HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-07-24, Page 7NERVOUS PEOPLE MADE CHEERFUL ]JrWilliams' Pink Pills Rebuild Shattered Nerves Good blood—rich, red blood -- makes all the difference betiveen health and sianess. If the blood is thin and watery, the health of the whole body suffers. The sufferer. becomes 'nervous andirritable • the Stornaoh fails in strength and the appetite becoanes poor. Food does not give the necessary noulisliment, and the first feeling of weakness passes, as time goes on, into a gen- eral breakdown in the health. The case of Mrs. Angelique Gagnon, of St. Jerome, Que., illustrates the truth of these stateanents. Mrs. Gagnon says : I am fifty years of age, and up te a few months ago • always enjoyed the best of health. Then I began to feel run down wad weak, without patithee or ambi- tion. My appetite grow poor, and my nerves seemed to be on edge, and the least noise or worry -would make me irritable and nervous Life became an .aetual burden, and I could no longer look after tny household duties. Mt doctor pres- aribed and ordered a change; say- ing that I was a nervous wreck. I tried to beeome interested in other things but failed, and my•eondition was really deplorable., I continued in this condition for several inonths, -gradually going down, and as my doctor waca not helping me I was easily persuaded by a friend to try Dr. Williams' Pink „Pills. After taking the Pins for a few weeks I could see an improvement, and I gladly continued using them for a eouple of months, when I found my health fully restored. I am more than thankful or what Dr. Wil- altenua Pink Pills have done for me, and I gladly rethresmend them to all who are weak, nervous arid run- down." 13y making soh, red blood Dr. WilliamsPink Pills cure such cases as Mrs. Gagnon'. In the same -way they cure nerv,ous headaches near - algia, indigestion, rheuntati;m, St. Vitus' dance, and the ailments that come to growing girls and women of mature years. If you are at all unwell start to -day to cure your - elf with Dr. Willianie Pink Pills, ;what they have done for others they will surely do for you,. if given 91, fair trial. Sold at all druggists or by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box, or six boxe.te for $2.50, by addressing The Dr. Williams' Medi - One Co., Brockville, Ont. A New Scotch Story. The folloiving good story is told 'in the London • Tatler of two old Seotsmen in a train who were ,dis- cussisg the domestic unhappiness of a mutual friend. "Ay, ay," said one, "Jamie Thomson has a sair time that wife o' his. They say they're 'aye fechtin'." "What else •can ye expect?" said the other _scornfully, "The puir feckless crea- ture marrit after therthe for only seven year. Man, he hid nae chance to ken the woman in suck a short time. When I was coortin' coortecl for twenty ,year." An amused listener to this dialogue now 'ventured to ask if this long court - hip. had enured connubial whereupon the old Scotsman re- turned, "I tell ye I cooated for • twenty year, and in that time I kent what woman was and so I dichaa • Come Down Pat. Two Irislunentaing to their work . one morning saw ascend cat up a teee. Pat went up to shake him of, wh'le Mike remained below to thtch him when he fell. Both were elm- ' eessful, but Mare and the 'wild cat were soon in a rough-and-tumble. . scrap below. Pat called out I come down and help ye to hold him, Mike?" "No but -corns down, Pal, and help me tO let him go." •-• CLOUDED BRAIN. " • Clears Up On .Change te Proper Food. The brain cermet work with clearnessand accuracy, if the. food taken Ls aotfully digested, but is retained in the 'stomach to ferment and form poisonous ga,ses, etc.. A dull, clouded brain is likely to be •the result. A lady'relates her experience in changing her food habits, and re- milte are very interesting re - • "A steady diet' of , rich,. ,greasy foods 'each as sausage, -backwheat cakes and so on, finally broke down a st,oenach and nerves.that,• by in: heritance, were SoUrid end etratig,, and medicine did no apparent good in. the way Otrelief. "My brain was clouded and , _ and I was tottering from a ease of con,stipation' that defied all three- ' dies used. "The `Road to Wellville,' in tome rovidential way, fell lato mY nels, and may Heaven's richeet '• bleesing fall on the man who was • inspired to write it. • •"I followed .direetions carefully, the phyeical culture and all, using Grape -Nate with sugar and create, leaving meat, pastry and hot bis- cuit entirely out of any bill of fare, Tho result—I am in perfect health , „ "I never realize 1 have nezvaii, And mattrantach and bowelare in fine coaditiatt, My brain is per- feetly lear and I am eajoying that atate of health which Gad intended , his ereAtures should enjoy, and I which all might have, • by gide raper abtremioe to their food! .Namo giVen by Canadian llostinn Co., Win ds r, Ont. Read c`The Road ' Wellville," In ags, "Tit ere's a reason . ' ' Ever read the anoZo letter? A new ono eppeare filial time to time, Thears genuine, trek and ital at human tetras*, IN THE' WILDS OF THE NORTH TRAIL BETWEEN VAN C 0 U V.LR AND HUDSON BAY. ^ Early 19th Century History Made Available by the Royal ' Society. It is stated in the school histories of Oregon that the Hudson's Bay Company, which controlled • the thast region from about 1890 to 1840, commtmicated regularly with the home office of the monopply by means of, overland ma -messes. A party of capable men with a well - tried leader set out from Vamconver every spring and anade their way to F•orb York, near the mouth of Nelson River, on Hudson Bay. At about mid -summer another party left Fort York for Vancouver, geing over the same route in the opposite direction, Dismattheci and other important matter were carried both ways. Ships from London reached Fort York at fixed Intervale, and thus thatinunioation was maintain- ed without interruption between the most distant parts of the Hud- son's Bay Company's vast empire and the heart of the civilized- world. Hitherto not a, great deal of infor- mation has been available to the public about the country through which these expeditions travelled. Imagination, having but a few facts to work with, has pictured it as a forlorn desolation wr,selmed in per- petual snow and haunted by the terrors of starvation and azatie cold. No Great Hardships. An account of some of these trips which has lately been published by the Royal Society of Canada puts a different face upon. them. The men, when they were properly,inured to that kind of travel, underwent no 'excessive hardships and experi- enced only each deprivations as made hunting enjoyable and brought into play the arts of the expert woodsman. The Hudson's Bay clerk whose entertaining jour- nal has thus been made athessible Watt' Edward Ermatinger, who served the company for ten yeaxa, beginning in 1818. He wintered one year at Island Lake, another at Ox- ford House and Lament two winters at York faaltory, on Hudson's Bay. Then he passed a year at Re,d. River, and finally went to the region of the Columbian where he stayed three years. On March 20th at a quarter before six in the evening be left Vancouver at the head of an ex- press party for Fort York. With Mo ooritpany were various persons well known in Oregon history. Dr. McLoughlin, who was then chief chief factor of the monopoly, was the most /distinguished, but Pierre Cihrysologue Piumbrun, whom, Bon- neville encountered at Walla. Walla, in 1832, was also with the ex,pedi- tien. So was the botanist, Davis Douglas, who wrote an intereating account of his scientifie and other experiences in the Canadian wilder- ness. As Far as Walla Walla the gentlernen of the party rode horseback Moat of the way on suoh sorry beasts as they could obtain from the miserable savages along the river. These Indians as we see them in Erroatinger's joarnal pre- sent very'little to console the- ad - mixer's ef the noble red man of fic- tion. One of theirmid women who had chanced to die at an incaution - lent moment was found by the tra, vellerct thrust into a pit beside the trail and lift there, without a rag, .00.vering, lot the coyotes to de- vour. On another occasion came of the travellers forgot aigun art the mornizig eampfue). Returning for it, they found it in the possession of a red-faced scamp, svho gavelup the booty only under threats of death. Ermatinger found the In - diens south of the .0olumbia hope- lessly filthy and depravecl. Efforts to convent them were total failures, and they usually repaid ldndnesis With treacherY. 1.reatinger e party fellowed the course of the Columbia to Atha- baska Peas, in the Reeky Manua" talus. Here the great river firs from the south-east, making a slide den, bend in its course, and the MOuntaine form the water parting Isetween the Pacific Ocean and.IItid, eon's Bay. In crossing Athabasca, Pass, which they reached on May bat, the travellers were obliged to use snowahoem In fact, the trail was obstrueted by snow until they had deseenele,d far down the Atha- baska and Whirlpool rivers, whiela with the Saskatehewan, determined their route to Winnipeg Lake. On the Athabaska their daily advance was hindered not only by deep crow, but 'atm by a heavy growth of timber. The soil consisted .of gravel • deposits, no doubt of glacial -origin, in a flea/val- ley, and on thie an almost inipesal- bbe had grown up. Erma/Lin- ger, who was more interested ie fur -bearing animals and buffalo than in trees, does rtot 011 its to what apeciess the forest 'growth be- • longed,. but it is easyte gliOas that :LheY were evergreene, .Dy May Ma they -had made their way f4irougJl- 880 snow and the- twain -1M ahd tame t•O A paint WIPsrcit oo,uld be aead ataidn, ' now itadtillYatie men with. Wan Dna, Maretilnlilin had left the party 'it, littie hel0W the Oa Parallel at Old Fort Colville, Prom title point ta Itirmitag lake fteli ansi Same yr arti, The paz4 tam herd buff.ale aendiMhat up many as they needed, -Hale fefeheeting 80lemtn, from Eneatingerie faithful journal that only bulls were etain If .Amer - feel' hunters had, been, teiee eaeagh to pursue the same polleY, these animals would not have been eater- rninated, but on the plains to the a -AIL -mead they were killed by the thousands feet their hides a,nd horns, nO age or sex being epared, Besides the intrinsic interest of Erniatingerts nartativo, it derives ,sorne ecoricenie importance in our day from the project of the Cana- dian government rie build a railroad from, the Pacific to Fort York, on trud,son'e, Boy. Such a,' road would naturally fellow the eourse of tae Columbia te atiesubeeka Pass and then proo8e'd down the Saskatche- wen to Winnipeg-Lako, nails Er- inatinger'e sketchy but entirely re -- liable, observations might become the basis of Iseientific survey. Mali IRISH HUMOR. 1 Bulls and Unconeelous Wit—finny , Stories Have Not True Ring. It is the <complaint cf natives arid true loversef the Emerald Isle, that the anecdotes, whioh are frequeatla related as illuetratione of Irish wit and humor aro by mo reettas char- acteristic ef the Irish people, and are in feet, but inferior imitations of their emerges, Mr. W. T. Stead/once told a glory of a bet which was made by two Irishmen. It was to the effect that Pat would not carry up three lad- ders a hod of bricks with Mike sit - on the top of the hod. Two of the ladders were ascended without mishap, but on the third Pat missed a step. He held on, however'and thus saved himself and Mike trom falling a distance of 40 feet. "I have won the bet?" he ex- claimed, when he reached the top. "Tie," replied Mike; "but when ye slipped I thought I had ye." A writer on Irish humor in the Times mentions this as the type of story which ia often told to illus- trate the humor of the Irish people, but which rings hollow ."in ears attuned to the sound of the real gold of Irish fun and feeling." The following are sited as real exam- ples of peasant humor: A laborer who fell off a building and fractured his ribs was awarded £25 compensation by the court. But his solicitor kept 215 for pro- fessional services. 'me laborer gazed at the ten sovereigns that were handed to him in great sur- prise. "What ore you looking at?" ask- ed the solicitor. "Well, as you ask Bats, sir," re- plied the workman' "I was just wortderin' which ofne if was that fell off the buildin' and broke his ribs." During the great railway: strike of 1911 an ainesteun engine drivel:, in pulling up at a country station, took the train a long way past the platform, and tam, backing the train, went as for again beyond the platform at the other end. "Stop -where ye are," shouted a. Dublin playboy among the pickets; "we'll shift the sta,tion for ye 1" Iis some notes on Irish bulls the same writer Bays: "It is a curious effect of an Irish 'ball' that, how- ever it may tarn a thing the, wrong .way round it always tends to its corapleter and snore perfect under- standing." Simple and true to Irish nature was the deecription re- cently given by a Nationalist mem- ber of the desolation of a farm in Ireland. "The only animals that can live on it," said htt ",asee the seagulls which flyover ib," Happy, again, as an example of the fundaraental incongruity be- tween the ideas associated in a 'bull' is the retort of a, thirsty car driver to his English fare, who had jtist refreshed hina at tb roadside public house. "Well, has that made 'another mare of yau1" said the traveller. "Faith, it has'sorr," replied the jarvey; "an' he's dry, too." A member of the Royal Irish Constabulary, taking tlae agricul- turak statistics of a rural district, tailed at a farmer's house when, the oceimier Was out, .ancl was directed by one of the family—a young lad —where he would find him, "He's out in the paddock evict the ass," said the boy. 'You'll know father by his straw hat," As an example of unconseious humor this story may bo told: 'How does thie dampweathei agree with you, Mrs. Maloney t' "Badly, thin. Inn just contrivini to keep out of the hands of the un- dertakers." • "Feta, an' I'mTerm'', to hear that saarie, raa'arn." Matter of Record. The lesson in history was in pro- gress, arid in vain the teacher coax- ed her class to answer, At last she brightened iip. She had reached the star pupil of her little class.. (Wow, Tommy," the said, "Mary follewect Edward V.; -and who fol- lowed Mary?" Yea Tommy knew that and his answer was swift. "Her little lamb, teacher," he shouted triumphant- ly. D 7 ISSUE SO --'LJ, RedRoughllauds ade_Soft eindtite lly(uticura Soap ad Ointment,. Treatment: On retiring, soak the hands in hot water and Citticura Soap. Dry', anoint with ,Cutieura Ointment, and wear soft bandages or old loose gloves during the night. 011tiatita SOW, and Ointment are sold throughout the world. A Morel sample of each, with Salleact Impala 00 500 afro and fragment of the akin and Boalp, sent post -tree. Andreas Pater Drug 4. Chem. Corp., Dept. 200. Boston, U.S. A. FROM ERIN'S • GREEN ISLE 'NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE- LAND'S SHORES. Happenings In the Emeraltl Isle ol ' Interest ;to Irish- men. A yard of Irish linen wa,s,steld re- cently for 8375, which is a record. At0 meeting of County Carlow Agricultural Society it was detidad to hold a dog show on. August oth.; The death has taken place at the Rest, Otran,den Road, Dublin of Eliza GrahamaM the age Of 100 yeasts. George Boggs, a farmer of Malin Head, was •knockediadowri by an in- furiated bull and gored to death, • Damage to .the exteat, of 432,500 was done bye fire thatiiroke out at "Durareath," Igtrg•ston, the home, of Miss Craig. . ". A halibut, caught in Ballyeetton Bay by Jeremiah Ly_ri'ah, a kaal fithermem, scales 123 lbs. It fetched the high price of $12. There is a ehurohyard in Ireland at tile entrance at tehiohis a motto, "Only those living in the parish buried in this graveyaixl." ' 1.6 was stated at Letterkenny Quarter Sessions that the, census •collector had not visited Linishaven, Ieland for :seven years, A salmon -which turned the scale at 50 lbs.. has been caught in New- port River, County Mayo, by Mr. Wright, after five hour' skillful angling. Constable James Smyth, one of the beat known. m.erabers Of the County Kildare Police Force, shot himself by placing a rifle between his legs. A young man aamed Goilly, of Woodend, Steabarte, has been the winner of $2,500, the first prize in a competition in an English paper. Terrorism is rampant in County Cavan. A McGloughlin.has receiv- ed warning lettens and other houses have been fired into, at night. Tlie polio° barracks sib Crosedon- ey has now been done away with and all the constables ,seztt to other etatione. Tim barracks wore estab- tithed in 1887. • A fresh outrage in the Holnipat- rick, graveka.rcl, Skerries, has been hrought to the .notioe of the polka, all the -wreaths on 'a large tomb be- ing found broken: • 1Vhen the postman arrived with the mails at the Duffy's Cross post office nes,r Ardee, Mr. Lynch, the postmaster, fell among the mali bogs mid expired almost immediate- ly. A fire occurred in the, !seek prem- _ itees of the Farnham Hotel, Main Street, Cavan, and resulted in tile total destr.uction of the -stables and electrictlightabittery room. George Gregory, II.D.C., who re- cently retired from the position of head •postman itt Portadawn after 40 years' seat:ice, has "received the Imptrial Service Medal'-.. lVfielmel Kelly, Denahrack, was out .booting when one of the bar- rels of his gdxa disoliarged in80 tile pain, ofehie liand and inflicted suc,h terrible injuries that the forearm had to be amputated. • Luinin*Osities. • Thera am always tim'es When. we -wish we Could see 'something whieh the darkness hides. 'Luminous paint solves all these arid ,sthres of ether dark clifuculties. And all that is required, is to add a small, quantity of calsiuert sulphide to ordinary white paiet. A watch ligla for use at night -ea -voiding the striking of a xnatek,---oma be, made by putting a mnall piece 'of phospliorius into a Ions glees phial, and then filling it oneetaird full with hot oil, Ceek ittinbciegibletlYl for":it wint7aanenlitghtitiai!tln,"ie riloel again. The top part of the phial will be lurnintoue,and you can eee 'the tim e Clarence — Miss Sitar an"Isan beanie enough tor tweit Jove Flarence---Then -why (loon y,ou mar- ry her, Clarence 'I ti Mlflard'rl.Ijm5nt Cures pareot in Caws, TICKLING A SHARK. How the Natives of Tahiti Capture the Sea -Tiger. Tickling a ehark 80 order to make the fish amenable to capture is a eingulait practice among the nen tares of the adand of Tahiti. A wri- ter, who watched the sport, while seated in a can,oe manned by, two natives, thus describes 18: Peering ante the clear tvater, tvhere you can see to a depth of four or five fathoms, you catch a &amine far dewn among the sea - ferns and coral cups of the long, lithe tail of a. shark, aid of a huge pectoral fin that ewaye continually with a sielewiee rnotion, ,atal /sends up little ripples to the eurface. The native diver picks up a -coil of etemoanut fibre with a elip-noose already tied in it, seizes Et -knife In his teeth, and quietly slips into the water. It is done with wonderful skill. The native kee,ps, close to the reef, and pulls hicmself down through the water by means of the sea, growths till he is right oter the waving tail: Slowly a bleak hand stretches out, and darting behind the pectoral fin, begins to stroke the sea -tiger. There is afaint4 move - merit of the body, andathe fins away more rapidly. Again the hand moves forward, anti as it strokes the fish, the other hand leaves the slip -knot hanging loosely near the spread a the tail. Then the native comes quietly th the surface, and the, epectakor breathes freely again. The, sail is eet, the steeranan takes his place on the outrigger, and the diver in the ,bow, with a yell of •"Hula," hard OR the rope. Ox the occasion that I speak of, the aharle splashed about in wild frenzy for a. moment or two, and then settled down to a tour of. the lagoon. Twice he circled about, and the canoe plowed along, with the water bubbling and frething itt the bow, -where the keen -eyed native in- tently watched the tightened rope. Suddenly it slackened, and. the diver went over the side like a flash, with a knife in, his hand. A minute later the aux:faze of the water' was it re,c1, and the native was scrambling back into the canoe. We towed the shark to the beach, arid measured him. •II9 was sixteen feet long. Analagous. • She—But don't you think that everybody should learn to swim? He—Certainly not I What veoulcl you think of a fish that insisted on trying to learn to walk on dry land1 Minard's Liniment Curee Colds, Rte. "Did you ever tell that young man that late hours were bad for one 1" asked the father at the 'breakfast table. "Well, father , " replied the wise daughter, "late hours may be bad for one, but they are all right for two." Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn't Smart —Soothes Eye Pain, Druggists Sell Marine Rye Remedy, Liquid, 25c 500. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, 50c, Eye Boolts Free by Mail. An Eye Tonto good for All gyre the% Need Coro Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago • It's one thing to love your, enem- ies, but another thing to get your enemies th love you. Millard's Liniment curos Distimper. Everything She Wants. e "Money isn't everythirm in this world." "Gee, I wish you'd convince my wife of that." ItAti AdtiVe0y 100iftirl stiiVatini emit, ;rigibir4 re'aieni iiuore stinmsean ;Alston,. Alskinli* An *wog, .00:hote,*L co .1042-4et.eZ Ce4--e-ete.,,Lec/ r771-et-ke.,/d-47.-1- ' UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO "rEiNITY COLLEGE .Full Courses in Arts and Divinity Leading to the 0.A. Douree and to the 010. and 0.0. Degree* excellent Staff of Trinity College and the whole regoUreeti JP- of the traVeyelty of Toronto, with many exceptional admin. tages, are open te. Students of the Otaversity of Toronto weld enroll In Trinity College. Students of Trinity College achieve notable sua ceases tia the examinations of the University of Toronto every year. correspondence invited from, students looking forward to Law,. Medicine, Teaching or Rely 6rders. A RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE OP' so vmARs, STANDING I NOW ISOS0AVE0 WITH THE tleIrVERSITY Oft TORONTO For Calendar and Illarerated nookletaddreer RSV. DR. NA TRINITY COLLEGO, TORONTO, It'll Never Do. An old Irishman was offered a post at a level crossing near a small railway station. Re looked • dubious as the duties of the ()Mee were explained to him and the meaning of the various flags was stated. "In oase of danger with a train eoming you wave the red flag," said his instructor, proceed- ing with his explanation. "Man, it'll never do I" said Patrick, shak- ing his head solemnly, "I thuld never trust meself to remember to 'wave a red flag whin there was a green wan handy I". Sweet Innocence. A newly married man returned home one evening th discover that his wife was "all tired aut." "You Look dreadfully fatigued, little one," he said, in a sympathetic tone. "I am," was the reply. "You see, clear, I heard you say that you liked rabbit, so early this morning I went th the market to get you one. I meant to surprise you with a rabbit for dinner, but I'm afraid you will have to do with- out it. I've been hard at work on it all day, and I haven't got it more than half picked 1" A SEPARATION GRANTED ttot br proem of law„ but by the silent working of "Putnatn's" are corns separat. ed from aching toes. Any corn or wart that "Putnam.e" won't awe hasn't boon discovered not. /nsiet ma Putnam's, Corn Entraotor may, 28e. at all dealers. Setting the Pace. The importance of unconscious personal influence is better en- forced by illustration than by argu- ment. A professor was once walk- ing through the streets at night when he heard a boy in soms back- yard drumming. Being naturally fend of rhythm he fell into step and searched up the hill to the little follow's • drum -beat. Then the thought came to him, "He doesn't know what I rum doing, yet I am keeping ethp te his music." Your life and mine may be "eetting the Pate" to lives we knoW little about. 10 mare, a very valuable one, was badly bruised and tut by being caught in a wire fence. Some of the wounds would not heal, although 5 tried many different medicines. Dr. Bell advieed me to use MTNARD'S LINIMENT, diluted at first, then stronger as the sores began to look better. until after three weeks, the sores have healed, and beet of all, the hair is growing well, and is NOT WRITE ne is most always the ease in horse wounds. F. 15. DOGOET. Weymouth. Hard to" Find. "Not going to a, summer cottage this year 7" 'No. Pa and Ma couldn't find a place to suit 'em.'' "What's the trouble 1" "Ma wanted to go somewhere where she wouldn't have to cook all the time for Pa's relatives, and Pa ineisted on a place where he wouldn't Maim to spend every Sun- day rowing Ma's folks around the lake." Minards Liniment cures Diphtheria. 141 Children h — Need Sklar Puresugar is necessary to the health of young or old. Good horne.made candy, sugar on porridge, fruit or bread—not only pleases but stimulates. Buy St.Lawrence Extra Granulated in bags and be sure of the guest pottre cane sugar, nutouched,byhand from factory to your kitchen. nags mobs., 25 lbs., SO Cartons'a 11)0.0 11,0. FULL WEIGHT GUARANTEED. Sold by 6es1 dealers. 1 St Lawrence Stigar Nefineriet, Limited, - Northd. • FARMS FOFI SALL N. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne street, Toronto. 'LIR/TIT, STOOK. CillA/N AND DAIRY J. Parma in all eel:Mons ot 41ntarlo. Some nape. FAOTORY BITES, WITH OR wrraotra Railway trackage, la Toronto, Brampton and other towns and 'I) 'BEMENT/AL PROPERTIES IN As) Brampton anti a dozen other towni. 11. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto . STAMPS AND COINS, Q, Tani, COLLLIO'PORM,-11UN,LPftit 1)10'. ferent Foreign Atamps, Catalogue. Album,• cash, Cloven Cents. Marks Stems Company, Toronto, ISCF.LLANE1311 A el_RATIAST BROS., FUR RA.NORERS, /Of win pay highest prize for Bleak, Sit ver, Gross Foxes, Mink, Marten, Fisher, at all times. Dougal. L. Graham, SitratlirgY. R.R. No. 1, Ont. CANGER, TUMORS, LUNITS, ETC, tat"1:idftr4ai:Telditout naln4oh::enta4lt es before too lats. Dr. Bellman Medlea3 Co.. Limited. Celli newood, Out. MALE HELP WANTED. MEN WANTED YOUNG MAN BE A BARBER. I TEACH 'You quickly, alleaplY, thoroughly and furnish tools tree. We give you actual dhoy experience. Write for free cat. logue. Molar College, 219 Chreen St. East, Toronto. – MEN WANTED 1140' re: Swedenborg's great 1140414 On aniVen and Hell and the lite after death. 400 pages, only 25 cents postpaid. H. Lew, 486 Euclid Ave., Toronto, Oet. When buying your Piano insist on having, an 40 OTTO VII Piano Action A Bowscr Portable Tank For Sale Cheap WILL MAKE MONEY FOR YOU morszazzazamegoosesonamemmesotou GEM GARAGE OWNERS and othere who requ.ire a heap and, convenient method a -waiting en custoraers should investigate thi,s teak to be ' sOd at a, eacrifice. This has been used a short time in one of eur departments, le,telmdicteentinued:' Our bias:ohm and Sales depoth are already equipped, a,rid we cannot place this Tank in our ea -ie Company, , THIS BOWSER TANR IS A BARGAIN la Good Shape—Almost as Good as New gallen:eapvity-4ne' ,gallon to the ,stroke. .Putirp sell registering.. Mounted on 19.1.)31bA tired. wheels, Clan be.,moved anywhere—to the sklewallt-and bank to any cat 80 the garage. The hest laaeetmenic you ever made. It will 'save, your gasoline—your time—your money. „ ...Regular i'riee. .......,.. • • $850.00 Special Price $228.00 . Itussell Motor Car Co Limited 10 DA:00:ertsmo,eillte, West Toronto