HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-07-10, Page 8so.
duly 101h, 1913
Zurich •
',facto) Kopfer Of the Parr Tine met
• with a Seriona apeident, while dotting
tl h a gasoline one
'trays ago: Tlie belt fICW oft the Ilan
leY, near the saw ,and and he Leach
freO' it near the fly wtieel
',Whew Itcaught his arm- and bneke Th
-i.--dietaveen, the 'wnist and elbow, The
,fractstil:e. ,was later reduced' and is
rothg. • ,
II. Hoffman, seemed the first,
• mail route contract for Zurieh. '1.11s
-brit:5 'takes in Zurich road, Parr
Jinnto I-lillsgreen thence into Stant
le's' returning by the
tender was •the only Ono presented.
The amount was $4ta, 4,30 less 'loan
the i
Geerge Thiel, who •carntes
freight between Zurich and. Hensel!,
was. prostrated by the heat Satur-
day. He had finished miloadiriss his
dray before he was noticed to be un-
steady, but- lie matte lits way to t
hotel and than collapsed. • It Was
seen that his finger had been badly
crushed, •
. • ,
/1111111•11111Y111•0111111101.1111MIUMME101011.101/11111/1. IMIN1.11.16R%
leararice Sale •i
of MtNS,LADttg and OHILDREgS
Commencing SATURDAY, JULY 12
with the object of clearing.out the balance of our Spring and I
summer lines. •
In making prices for this occasion, regular prices, costs and '
real values have been completely 'disregarded. Nothing NI
but a firm decision on our part to rid otir shelves of
these lines and do it quickly would make such low prices as
these possible. •
• '
- LADIES 38.00 PIJ-fiaPS Ana SLIPPERS ror $2.00. 1
Come expecting to get more actual 'aide 'PM' evsit.y dollar you spend
Tlie"Godi SEE Tile
Would be much more enjoyable to many were it not for the
ever present worry of something for dinner. One of our
Perfection oil stoves in the kitchen, reduces this worry to a
mit:in:um no heat, no,dust, no anxiety about the cooking
jest solid comfort when you come to know how simple dur-
able economical easily managed it is; you would scarcely
care to be without one -We have them in two, three and
four burners-3second hand gasoline stoves in good working
order at a bargain -a few lawn mowers at reduced
Big stock 9f screen doors and windows, hammocks and lee
cream freezers -We. have added hi onr stock -beaver board,
binder twine, fire proof safes -A fine assortment of cut glass
of the highest quality and the lowest price -We have the
agency tor the new Vacum washer, it makes wash day a
pleasure and only $2.50.
Berger's Pure Paris Green.
Harland Bros,
r'44=A7riAll /rif.)11nr.Sr3
-1.undreds of .Suggestions:
For Summer .Style and
Coinfort are to be found
in the
'4..\ Standard
„ • ,,----,..„,
Islrti I
Book --1-
20c Ar- (By Mall 30c)
Any Standard Pattern Free
Buy the ,book for 20c, get a 15c pat-
tern and the book 'nets you only 5c.
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
Miss Cela Beacom has been visiting
at Sarnia,
Mr. and Mrs. F 'A. Sterling were
among those who spent the -day in
Goderinli on Tuesday.
Mr. Bert Johnson, who is enjoying
the holidays at his home in town,
has accepted the principalship of
Port Burwell school,
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wilson and their
son Kenneth, Toronto, spent, from
Saturday. to Monday visiting among
friends in Clinton and Benmiller.
Miss Grace Shepherd, who is a mem-
ber of the teaching staff of the Ot-
tawa Public Schools, is spending
her holidays at her home in 'town.
Miss Rudd returned last week from
Toronto where she spent the month
oi June. She was accompanied by
Mr. John Rumbill, who will spend
a few weeks in town.
Mrs. Gibson and little son, Bertram,
Mrs. Atkin and babe and Mr, Wal-
ter Pridliam of Toronto were guests
over the week -end of Mr. and Mrs.
,Arthur Cook. The ladies and child-
ren are remaining.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pridham oi Tor-
onto came dOwn frofts Goderia,
•where the latter hag been spend-
ing some weeks with friends, on
Monday and visited Mr. and Mrs,
Arthur Cook, going to the city
Monday afternoon,
Mr. Thos. Brown, who a Month ago
arrived from Scotland and has been
visiting with his brother, Mr. W. G.
Brown, leaves Thursday for Wired -
peg where two of his daughters re -
NI •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••
I FS, •
0 •
I'What could be cooler or look bettei with that :
light summer dress than a pair of our White Canvas :
Pumps, Oxfords or Buttoned Boots? i
* We have a beautiful assortment of these goods for
Women and Children and our prices are moderate. •
Childrens White Canvas Pumps from $1.00 up, t
Button Boots " $1.25 up. Z
Womens '' " Pumps and . .•
• Button Boots " $1.50 up.
Dont fail to see these as they will be scarce goods a
little later. . *
Special prices this week on Childrens Sandals 4,
. and Running Shoes. •
-We can Save you Money on your Shoe 13ills,-
i•••4.4.•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••44••••••••
'• ' * . Mr. J. D. Atkinson, wbe for the past year has been associate in I
the forfiitore business with mt., ,Tas. Duntorn-the firm name being Z
, . .
A.tkinson & Dunford-has retired, his interests being taken over by
The new firwill -he known as Dna-ford & May le respectfully
' :•' solicits a continuance of the generous support so long enjoyed hy this
ess Than Cost On Saturday
ISaturday we clean out the Balance of our Fancy Parasols. Now that .the season is just
starting ' this will be a good opportunity to get a nice new sun shade less than cost.
$1.00 and $1.25 Fancy Parasols 75c,
Aboutltwo dozen in all, ladies fancy summer pax-
asois, crooked and straight, wooden bindles, merceriz-
ed tops, in all the newest colorings, regular $1.00 and.
$1.25, Saturday -75c.
$2.00 and,$2.25 Fancy Parasols $1.25.
. Ladies fancy_ parasols in plaiu and fancy tops,
silk mix, wooden handles, patent runners, all colors,
Rag. $2.00 and $2.25, Saturday $1,25,
Two Specials in Whitewear for
50c White Cotton Drawers 36c.
Three dozen ladies' fine white cotton drawers
(open only) embroidery trimmed, all sizes, regular 50c,
special for Saturday 36c.
7707.47 R
$1.00 White Underskirts 75c,
Two dozen ladies fine white cotton underskirts,
daintily trimmed with embroidery, all sizes, regular
$1.00. Saturday special 75c.
About People You Know
Messrs. J. and W. 13. Taylor were in'
Cioderich on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ininmerton spent
the week -end with friends in God-
Miss Erma Diehl of Stanley spent
the week -end with her aunt, Mrs.
Wm. Ford.
Miss Mary McCaughey left this week
on a holiday trip to Brampton,
Toronto and Guelph.
Mr. Chas, Donaldson, Winghain, the
energetic C. I. Case representative,
was in Clinton yesterday.
side. Mr. Brown is much impress- Mr. J, F. Kitt; who came east three
ed by what he has seen of the land weeks ago to attend the funeral of
of the Maple Leaf and will in all his mother, lett on Tuesday to re -
probability make his home in this turn to Sifton, Man.
Mr. Wm. McKowil, whd eame up
from Teiranto with the Huron Old
Boys, will easily pass for ten years
younger than he is -and as he first
saw the light of day in Toronto
three years prior_ to the Macken-
zie rebellion his age may easily be
calculated. Tho greater part of his
life was spent in Clinton but a, de•
cade ago, he ,went to Los Angelos,
California, for the warmer climate,
but as he always felt like a stranger
in a strange lamd he came back to
the homeland last winter to be un-
der the old flag and ,to remain and
is now a Citizen of Toronto. It
seems like old times to see those
014 I3oys amongst us again.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Chowen came
' home Saturday, Mrs. Chowen from
Owen Sound where she visited fri-
ends for a few weeks.
1VIr. and Mrs. Richard T3rady and
son, Kenneth, of Toronto,who have
been visiting Mp:. and Mrs. James
Levy of town, returned to the city
on Wednesday, '
Mr. and! Mrs, Jacob Taylor left for
Winnipeg and other i western points
on Tuesday morning. They intended
travelling by boat to Fort William
. thene,e by G. T, R.- to their des-
tination. They will be away sev-
eral weas. During Mr. Taylor's
a.hsence his' business will be in lidute in town. The latter visited
charge of his son, Mr. W. B. Tay- for a week or ten clays at Aber -
Tor. . :lore before' coming home,
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Foster of
Bayfield were in Clinton on Mon-
Miss Ana 13e1l of Exeter is visiting
• Misses Carrie and Minnie 'day of
Mrs. Clendenning of Detroit will
spend a few weeks here as the
guest -of Miss Mary Johnston,
Mrs, Norman Ball returned on Mon-
day to her home at Siuninerhill
from a six weeks' trip to the
west, having spent the most of the
time with friends at Parkland,
Sask., and Taber, Alta.
Mrs. Miller, who has been visiting
Woodstock Mends, returned to
town on Tuesday and will be the
guest of her sister, Mrs. J. S.
Evans, for: another week beidte re-
turinng to her home ih Indian
Mrs. J. S. Evans and her , three
little daughters, Misses Ruth, Car-
ol and Grace, returned Monday
from Wiarton where they bad been
spending some time at the sum-
mer home of the lady's sister, Mrs,
Misses Rhea and Edna Sterling, who
have been teaching at Hespeler
and ' Kirkwell • respectively, are
spendhg' the vacation 'at their.
The News From Londesboro
Miss A. Coombs of London is vis- Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Holmes and
iting her mother, Sirs. W. J. Muster Labergn spent a few days in
Coombs, ' the village with friends.
We regret to hear of the continued Mr. and Mrs. 0, Williams, Toronto,
illness of Mr. Win. Riley. spent the week -end with their nn -
The brickwork of No. 8 school ole, Mr. Jas. CaldWell.
house will be commenced in a few Mrs. D. W. Roberts of Toronto
days. * spent the week -end with friends
Mr. Wm. Griffiths left yesterday here.
At Usual, the garden party held on
the parsonage lawn on Tuesday ev-
ening was a huge success. The
night was fine and the crowd large.
-Everybody knows that the supper
and entertainment put on at Londes-
bore is always of -a high order and
ing at the home 'of Mr, James having once attended one of these
Woodman. annual affairs it seems to be the
for Winnipeg,
Mr, Wm. Tamblyn lett on Monday
•tor Toronto to . attend the Cadet
Miss in. Holland of T-Iolmesville is
visiting Miss E. Lyon.
Mrs. 'I'. Stone of Weston is visit -
Miss. Cockerliir of Blyth is visiting
friends in the village,
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tamblyn of
Toronto, spent Sunday at the hone
of the former's brother, Mr. John W.
' We are pleased to learn that Mrs,
James Campbell is improving.
Miss B. Brogden left Tuesday for
London where she has accepted a
Mrs" (Rev. Dr.) Medd, who bas
most natural thing in the world
to plan to 'go again until the habit
becomes fixed. There were visitors
present from Clinton, Blyth, Auburn,
and all the country lying between
and it was a good-natured and happy
company. When everyone had bpea
satisfied" by the good things pro.
vided by. the , ladies, and that al-
ways takes considerable time, a
pleasing program of en:nth song and
story was gone through, The Olin -
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Tam ton banal furri'shed music during the
hlyn and Mrs. Elsley, left last week evening, Altogether it was one of
fon Detroit and Essex. the best ever,
The News -Record leads for TOW11 The News -Record leads for Town •
and Township News. Are you a and Township News. Are you a.
subscriber ? subscriber ?
FurnitLlre Dealers and Funeral DIrectors ,
Chapman's °118P111211's
Tt is our aim each season to clean up our stock, so that we 111A y begin the next with our shelves full of fresh, new and seasonable footwear. To enable us to do
this, we will hold aSemi-Annual Sale, one that you will not ibrget,, and will find so fBar
oil of in SGASonable, up-to-date footwear,
that you will look forworn to next season's 0010 gains
:ma continuing until Saturday, August 2nd, you will find at our store fnnt.o9 ear for each and every ineniber of your family,
Commencing on Saturday
, July 12thto suit the season, foe all occasions, at prices that will convince you that our Seini-Annual Sale will be worth your while
lopking us up and seeing for yourself who we are offering.
The following are a few of the many lines we are placing on sale
Women's white canvas button -reg
new I3tiek. " ... • . nen 3.75, " 8.00
tan -Oxfords, buttoned or bleed .....,.reg 8,00 '• 2.28,
• patent, goo :metal or kid oxfords reg 8 to 3.50, " ' 108
" pulops....reg 2.50 to 3.00, " 1.08
$2.25, sale price $1.75
M,en's oxfords, all leather, new tt)es, $1. to $1,50, sale price $2,08
Men s boots, all leather, , .... .. -.yen 4 to 4,50, 1f8
Child's purnps and oxfords, sizes 8 to 10i .28
"••siges,5 to 7i .78 '
Cash, and one price to ail.
No sale goods on approval.
127 -NIGHT AND ST.:N))A OALLS- P„HONE f 94 ;
CyNTON ' ,• •
Successor to,J. Twitchell & Son