HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-07-31, Page 1, • ..,a -ease. r No. 1792 —34th Year . CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 3Ist, • • -M"k,',1‘•A`"P"i''.F.0....„'. , • , Good Morning ;•The Label telis the story. Jan. 14 means Jan. Ist 1914. ow does your Subread? • ,,. ,... ,. ... ,. • -,e . . • • , • • • . THE, 1.30()=AL 'MA,RKET.' . . , . .., wheat 01:10 to 92c. . . ,onts , , 'Batley so o to 55c. Better. 18c to 20e. ' llggs 20e ' Live Hogs $9.75. ' '0ate1 ' ONT. ST, CHURCH. - .• . , Mr. C. S. ,e-lawke occupied the pul- pit on Sunday last in the absence of the pastor. The choir will resulne its place on Sunday next alter a . three vacation. Misses .Lulu Howe and Grape Walker each contributed a solo to the muslcal part . of the . ser- vices on Sunday lase.. . - KNEW WHERE TO COME • Mr. J. FL Patrick of Patrick Broee, Ilderton, -exporters and imperters' of thoroughbred stock, visited his old friend, Mr. Win. Stewart. ot Mary street last week. While here he drove ' •..While doWn. to Stanley township , to :zee Mr. John MacFarlane's fine flock of Sltropeldre sheep and -Mr. Patrick • was so pleased with- them. that he • pure chased over , fifty of the finest,- for which hoePaid a good figure. He also bought ten fine ones from Mr. Glen, a neighbor of Mr.. McFarlane's.. Patrick Bios. do an extensive business, espec- ially in the sheep deeling line, in both the American and Canadian west a and are direct importers front • Vas.: , well and Padding; the leading. Lincoln sheep . breeders in England. EA.RLY T• OMATOES. - ' ' ' • •. . , . LITTLE ..LOCALS. , :' - ' '' ' .. a . phuroh will :be .held on 1, rulay, con- veYances to leve the auteh ' about 7'30' fOI.13a34i'el(1- e' ' e ,• Cis ic holidayue . eranerre , this . afternoon,. all.day tomorrow, aria returning any temp me Saturday.: • Al AcameieT. . , . , . ,. Mr. Jabez Rands had the miefor- tune One day last week toilette one , of hie knees badly out. The average men, would, as a consequence thereof, have laid up ,-foe a spell, but Jabe has his busicase to attend to and rather than disappoint a single cue- tomer has kept up the daily grind, . • S. A• No"rs . - • ' ' • - . • An interesting service will be held in the S. A. hall on Sunday after- moon next, when - there Will he an enrollment of sailers. No 0 ne can, become a S. A. soldier until he or she has signed the "Articles .01 War' and hats been publicly enrolled as • a soldier ' and this is the' seaviee: to which the public is invited, ' ' .. : CUT. IN TWO, THAT'S ALL, On the, assessor's• llfeCaughey'staxabie roll Mr. J. J. property, was entered thus : ' Hotei . $3500 ' ' Stable and •• shed . 700 • • Rink • 1000 I3usiness • 1300 . • . . . • reITTLIta:LOCALS. ' -. , ' ' ' ' ,... . numb 9. ot the young peopl town Went out to Beefield Mr Ttie°e!- day 'evening. to I dance-aiven hy•lier . ' ` ' and Mrs. G. D. IVIcTaggart. . a. A BAD FALL , - . • . • While Mr. W. kI. Lobe': of the 10th . . con. was busy doing something in the .harn 'ell' Monday he stepped through a trapdoor or feed hole and fell to the floor of the stable below, break- ing hes-cellar hone and etleerwise in-, . . . ittleng lemseli. FIe was unconscious When picked up and medical aid was t . . a once summoned. Ho 1S; as ` a consequence .of the accident, now playing - ,the mart of eau invalid, ' a role which doesn't slat W. H. a. lit- tle bit is h. ed that hi • re - • but it • 'op `E., e ' eovery will be_iamd. • AN EXCITING ADVENTURE. • • - : • . ' a bunch of nettle, beljeseine to. the Ttickersmith Farmer were be- ing changed .from one pasture lot to another' on '• Ithenday laet, one 'two- year-old 'heifer -got awry from the others , and ran up town, where • it was chased by boys until • it went wild and. tearing , up Albert ,' street, a notth, it ran into a Yard. The lady of -the house came out tb the wood- shed floor • anti .endeavored to ' chase it awe' - - e• i } but th -an mai made a resit at her, eetered the open door, overturned a table winch was stand-, ing there, tripped itself' and fell ex- haunted where it • lay until .it w as re. moved. Several cattle in this vie- inity seem to, have been. seized with a sorb of summer- madness eihieh ' in some cases has proved fatal, bue probably this was nothine more tier- . - . . .. ious then a fit of 'desperation brought about by the anima being chased and over -heated, though it al- terwards died. Anretity, the lady whose place it visited had rather a r'ersonals' . ',',,' 1Vito-a•;,.D: M l',, .,=.a-rf'is s . i'll',"'1-''.°,1:6r:49' .M. ee . Frank - 0,Neli of moose • Jaw -- -re - , is . in town; , - - • e Miss- merlon Irwin, has returned item' a visit with I. hates illL Wends, Miter Charlie Brooks" of Mitchell is visiting his grandparents, Mr, ' and Mr's. 1,1•7,. Can -tele& * , Mrs.. T. H. latiedy and. her daughter, '' Miss Etta, are Malting, a temdays :Miss Visit with .relativee at BelgraVe. ' Mrs. D. Dickensoe . and son, Mr. , . Wilfrid Dickenson 'of .13rantibed have been visiting friends in town. Mr. Harry Steep • and 'hes son Clete • aloe - of Goderich were the guests cin Stiaday or the fortnee'st brother, "r 1 avid Stepe., . -- - . . . • • M .... ) Mre. A. el e Read and little S011 and daughter of Pittsburg are viseting , the lady. s. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tho.s.. Flessian of town.. ' Mrs• Eckmier on Tuesday chaperoned a motor' party to Biters where a most enjoyable day was • spent • with the members of the catnp. . Rev, S., J. and. Mrs. Alli, num- Panied by Master Shnrwyn, are ris- iting their 'seni who' is attacked to the naval forces at Halifax. Mrs. Nichol Robson of Detroit, for- Intleerr'ly liste°:, town, DibliassicYb,ecannfivisolithinegt friends in Clinton and vicinity dee- lug t•tal Past week. . Mee. Abeus' Cole end daughter, Mins ( le ra , of Waymt, Mich., al e y i si • - ire. the lady's tatter, Mrs. T. I% - Johnson, and other relatives m town ana vicinity. r? , , i 1, r st• t ..e v, W. T. (duff ant farm e o ia. - feed are taking poasession of their cottage in Westnunstei Pate, Ba Y ' field, this week and Mr. Olull will occupy the pulpit of St. Paul's church on Sunday. ... , '.,Persona,I's) rtelrdW&Y"). ' Iva,ir 'w4.8 I'll •GQ1-1111e.11• ••v°8.7 mes. A. J. Morrish era Miss. Besgie _ate visiting in woodstssii Mr. Joh& Guest is visiting his eon on the fionieetead. in London town - side, Di:. John Cook of Goshen Ind • is visiting Inc .. motile', airs; ,fotia Citiest, Carrie Steep of ,Goderich yisit- . ed bee a,tint, Mi David Steep an : • • , „ Friday, Mr. and IVIrs F f • - - F.Nagle0 ' )0•• e Melted Clinton friends Monday itad " Tueetay, Miss Florence Cunningham spent the week -end the guest of Miss Bake/ of Fullartou. ' • Mr, and Nies. Wm, Fluker and . lath Miss May visited friends in and a bout Auburn Saturday and Sunday Mr. G. FI. Ilarria, mechanical super Intendant at the Knitbing factory • IS on a business trip across th Miss Hattie 'Medford of Chicago. formerly of town, has been th, guest during the past week or Mia Mabel Kerr. Master Frank Washington of Au Mr, tatof tit, burn is .this Ee.re jek. the jenkgiuness, camp at. Burks. Miss Litliaa R. E. Lubbon, Undo: - and Mies E. V. Chambers, Ethel visited with Mrs. Bela -nice for , . few' days this week. Mr. John Rumbalf returned to Tot onto this week atter spending. th month of . y at 1 s home 1 town and visiting friends in. Mice isan. Mr. Thos. R. Ginn and family mo toted over from Detroit last wee and visaed his sister, Mrs. leavi Steep, going from here to Gothe ieh. , ' 1. , ,' . , . ' , - , , - • . , .., . . , , '•• • '14Citeit . cjaults . 1uu V erreet 1' 9' Cul' q . • t 49 ....• . .. - • .. . , •-. : . , If you' expeiience any difficulty with it leave it . • . : with 'us, ' . . . • ' , -. .„. , .,.., , ....„ • , , , ,,, , _, _ ,,2 ' ,.• We Will we 4.$1 Mu Z?pert Zxaminatiett.....•• - - If it, needs repairs we can iipply them -at a `very •we6es moderate cost. If it does 1-1 0 t WB will franklY. = .. tell OU SO. , ' • ' ' ' • ... : - • . • g lOateh Repaired bq us . . . will Run Vorreetlq. . • , • Ity'AdiN eqL io . . . -..... W., "/A.• . e . a, , ' , , ' - • - Clintonborder. pwelei. 412d Opliaan , ' . • ' • ' - otammeo li t - = .. .. I 'The Royal Bank • OF CANADA. Mr. Jamea Sthep is something, of a gardener, as is evidenced hy the ant that he had for tea the other evening ripe tomatoes grown in his own gar- den. They were large enough to peel and slice and The News -Record takes Mr. Steep's word for it that they were of eacellent Hairier, Mr. C. H. - . — - On appeal Judge Doyle chopped oil . , 'The Rattenbur Y assessment was only • Hotel $5500 Stable 700 Business - 1560 ,' Capital Authorized S25,000,000 Capital Paid-up , _, 11,500,000 Reset ve and Undivided Pratte 12,500,000 • Total Assets 175,000,00f/ ' 326 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed • on1atebosits. General Banking business transacted, R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch. , . bad fright and it may be a, naerow. escape from serious• injury. • . Baufield. Rev. J. Greene Nyili supply the Meth odist pulpit in Galt during th month of August while the -pastot David, who always has one of the best gardens in town, also has for the past week been eating his own eipe tomatoes. This is as it should be. The residents of this fine old county should be eating the product's of its own soil -much earlier in the seeson than is usually the case. It means but the expenditure of a' little thought, care end a wholcaorne belief in the climate. AG AIN WINNERS. Our baseball nine went to Zurich .. . 1 ...ed r _ on Finlay evening and p ay a e turn match with the team - of that town the result being a score of 12-6 in favor of Clinton. It was a great game. The Zurich boys ' play good, clean ball and take a defeat like the good sports they are. Win or lose, they're good -nattered and . "perky" which makes a , a pleasure to Play wit:13 them.on Crediton sent its baseball aggrega- tion up on Tuesday everting to 1 iy conclusions with the local nine, the ---- result being disaetrous to the vie- itors, the 'Score when it was ' tea dark to play longer, standing at 12- 3 in favor of the limile team. , It is said that the gate receipts in Clinton are often - rather small, which is h-ardly eair to the beys as eawe they are putting up a good e this ,seasOn aril slmed, Incencourage ed and it fleet elaele baseball team is a gOott • ad. for any town, • Come out to the next game and "root" for the home team. "Twill hetp them and it won't hurt you. a bit. . ABOUT VIE PIANO EXC., l't )1I, Y. . , Some information about this, the most extensive of one mattufacturies, will be of interest to our readers. 'While from neighboring cities, eeme reports of dosing:down and short time, the Deherty Piano Company continue to keep their, complete stail engaged and are availing themselves oE the services of all s'eilled mee- hanics applying. Sonic 110 men, are now- employed in the various (heart- rnents. • • . Mr.. Clue the ',general manager re- costly visited the western Jame -Met and attended Winnipeg' Exr4bitrou where tee Company had then esual extensive exhibit. prospects itil the West are excellent ,and plans have been arranged foe. an extensive fall selleng. campaign. . 'The Company have receatly. seemed for Factory Superintendent Mr. Paul Van Rohl, one of the most eapaejle Wel 'versatile of Piano Superinten- dents. After serving twelve yents apptehticeship with the Lester Ptah° co. 01 Philadephia., Mr. Von Rohl . spent some years. in the regulating department, of Mason and Hamlin, ' ' ' ' . ' ' •• Boston, Mass., then was eupelintera dent `succeisively of the Bailey Piano Co. New York the Iaeight:Brinker- ' Piano' ' . ' ' . - . hoff Co., Charlotte, Michigan, and of • the De Kleist . Musical In- strunient. Mfg. Co. North Tonawan- da, N. Ye melteis of autoreatiee. He also heads a financial interest- in the ., . Harwood elad Von ,Ilohl. Piano ':' Co., Ringtown, Peen. Mt, 'VOA Rohl eqeme to Clinton 'trona Marson .01no, where he has been Superintendent. of the Ackerman & Lowe 'Piano Co., lie has made seYeral important Mem- tions -and. is a valuable neqatastion to the , Doherty staff where the exten- sive •ana varied Elie of . player - and. other pneumatic instruments eupele- mereary to the regular extensive line of pianos . calla for the thorough and skillful sueeriesione of an expedenced master mechanic. ' • Time Doherty Piano Company's pay- Ilion' at Me Toronto Exhibition has lately remodelled and, a beaut- hill line of Doherty pianos will be shown. • News -Record readers ', wee visit the Fair are eordialey invited ee ,..... ihin ' A:14.11.4, . — . $7760 Here, too, his honor cue deep, re- timing the assessment to :33500, same as Um Commercial. . -The Waverley assessment was $3100, is now $800. , ACCIIDENT ON THE L T -I a B e • te , What might have proved a 1 cc/. serioue accident, aria one by welch a. couple of Clinton men were more ' or less seriously injured oecuered at Luton Cr ossine on Sate r I of Imre re •'• '•• ' ' - last 'When, owing to a spread rail, the baggage car of the mowing train from the west was thrown from the k en I turned eo pl et 1 • r I trac , ( in L e y ove . ri the car at tlie thne were about a dozen men who 11 ere on their way to la "de Park London to do some 3 , , work in connection -with the G T R • • • tracks there, Amonest the party e were W. C. Brown who eustained in- '11»res to his hip and thigh Martin O'Dortitell, whose cliest was I crushed, and Harry a i , as el, who happened to be in the smoker and who escaped uMitiet. A man by the Rama of Elena ye wee very setiously , In- of Clandho •• ' Neel I a 1 tl • tl • 1 t ieeni itown nous 1 the open door oF the car and pinned e weer'. le S a ton ant "-aci up Inn- b t 1,1 t t' 1 ti e ed aeaeb, The foreman , ei ehe gang, .Poiret ensa , a so sus - Shaddick of 1)' 1 1 1 rained several . broken ribs' and other injuries w , in. one an . app o St d J T f liensall, Arthur . Br °Its, Cle t alia • e ° 11 1: R. Saunders, 1exeter and otliere Were amen ei ' • • g Hese more •or less injured. , tl. • 1 t ' ' klgotten specie .rain was gum y . . • - together in London au d physicians rushed to the scene and. the ineteed ' nen attended to. Wears. Brown and O'Dounell were conveyed home' the same evening and it is hoped 'they will soon be quite recovered. - The train at' the time of the acel- dent was in charge. of , a Wingliam. crew. Ba,ggageinan Su:lath had, just been on duty a couple of days after an accident to his foot -which • had laid him up for a time, but Inces- raped injury op this occasion. .a. SUCCESSFUL Ritsr ROOM. . In a thriving 'little Alberta town there is a rest room whicht differs rtoal the ordinary one in that the country women- are as much interest- ed in its maintenance as are those of the town. It was started through• the efferts of a heme economies so- ciety Composed of country women. The room was. secured through the co:operation of the .town eioniene and 'they `all 'work hurl he band for its success. There is a thriving Settle- day market every week' where the residents of the town secure fresh eggs, sweet coutitfry ' butter, and oth- , er _products of (Inc farm, They can order anything they wish a . week • ' • in advance with the assurance that they will get it the following -Sat- urday. . Maeket ticesl prevail. .! The woinen of the country give little en' ' . . ' tertainnients to provide- their share . of the funds for keeping the 'room op- en, .and are' inteeeeted in ite= Gurnishe ihgs and its sueee,ss in every way as • are the women of the town. • , . 'The fame of the rest room , as a social meethig place has ,spread, . for many mites, an.d people come for e a ' distance that would .seern incredible in . more thickly settled etgions ' to visit the rest rooms, Meet- (Mlle' . iii- ends, and incidentally do their, trade ing. Naturally. the ' merehants , ... are- heartily in sympathy with tee tro‘e ment. l . ' ' WI) has done, at one small town others can do. Pile reit reme ;,e -ea by ne reeens be confined to the large =. ' ' 3 - ' town - In fact, it can alie made a greater succths•in the country village because of ,mutual bends • of . aequain- tante anti intereSt, which exist in these mraces between the people of (Inc town aialathe outlying cermet:T.-Cal- ien:er xToviy.c."N•Or.orata, • , . • •.Bagfield Miss Frances Galpin, who has speut • • • the past month with Mies Jessie Metcalf returned to her home in - Pittsburg on. Monday. , , The annual garden party in. con- • s being nection with 'Trinity church i, 1 wn hie even-, held on the rectory a t, . irr and a most enjoyable time , is a • assalred• - Missverandah ••A•as• Geo, W. Woods aim Raby Woods of Seatorth, who have b' tl 13 f = 1- t been spending le pas .ew wee .s a . Bayfield, have returned home. Mr. Richard Elliott is malting line ' • thee employments about his -prernis- es . • • ,.•. . anniveeeery in connection with The , . .. , . St. Andrew's ehureh will lie =held August 10th when the Rev. II. R. McKay D. D., Toronto, ex -moderator -, r- •''lle ' general assetubly will , preach a.m. and p.m. . . - Missee Ida 'Love; Rena McKettele, Florence McKay, and Agnes Sproat • - t Mrs of Seatorth are holiday1ng e. . • John Tibbett'se ''' ' ,, Tne citizens of Hayfield are very in earnest in askitigafor. & mail, service more' in keeping with the MI- portanee of this place, We now have two mails daily from the east, but and note the absurdity of it -both ' arrive in the 3evening 'and only, an . hour or so apart, . What vie are una enimousl ' asking for ''and what 'we ' 3 should get is not, this double eVening service ant a mail bag to arrive - ' here at midday• al d• o ler 7 30 - i an 13 at • 'lig the mail at both pere in the .evcn• , iods to be lirouglit in from. the B train et northeound L., • li, Se . , • t3ruceneW• , Mrs. Buchan and Miss Dell Lauder ot Durham are- visiting the Fortner's daughter, Mrs. N. W. Woods, Mi, and MI'S. 0. D. MeTaggart -al" a dance on Tuesday evening to e a which were. invited the young people . . e camp ant a so a num mr tom Clieton. " " •t 1 •• ' Mae Jean Mel tenet eaves todaS . , . . . . . for a fortnieett s visit with frienls in Muskoka. Miss Rathwell, Detroit, is having a added to her summer cot - tage. • Treastiree Reid is also having a verandah added to the cottage which Ile sometime since purchased , Mr- an'd Mrs. John Torrance and llliss Torrance, Clinton,CMr. .John . Torrance, Jr., Lethbridge, Alta., and ND:, and Mrs. Cranston, Port Arthur, , , . s . T , 1, mole in Bayfield on ttescay. 1. Stevene Clinton and Mr. W. , „ Aberdeen :eolith Mr. W. Eagleson,. 3 . Dakota, were in the village on Wed- , . da ' lies 1 • 'air will be held The 13ayfichl 'Fall .1,,. on 'September 25th and 26th, to . . i ei weeks ,ealliet than heretofore. I 1 s I vith caLe , .is ,,, 1 -ate( • • • •., date was set, 1 o . . to conflict with any othee Fair ea :the dietrict , so if any of them elian e should. at this lath period .. g , their date and conflict with outs it will not he to their credit. A veterinary from the. Go vernment Zit:aft areived in town cn Saturday.e, aad remained over the week -end. He wale' called to this place in manse- quence of a complaint sent. in to the Depurtment , that cruelty to animals • • • - , • • Th w OS being practIsed hethahouts. e veterinary 'oohed over the: ground carefully bet found nothing to war- rant the com,plaint, which, it is a - - • i• - - " - leged Was sent In e, a late vtsitot , . . Rev. Mr. Wooten, takes a Ames time Principal 'Treleaven, Mrs. Treleaven and ATMs Norma left Saturelay e% ening Mr Imelinow to s - pend a eor ple of weeks in that town. an district. , -Mrs. J as. Ke la and Miss Taylor c London are spentUng a, feR day this week the guests of the- int iner's daughter, Mrs. (Dre Taylo of Goderich. Dr. Chas. Burrows of • the civic set vice, Washington, 1). Ce and Mei Burrows are this week the guest of the former's aunt, ales. Joh Cuninghame. = , . • Mrs le Ring and little daughter who hare been visiting Mr. an Mrs. Walter Ring tor seven weeks, leave today foe their hon in Hamilton. Mr. am les II • , t .-• a I 11 . Joseph town o . one ton, New Ontario, lel t for thei home yesterday after visiting; to a week with the former's eistet , ., , . Mrs Wm ' Fast Miss Beryl -• Cooper re,turned, Salm 1 • 't ' (ley rom a vie' • with her aunts the Niisses Hat • • ma, and lc <teat. at • e ' on Tuesday to spend a cohere o weel,is with her .granipaxents a • Milverton , Dees Walter King her daughter -in .. , , . law, Mrs. 1.-t. ,King of Hamilton and little grand -daughter Jean eh .. rted Mrs..Rine uburn an Sr.,e , also with Myth friends for a cot ple of dive last week, Mr. WM. Alexander returned Montle from, an enjoyable ;two -months' ve 1 in e lot ., , eon( one Selma att •t ' D t • `t 1 1 • Port Huron, spending the greate part of the 'time in the last iner tone p ace wi us dang ithl Mrs. IV. Green. Me. W. ' Nediger ‘-;a:i;u1.0,1. • . Tie Molsons Bank , • Incorporated 1855 Eseablished in Clinton 1879 • •• ' HEAD Greece: MONTREAL - • . . •------- --- SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest curreet rate on sums of 81 and upward from date of deposit. Joint accounts allowed. BRANCHES AND AGENTS ALL OVER CANADA AND AGHNTS ALL • OVER THE WoneD. e . - •' A = GENERAL - BANKING - BUSINESS - TRANSACTED, ' a I C.. E. DoWding - . Manager - Clinton Branch. g eemosmat imeammooteeeemamita eamemememenenees - e READY -To -WEAR Dec/Tin/vie - ' - ORDERED .0tOnliN,G ----,-----one i t I t ' . . ••"" Our - - . . • - Mid sumnier Clearing ,...' .. . ' - 'Sale • • . „ • • • closes aturclay ight.; S N" 4 . , ... . . .. ' "ft-s--ala'el4e. • aTaa--.---- a' • . , , ., ' . • , I . ' ' - • t will pay you .to take advantage ' . , • - ••• • - . - o ' ' . it . '• clf the bargains we ' .,.... _ • genuine. _, , r •• .. are o , . . , ' ffering - ' • . . - . , . • , . , -e. I • , • • - - - the.. village. .J. spent .. .. a Miss Eva leoac was the guest of and until Monday everting . ti Tom The Oldest. Orangeman. the Misses ' Woods et Bayfield last to and Guelph and on Tuesday am . . • ' • ' • • • compantet I is.. .( eei .tui i., ' ' ' I byVI • Ne 1 - • ' "1 Sunday family left trip i lel,,,,eae„,.,,.,erte e -"ea- lee.,:aleita !'i,l.11eii•aa naa Mel e.,,ale: ;::lail:a:l .. --;'.Nk,..,,..:;:: .," , , ..... „ .a!;:!•• .... lel, e:ee .,„ - ..elle" ;alaee„,.. aearel.. eleetee- eteteiee ',e3.1;1100' alia,lfrf ae,,e'::e ;',E'',.;i:i;;,,, ' .I;,,.3.::••.e.1,1i:!:! " et ii,iiigka,,; lealalleee....... aeeela .3:.. eeee• leleelleleee.,,,,, ... - ------- ..-:... ----...:'...- ''';'''' St. Andrew's school pienick- on an auto 3, , .. pi, in ,Hewson's .geove on 1 uesday Paisley, Hanover, Wiarton and oil and had one of the most enjoyable et points north. - •• gatherings of its whole history. The Principal J. E. Henry of the 1Vat Weatitee was ideal for picnics, the acelettg Public school was enacts, attendance was large and the pro- fel in passing twenty-nine out of ' ceedings passed' off very pleasantly, class - of thirty through (Inc el ' indeed , , trance examination. Mr. ether ele, Feed 'Tisdale of Toronto is a is t0. be congratulated upon 131 guest at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. good work done. by his class. G. D. MoTaggart.. ' . ' Messrs. Walter Jackson and Ale: Baseball contests between the cam- 'Yule returned . to Brantford c pers and the citizens fregnently take , Monday after a fortnight spent c Place on the square and- the citizen the old Camp 'ground at efattelt 10110 almost invariably win. Mr. Arthur Jackson, who was alt. Miss, ' Millie Naftel, Detroit, and of the . party, will visit • seven Miee Ida Naftel, 'Temente, are holt- ' points on I.,ake Simcoe before r „ (laying at the homestead, Mr. ,A., turning to Chicago. Mattel's. . . . ' Mr. . A. W. , Redmond of Marlett The residents of Lakeside park have , Miele, eaeeompanied by, Mr. ex built a set of steps leading down to Mea. alenry -1)oieson and' 'Miss .Pea. ' - ' , (Incwater, a considerable e,onven- -••••:Taylor, -Stanley,. were one of ti ' ' ' ' 'eeeeeee te • themselves and ethees. auto parties in town on Fri& ' Dr,,,Meteali met with an auto ac- fast, Me. Redmond . ,i,s- certain' - — . - • eidett a ', few days ago and had to ,generoas- with his ear and has gi . Thos. Elliott, ' oderieh T p.• send his car down to the city foi. ie- en his Stanley Mends. many . . • • , a - , ' -' • ' 'f ' ••••, Pairs. ' • ' ' pleasant jaunt during his month An interesting figure ,at the Orange Ma, -Chasee Paikee, the veteran - vialte . . .. celebration in Hensalla ell July 12th. thresher, is making. ready for another'Mrs. Eason\ ,and her daughter, Mit was that of Mr. Thos. Elliott of busy -season's, operations, . Margin:et! left yesterday for: Load: Goderich toevnelliip, whose photo will ME' Ches. Tibbett has been award- to take up their abode in th readily Inc recognized by many News- .01 .Me contract' for oarryiog the Mall city' where her other two daughtee , Record readers, Me, Elliot* enjoys on the rural route to he known, 'as Mrs e Albert Kemp and Miss .11.T1' thse •d'ete etion of beim,. the - -oldest No 3 Tt will run dovvn - the ' Sauble • nie Easom have resided for ' son member . in . •• good standing - in Line to • ailaelt's sideroaTd And return '' time " The family is `sa..estio; lb the district and was made. the ba way'Of the Bronson. . . one and the /natty friends In' at recipient of, a prize a, such... F•X,e has Me, Roble Blair has taken the cone .about Clinton were., eorry to . 1 h • ember of I 0 L No tract of •Milling flax for the 7anieb them go , . • . ,, . .. ' 3 F fot sixfy-fiVe •eafe , which is a- ,mille, -Among the p.rinalpal growers Mr. II, Marshall left on Settled 8 yeat't, ay , . , ai - -imethe -district ,are Thos m, lant ' to take pant in the, , 0 life -time in itself, but he 10 t‘ye•ntya 'of -fl . ny6 years older ' than that. • Besides IL Elliott, W. Higgins,. Prank laleet- ' 'BOYs' Rt 11111011 .' at 'Taingektitie 'II being honored by Ins lieethren of the, gan and. Wm. Rathwell. • a "• native town. - In visitingehin ' it . , . . Orange Order 'Mr. Elliott en.:oys the Mrs, ' Pleuger and her daugnter, mediate rela.tives. and greeting ol respect of -all who know him as a re- Miss Florence, an.d MISS Ella feaseer, time. associations he. put in the belt of his straight anti upright life. who had been -holidaying at Mr.. A. strenuous days, tetacitaig hoe It was matter' for congratulation leafters, have returned, to Detroit. Teesday, accompatded. by. Mr that Mr, Elliott was again able to Mr. and MTS. Pickles end family Marshall sand Master 13ert whe le 1•take part in the 121+11 of gaily .etile- axe enjoying the heated' teem at the an ,enjeemble menthe' visit ig 1,,,..1,3,s. ` ' . unt,tafye on Ur. A. Naftel'e woe yetv. eld I3laieetone Cite.' .. . . - ,T , , . e Motto . , . • , moRpi.s.0 cLo , CLINTON, - 'ONTARIO , . , : "A Square Deal for li 'Ei'rery , Man.been ' • '' ----- 3 15 k 10 5 e a :5 35 11 5,, 15 Le e