The Clinton News Record, 1913-07-17, Page 8• ,The Oftener You Ilse It-ilte ter Yen Like It. POSITIVELY the LARGEST SALE in CANADA HENEWS-BECORD'S CLUB- BING LIST FOR 1912-13 WEEHLIES. News -Record and Mail and Empire: 61.50 Newe.Recerd and Glebe 1.60 News -Record and Family Herald and Star with Premium Neves -Record and Witness ••••••••• 1.76 Neve -Record and Sun 1.75 News...Record and Free Press 175 News -Record and Advertiser ......•„ 1.75 Neyeti-Record and Torento Saturdeg Night , d .;;.nd 'Faners Kdvooate M' News-Recor2.25 'News -Record and Farm and, Dairy... 1.75 'News -Record and Canadian Parmo• 0.75 News -Record and Yobtilis Companion 5.25 News -Record and Canadian Country. News -Record and Tim Fruit Grower Newe-Record and The Canadian 3.00 DAILIES. News•Reemid nod elail and Empire.. 25 News -Record and Globe .............4,15 lirenie-Record and Veva ...• 2.30 News -Record and 'Star .. . 2.30 News -Record and World' ' 125 News -Record end Morning FreePrMie 3.05 News -Record and Evening Free Prese 0.70 News.Reoord eel Advertiser ......... 100 MONTHLY. News -Record and Poultry Reviely ,... 1..25 News -Record anti Lippincott's Maga. Neive-Reeord and Canida iionibly. Winnipeg . 1.40 If what von want is not in this list let OH know about IL We can supply' Yon at lees than It would cost you to send direct. In remitting pleaen do so by Post -office larder, Postal Note, Express Order or Reg, istered letter and itddrese, W. J. MITCHELL, Puprisher News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO Richelieu 86 Ontario • CANAL) A' S FINAN C E A Surplus of $56,000,000 on Current Account for Fiscal Year. A despatch from Ottawa sa.ys: Final figines for the last Canadian fiscal year were announced by the Minister of Finance OD. F4det.Y. A, heavy increase in capital and con- solidated expenditures is offset by expanding revenue, and there is a surplus of $56 600 000 on current account There is a reductiob of $20,000,000 in -the public debt, On consolidated fund the revenue to- talled $168,600,000. compared with $136,108,217 the.previous year. Ex= penditure ivas $112,000,000, as against $98,161,446. The total of capital and special expenditure was $:32,300,000, including five Millions in aiailwa.y subsidies. Outlay on the N.T.R. amounted to $13,500,000. On public works $6,000,000 was spent and on railways and canals $7,250,000. CLEAN ONTARIO TOWNS Deplorably Unsanitary Conditions Reported to the Provincial Heath Department LINES VARATiON TRIPS BY WATER THE SUMMER PLAY -GROUND ROUTE "Niagara to ihe Sea." Daily Steamers from Toronto. To TULL S ID I SIAN D S ' and Return $13.00.00 To MONTREAL mud Return • 34.50 To QUEBEC and Return -33.50 To SAGUENAY RIVER -and Refurn 40.50 Meals and Berth included. Inland Lines Limited Steamers "City ol' Ottawa" "City' of Hamilton," "Dmuliurn,". ‘‘Majestie" and "Belleville." HAMILTON to 3IONTRE41 and Return $20.00 TORONTO to MONTREAL ' and Return 19.00 Meals and Berth included. Steamers leave Hamilton on Wed- nesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and leave Toronto same days at 5.00 pm., for Monteeal. Str. "Belleville" leaves Toronto for Menthe', via the beautiful Bay ef Quinbe, on Mondays et '10.30 p.m. Steamer leaves Toronto for Cleveland and Detroit on Fridays at 9.00 pin. For information apply to your own Ticket Agent, or. . HUGH D. PATERSON, Gan. Agt. it. & 0. Lines, Toronto. H. FOSTER CHAFFEE, Pass. Tref, Mgr., 1VIentreal, P.Q. 'A man wants credit fora lot of things he ean't pay for; also for a kb of things he can't do. A despatch from Toronto says: That urban Ontario, to a very gen- eral extent, is living in the pro- verbial fool's paradise,in regard to health 'conditions is being made manifest to the ProVincialHealth Department , by the reports and sanitary.surveys coming in from the seven district officers of health ap- Pointed under the Provincial sys- tem. The new prodedure requires each of these officers to sul.?mit to the Provincial Department ar de- tailed sanitary survey of a1 the urban municipalities within his dis- trict, This sanitary survey covers all matters of interest and concern in connection with public health, water supply, seiverage system, garbage treatment,gas supply, ice fields, the handling of the milk sup- ply, and all data which may affect the health of the omnaunity. The eceipt of inany of these sanitary • GREAT SCENIC PRODUCTION. Burning Or Rome Will Be a Great pyrotechnic gileet. Nero "and the Binning of Rome, the Pyre -Spectacle to be staged at the Canadian National Exhibition by John Henderson, of London, Eng., promises to, be -the most elab- orate ,seenie production ever pro- dueed on the Continent. With 800 performers, elaborate Ron -Mia cos- tumes, mask,- singing and dancing, Nero -'s triumphal procession, the exercises of the Praetorian Guard, gladiators, fights, masquerades, ,chariot racesand the early Chris- tian martyrs, Mr. Hendereon has abundant Material to work with, and the final scene when the'Imper- ial City is given to the flames is a pyroteohnic effect that e,annot be excelled. surveys is causing 'the Provincial authorities to gasp. There s con-. siclerable work cut out for them. In many cases even the most rudi- mentary'health laws are set at de- fiance. Summer ice is taken from waters into which sewage is emp- tied, garbage is earel'essly handled, the milk supply is contaminated, and other equally ,reekless proce- dure is ,chronicled in a most mat- ter-of-fact manner. The Provincial Departinent is not making public the names of the of- fending municipalities, but the con- ditions shown to exist in the var- ious centres will be promptly grap- pled with. From present indica- tions it look' as though a whole- sale campaign of general . house- cleaning will have to be waged throughout urban •Ontario, and more' rigid amendments made to the public health ,act. • PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS 62. SUFFRAGETTE CONFESSES. Says She Burned Down Sir Wil- liam Lever's Residence. A despatch from Liverpool says: A drasnatic oonfes,sion of incendiar- ism was made by a well-known mili- tant suffragette, Mrs. Edith Rigby,' wife of a physician at Preston, to the Magistrate sitting in the Pollee Court here on Thursday. Mrs. Rigby declared it was she who had on Tuesday burned ;clown the coun- try residence at Rivingto,n, near Horwich, Lancashire of Sir Wil- lia.m H. Lever, causing damage estimated at $100,000. She further eonfessed to being the perpeteator of the outrage at the Liverpool Steck Exchange on July 6, when a bomb exploded, but creased little daana.ge. REPORTS FROM THE LEADING +nous CENTRES OF AMERICA. -- Prices of came, Grain, Cheese and Othel Produce at Home and AbroatL Breadstuff s. Toronto, July 16. -Manitoba Wheat -Lake porta. No. 1. nerthern, $1.04; No. 2, $1.01; Tio. 3, 970; feed wheat, 65e. Ontario Wheat -No. 2, 97e to 98e for car lo,toedoeauteide, ranking down to 750 for poor g Ontario, Onto -No. 2 White, 36e to 36e at reountoti.nry potato; 37e to 38e on track, To - Manitoba Oate-No. 2 C. W. oate, 390 to 400 track, bay ports; No. 3 C. W., 370 to 38e; No. 1 feed, 370 to 380. Corn -American Dio. 0 Yellow, 641-40; No, 3 yellow, 631.40 c.i.f. Rye -No. 2, 60ci to 62e, nominal. Peas -No. 2, :11e to 95o car lots, outside. Buckwheat -No. 2, 52e to 530. Barley -Good nuelting barley, outside. 62e to 63e. Rolled Oats -Per bag of 90 pounds, $2.15; per barrel. $4.55, -wholesale, Windnor ,to itIontreal. Itillfeed-bfanitoba bran, $19.00, in liege, track, Toronto; eborts, 921.00; Ontario bran, $19.00, ill bags; shorts, $21,00; mid- dlings, $23.00 to 925.00. Manitoba Flour-Firet patents, $5.60 in ,iute bags; strong bakers', 94.80 in jut Ing,.e ag,. In cotton bage ten cents more per barrel. Ontario Flour-Wintei wheat flour, 90 ner cent, patents is quoted at $4.10 to $4.15, seaboard, in hulk. FIRST STEP ‘I.N.B1G SCHEME. III. I'. Davis & Son Get New Levis Dry -Dock Contract. .A despatch from Ottawa says: The contract for the new, Govern- ment dryerkek at Levis was award- ed on Thursday by the Cabinet Council to M. P. Davis, & Son. The cost is approximately $2,600,000. The dry-clook -will be one of the largest in the world, and will pro- vide accoman,odatio,n for the repair of the largest ocean liners, thus meeting a long -felt want in con- nection with the St. Lawrence eoute. Coristruetien will begin at once, .and it is hoped to have the dock isi operation for the season of 1015. The. Easy Laxative Injustice to yourself you should try Rexall Orderlies,- your Money back if you don't like them. They are a candy con- fection that really; do give easy relief from constipation. Good health is largely dependent. persons as well as for the most rebind. - %loop the bowels. When they become They net toward relieving constipa- sluggish. the waste material that is IMO, and also to overconto itS cause' thrown off by the Systim acchrou- and to, make unnecessary the fee - laths. This condition' generatea • onent use of laxatives. They serve' poisons which circulate throughout ' to tone and strengthen the nerves the body, tending to-eroate,eoated 'and Muscles of the bowels and asso- ' tongue, bad breath, headache, dull (date organs or glands. brain action, nervousness, bilioutmess and other annoyances.. • , •ake Us Prove It r Avoid harsh cathartics and IillYsics- We guarantee to refund every They give but temporary relief. penny paid as for Itexall Orderlies if They ofton aggravate the mal trouble. they do not givo entire satisfaction. They are particularly bad for -we ask no promises and we in rib dren, delicate or aged, persons. way obligate you. Your more word - is sufficient for no to promptly and resav,„ _Alta", cheerfully refund the money. Doesn't that prove that Rexall %07 -----"- Orderlies must be right? You ninet Comb in tablet form; taste just like know WO WOuld'not dare make such candy and are noted for their eaSY, a promise unless we were positively soothing action upon thebowels. certain that Roxall Orderlies will do' They don't purge, Millie, muse all we claim for, them.% Thebe, is no „ nausea., looseness, nor thm e inconven, mo, „Ick attached to a trial of iences attendant upon the use of Rexall Orderlies, and in justiCe- to purgatives. Their aotion is, so pleas- Youreelf, you should not hesitate to nut that the taking of Rattail Order, test them, • lies almost beconaes a desire instead Remit Orderlies some ix, sonven- ient vest-pocket size tar boxes. 10 Children like Recall Orderlies. tablets, 1.0c; 38 tablets,' 25c; , 80 - They are ideal for aged or delicate tablets, 50e. * CAUTION: Please bear in mind that Roxall Orderlies aro hot sold by all drug. fleets. You can buy Reza Orderlies only at the Rexall Stores. e L. YoU oan buy Itexall Orderlies in this community only at our store: A. J. GOULD oobourg The 3E Store . Ontario There in a Rani! Store in nearly every town and shy In tho United States; Canada end Great Britain. There -in a different Itexall Remedy for nearly .evory ordinary bureau, 110 - oh especially designed for the particular 0010, which it la recommended. ' The Rexall Stores are America's Ureatost Drug Storm.. , CountrY Produce. TILE T. & N. 0. RAILWAY. An Important Brandt Now Ready for the Rails. Sarsaparilla Acts directly and peculiarly on tlae blood; purifies, enriches and revitalizes it, .and in this way builds up the whole sys- tem. Take it. There is no "just -as -good" medicine. Insist on having Hood's: Get lt today. TIIE NEWS IN A PARAGItAFil (1APPENINGS ratim AI,L OVER, THE' (11.01111 IN A ,)UTSUFLE. Canada, tits Empire and the Vf °rift In Gimeral Betora Toot Eves. A despatch from Toronto says: The Tirniskaming and Northern Ontario Railway's branch from Iro- quois Junction to Iroquois Falls is now ballasted and- ready for the laying of the rails. It will be a valuable addition to the Ontario Government road in that , it will run to the confluence', of the Abitibi and Blaok Rivers, where are sit- uated three water po-wers, capable of developing 50,000 horse -power of electric energy, and where will be located a pulp and paper plant with a capacity of 150: tons a day. The mill is expected bo be completed by February next. The industry will be of service to the settlers, as it will provide a market for theie" pulpwood. COMMENT ON EVENTS' On .the occasion of a recent visit to 1410(1011, 'I Was oue day eating in a room ietbat 1116000 Of all Canadians in London, the Canadian' Iligh Cornmiseionerio office, when, suddenly, without formality, the door wile thrown open and an old Retitle. man bounced with all the vigor of a youth of 25. From photographs 7 O111111& diately recognized him as Sir Charlee Topper, hiniself formerly Canadian High Commissioner, a fact which explained hie _privileged entrance. On ;introduction be gripped my" hand with 11, foree ,that con thinly did not suggest age, and, for a' few ;minutes ho discussed affairs Can- adiati with a mental alertnese that IJretreil et44teephodig ienmm ititt io regtinoedf bwe. t lea't o I ant reMinded of the ineident by the fact that Sir ()Mules ha's just been 0010. brating hie, niolety-third birthday. It eeetne impoeeible that the figure I recall shoal(' have been 4$ years old at Confed- faarcattr, and 16 years old ot the time of the rebellion of 37, yet ristieh aro the Pew men have filled their lives with such multifarious activities over such a long period. Practically 101 his content- Porariee.have, crowed the Great Divide and he rentable almeat alone. A notable living . contemporary is his 5,10008001 in the office of Canadian 'High Commissioner, Lord Stratheona, and the man whose for- tunes have been intimately bound up with Canada's 'in her budding dayS,'and W110 110W, lase long- since exceeded the Pealmiet's allotted span, Rio doubtfid if any other country can duplioate ouch a Pair of veterans in the' nation's service. • , Canada. Senator John V. Ellis of New Brunswick is dead. Three Montreal nuns have offered to go among the lepers of Canton, China. The. Montreal Harbor Commis- sion will 'extend all the piers at a cost of $7,000,000. Fire-cliel $65,000 damage to GOod- ay's lumber mills at Scott's Junc- tion, Quebec. Six men were injured in a dyna- mite explosion On a Government seew near Ganathoque. Sixty:two fatalities occurred in Ontario factories during the past year, according to official reports. Chairman Leonard, of the N.T.R. Commission, who is going west over the line says: "The road is being made ready for traffic this fall at the close of navigation, and the Grand Trunk Pacific should be able E. put on a. service about that time. The main work is now to finish- hal- lasting." Eggs -New -laid, in oaeo .1-ote 21e to 220. Cheme--Twite, new, ,14 1.2c to 150, and large, new, at 141-4o to 143.4c; old cheese, twins, 15c to 161-15; large, 16e. Butter-Lateet butter quotations are: Creamery prints, 26o to 07e; CreamerY solids, 24e to 251-00; Dairy printe, 20e to 240; Inferior (bilkers') 1130 to 19c. Honeyir--Buckwheat, 90 a pound in ;tins, and 80 jn barrele; strained clover honey, 121-20 a pound in 60.poulid tins; 103-40 in 10 -pound tine; 100 in 5 -pound tins; comb honey, No. 1, $2.60 per dozen; extra, $5 per dozen; No. 2, $2.40 per dozen. Beane -Primes. blithe', 91.76 to $2; hand- picked, $2.25 to $2.40. Poultry -Free -it -killed yearling bens, 190 to 2to per pound; fowl, 150 to 17e; livo yearlings hens, 16e to 16e; live fowle. 1.40 to 15c; dressed spring chickene, 28o to 30e; live, 220 to 25c; turkeys, 200 to 280. Potatoes -Ontario notateee, 75e per bag: car lots, 66e; New Brunewicks. 90o per bag; out of store, 80e in car lots; Vir- ginia, now, $3 Per barrol. EgYPtion Onions -Per -sack, $2,35 to $2.50. Provisions. Bacon, long clear, 153.4 to 160 per lb, in cam lets. Pork -'Short cute $28; do., 11109), $22. _ Hams-Medinua to light, 19 to 200; heave, 17 to lk; rolls, 16 to 160-4±; break- fast bacon. 21c; backe, 24 to 25e. Lard -The market is firm. Tierceo, 14 1.2e; tubs, 143-4±; pntln, 15e. Baled Hay and Straw. Baled Hay -No. 1 at $12.50 to $1340, on traek, Toronto. and No. 2 at 911 to $11.60, Baled Straw -Good stock at 98 to 98.25, on track, Toronto. Winnipeg Crain. Winnipeg. July 15.-00eh-Wheat-N0. 1 Northern, 980; No. 2 do., 950; No. 3 do., 90e; No. 4, 003-40; No. 5, 75c; No. 6, 700; feed, 60c; No. 1 rejected seeds, Otto; No. 2 do., 87c; No. 3 do., 83c; No. 1 tough, 89e; No. 2 do., 081-4±; No, 3 do., 84 1.4o; No. 4 do.. 761-2n; No. 6 doo 67o; No. 6 do., 630; feed, tough, 54.3. Chtte-No. 2 C,W.. 041.20; No. 3 C.W., 33e; extra No. 1 feed, 34e; bTo. 1 feed, 33c; No. 2 feed,,31e. Barley -No. 3, 490; No. 4, 460; rejected, 401.00; feed, 431.0. Flax -No. 1 N.W.C.. 91.201-2; No. 2 C.W., $1.18; No. 3 OW., 91.06. FOR MERITORIOUS SERVICE. Imperial -Medal Awarded to Many Canadians. A . despatch from London nays: The Imperial Service Medal for long and meritor- ious, service has been awarded to Michael Berrigan, Bedford, P.E.I.; Joseph Henry BerrY, Halifax; Wil- liam Burrown Winnipeg; George Cameron, Halifax; Hazel Carter, Moncton; James Ross CumMing, Truro; James Currie, Alherton, P. E.I.; Frederick Gagnon, St. Sim- on; Charles Grant, Patrick Hop- per, James McDermott, Moncton; Alex. McDougall, Antigonish • Hec- tor McKinnon, Pictou; George Noiles, -Pictou ; 1Viarbin O'Brien, Halifax; Charles Reeves, Toronto; Samuel Watson, Moncton ; John Yerxa, Frederieton. 12. A 146,250,000 MOTEL. To Be Erected on Constitution 11111, London, England. A despatch from London says: A colossal .hotel, the cost of which, together with the value of tho site) will approximate $6,250,000, ia to be erected on the ground now occu- pied by St. George's Ho,spital on Constitution Hill, opposite the en- trance to Hyde Park. 'The magnifi- cent site has been purchaser' by syndicate, the Governors of the hospital at a meeting on Thursday afternoon agreeing to the sale, which has been the subject of ne- gotiations for years. 611 A RAIN OF FIRE. Terrible Meteorological Disturb- ance in Spain. • Montreal Markets. Montreal, 5tily 15.-Oate - Canadian Western, No. 2, 410; do.' No, 3, 40 to 4012o; extra No, 1 feed, 41to 411-20. Bar- ley -Manitoba feed, 50 to 510; malting, 62 to 65e. Buckwheat -No 2, 68 to 60e. Flour -Manitoba Spring wheat -pate-,to, finite, $6,60; do., emonde, $5.10; boltera', 94,90, Winter patents, clio•ce, $6.60; Straight rollers, $6.10; do., in l• les$2 40. Rolled oats -Barrels, $4.55; bon. of 90 lbe, $1.15. blillfeed-Bran, $19; e'iortfl. $21; middlipgs, $24; mouillie, $26 to *32. litty- No. 2, per' ton, oar lots, 913 to OA, °Juane -Fineet westerno, 131-8 to 131-40; do., easterne, 121-0 to 130. Butter-Choleest maniere, 253-4 to 26c; seconds, 201.4 to 061-2. Eggre-Fresh, 22 to 230; eelected, 25 to 26o. Potatoes -Per bag, ear Iota, 50 to 76c. Dressed hogs -Abattoir -killed, 14 to 141.40. United States Markets. . Mineen,polts, ,July 15.-Whene, - July, 855-4e; Septearther, 911.6 to 91 1-4c; _ De - comber, 937-8 to 94e. °toeing ash' -No, 1 hard. 921-4±; No. i Northern, 90.3-4 to 91 3.4e; No. 2, ,do., 063-4 to 690-80. Corn- ` leo.• 3, yellow, 67 1-2, to 68c. Otitee-Nir. 3 white -375.2 tO 373-90. Rye-No..2, 56 to Floor-iftichanged. Bran -Unchanged. Dolath, July ie. -Wheat -No. 1 hard, 92 1-8e; No. 1 Northern, 911-8±; No. 2, do., 505-0 to 891-80; July, 90 1.2e; September, 951-8 to -921-40 bid; December, 94 1-8e noin. Linseed -$1.36 1-4; July, 91.341-0 bid; Sep- tember, 91,351-4 bid; October, 70,38 1-4 bid. . The New Solicitor-Oeneral. The appointinent of Hen. Arthur Neigh - :011 ae Solicitor -General in the Dominion Cabinet has been well receiimd. A num- amanita with the new Clabinet Minieterie rfteilUniert'S acthe the promotion in complimentary terms, num- ber of Liberal papers have referred to though no doubt reserving the right to etor..enausoiounelyarai:e6e.ver and as Mr. lifelghen without doubt bas won the poeition on the strength of his tal- jente: Certainly no geographical consid- eration can have entered into the mat- ter, because the Provinge of Manitoba is, if anything, already over -represented in the Dominion Cabinet. Besides, there wan no deartlt of contenders for the position frone thee Eastern Provinces, particularly Ontario. which had at least three prom- inent P's who would have been de. lighted with the promotion. Mr. Meighen is himself an Ontario boy ancebecomes Solicitor -General at the ear- ly age of 37. He has already been five years in Parliament, almost =aging a record for youthfulnese in that august assemblage. The circumstance W1111 110 doubt a great advantage, as it enabled him to, catch the Parliamentary style in a manner which early enabled him to se- cure the ear of what is said to be tbe most difficult audience in the country. Reference has already been made ;to the chapter in Sir George N'. Roos' recently published book, "Getting Into Parliament and After," io which he deals with the difileultness of the House of Counnomt ae an audience. Forme of oratory which rouse an ordinary public audience to high enthusiasm May fall aa flat as a Pao - cake iu the ROMS of Commons. Great Britain. The Duke of Connaught may be the first Lord -Lieutenant of Ire- land under home rule. The Welsh disestablishment bill passed its third reading in theeBri- tish Commons. A proposal to nationalize Biitish coal mines was introduced in the British. Commons. An attern,pt to blow up the acme - duet supplying Manchester with wa- ter is ascribed to suffragettes. Two profes,sional oonehmen were sentenced to six 'weeks in prison for "doping" horses at the Olympic show. Rev. Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, pastor of Westminster Congrega- tional Chapel, Buckingham Gate, London, has declined a call to the Madison Avenue Reformed Church, New York. Fifteen: months ago 240 miliOxit suffragettes were undergoing or dodging peison sentences for vari. ous owl -brava. At the present time there are only 21 of these cases and 12 of these are women who are out on license euthil they receiver from the -effects of hunger strikes. They are now paying fines, when that "alternative is given. United States. Three men were killed and prd- perty damage e,stimated ab $50,000 was done by an electric storm around Elgin, 111., Friday. Fire et Independence, La., ren- dered a thousand 'people homeless, while there weee two deaths and six persons are missing. Hazel 'Warner, a wayward cousin of Hobby Green, the world's weal- thiest woman, committed suicide in a South Bend, Ind., road -house. A despatch from Madrid says: Despatches from Valencia report the occurrence of a phenomenon in the form of a rain of fire that re- dneed to cinders' the ,district: outside Alcocer, the inhabitants of which took refuge in A church. Three terrific detilination a were heard about the same time, and out; of clear _sky a' violent, :tempest broke 'over Rena•vilies and, Orman; some miles away; accompanied by a ;shower of stones, the largest of which weighed two. pounds, Live Sto'ck Markets. Igeritreel, ;July 15.-Prinie stock, $6,75 e building 'and plant. - Tenders will 97.004 meaum, $4.75 to $6.50; comMoll 4 9-1 io few $4.5a 'Cows, $30 to $70 each; ealvee, $3 be eauec tot. , 101 • The ouy way. An appe. tising dish ready to serve. Deliciously cooked and econOtnical. -Insist on Clark's. GIRL FOUN0 MURDERED. Parents Thought Her -at Hume of Her Employers. A despatch from Winnipeg says: The murdbred, body of Dora. Evelyn Inman, the 15 -year-old daughter of Alfred Inman, was found at Gun- ton, Mau., a village on the C.1.P.R., 85 miles north of herb, on Wednes- day night. The girl was employed on the farm of W. C. Ross, and on Dominion Day went to visit her parents. Towards evening she left the home'of her parents to return to the farm and had net been seen since. Her disappearance was un- known to either her parents or em- ployers, the one believing she Was at the home of the other. Mr. Bennett's Oratory. A contemporary of Mr. lithighen, an- other young western member in the per - eon of Mr. R. B. Bennett, has perhaps ex- perienced this atmosphere. When Mr. Bennett Makes a speech lie indulges in a perfect whirlwind of oratory. Hie flumes., choice of vocabulary and facility of ex- pression are nothing ebort of marvellous end cannot but fail to impreee most au- diences, But in Rib House of Commons Mr. ,,Bentiett undoubtedly hue more than once felt that be MLR wasting hie breath. Ottee he recognizes the situation, and he probably has done so already, he, too, undoubtedly will emulate the Parliamen- tary style. As he has great ability ho will catch it and probably become a leading parliamentary figure. A Young 0. E. Foster. . "A young Ceorgo E. Foster," le the way Mr. Meighen no .a debater is described. Tide le high prate° in this conntry, be- cause the skill, finesee and force of the 1V1inieter of Trade and Commerce in pas- sages at arme are well known. However, for S01130 reaeon or other, Mr, Tooeter hae been spendiug most of hie tinte out of the country, for which reacion the ammo- sion of Mr. Meighen to the rank of front debaters hi Parliament will be particu- larly welcome. During the reeent session Mr. MeIghen dieplayed a resourceful and versatility in debate which hnmediately marked him as O man for advancement. He cgl11101 but 51nd satisfaction iu the fact that shim the formation of the Borden Cabinet lie le the first to have been eheeen for fresh honore. It is worthy of comment that a young westerner with little experience has so soon eclipsed many of the older 1130111- bers of Parliament who until a yeur ago enjoyed greater 100015 11058, In . hie first term in Parliament, Ma Meighen made 'tome etir as an advocate of legislation. liow far Mr. Meigben will Proceed on the pathway of fame will de- pend largely on his sincerity and depth of character. He is now off to a good start. WIll the Progressives Live? In United States politico the question which continues to offer food for con- troversy is 88 to whether the new Pro- gressive Party, under the leadership of Theodore Itooevelt, is th' wallow the Re- publican Party or whether the Republi- can Party will 'swallow it. Acoording to the leaders of tho Progressives there is ne room for controversy. In their minds the Republican Party is dead ead the fun- erni ceremony le inerelY beim," delayed. The feet is that according to Ameridan history the Republican Party has outlived Ito allotted span of life. Parties as a, rule have not beau long lived in the 'United States. The unusual period of supremacy enjoyed by the Republican Party ie the result of the unusual condi- tions created by the 01711 War, since whieb event the Republic lose been almost eon• tinually controlled by tho party which utilizes the elephant for an emblem, Woodrow Wilson and Grover Cleveland have been the only Democratic Prat - dents in all that time, Whether the time for a disintegration of the Republican party 11 ELS 11051 arrived will be seen during the next two or three years. The Progreesives eay that apy merger between them and the Republi- cans ie .abeolutely impoesthle. The only argument in favor of molt a merger would be. they SAY, 5,0 Movease their chance of winning at the next, election, and they add tho Progressive Party was founded on certain pripciples and not for the immedinte object of getting control of the "pork barrel." Had they &mire(' only to win an election at any cost there would have boon no split, General. Count Tecelasu Hayashi of japan is dead. After a fortnight's desperate fighting the Bulgarians appealed to the powers to arrange peace. General Rive, the Cuban Nation- al Police Chief, was mortally wounded by Governor Asbert of HEIWAMA. 624 ...--. FATAL FIRE IN CAI,IFORNIA... Five Men Lose Their Lives in Dis- astrous Blaze. , A despatch from San Francisco says: Five seldiers are i•eported burned to death, and a half dozen little hamlets zinc' towns ,at the foot of Mount .Tairtalpais await, their salvation or destruction, while the fire which has swept; the mountains for thre.e days is reaching 'award the plaies "and vineyards to the north and the Muir Woods Natienal P,ark on the south. THE MINT TO BE ENLARGED. Building and Plant Will be Doubled at Ottawa. A de8paLch from Ottawa says: Because the amount of Canadian gold being submitted to the refin- ing process at the Ottawa branch of the Royal Mint is increaeing year by year, the Government is taking steps to double the capacity of the to $6; sheep, $4 to $4.25; lambs, $4 to 96 weeks. 'The valine;a1old refined Toronto, July 15 -Oattle-Clhoiem. expoit, lasI ycai was • s,os,0• each; hogs, I 0 coo,s. t $7; ehotte butoben, sue 00 975 good med- iatemlpa' 01.$.65,7592t°to$69.42°,0;0oniumtte0r's'', 8$43.7510t°93,92561 Wiwi' Dogs Dre)v C:1151.ttl. fat, cows, 95.25 to $5,50; emenion ceive, , 13i50, $4,25, Galves-Good veal. $5 to The empleyment dogs 50 "0111,1 now the patient 19 10 lilt up I000illeera5,8ateEL8.5,0„;„cosinteruoio,sn., 87030tot.:31006 theJungfi 101 reininds,il.s, for 010S. ' „Grea,t, ltepes, are Petunia: 54.00 to 96; extra, chcilco heavy that there Eire preoaely people $,41' held out iox compic,e „11,..e.oyeiy. . feeders, 900 pounds, $5.85 to $6,25. Sheep Hying,' who recollect when dogs ; ' and tioneght ewes, 54,25 tO $4,60; spring lambs $8.50 to $10.50, Rogs-99.60, sItEMARRABLE OpE RATION. Man With Spliced Back is Improv- ing Won dertully. • A despatch from kings -ton says: Oliver La tend , •t•-•1 .1\fiXi0C, NOW WAS brought to the 'Hotel Dieu about sig -weeks age with. tt breken back, has Imp roved we ederf ly D oc- to rs have splieed ',he back, and. PREAlEn BOTHA r:iitrusiderathe wisdom: The Departmentl Ills Cabinet hen met the first emere ency in the Scaannesburg riots with cf Defence) la ,now central. COORS AND, WAITERS. ,enving England for Canada in Large Numbers. A despateh from London says: Leading restaurants, hotels and clubs are complaining of a dearth of chefs, cooks, and waitors, brought about largely by the, abnor- mal demand in Caeada. During the Black season 620 chef's, cooks and waiters left this country to take'up positions in the dining -car service ef the Canadian railway,s. A further large number leave next month. EPIDEMIC OF SMALLPDX. Sydney,, New South Wales, Has Serious Outbreak. A despatch from Sydney, N.S.W., says: Smallpox, which has been prevalent heith for some tithe, is .spreacting. Fifty thousand persona have been vaccinated, and there are 61 eases in quarantine. drew carts in Englarld. These ori- gthal clog -carts, Which were sup- pressed by law in the middle of the last century, were largely used by costermongers and the humbler members of the fancy for Sunday outings. The clogs employed were large animals, of mongrel breed, with a strain of tho old English mastiff. A. twenty to thirty -mile run in- and out was nothing to them, and they kept up their strength on the journey with a scanty allow- ance of breacl soaked in beer. -Lon- don Chronicle. \ heavY, 93 to 53.50; buolts, $3 to $3.60; fed and, wateied; $9 25 f.o.b.; end $9.M off . , cars. cows,160 to 960 each. Then Fieed,.nt 'Himself , and rillade, , ' • , • , Jns ,118eal)-6. WOULD-BE ASSASSIN. A despatch frent,:Satek,PAOGn,OYS::, - The igennied-Teliee at A.Vihile 'are, Ring of Spain'S, AsSailant Sen1- out.on a 08 t' in- taies!"brtiC,12 country. eneed to Dealli. which , lis ,habween: 1Wilkre',,- and', Macklin,: peerching ,' fthi• ,•.' Ale -X. A despatch from 1Viadrid says : dereen, ',t ho lrilled his wife and then Sancho Alegre was . sentenced to attempted to coMmit ,suicide. When death on 'Wednesday for his at- 'the shot he fired al:himself had no . , tempt to assassinate King, Alien- effect, he made his escape. into the so on April 13. North Country. Old Parties and the Interests. ' , Generally speaking the Progressives accuse both tho old lino parties of being couteolled by (medal intoreste, while the Progreseives represent a desire for Gov. eminent of the peonle by the people and for the people. Evidenee that 16 10010111. be impossible t$ merge with the Republicans is' furnished by the feet that a large number of for - reel; Democrats, perhare ono or two mil- lions, .a.re 11080 members of the Progres- sive Party. Wfonv of these are more or less prominent, citizens. To' carry these over to the Republican fold would he an impossible fest. Moreover, the Progres. seveti now 'elaim ,,11 superior and enthus. iestic organisation in every State in the 'Meanwhile the present occupant of 'the White Itouse ia !sowing wood. The next election in the 'United States promises 09 be one of the most, interesting in the history of the country, , ' Keen Contest Approaching.. While in, Onnaditin siclillcal mattere we are in the 611111MOr doldrome, there 50 Inhale o;,itieuce Mist further keen political cbilteste are lemming Up for the near tura. Poi; example there is the issue of Imperial' Pederation as against the devel- opment .of self-goverinneut, The parties and party 'leaden either in Parliament or on the stiimp have not tie yet eemo to grips on this isene, bee, it is ono that la: ,being ardently • 01e.:108050 in private' and seine of the A -SWOPS -Ten!. • Perhaps the papers which ere giving it tho most attention aro the Mentreal Star and the Winnipeg Pro& Press, the one on Um °lie side and the other on the ot,her, Illhe Star is Urging Mr, Borderi to at once develop bee Nitvy Polley .to Provide Per. momently' for the establishment of a 1,101S Imperial Navy, The Free Prcos on the other hand, declares tha,t the only policy which 08,15 pvevall in this eountry rthet which looka forward to the a0. suirement by Canada of fullnotional status in permanent allianee with Great Britain and the other British nations. There is a .good deal of gossip to the effect that there will be no election in the ppring of 1914, but HO far this is un. dotibtedlY based onnothing more then guesseork. Torn From Him. Hogan --"Did Clancey's wife got a separation 7" Grogan -- "She did; four cops tore her off him." - Forty years in use, 20 leers the standard, prescribed and .recom- mended by physicians. For Wo. man's Ailments, Dr. Martel' Vonale Pills, at your druggist. • Fox farms may become popular in Northern Ontario. Every Weniew is interested and should know about the wonderful Mam,.1 Whirling Spray • Douche Ask your druggist for it. If lie cannot supply the MARVDL; accept no other, but send stamp for tatted book-sealod. It gives full particulars and directions Invaluable to liallos.WINDSORSUPELY CO.,W1n0000, OeS General Agents for Canada. ASK OUR SALESMAN FOR . CampbersItarnish Stain The best and most durable finish far FloorspFurnitureetliiroollwork • Xhereisnothinglikeit: 13colors Made by CementerAforton Co.. Boston', Perunt thla Coupon et dealer% awe tare. BROOM HOLDER FREE odes ono of thoCempbellBrown Holdonfire FOR SALE Mr HARLAND 131110S. - CLINTON