HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-07-10, Page 5-A • 111 111 Re 11 LI a ulY I lb, 1913 Clinton News -Record TT.", rsoila „ • , _,_'...-.'„,.,...:-, ..-„' ,;',"•'•. , ,,, ;,,... ,,,, ,, 50 8, 'N.Os..._,.0, • ,-49v9Alg°,67.':1,iS ,,, el.ieeillag , ., .tiriiii, .,.„, . ,.,1VIti- 101111,"Seittli, .,soit cd,;'.Mr,.,, Welt- del.' -Sinitlf, ' and Misa - ClatisS6 ,,E,tit6; , , . , Airieh '... -..Joint1Dayinan,,,,anotheif '''..;.of ; 'those :Ph:Meet's, to Whieb. ' Huron. • Comity,. mid-. . ., , .,•, . . ,.., ,, . AnvgivrispiwENT..sozaciTED.. -,, ''' .1.vitss.'ClrOeker,. (insinlihtingiY) l,"Por- liaPs, ...'-'Your 1 friend 'would • Ifire te :•gitre I . ,. „.. , , , .. OfillER ''STO , ., .,. . . DAIRY i3,,,,,,..,„17IENV,-11' A ,I3. M '. ': - ,,,Friarir ',oat stoek of filst,blass .tol,,,,a . we ',, ere ; :‘,prepared 'ia,..sappli y yo ttviCe daily- with the beSt of '.; milk , ,b,n4,, °roam, . We solicit -a Share of Your pattenege,--/tichard.lisher, E. B.,, Hill•'Phenie 125... -, - ' .; •'-ijh ' '' ' • ' ,, , ' ' . • ' , „. . . ,. .. ..,. .. . FARM .1110R '',. SALE-7T/IE,1U1N,DERl.";" ,signed offers -for' 'sale. Ida, ,flad., fern -41," . of • about 130 acres 'adjoining' thil;,1 . ,town Of Milt 11:'''',,The f r is,:/1 '-'• a good ' State '. of oultivatio 1'1'1 • d ' ' ' 'has _ goad:, buildings-hriPle ''71100,567.7' , ' ' bank bare driving halide ,pie'r, pot; :1 „. . . ' ' etc, -all ' comparatively, '''A Prat' her''''.ltia41101C',4t1'her 1101-11b. nete•'' ','. ' H.nri-1Heblen' ',.cifV':',..i)diaine.".,Hall. is Speniiiiig.:,a,,,"yheetioe ;:e;ii„::qii$,..hoine. '' ",i„f6Wii,2:°•‘: - r''. ,'..,' ',7'.., ;`,".. • :, • daughter. cif; Mr. "Alex , Ialfue,". a ,, the :,8a.ii'hip".•Liiia, ',Stanley; .Were!'"'Unitod, inf Marriage' 'Last, .Weele eV,- st;:..nolit,-. face S•hritedet oflidiet- ,the. ,'661.,0):37.. ,a,,t large' owes so Much . 'enterer -L., the . 'spirit ' 'lend OICSUitday' week at the .grand" 'eige 'of if§ , years. , 13,0tiii.,' in Deyenshite„ 1..hiS lie earee, us Inc'.ad.Yertsisenleirt for, the , cliaridi, •reetli.,11000"rdri'' ' '',' -' , ' ' ' ..PollPle . Of .pages.." , . ; . . , . Mies''.,'Clroelcel: :' '"HO71`97th:rlY good Litire . - , anti' :Let Live , . ., . , ' . ,, , ., .', ,.(''.., .1r; ':l....OSP.;'13-47-'n'-',"'Ot-1,'Ot.016.01. v' is404. thiS Miother :,a110,,sister,.111.:;.tiimai over ,clautoll,,,Falthpr ing,:; ; , After qh.e.,:.eere ton ' the .young'to 11.. 7 ..., - couple -. midi,. „relatives_ivent 30,,. --the. gland 'this can't]: I tan • 'oars ago • • .. . ..",j. ., • 5'; .5. , r 5 . .. ; '. , '" . ,, . . . ,, ._. , ._ . .01' YOU l What line of business; are you ; Mr; Pelmet ' - "Cort",nly • Pli take e ., , . ., , ., . , ,, Pr.eserv'ti , „ ,. 1. I' ' ... ''' g knie , is ... h '' ere 0: : TWO . . STORY —and-- . . , . CHANCE HOUSE ; . ' .. ,, .. : , ,..!10,7. .cia.,5 , young orchard' containing ' ' all . •• . . , . ,,. ..,,, kinds . Of ' fruit , also sraa l'....411/ta The' ifa,rin la well fenced and'," ;Well,' . rain d - and is ' a 'very. 'desikatile,' ''''ahlrliley,..lon''''Pro:iniSefust-.Qh:r'ddPler6t;c' J'.u.igailri;"''''..r . torrance,,, Clinton P. O." . ' -"--43,' $1*.•.‘vok4ehd.,,...'.. ,--,.....t', 7.. da's 4ay',,,Hanee...wInt-, 't)' 0.,froo,nto' ,o,it Viii8ii.a..J.0".,,,atvvie,l1eirs.,. "w.,e0,1e;,...'.1.;,„e.e. ,Ari, .11,...,...a. ' ' gr0o111.',..$ - 11Onie ,', 'Where a; Wedding, „dill-, net,.., 71s' ,serVed,1 mut: the. y. Speritp,' ' SYJ.-iii,:t61.1.111:PWatill,11;se°tnitill'I.lier:,,,t'h3leilr'','X'n ' ,i arkfr1'. - . , , , '.' ' . ' Bean' Growitig-lietrinm• g_.. ,, There ' .7:is goad - -reason to • . .. INI ' 'I'' ' ' '' ' ' "1 11 ' 1 ' ' ' , er..„1,,,.. 01T.e.1 • • V. oleSaM, :liquor, deal:. . =7-Jitly:' Lippineo fit's agai.n, , jern. .5- . . What. about ,and 1.,41,1i,net, , • , , . „r, „ ',' • ' , . '' ': - - - Setitli•,ortoWn'. falloWed, by the 'bat ..,•-•, ,believe in., is , n, that • ' ' • 'n - Canada' ' ' o ' bean ra.;'..Johiri-ljunealu'OL: Rielariond Hill visited. ' with k ' .el Mis- '''011arles Ic..0i1e11.11fhis. 'Aveeii".; - . ,. '11; ' - .„ ;" C.' J, W: 'Treleaven ha's been iii"'Ter•-• o.40 assisting ,,/,4, the ,..i.dathieg, ; 'of. ;,..7 „. . exaMination ,paperS.' 'rs Osbeldfistoa It ,Iii- r,.'1,..frned , , , ... ., .- . ,aiffer. a ' week's..visif .with 'friends ,in thh vicinity . ot.. Auburn. ' '• , ''. , ., -... , . r...,H.oro,..-Keuer, ,.-; ,r- ororr,r.0);. , visit 4,d, ; his 'parents, ,Mr. end Mrs. ' Chas.' ketler, ov,er the. tveek-end., , , r. and' Mrs. ',./. 'T. Reid, W110 .-went from - - Clinten to Victoria, B., Q.,,, are Mow located at Krupp, Sask, ' ' c. , Jack Levi' of Taranto Came • up an' the 'Old Boys' exeur,sion and spent the week -end -at. his . home in . , .. - . Era, "CamPl3C1l„. and three Children- of Toronto were .'the guests over thr week end of , Mr.: and., Mrs. W, ' -S. ' ' . ,- . ,,,... ,, ...,.. .... , .. , .. s wishes- ot". their \-118allY , 'friends, -I 1, ,--Qa; WedaesdaV ...of last Weele,' :Tames j 1 l' ' *Willow'Hall' ' " t-'1'.•''• ''° lit' Pa'', 0: '• ; ,:. wes-,, alen seriotis.ly 111,..with .a•ppendicitis,,',. this ,being the third time, lie :hes: 'suffei.zed from that coin•Pla10.' t-Iis physician advised that.: he he. Sent e -t, elle,- to ..a, Lendoe,," hospital ,.. for an operation,. and he vies teheh... to ..o.tiat city., ta:thlel, baggage cars olt, a' s le ° er- At, , o'clock that ; night he 'tad naderficine, an etletati°, a141' was doing' as -Vell as -could be expected. , .. , . . . • .Miss ,Edith 31 „ daughter of George' Scott,- ' inerchant,,, last week entered the land fro/11110h 110 'tiraveller ever returns. The ',deceased who has pas- sed her 21:11 Year;. had never been strong:, ' ,',;-, . .• •'''. ,” • ', • -- The first load .,09 pew_ hay .ot . ,the. seaSoil was broaght.'nati:1111-7-Mtvn."" on, Saturday . ,grevvi ,g the. .._ dedine, , '. In Ontario; the . yield has , , decreased 1.1 bushels. per , acre ti ''' 1 t ' ' ' ' ' ," Owing'' within the ,-..as rune • Year,a,' ' to continuous orapPing the 'sail. has I t 't ' 'I ' t , • f th os co. ain , e omen s.necessary or. e glowing , of a goon erop., A fertilizer of . acid . phosphate. ,e/fa , potash with VerY 'little, hYdrOgen will best meet the requirements .. . al . the growing bean 0r0F. . , , . ,, ;- The bean is one Of our;tender plants.. Our 'sumnie,rs . are comparatively short. , and beans de not. get tithe to ripen before being 'killed by frost: They are . also very sensitive to drought, , and often attadked, ,19y diseaee. ' For the , reason, the .crop is. Often. a fail- ure, and instead farmers- are growing other' 'crops that promise surer fin, .nancial returns! -K. IVI..F,.. in Causer- yation - for ' April. .. ,, , ., ' . hlarriage .. ,.,,' STELCK--ST.A•N•BuRY - At,, Hay- . . . . ,field, an July 8th; .P.rella Maud Itlary; daughter' al, Mrs. StariburY;', . . , 1,r('L,,' RAe-Fieear.t ,,rStele,k --etEdema-, .. DA'. .vvehTer. --he•BreAeLeLt'...A.4eth;t'u'hreo'boreid- jeciser:2.r5. by. Rev. T. H. Farr, OF 'Illyth,, Hattie, Youngest datiightet of IVIi. , and Mrs, George Dawson Sr., to ' ' . Amos Ball of Hallett.. • SMITH--E'11•11E-On June 28th, Clar- , isse, daughter of Mr. Abe. Etre, ' of , Stanley, to John Smith of ' Hay. , LAPSIEY-BELL-In East ' Wawa- 1 nosh on June '25tli, Latita, daligh-. ter of Mr: and Mrs. 'James T. , Sell, tci- 13:- IL Lapsley' Of ' Kinder,Sardines., ' 'feint Heinz. „ ' ',L./. -r -r. ainz ' Fresh Bananas, ' waterraelons, cucunibers sweet .. . by bulk F;nri. • .. . c1111.1.1 red,''Ite'dney. ' A 'CALL and Soar picklee , , , and in 'bottle% and 'bee'n. ,, -,,,,, ' ., 'sauces -. beans, 'them ! '' ' , for, Saturday, ' ' ' oranges, lemons, eyries, raspberries, ' and. tomatoes. . ''' SOLICITED. . ,' iii„..ith. . . try ; .. NEW' COTTAGE' . --7..._. , . , . , For Sale . • . '' • ., ' . ' Located side by ,side, , .. Properties in, ' ex5ellerst condition. ,Wauld, lease front buyer. ' --- F". J Hill , . 9 Clinton. Phone 77. . ' . II • • • • soisiroileoefolisiiii.•0' . . : Catn.pin.g. and ' .'''' . .,, ' : piC11-1*.Cilit: " .:.--. se. • • • Sea.'n so .• ' • 1 - . ' .'• • is the time to buy • ., • , e • • . co • ' 997' • Paris Pate. , • ' ' • • ... , WINDSTORM INSURANCE. -- THE ' Canada Insurance -Co, will insure all. buildings against damage done by windstorms. Moderate rates, no premuin note -Charles BHale, ... District Agent. Clinton. -71. •• PAenactili:tvyBPtET':•eter...... • ,- ,._,... . • Pimento Cheese. .. ! Lobster. 0 ' ; - , • -.. .; la • C aream s r d and C .. a a e • . e o... . • ,e . ressing for Sand- • 'Harland, _. returned to Toronto is. R. Holmes ret in Monday after spending a . week nif, the • old 'town -Which he still con- .. . . ... tinues -to .call home. ... , - ,. , :S. dr. M..1 Ya.-tes' 'ancf1f.alitilY' ' 'are • by ,,,nir...„,Ohtis..Eilber;',,,.' 1 r.and-"istantS. ar An 'engineeasse'here .. ,._ • _ - .- - surveying arici•-staking" out ,the s; east branch of the big •drain•nortlret the , -Zurich road, which ,is to :be- .cleared Out 'aml 'repaired: '-„Tendersv for - the - . East VVawardash, • . . ' ., The following l'e. the report for- S: 5. Ne• 10, East •117awairosh,-'.;for,-,the sley, Sask.' ELLIOTT-BA RON,--On July .2ricl, . . Lorne .H. Elliott to Mary tinily, daughter of thlt. John Barron, Mc- r Kiilop., ' ' PORI'BRIBENNETT-Oli June 25th, E. . LIVE E. ''AND .. -_-._- IIUNNIFORD LET; -LIVE GROCER. .- , ,..,.. ,,,. ' • ,PARIVI FOR SALE -CON. 8 WEST •••L' - half of lot 9;- "I- township, oontaining 50 acres. There • ar Oil the farm a frame house 2026,x kitchen 18x14, and a summer kit- chen and wood shed 24x11, bank barn 58x10 -with stabling ander- neath and cement floors with • he n house and pig house. The land is good clay loan:i, entirely clear ot weeds, is well drained with tile, • • wiches • • . ,l' .10. • Daltons emonade. Iv • . . " ' Orangeade. r •. . , e, Lim . • :. • • e Juice • , ; ' for Beverages ' , ,- • - • Also Heintz Pork and : ' • . • Beans, Pickles .and ; • • Olives. . ; , ---"'-- iuninieriag- I at Oliphant, . the most' Ioritilar , resort on,' the west shore, " ' work -will be Pelted for. .. nimath et . Jima :-Sr,..4.th=Ray Toll,. Walter McGowan,. Orville McGowan. Sr. . 'Lloyd E. Porter of Grey, to Ma- mie. E. Bennett of Walton. Cleaning . ' -. ' Dying )8 the Bruce peninsula. . .. ilfred. Carstelon, M. A., of Streets-uth vine was the. guest -during the past week at his aunt, Mth. Maty Cant- , . . slon, and al's of other friends ' in town." . ' ' _ :. and MTS. J. D. "Atkinson and- iffiss Eileen ate this week visitin,,; riends in .171keter, London and •In- . . , ;email, making the trip , in their ' ,,,,,....r. • Bl C 11 bl 't , t ' • onsi era e, excl. smen was caus- ed in town the other morning. when it was learned that Herbert ,Dex- ter, a young man ot 23 years of a _, . . . gc was- under a cave-in at the •• • , 1 't - , &axe pi on mr. lam- arc's farm, adjacent the town. A. large number of citizens autoed out and 4131/-(b) Ruth McGowan, Jr. /th-Iiilliard McGowan, Cora Feat, George Wilson, Ernest Toll,. • Violet • Parker.- S,r. 3rd --Ire Toll, Ella . Jr.. Fem., i3rd-Luella Wilson, John Patter, Walter Patterson, Edna, Mc- Gowan. Jr. 2nd, -Ella Toll. Part 2,nd-Finiely .114cGowan, May Parker, Clara McGowan, Pr. -Ruby Toll. - Myrtle Phillips, Teacher. GRIFFITHS - I-LA,NDFORD -- In Exeter on June 28th, Lydia L. ,daughter of Mr. Jas. Handford, ' to George Griffiths of Toronto. Births _ , n on July 4th to KEMP-In clinto , , Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Kemp- of 01-• tawa, a daughter. LA1NG-At Weyburri, Sask., on July Bring it so good custom faction. your cleaned as to make as ,new. and We are and Pressing. suit to us and and pressed or it look almost . We solicit guarantee you. setts- also agents for . . have eked as your and; in a good state of cultivation. No waste land. There is one acre of good orchard and a never failing welt. Terms : 1500. of Principal paid down and the rest can re- main on mortgage. As the pro- prieMr intends giving up farming, it — • • ' • • ‘NT T O'NEIL • • la • • • "The Hub Grocery." • • • 00000000 • • • •••••••••• Alf. Torrance, who has been menclin,g the past two or 'three rears. ill the west, latterly' at Med- CMS. -Hat, is holidaying at his lOdle ill town. • . a. Walter - King, her diatighter-in- aw, Mrs. R, King of Hamilton, after a strenuous hour and a hall's work he was freed from his perilous pobition little the worse for his mishap. Ile was covered with over two feet of, eatth end how he escap- ed death i•nstant dealt),miracle. Mr. V. Whitely, of Lucknow, who . This is a Timely Question. Now that another school year Iia ended, the following from an exchange is timely: -What has the public school done for the boys who at this season 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs: Thos. B. Laing • (fermerly Miss Sturdy .of .Godeeich totorish' ip) a son. -TALBOT-On June 25th le , on Saub Luie , Stanleyto Mr. and Mrs. , Robert . • Talbot a son. - LOVE -On 'June ' 21th" Town I iirs , ' " to L Open the Parisian dry. R.-1. In he 1 7 to - day Stain I.,aun- MOORE. Normandie Block. 9.30 p. in. and Satl1X- afternoons. if not sold the place will be lent- ed. -Apply to John , on premises or Riley, Sr., Constance. P. 0. -86. -1111111111117./1 ind little grand -daughter, Joan, :isited Blyth friends for a couple ,1 days this week. ' hild- ... and Mrs. Wm. Brown and c en, Robert; John and Mattie Eva, ind Miss Bessie' Brottur of Detroit pent last week visiting Mn. . ' and started an opposition livery here, some few weeks ago has closed it up and sold the stock. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Pott had the ' f -1; . , se mis ca. tine to fall 'the other day and break her arm hif„ Annie , h 1 faylor,.w o las been of year always start looking for their first job ? Do these boys write a good han,d, do the spell with ac- curacy and cipher Ywitli reasonable speed ? .Have the hoyS been taught the value of a bright face, a willing manner,. a kindly. but not necessarily Stanley, Mr. and ,..,..fis. Wm. Love a daughter. , WEBB-On June 30th, Sauble Lino, - Hay, to Mr. and Mrs. Archy Webb a son. ' MERNER-On July 2nd, Hay, to Mr , nd 1VIrs Rov Merner a daugh- ' a ' • ' ter. • - lilYba 1 .- / 7 1 FARM FOR SALE -LOT 40 AND part of Lot 39 Con. 9 GoderiCh i , township, consisting of 107 acres all cleared and good tillable land With the exception of five acres of bush and ten acres of orchard con- taining apples, plums and cherries. Farm in being MUM* . r mr - " - its. Robt. Brown of Hallett. ss Edna Cooper, who has been ;caching at Estevan, Sa.37-.., dur- ng the past term, is marking ex- anination• papers m Regina just at • teaching school at Acton, is at pres- ent spending the holidays here, with her mother. . Mrs. Grant left last week for her home Portage la Prairie, servile presence ? If the public schools have taught the boys to read, write and spell, lid he courtemis in speech and kindly ih manner they have given the recipients of s1tch SUTI-IERLAND-At Gorlerich, on J ' t t • • ' , 11 Jul ls , toMn and.1). au Sutherland, a son. CROLY-Ifi Win ha n Jul lst, 3 111. ° Y A also and ' carload a carload Shorts. of Western of Flour, , Oats, Aran good condition of good clay loam, well fenced and having an abundance of excellent water. On the premises are two . .4 . . /41/11/1 iresent but is expected halite shoi't- Ey for . the vacation seatsaa ' es Lucile Gtt,--4,-- 4-viho has been a "nosilital at ac- companied by her , sister, Mrs. J. B. Taylor. teaching a great advantage over the uncouth, clock -watching lout of an . . • office boy, who lo.M in his chair with to Um It , E. I -I and Mrs. Ci I eN . ' , _ ' o y, a son. . I:INLAY-In Lower INIMgham, on ' June 301h to Mr. and IVIrs. Geo. We flour ity, sell the wholesa Five followine -- or retail Roses, Exeter, kinds : Jewel, ° E Par- erns, one 3. au shed ie. , b 58 '30 with 25 10 all on stone foundation. The oth- er barn is 50x30 with shed 47x30 and also a gravel house. Situated one mile froschool .1- mile from English church, 1 mile from Moth- odist church, 5 miles from Clinton, 6 mil& from Bayfield. Rural Tele- phone connection. Also part of 1.01 36, 'Telephone Road, containing 50 acres adjoining school and 4 miles from Clinton, on which there are . . no buildings but containing a small In swamp ma Mg it an excellent ras- tare farm. For further particulars apply on the premises; or address - Geo. A. Cooper Clinton, Ont. Phorie 7 on 155. THE DIEFERE`NT CHIMNEY, TOPS in use are all familiar to us. We can make '0111 work too, when they get out of order. Make new ones when the old ones are worn out. ALL KINDS 05' ThiNNING. is in our line., We can fix the roof or the cellar furnace flues. Make a neW ornamental cornice or mend the kitchen tinware. Surely we can do something for you. PLUMBING AND HEATING. THOS H . AWKINS, Phone 53. HEATING AND PLUMBING IN ALL la's BRANCHES. ,atient in the for several veeks past, is /ION so far recover- d. as,to be able to return to her :mac and her many: friends will be leased, to learn that she is improv- ng nicely. ,,, , . - v. 1)r. Stewart of Toronto' was in own on Monday and Tuesday shak- ng hands with a few of his flamer-- sus friends. He had been taking Rev. 'Mr. Larkin's work in Seaforth in Sunday and took the occasion o spend a fetv hours in the old own, Whet° he will alvvays find a, varm welcome. • . ' . an,d 1VIrs. R. A,. Brown, of It'd- aonton, Alberta, 'are spe,nding 'this - , Grey Township Mi ss Jennie Randsin3ipal f , pr.o Gorrie p,ublic school ' f . ti , is lmme ca the ' vacation. Miss Grace Hoaver has o'one to , Quginaw for a visit. - Robert' Dockett, of the ath. line has sold his 100 acre farm to Wesley -, i,0 1 - lard, Ethel, for $3500. - is. ames- ar 1 , t I me, an hI • J C d'ff .'11 r d her sister, Mrs. John Forbes of Win- • , . . , . . ' ..., . iiipes•,9 nave been en,oying a svisit in Stratford and locality. . rhe truStees of S. S, No. 6, .Grey, have enrrand Miss Ida Frain. a -Peak cap pulled -down over his eyes and his mouth full of chewing gum. The boys who are. trained for battle schld of life in theschools anhomes are Handicapped unless they are taught the dollars and cents value -of court- esy, and willingness to work. The pure gold of genuine ability and worth may bury itself inside of the externals of crude and sullen speech, lazy manner and slouchy appearance. but the sohnols and homes:have , failed . , . . . their duty it they have not t,aught • the boy to lot the true worth of his . . ability and character shine in his • speech and action. Finlay a son. , ,1 DICKSON-In Seaforth on June 22nd to NU. and Mrs. Geo. Dickson, a datieht ; - - el' ' ' Deaths i HU.DIE-In Goderich township 011 July 5.th, Mary Snowden, wife of Mn. John Iludie,, aged 55 years. LEW1S-In Crediton, on June 26t1i, Charlotte Jory, wife or Wm. Lew- is, aged 75 years. DAYMAN-In Tackersmith on ..lailie 29th, John Dayman aged 85 years. SCOTT, -1n I-lensall an ,June 3011, Edith M. Scott, aged 24 yeats, 3 Queen, in We of FEED for 00R,N, BR,AN, CAKE, In a line of Give Perfection 160 lb, also keep WHEAT, CI-IICKENS, BUCKWHEAT, I.OW-GRADE SALT few days Poultry us a call and North 50Ib, or 251b lots, _'-m on hand a SMALL BARLEY, FLOUR, etc. etc. ' we will have Foods, ge our and t Star full WHEAT OATS, SHORTS, a puces. '' line OIL - full- vdele visiting ' the termer's parents, Ir. Mis. 'Robert ' •• months and 11 days. - ROWE-InL ' June 30th, Li ve Poultry • and non -fertile . SEWING, MACHINES REPAIRED and repairs kept on hand, also 'ag- enc y for new Machines, -A. Hopp- er, Albert street. -70 ' ' . ' m and Brown of Hill- ett. 'Mrs. Brown has been visit- ng at her home in Halifax, N. S. In. Brown attended the 'convention' . Morris Township. t ' , ' . ' '. • ' . ' : • • ' 400,000 BUSHELS OF BEANS IM- PORTED. The".Traile and Navigation 'returns , xotel, on Mary Rudd, relict 'of the late Charles Rowe in her 95111 year. . SPEIRAN-In Grey. township on now prices -laid at Eggs wanted at the Elevator. ten .8 the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen in Washing- on and while there Mn, Brawn. had he pleasure of shaking henda. "with N _Tim townsalp council viii meet oil tee 28 inst.. The trustees of S. S. N ' - . o. 6, known n erson sc um , have clams,- as the A d 1 ' 1 d Boa, ,. - -, .. .... , c' '7' Muss for the Month ot March, just to hand, enable us to give the fl ures d, , s g g tor the conmlete year ending with ' that month in respect to the trade in . 'July lst, Mary J. McCall, wite George• • • of Semen, aged 46 years atal 10 months. - ' • GUNN The 1 1Jp=to=date I ANGLOIS 4 ' . Firm CO SOMETHING NEW - THE 131- proved Safety Sash Lock. Allows . the window to raise or o ',met to any ,height from an inch up without the aid of a stick or book. Can be attached to any window sash. For particulars apply to --7erank w. Evans, CI11,1t,011. PI 10ne 101 "--76 ' ' WE I-1 A V.E IN S To c K A: CARLOAD OF THE f3EST NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT. PHONE OR- • PERS OR CALL ON ' JOHN HUTTON , 9 Londesboro. ,f)ient Wilson. ,,,....• ---7.:1 . ' 6 . tiice e.,arry oi miusseis as teethe): for the coming term. Miss Ruby Clegg, Who was operated beans. The iinports for the year to , tailed /00,848 bushels -83,963 bushels ' from 80,963 1-IOUSE A,ND LOT ON , ORANGE CLINTON. ' TTLE 'LOCALS. ...- on at Wingliam hospital for apPendici- tis, was sufficiently recovered to be Great Britain ; bushels tram the U. S. ; 43,058 bushels from Japan ; 190 818 bushels train other • ' street lot sale now occupied by AT, • ' j a Easom. Six rooms. -A, --- ' . . N Iv .r. iewar la, n . u w i --_.- Jenlci s n . The Revs, D. K. Grant and .8.;'• J. '..next removed to the home of her grandia-; ther, near.:..Wingliaan,. aad is„ getting , countries, Our exports totalled 3,759 bushels. bushels to the 2. Tyndall. -88 ' • - ____-- _ Ilin will exchange Palpits : anday. morning. Phi Women's Institute intend hold- atom, nicety. • .21,28 went Sand 1,631 bushels to other count- ,., ries. FOR SALE -COTTAGE on RAT- S a s For Sale . ; a picnic at Bayfield on Tharaday • - tenbury street. , Electric light, . , .._ .., et. Those WiSlAng . to go-- \Neu. ,et at 945 at Mrs. James lolyan'ii a. Harry Fitzsimons or ,,IVIrs.. ID-. tnroe's. 1 ' '''• Belgrave.. • . Mr. ...Jae Brandon is ill. at present, e w rc sorry to say. . . ' CANADIAN, PACIFIC GREAT LAKES EXPRESS STEAMSHIP • ; SERVICE. waterworks, etc., -Apply : on premis- es or to T. T. Murphy Clinton. ' ' ' . __75. HARDWOOD INCHES FOR SLABS, LONG. IDEALAnythinu SLIMMER USE. 14 c b .' - -. You Want done in the line of Plumbing, Tinstnithing and Evetroughing, let us ,give you ' a price. Agents kr the Sunshine fur- nace. , BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7, .., II IlyS Or 6' I a Wa ... The ways or 0. watch are ing out, Don't try. If your is 'lazy and wont run, let you. ,Ten to ,one you ed it. -let 'it get dirty or , from lack. Ot oil. Whatever eh. past find- watch us -repair neglect-, it stops is the Frank Wheeler has. let' for his • , ALSO 12 INCH BODY. WO OD. , . , - ;„.., OB14RT HOLMES ESQ.. ., • .. . ,.., ,,. There are . some .good stride's going home in Vancouver. ' 1-' ' ; ' • • - Mrs. Killiatine t s mothei, 3.s spend . „ .., . . „ .. mg a few weeks at the. parsonage. We are sorry to hear that Challe Few- people realize with what ease d •i f ' , the , a t • and spee a ti p ioni e E s to ,, . , . , . ., bort William .and Winnipeg, can be made via the,.Canadian Paoffic Great DWELLING HOUSE AND TI-IREE • lots for bale. -Apply to John May , of Danford & May. -86'. . Stapleton -- , - Saw . Mill, , , and about our Pear sSid friend loll.'' Among them is. a realistic Wheeler of the fourth* line is in Poor health, , Lakes Express .Steanishios. Stop for a moment and consider that you . ecdote at we\ feel . sure will iaie ' niany News,Reco,rd readeri: drig a,pproached . by . 'a • "pillar" of e Methodist . charch, with the us 1 friendly .. greetiags,. "the pillar". marked., "Glad to he back in YOU]: d. town, Brother Holmes ?." , , 1Virs. ' J. W: Slioebottom .and Mr, . and Mrs. gain •Marshall spent the . holiday with friends „in, London. The VVoinan's' 'Institute, or Belgtave tvill hold a picnic on the river- flats • . OIL Q. 13. Wilkenson's farm,. July 19th, -- ' ' can leave Toronto at 12.45 noon on Tuesday or Saturday and atrive 'Winnipeg at 0.10 p.m, Thursday or Monday. Fifty-seven hours from Tpronto to Winnipeg : twelve hours , . ., . s .. las ei than any othet eivice. For those who wish to leave oa otherf HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.- One o e es . oca ions in town f th b t 1 t' ' ' Pr''' and Willie ra corner . Hincess streets. ileuse con a: flo r. mst on. ground , oor, seeon or no finished. Hard and soft water. , . . 't tetc.- i acre land, mu trees, to ' ' ' 4Yes, ' always. gied to. get flack," is the hearty response. ' ' 'Like live here I sup- , ,_ ., . GOderich ••• ' ' , . -...: days in the weelr, and have a little more • . °Wine on the water, the trip . , can be :made leaving roronto at 12 45 For further particulars apply D. S. Clutt. , 7-69. ' • . , . eason, den't delay, ; Delay COStS money and often spoils the watch. GRANO TRUNK RiVsl-TWEAa We. give. thorough examination and regulating anytlfing more .to. again - '' ', ; ' `No, not live' here," replied Bob." '• :`PoSsibly," said "the pilfer" with etion, "you find Clinton.,a little o, dry, alter •i"oronteo accainp,anying O Same 'yvith, " a twinkle in the, pil- _ ,. Ps left 'optic 1 - . . ' . Rah's political friend ' ate ,greatly . ercised over his later: acquisitions,.. ,ii, Bob being out .ef politics' Can lard ,ta smile like .his old. time. end Mr. Davy Beacom, who laughed,- udlY; .When. he heard.. that Bob's n, was conducting a good hpnest, 'The : Woxhan's , Miss:onary so: ciety •ot ,-Victoria - street church mot . at • the :tesidence - at Mrs. 8. Sheakdowa on. Tuesday and:, pre- seated 1Virs. (Dr.). Medd witly,,a, hand,'- some : sily,ei bake ,diano suitalitY- • en.-• .. gravecl,1', and. a Most Ifin,dly.,:eddress, 111eckhaWledgementar her. serificeS as :1thir.-', '.nresidentfori the'' three pest ,Year$,T.;:-'kfa.."....Nielialson ,yeeif :166 b.d- •oess'qmil.'„Igr,.., Blake madetles.Pre; : sentatioa: . .11.11e,••relatialiShip,;;-leii!dyed "eluting Br, ' Mead's pastorate, will lou. ..lie pleaSently remembered by tlie So-, ,, , . neon on 1Viondays, Wed,neada,ys and Thurs.days, . arriving in ...Winnipeg, at 11.40 am. on • Thu,rsdeys, Saturdays and Sundays., Think cif a. ' ateamsbin seriice five days. each _week. across the • Great bakes. "The steamships are built and furnished , ta give ' the very best 'CorlI7 fort that; marili‘ architectare can de- vise 'and. the cuisine is the result of years of studied effort and experience find, is, needles's tO say, the best. ' The Tuesday and, Saturday. boats contain. inside and ',Outside stateroarns , S - i Ox. , • . 110TEL Green 1 ,. Tait' , . ; • • , . GliITS, , . • -at, the- . ' NIIIIIIIINDIE • --.,Bill of Unions, Radishes, Pickled ' . • Soup. , „ . .. - , Fare- English _ ; • ' , Beets. . 1 , Green . Tomato, . _ . ... • . . - •.- MANITOBA FAMILY PASTRY GRAHAM G BREAKFAST FEED .. WESTERN SHORTS . BRAN„ FLOUR 12.70. FLOUR $2.50. FLOUR 12.50. FLOUR $2,.50. FOOD a300. • ' . ' WHEAT 75e per nushel. OATS 45c per bushel• $1.., ... 25 • ;., 11 15 • , • , ', ONLY LINE REACIHNG- ALL. SUMMER RESORTS IN ' HIGHLANDS' OF ONTARIO. . IncludMg Muskoka Lakes,Lat eof BaysGeorg- , . , 'ian BayWan RiverIVI , French River Algonquin Park aganeta.. TimagaM1 ICawartha Lakes. ' , .' Full Summer Service novv in effect , to all of above resorts. Write for folders ,free, costs as little as satikfactory work can . be. . ., done 'for' • ' A• J. 0 RIGG 'JEWELLER' AND OPTICIAN „ . . , . • SSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES. • - full particulaia and illustrated to any ,Grand Tru,n.lr Agent. - HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION. Each Tuesday until Oct:, 28 inclusive. Winnipeg and Return . 135.00 Edinonton a,nd Return $13,00 • ' ' Low rates to 'other points. , etuin limit two months: Pullnian Toefist . . . Sleepers -leave Toronto at 11.85 p. M. OR .1b0Ve dates running throum..1 to Winnipeg via Chicago and , ,Saint. ram without change, Tickets - are ' N :,- 'also on sale via •Sarnia and -1;1 oi thern....Paylgatibil Company. . , gc i v y The Gratin Trurik Pani Ra It a ia ' the shartest ,aiid quickest route betWeeir Winnipeg: ' S'askatoOon" and . . , ,.. •-, ,:- . ---, . Edurienton. ' ', -7.- . ', '• , , • ,.. John ' ' Vatisford and ,, Son, ' -.utitowil • iiteson• 'stainin '1g- 4ge/Ws;: 'A., 0-;.1 a - .. 1 • . ,r , 111011111111111111111.111111111111111NINIMmilimili COLLEGE . 'A T II 0 M E ' ,,,,,PMUMRIERf `I'nllibi°''s•Y"ng r P s ,0 fast preparing in them own lame to oodi!py Itierat!ve positions as *nog - rappels, , ookLeopore, telegrephr,n•s, cavil servants, In fact every spheli. of, BlitlifiesP 0 i' -ties. 'Ylall 004), finial' at ' 001140 if Ayotirveo wish. Positions guar- , anteed. Miler college any day. Unity- , idnal instruction. Expert le achers,,,, Thirty years' experience. Largos(' train- I. ere in Canada, Seven colleges,. Special, ,... , course for teachers, , , , p lloted 'with Cotenlereisl Ednea- toseAsseeistion of, rianada, Stunn)er, - school. at famous, Spathe Business . CLINTON, 'BUSINESS COLLEGE , .1:11310; SPOTSON' '' 13: 10.'WA511 , • ' Presideht. , , • Principal. 103 limper,. ' and, before very tang.. 'ilijipr,..concidon.t_lY',e*pecting , an ,' ,a0.7. 4000, WS family '.41.1 -the shape ',Of sound,' reliable :Liberal -Conservative, , piety. :., `,..'7•7.:.:s '' - .. •-•.7.,.., • - ' ' Victoria •,:t•-',..",sl'it.e4„:,"1„;Ohilrehl.-.-r,,Sa. a large ',gOrt,11teriag,""t01•4tfar,Ir - ' appreeta,- lam !',; Of ''',,,fili: seili,-ices. ',,o,t, Dr.. Medd and Cabins ,ele ,Luxe. ..Lange well vn-• j.,,, bilt0d clin'ng .8ialoen, and rest 'rooms together with spacils ,decks for pro- -napneting. ''All Stiatetaorna, on the • , • Baked White Fish with Egg Sauce . •. Entrees. : ' Roast Spring 1)uolc with Dreg-it:lg.. . FLOUR. WEEAT, .- '' --. ,•• ' - -. , EiXCHAINTOE,D. 5'9.T.t 40 .5'AiIME7tsu.' .' . , .. 0,irolaty t 'Report sayao ttip,t BobBab ea'', seen , wending' his (Ay With 8.- -L. tel the Borden 'Demonstration, family before' their ''llepartivie on , , . .. , ,, , _ ., . ‘, , for ' "their , nelk,' ' field,' .”' 1V1r1:- '' E.' . el let actef . as , c I irman Mohday ' We'd d'arid' '99 • 1 , a. , , nes .ay .,. misc ay baits .are Caliaide :and in. addition are ailor . ooms. . ' - - • „ ' ' Roast' '' • .'R ' ' i Prime Ribs .01 'Beef, Brown Potatoes,' ,ng Iab, oast Goose, Leg of Spi m A. e• arinad --- , ni u"ood feed wheat o -- '- - - , , - -. ' lalld. i . ° 11,•'0,1) incligil4n1tY. denied' the Ensin-. 'Moil. .1: .. Vvhat.'s the .in,atter with ne,.•.11 righb.1-4..,R.: . , , and. Miss McClinton aeeompaimit to .ersical. selections by Misses ..:13elchei. SBA VVarreaer, while'IVIrs, IIntioldrison gave an.. atiginal. Tealaaig, rwaioh,,, was 2:.11 yoti, . are; contemplating, a • trip, cion'k'iet., this slip your memory, Can adien -Pacific , Stesinshipe make the lastest:time,. have the nest aceothmo- . : Vegetables. New Boiled Potatoes, Mashed Old Potatoes,' Bailed Cabbage, Lin). , ' ' I3eans. , - Leayo. flee: -Delivery the . town. your, ,orders . at the Mill of Made to any nett- of ' . ' . ' .. ,. ---,,,.-----.-= 7PORT . ALBERT.. ' ' ''Burrovvii, 'visited 'Blends, . mooyed. Mrs. G., IVI Elliott ' read a 'very., appreciative address ,and Mra•-•1). ,B,pehanail ' On ..13ehalf at,' the :Lad. les', Airl 'presented. MrS. IVIedet dation' 1' end the tabbe is unexcelled .h ull . :particular and reservations ou :strains.: and.: sliiiia,,' at; 'every' Cianadian 'PaCific Tieket 'teams:frailly. , . , • Dessert ' , Rhabarb pie„ • .: ' s' Leman 11.0, • treiviberiy 8hortealre , with Whipped, ' - .Creain, . 'ClIVR.'llg.. A.. TRIAL:, ' Mrs., Geo- teinderiCir 'lest 'week'. , .. •". ; ' ,' ' Mr. • Frank ,'Hatylons , of. Burka Valla..gan. ih.eil l'.9!i'. .TiOid'S ' in,...,the;vtiliago,,, NI with. a beautiful biseuit..jar. , Mi ps% Eteler.Re-:' teeelVed .fiern het . associates- of .,blip:Retek,o Bible' ol.4.ss'afteb.ok'folt.. ,' Office,' 10,, •Patociat 16 King..St 'East 11 - ' lew' Alays-..-tyi'll he in the .new.;big ;building. ',06...,i-tii.','Nlio,sf' . &knell ' , AC ' tine,and- Ice Omani.. , I .. ' .1. 'Tea ' . . , , Ooffee ' , - , Milk', . panadiap. .11apeoly Cheese. .. : ' MoLiiii'difs CheeG°0; ' , ,i. JOHN ' ' ', . , SHOENHALS ,•,;„ ,"' ' ' ':,.: ' ,' ''.° .,:, " J.-, '