HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-07-24, Page 2so1a"' , ' Q. D. MeTAGGART - M. D; cT:teGGAR , • • ". cTaggart Bros ' a—BANKERS , A GENERA': BANKING BUSI- NESS., TRANSACTEI). NOTES • DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST-A,LLOED ON DE- . POSITS. SALE NOTES .PUB, - T. RACE --- NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. • REPRESENT- ING •14 .FIRF INSURANCE ' COMPANIES. DIVISION -COURT OFFICE, CLINTON. • W. DRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, , NOTARY PUBLIC, .ETO. Office-- Sloan Block --CLINTON ClIA.RLES B. MIER. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses , HURON STREET, - CLINTON DRS. GUNN & GANDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Kdin. • Dr, J. C. Gandier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. DR. J. W. SHAW -- OFFICE - RATTENETJRY ST. EAST, -CLINTON DR. C. W. TII01111PSON PIESTICIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention given to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit- . able glasses. prescribed. Office and residence : 2 doors. west of the .Cominercial Hotel, Huron St. ° • 1)11. F. A. AXON - DENTIST Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work, Graduate of C.O.D.S.: Chicago, and R.C.D.S., T9 - rent°. „ Bayfield on :Mondays from May to December. GRAND-TRUN 1V,g`glaq - TIME TA,I1LE Trains will arrive at and depart from _Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICIT DIV: doing Ea,st, 7,35 a. m. " 3,07 p. m. 3.15 p. n. • Going West, 11.07 a. ea. " 1.25 p. m. 4. 6.40 p. " 11.28 p. LONDON, HURON &BRUCE DIV: Going South,• 7 ao a. m. 41 it , 4.23 p. m. Going North, 11.00 a. m, f an , , Vioni the Rest Hills at the iowest THE HIGHEST PRICE WE PAY for OATS, PEAS anBAB. d LEY, also-Ft/1Y for Baling- , Ford Si IVItLeod GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County . of Ifuron. COrrespondeece promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 13 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. ALL KINDS OF GOAL, WOOD, TILE BRICK TO ORDER. All kinds of Coal on hand: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL ' STOVE CANNEL COAL • FURNACE • COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD 234 in., 3- in. and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. - ARTHUR FORBES Opposite the G. T. B. Station. Phone 82. • The MoKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and Isolated TOME Property only Insured - OFFICERS -- J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth P.O.; Jas. Connolly, Vice -Presi- dent, Goderich P.O. ; T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. Ditectors - D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; Sohn Grieve, Winthrop; William Rinn, Constance; John Watt, Rarlock; John Benuewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beechwood; M. MeEven, Clinton P.O. -- Agents - Robert Smith, Hierlock; E. Hindi. ley, Seaforth; William Chesney, Egreondville, • J --W. -Teo, Holmes- . ville. •• Any neeney to be paid initnay be paid to Morrish Clothing Co„, (me ton, or aa Cutt's Grocery, Goderich Parties desirous to effect insur- ance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on ap. plication to any of the above officers addressed to their respective poet, offices. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene'. Clinton News -Record CLINTON, - ONTARIO Terms of subseription-$1 per year, in advance; $1.50 may be charged if not so paid, No paper discon- tinued until all atoreers are paid, nuless at the option of the pub. lisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is -denoted on the label. Advertising Rates - Trarusient ad- vertisements, 10 cents per non- pareil line for. first insertion and 4 cents per line fer eaoh subee- quent insertion. Small advertise. rnents not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "-Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 35 eents, and each 'Subsequent in. eertisin 10 cents. Communications in tended for pub- . . Ica son must, as a guarantee of 6.35 p. m. good faith, he accompanied by the name of the writer. - OVER Re YEAR,' W. J. ltrITOPIELL, ExPrniENc,.. Editor and Proprietor. TRADE .141A111811 , • Dtaguye , • . -1-1 COPTIC HTE c • Anyone Mending a iliac!) and do igni loo. a'y mitzr,iitToinugrttlitl.win opinion rrog „nether an • aliallirlttlyje'onndetrtat,VitialpFtreTtIZTi . rontdree. 0.1gestagenorforseettretrpatatita. Patetirie,thicen Inro,tigh „Menu it Lo. receive w40 �04s4, erlehont,enaree lathe .Eetflifk iinteritati •A Mindscinely ilnetrated larissit air- •" onlat on of ear Snitcal. Ternis for • gimetta, 0.13 4 rear. PePage Prer4idi Sold le: 'MUNI1‘1.4to 36,1eroadwey, New yea LIPPINCOTT • MONTHLY MAGAZINE. A FAMILY LIRRARY ' Thi,llest In Current Literature „ 12 COMPLETE NovELR YEARLY , MANY SHORT STORIES AND 'PAPpnO ON TIMELY TOPICS _ _ • RE.50 PEP:YEAR; 2to, ors. A COPY/. NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF ,imumimmegme=" A .14")ill'an njariied. to a `,`Itsed fel • or" venally bee wised thee of it the wei•lel lovee a good liver snore ot less. GRAND TRUNK PsVt7EAmv EXCEJIISIONS To., Manitoba, Saskatchewan, • Alberta .^ liht.oll'Ruemilay until °atelier 28, iticluilire WiNtgf PBC ANL, ltrruEN Statoll'roisf AND 11:0T17101 Proportionate low rates to other points, Retartt imftto months.' . Through Puilman Tourist sleeping oars are operated to Winnilteg out change via Chicago and st, Paul, • leaving Toronto 11.00 pan. an above dates, irie eta` aro also on sal& via Sarnia • asd,,Neriharn, NavigationCompany. Aliii:nartieniami and reeervatione from • ars:ird :Trunk. itigerits, "or write p. , rata., trarca , station, To. Ernie Sort+ eirlicrt!. "Itly' wife 'ia learning to took by coole hook.','- • „ "Ifow'are things corning along?" "The book must be frill' of typo- giniphieal eeroxe judging 'by the 'iv,Ity thiegs tete oet.." Sure Ef1011.'11 , , I: is it that °actin (Mee in a tninute,..twiee-iii: Week, and yet ,only onto in, ti-'5,...aar 7., Gen t-Wli at .is it . . , ' Dr. Worse,* Indt lko'cot 1011'10. ' are not a neW and ',Retried reneejy- our grandfathersneeid theta, Hall4 'cOntury ,agee before Confeiler6tiOn; thaywere oil sale, in nearly., every drug' oi gepeaal Store in alie Canada of 'that " , dayi'and were the reeognized Coral's: ' thobaends othonies fdrDoeatipatien, ' , IsidigestionallitiousneSeeRhemeeases and Kidney and Liver Troubles, ,To- day they are just as effectiye,just,a0 'reliable as ever, anti nothing better . Alas yet been ,devised to, ,. as • ' •Cluti-e comravoti,-Ills Forty years in use, 20 years the standard, prescribed • and recoins mended by ph ys le i a is s. For IVoinan's Ailments, Dr. Mattel's Fernale •Pills-, at your druggist. oslorieosamscrierwalitoewe I ,"? A THE joy of living is largely increased if you own a KODAK. THE price is small; we have them from $2 up. WE do developing and printing, also show you how to do it. We are agents for the world's best cameras —Eastman's Kodaks. TI -1H REXALL STORE W. S. R. HOLMES, Ph.M.B. ° ORDERS for Coal may be left at 11. Rowland's Hardware Store, Or tit my office in H. IVillse'a Grocery Store. HOUSE PHONE 12 OFFICE PHONE 140 A. JR, HOLLOWAY BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the., aO/km/Ye, Y.11.0, A. BLDG.. LONDoN, O. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free, -,Enter any time.. J. W. Vestervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal ctuaitereeaccountast ir w vice-maca STRATFORD. ONT, :Canada's Best Business College ' We have thorough .coUrses and competent, experiented instruc- tors. We do more for one stu- dents and graduates than any other schools do. At preeent we have applieations offering from $600 to $1,200 per annu'in for trained help. e Businees Men know where they get th e best help. We have three depart - men ts :-Commfircial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. ' • Get our free catalogue, D. A. MeLACHLAN,, Principal. - to b Isn't it queer, how' eas,v it is to a fai • transform friends into enemies? 10. SON AY -SCHOOL STIJOY INTERNATIONAIs LESSON'''. " .•JULY 27. Lesson IT: Meses's„Ilequest Re- fused. Exod,.•4. 29 to 0. 1. • Golden Text, Matt. 5. 4: • Hang determined to obey the -command of .fehdvah and return 'to Egypt, Moses Is further instriected ati to how he ehall proceed io deed- ingevvith Pharaoh in order -to secure his consent to the., departure of the Hebrews from Egypt. While Moes -is-still on his way his brother Aaron is divinely commanded to leave Gos- hen and pooceed inte. the wilder- ness to meet Knees, and to aaaist him in his momentous undertaking. Somewhere in the desert east of Egypt the brothers meet and return together into Egypt, where, first of all, they summon the elders of Is- rael to a confererme and fshoev them the eigna by which Jehovah had set his seal of indorsement upon their errand. Verse 1. Afterward--Folloeving the meeting of Memee and Aaron With the elders of Israel, they pro- ceed . immediately to present their request to Pharaoh in person, mak-- ing it very plain to the king that they have come in thee name of Je- hovah, the God of Israel. • Let my people- . . . hold. a feast unto me in the wilderness - They do 'not inmeediately present their demand for the entire liber- ation of' the Israelites from hotel - age, but proceed •th test the king's temper and attitude toward the Is- raelites by a much more modest re- quest -that for permission to make a short religious pilgrimage and offer sacrifices to Jehovah juet be- yond the borders of Egypt, 2. Who is Jehovah 7 - Pharaoh feigns ignorance eoncerning any other gods than his own, and asks, not foe information, but in utter contempt, concerning the God in whoee name they venture to ask a favor Of him. 3. The God of tho Hebrews - Even the Hebrews themselves bad not yet risen to the 'exalted con- ception of Jehovah as the one and only true God over all nations and peoples, His claims upon his own people aro here set over against the claims which other gods might have upon other peoples, 4. Wherefore de yo . . loose the people" from their works 7 -The king dismiases 'their petition with- out even an answee and abruptly changes the . subject by accusing Moses and Aaron of inecidleaorne in - tee th co re Ph nba 00 , lei me th 1111. lan I 6 tia I wh aer j to ' of 'tee Eg fro' was of Iate in nuns nein lTha pas The, goo to fi stem To mak sort ,en ta 0f1,1 I 8. rference with the daily tasks o e people, . Get you unto yout• burdens -Th mmancl is to Mosee end Aaron a presentativei,•of the people. 5. 'Many --In' ' the estimation 0 araoh•there were aleeady far to ny 'Hebrews 'in the land. To les O their Malden and graht them sure for religion feasts and core isies evoula tend enly to inereas eir strength and make them s ich the greater menace to th d which held them in, shivery. . The tieskinesters are the Iteyp is overeeees and slave-drivers ile the officers are Hebrew ibes or clerks, whose duty it a -as keep an teccount of the enimber the brick e made and the other Ice pe,rformed by eaeh individual. . Straw to snake briele-The yptian bricke were .made of mud n the Nile mixed with straw. It etistomar,v to stamp the name he reigning king ripen the separ- bricke, and modern excavations Egypt have beought to light it her of these bricks bearing, the e of nemeses II., father tif the rash referred to in our lesson sage. . aldser sties* for themselves - Y would not he able, to secure d straw, but ivotild be compelled ncl a substittite in the field rub - of every kind, including twigs 5, roots, and withered leaves. I pr6pare this for rise in hrick-1 ing required that it • should be ed and 'chopped, this pt-ocessi fling double. labor on '• the part i se tsriselites, I Lay upon. theme -.Require oti , "For Ha Uealth. ROOM not lineririe the .henfth of, yoisr ' scalp „sad hair, we, will Jolly tor what yois sfse the,to41;„ Yire eo, elliderse- • ' Z10631.•.it.9e:tihietunTlierptcillitIndttel 'not do attire' olefin.; Should it not „• tblwilinTeer6„efiwtoiruelicik...c6astie9,1foiseitealtY,Inonurti;TIli`tie. WOUld, 1000, their patronage,'and our ' j If your hair is falling out or you puffer any scalp. trouble, we believe, rtexall "93",Htur Tighe will do iriore • to eradicat4 the dandruff, give Itealth • to the scalp, stimulate ne* hair growth and prevent premature bald- - nese than any other hlinein ageliby. We want you to make us prove this. We ask you to rielc nomoney ythappVer! BUS., a, bottle of Hamill , 03 Heir Tome, use it according, to directions for thirty days; thee if • you.' are not entirely satisfied, come and tell us n We'tvill ono t hen „b d Pr.d 1.1 d no. e money you pat Us or it. 'We won't ask you to sign pny- thing, nor oven to bring the bottle batik. We wbn't obligate you in any way. ' We will take your MOM word. Could anything be more lair? Could we do anytlii9g more to prervo our belief in Recall,' 93" HaigTonic, , and our honesty of purpose in recom- mending it to you? , Resell "03" Hair TOM° ions pleas- ant to use as foxing Wider and has but a faint, pleasing odor. 10 comes „ . .in two sizes of bdttles, 50a end $1.00. You can buy. Hazen "03" Hair Tonic in this cOmmunity only at our store: 7• W. S. onnton The alga 'Stens Ontario ' Thererie a Baran Store in nearby every town ' and oity in tiao United State. Canada. and Great Britain. Thero is a digerent Recall Remedy for nearly eyery,ordinary human ill eaeh especially designed for the particular ill Inc which BM recommended, The iteitel.gto Dreitgargeolzerica's &eaten Egypt -Not to be taken literally, but meaning rather "farand wide." Stubble for ebraw--Compare verse 7 above. 14, Officers . . were beaten -The Hebrew- screbee and tiine- keepere suffered 'with the, delin- quent workmen themselves. - The remaining verses of our les-' son (5. 15±0 6. 3) give the complaint of the oppressed people to Moses and Aaron because of their increas- ed burdens, and the assurance given by Jehovah to Moses that /2o, Je- hovah, 'would 89 deal with Pharaoh that the stubborn king would yield and virtually drive the Hebrews out of the -land. Mr. Delfts's], as Bookman. .. Mr. Belfour's absenee,e from the British House Of Common& are us- Ually put down to golf or to the gout that -so often attacki members in Pairs during a tedious debate. But•of late he bits played trirant for graver causes; he is preparmg for the presa -work on political econ- omy, a etintinuation and in part a carreceion of a former volume. f There is. nothing Mr. Balfour takes so seriously as his written word. e Ho goes furtsher than most authors s conscientious:nese. Having re- written certain portione of his. "The 0 oe Et. Let them not regard lying, .worda-SItch as Moses and Aaron I had in, the thonghiaaf Pharaoh been guilty of in enconefosing the people' elieve that they might hope. for es rids' e reply -to their "2.• eq I/ eet. Throughout .1;11 .the land of e qt.it to _In4spect , our stock of Standard Silverware. We guarantee the quality and our prices willsuityou. , We Have -a Big Watch TraO6 showino. that our workmanship and . prices give Satisfaction ' It is a pleasure .:to so cater to the trade that one customer brings another . , S R Counter -', °./ JEWELER and 'SS -R OF `1VIARRIACiE LICt 5E5 lion. A. a., Balfour. OPTIMISM' _ Just to .Eff plain the tbliverse Ood Raticnally , to Justify It Moral' Impotent pieces of the game h plays Upon the, checker board of night and days; „ Hithee and thither moves,' an eheeke, and slays, And ohe by one back in -the close lays. --``Rubaiyat," Omar Khayyain If we svoulel—cortv'irme Oureelve of the beide soundness of the uni verse and the essential goodness 0 life we cannot do better than take up some philoeephy- of pessimism eaentd 0, uareeceeipvti:geeibteraity.ittes tfheceeteveaklueei seeing just hew bad it reedy is. I personally believe that the cosmic order, eepecially on its human side, ie so beneficent that there can be formulated no hiterpretation of its phenomena which does not take on, some semblance of the divine reality which it is purposed to deseribe. Take, for exaMple, the verse from °riser's "Ruba,iyat," which I have selected for my text. Here <10 we have the crowning expreseion of the cynical philosophy of life which is expounded in this strangely attrac- tive poem.of the great Persian, Thie world, we are told, is a vest chess, board on which the "Master' of the Show" is Playing His Gante of Destiny. Men and women are the pieces with which the movements of the game are maeleed and its progress indi- cated. Most of us are pawns, some knights and bishops, here and there a castle or a queen. But, high or low, great or small, it makes no dif- ference. We are simply moved helplesely- as the necessities of the genie may dictitlo at the moment, and sooner or later are swept off 1tehied.h,oard and "back in the closet Now, it would seem as though there could be no more hope- less pieture of hurna,n exietence than" this. And yet is it so hopelees, after all? See what Omar IS aetually us. e This unive ts p -Wet/ over by e sttpreme Intelligence, s svhich auto with deliberate feeesight <1 of this univerz4, he adde, is to be . )ianontid::::11 xe:t et ee4 00 l, hd a pt oug ee5 e .:00.104Trne,t'ohii tcitlhhiefie5se t great Intellheence is playing peeson• - 1 ally /or stakes that are at least ime steiving foe. And then he s the 'whole by declaring that you and g1 aro e 'bite oriel en°ge sf owr h chhe twhiisn tge nal; ' His game. Now, „what is there'so terrible in ' 6uch an interpretatime of life as this 7 We may like the fi,gure of the, chess game or we may not. That is a non-eseential detail, What is vital is the idea, that there is a God in. this universe who is trying to work ont some mighty plan, anel that He is using you and me as the means toy- the Achieving of 11is l'urposes. Take Omar at his word-crede, in- adequate, vulgar as it may be -and what nobler fate can we ask than to be used as pieces in a game which „ God finds it worth while to play? How better can We be spent than by being swept from tbe board and laid back ,in the closet at the very moment when such a sacrifice means perhaps the winning of the game? What greater honor than to be used by God as He thinks beet'?" A child seeeams for help in 4 flaming tene- ment, and the happiest fireman of them all is he who is picked to stake his life on the slim chance of rescue, A reins explodes and the miners, above ground figh't for the privilege of entering the shaft to save their comrades. A soldier is needed to carry a dangerous ven- ture into the line of the enemy, and every man in the regiment steps in answer to the call for vol- unteers. Here is life at its very , best. But if such is the case in our relations with men; why is not the same thing true, only on an infin- itely grander scale, in our relations with God 7 -Rev. John 'Rapt e s llohnes. 1"1"11'161161"."4"0"114"^"..4346 "let me untie your .bathing -shoe," and she leaned over very; very quietly, and untied the tapes and loosened the heel "of the thin can- rae shoe. • 'Now, Bobbv see if you can't pull Young Folks ekeekessaweessweefreeeeatale, "Rob and Betty. Once Bob aud Betty went down the beach together in their bath - mg -suite, and on the sand right trent of them they saw a great r crab, with a big, round body a long claws; he was walking Sit wise round the little reeks. , yeur feet out," she ordered. Bobby gave a long tug, while she held the heel of his shoe, and out came Bobby's p'oor, scared foot, , with ail five toes -still growing on it in, and over rolled horrid old.•Mr. Oral), ec,' with the bathing -shoe held in his ',1'•1 big strong claw, which never -would let go so long as it gre. on' Mr. Crab'e body. , m° So Mr, Crab did not eat -little boy '0 for luncheon that day; all he had w was a little canvasback shoe, with - w out a bit of' good meat in it. - es Youth's Companion. 'Let's go up, and speak to he Betty,'" said Bobby; and the ta children went up and said, 'Ho do you do, Mr. Crab 7 'We hoe it's you, because we have yeur ture In our book."' Bobby found a -long stick, with which he poked Mr, Crab to see litin open wide his claws, kr Bobby knew that is the way orabe atway fights Huggins, their little dog, wi , uot brave like Bob and Betty, In lie wes wiser, arid he barked at Al Ch:ab, and tried to bark the child- ren away. who begae to walk round in his owl limey fashion. Mr, Crab grew very crime, and began to open his great claws and look at Bebby's feet; bet Bebbv did pet think of them., "Ow ! ow ! ow I" eried Bobby, sod- denly. Coots old'Mr. CNA) had put out Ms great clew and phiched the tee a I 11,4 loe :Bobby screamed with fright, and tried to shake off, Mr. Crab ; but he hung on tighter than ever, while Bobby shook his foot in the air, and danced on ism0 lee as lfing 00 he eould. Then he tried 00 away, but he was only giving MC' Crab a 'ride, too. , .1'The crab ' s cat) gh "Me ' ' own e d Bobby, very touch frightened, Betty' Caine over to Mr. Crab, and whipped him with her beardi shovel ; then she poured a pili31111 Mater Criticisms of Beauty," he made known through his publishers, but not exaCtly on their advice, that 01.1**' purchaecr of the firet edition who returned his copy 'would re- ceive f he reeked 0)) 00,100) for noth- ing. The methods of. the ?needier far -the eity are not aceording to eity stout/aide, exactly peshieg--- unless, et e01.11,89, the firelt edition had rieen to a. premium 1 11'11..01, 111.1N1' JAI,AN. .tilrentitriins Time '1'rying I ti tattcli _ While cogageci in soler)tific re- eeaah Along the cotigt of Japitn f,0 the A me rican 11:iteitru Natnral ator of Math m ale t 1.141 b in stitn- llielAA'Y , Mr, Hoy C. A ndrews, ,Cur - tion, accepted, au invitation to ene 0, ee „ over boil, and Ruggins harked at whalieg .steamers which inaKa' (alai the smell .1 Sci- arid blue whale of the Pa ill hetet, the i as mild as an,y .1ittle dog could bark -and still Mr. Crab would not Here is sat extract fponi his setoic.y. of the hunt as told in Outing : "I was dinging te repe behind him. trying to teens the camera, bot the flying spray and rain made it , saw the captttin.s museies tighten leiekiag closely at his foot. ' is lt r., "That's eight, Buggsns, eaid Bobby, laughing. "You look after your precious little toes, but I•tn going to tickle him with my stick." "Look unto Bobby !" %aid Betty. "He might bite youe hand," "I'll he veey careful, 'fetriel cat seid Bobby,. as he tioklect Clrab Fist 1-'111811 BIRTH IIAT.E. • ' Fewer Children' Than Any Country Save France. London correspondent .of the Journal of the American Medical eaesociation Kends these figuees and comments relative to the falling birth rate in Great Britain : -Acoording to a report just 'is- sued by the census office this 901111 - try contains a larger proportion of young adults than- e4ther 11'realce, Germany, ;Holland, or Sweden. It bee fewer ehildren than any of 1 those countries but France, and fewer older persons than any except Germany. In eonsequence of the , fall in the b i r th rate the proportion of young ehildren boa coneiderahly of Bubb 'a little le - go, ;Huggins 'whined, and elletty cried, "0 Bobby, do yuu suppose he will bite your big toe off?" '',loo .ttf mid so, ' ' L said Bobby. , well. night ieipossible. Suddeoly 'Is it bleeding?" asked •Betl'Y' 01.0 filo, of the hareeesn oroppo - t'"11, Settre8 WOrSe than it hurts," an inch or two, 8,nd, caught., a Owned llobb,v, with his eye on 1-,1m glinspee of fli,e phaUtiem 4i1 Bug:5'411' 'Shape rushing upward' 'throu.4,0,:he• 'take 3X91.11? paw and hold it for ydu swirling green Watec.. Almost on. fa,d no!' Laken mine first." , the instant 4 Olouti of wthit.6 irespol. •••00'nnY," wilielieteel Ile illy, g,s,if direfloshed. For each million -of the population ill 3882 there were 135,- 653 children tussle/. the ago of fore years. In 1891 this nifinber fell to 122,023. fInfl slime then to 114,262 in 1901, and to 1.06,857 in 3.911. 'At Ithe lsonclon School of Ecouo- mice s.nel Political Science Karl T'earsen, in delivering a- eouree of lectures on 'infant Welfar,e.' drew attention to the falling birth rate which has exi a bed ei 1878. He ehowed that the peocess was less rapid in places like Sheffield, where men were chiefly employed, where- as 101 places like 1)c wsbury, where wool Willi the etaole industry, it, was most niarked. In woollen areas the average. families evere 1.3, in cotton areas 1.8 and in engineeri 2.12, the, interpreCation being that, except in the latter case, the fami- lies, and con,sequently the towne, - Were nut reproducing themselves. 'immigration from tlse, rnral •dis- tries could not continue, for their' birth eatee, too, Were falling. The chaseterter- the population Wit8 tending to be,coine mere mieklle- marl, and if the. popplatiori was to, be re.placeel, average. families of four , 0011(1 lice were required -La point of vital impertance to the na- tion:: for no nation of forty millions could etand asettinet one of eixty , That vias the. political no. eeee ink, our 'eve, . a , she did not want Arr. evo.b hepect. dripping body rounded ant undel the ship's bow, The, click of the cansera was fulle,Weel by deafen. ing' roar of' the" gun, end ,I eaey• the' ponderous" flukes whirl: upseterds pause an instant, and - 'Obi tremendous sinathing blew '' cupisn• the -Weber, There "was anatiimit's seilleese ao the giant figiire ,c4; steaiglitened ',dub, than righting :itself with another,craalling,hlow.of thg :dukes, eivting atiOnt ;and dished a'srflY, ..toarfog, bill"ougir" the" ,:iitater PartlY''Ort.the-Otflier0I '- ' , • ' . „ " - . ‘• a- ABATT'S TOUT the very best for use in 111 -health and convalescence Awarded •Iviedal and Highest Points in Arneric,a at World's Fair, 1893 -KIRE---SOIMI70--WHOLE8OME ' ,,....,r, JOtIN J,ABAjlr4 Lturr8o, LONDON CANADA. 20 -