HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-07-10, Page 41r ,ALA% News -Record Ih.. 'fieltneSviiie wilip,tia haft been visiting iss T Lyon (3.1, Lendeebege derti'tg the K4et, week,. r - • • IVIatters nre very quiet in our burg , . this week, everyltody having got iloWa "tsi ,sleady, work '.aga.„11 efts]: the bigcelebration on July lst, 'Eel', P U. COurtiee, who With MS wife 'told child visited 'los parents, AV; and Mrs.. A. .1. CourtiCe, ahd. *Ito , was .present for tee Goderleth township Old Boys' Be tillion, re- turned to his hie in Kane, on Iskiday, Varna Mise Erna ite,..asianrttwoeanl,d t yitwieiGk wiii"'sc'ha'sa.t'atrford The annual garden party in con- nection with the Presbyterian ehurch Will be held on Thursday evening of next, week in the old and popular place, McAsh's grove, In addition to refreshments, \\ilia will .be ser- ,ved. front six to eight o'clock, there VIII be quartettes, solos, etc., to- gether with band music. A big time expected. ' Goderich To,wnship Miss Olive Gray of near Cain' on, is visiting relatives and friends in this Part. Her many friends , and ae..; • sueintances are pleased, .10 know that ..she has recovered from her recent severe illness and that she will be able to resume her ditties as nurse in the Goderich hospital in a Couple of raonths.—Dungannon News, • Hallett Township Miss Loretto Flynn of Toronto is •-Spending her vacation at her home. The trustees of No. 5, have re -en - aged Miss MeEwan for the coming • year at an advance in salary. Miss McEwan has proved herself to be a ' successful teaeher and the trustees are to be congratulated up- on securing her sbrvices for another year. Mr. Wm. Morris came up from Tor- onto on the IL Ct. 13. excursion and visited at the old homestead on the 17th con., with his mother, Mrs. Wm. • Warts and his brother, Joseph. The Morris family caiq up from. lroronto 'district fifty-seven years ago end were ' thus among the first set- • lers isa , this townShip. Stratford was then the nearest point on the railway, so their incoming wass, slow and wearisome. There have been great changes at home and abroad since then. Hullett has been con- verted into one or the best townships in the then Huron, Tract and the Mor- ris family have shared MIAs prosper- ity, Mr. W. Morris 'located in Toronto Fourteen years ago but makes period - teal visits to the. old home. „ r, .-Goderich,TOwnship',,, Oh Saturday lan.t: Mrs, Joan gladie :departed, this Tile- alter ,an illness ex= teadingover, sevaeal rnentlik. She. , , . , 'waS' a. native of,Statles, a',titian:ibex, of the ,'well-knoWn, 'Shewden P.Mily 03 'the Sauble Lino, .and. was ,',"a ; Christian womanwhose e4l5f defter' ture is deeply regretted in the ezips- motility ,and Whose .!absence,4froin the home leaves a ' vottf'that *yes ' 'can , be .To. 1V1r..Hialietantl :their three Sena who 'are tlitia 'ea 'bereaved, the "sincere ssinpathy of the wide:circle til; - ends is exteadeds. The, funeral, which 'was Very ;large-- ly attended, took place .du ',Monday afternoon' to Baylield!Ceinetery, the 'services being conducted by, Rev. C.. Langford, incumbent of Middletell'a church, with which Mrs. Ibidie", .was connected.during the. year's'. Of 'her re-' siclence in this township,' . Fidlnelictsea"d Torolito, ' iting-' het, bother,. r ;Miens 'Yotias., at'tlie".ParSoziage hir. Jewel' ' Merida'and ',Mr, -and Mre Millais Of Mt. 'ilienierits,.bliChi, are „the ',guests' of Mr. and 'afirs., a, • : ` Mrs: John blelatod; whe sPent.' the Past "winter, at Toledo, returned to her • , home sin Satesday dompanledby hor family, Mra, Craw- ford, TYlinses.Vernarand Ceeil'IVIeLeed and also her sob, Bey" McLeed, 1%ra H.( Weston is speading a lew. days with her . daughters di Detroit,' , and Mrs„ A. Agnew hs re- turned to ,Detroit' after speeding a few -Weeks at the iatter's Old home• , t A. garden Party Will be 'held On the' parsonage lawn ontile evening of ' the .22nd. inst. .•The' 17th inst, had been arranged 'for, Mit' the date was changed in order that it might ,not conflict, with a simnel: function • to Dike 'place the same evening -at Var- na. , that of Mr. 11„ Weaton of tin Bay - filch!' Read. Mrs. Campbell and son blaster Duncan Campbell returncd home last week atter' spending the- past six months at ' Mafeking where VD's, Camphtell was engaged .in teaching. Mr. ant atrS,' IlarrY ' Turner of Wallceburg are visitiag friends in the village, . Mr. Gordon Cameron of Tcronto Spent a few days the past week un- der the parental roof. ,Dr, Atkinson of Detroit spent the: past week, With his family.. at their," summer residence on! the "!Terrtied. Messrs. William Mustard and John Cameron took in the eschision to Detroit on the 5th. Di:, Metcalf of Detroit joined his family last week at their Summer residence. • Mrs. -Heath of Hatuiltou join:al her -family at their summer cottage "The Cedars". Mrs. Alway and family, Masters ,Loyd and Keith Alway, of Lobo, Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins and family of Woodstock ate occupying cottages in Lakeside Park. • Miss McIntyre of Strathroy is a guest at Mrs. Parsons. Mrs. McMillan and family of Lon- don ate summering in Lorne.Cottage on Chiniquy street. L. Mrs. ' (Rev-)' McAlister and 'fear ily of Exeter hare taken a 'cottage in Deer Lodge park for the summer. Miss Husband of New Harmony, Indiana, is the guest of the Misses Austin on The Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. 'Dan. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stocker of Detroit are guests at Miss Ferguson's. The News -Record to any addresS bo the °tot of 1913 for O. cents, A very pretty house wedding took place at high 110011 Olt Tuesday in Bayfield, at the home of the bride's mother, when Morella Maud Mary (Flossie), daughter of Mrs. Stanbury and the late Dr. Richard Stanbury, became the wife of Mr. Robert Fer- dinald Stela: of Edmonton, Alta. 'The ceremony , took place in the beautifully decorated.drawing room, under an arch ofcedar and mar- guerites, andwas performed by the Rev. J. , Stuayt 13. A., London, uncle of the bride, as- sisted by the Re'. A, McFarlane of Bayfield. The bride looked charming as she entered the room, ou the arm of her brother, Dr. Stanbury ol Toronto, led by the little ribbon hearers, Stuart and Kenn -All Stanbury of Ex- eter. • Her dress was a very dainty one of ivory `Satin with itemise of shadow lace, caught Op by a buckle of la Hants., She was \veering the grootn's gift, a steel:lace of pearls and peridots, and a gold bracelet watch given her by Ilia father of the groom. The bridesmaid, Miss Florence Stuart of Toronto, cousin of the bride, wore a Parisian gown .03 blue silk- viole with band painted panel The wedding march was played by Mrs, (Or.) Stanbury and during the signing of the register Douglas Stan - bury sang "Because" in spleiolid roice. Among the many guests -were ; Dr. R. B. J. Stanbury, Frida, Stanbury, pf Toronto, Miss Stuart, Miss Mebane - Stuart of London, J. 0. Stanbury, and 1VIts. Stanbury of Exeter, Mr, Stelek, Sr., of Edmonton, Mrs, Liv- ingstone, Clinton. A number of telegrams of con- gratulation were received. After a deliglitluib dejeuner the young couple. left by auto amid a shower of con- fetti for an extended trip down the St. Lawrence and thro' the maritime provinces. The bride going away in ratine dress, tan coat With 'Bul- garian trimming anti hat to match. Mr. Ed. Elliott of Napanee, Indiana, but who has of late .been Spending some time in the Porkupine district in Northern Ontario, is now visiting his , brother, Mr. (leo.. H. Elliott ef the Bayfield Road. Sir. and Mrs, John Carson of Thr- oats) are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Elliott, Bayfield Road. l'he following from the. Gazette - Times , of Basle Grove, refers to an early resident of the Bayfield Line, the family living On the faint adjoining that until rece,ntly otte.ltp- ied by Mr. Geo, R, Sheppard : 'Last, Monday morning, almut nine olcloelt.:,,,.. Granklina (Sewan, ‘allite,St eighty-two ' yeasts •oitl,. answered death's summons, and peacefully tressed to the other side, Mary Ann Baskerville \vas born in Ireland, October 1001, 1831, 'Sh5 came to Kingston, Canada, with her parents, at the • age 'of six years. They later tuoved to a farm near Beverly, where she grew -to woman- hood. At the lige of twenty-one, she was married, in the city of Hamilton, to John Cowan, They set- tled on a..farm near Goderich, where their six children were bora, and in 1882 they came • to Eagle. Gro where they have S:lice resided. At the time of her marriage she united with the Presbyterian church, and attended as long as "she was able. She is survived by her six children John of Douglas, Wyoming, Mrs. Jennie Meant of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Warner, Tom, Will, and Ben, of -Eagle Grove. She leaves fifteen grandchildren, atyl fourticen great- grandchildren.. The following is the report of S. S. No. 10,for the snonth of June Sr. 4th,--1.11lian Hutchings, Fred Hanley, Lulu- Elliott, Edna Miller, Alfred McGregor, 3rd --Eddie Hutch- ings, Brown Stewarat John Ellwood, Raymond Whitmore. %ad—Viola' Hutchings, (passed) Fred Ellwood, (passed) Ruby I -lament (passed).. Int; —Carmaa Miller, (passed) Stewart Middleton (passed), Russell IIannent, (Passed) Primer—Mary Stewart, Gordon Hann.ant.—M. J. Keys, reacher. MILLINERY AND Do.ussataxibto MAIM, PaolvE No, 78 READY '50 WEAR' Couch & Co. Sllligkr illinety Special. Clsaring 15 of our newest and best hats at less • than half price. AS the season creeps millinery must go which reasoa accounts for our Saturday price. Your choice ot any trimmed bat in our store , • $2,00. LADIES NEW ALLOV1ER EMBROIDERY DRESSES. We were fortunate to secuie 12 only allover Em- broidery dresses neatly trimmed with buttops made in the very latest style. Ali ithes frora 82 to 38, Regul- $10.00 Saturday price . $6.49 LADIES SPRING AND SIMMER COATS • 1/2„ PRICE. Just 9 • coats left in stock and thes,e must go re- gardless of price madeof whipcord Serge 32, 34, 36, 88 and 40. Your choice of any coat price. OINGHArIS AT lec PER YARD. • We put on sale Satur- day 500 yards of the best washing Gingham in pretty checks and high as 18o; and 20q. Saturday price 1.0. • VVE 'PASSED IlsITO STOCK THIS WEEK •New House Dresses. • New Gingham Dresses New Entbroiclery Dresses • New WItitevvear New Corsets New Hesiery etc, re Nearly All Wright. 11 re.eeieii et:the ,W4g411 fansily :Which ., lived .en the Base -Line. in Hallett over two decadea,' ago', iook place at the' home of Mt. and Mrs. James BeanifTler, on' San. The party consiated or the brothera and sisters of Mr, J'eWell, Sons arid Base /see, with their wives and daughtert of 1V1r. John Wright •of the husbands" and childreiv affair Was ;almost IMPromptui Air. and Mrs, Frank Wildon and sop' Kenneth Were "up from Toronto on the Huron Old Boys Excursion. As the , family had not •been together in years, Mrs, Jewell had hit sin the Sappy idea and' sent a hurried in- vitation to the other members of the A very pleasant time was spent in soeial Chat and in adniirina • the beauties of Benmiller and the aur- a:wading eountr.y. But all good things have to come to an end some time and the time to part came all too quickly. The following members of the fam- ily were present : Mr. and Mrs. Foster Wright, Walkerbutrn 1. Mr, rind Mrs. Joseph Reason, and son Ira,. Shiflett ; Mr, and- Mrs. David Wright and children Olive,, Mary, Normans Mabel and Wesley oi the old home- stead; Mr. and Mrs. John Wright front near Auburn, Mr. and Mts. Jokeph Watkins and two daughters,. Violet and Hazel, Base Line ; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whoa and , son Kenneth •Toronto, betides ths host mid hostess Mr, and Mrs. jas, •Jewell. The lather Mr. John Wright, I3ase Line and the yolingest oi the family Miss Pearl Wright of 14amilton, "being the only absent members. • Dawson -Ball Nuptials: • The home of IVIr. and 1VIrs. George Dawson Sr., Aubura., was the scene of •a quiet but pretty wedding on June 25th, it being the marriage of "their -youngest daughter, Hattie, to Amos Ball, youngest son of Me. John Ball Hullett. The ' cereineny • was performed by the Rev, Mr - Fare of Blyth in the 'Presence of. only. the immediate rela- ol the bride mid groom. The bride , looked 'very pretty her wedding dress of pale, bl,uet s'liz crepe de chane, • triramed with all- • over silk embroidered net. • She was • attended- by Miss ROXIC Pelmet of • tiodeaich, cousin of :the groom, '''„While the s groopa was supperted '4' Mr. "Clia,s. Dawson, nephew of the bride. After' the ceeemoay and' songratula- , , • tiong were 'over and a, dainty -.lunch- ami 'partaken of the happy couple left amid showers of good wishes and confetti, for ,13rodericli where a reeep- tion 'wad held at 'the bride's sister's, the bride wearing 'a brown serge Ault with embroidered cellar and culls and L", White' picture ha'. • ' , Alter a brief hollefineoll in00deriell the happY tousle will settledoWn to the, realities of life on. the .,groorn'a pretty farm on the :Base Liao,:• • - ' St. Helen's Miss Annie Clark of Saskatoon is spending ber vaeatlon with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Peter Clark. Miss Rutherford is home from Ed- monton for the holiday season, 1Vlr. James Joynt of Toronto is spending a few days with his mother here. 1Vliss 0, Webb of Dashwood is home for the vaeatlon time. Miss Edna Taydza: resigned her pos- itioa as teacher in S, S. No. 10 and has returned to her home at Con- stance, Wingham 'rite death tools Place in 'East Wa- , - wanosh on Sittarday last- ot Mary. Elliza.bet11„, wile 'of John' Mefisies, Iter Oist year. • Miss, Menzies' -death odiusrsuslklenly;-Slie was stricken. whim athletes tile e°ws• arid 4ieaa few hours' later. .She had lived.' in!, Wawanosli 'for 40 'yeb,rs. ' One of Hann's' ohlest pioneers passed 'away Wliil'e 'yisiting at ' Wal - ,ton in the person:f Itt., P. ,Cante-. , Sunshine; in his 8515" year. Mr, Cantelon came Blue,vale' over, 80 years ago, where • hea spent the' most p1 his life and was one of the men, who built the hist Methodist church that was erected in Bluevale. In 'religion lie was a Methodist •and id politics a staunah Cosservatfve. He leaVes ',to mourn their' losb his wife dour sons and six daughters. AN IDEAL VAC.ATION. TRIP VIA GREAT LAKES STEAMSHIPS At this seaSon of tfle year when.so many' are planning their vacation trip the question "Where To Go" 'natural- ly arises.—What ,eould be more de- lightful than a ,Oreat Lakes trip, where the air is pure, the SUIU Shines and cool refreshing breezes blow ..Few people realize with what ease and shoed a trip from the Edit_ to Fort William and Winizipeg,•can , be made via the Canadian Pacific Sireat Lakes Express Steamships. You cad leave Toronto 12,45 noon -Tuesday or. ; Saturday ate. arriveWinnipeg • 9,40 tp. m. ThuisilaY or Monday: I seven • hours from Toronto to Winni- peg twelve hours faster than any ;other service. For those who wish Ito leave on different days in the ' week, and have a little t»ore, time on the water, the trip can I e made leaving Toronto 12.45 noon Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, arriving's in Win ra peg 11.40 a. 111. 'Thus ;days, Saturdays and Sundays. Port Albert Miss Maggie Sehoenhals of Clinton is visiting with friends here at pre- sent. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hawkins, Chi- cago, and Mrs. (Dz.) Thos. R. Haw- kins and son, Andrew Cameton of Wisconsin are visiting Me. and bits. Wm. Grey ,itid •triss Terse He a4"itts. Miss Lizzie Richardson and Mrs. Thos. Green visited in Detroit dur- ing the. past week. Miss Lizzie Foster..of SheppeetIon spent the weekLend with her sister, Mrs. Henry Hawkins, Master Albert Smale, Gosiorisib, is spending a few' clays with Master Gordon Pearson. Mrs. Hector Hawkins and daughter returned to their home at Rogers City, Mich. blaster Wallace Ctiningliame is vis- iting his brother at Walkerville. Miss I8velyn Hayden, Goderich, spent Sunday with her parents. Miss Daisy Johnston,' Sheppard ton, visited her cousins, Misses Lisa and Jane Young, for a few days. Miss Ctordon, Sault Ste Marie, 'has been visiting Miss Jessie *McMillan during the past week, Mr. David AR:Connell left for- De- troit. on Thursday. The Departmental Examin- ations. The results 'of the examinations as announced by the Department Of Ed- ucation this week are as follows for Huron Courity ; M. Adams; E. 5, Aiticin, M. T. Alt - kin, J. L. Allap, M. IS. Allan, M. I. Anderson, W. S. Armstrong (II), A,. L. Ballantync, F. L. Barber, Ci Bea- com, R. A. Bradford, G. W. Buch- anan, N. L. Butcher, J. J Campbell, B. V. Carbert„ E. I. Carr, M. Case, 0. B. Coie, lVfauclie Cook, K. S, Cowan, L. 18. Cowan, W. R: E. Cox, H. D. Cumming, R. W. Cunningham, I -I. R. Currie, L. M. Currie, M. G. Currie, Marjorie Davidson, CI. Deadman (I4.), P. F. Doyle, M. Elliott, V. It ,Evans, L. W. Fialcheiner, 'M. C. Galt, 'M. J. Garvey, R. L. Garvey, IC, A. Gibltons, C. M. Cilkinson (H), 13. GoVenlock, H. Griffin, E. S, Hamilton, E. I. Horn 11. I. Hartwell, V. Hearn, S. G. Henry, 13,13-. Hinchley, 3.13. Hoare (13), IL S. Holmes, W. J. Hoover; M. G. Isard, M.' Ivison, 0. Jeffer- son, T. Jordan, E. F. Joyce, L. M. Kaake, L. P. 'Kaalte, T. M. Kerapten, R. C+. Laird, E. M. Little, (1. W. Lott, E. 10. Lowry, W. I -I. Lowry, al. R. Meehan, E. Man- ning (11), J. Middleton!, C. R. Miller (11), P. B. Moffat, E. MI Moss, A. M. Munro, W. J. Munro, A. Mac- Kay, MacKercher (H.), 83. E. Mac:Fherson, A. 14. MaeRitchie, R. E. McArthur' N. E. McCaughey (11), G. McDowell(13), 13. T. bleLa,uchlin, • J. NfeLenna.n, 13, MeMithael, G. I. Mac- !Quarrie, PT. G. Nairn, J. F, Nairn, W. M Nelson, B. El, Oaten, W. 0'13rien, L. ()estricher; M. M. Phelan,, G. A. Plunkett, P. 1. Potter, E. U. Pride ham, N. Radford, R, Rennie, I. H. Robertson', 114. L. Redmond, M. D. Robertson, H. A. Rodaway, P. A. Roe (Hi), B. A. -Ross, M. Ross, M. Shalt - Teton, H. J, S, Smillie, N. L. Smith, L. M, Sperling, L, Stewart, R. M. 'Stoddart, N. Stonehouse, V. A. Stothers; I. H. 'Sweet, F. A. Tay- lor, C. E, Taylor, P.' Taylor, • F. Tholnson 0, M. Tickhorne A. L. Tierney, 0, E. Toll, N. 1'. Truemner, R,. 13, Waltzer, 1. E. Walters, ET WaSmann, J.(I. Webbs M. Welen,i. E. Want1-61k - L, Wilsen, IL Wise, Worl , JO. 1-ottag. The Greatest Variety of Wedding Presents will be found in our store Fancy Goods Dinner and Tea Sets CUt Olass Chinaware Brass Goods You'll find what you.want at the pribs you want to pay. Cooper Co. CLINTON Comfortable Couches We have just unpacked a large ship- ment of couches covered in velours, veronas and Imitatiors 1,eathers. Beautifully carved frames, covered in Velours, Red, Green esd Brtwn, at 8400, WOO, $7.50, $8.50 ead 110,- 00. Couches covered in Verona with quarter cut oak or mahogany finished frames, $9.00 to $16.00 each, Imitation Leather couches with quarter cut oak frames, steel con- struction, soft and comfortable. $10, $141 and $22. • We also carry a select line of Win- dow Shades, Poles, Picture Frames, Room Mouldings, Baby Carriages and Children's Wagons. Drop in anytime. PhoneS h and 8 Free Auto Delivery. • J. H. CHELLEW Estate. FURNITURE and UNDERTA1CING. BLY1`11, — , Ont. E ....,, 1 YEATS. HOME STUDY' EDUCATIOrl. The Arts course vEDicifeE, may be taken by ._SCIENCE ' correspondence ' but studeOfs desk , including : ErtGlif EEI11110 teges:0e render te rids Summer sessiewc " Sesst On For "loridare write G. Y. CHOWN II 2e A 1 Tz ' ,-,Atestan• 9.t. • It Yen ;aro' contemplating o trip, den't let -this slip Your memory, Caaadiaa Pacific Steamships Make the 'fahtealt tine, have the,,beat of ae. conimodation and', the table is un., excelled. particulars and reser:, , vatiOns oft -trains and ships, at ovVey,' Canadian -Pacific Oillpe. TEYING,t0,,, KTliDAyD3tLbONg,, The ' experimental ' work which' has , been -shine ' at the ytovierits dandelions ' by' means, et .e; shray bf Fit 8.6'. .4 (Iron Sulphate), ties 'Met with narked -success. On the exberitriental plots, which were sel- ected' promiscausiy in the worst dan- delion infected .parts Of --the 'earnpun, 90,0,00 dandelions *ere Countedin the. untreated area,' while in the sprayed POI:tiOn only 90 plants Were found. ' spray ksiulsft about 15 percent. of 'the grass, and it is all thinaed . a little, but the tre'etment is consider- ed successful. For the past few years the F. SO: process has been used successfully at one or two ex- perimental stations in the United States, and compan'es have been Formed to promote the sale of iron sulphate for , 'this purpose.—CluelPh Mercury. • HOTEL SUNSET - - Goderiela Ontario, OPEN UNTIL 9EVIE15IDER Pah Unsurpassed location on east shore of Lake Huron. Splendid summer cli- mate. beautiful surroundings, hotel ser- v(ce first-class in every respeet. Convenient by rail or boat to Tor. ontii. Hamilton. Buffalo, Cleveland, De- irOiAgnes steamer City ot I)otrolt II (D, 84 C. Lino) returning leaveS Coder- ieli every Saturday 7 fl. rit, fot Detroit. returning leaves Detroit Monday 9.30 Is. m. arriving at Cadet:Mb 'T. p. m Day trip both ways. This makes a delightful , woolc•end outing, • Folder with rates and other infor- mation sent on applicatio». i'Aildress: , , MANAGNR, HOTEL SUNSET. • Goderich, Ontario. • i......r.....e•n...0%,"....~..."...re.~-1. ,lo•••••••••li alaw.asaweassewisetillo Heintzman &Co Liinited. Real Bargains in Upright Piano's Ten slightly used, Upright Pianos, all in good I condition, at one third to one half the original .. # price on small weekly or monthly payments. 0 is # ,1 0 Write for needed ,particulars. $ # 0- Heintzman & Co. • 193-5-7 Yonge St. - TORONTO • • • • or HEINTZMAN & CO. 38 Ontario St. Stratford ak. liamonss. HEINTZMAN & CO3—Please mail me' today a list of slightly used Upright Pianos adver- tised in The Clinton News -Record, NAME. ADDRESS • • • • .0 .0 • • • WITHOUT A DOUBT YOU'LL FIND THIS OUT. IN ALL YOUR. TRAVELS ROUND ABOUT THE I313E3.1) THAT'S BEST WITH ANY MEAL— IS JUST -THE ONE AND ONLY REAL— MOTHER'S BREAD Better Bread Could Not Be Made —THAT'S WHAT YOU'LL SAY WHEN YOU HAVE TRIED THIS CRISPY, CRUSTY, MOTHER'S BREAD BARTLIFF S PHONE NO. 1 AND HAVE IT DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME EVERY DAY. HOUSE FURNISHINGS, Our stock was never larger or better as- sorted than at the present and a call will convince you when you look over our as- sortment. Special Prices On Rugs. The Store of Quality Phone 28 W. Walker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Residence Phone 140 ational Portland Cemeit • After trying ther kinds YOU always come back to the BEST. The best ce. mentj is the National Portland Cement. It is the Old Stand -By. A Car load just in, S. J.. ANDREW,S. CLINTON.