HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-07-31, Page 2e ees G. D. MeTAGGA.RT . , , ' ilia b.' alcTAGGART Bran' Q11 or a . • as, aaalee,,,,„eey ou ' • ,,.a „ • t and Flour . Hadne s. Wrong?, . 7 ' ' • . .. . .. . If they are ,you arein danger. When through weakness or- disease the ' kidneys fall to filtea the impur4iwa from the bleed-, troubie comes at once. Backeche, Rheernatine, Sciatica,. ' Gravel, Diabetes, Gall Stones and the ..- deadly Bright's Disease are soine•of . . the reeulte of neglected kidneys. Dr. . Marse's Indian Root .Pals coetain a 'most 'effective diuretic which • . , strengthens . and stimulates tne Isidneys so that they do their work thoroughly and well. Try ' 44 . Dr. Morse'a" ' , Indian .R- 0011 pills • , . THE 'SUNDAY . .. INTERNATIONAL • ., Lesson V. apea, 1,je,• ' , onOeur °lies: .. . • C11001. • ....a. ., ., , AUGIJSTR • ---• . Theeplagnefa' *ma, :gae-a!dert .: Matt. 28. y settle' pasens!agassijaisd•tahlciashof;icaar.1 . . . 'STUDY . , • • . . : .. ' LESSON . s - 3.. 'the ,, , . • of Egypte- ;feat, . ' 12. , generations braalee .three --By means of the ,' hall -and lightning (Conaphre Psa' ' • • • • • . . , • , - . • • .7/3• 47, 48.) • . ' • ., 34: Locust . ' grasshopper , . . . , , . --e-Again referring to e, single plague, The Hebrew word probably denotes . loaliat ill its Maya elate,' end ih . the Faiglieh.reyieed vereime is theree, , foie translated•cankeravorin instead. of as irr our tett. • ' • . • • . a35e, Every • herb --Grass and vegee ge, • • table, fella ' ' The fruit. of their ground -Thai expression 'may refer to sueh bulbs as weae, used iar food. • 36. The firstaborn in their land- Both of cattle anclabf 'human beings, and therefore the chief of all their stiength. 'Erie was the tenth 'old •, last plague and proeed so convinea hag that cyan es' ha.raohavea,' s not only ' willing but anxious', to have the Is- .,,,,entes &pail frara.Egypt. . , , The manner in Which the Hebrewa themselves escaped from' the ra,v-' ages of the death -angel is recorded in our next Magmain 'which we re- , to the Ex odus' naarrative • -, 1 ' : t .a a. - .,-, , a. as itc-IfIggart Bros • o- ' . • ,--- BANNERS - . _ , , From the Best allills,ait the lowest . • - " pOssibje .priae. . e sabsaValeAlMeeje. setp, sa' '4 sa J• Y se 4 e• a wejaijeat _ ' '- '',ea 'vim:, 27 • - ' ; e • .. . • ' A a'NERAL BANKING 13U:Sla NESS TEANSACTED. NOTES , . . . • DISCOUNTED,. DRAFTS ISSIJED. , . . INTEREST' ALLOWED ON DE- . , . ,„ WE PAY, THE HIGHEST PR.ICE 'for OATS,' PEAS and BAR- s . a , LEY, also:114Y forEaling. entleaFifiillraatdyrdY,caarrBesient/ilauesed- 20 ti b y p h y s le i a ri 8. For: Woman's Ailntents, 'Dr, Mertel's porno(' plo,a, at ye.Tr' druggist. a ipnsaIlmsit'elincowinniieeheriletta6ter dthe nese and guidance good- of Jehovah dila- Mg the ea' ea Pe 1° ot the ea; thins development. In the verses _ 'of the psalm assigneeffoa study. ithlitiell-i nheeovaahinips ronzaitsiende fhoils• phoLcs:15:if:wi they by EaY13- 'a'a `). D D . , . . . • • .. .. ALE.-- - STOUT --- LAGER PURE -PALATABLE - NUTRITIOUS ---- BEVERAGES • • , FOR SALE•BY WINE aen.SPIRIT MERCI-IANTS EVERYWFIE 4 ' .- , POSITS. • SALE NOTF,S PUR- . CEASED. . .„ : , . .• . Ford & 1VIcLeod LOCAL OPTIONe-Residents in the local option districts - . - a, can .leaallY Order fromthis; brewery whatever they ,' • require for personalor %TOP use. :Waite to ' JOHN LABATT, LIMITED LONDON CANADA . • • , . • ... . . ., . <, es THE largely . you ,,,,,_...., I we. .$2 WE printing, you world's -Eastman's et W. ... . , joy' of 'nc . 1 own iii-_ price' have. up. do developing how to ' We are agents best THE .. icio see. 1;,XALL STORE S. R. HOLMES, . .. . . , -living,. is..:.r. rease ' ' d if a KODAK.. • , ' is s' mall ;' them from . - and also show do it. . for the cameras .- Kodaks. . _. 4 Ph.M.B. were oppressed the' Liasn(sLi2n2)Eagna<pitiah.:sheethpartacfeodgetvg je(3e7r-..: , 45) tell, of `the earlier and. later 'man a •vert festations af divine goochaeas as re- fleeted in the connected history of God?s chosen people. The histor-• , Mal narrative as recorded in Exo- dus is very much fuller, ardi :goes more into detail , than the brief pee , etical summary Which constitutes our lesson. (Compare Exod. '7..8 to. IL 10.). The, inspired poet over, no in , e c, rono- - t interested L.- 'al' 'h - .Williams,' logical seqeence of the event.s so much as in the greatneas of the de' leialiainneset'anweero.1,1gThot tbhaisa.flanethev'vvaatini!: ascribe the Omission. on his ,part of all reference to two of the plagues (those of pestilence and boils) rnen- t;-ried in .Exodas. a This religious inteeest of Alm psalmist may also account for the order in which the plagues are mentioned, which again differs from the order in Exodus. According to the Exodus narrative- they occurred in the following or der: (1) Nile water changed to blood; (2) frogs ; • (3) lice ; (4) ties; (5) pestilence; (6) boils; (7) hail; (8) (9) darkness; (10) death of first-born. Verse 23. Israel -The reference. is to Jacob as the immediate an- cestor of tbe twelve tribes. The po- etical form of the reference permits „. the use in close proximity to each other of the two names for the sameclonly person. The land of Ham -Egypt. 24. Increased his people greatly -"And the chiklren of Israel were e- ••- If. T. RA.NCE e- -.- . , NOTARY PUBT.,10, CONVEY- 'ANDER FINANCIAL, REAL .ESTATE. AND -FIRE INSUR- , . , ANCE AGENT. REPItESENT- , ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT OFFICE' CLINTON. , ETAIO.TT ' . a uleensed An'etioneer for the County - .of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. „ • . . Immediate arrangements can be made for. Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by , calling Phone 13 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction • guaranteed., , . Pinere'8•31.ethods. , . . . Britain's forenmet living' drama- • tist, Sir Arthur ying Tineroa .has jest celebrated • 'his fifty-eighth .birtaaday. . Ars his name indicates, ae es pertly of. feeeignextraction, his father, was a Porthguese. His mother was Miss ia- tee oe ,a Dow Geaveeend', aaed.ZrwinaistYin Pthil;.1 di): 3t, Sir' Arthur spent 't.h. e days .of youth. He was at one time in,- tended for a busiriese•careere and etudied at Birkbeck College, but the call of the stage proved too strong.He made hi debut before the aatlights as a general iiiility e AleAleileeNeweaestIveeetesiseateesaveeseeeveveA, tereeeesteeekeer. isaine..00A4e/eavese.e, 9:,....-7.• aka, ,sasaaaaaaalassaa.• asaY.:ft': •.'•--!....'' .' '''',l'•;'''''.'....l ...',",'..- .,.-- STREET CAICRAMS FICEIGIIT.' . , „ ____ • Collision at a Loadon Railroad . - r°ssing. ' . . • A despatch f from Loadlon, Ont, says : Motorman Swaelling, of Dula- dae ear No. 98, was perhaps fatally hart, and several pa,saengers r e- ceived somewhat severe injarie , ‘ehen the street car ra•renned sa etaisea ee freight eara being shoved otliveeriittheerhe ee6.6between;6r°ssingthOf silavriitnahdaiiisgSltiin Grand Trunk and the C.P.R..short- ly alter midnight, Thurscla, '9 Y' ' '8Y- en teen cars were being puelied over A.ceo- idiag to a statement made b Y Mr. 7. H. ., ste, taetised Ca°C4neerrrinTa;a-111-C:oGil B:eitur: ham aeCyaairliar foaf ,hoiande smdalenirrip: . . us le o go an. in ye., inmeased .from 7,0`76,009.,marks in 1908 to 58,130,000 malice ix 1012. r , . a Ge mart exports, th CamadasellOW an increase from 20,302,000 marks. in 1908 to 54,254,000 marks.iri a912, For first time since the exia mice of b : :t German trade statistice haves Cana- - exports to Germany ehown. an incecase over 'German exports to Canada. • ' • - , W, BRYDONE, • . e ._ BARgISTER, soLiciTo.11, ., ,tion, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC?: Offiee-- Sloari, Block -CLINTON ALL KINDS OF , . . , COAL ' WOODhis ' ' , , 9 1 TILE BRICK TO ORDER. , CHARLES B. HALE. Conveya.ncer, Notary Public,. Conamissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE ' Issuer ,of Marriage Licenses • • All kinds of Coal on hand: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE . CANNEL COAL FURNACE. ' COKE BLA OKSMITHS • ' • WOODa ; • _._ 1; ; I a la .,1,,} , A _. __ a. 11 ' a a 4. _ ..7 r ''...sti" , . .; la el: Pala a" ' i . _ / e a A ___than . , , , the Messing from the Grand Trunk to the 0.P.R., when the street -car rammed the third freight car, • motorman Sweating not having seen the obstructien in the dark- imss. He was traeelliog• at a fast rate at tlm time, and the impact arushed t•he anotorman'e vestibule like an egg-sholl. The trolley was derailed, arid the forward end was carried a tonsiderable distance nor thwai.d. ie • EITED JNTO TPIE GANG. -- Italian Shd0t8 FOrelllan and liill s Himself. ' A despatch from, Wilkie, Sask., says : While ii, railway eone,truction ga•ng was returning to work aftex daffier on lariday,.one Italian Bud - drew his gun and deed intc the gang. The foreman weal/hot in the arm. He started ta yen ena HURON STREET, - CLINTON 2aa in., 3 in. and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality.locusts; DRS. GUNN' & GANDIER .Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.O.P., L.R. CS., Edin. Dr. J. C. Ga.ndier, B.A., M.B. ARTHUR FORBES , Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 62. Office--OntarioClinton. ,Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. IF' The MoKillop Intua 1TO Insurance Company STATUE OF VICTOR1A. - Will Be Ereeted at Victoria. British was shot, again in the loin. 'His as, sailanb then shot himself theougl the head, dying instantly a ... . A ORDERS for Coal may be left at R. ltowland's lIardware Store, or at my office in II. Wiltse's Grocery Store. HOUSE PJIONE 12 OFFICE PHONE 140 A. J . HOLLOWAY • 'fruitful. and increased abundantly, airlia,e„--,Ice::.-3. aiinigdiymilinlit;r37, and wti filled with them" (Exod. 1. 7). . Stronger than.their adversaries- Stronger than the Egyptians, whom they 'served. - 25. He turned their heart -The subject is Jehovah and the reference is to the Egyptians, whose hearts, like the heart of .Pharaoh, were hardened arid embittered toward the Israelites, whom they came gradually to fear because of their increasing aurribers. To deal -Deceitfully or •DR. J. W. SHAW -OFFICE- RATTENBURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON Farm and Isolated Town Property . a only Insured - OFFICERS --- 7. B. McLean, President, Seaforth P.O.; Jas.Connolly, Vice-Presi- dent, Goderich P0.; T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seafortb P.O. - Directors - ' John . Columbia. His Name Was Peacock. A despatch from London says : Albert Brucejoy, the distinguished In a small village lived a gentle. sculptor, informs the Canadian As- man whose name was Peacock ane sociated Press that he is now at his great hobby was the breeclint Work on a large statue of Queen of tarkeys, of which he ahvays kepi Victoria, which is to be erected in a large quantity in a•paddock ir front of the Parliament buildings front of his house adjoining tis, at Victoria, B.C., the commission roadway, which was a grea,t attrac , having been given by"the British' tion to the Public. One day a tray Columbian G-overnment, The stat- eller passing that way mingled witl which will be about thirteen a little crowd that was watchim feet high, and will stand on a. pe- their antics and asked ; "Whoa !eel , clostal seventeen lee,' le height, re -turkeys are these?" A youth re ley ie eaeoc ;a. av presents the Queen as she appearedplied:"T1 ' • P e lea " 'Tr soon after her accession. She aa eller : "1 43,01ted you whose turkey •e i lose , ou • answelita crowned ancl is bearing a sceptre are 1 1" Y th ( a on her right 8,1•111. again): "They're Peaeook's. ie bearing th Sir Arthur Whit, Finer°. DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON, ETO. Special attention given to di. eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit- able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St. . - D. F. McGregor, Seaforth ; Grieve, Winthrop; William Rinn, Conetance; John Watt, Harlock; John lienuewies, Brodhagen ; James Evans, •Beechwood; M, McEven Clinton P.O. _ ' - Agents -- Robert Smith, Harlock; E. Hincli. lea/ Seaforth ; William 'Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Teo, Holmes- ville. . Anto be paid * b Any money. p.1 in may . e .Traveller paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Clan. ton, or at Cat's Grocery, Goderich actor at a salary of one pound a week, but the experience he gained has areved of ine.e.timable value. . there is no Hying Playwright and who is hie superior in stage tech- niqae. One of his earliest efforts at writing for the stage was a curtain- raiser for the late Sir Henry Irv- ing but it was with his striking , play "The Magisteate" that Sir Arthur gained his fiest big .succese. Sir Arthur Pihero's method of writing a play is certainly unique, for he first devises the final scene, and from. that works back to hie opening. When he is about to re- hearseh h l d t a play 4 as p arme on.. the minutest detail of business, He is a kindly autocrat at .rehearsals, and the actor Or actress who doe S not follOw his direction is soon brought to task. e, subtly treacherously. :a • `e BUSINESS AND ''' SHORTHAND ht by expert instructors Subjects taught at the ..14/..,2iedjeike Y.N.C.,A.131.30.. • LONDON. ONT.' Students assisted to positions..College, session from Sept and.. Catalogue f co' E ter ana time. r • n Lw. westervdt a. wweaterveit Jr . Principal Ceartnreaistoouetant 17 , Vice.Priadol 26. Moses his servant -It le, 8,0 the servant of Jehovah and his repre- sentative to the people that Moses appeare throughout the Exedus ner- rative. • Aaron . . . chosep - Chosen • • • to serve Moses as spokesman and an other ways. 27. They set among them -Moses and Aaron among the'Egyptians. His si ns -The manifestatione of a , his power and will. • • •• 28 He sent darkness -The Egyae tians were worshippers of the sun - god, and with them, therefore, the (excited, and CANADA AND GERMANY. , la ' "Yoyoung fool cl. sou,e s ears): ta , - ' • you. think I can't tell peacoake fror Trade Bdweee the Two Countries turkeys?" Dit. P. A. AXON - DENTIST - Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of O.C.D.S., Chicago and .R.C.D.S., To- , Parties desirous to effect insur- ance or transact other business , will be promptly attended to on ale. plication to any of the above officer a addressed to their' respective post- offices. Losses ins eeted b thein' y directorhivesP t' who nearest the scene. )s Growing. A despatch from Dtete Kaye: Clerit--"Tha.t man w 1 ' 10 oast p55. Since the removal by Canada, of ed was an old flame of mine." Net the surtax on Ger.man goods 'trade -"Indeed I what happ ened betwee• feeling in Germany 'towerde Cite- yeu 1" Clara --'`Oh, he flared u acla has considerably Improved. one day and went out. • • ronto. Baafield On Mondays from May to 'December.' _I . • ton • d Clio . News -Record - • CLINTON, -- ONTARIO ' ' INEvITABLENESS OF 1.1Ealin ----- . of darkness would plague ,be,.espe- to inspire fear of CEtiTRAL / //. • / 1/7 STRATFORD. ONT. Canada's Bost OusInessColloge . ' We have thorough courses and ' competent, experienced instruc- tors. We do more for our stu- • • ' „ • dents and raduates t•han ariy 8 ere other schools do. At present have applications offering from • $660 to $1,200 per annum for trained help. . Busicess mela know wherethe the bestf help. We haye three de,part- m.ents:--Coenmercial, Shorthaila and Telegraphy.i-- •Get our free e , oatalogu . ' • • • D. , A. MeLACHLAN, . Principal. cielly calculated Jehovah upon them. This interpre- tation of the plague appears the more probable from the next sen- tenee, "And :they rebelled not against his• words " in which the pronoun "they" is geneeally taken to refer to the Egyptians. . The , _,, _ ,. whole sentence therefoie ieflects • the attitude of the Egyptian p toward the Israelites to whose de- . , , . •Parture out of the land the people re reconciled much earlier than were • - . was their stubborn king. • . 29. Their waters -Those of the Nile river. (Comaare Exod. 7-20, e„., . a..° a • ''' -BO, to the ;aro- 1 t• e the second - la ue. c us, narret iv , , P g (Compare Exod. 8' 1-1'''I 31; Swarms of flies . . . 1 ee --Literally swarms of dog -flies and ,' gnats. (Compare also Exod. 8. 16 - , s -- 32.) ': ' .a e . e ,e _. 32. Hail ..; ., . n dung en Hail accompanied by thunder and - •-• • _ lightning. The eeference as to a . . - ,,,,,e.„' e, s ,, a , ,.. 1 'arm E PA_RALYSla a ula I-1 - -I-- -1-, - • . •• -- Dr. Magee Sa.ys Ile Usee A.n. Injees • . . Hon of Glyceyine Emulsion. A clespathh from Los Aageles, .a .2 .ss4s. r, Fun Magee of C I . • • D I • a • M f Venice, on Friday announced, he hadplei• • discovered ,a. cure for nlantale . • - • paaalysis, He declared he is eon- fident that by a ;similar treatment h . • • e can eoartrol l000rnotor-ataatea. In the cure of infantile paralysis Dr. 31' b . ' • • agee says ha 'pee a.su; cutan- colts injection of glaceeme einul- sion from •tho oells of the anterior horn o le. ,t)marrow of the spieal column of a healthy animal. The- physician says he has treated six-- teen cases .successfull H t t • y. c is a. es treatment m h • • 1 b must e adumnistereo e- f tl''man ore ie paralysis etag.e 'is reached., With this • D Magee ; , same serum r. 811.3%.1te hs Mired one case of locos . . , , , motor -ataxia,. The cells in tne' . . , treatmcnt--of this .disease, he says, 5 e o , • e from man 91 e le ma!' t b btain d f • '1 higher a,pe. . GRAND. - .. Trains from Clinton BUFFALO Going Eat, ... Going West, o II . o LONDON', Going South, Going North,. TI3IE; will arrive •Station AND I/ et ss t.Frogs-According'.'E HURON TABLE GODERICH o....prolg. - • at •and depart as follows: DIV: 7.35 a. ra. 3..07 p. ra. 5:15 ra m. 11.07. a. m. 1.25 p. m. 8.40 p. na. 11.28 la ln, & BRUCE DIV : 7.50 a. m, p. in. mpg a, es, 6.35 p. M. Terms of subscription -$1 pee year. in advance.; $1.50 may be eharged if not's.) paid. No paper discon. tinued antall arrears are paid, unless at, the option of the pub- Haller. The date to which every • • ' subacription 15 paid is denoted 0/3 the label. ' - • • Advertising Rates - Transient ad- vertisements, 10 cente per 11011 - . , paieil line fax first insertion and 4 cents . per 1iao foe each mane: quent insertion.. ' Small advertise. raents not to exceed one inch, suchYas "Lo•st," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted once for ' 35 cents, and each subsequent in • ,sartian 10 cents. • ' • • • • Conimanications intended for •pub. bastion must as a guarantee of - , . , . . good faith,,be leccompanied by the ' • name of the Writer. ' There Collies a Day When the King Is Stripped 0 Crown and Sceptre So ie he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God. -Luke xii. 21. / Jesus was undoub,tedly one•of the. . ., , gentlest of amen, but lie was also upon occasion one of the moat ter- rible. What could be more pitiless,- . for example, than 'the meaner ni which ale relruked the tee brothers who disputed over their inheritance em le a 013 o the 1 b t ll• th tl I - f id ech y e lug who was congratulating him- self that be had ."-much goods laid' ula ior naany years" 'and Was pull- . , d 1 • ld b' • t "beild mg own OS 0 al. n0 o ., tei"' for Isis etoree when he Pea - . ' ; , . d' 11 "God said unto limo. Thou ese . feolish one, this night ie thy soul . of thee and the thinee requiem' , , . which. thou ha,st prepared, where h 11 they bel'' • s a. This is a terrible question, but it • . which .1 • • t ° IS eme r is well ler. us face. Nothing is more wholesome ' after all than to be remadled new • ' . . ' . and then of the Inevitableness of • • . , . . death and to be requaxed to meas- ' 1,_ ure our earthay amo-tions awn, pn.. poses froni the etareapeint et this tremendous event. • The king reigne . ., , • , in unexampiett einem ex, but t iere . r ', , . . , . , . comes a day wiien 110 is so ippect.or . crown ancl sceptre and is left. ,;‘,Iiili , . . .. , . , , • , . , ,,e 'nothing to distinguisn erim nom be . . • veriest beggar. , The 3fultisnallioTti re 4 . . . 4 . ha: more moneY than.be „can .estim• ate„ but stion•ey ar latee he is doom- ed to loge .evexy atonal; til bia for- 1 - Wet of Art, end liter- tune' , T le P .- l• • • . , ature gatheas his treasn MS hem a,11 •31the auart; •s of 'the' gbobo ,only_ . end to surrender every 'book and . picture to hisheecliess 'lei r0 Or yield theM to the tender meecies of the auctioneer. ..All these have gained something ,frona,the toys and 'bail- , . .. bles' of thear little tiour , The king has enjoyed his. bieef rnoneent et re- ' 'gal power, the. million:lire has re- veiled in the glitter eil Ins gold, le a 'h' ceirencieseer has steecl ereraptup?.4-1. before many a. ereat Moyne end hanclarel fondly niasoy it rare 30110, ,33itt'what., hale! ;Ilea ,aa.lasa aa ..:tata ' '' ' 'a i a , leng, :ran?' 'What ie. ,Lhe .eermaiSeea worth of their "much goodsa" Hos are they different in the end fern so many little children who gathe s arkling pebbles all day tapon .th P sands, arid, taking them home i the evening ask that they be ee , changed for gold 2 In the'eternity of death, howeve it may be in the 'flitting memeni ' ' ' 'tn. 1 and n.t- of lite, it as things span a . - material which really count. Th barbalaan ' buries food •triete drini • - 'I ti s and j elry speer en e, o 'one a ew . , • . ehield ;with the body of his dee :chieftain, in the cordident expect., tion that these things cam be cal a 'l • • into the great lueyone iitt o\:ei. , . ., 13ut this superstition Is no long. • ; ~ • . . ' . • ours. The clothing we weaa•, tn houses we build, 'the lamb etre bus the money we invest, the jewels an pietaree and brie-a-43ra.° we acea n ulate-all as we web know, ' , . . Must; Be Surrendered ' - • at the la.a.t day with the bedy tht , , • • i th N' tl • • • ' • nas ciannee - um. J 0 .1111g 10 10. • - 3 ' R 'e ns except our sou.s. i., DOW • • s het hie . at queetion not es wWe ,a -t, a ,, , , oi waits we ale. ie, e - . Tl ' tr asuvc which wehave laid up on the eari31 thaceigh inuth meat ,and marl • . .• a teare, varosr away as though tee ' had ne-; .e. been, a a . , or wo , .11,0 poor "tOward ' God . , , 1 . ' • • .. . , , - I have called this truth teeribb Bat it is tenable after all, 05133/..i , .. , . the . '',E0.01i011. Olie • ' ' TO , the. WI./ man...the- truth is as, gracious. as • is ,aust-, It naeltes the ' peograme ,of ,existeace aeimple aand tam pet) vess efe endeavor alairt, Like, fa \ ' . • . .1. . ". . magic „foi•mula, in tbe tesa time . .(h(,• chemi ,s.tdeath sepaeates fet tl -1 lao ' ol life the clear pie ie au u a n . . , . • eipitete of..the Spirit. It separate lava earthly frons the' heavenly, tl' soeiaal. from tee immortal., iss . worthless. these teem the 5,5551 10 ' • ,,. . ; e: dm gold . . Death tells u,., . if af 7101, that it, Is the soul that is al•.,. • ' IT ; ' ' i e tho -11 wurth ,haring. . ov, fdt.ne ,-• ' th '1 (.111 thP alleit,itii Roum smep a .. . ,, . tomb ; ',I haNa.. expended ; 1 hee Oven ; I have . lte,[4.; What 1 ky] I hale eended, I had evlott 7 a - , • • 1 1 ' ' T loot " -Rev jot w3"•33; - aeP:te -a...• -' •• a fl;Lyi.ie's Rolmem. • . OYER op YEARS' tausEnitrica' ... W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. . . single plague, the seventh, aceora- _The man Who is willing to adinit his naistakes seldom makes any. - - ina to •the order in Exodus (Exec'. 9. 23-35.) 33 Smote ' their vines ' - • • ..... _____.. - . . DISAST1tOUS 11,1.1T, sTonm. • -- Ring's County, New Brunswick, Was Visited. - A despatch fiom St. John, N.B., • ' says : ,, A diaastrous hail storm Wirept ON'et. the northeta part 'ol Kingas County on Friday an.oer.iing, levelling crops breaking windows . , and causing great loss to. 'farmers. • . • • • .s • • The, buckwheat crop in it path is • . .._ ruined 'and potatoes and „erne sur f '' d ' 1 Th a do. . ,.. ere severe y. a e wen ws ex • • • . la n"le (pais were two churches: in, ,e o s , smashed as well` as those in heausee . ,with„ a.. "neethern . •casposare....The ihitatOneS Were iri • 'size from '''a a . walnut .• ` .., .. - , . ' .. , . 31"111alt PLA.CES FIllatED. nen Who . iVent . on „Strike Lose ' • ' - • 'Their Jobs. , . A clempatch from Montreal' seys : • • Sixty-five bridge, workees who went ,,,„ steike at Chaueliere, Q11e. • ea . , , Friday forind themselves nrlexPeel:- edly miarits theie job•s. ' Tlaes had been.getting two dollars a day and' ;anted three ,,aloalare. 'Atter' they saw, tho...i.,,0 , W43s. little a pthepect ..01 getting it they went back to ',work ti •diseeeer' that their' pladee wave ' '' ' ' ... ' fa': ' ' ' filled anclAthat there Was, ne chance . Per elaiployinent.: ..' ' . . ' , - , ' • .' ..-. a E , - - - e Alt V .GRAND -TRU ity..§. . . ,T,EM 0 e Invite A ii.• ta . . . k f • 01111! t0,0 -.0: Standard . . • , . • 0.• ran • „via tee the . Will soit-.0.1t. *. • . . , vv _Have . , • . . , . , e a . ' ' h 4. . , showi• nper, that• . . . . PrieeS give satisfaction • . _1 is a pleasure . that'.one en:Stonier - , • I ..1a1A.RRIACI, W • ins eci . - .11•V , . s • , , S erwat e. We . - ' quality and 'ottr prices ' • • • ' , ' • o' ut• . I.v . o r k ma, n. s1. .D. .1141 1:1-• ' ' la- ' ' - to so cater to the trade brino.s . nother 4 ' • - Ie , 1 LC . ..." • ' IEL,r'k ' ' el 'r,su•ER' OP,„ve .IE. , ' -.: 4n ' ' ' ' ' ' • : • ' e,' e.- sea., . '.' e a ' ENb'r,,Y •.' Triocte manes DE1aIONS . : .DOPYRIOHTS &C. ' ailyontreonatag a aketetk and desaiiptionmsy oniotav eseertalo our o,pinion rayllttler, an 'tualimai;turangstyerutattrxam laaragati ?Int Roaaaria' lauuTRIeagiee• ' ' emust notes, without oyits, ln t o. • ali ' - ; , lettliti. nil trim. Li , ., , , • , . A andsom611 illosnated wesalv. ',,Largest dr. .ttilstIon of . any sotintalliss!..1.,,,Tesplt. c9, kinligVIN:ri: .7"'. F'....." 1'77. ''''T" " r ' . MUNN tttoiLsoili-amilleit Ygrx . steno oreoe.=„Yst...weautootott.o., . ..•. . HOMESEE ERS )K ' EXCURSIONS- T M It bat 'S It t h To _an 0 ,, aS 1. 0 °wan, Alberta . aaeh Tuesday until October 28, inclusive 'WINNIPEG AND ' 'RETURN .-....835,00 EDM NTON AND RETURN .......843.00 - 0 P t; to' lo rates to other points - roper lona sr , , Return ,Iiinit two ,monthe. • . 7/frog/ph , pnlinlan Tourist, IlsopIng oars ' ttro'opiraten .to Winnipeg oiltil,. out change vito•cemago and St. Paul, leaVIng Toronto, 11.00 p.m.. en above dates.. • , . - , . .. ,'. Tfekets "are , also on sale viO . S,arnia, and Northern Navigation Company. - . TT, Lippthcoilhazelnut,to pull particulars and reservations from ' ' ' d• Trunk 4 eats, or write 0,, ,E, .t.P, g Horning,' D.P.A.', Onion Station. To, route, Ont MONTHLY MAGAZINE. „. . A FAMILY Lusnaay . The Be' st in Current Literature. . .. e s e 12 COMPLETE rtOVELS fEAISLIN...„ MANY SHORT prom ES' AND. PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS . . , $2.50 PER YEAR ; 25 GTS. A COPT NO CONTI WED STOR t Eq - EVERY NUM BIM OOMPILIGTE In ITIEL, . , Work and the Weather. The aestleas days are here. All outdoors invites, us and our week. , becomes a conscioes effort- and a bOre. , It is the ti•ine when we are ' t ' maa•thy with 'Jerome' K epee 111 sy •• s , • , jeronle in his confession. as, folloeve • -‘q-lilze work ; it fascinates me. • I (34n sit and look at ....:', 'for h011r5., I ' ' love. to keep it by me; theeiclea, of etting rid of it nearly bt•ealce 111v a ' • "Re has a heart pf. gold, a grip. ' 'of arcin, and . -,a )vin. of /Aeel;.' "Humph i Itp must be a man o heart.' ' 'slim best a man can do Is to gimes , - ab the. age of women and eareasti atlite-a • .. 7 11