HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-07-24, Page 9constance 1Constance • MisS Adr. Govenlock of '•spent a few days the guest cousin, Misa Mamie Hall, • :Ahs. 'M, Milson and son of /aild, Ohio, axe visiting Mrs, • Miss Coleman of Seaforth ing her sister, Mrs. E, Miss Janet Campbell spent 'days with her sister, Mrs. Seafortla Mr, William McIntosh, who has Can; of he tied IJi IVfaiesty'S mail,for a number of years, has, retired fteni the Service, cAdvQ.., Mt. Turney of SeafortIr is the new ' 'Kitson, courier. r • 13erry plotting ani the rutting or is visit- wheat is the orderof the(1, y in iihi vicinity. • a few • • Rohert „ , 0, visited his brother -le -law, Mr. • George Stephenson., for a few days re- mining in Alaska visited the MesSis. eently. • IkleiViillarl last week. . ” 10.44•••••••••••*••••••*••,••••••••••••••••••• RTCT • 44 • 'Mr.•John Gibson, who has been -011 All Summer Goods : SUMMER DRY GOODS—SUMMER CLOTFIING AND SUMMER • SHOES ALL PRICED FOR QUICK SELLING. 3 very special lines for Saturdav—Children's Wash Suits at 65c. • , We have about two dozen of these suits left, some made in Nor- folk coat:and bloomer pants and others with blouse and bloonier pants and all regular $L00 and $1,25 lines. • Saturday choice f or, 65e, • WOMEN'S PUMPS and OXFORDS $1.29 • Patent colt shoes—Odd lines and broken sizes oflines that sold , at $1,75 to $2.25. Saturday choice $1.29, MEN'S SUMMER COATS • , Why buy a smock when you can buy a nice _dressy coat at this 41, ' wonderfully low yrice—Regular price $1.25. Saturday 890. • 2 I ALSO SOME WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN RUGS, LACE CUR . ' ' ' TAINS, LADIES WAIST AND WHITE UNDERWEAR. 2 PLUMSTEEL MORE ----. , : SMALL 1 . .., .., i PROFITS i BROS. BUSINESS I —...._ , * .1.0•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4•••••••• Hundreds of Suggestions For Summer Style and Comfort are to be found in -the °I) Standard Fashion Book For SUMMER\ 20c (By Mail 300 • • Any Standard Pattern Free Buy ths .book for 20c, get a 15c pat- tern and the book nets you only 5c. W. D. FAIR -CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best Binder Twine • ,....., ea Rev Cl IVIr.. be fr Mrs Mar Dr. NI M mis 1‘1 t I. mr`' v Lii I . 1 MI I M • -----A GOOD— Supply Just Received COME in arid get your TWINE. Pure Manilla 650 feet to the pound. Pure Manilla 600 feet to the pound. •in• OUR Prices are the LOWEST. • SPECIAL BARGAIN LIST, • 2 tine Hay Vorks (short, hand)e) 20c. •b ' (long handle) 25e 3 " •:•(long handle) 500 Compressed Mr Sprayers reg 46 00 for $5 00 Granite Preserving Kettles reg 45o for 30e... 65c for 45c •3 75e for 55e " " • $1 25 for 85c One Only Portable Rubber Bath reg $0 50 for $450 .. 'Illarland Bro. . . STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES: ;.,......... M 6•411111111111111% 012111111111111111 I Jackson. sBIG 1. I ClearingSALE • - The great money -saving event of the yea,r. All Spring and • Summer goods will be sold be- fore the new Fall lines arrive. i" Prices in every department are• .1 I .cut from 20 to 50 per cent. • .COME AT ONCE AND INVESTIGATE. FRED. JACKSON ...........# ........---...• •4144141 Kt** •••• •••• •••,,11,1,•••••• ***40.41•••••••••• •••• •••• • 1 TO THE PUBLIC -t ' ''' Mr. J' TE.AttabreMvwleo for the past year has been 'associated in , the ftirnibure business with Mr. Jas. Dunford—the lion name being i ( Atkinson ,S.Duirforci*.bas'•rebired, his interests being, taken over by • Mr: john May. 4 1-:;', ' . ' ' 4• • , , • _• The new firm Will he known as Du neord & May ane respectfully ' solicits a 'continuance of the generous support so long ,en3oyed by this * . DUNFORD •1VIAY • Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors • Phone 104 • JAMES DUNFOrfD „ ' JOHN mAsr PHONE 1.27 —1k4.1.GTIT AND SNDA CALLS— 194 • ••••,••••••••••••4110•0144•••••••••••••f,..... ••• ••••• •••• , WilmWmnInuN Elsie Ros is spendin her va- ion in Orillia. II. J. Condell of Baylield was in niton on Saturday. John Parker of Stratiotd bas n in 'town the past -week visiting ends. • D. A. Robertson of Treherne, an is visiting the Cree,: Cook d Lindsay families and Mrs, McGill and babe of •itebell have been visiting 1)r. and rs. Axon the past week. ' s Tessie Crooks was the guest of iss Effie 'Snowden at the parson - e, Varna, over the week -end. • and Mrs. Edwin G. Matthews of istowel visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Downs. •and Mrs. Sarvis of Mitchell have een the guests during the past eek of Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Robb,. the Mists Christina Macdougall of xeter bras been visiting her 3OUSill, iss. Eileen Atkinson, for the• past eek. sses Emma and Edna Lasts are pending a holiday with Toronto friends and 'in a little jaunt down the St, Lawrence.: isses Alice Charlesworth and iNor- nee Holmes of Flint, Mich., have been the guests ot Miss Harriet Cantelon the past week. • rs.' (Rev.) Evans' and Miss Kathar- 'ne Evans. of ReCOrd, Mich., have been guests of their brotlier, Dr. J. S. .Evans during the past week, r. and Mrs. W. S„. Downs and Mast- er Everett; are spending this week tion took his revolver with lani. n in Bayfield, They are accompanied opening the door leading from the by Mr, and Mrs. Edwin G. ,Matt- bank to the cellar he noticed a man hews of Listowel;standing on the steps, and as it was r. and Mrs. Henry Cook and blaster too dark to see who it was, and ad Eddie, Mr, and Mrs. Alex.- Coq and the supposed intruder did not make Mrs. J. Stevens of Streetsville ino- himself known, young Gillies fired torecl up on Saturday last and have his revolver, the hall taking effect in loire. Mertens' breast. been visiting tI% • heir sister, •, News -Record July 24t1i, 1915, Pairs Less Than Cost • Saturday and the following week-weput on sale two hundred pairs lace Cur- , tains' twenty new spring patterns from eight to twelve pairs in each lot. This is • an exceptional offer. Don't fail to get your share of these. Prices are from 2oc to • LOT 1, Twenty pairs lace curtains (white only) Regular 25c and 35c. Spec- •- jal. Sale Price ' 20c. LOT 2, Twenty -tour pairs lace curtains (white only) Regular 75c. Special Sale Price 50c. LOT3Thirty-six pairs 3 style lace curtains (white ly) on Regular $1.00. , Special Sale Price •75c. • Thirty- six pairs lace curtains. Three good patterns (white only) Reg - LOT 4, ular $1,25, Special Sale Price 90c. Twenty-four pairs lace curtains (white and ecro) four new patterns LOT 5 - Regular 4;1.50. Special Sale Priee $1.15. Twenty-four pairs lace curtains (white and ecro) four good designs. Regular $2.0o Special Sale Price - . $1.50 Twenty-four pairs lace curtains (white only) four very pretty styles. Regular $3.00. Special Sale Prices $2.25 Twelve pairs lace curtains (white and ecro) two patterns Regular $4.00 Special Sale Price 5310 Eight pairs fine Swiss and Nothingham curtains, two styles Reg- ular $5.o0 Special Sale Price $4.00 LOT 6, LOT 7, LOT 8, LOT 9, TOW/ hic*Ma CLINTON A Bank Clerk Shot. . Seaforth, July 17th.-4thur 13. Mertens of Toronto, teller in the Dominion Bank here, was mistaken for a burglar late last evening and shot through the lungs. It appears that about_ midnight Mt. Mertens came in anti went into the Mullett Township The News From Londesboro turnd Mrs Crowe o Wiar ton ree home on . Friday after spending month with her daughter, Mrs, For- bes, ' Messrs. McKenzie Shuttle and Rus- set Bradshaw of Brussels spent • a couple of days visiting at the • home of Mr. and Mrs. David Hoggart last the cellar to shut a door and in doing week, so evidently made considerable noise. I 1 ks anted Another .of . Inuit c er , Gillies, Who was upstairs in the resi, dential part of the bank, heating the noise in the collet came down to in- Vestigate, and as a Matter of precau- ' John Guest. r. Montague Webber of Detroit, who has been visiting Mr, W. S. Downs, returned home last week, They were shopmates many years ago at Woodstock and have always continued to be great friends. Mt, Webber has acquiredthe globe -tray., ening habit and has visited Many countries residing for several years in New Zealand Which lit considers almost ideal for climate and in ad- vance of other countries in dealing with social and economic problems, , • • Now is your Hine save 11011111-eleiVille Miss Emma Cottrtice and little Miss hazel Elford were in Goderich on Wednesday. Cherries have been an excellent crop in Colb'orne township and; our genial merchant, Mr. A. J CourtICC, vho is also express agerit, has been busy this 'week getting them to the ontside markets. Summerhill Mts. George Tyner is spending a week with het sister, Mrs. F. J. Scott of London township. AV.. and Mrs: Breame rtf Colborne visited at the home of Mr. lb ilham Lawson recently. Miss Richardson of Clinton paid a flying visit to Mrs. W. Merrill re- cently, • Holmesville . Miss Grace. Couzens of the 'parson- age, Fargo, recently graduated in vo- cal music at theMichigan Stale Conservatory, Detroit. • Miss Lille Brunsdon, a pupil of Miss \lice Bell, has been successfql in p010 - sing het grade 1 rudiments and also grade 3 piano at the Western Univer- sity examinations in music, raking honors in both subjects. Miss Bruns - don is to be congratulated upon her success. Tliis is the fourth year Miss 13e11 has prepared pupils for musical examiaations and in every case they have been succgsful, the majority 01 them taking honors. - • Mr, Thomas I, Adams of Kamloops B. C. arrived home on riday evening last after an absence oi fourteen • years; He is !poking well and his many friends enjoy a hearty hand- shake with.- him. Mr. Stephen Gray of Dallas, Texas, is visiting his brothers, Messrs. Jos- eph • and William Gray of the 13t.10 concession. The News -Record to Jan 33l41 for 10c Mr. William Hunking and Miss 101, Garrett have returned froin St. Thomas where they were attendiud. the summer school. Mr. John Brunsdon visited frieuds. in DlytIc one day last week, Rev. J. IL Osteshout and Have returned from St. Thomas and1 Lorrlon. They were -accompanied hemp by Miss Geraldine Chapman of London who wilt spend a.fcw weeks. at the paesonage. , Mr, W. 13. Crisp and family, of Lon- don have been visiting at tie home. MisS L. Young is visiting friends IR'. LOna0/1 this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Loundsberry, 'are, away on an auto trip, going byi way of Kincardine and, other north- ern towns and returning by way ot Stratford and Galt. The weather be- ing fine it should be a pleasant little - jaunt. • Summerhill. • Miss Naegle of Celitorne visited at Mr. William Lawson's one day lasts week. Mt._ Leon. Scott returned last week Mt, John Clifton of Prosperity was to Montreal after a holiday at his the guest of his brother, Alr, Charles home: in town. Clifton an Sunday. , Summerhill • bit, and Mrs. Grieve of Seaforth, visited at the home of Mr. Thos. Nel- son on Sunday, Miss Nellie Watkins of, Clinton , the guest ,,,.pt her uncle, Mr, Robert Watkins. Women's White Canvas Pumps This Store is Women's White Nu -Buck Button Boots. Cool, Comfortable, Smart New and up-to•date. Regular Price $3.75 Sale Price $1.28 Now Offering • Sale Pride $3 00 The Best Values Of llie Entire' Summer IN . OUR SETAI-ANNU.AIL. CLEARANCE 13.410LIE! .,. Most of our re,gular Summerwillithis. goods go nto Clearance Sale. Therefore while the Summer is at its height the prices are the lowest. Now is your time to save money in lootvvear. The last clay of this our First Semi -Annual Clearance,Sale Will 'be Saturday. August 2nd. • ' , --- . . • WOMEN'S PUMPS . • MEN'S OXFORDS , • Regular Price82.9 10 $3,00 • Sale Price ' 140 I ,. - -' P. !Iten't.' 6" RMeegtit'illaorreTilicne, fill..T4f:00v Stoty$14e.850 Sale Price . . Comforta;ble, easy lasts, netv toes in Patent or Gun Metal; OD I 118 $2.98 .„. ., . . . ..... ... $2 WOMEN'S TAN OXFORD . . Regular Price g3,00 Sale Price . 28 fasts in.& tees in buttoneciand laced.. . VVOI1EN'S OXFORD ' Patent, Gun Metal or Kid this Season's styles 0D !Go Regular Price $2.50 to $3,00 Sale Price , 0. Metal,'New lasts ' • " Regular Prioe $4,00 to to Sale Mice $2-.98 • CHILDREN'S PUMPS . And Oxfords . . Regular Price $1,00 to $1.35 'Salt Price 1;7 8 • "DMA:M.1 Successor to J. Twitchell & .Son • I ' ' • • ' , "