HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-07-24, Page 5Goderich • Mr. and Mia, Charles' A. Schofield and MISS- Cook. ot Detroit and visitins. Mrs, 11.11. Elliott. • Me. and Mrs, 1. W. SAM tave re- tusnee •tram 0 trip through the west- ern provinces. Miss laabel Straelian left an 1 gay froin Toronto on her way to New York alter spenaing a holiday with friends here and in Clinton. Rev. Seaga of Vancouver, 13, (1„ is holidaying in town at the home • of his parents, Croiva )1ttorney and Mrs. Seeger. Mr, Norman. Lewis of Ottawa is • spendins a vacation at his home hi town, that of Mr, E. N. and Mrs. Lewis. , Miss 'Mabel Toni of New York is • visiting at her home iti"-town. We are all glad to see his honor Judge Holt about again atter a brief but serious illness. Rev. Mr. Clement has been very ill but his friends hope that he will rally and again be able to move about. Mr. Fred,. Shannon has retuned, to Ottawa alter a visit with his niother, Mrs. W. 0, Shannon. • Ms.. la.J. Geddis has taken a con- tract to make 12,000 barrels for the Lincoln County Fruit Growers' Asso- ciation and left for Percy Station last Week. , The Bell 'Telephone Company'a ap- plication for permistiion Loplace wires ,arid P 0 if'S on Wesley and Bruce streets was not.gi ailed by the town eau:hail, until the. Company agreed in writing to put the wires surroundine the court house under. ground, • The Ladies' Guild of St. George's ehurelf. held a most successful gar- den Party on the rectory grounds on Thursday evening last, the proceeds amounting to $250. The board et trade is co operating with the town council in an attempt to exterminate nexiOnS weeds. Alter a warning those allowing weeds ' io grbw will be ptheeLdial against -as - cording to law. Greaa preparations are being 'made for the summer school which will be held in Knox church in August. Frank Sylvan, lormealy of London !was remanded by Magistrate Kelly on Saturday in connection with the five eases of burglary of a' couple 01 weeks ago. His alleged accomplice has not yet ben located. Hensall Mr. J. D. Buchanan ot New tork ;Visited his parents here for a couple • of weeks. Mr. Lloyd Stacey of the Molsons Bank staff at Alvinstone has been spending his vaeation at 21111 home here. ` Rev, R. Hicks attended the summer school at St. Thomas last week. Mr. and Mrs. ThomassHuclson of Marlette Mich , have been visiting the former's Mother and other rela- stives in the vicinity. They tame aver with Mr, W. Redmond who drove his Own car. Varna' Mr. George: Weeks, Mrs. Weeks and shild ot Arisona ar0. elitithig the for- nier's motheis here, • • Mr. James Jahns, who hasbeen 111 for some tithe, passeil away at his home Mao 00 Toesrin.y, lie is sit: viv ed hy his w le and.a large family all 01 Mom I'D& the e00ep110n of on.i (laughter; Mises Ethel, are away Isom home. Mr. John! was a member • of !the Anglican Church, The funeral ; takes plaee this afternoon to Varna ceme 1e13,, . , Miss Norma Searlett of Hamilton ! is the guest ot her nrisfe, RevO'. J. Snowden, at the parsonage, Miss Teseie Croonie ot 011RIOn. visi- ted 'Ailiss Ellie Snowden for a few days I during the past week. , 1, The Presbyterian- garden party held !in Mciashife.'grove on Thurtsday even- ing -last Was, as is invariably • the. case, .anambounded success. The ev- ening was- fine and many people took advantage ot the occasion to come to- gether for an hour's social 11101s ! meat. The supper Was fiest-class, , the 'crowd good-natured and ready to en]oy -themselves' and altegether tht affair 'turned out well, The proceeds amounted to considerably over one hundred' dollars. Clinton News -Record July 241h, J93 Stanley Township' There will .be. no Service in the Varna Methodist elaireh oa Sunday, MexL on' accaant of. the anniversary services at (lesjisn, The Rev, idr, ldiller, totems' pastor, will ereaeli. morally, and evening al, Goshen, mr. Johns 'contiettes in 0 very bow state of heattli, !his friends will re- . grist to hear. . MAs Irene Douglas of Mensall and visited the formet is grandmother, Miss Olive Cox of Goderieh township Mrs, Logan, for a few days last week, Death -came suddenly to Mr. And - sew IScid of the Past' Line, Stanley, on Thursday lasts folloWing only a few lwers illness. Myth. mi.:5s Soleil of Oshawa has been vis- iting her aunt, Mrs, Joseph Carter, Miss Verna Bennett of Toronto is at her home in town. ' ' Mr. James MeMurchie was in De- troit oa businsss tor a few days ecntly. Mr. Gordon Moore has been visiting Guelph Newts and also, spent a Cm days at Porcupine. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Beatley of Ben- ton, -Alia., who linve been ViSi tin); the former's parents here for a fort- night or so, leare this week for lion: western home. Miss Mary 101, daughter of 1111. and Mrs, Arthur Steinhoff, was wedded last week le Mr. William C.' John- ston of Balmoral, Mail. They left the saute afternoon for their western home. • Miss Mackenzie of Galt is visiting her uncles, the 111eSsrs. Bainton. St. Helen's Mr. and Mrs. John Clark of '100001 - to are visiting at the fortner's paren- tal home, that of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clark. • MISS Winnie Woods spent a few days with friends in Kincardine re- cently, Miss Lizzie Anderson of Fetgas is spending a couple of weeks at her home here, 'Mr. John Millar 01 Windsor spent his vacation with hits mother nein, The W. F. M, S. held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday when - Mrs. Craw gave an interesting' ad- dress and Misses Colina Clark and 'Nellie Brooks and the Rey. Mr. Craw rendered' a fine solo each. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING 11111111•11INIMII Paorm No. 78 READy TO WEAR Couch & Co. Sommer Dresses 25 Percent. Discount . We put on sale Saturday all of our Embroidery Ginghams, Chambrays and Print Dresses, these are all new garments this season and are up-to-date styles, a good assortment to choose from in all sizes. Now is , your chance to buy a good cool -dress at a big saving,. Wash Skirts $1.1..... We put on sale Saturday 2 dozen skirts inclu- ding repp and Indian Head pretty styles regular prices $1,50, $1.75 $2.00 your choice Saturday $1.10. • Net Waists $2.25 We put on sale Saturday 1 dozen only Cream Net Waists, Silk lined, neatly trimmed, short sleeves • Regular $4.00, Saturday $2,25, Uiliincry $1.98. We have 0 trimmed hats left, These are good 'stylish hats we do not Vilatit to carry them over to next season so take your choie,e of any hat at $1,98 oiled White 11001' • WAISTS We have about 2 dozen slightly ,soiled waists •WO would like to clear. They are all good styles • and well,made regular $1.'75 and $2,00 your choice 69c: ilitrlialas iikper yd. 'About 200 yards of good -Scotch Ginglcarn in checlt. and plaids fast colers regular 18c and 200 fovlOc. The deceased was a native of S1an- 15Y town -Shill, having been horn on, 0 fman, on the Marc Line within a mite of the Spot Wino he died. Me was fifty-four years et age. The late Mr. Reid Was a Methodist and always took a deep' intiost irj Seedily .Schodl and • church work and was a teacher ha" the Varna 'Metho- dist Sunday 1011001 for many years. He waS o•f a kladly and Sympathetic nature and was Math beloved shy his family and a large circle of friends. He is survived by his wile and their Tout sons aitil as many daughters, one of whom is Mrs. Will Curlmore of Minton. eldest so», William, re- sides oe the Parr Line ana another daughter, Mrs. Thomas Robinson, ..011 the Gesben lane, the remainier of the family bein; at home, Four brothera and two sisters a150 0111111e : James, William end' George of Bay City, klieha Alex. of Dakota, Mrs. Morris- on of Ridgefield, Idaho, and Mrs. Williasn glint/sop ot Clinton. 11 in only a tew weeks siace Mr. Reid visited his brothers in Bay City, he having nnule it an annual custom to pay them a visit, and at the time was seemingly in better health thee lie had been for some years. On hearing of his aerious ill- ness his 'brothers started to come to him, pushlng through by motor car aS speedily as possible, but arrived an hour to late to see him alive. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon to Bayfield cemetery, the services being conducted by the Revs. Snowden and Johaston of Varna. There \vas a very large attendance. The pallbearers webs! three brothers, James, William • ad George, and 0100 brothers -fn law, William Simp- son, William -Palmer and Rev. Angus Murray. - There were presort from a distanse for the funeral : Mr. and Mrs. ,James Reid, Mr• arid Mrs, William Reid and Mr. and Mrs, George Reid of. Bay City, Ms. and Mrs. W. H. Stephenson and Mr. George StephenSon of Mar- lette, Mich., Mrs. Saunders of Toron- to arid -Rev. A. and Mrs. Murray of Chicago. - Much sympathy is expressed kyr Lbe bereaved family in their sudden sm.- role. Bluth Mt. Chas. Bembeid,ge lost a vale - able horse laet wooli. ', It was by aaothet 1i0rs arid 11011 111 leg bro- ken and 1101 to be1t1l el, Seaforth. Mr. G. A. Miller, lately of Chat- ham, has been engaged as principal ot the 0. I. instead of 1110. C. le. Rogers, who goes to North Bay, Mrs. Charles Broadfoot and faintly ot Moosejaw, fiask.„ are visiting re- latives here. Mr. Harry Towne is now alsle to be about and his many friends are hoping he will soon be quite himself Foote, an old Stanley taogejL thilivl\.Ir ipb.oy, conducted services in the Presbyterian church' on Sunday. Mr. Keith McLean was in Ottawa last week attending the Masonic Grand Lodge. Mrs. McLean accom- panied him. , Mr. W. IVIeRay of Montreal has been in town spending his vacation. A branch: of the CliniOn knitting factory is to be established in Sea - forth. . Mr. William Jones had a narrow escape from drowning while bathing in the mill dam one day recently. He got 01e1 his depth and being unable to swim went- down a couple of tilpes bergre he was res.cited by a couple of friends. Mr. George Piercy of Caro, 1111611,, has been visting his unele and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.. G. Srnithers. - Miss Norma Whitely of Goderieh han been the guest 01 )103: cousin, Miss Nettie Chesney ot Egmondville, Mr. Edward Whittaker leaves for Ottawa to resume his position with .the Geological survey, having had to come home on. aCeOlint 01 illness. Poultry •FOODS. WE KEEP ON HAND A FULL SUPPLY OF POULTRY FOODS IN- BEIIIF SCRAP, CHICK SCRAP, • POULTRY BONE,- CRY- STAL GRIT, CLAM SHELL, OY- STER SHELL, Etc, • Also Calf • Meal a splondid • , food 10,1: young Calves and Flag • Meal tbr 'Young • pigs. ' • Another ear of Western Oats just atrived also a carload of \ Feed' IMour, Bran and Shorts, 'Pry Gunn's ,ShOW Grain, 'Fall Wheat Special Fertilizer, the best fertilizer on the market. LIVE POULTRY 'AND NON -FER- TILE NEW -LAID EGOS WANTED, • Call and see our supplies and get oar 1)1008,• GUNN I,ANGLOIS CO The Up-to-date CLINTON. • W, TreWarthas Jenkins, • V°410D11-1.-til'F'11111yN`j1.711:1;,:(A;CrS'ert-APt. (11•4°odr(Itic011f Leamingten to Helen Wilholmina r Menderson of Goderieh. JOHNSTON — STEINHOFF -- A I; 13 I y 1 h on, July Dith, Mary 0. Steinhoff to William (1, Johnston of, Balmoral, Man. Births emu() 11011— In Godenth town- ship •on Jidy 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colelough, a sort OURRY—At Goderich on July 141h, • to Mr. and Mr 1) Curry, a daughter, • ... AmENT -- In Seaforth on July 10111, to Mr, and Mrs. W, Anima, a daughter. MARKS—In Morris townShip on July eth, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Marks, a son. • STEWART—th West Wawanosh on July fith, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart, a son, Deaths TEDBUTT— In Goderiali township en July 23rd, Frederick W. 'Seibold!, Sr.; ia lili 77111 year. 13A01,4n the General Hospital; Tor - 00,o, oa July With, Elias 13all of 'Mullett, aged 44 years and 8 months. JAMES—In Wingbam on July 131,11, John A. James, aged. 49 years and 8 months.' - 1(1-30141,ER— In Hay on July 14111, Mrs, Ilenry Keohler, aged 80 DO13)17S1—.1's. n Hallett on July 10111, JaineS Dodds, aged 84 years, SMALE—In Exeter cn July 110, Elizabeth- Smate, aged 76 years. SLABS FOR SALE, 11 INCTIES long. Will sell by load 00 0000.-- A „Forbes, Coal and Wood Dealer:- LIVE FOWL WANTED. -1 AM NOW ready to handle fat hens, young chickens aild ducks at highest prices Poultry taken not later than 'Thurs- day el each week, Other 'fowl hand- ed later Marquis, Jaase Line, Phone 14 on 166. —91 FOR SALE', REO,RUNABOUT IN first-class order, Tires good. Will demonstrate if desired at any time for ahyone meaning business. A snap for quick sale.—Thos. Watts, Shoe Store, Clinton. —90 FOR SALE.—.SIX-ROOMED HOUSE onthe Huron ,Road an present • oc- cupied by Ma'. Wilber Oriel!, but better known as the Hayward pro- perty. The house is to be removed. —Philip Rowelifie, London Road, Clinton P: 0. —91 HOUSE '1'0 RENT ON HURON street, 6 rooms, hard and soft water in woodshed, •?.• acre of land, bearing fruit trees, --John Snyder. •-00, MAID WANTED' IMMEDIATELY. — Glenerat housework, no washing. Twenty dollars a month.—IL Aus- 'tin, Bayfield. • —50 -VOTERS' LIST 1913.—IVIUNICIPA11- ity of, the Village of Ilayfield in the County of 14tiroti.—Notice is here- by given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and .9 of the Ontario 'Voters' List Act, the copies recital -- ed by stieh sections to be transmit- ted or delivered of the list made, pursuant to the said Act, ot all persons appearing by the last revis- ed Assessment Boll 01 1,110 • said Municipality, to be entitled to vote at, elections for members of the Legislative Asaeinbly anal at Muni- cipal elections, and that the said list was first posted up in ,InT office in Bayfield on the 12111 day of July 1913 and remains there for hispec- tian. Electors are called upon to examine the -said list and if ally omissions or, • other errota age found therein to take inunediate proceedings th have the said :wroth corrected aceOrding to law.. Dated' thii> .12th day of July 1913.-11. •W. Erwin, Village Clerk. —01 ••••••••••••• es •• • • • S : 11 • • - • 4: Do not spoil your fruit this year for lack of .sugar, • • as we are selling • • • Redpath• • • • ; Extra Orazulated : 100 lbs. for $4.75 •: ; • 20 lbs. for $1.00 : • This is 75c11s less -than : • last yeai so much forlhe ; • Tory Governnaent. • • • - -T, , • ▪ ,The thili GrocerY.',' si.444'01,40„,41. 110U14E AND LOT -roll sALE. One of the hest locations in rown corner • Princess • aed Wililain streets. "House contains 7 rooms on ground iloor, second floor not finished. ' Hard. and. soft water, acre' land, fruit trees, etc.— 'For further particulars apply to IL S. Cleft. —69. , lank. AND LOT ON ORANGE street for sale, now occupied , bY Mrs. Eason]. Six, -ro.osas.-1-4.• J, Tyndall. . • —88 FOR SALE—COTTAGE ON• RAT - :tail -bury street. Electric light, waterworks, etc.—Apply on Premis- es, or to T. T, Murphy, Olinton. —75. WINDSTORM INSURANCE. -- THE' Canada Insurance Co. will insure all buildings against damage done by windstorms. Moderate .rates, no footman note.—Charles B. Hale, District Agent. Clinton, —74. DELLEVIEW 5 A R 24 . DAIRY, — • From our stock, 'of first-class cows we are prepared to supply' you twice daily With the best of milli and cream. We solicit a share of your patronage.--Rieltard Fisher, E. B. Hill, Phone 125, —80 SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and ropairs kept on hand, also ag- ency for new machines.—A. Hoop- er, Albert street. —70 SUNNI DINNERS —at the— HOTEL NORMANDIE —Bill of F Green Unions, Radishes, Green Olives, Pickled Beets, • Seep . Ox Tail English Tomato, Fish., 'Baked Whlto Fish with Egg Same Entrees. Roast Spring Duck with Dres ting. Roast. Prime Ribs of Beef, Brown 'Potatoes, Leg of Spring Lamb, Roast Goose, Vegetables. NOW Boiled Potatoes, Mashed Old Botathea, Boiled Cabbage, Lino Beans. RhubarbPie, .' Dessert, Lemon Vie, Strnwlierry Shortcake with .Whipped Cream, tce Creami Codee. 'rea. Canadian. 'Factory Cheese. MeLlr..in's Cheese Dinners . 50c. THE COHNEll STORE Live and Let Live Preserving time is here again. What about Jeff's and Rubbers? Heinz sweet and sour pickles by bulk and in bottle°, Heinz pork and beans with chilli sauce. Heinz 1:ed Redney beans, try them ! Fresh for Saturday Bananas, oranges, lemons, watermelons, raspberries, encumbers ..and tomatoes. A CALI, SOLICITED, E. E.. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. All•RIVEDs.--A CAR Oln AVESTEIZN oats, also a 'car of bran., shorts and low gradeflour. Call ond get prices. --A. E. Matheson. —90 THE DIFFERENT CHIMNEY TOPS iumse are all familiar Was. *We can, make 'pm work too, When they get oat of order. Make new ones when the old ones are worn out. • ALL KINDS' OF TANNING-. is in otir Rem We can fix the 'roof or the cellar furnace hues, Make a new ornamental cornice or mend the •kitchen tinware. Surely we. °ail do Something for yau.' • • ' ' PIA-TBIN.C4! iA.ND 1rI4'rINC•4•• • THOS.- HAWKINS, TIEATING. AND-. PLUXBrqG' • IN ' k,L14 rng, tRANOPIES: COOPEFI S JULY SI1LE Small Wares China Ware Stationary and Wall Paper Tearing Prices Coelf 81 Co _CLINTON 1 On Anything • You want done in the line of Plumbing, Tinsmithing and Evetroughing, let us give you. a price. Agents for the Sunshine fur- nace. BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7. HOTEL SUNSET. . Goderiell, Ontario, OPEN' CIN'Tn, SEP:1E1%413ER 15(11 UnsUrnessed locetion Oil MIA fi hove of Loire Huron, Splendid summer di - i .. mate. beautiful surroniali»gs, bole) 001, vieenrst•elass in 51e10 reSPeot. - Convenient by rail or boat to Tor- onto. Hamill -On, tinEaro, Cleveland, De- troit. Palace RI:earner Clby of Detro0 11 (O. & (1. Line) returning ' leaves Goder- fen every sa mislay 7 0.. i in, for DeIrroit, retorning leaves Dn ammonthly its) • p, 01arriving at Goderieli 7, p. ni MY tril) both Wars. Tills makes a c1eli51,4t11ll 0,0511.5515 outing, Polder with rates ond other infor- mation sent en application. "Address: itANAGER, HOTEL SUNSET. i Goderieb, Ontario. ? '1•• Comfortable Couches We have just unpacked a large ship- ment of couches covered in velours, veronas and Imitation Leathers. Beautifully carved frames, covered in 'Velours, Red, Green esd Brtwn, at $5.00, 80.00, $7.50, $8.50 and 810.- 00. Couche0 covered in Verona with quarter cut oak orjuahogany Anished frames, $9.00 to $10.00 each. Imitation Leather couches with quarter cut oak frames, steel con- structioa, soft and comfortable. $10, $1i8 and $22. We also carry a select line 01 Win- dow Shades, Poles, Picture Frames, Room Mouldings, Baby Carriages and Children's Wagons. Drop in anytime. Phones 7 and 8 Free Auto Delivery. J. H. CHELLEW Estate. FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING. MYTH, Ont. WITHOUT A DOUBT YOU'LL FIND THIS OUT--) IN ALL YOUR TRAVELS ROUND ABOUT THE BREAD THAT'S , BEST WITH ANY MEAL— IS JUST THE ONE AND ONLY REAL— MOTHER'S BREAD Better Bread Could Not Be Made —TIAT"S WHAT YOTJ'LL SAY WHEN YOU HAVE TRIED THIS CRISPY, CRUSTY, MOTHER'S BREAD BARTLIFF'S PHONE NO. 1 AND HAVE IT DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME EVERY DAY. HOUSE FURNISHINGS, Our stock was never larger or better as-' sorted than at the present and a call will convince you when you look over our as- sortment. Special Prices On Rugs. The Store of Quality. Phone 28 Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence Phone 140 National Portland Cement. After tryittg other kinds YOU always come back to the BEST. The best ce- Menti is the National Portland Cement. It is the Old Stand -By: A Car load just