HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-07-24, Page 8Cottgoet.Soap .means f'Com- fort"—na just "Soap." POSITP/ELY THE LARGEST SAII CANAD HE NEWS-RECORO'S CLUB- BING LIST FOR 1912-13 wEntiLiDs. afews-Record and Nell and Emnarb. News-Recoed and Globe 1,60 ,News -Record and Fatally Herald and Star with Premium . • 1,75. News.Record and Witnees 1.76 News -Record and Sun„ 1-7,6 News -Record .and Free Pre'sa .,....•• 1.7. News -Record, Atli/ Advertieer.,..• 1,15 Newmitecord and Toronto Batu'relem Night -News-Record and Farmer's Advocate 2.25 News -Record and Farm and Dairy-, 1.16 Notes -Record and Canadian Farm-. 1.75 News-Itecord and Youth's Companion 4.25 News-Recora and Canadian ConntrY. News-Reeord and Tile Fruit 'Grower and Farmer ......, . . .. . . 1.50 News -Record and The Canadian DAILIES. News -Record snd Meal and Empire,: 4 23 News -Record and Globe ...„. 4.25 Newellecord end Neese ,,... ...... 2.30 News -Record and Rtar ........... 2.30 'News -Renard and World . .. .... 3.26 Newa-Record and Morning Free Press 3.e5 News -Record and Evening Free Press 2.75 News -Record Lull Advertiser 5.00 MONTHLY. • News -Record and Po 11r, Review ,... 1.25 Newedtecord and LIppineett'e Maga- 3.26 Newalleeord and .0anada Monthly. Winn ipeg. • ,•,„„ . 1.40 If what yoa want ia not in Ude list let us know shout it, We can supPly you at less than it would cost you to send direct. /n remitting ideates do so by Post-eMce Order. Postal Note, Bermes Order or Beg, ittered letter and address, W. J. MITCHELL, PuolishOr New3-Ri3c3rd CLINTON, ONTARIO mempeemessameamemememessamemmessesemimme -Richelieu & Ontario • LINES VACATION TRIPS BY WATER THE SUMMER PLAY -GROUND ROUTE "Niagara -to the Sea.” Daily Steamers from Toronto. To TH 0 U SAN D ISLAN D S • and -Return , 1113.00 To 31ONTRE4L and -Return '34.50 To QUEREC and Return, .. 33.50 To SAGUENAY RIVER and Return 46.50 /1/Leels and Berth included. Inland Lines Limited Steamers "City of Ottawa," "City • of litimilion," .,"1/-undurn," "Majestic" and "Belleville." HAMILTON ,to 31ONTREATJ and .Iteturn ' $20.00 'ORONTO to MONTBE-AL and Return . ... . ..... Meals atx1 Berth included. Steamers leave Hamilton .on Wed- neselayS, Fridays and Stifiirdays, and leave Toronto same clays at 5.00 p.m,, 'for Mentreel. gtr. "Belleville" leaves Toronto for Montreal, , via the beautiful Ray of Quin:1e,, on Mondays at 10.30 p.m. Steamer leaves Toronto for Cleveland andDetrait on Fridays at 9,00 p.7o8, • For information apply to your oWn Ticket Agent or HUGH D. P A MESON, Gen, AO,, R. 444 0. Lines, Toronto', H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, Pass, Tref. Mgr,, Montreal, P.Q. Every. Woman is in terested and, should allow a -about the wouderful marsaal Whirling Sprite ".• Douche Ask your dreggist for. it. If he eanuot supply • the MARVA,. accept no saber, but send statue for files- , trate, book -sealed, 15 gives fell particulars and directions invaluable to ladirattallatmonsenePax etaWIndem. Generei Agents tor asattita, - , A conference Of Intim Ministere will be held at Ottawa, on October james MeInitis 'was sentenced at GeorgehOwn, P. E.J... to four 'years in the penitentiary for :manslan-gh- FIRES OF ,FARM PROOOCTS REPORTS PROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF dIMERICA. rices of eattte:'crain, Cheese and .ottud Produee at Home and Abroad. Breadstuff's. . Toronto, Tilly 22„-14a,nitoba Wheat -Lake Porte, No. 1 nerthern, $1.03; 'No. a $1.00; No. 3, 96c; feed wheat, 650. Ontario Wheat -No, 2, 98e to 59c for car lots outside, ranging down to 750 for poor grades, Ontario Catts-No. 2 white, 3500<, 360 at country pointe; 370 1,0 38o on track, To ronto. Manitoba Oats -No, 2 0.W. oats, 38c traok, bay polls; No. 3 C.W., 36 1.2 c ; /80. 1 feed, 36 1-2o. Oorn-American No. 2 yellow, 641-2<,; No. 3 yellow, 632.35 Itam-No, 2, 60o to 62e, nominal, Peae-No. 2, 90o to 951, ear lots; outside, nominal. Buckwheat -No. 2, 52o to 53e, nominal. Barley -Good malting barley, outside 62e to 53e, nominal. Rolled Oata-Per bag of 90 pounds, $2.15; per barrel, $4.55, wholesale, Windsor to Montreal. Millfeed-Manitoba brau, $19.00, in bags track, Toronto; Aorta $21.001Ontario bran, $19.00, in bags; shorts, $21.00; mid (Binge, $23.00 to $25.00. Manitoba Flour -First eatent8, 9550 in 321/0 bags; strong bakers'. 04.80 in jute bags. In .sotton bags teu cents more pet bavrel, Ontario Flour-II/Inter wheat !lour, 90 per cent. patents, $4.10 to $4.15, seaboard, in bulk. • Country Produce, • Eggs-New-le,ide, 24e to 21e-; fresh, 20e to 21o; eeconds and splits, 16e to 18c. Oheeee-Twine, new, 141.2<, to 150, and large, new at 141-2<, to 143'4o; oldcheese, twins, 15e to 15 140; /arm 15o. Butter -Creamery. prints, .26e te 27e; creamery eolids, 24e to 25 1,2e; dairy .prints 20c to 24e; Bakers', 180 to 20e. Honey -Buckwheat; 90 a pound in tine, and tie in barrels; strained clover honey. 111.2<, a pound in 60 -pound tins; 123.4<, 1)0 10 -pound tans; 130 in apound tine; comb honey. No. 1, $2.60 per dozen; extra, $3 per dozen: No. 2, $2.40 per aloy.en. Beane-Prime,s. bushel, 81.75 to $2; hand- Moked, $.2.35 to $2,40. Poultry-Fresh-killed.fowl, 18e to' 190 per pound; live fowl, 14e to 15c; dreseed sprang chickens 24e to 25<; live, 18o to 19c; ducke, 13e to 14e; turkeie. to 29o. Potatoes-Outario potatoess, 750' .per bag; car lots, 65e; New Brunswicas, 90e per hag; out of store, 80c in oar lots; Virgipla, new, $3.25 per barrel. Egyptian Onions -Per 'auk, $2,35 to 9150. Paovisions, Smoked ,and dry Salted meats -Rolls - Smoked, 141-35; hams, medium. 21o; hearY, 19e to 20e; breakfast bacon, 21e; long clear bacon, toms and memo 0.51.4 to 16o; butte (plain), 24e; backe (peameal), 25e, Green Meats --Out of pickle, la less than 'Pork -abort .cut, $28 per barrel; mess pork, $24. Lard -Tierces, 14c ; tube, 14 1-4e; pail% 14 1-2e. Baled Nay and Straw. Wholesale dealere are paying, on traok, Toronto: Baled hay, No. 1, $13.50 to $14.50; Nat. 0, $12,00 to 5113.00; No, 3, 87,00 to $8.00; Baled straw, $7.00 to $7.50. Winnipeg Crain. Winnipeg, July 22.--0ash grain -Wheat -No, 1 northern, 971-80; N. 2, 943.2<' isle. 3, 891-80; NO. 4, 211.2<,; No. 5, 750: No. 6, 70c; feed, 61c; No, 1 rejected $430(te, 891.2a; No. 2. 861-20; No. 3, 811.2o; No, 1 Umtata 89c; No. 2, 86e; No. 3, 003.4<; No, 4, 750; No, 6, 621-2,,; feed, 'tough, 54e, Oaf -No. 2 C. W., 050-4<; No, 3, 32c; mitre No. 1 feed, 31e; No. 1, 32e; No. 2, Barley -No. 3, 483-4<,; No. 4, 471-0<; re. jected, 43e; feed, 43o. a Flax -No. 1 N. "W., $1.25: No. 2 C. W., $1.22; No. 3, $1.10. United States Markets. Minneapolis, July 22,-Wbeat 271-20; September, 891'2o; December, 921.0< th 921-4<,; No, 1 hard, 91o; No. t northern, 801.0< to 501.35; No. 2 do., 871-35 to 881.2< Corn -No. 3 yellow, 67 1-2o to 58ca Oats - No. 3 Matte, 361.46 to 363.4<,. Bye --No. 2, 560 fo 58e. Flour, unchanged. Bran nu. changed. Dnluth, July 22.-W5eat-31o. 1 hard, 91-1-40; No. 1 northeru, 991.00; No. 2 do., 273.4 1,0 881' -lo; July, 403.4< nominal; Bev. temper, 9014< asked; December, 925.4,, Llee Steck Markets. bfoutreal, July 22.. -Prime beevee, 67-8 Fe 71.4' medium, 42.4 to 63.4; coMmou, 3 to 41-5. Cows, $30 to $65 each. Osilees, 3 to 6; sheep, 4 ta 41.2; lambe, 84.15 to $6,00 ouch; hogs, 10 to 101-4. Toranto, Judy U. -Cattle -Choice export, $7, *helms butchers, 46.60 to $6.851 good 'medium, $6,75 to $6.40; common, $4.70 to 86; caneere, $2 to $2.50; euttere, $3 to 9345; fat vows, $5.25 to 3150; common (meat, 80.58 to 94.25. Calves -Good veal, $5 to 97; thole& 88 te 98,50; COLIIMOn, 93 tO 53,50. Stockere and feeders--gbeers, 700 to 800 potunle, 54.50 to 95.50: extra choice heavy feeders. 900 pounds, 155.86 , to $6,25; rongb, $2.50 to $3,50. Sheep end lambs -- Light WOMB, 94.25 to $5.25; heavy,' tb $3.50; insoles, $3 to $3.50; spring lanthe, 98,50 to 99.50. lfogs-$10, fed and watered; $9.75 0.0.5. Milk eowe, 950 to 960 each - Forty years in 115e, 20 years the standard, prescribed and maim- - mended by physicians. For )Vo. man's A lintel] ts, Dr. )14 r ter,' Female Pills, al; your ibliggist. E BRITISH NAVY LEA First Lord 'Churchill Gives Statistics Showing R cent Additions 'A despatch teeth. London. says: "The First Lord of the Admiralty -made an impor,t,ent statement in the 'House of Cethinens on WednesdaY night respecting armored ships., creiser0 aiid deStroyerS whieli have Laan aumPicted sines, Jannan., 1911, for the•British and. 9-.erinart Tha 1•11r a of41551510C3V33 fleet,ttn, s Great Britaiin:-Battle- ships, 91, hattle-ernisers, 4; Light tritisers, 10; destroyers, 51, many hattle-or.pis- ers, 4; light °nisei's, 7; cleetwoy... era, 40. Mr: explained that the British cruise.rs do not in- , elude the vessels belonging -1•6 tin' ,,_, , ,tistral. leoyal Aian navy. There,Nete, ony vweive, ships ef 5,090 tons' Replying to bfr: Micialemore, who I asked whether the Ifirst Lord was aware ‚335.3 11') 1904 1,14 neniber of st4-1,Lyzesels on fereiglaestMerTerel iS said, sig.. as lliftesslattlale7 '1 ate very ineeh aware t , • 05 'it, mei I hope th he tibie iteetie-, g W114061 io inctease the _number of 1. . . ships that we maitithin on foroign •p 038.110115." ' NO.xt' year he wonId e have some proposals to 'make in this t eennecition, ' ' ' 0 11 NE S A PA,RAGRA,1)11 Pl7ENI4GS rriou /ALE UTED Fria (1Louz, IN litiTS1111%14. Canada, The Empire' and' thb woo') • . , " 1112 Genetal Ile(ore Tons Even. Canada. County Court; judges may get larger salaries. . - Crap prospects in the central counties of. Ontario- are, the bright- est in five. yaa.s. Seventeen grocers of Montreal appeared -in court charged with fraud in selling adulterated spices. "Daredevil" Rlakely, an eviator, br,oke the Canadian altitude record at Brandon, ascending 5,600 feet ab.ove sea level, . • Haanilten Board of Trade entered. a, protest against the proposal of the railway vompanies to caned the present arrangements with cartage companies. Francis Guillevin, a contractin'g electrician, of Menereal, was son- tonced to three months for the theft of electricity by an arrangement of wares to avoid the meter. Dangerous passes in the Rocky Mountains are being u.seci to smug- gle Ohinese from Columbia into the States of Washington, Idaho and Montana, according to A. T. Lim- ney, connected with the U. S. Im- migration Department. Great Britain. ' Winston Churchill said no addi- tion would be made to the naval, prOgrarnme, Sir" Rufas Isaacs.' is to succeed Lord Alversthee as Lord Chief jus- tice. The London morning papers are interested in the possibility of the 15. S. being obliged to intervene in Mexico. Aviation is neither a. sport nor a pastimbe, and cannot be prohibited on Sunday, according to legal au- thoritie,s in Hull, England, where a test case was made. The pardon -of Mrs. Emmeline Pankhuest, the leader of the mili- tant suffragettes, who is serving a three-year sentence in Holloway jail, is requested in a petition. sent to the King, signed by 474 teaohers and graduates of the London Uni- versity. United, States. An inspecter of the United States Marine Department has been on the St. Lawrence River the last few days, and ten steemers have been ordered to increase the membership ni their crews. General. There are reports of an armed :mix having been found hiding in the gardens where Crown Prince Olaf of Norway plays. The French' Chamber at Deputies has decided that eompulsory mili- tary service must begin at 20, in- stead of 21, its at present Prince Ernest of Cumberland, the Kaiser's soti-in-iew, was nearly killed by -a train when his horse be- came frightened. • A pearl necklace of ql stones, val- ued at $625,000, and ,posted from Paris to London, was stelen in transit, some lumps of sugar being substituted isi the package. A re- ward ef $50;000 ;is offered for ita recovery. • AMERICA N A NBA SSAD OR. Banquet 10 Honor of Walter H. Page in 14011100. - A despatch front London ,says: The Anglo-Baxo.n Club At its .ban- quet on Thursday night had as its guest of 'honor the American Am- bassador, Walter HI 1?2ge, Earl Grey, fermee.Govereer-General of Canada, presided, while among the guests were -the. Lord Mayor -and the Sheriffs of London, :Lieut. -Gen- eral Sir,,Robert Baden-Powell and Mdeeton Frewen, ex-M.P. for Northeast Cork. In reply to the toast of Earl 'Grey, .Ainbassader Page dwelt anon the great Preroga- tive of the Angle -Saxon race—lead- ership. He said that every Presi- dent of the United. Statee had been dominantly of English or Scottish blood, while the overwhelming lea. .jerity of Mayors, inembera of Con- ogre,ss and presidents. of eellicational institutions in America bore names pfEe,glieh, Irish or Scoteh deseent. A YAM 0 US •BAND.; Be ‘.8. On; Cait'ailian National Exhibition. The Band of the Irish Guards, who feature the music at the': Cantle dime National i Lion . at Toron- to this year, need no intreductien to Canadian music lovers, gnic„v were brought over to the Canadian National Exhibition in 1905, and se enthusiastically were, they reeeived that it Was dedid•ed tour them from -the .A Bantle te the Pacific. The thur was cerried out and its "sucee.as marked the Irish Guards as 13<,07070.03popalar of the splendid Br-ilIth Military Banda' OM, Ilave Viaited Canada, , THE DUCHESS BF CONNAUGIIT , n will Be Some' !Time Before She Has Comp etely RecoYered. A despatch froin. London says : 70TR Laq_..bna nblielied that OT Cori - aught, livaa enerated wice reifiently, has been playing elf. There is absolutely lie truth ri -the story, She is making steady regress, ;but 'according te'the ofil- ial contradiction, uit mufri, be some ;me bolore she, has completely re - over Highest grade beans kept ,wholes and mealy by perfeat baking, refaining their full strength. Flavored with delicious sauces. 1•Titey hoe no equal. x , A.n Undecided: Argument. Let eynies who think that no eeaci thing can- come' from a politiheian lend their ears and listen, While debating the live question of aver-- eapitaMsai-on of public 'service cor- perations during the last session, a page approitehed the desk ef Mr, J. G. Turiff and laid a "rush" tele- gram on his desk. As soon as he eoncluded his re.marks the -member examined its contents. He read: "May I draw upon you at sight for one hundred dollars?" The •rnes- sage was signed' by the meniber's son-in-law. Mr. Turiff was somewhat non- plussed. , He was not aware that the young man needed money,- but the telegraph office, assured him that they had had the message, re- peated and verified. Whereupon )1r. J. G. Turrilf, the Assiniboia man deSpatelied his answer : ''..(Draw upon me for what- ever you need." 11 was some days later before an- other Western member brought him the explanation. Two young men had got into an argrunent inglegina coucerning the liberality and excei- lence of their reepective fathers-in- law, one a Liberal member (..:5 the Federal House, the other a Censor.: vative member of the British, Col- umbia. Legislature, The decided to tent the ease by each sending tele- grams asking for the immediate ad- vance of $100. When Mr. Turriff's response' was received it was promptly displayed. But the rival son -in -hew was not long behind. He Produced a Yellow PaPer with the meesage: "Certainly, that's easy," in acknowledgment of his similarly worded request for the ac- ceptance of a sight draft A for the amount of the pros- pective draft remains undecided. FUTILE ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE. Two Prisoners at Ottawa 'Fry' to Es. cape From Police Station. A despatch from Ottawa sa,ys; Twe_priseners, james Baldwin and Edmvin Wendel, who stated that they came 'from New York to get, jobs on the Ottawa bal.i team, and who were about to be charged with litin-flantining In the polioe court, jumped out of itti upper window of the city police station to the ground, a distance of -twenty feet, 011 Wednesday, and 'made.;a., bold dash for liberty, Several police- men and de.teetives clashed after thein, and they were recaptured within five minutes, They were re- manded for a week, and the polMe will look their records. 1,111,t, )1, rill AE11011110)1E. atajor. Ifewetsou of the British A rm Y Wa8 A ciespa4ch from Salisbnry, Eng- land, says: Major 'A. W. liev,.ete 0011 of the Royal Artilleiy. Gulps of the 'British artily and a mernber of the military eying corps was at the army aerodrome hore on Thursday by the falling irom, a lefght of 100 foe of hig monoplane. The a,ceideut was eaused by the ma- ehine UMt too sharply end overbalancing. On striking the grainui the motor exploded tiled burned the aeroplane to ashes. A Heated Argument. A ScotsMan anal, am Englishman were engaged in a heated argu- ment, in Idie midst cil, Which the Englishman said—"Oen you tell me whir a Scotsmen who ooMe-s Lonclen is -like a ship that'is 1‘:!sti?" The •Seolisinen gave; np, saict'the (Ile never re- . "Oh.," sttici "can' YOii".tell tie -the difference between. an Englishinan arid as; eseitne 08 g os?'' After'''seme' thought 'the- Erg-, lislimen had to,7Nnfetet did nol;;, saicl anta. CO' MEN! ON EVENT krear 'Is having. a series, of pelisse :timid in newapaper eireles. The Daily Witnese which for geheratiougium,been a i13,‘ -Word throughout, Eastetn Canada hae inieemt away. In its.plasse,owasee the Daily 'E'd°gralth• TIM Herald, one of the oldest if not the very oldeat daily nevvspaper in. Canada, 'bap phanged hands. and changed pelitics: Tit a" Month or two tlaere le to, ,be enother new Morning Palm/ to he tAiled. the, Dally Mail. Only, the' Star and the Eat:setts', remain unchanged. end; nnznoved like roake in the midst -of a eueging 'gem But even they are vitally interested , in the Witham, going, on, around thexa. .Thisobalti recital' of the facie sloes Mot, at all indicate the elanificaitee -of what milieu/He -to, a revolution in tiewspaperdom in fact, its yet no one knerws what Is 0112, acthal sigilifIcanee. One may only sur,. anise,, and.of eiirmises there are plenty, It may .bt, stated that the reason , the Wienese dies' is bemuse, It could not be made.' to pay. In the hands of the Dom galls the Witeess has been a power in the, land. Politically it has been elaseed,' OS Liberal and on eeveral <>Mt/41011$ has been understood, tO voice the opinions of Sir Wilfred Laurier. Ent, it WAS never a vio- lently partisan paper, and never repre. eented anyone but the Dougalb•fa'milY: The Witnese cared much more about mor. al 5501150 then it dal about purely polit ical leeues, It hags been pointed to as an illuethation of ',the alleged fact that a newepaper cannot be strait in its moral' views and at the same time be made to Day, 'Bat tide is hardly a fair deduction' to draw from the example of the Witnees. The Witness' ViCWI3 and policy were ex- treme. It would aocept no liquor or trues- tionable medical advertisenmixte stud In this its example M being followed by many Public:eta:me. But it would bo difficult to discover anothe.r secular publieation which refuses to publith theatrical newe and 'adv,ertisements, or sporting 110M1 MU/ ad- vertisements. And this W8,13 the policy of' the Witness for many years, This policy woe based on the belief that amusemonts and sports 'were often sinful, and if not actually aimed thernseivee, were (revolver; So their character and might 'have a de- basing efrect, to which the publishers *f the WItnese were not willing to subjett their readers. This was the spirit of the Monastery and not- of a modern businese estaldiehment /t typified how far out aaf touch the old Witnese 'was with the world In which it lived. It wns not, that the. Witness lost so much aetual crath in the advertise. manta it refused as that it failed to find Lb olientelle. .rn-...-......a...--...,.......,.-..s............. (135050 07 ' the oegrt might estrange the mfusilea,of cbusatflan,4eni0o6.siY.•'110Wever, We' are' now ,asaured that 'life at Rideau Rear hatanevetabeeti eimpMe them sincathe' Kanisingtliatu%gelev'erib•altaeij**Ltna s006°171" is9P;o0Ge:heerrk°1 ', beeinantaire lab:illumine, or'metur natural, . There has Soon notheite fussy or, (eerie' , save le NM aatMa or in the apeethes of ' the Governma0enerat and naturally' 144 a• . -14000677014a7,7'ior0iftinterilsgy v- eerriegten14• 'etOndliott).rer"e' a the attitude ',of a .edustitutforne. ruler,' ,,lx,Peez:e.„11::,.btkihiee. mwielatt.u.nwe:Omfao:.ptari.. part Of , the Buke'S swollen had beeretheobsoeutous. ' iiese of -Certain eeetions of the cuenciunite., 000080M, intemperance In Oanade have re. ' : BrimkeRneei increase& 1 ''S'e'hic,' rather' teraar'Icable ,figureS of an in: 1 ronto, for example ,in the year 1901:there * 70eotlY -1,7914e 3en ac,:ortne:toil,eod ii. :thl atibge.flitoyf Obt eiTuog- el reitalk and disorderly. ,`At that time the city had a populatimi of ebent 240,000 Bo that. for every 1;000 pereone there were 17 ' drunke In Om year. In the yeav 1902, 1 bowevet, there were ,no Hee than 15,605 I dtunke and' dleorderlies. This avith a pop. . ulation of 450,000means that, out of eVery „WHO Disraeli° theta' were 35 drunke; that ie, (.5<95 twice ,ao twiny. as 11 years previoway. Similar figures are obtainable from other , Canadian eentree. 1 It 1t5 maid that One of the re sons ' for the inarsatee le the Increase in forneiga pop- illatien. The claiet cause would eeent to be the great increase in prosperity, IiI1 inovease w58 -Soh it is to be feared lute not been acoompanied by a correePeeding in; orease in godlinese. • . . . • Balkan Barbarism. 'The original triunaphe 'of the Balkan alias over the"Ottennan Empire have had a deplorable and repuleive eequel, They eet forth to carry freedoin th their lane. Men and they are ensliug up by spreading devaetation among peoplee already tried almcst beyond' endurance. The Balkan States nre falling, into a barbarism deeper and mops shanneful then was impelled by the Turk. 'The civilized nations are look- ing on without interest beyond the de - etre, that the inflammable tendeaeiee should not spread to Europe. • ' IHome Ruio ,on the Was'. `The .passing of the eecond teadira of the Irish Horne Rule Bill. In the British Parliennent by a majority' ef 109, on the second of the three neeeseary journeys of the measure through the House of Com- mons, hug made a good mansa people foe the forst time really belimarthat House Rule is aetually coming, Tha, majority is above the present, normal majority of the Geyer/1;1min, indicating not merely lack of dismension but enthuelastn. Another aignitioant thing happened when Premier Anquith aeeepted an invitation te, dine -with ,John :Redmond and the 81581- 10070 of the Irieh Parliamentary Party. Stith a thing has never happened in the long and acrimonious existante of the Irish Party In Weetroinster. The dinner wae a private one, but it is understood to have been a, love tenet. It was also significant that on the 12th of July- in °Matto there were few, if anY, Ireland, refeeenees to the Home Rule imme in 1VManwhiie, Sir ,Edward ()arson 18 tour. ng England and Scotland working up en- huslaem for the cause of Ulster. It Booms e be admitted that when Home Itule goes nto effect, ae it uow seems likely to do eat year, there will be in Belfest a cer- min amount ;if rioting. But this it le h0lIght 01011 be euppreseed. The real 111E- turbance may come from the farmers of he surrounding Maztities. It they make up heir minds -to rebel there will be rebellion, was sericite outcome. een 110 absolutely convincing sign df any ut Up to the pregent there bee ,really A PES1---IFER0.1.---1.1S N—CISANCE. rild Horses in ,Grand Prairie and - Peace River Districts. Who Are The Perchasers2 The Dougalls would not, sell the name. But the rest of the peoperty has beeu transferred to ,sew owners who are repro- . sented in the management by Mr, C. Gem donemith, who for many years woe 00e0.1 Mated with the Dougalls Mauaging Editor, and who haa absorbed their ideals. e GordonsMith is as pleaeant a gentle- man ae ono could wish to meet and should k • 110V. the wavepaper game. The purchase of the Herald by Mr. D. , 1 Lorne afeGibbon, Or10 of the aggreseive capitalism which Montreal has produced it in the last dozen yeare, made it essential for Liberals to get a mouthpieee and 060 1 dotibt hasthned the purchaee of the Wit- a nese. Who that someone is remains a myetheys One euriniee is that E. A. Robert, h local capitalist interested in the Street RailwaY, has associated aimeelf with Lib- 1, end politicians in the venture, Another e guees is that Sir Hugh Grabahl, proprietor " of the Montreal Star, le 110}P behind the 6 scenes in the Telegraph °ince, but this soltreeiv seems creditable, although there are extunplea in England of cap itallets owning and managing newspapers on Ma a_ poeite Oleo of politics. The Montreal Stir VI has been acoeptiug fall ad t' merits front the 'Telegrapb, eirownstauce " may have originated the minim., but it would awn that this fact is no more significant then that the Star ie not unwilling to see tbe Telegraph fina its place as the Liberia mouthpiece, particu- larly if, In doing so, ft injures the Star's old rival, the Hereld, wbieli now threat met te rival the Star in Imperiallem and to be a more. active competitor than ever. The Herald hae even gone to the Mngth of buying a weekly .paper, The Mirror, to get out in competitioe to Sir Hugh (4715. ham'S Standerd, Daily Mali coming, 110W buildings, new pregame; ilew equipment are being rapidly &metre bled for the morning Daily Mail, With lts publleation, the Gazette will, for the first time, bare competition. In the active man. ageinent of the Daily Mall will be B. .A. lioNab, for many years Managing Editor of the Montreal Star; and a sphinx like gentlemen of portentous mien. Also there will he M. la Nicholle, whe has had much experience in Toronto, 'and later ort the Winnipeg Telegram, Ilo is a half brother of lion. W. T. White and le regarded ' as one of the most promisIng men la Oan- adieu journalism to -day. With two ench men the Daily lSail will not' be under- manned, There is also a -mystery ae to who the proprietors of Oda' paper tan, though It is generally accepted that Rob. ert, lameni awl assoptates are intereeteds Sir Hugh Grahema name ie atop men. Monett in this connection'. The Star. and. the 'Gazette, though on the same eide of polities,- hew never got on with one an. other any too well, and it has frequently been rumored that Sir Rugh Graham pro, Posed vo attack the Gazette's monopoly of the morning paper field. North Crey's Surprise. The moult of the by-en:talon in North Grey came as a ourprise to the politicians. It wee generally recognised that the ma• iority given Rem A., G. Maegay in the previous election had been abnormal, and there were few en either olde who expect- ed a maJorlty either way of more than 100 or 160. The eothment of the party papers on the reoult le typical of the general oommeat. For example, the Mail and Empire and es„, the World accept the verchot an en- '6"' dereetuent of the Cio•lernment'e lleense son policy, as contratited with the Opposi- °he, tion's Banieh the Bar Matrons' .and 68 a iefutation of the chargee made against at& Don. W. j. Hanna. The Globe, on the, a 3 ,other haud, eaye tbat the Government had to win the seat end lied to proeure the meane of dolma 31n<-wo;',g 11 51100005 reaming through many ;rind& the Globe ahirms -5165-3 61,0 event will only make Lib - oral workees more determined to win at the General Election mut "not a plauk will be dropped out of theie Platfosui, the abet - Won of the bar aboye all." - Duke oi eonnaught Returns, - The news that the Duke of Connaught, has aeoIepted 50 exteneloa 07 0505 year of his term of, (date ae. Governor-General af Canada into . been'. received With satisfac- tion. Perham; the • most matiefactory feta 'titre of the eircuntstanee is that it: turn- ielies a,retutattou of the idea that His Roya1-111ghneat found life 50 ,Clanade par- taking of the nature of aa exile. The palm of ConnazightM original- a- 900(011,03-55 in Ontober. 1911, WM a bold de- parture from established practice. -Never befoye in the tang litetote of the Willett Empire had a P,'5,100 of the Blood visited, at any of the dominions as the `aillolal and reeident yiesetegent of the Riau There was at that time name 'little 1111000. 4. despatch from Ottawa says: Claiming that wild horses in the Grand Prairie and Pea•ce River dis- trict have been ceasing serious de- predations on the ranches By kill- ing many valuable horses and lead- ing away brood Mares. Hon. Dun- can, Marshall', Minister of AgriCiii- ture for Alberta, has ap,plied to the r Ministeof the Interior here to have the Federal authorities sup- press the nuisance by wiping ant the wild animals. „ DR. ROBERT BRID G E S. Britieli Poet Laueente to Succeed the Late Alfred Austin. A despatch from Lonelon says: The new British poet- laureate is Dr. Robert 13ridges, who was ap- pointed by Premier Asquith an Wednesday to take the place sI the, late Alfred Austin. Besides being a poet. and literary man, Dr. -Bridges, who is in -his Sixty-ninth year, praetised. medicine for many 310131010.08in the London hospitals. He s a master. of arts, a bachelor of medicine and a, doctor of literature of Oxford University, A C CID FlATAtLY—BILLE1). , — Son of Justice W. Parker, of New jersey, Shot. - A despatch from Ayera Cliff, ., says: The nineteen -year-old of Supreme Count Justice ries W. -Parker, of Jersey City, 1 early on Friday evening from ullet wound, in the abdomen. The shot was fired accidentally by eampamien- named Lincoln, while a party of young men were shooting with a revolver at a -target. ' He died while being taken" to a hos-pi. —0 STRANGE DEATH. A 'Brooklyn Ice Plant Helper Found tirozen to 1)cal despatch from New York says : Hugo-Meisner, a young helper in a Brooklyn ice plant, was frozen th death. early on Thursday in a sealed compartment, which he entered to adjust machinery. Companions found him stiff and stark, The tem., ture On. die steeet at the time mese felt, in ennne 'starters ot it D .0 o. Tt was suggested Milt tho eti- was nearly oightY. ATROCITIES BY BULGARIANS Story, of the Sacking and Burning of the Mace- ' (Ionian Town of .eres Is Confirmed A.aopatdt• frpnS,Sslonuloa ISull confirMatioa, of, thti.' eking' and, ,tratrp4?"0$'0f.311N15;4`. donian tewnzefliSeresS Brilgarian• tredjiti,• end.of thq oruOt fixian, aliVe, by thein o8 3358.1431 ZY14kie,.:it4habi- f OMnrl'14e2r t‘m'.t.'to`t1 us'T"O Ceea- ' Three -fon -1.14,5' Ciff.the isbing 1502811 p881175013 s9,.600; titiveii ft-. eays ,Oensul-Ctenertel trikt; ae-h jest returned, 44.0•• 'from. ere0;! Where hik:filiOr6141-11:3c,Iiiit:eflOsSd'd the 'situation. • 11, hadbeen 'ordered j,ntljtiye inte the phitidering--41nd litirniarof the Anstrian Yiee=.0en, there, and the earrying off of George 0,, Zlako• by *ha marauding 1*3i11841Tia;Zi$. :Snot:het; .horrifYing, stOty Of m.S.s. 'reached here ',ein • Wednesday f/rein Doran, teiwit 40 inileS•to the .tio`eth-Weet. of Salenika. ,73351173 itherelaim .made. a Written de- .CIrarr couis3srisigoed' hy , three riestse stating •-3350 b14.Balgarianit s1a3154a9ed 30,000 Statight•-i-e,edge 4111.-1)eiran A Physical.Wreck Suffered Tortures fiern Nerveuenesee ' 1id'0se mereizerite Dees,,e1 Robert at., l' '41auditen," `OM.; : aiiritear "I" was ' w' W70Ok.'458d2,00d-. /4 hed)D, 515<1 deaponda , eat. I auttereq tortures .from nervoutsa ' 93099, • 41'14 V/atil totally, utifIttect for,ivork.' A grig.0d-'recommeb4ett IHOodl0 Marna7, Parlila. I commenced taking Rand by; tbe time the secdint bottle' Was 'emir, MASC. I itneW that ' I' wise mending. Gradually I grew well. •I have n& ee Hoed's ofiice. 1 Would net be Withoyill 1 , St on 9117 aceoUnt, and do most ent5)a4 ti/aStleallk endoree every'word fn ltd, Get 'Xioott's SarsaParIlla today. -Soldi, 1 by all . druggists everywhere; e - FIRST CONTRACT LET. Work Will Soon Begin on the Ne Welland Canal. A despatch frem Ottawa says ;` Construction of the firat sections of' the enlarpd Welland Canal has been provided for. The Govern- ment has aocepted the offe of the Dominion Dredging CoMpariy of Ottawa to build the first section. The erm offered to do the work fin' $3,500,000. This was the lowest tender. It provides for the con- struction of the first few Miles of the canal frem the Lake Ontario mid. Tenders for other sections of the canal, which is to. havos a...depth of 34 feet, 'will be called shortly. It will, when ooMpleted, allow the largest lake boats to reach the St: Lawrence with full grain cargo from the West, 3. A. RITCHIE lifILIJKID• Chief Eire Ranger Ground Be - *Heath Train Wheels. A despatch from Sault Ste. Mar-• le,. On 3,says: Knocked front a train which was being shim -bed and ground beneath its wheels, Chief Fire Ranger J. A. Ritchie was in- stantly killed on Thursday night a fee miles up the .Algoma Central Railway. He leaves a widow and daughter. , TWO -YEAR -01,1) BOY DROWNED lieney Boenike Pound In the_ -Well Jil 11is Own Yard. A despateh from North Bay says: The two-year-old son of IlenFy Bo- quike wit& playing about the front door of his parents' residence at Trout Mills while his mother was preparing supper, and suddenly disappeared. He was searched for all over the village, being found an hour later .drowfloci in the well in his own_yard, BILLED BY LIGHTNING. Thomas Stiller Was Electrocuted at P0waSSan. A despatch from Powassan, Ont., says: During •a severe electrical' storm which 4mciirr14 here oil Fri- day afterneen Themes Stiller was sitting in Nis home with his baby on hie knee when the. bolt struck him. The -baby was uninjured. He was fo1'ty-8w2i years of 'age, and is sur- vived by a widow and seven chil- dren. CAPT. 3A 51 ES LOW BILLED. lind 11 Large Interest in a Fishing. tallustry al Pori: .1CO0TO1. A despatch from -Port Dover says; Oaptai*Q James Lew, Walking in, safety alongside the tratk, beeame " eenfused and stepped in front .558 10.11 incoming forenoon train on Friday. 'The engineer applied the brakes ue- -availingly, and Low reeeived iejur- ies resulting in death two hours later. He had sailed the lakes many years.. Comfort Your Stomach We pay for this treatment If it tails to promptly relieve Indiges- tion and Dyspepsia. Resell Dyspepais Tablets remedy etornaoh troubles beeauae they tioe- kiln the proper proportion of Poem and Bisouth and the necessary car- minatives that help nature to IMPPIY the °temente the abseece of which in the gastric, juleas mimes indiges- tion and dyspepsia. Their aid the Mountch to digeet food and toquioldy convert it into rioh -red blood and material necessary for overceintag natural body waste. Carly a package of Resell Dye - pepsin Tablets In your vest pocket, or keep there in your room. Take younleft,a88eerruectinclithhaete kand eepparie- gentian from bothering you, We know what laexall Dyspepsia Tablets are and what they will do. We guarantee them to relieve hula gestion and dyspepsia, or to rotund YOM• money, if they fail to do no. Doesn't it stand to reason 'that we' z,ulidant't ace:AI:he, thkezuuDyvepsiu moneyrisicwere Tablets will eatisfy you? Vireo sizes, 25 cents, 50 cattle, and 91.00. , You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets in this community only at our etore: a W. S. F?. HOLMES, Clinton The aMaa. Store Ontario There is a ItexallBage in needy every town and °ay in the tutted Slates, Climate ed Great 'Britain. There is a different roma Remedy for nearly every ordinary 1meanin- tcheeleutlYsi4'eefe5 he P"tieuarfwhielt ftreetmendet. The Rmail Stores are Amerleaar Greatest Drug Storm --eassa-saae. 'Cn*phell'sVarnjsh Stain The best arid nieM durable Anish for Fl•'°ThWestl!slinrilothiihitree liekeceit;1111°31:0d1WorS" Ma50 by camonter-Mortaq Co., Boston', BROOM uouxa FREE' ael" aaa Ceamball BA:in Maki' sraffm Present 'this Coupon at dmIct *stem mid me ,Ftna SAM BY 111LA.N0 CL NTON