HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-07-24, Page 6July 24th, 1913
Clinton News -Record
en's and 13oys' Clothirs
Furnishings, 11:ats, Caps,
Last Saturday was beyond our expectations. Now is your opportunity
•to fill your wardrobe while the sale lasts.
AWING to the backward season we .find our stock of Summer Goods too heavy,_and WE POSITIVELY REFUSE
to carry any garments over into next season. We will not deviate from our policy of selling every garment
in the season for which it was bought.
These prices will be in effect 8 days, until Saturday, August 2nd.
Boys' $6.00 Knicker Suits to clear at $3.50.
lien's Suit Section. '
The variety of patterns included in the Men's Suit Section for this sale
, .
would entail too much space to express the fullness of each line
Regular $10 00 Summer Sale $ 7 00
12 00 " 890
15 00 " 11 90
' 18 00 - " 14 90
20-00 " 16 90
4 only men's 2-piece..91.1itS, unlined :
Reg; $7 50 and $8 50 to clear at $ 4 50
6 only rueu's 2-plece unlined snits, brown stripe, 20th Century brand• :
Reg $10 Wand $1200 to clear at $ 7 50
• Men's Trouser Section. •
During this sale all profits are eliminated. You can get down to the foot; .
(rag when purchasing trousers from us during this sale
Regular $ 1 50 Summer Sale $ 1 1.9
" 2 00 " • 155
2 50 " 190
800 245
" 4 50 " 3 75
000 ,, 475
Men's Work Shirt Section.
More bangains for the working man. good, strong, sturdy shirts of gingham,
drill, duck, flannelette, all made to wear well and fit with comfort
Regnlar $ 50 Summer Sale, $ 39
75 " 59
109 ,,
Men's Dress Shirt Section.
Regular style, coat style, plain bosom,
pleated bosom, white grounds, colored
grounds, allcut in perfect proportions to
fit comfortably, sizes I4..to 18.
Regular $ 75 Summer Sale $ 59
1 00 70
• " 1 " 98
1 50 " . 1 19
00 1 50
Boys' Knicker Suit Section.
The biggest snap we ever offered in Boys' Snits. For quick selling we have
put all our boys two piece suits in. two prIces. These are certainly bargains
and the early buyer gets the choice,
Regular $4 50, 5 00, 0 00 Summer Sale $3 50
7 50, 8 503.0 00
15 only Boys' Buster and Sailor Suits
Regular $3 50 and $5 00 to clear at $2 50
10 only two piece dark grey unlined suits, sizes22 to 33 :
Regular $2 75 to clear $1 75
Boys' Wash Suit Section.
Regular 51 Sutume, Sale $1r
" 225 •175
Boys' one piece play suits, tan and blue,
'Regular 50e Summer Sale 30c
Boys' cotton sweaters, sizes 20 to 32, Summer Sale 19c.
Men's Suspender _Section,
Dozens of men's fine braces, going out sale price:
Regular 25c Summer Sale 19c
" 35c " 25c
" 50c " 89c
Men's and Boys' Cap Section.
Regular $ 25 Sutruner Sale $ 10
" 50 " . 39
11 75
" 100
1 50
FEASTER F..76-47
1 15
flen's Sock Section.
tremendcius assortment irtnen's socks in silk and cotton, all colors in
plain and fancy.
Regular 15c Summer Sale ' 10c
25c 4' 19c
50c 30c
75c " .59c
Straw Hat Section,.
Every hat must go •regardless of
cost. Lots of time to wear straw hats,
but our motto is never to carry them
over, se in the knife goes deep.
Reg $1 25 and 1 50 Summer Sale $ 75
" 2 00 and 2 25 " 1 25
" 2 50 and 2 75 " 1 50
3 50 panamas " 2 50
" 0 00 and 5 50 - " 3 75
" 53 and 7 50 " •' 6 00
Derby and Soft fiat Section.
Men's hats in the newest and smartest shapes, all going in the Great Sale
procession at, greatly reduced prices for immediate clearance.
Regular $2 50 Derbies and Soft Hats 5190
2 00 " " 150
1 50 1.3oys'
41" 1 15
125 " 98
No, 1 4 cloz Men's Derby Rats, (colored only) reg. $1,50 and 82.50, your
acme of the entire lot for 50c,
No, 2 3 doz Men's Soft _Rats (pearl only), regular $3.50 and $2.50 to
cleat at $1.50.
Men's Fancy Vest Section.
Dozens of men's wash vets, assorted patterns, must go during this sate.
Regolar $1 50 Summer Sale ;$ 75 "
250 " 125
lien's Underwear Section.
Cool, good wearing sumtner underwear in Balbriggan:3 light wool, etc.
• Regular $ 50 SatIttner Sale 39c
" 75 " 50.7
1 IX) " 70c
" 125 " 98c
50 Men's Smocks, black and grey stripe, just the garment for threshing season.
Regular $1.00 to clear at 50c.
Patrol:is whO havel3otight at our previous SenikAnntial Sale will, start for our store imlnedia,tely ulJon reading
this ad. They know what a Sale hereic.neans. s''••
Remember the date of this Sale, Started Saturda3r) July 19t11
Ends Saturday, Aug. 2nd, only. 8day ore TERMS