mrs. W. Robb and Miss Minh Oliver of Detroit, and one son, John Oliver of Chicago. Mr. W. D. Pair attended the funeral on Thursday. A. QUIET HOLIDAY. Civic holiday was obaerved very guietly in Clinton.. The business places were closed and a great many people spent the day out of town.. A number took in the excursion to Kin- cardine where they witnessed the home lacrosse team Will from that of the lakeside town. Others WC14 to 13ayfield, which possesses' an everlast- ing charm, andnot a few spent ' the day quietly at home, thus enoying a real respite from the daily grind of baldness. Labor Day is the next holi- day, then Thanksgiving, then—Christ- mas. Be sure and do your shopping cIarTlYT aLE LOCALS. • There will be no service 111 St. • Paul's church on Sunday next. The Clinton, lacrosse team have not lost a game so far this season. Touch wood. Mr. D. S. Cluff is moving into his own house, corner of Princess and William streets. Dr. Gunn will shortly tare posses- sion of las house which hasi been, oc- cupied by YR. CIO. See the lacrosse match in Recrea- tion Park on Saturday afternoon, Mitchell, vs. Clinton, Three rinks *of Clinton bowlers motored over ,to Blyth and iliingham today tO play a friendly game with the bowlers of those towns. Mr, J. Nediger took a car of Clin- ton eitizens to Wingham yesterday to see the laerosse match between that town and Goderich, resulting in a victory for the home teanst Yesterday being Godiecleh's civic holiday a number from the lake- side town visited the Hub. INTERESTING WORK. Dr. C. W. Burrows, who left for Washington, D.C., on Thursday last after a few days' visit with his aunt, Mrs. John Cuninghame, and whose wife and little sons are ' Row at the Cuninghame camp at the lake- side, is engaged in the Bureau of Standards in the Americari capital, a part of his work being the testing of the magnetic qualities associated With the mechanical properties of steel, endeavoring to come to an ac- curate knowledge so ,that steel may be made of a uniform quality, thus doing awdy almost entirely with guess work in the using of this mat- erial and diminishiag to a very great extent railway accidents due to brok- en rails. "Fully half of the railway wrenks are due to broken rails, "re- marked Dr. I3urrows, "and that does not take into account at all those caused ,by broken parts. There no way of being sure that a rail 'is a good rail without, breaking it and the nearest any expert can eome to judg- ing of the qualitV of a, „hunch of rails is to suppose that they are all of the same this btireau of standards the experts tost ever,ything 'Which the Government intend/ mak- ing use of so that the best fatality of inaterial only shall be used. rhere are, it is said, hut Mut sucts institti-* tions •in existence one in London, ngland, one in terlin, one in Paris nd this one in the Amoinicaa capital, 5. BuitoWs ha$ been engaged in Ida work for the past six years tteteeting 1110:0, 0•00 Pleefui$es , ' , teat Wscladnestic ow does yourub. read? . , TO CONSIDER PLANS. A' meeting of citizens will beheld in the cram '1 ci chamber on Friday cv- ening of this yaeek at eight o'clock to consider plans for erecting a new skating rink. All those. ia- terested M skating, curling, hockey, etc., are cordially invited. TFIESE. ARS THE DATES. • Following are the dates of . some of the Fall Fairs to be held in the surrounding towns : Bayfield, Sept. 25-20 ; Blyth, Sept, 30—Oct, Is( ; Exeter, Sept. 15-16 ; Goderich, Sept. 17-19 ; Seaforth, Sept, 18a-19; Wingharn, Sept. 25-26 ; Zurich, Sept. 18-19, Hayfield, Mrs. Weir and daughter of London are the. guests of the former's sister, Mrs. John Tippet. Rev, E. C. Jennings of Blenheim was a visitor in the village for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Mitchell of Bay City, Mich., are the guesth Of the former's sister, Mrs. James John- ston. Mrs. Major Moore of the Salvation Antny, Toronto, conducted the servic- es 111 the Methodist church on Sua- day morning last. Miss Reynolds of Goderich and Miss Reynolds of Wingham are guests at Mrs. Snackmars's. Miss Edith_Falconer of Goderich is spending her Nfcation under the par- ental roof. Miss Marion Gray of London is the guest of Miss Floy Edwards. . Anniversary services will be held in St. Andrew's ,church on. Sunday next, when Rev. Dr. R. P. McKay of Toronto will preach morning and evening. Special music will be pre- pared and interesting and inspiring services are looked forward to. Rev. Mr. Argo and family of Eg- ' mondville are guests at Mrs. Par- sons'. Mier Ruby Fisher of' Berlin, is the guest of her . aunt, MI13, F. A. Ed- wards, Miss Helen Maitland of Detroit is visiting Miss Helen Jamieson of the White City. Mr. arid Mrs. Reid and child of De- troit arrived on Monday and have taken a cottage in the white city. Miss Emma 'Austin gave a dance to about one hundted guests in the pavilion on Monday evening, Miss Curtis of Detroit is a guest of Miss Emma Austin, Rev. W. T. Cluff and family -of Stratford, Rev. Mx. McLaughlin and family and Mrs. Hendrie of Hama - ton, Mrs. Murray of 'Stratford, Mr, and Mrs. MeMurtrie of London are summering in Deer Lodge Park. Mr. Brewer of Montreal is a guest at the cottage of M. and Mrs. G. D. Melaggart. , Messrs. Stewart Scott, Clifford Whitmore and Fred Ford of Clinton are camping in. the grove. mt. 0. Geiger and wife of Water- loo, Msg. Smith and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Nenes, Mr. and Mrs. . W. Eardley of London, Miss Gandier of King:3ton, Messrs, Boles, Wilson and Gordon of Stratford, Miss Smith and Miss Gurney, Detroit; Misses Anna Bell, Lilian McKay. and Marion Watson • are guests at Miss Fer- guson's. Mr. Graham and Mr. Percy Moore - house of Bay City., Idich., are guest of their • brother, Mr. Kenneth Moorehouse. • The annual garden party under the auspices of Trinity church on Thurs- • day evening last was a great success. About five hundred peoplewere in at- tendance and a most enjoyable even- ing was spent. '1110 event took place on the spacious -rectory lawn. The refreshreents were good and abundant and tooantuch praise can hardly be given the congregation for their ef- forts to make this gathering a suc- cess., The proceeds amounted to one hundred and sixty-nine dollars. Rev, J. W, Fledging, rector of St: Paul's .church, Stratford, will preach in • Trinity church, Bayfield, St. Luke's, Goshen, and St. JohnPs, Var- na, on Sunday next_ at the usual hours of service. - Stanley Township Mrs: W. L. Keys and Miss Eliza Robinson left on Tuesday for a visit with relatives and friends in the west. Mr. and Mrs. Rader atithed Over from, IVIichigan and ate -at present, visiting friends in Stanley. Rev. Alex. Murray of Chicago Con- ducted the services in the Goshen Methodist church OD Sunday evening, Misa Scott of Seaforth has been: visitihg at the home of Mr. and IVIrs• John McKinley. , The Misses 1VIcKirsley of Toronto have been visiting kaaley relatives, Rev. M, and Mrs. Keys of London spent a MW days this week visiting the parental ilt/Re. MRS 13. Scott of Seaforth is visit- ing relatives on the' Goshen Line. Mr. and MrIs. Wheatley of Clinton were guests of Mr. and 1Vrrs. R. Arm- strong, on Sunday. , Miss Mamie 1,aniont is spending a holiday in Crerliton., - ,aliss Mabel MeKinleY -has relaitned after a Inenitr's vacation at Kenil- worth Toronto and SuttonWest Threshing has begun, the. yield of grain heing 'fair, .and -the liai'veSt is right, in, with alt its Musty •and bos. tle , I About People You Know IVIiss visitor 11,riairdedalreltyon. was a oder lah' .IVIrs. Clara. Rtunball is visiting 10 Winghant this' week, Mies Ruth. Iiralliinshaw 'visited Wing - ham friends last week, Miss Mabel CIO, was home • from Goderich over the week -end. bbs 1) S. ChM and Miss Grace were in Toronto a couple of days last IVIIrvse,eliW. P. McIntosh of Montreal is • the guest ca her mother, Mrs. Ilr7Wng.. ReT. ChM of Stratfor• d 'preach- ed very acceptably in St. paul's church on Sunday last, Miss Florence Ouninghame returned Friday after a week's visit with Miss Hattie Baker of Fullarton. lVli S. G. Bartlett of Toronto has been the guest during the pas w eek of his uncle, Mr. W. H. Hel IVlr. Alf. Rance of Toronto visited friends in town over the week -end, Monday being the cueen City's civic Morrish aMd Miss Bessie returned Monday from a fortnight's visit with Mrs. Jas. McRae of RelAltro.odds.toGcrkehne left for Galt on Sat- urday, where he will supply the Methodist pulpit during the month of August. Dr. John Cook left Friday afternoon for Goshen, Ind., after spending a few days with his mother,, Mrs John Guest. Mr. and Mrs. Paxton, Mrs. Couch, Mrs. Ross and Miss Helen made up panridaauyiatopaatrty to Kincardine on Mrs. Gordon, (nee Tremere) has been visiting her aunts, Washington of town and, Mrs. James South - combe of Hallett, Mr, H. 11. Jackson of Chicago has been the guest during the past week of MI; parents, Mr._and Mrs. Isaac Jackson of town. Mrs. W. S. Dowzer has returned to her home in Detroit after a visit at the horne of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McDonald. • Mr. and Airs„1-. McLeod and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moore were one of the many parties who took in the ex- cursion to Kincardine on Friday. Mrs. Hampden and little daughter, who have been visiting the lady's parental home, that of .. Mr, John Middleton, returned to Ottawa on Monday. Mr. Robt. Cluff and bride arrived in town on Saturday front tnan..„*_hon- eymoon trip, leaving the same ev- ening for their home on the Bay- field Line, Dr, Agnew left for his home at Medi- cine 14at this week after spending several weeks visiting hit parents in Wingham and relatives and friends in Clintom Mrs. Johnston, wife of Inspectoi Johnson, and her little son, Em- merton, of Fort William are the guests of the lady's father, Mr John Emmerson. Miss Lyda Morrish heti returned home after spending a couple of weeks at the summer cottage of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mustard, at Bayfield. Miss Litrbie Gibbings of Toronto, who has been spending part of her vacation in Mita co'..a, ts es Ns 1 ad honie this wees 10 ViSlt 1135^ mils, Mr. and Mrs. john Gibhinas. Mr. Ed. Flo srly , Jr., of Toronto spent the week -end with friends in town- and is this week with his sister, Ws Olive, who has been here for the past month, camping at Bayfield, Mrs, Jas, Walkinshaw and Miss Lue- lla returned last Thursday from a pleasant trip (Iowa the St, Law- rence and Saguenay, with stop -over at Montreal and Quebec, and on the way home, at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Archer left yes- ierclay for. Griswold, Man., bei»g called thither by the continued and severe illness of their daughter, l'irs• James ,Macclonald, who has been a great sufferer front rheuma- tism for several years. Mr, a,nd Mrs. W. F. Oantelon, Master Wilfrid and Miss Kathleen ef Tor- onto arrived on Saturday on a'. visit to the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cantelon. Mr. Cantelon returned to the city Monday even- ing leaving Ms wife and little ones for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. 8, J. Jenkins returned to their borne in Toronto on Mon- day after a pleasant visit with friends in Clinton and vicinity and in camping at the lakeside. They were accompanied by .Miss Beatrice **Greene, who will spend a le* days in Toronto and will then return to Galt for some weeks. Miss Myrtle Wright was the guest of 1Vfiss Amy Howson for a couple of days last week, leaving Saturday morning for her home in Terelit'e afthr spending a month with, friends, „here and at Rensalls Miss IVIary Chidley vitited Miss Peggy McTaggart at the summer cottage at Bayfield for a couple of' \yeas.. Dr. Harry McCormick of Detroit vis- ited las brother, Rev. •11, J. "Mc- . „pdroicrnh'igek, 0414w091nlensy‘iliceart.7t • week, They h ,attencled the -funeral et• a' .0e11e111 ,at Trowbridge 'and Dr. Me- Con/lick returned to pethoit On ,Sattirdaya• ' Rev, ., kr. -14006m-110k "hos been learning to handM the car and with very little *practice ivonid hecoina. quite an expert;', ' - , Rev. 13: C. Jeanings of Blenheim Has , I in town on Saturday. Mx. JaineS Flynn spent tile week -end 1 at his home in town. Miss Kathleen East of Toronto spent the week -end at her home in town., . Messrs. Frank McCaughey and Newt-. Davis are camping in Bayfield this , Miss Etta. Marion visited Blyth and Wingham friends for a few days this week% Miss Jessie Robins of London is a guest at the home of IVEr. and IVIrs.: 'rhos. Watts, Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore and. Master Erne:st and Miss -.Kathleen spent yesterday in Bayfield. Miss Mabel Williamson of town visit- • ed Mr. and Mrs. Williamson of Pot- ter's Hill over the week -end. - Mr, W. J. IVIitcheli of The News -Re- cord felt on Saturday, for a trip 'through the Maritime provinces. Mrs. A. J. Grigg and Miss Helen left on Tuesday' on a mouths' visit with 'London, St. Thomas and De- troit friends. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Copp and Mr. Duckworth of Goderich Were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A, Steep of Stapleton on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Ogle Cooper and three daughters, Phyllis, Frances and Rosati', o? Collingwood, are visiting friends in town for a few weeks. Mrs. FIarry Rutledge and Miss Maud have returned to their Imam in New Liskeard after spending a . month with Mr. and Mrs. D. Steen. Mr. and 1VIrs. J. W. Stevenson left yesterday on a trip to the west. They intend going out to the Coast 'and will probably be absent a couple of months. Little Misses Mary and Gladys Hol- land, daughters of Mr. and, Mrs. C. H. Holland, are holidaying this week with' their sister, Mrs.- Ed, Welsh of the Base Line. Mrs. E. p. MalOny o( Sault Ste, alarie, accompanied by Little Miss Mary and Masters Charles and James, are guests .of the former's . mother, Mrs, McLennan of town. Miss Jean Chidley went down to Toronto last week to meet her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bright 'of Winnipeg, and accompanied theta • to, the Regatta at St. Catharines, Mr. Kenneth McCopnell, who has been engaged with the Canadian. Express Company here for some months, has accepted a position as biller in the G.T.R. freight sheds, Brantford, and leaves shortly for that town. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Taylor returned yesterday from a very pleasant trip to the west. They, accompan- ied by Miss Delle, leave on Monday for Huntsville wliere an:. W. B. Taylor will be married on. Tuesday, to Miss Jessie Cullen. Goderich Township The 'council met on Meriday with' all . the members present except Councillor Cobb. By-law -No. 6 was passed, levying the rates of taxation; for the year as follows': Township; 2 2-10 mills, County, 2 5-10 mills ; General school, 2 mills, the township rate being 4-1.0 mills lower. than last year, the county sat 5-10 mills high- er and the school rate the same. By- law No, 7, , authorising the treasurer to borrow $1000 from the Sterling . Bank was al'so read and passed. The following accounts we're passed; Jam- es Harrison, placing steel culvert, $9.65 ; A, Forbes, tile, S8.15 ; Geo. Young, timber, $2,10 ; The F'edlar People, 7 steel culverts, $218.50 ; Canada Ingot Co., 7 culverts,' 1200 ; Wm. Fulfar, hauling' steel. calverts, $4.00 ; James Halstead, battling cul - vests, $8.00 ; Richard Burke, hauling culverts, $12.00 ; G. Hahn, dam- age to auto, $33.75. The council adjourned to meet the 2nd Monday itt September.—N. W. Trewartha, Cleric. • London Road Miss Kate Falconer was a visitor at the home of her brother, Mr, Will. Falconer, last week, • , The Epworth League united with( the League or Turner's church oa Friday week and held their picnic, in Peacock's grove, This is an ideal spot for a gathering of this kiwi; and as the gathering in question was of the gooti-natured, ,happy variety, bent on having a good time and giv- ing everyone ,present a good time al- so, the day was spent most enjoy- ably. There ,were about one hundred. and fifty people present the tinie be- ing spent in games of various kinds, races, etc., and the ens,ayirient of the dainties provided by the ladies for the oecasion. ,The annual picnic was owfa...11;osrottaiut;arayte. the, guer of O success. Mis. illington and daughter., Nel- lie, Mrs, Fred, Waldron left yesterday - for Toronto to see • her sisters who are returning to Edmonton on Sat- urday,. ' The W,1VLS, of the. Bruceileld Meth:, odist elnir,ch met at , the' hoine or lea, McKnight on Tuesday. , IVIr. and Miss Pepper and Miss Bar- clay of, Dublin visited at the home of IVir. Roger Pepper on Sunday. Among 'those who teok in the ex- eursion to Kincardine on Friday were : Mr. and Mrs. W. Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Peacock, alr. and MDS. I13 1311: E •a.ildCillrerhs: aPnrdedMrPrSe,PPWeir16111: ' , .