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I T'S H 0 T,
a I ing
most refresh_. tcools an
tes without harmf ' results.
11rivig°ra d Packet; Only.
Allow the tea to steep for five Jninutes and 'then pour off into
another vessel to cool gradually. Plover mie,artificial means
a cooling until ready to nerve; then Add sugar, Ice and )01tIOn.
Choice Recipes.
German Potato Salad. - Boil
- 'small' potatoes, with their skins oh.
'Cut .one -,quarter pound a bacon
.inth small pieces and fry, brown:
Now skin youPpotatoes, cut into
...dice, and . mix with •the bacon -fat
-and all. Add a little mimed onion
and parsley. Dress, with Freneh
dressing. 'After it has become thor-
oughly chilled and 'marinated, _serve
em a Ind of lettuen leaves: -
Tapioca Cream,'Soup.-Soak two
tableirpoona'of pearl tapioca .tover
, night. Add one quart of white
-stock and cook until transparent,
• then add one cupful of water, one
tablespoon of butter, one onion and
a stalk of celery -cut fine, pepper,
salt and mace. Simmer one hour.
When ready to serve, stir in one
•eupfal of rich cream and add a little
minced parsley.
Ginger Ale Sahul.-Follow the
usual recipe for coffee jelly, "sub-
otituting ginger ale • for the coffee
and adding a little lemon juice.
When •hardened out into cubes.
'Sprinklewith erusheel nuts and
eerve-onelettuee leaves with a may-
onnaise dressing.
CUOMO Tartlets. -Make a plain
-cookie dough, roll it out rather thin
and line muffin tins with the dough.
Bake, and when cold fihl each cup
with stewed rlinbitrb or strawber-
ries and put a spoonful of whipped
• cream on top.
Pea Timbales. -Cook sufficient
• peas to make two cupfuls, When
tender, put through a vegetable
• press. 'Add a little minced onion,
'two. well -beaten eggs, two table-
spoons melted butter and sufficient
pepper, salt and paprika to season.
into buttered timbale molds
and sot them in a pan of hot water
• to beke. Serve with a white sauce
to which his been added some nice-
iy cooked peas. •
Chicken Rolls. -Take the bits of
cold chicken left from Sunday's
dinner,. chop- and season with pa-
prika, salt and minced pickles. Add
the yolk of an egg to mashed po-
tatoes,. working it to a paste,
Sprinkle with flour, making it flat
_ and round. Fut the seasoned meat
on one-half and turn the other half
over like an omelet. Four ever it
some melted butter and fry or bake
a light brown.
Boiled New Onions. -Cut the
roots and tops from young onions,
leaving the onion stalks about six
filches long. Tie in bunches of
• eight and boil carefully until ten-
der. Remove with a strainer and
place each bundle upon a piece of
toast. , Cut away. the strings and
• pour .over the onions a thin white
• sauce. Servo as you would*aapara-
Italian Puffs. -Cream one-half
'ounce of butter, add beaten yolks
of four eggs, a pinch of salt and
onct-half teaspoon sugar. Add al-
ternately, beating well, two cups
flour (sifted) and two cups of milk.
. Feld in the stiffly beaten whites of
fonr eggs. Bake in pop -over cups
for twenty minutes.
• Cream Pie. -Heat one cupful
milk and one cupful sugar in a
double boiler. Acid gradually two
tablespbonfuls .of flour which has
been' moistened with a little. cold
milk, the beaten yolks of two eggs
. and a pinch ef salt. Cook until
3 quite thick, then ,flavor with,ora,nge
• and set aside to cool. Fill a pie
cruetwhich has been previously
baked.. Cover with a meringue
.. made of the whites otethe eggs and
two tablespoons of sugar. Brown
in the oven or with a hot salaman-
'German , Cinn anion ' Cake. -Dis-
solve one calce of yeast*ancl one
tablespoon sugar; then take three
• cups flour, one ewp lukewarm milk,
ea•..,.,one teaspoon salt; add two table -
•To spoons butter, one tablespoonful
• sugar and two eggs. Knead dough
• 'and let rise in a warm place, Then
•eut into pieces one-half inch tide
and place in well greased pan an
• let rise till light. Cut across with
a sharp knife, brush with egg, and
• then spriekle with sugar and cinna-
mon. Bake 20 minutes in a mod-
erately heated oven. '
Nut Padding. --One and one-
quarter cups .sugar, one-half clip
water, one-half cup butter, t\vo
• well beaten eggs, one-4narter tea-
spoon salt three teaspoons baking
• powder, one cupnnts, one three-
quarter etips flour. •Cream the but-
ter and sugar,, add 'the water and
well beaten egg, mix, and add the
, geneand baking powder. • Beat
Ouhnig Shoes'
, :r. ,
,. •
'• age:et:one beam.' o '
,thorou•ghly; stir in the nuts, bake
in a ciripping pan 80 to 35 minutes,
Cut into squares and' serve with
orange sauce msele witlithree-quar-
'this cup of stigar, one,cup butter,
one cup hot water, four tablespeens
orange juice, elite -half tablespoon
lemon. Mike '`te flour and sugar
•thoroughly, sty the ,bot water
and cook until) thickens; remove
from the heat, add the butter -and
fruit juice and -serve hob.
Baking Powder Itisculta.-Two
cups •flour, two teaspoons baking
powder, one teaspoon salt, one cup
milk and water (half each), one
baking 'powder • together twice.
Cream hater and lard together anil
add tothe, dry ingredients uSing
the tips of the fingers. Then add
the liquid, Mixing. with 'a, forketin-
til aesoft dough. Place on
board and -roll out lightly and cut
with glass or biscuit cutter. Bake
in hot oven 16 minutes.
Ever Useful Salt. '
Salt on the fingers when cleaning
fowls, meat or fish will prevent
As a gargle, is good for sore
throat. .
, Salt in the water will dean wil-
low ware and matting.
In the oven under the baking tins
it will prevent their scorching on
the bottom.
Salt • and vinegar will remove
stains from discolored teacups.
Salt and soda are excellent for
bee'etings and spider bites.
Salt put on ink when freshly
spilled on a carpet will help in re-
moving a spot.
Used in sweeping carpets will,
keep out moths.
Hints for the Rome.
10elery is a good,nerve tbnic and
it 'is skid to Ward off rheumatism.
Grass stains can be removed if
rubbed with molasses and -washed
When frying apples or bananas,
try using olive oil; it is much bet-
ter than butter fat.
The health of ,the family depends
to a considerable extent on keep-
ing the cellar dry,
Marvels can be done with the old
portieres, thuch and table eovers,
by dyeing them a new shade.
If the contents of the garbage
can aro drenched with keroseae
daily, it will discourage the flies.
If a few drops of pa,rafflrie are
applied to a cut, it will give in-
stant relief ,and also assiet it to
Don't forget that if you leave
-non-safety matches about, mice may
nibble them and start a fire.
One yard of sheeting will make a.
pair of pillow eases, end will cost
much leas than pillow tubing. .
To beat the white of eggs quickly
a pinch of salt should ebe added.
'Salt cools and causes theca' to froth
A piece bag made of mosquito
netting enables one by a look to
find the particular rool cif goods
desired. .
Spirits of turpentine will remove
most spots frem silk, but care must
be taken to be sure that the dye
is fast.
A long box, stood on end on cast-
ers; fitte,d,with shelves and a screen
door, is a convenience in the 'kit-
eheri or cellar.
It is a good idea to put the fresh-
ly laundered sheets at . •the bot-
tom of the pile in the linen closet.
This makes it possible to give the
sheets equal wear. .
When making an iron -holder
place a couple of folds of brown
paper between 'the two pieces of
material. This will prevent the
heat from penetrating th the hands.
To clean cane -bottomed .chairs
turn chair bottom upwards, andwith
hot water and a sponge wash the
cane; -work svell, so that it is well
soaked; should it be dirty, use
soap; let it dry well in the air, and
it will be as tight and -firm a -A3 new,
provided none of 'the canes ate
• A good whitewash is made as ±01 -
,bows :-Stir six. pounds of whiting
into cold water, avoiding all lunape
Steep three ounces of glue in cold
water for twelve hours, •then heat
it until it is dissolVect, and pour
it into the Whiting, which must be
hot. The wash should be of a con-
sistency to be applied with a white-
wash brush.• ...,,
, you seen palm' s new don'
Rover 1" she asked, as they sat
the riarler."Yes,'•_,', he replied un-'
easily:* "I lave had the pleasore
of meeting the dog." ''Isn't he
splendid 7 la so eaffectionak-"
fidliced he wan Ye.f.Y ciente/10ra-
tive," rethined he.,- as he • m.fived
uneasily in his chair. ','Ha is Very'
playftil, 'too.' I never sear "a, reeve'
playful -animal In all 'my life." ''T
sart so glad to hear you say ,that,"
'Whyl' "Because I was a little
afraid that wherr, he bit that -Piece
oub,of me the otherev.enin,g he was
'sN't14 orlsieY iSa
play Of &nine all right.
talce fun as well a*g"Itrybody."
• Here'S is bit of -wisdom Solonton
forgot to mention : yo4 nabst be in
business with a man, or in l'OVO Wath
Woiniin in order to ItiloW that you
don' I) lain* theln; ' •
Or A Struggle, For a, Heart
• CHAPTHIL IX.-(Cloitt'd);
AS the two'vventeniolde_ dawn the /stens;
he stood mi
at the en doerand looked
after then), Then, when theY had, disap.
peered in the aVenzie, he turned book into
, he hall and Stood gazing round him eh -
anti's,. a strange look on his face. .A.D
the brightness which had now and again
flashed over it disappea,red, and his eyes
end brows 'waxes gloomy. •
Mr Bright stood a. little apart sand
viatehed him with 'the Intentnese of de-
mted affection. s
' "This is at, happy day for I,eacmore,
Lord Gaunt," be began sireSently,
gaunt etarted_slightly, raised his head,
and looked .at. him as' if lib had forgotten
:.':Oh, 1. beg your •pardon' Bright!" he
"Cknate into the library,"
becimaansi Bobby luirried on.
- We shall be late," he said; "and that
will ,gllm took 611 excuee for freezing our
internal ,ceonoiny with cold vland8.Jlj
get al)' rod; and you hurrY on and dig
the governor out ef his den. I say,
whet an, afternoon of surprises! Fancy
that being Lord Gaunt linneelf What a
inslendid fellow he Is! Nota bit like what
pictured him. I don't. wonder at Bright'e
enthindasm. Wbat did you think of Muir
"I -I don't know," fsaid Deehna.
,She• could not •bring, herself, at 'that
moments to tell Bobby, of her previous
Meeting with Lord Gaunt', •
• Bobby sniffed conteniptuouitly.' •
no like W girl. You don't know.
I eiippose You'd think - any amount of
him trite- were a pretty young num with.
curly 'hair and the rest of it, Now, I
'ball 'him ft. splendid speeiMen,, a ,mani
.1)0 You understand'? And eVrfallY kind,
too.Made 'tip. free of Ufa house, by
George! We a .rare piece of luek for' Us,
los deciding to settle down here. It won't
be' my' fault if we don't see a good deal
of him. Here's say rod, now. you out off
as feet as you can pelt, while I pack up;
you know your way."
Decinaa hurried on. The meeting' with
Lord Gaunt and its dramatic incidents
confused and bewildered her. She' could
searcely ask herself if she had ;voted
rightly in being so-so friendly with him.
'Why had she gone so far as to consent
to help him? What would AuntePauline
say if elm knew or HP But she had tried
..cut him, had actually out him, and
then he had 'pleaded his cause so well -
was it so artfully? -and- She put her
hand to her brow, and pushed the soft
brown hair front it with a gesture of
Perplexity and helplessness, and resolved
to think no more of him until she could
do 190 quietly in her own room at bed-
She reached The Woodbinee, .and pushed
open the door of the laboratory. Le -ebe
did so, she was surprised to hear her
father's WACO, HO *as talking rapidly,
and In the excited tones which she had
already learned tO
She thaded her eyea-for the sunlight
poured in after her a.nd dazzled her -and
the Bret thing' she saw was Mr. Theodore
Mershon. He WIII3 seated on the carpen-
ter's bench, his email, 'dapper form bent
rather gretessinelY, hie feet reefing on a
stsml, ono hand nursing his chin, the
other holding a big cigar, the furies of
which filled the roozn and made her choke.
His attitude, and not only hie attitude,
hut the expreselon of his small eyes as
they rented on her father, reminded her,
in the flash of a moment, of one of the
monkeys at the Zoo.
Her father was pacing up and down the
rem, a model, In hie hand, his hair all
ruffled over his head, and he was talking
In the exerted rhapsodical Bushiest In
which he had talked to her on the pre.
views night.
"There lase large, an enormoue fortune
in this idea, for it is a groat -and, above
all, an original idea. Mys dear ein7 I as.
sure you -and I'know what I MU flaYlint
-that there la wealth beyond the dreame
of avarice in this, invention of mine,
Who is Oder
"rather," said Deeinuis es he stared
at her vacantlY, "it is /,--Deciiiial"
Mr. Mershon got oir the bench and re.
moved his hat, which he had Worn tilted
at the back of his' head.
"How do You do, Mimi Deeno?" he said,
and a faint bluthsbtained his face. "I
have talcen the pleainve of calling on Mr,
Deane, and he has been explaining--"
"Yes -yes f" broke in Mr. Deane. "Very
kind of Dir. -Mr. -"-he hesitated for a
moment -"Mr, Curzon." '
"Meralion," auggeated the owner of the
"Pardon, Mershon. A gentleman of
great intelligence, my dear Decima. • I
have been telling him of my new- invens
tion -concentrated electricity,"
"A greet invention, Miss Deane," 'said
Menshon, think very highly of it In
my humble, opinidn, there's money in it
-a lot of raoney."
Mr. Deane wagged his head with proud
"A. gentleman sof • great . experience
and intelligence, my dear Decima."
• "I am glad," said D.ecima,looking from
one to the other with slightly drawn
Mr. Theodore, Merehon'e eyes dwelt on
her face,
"Of couree I haven't heard the whole
of it," he said, "But your father is go-
ing to explain aud bring the drawings
when you come te dine with me ou Tues.
day, Miss Deane."
The troubled look grew more 'distinct
on Decima'a face. ,
wo--are we going, father?" she
"Yes, yes! Why not?" said Mr. Deane,
testily. "Mr. Mershon is much interested
in the idea -are' you not, Mr. Curzon?"
"Very much," said that gentleman; and
his small eyes cloven -red the girl's face.
"AwitillY; VII cut off now, sir. I 'shall
expect you on Messily, Miss Deane."
ire held out ble hand, and it 010810 over
Decima's with a pressure which made
seinething within her rise with .reseut-
She geld nothing, not even "good-bye;"
but, atter. he had gone, stood with down-
cast eyes as her father, pulthing his hand
through 51/8 tangled' hair, and pacing to
and fro, .muttered;
'A very sensible, intelligent young man.
He understands me. And he is rich Da
can help nte-can help all, of us l 'With
his money and mY brains- Eh? vrhol
dia. you ear., Decima? Dinner? Already?'
And, with a reluetent sigh, lie. suffered
Deeinia• to lead hint .out ot the room.
Decimal slept soundly that. night. Why
should the not? for as yet love had nots
<Muse to trouble ner. But she dreamed,
and in her dreams Lord. Gaunt and The -
dors Mershon were inextricably „mixed;
their voices, the one deeps and musical,
the 'other eharp and metallM, clashed to-
gether; and once she startediuneasily, as
if ehe felt Mr. Xershon's thin, eleaalike
'fingers imprisoning 1ies.,
At breakfast Bobby was full. of Lord
Gaunt's sudden appearance and no leae.
eudden decieion to live amongst them,
anti Decline listened almost in siience.
Mr. Deane displayed little or no 'interest,
as he absently eat what woe put before
hitn, and shuffled oft- to bis laboratory.
"trti going down .to the village, Bobby,"
said Decime., "to stake iny Mut essay in
beneekemling.' What shop do I go to?"
scathe grinned• ,
'What anon, you sintple infant? There,
ie. Only one sltop-,1frs 'Topper's. It Hells
everything-excePting .What. Yon went; Mit
Mrs. Topper will offer to get it for you,
saY, in •a 'Month.' There is nothing' she
will mot premise to get you, from a needle
tis -to is neettle-gun, Do 'and 'make her
•atuittatatance.' She'll be glad to' See Yee,
for you'll, be sonlething freele,to, talk
slfinnanyVation'' Tepper, ,call .bluss for.
site's, gots a 1 LPN,. that 'Would 550a Medina's-
?sized• Emotes:We.. Eike stover leaves, olf when
.;the mine begins, and you'll fluct
,hasse te make 41, belt fors b.arwaes edge
toWestal the' door Ind sheet Off' in th&
.naiddle Of one of her sentences, and ahe
follows sue and scouts It down the' street.
.You'll Mrs., Topper. But, I say,
what's; thie about dining With -that fellew
Mershon? The governor. tells me he hag
,acceptedfor Tuealisity,,« -
hq-evi-rire• iliclo'ftlia-,••I'entotently,3ae she
'put on he arat, "we shell have 10 'go,
Bobby, 1 San atrAkt"
'Bobby shrugged his snoulderst
"Ana one can ',get, over, the gevernot.,
!gee tune write tite
; Yett wait still Ile
:deacon 'of the ,Wesleyan Chapel, 15
• PrOntieedaccesent, of
-new, triventiOn. :WW1, off,
lore ' :y(4u a'te, Isini, lintI
tell hint that,' notwithstanding his being,
sueli a bad lot, I rather him,. 'and'
will 'consent to fish his river ,as usual
Ile went Off -with a cigarette in hie lip
and Deeima, haying interviewed the cook'
wont down to the village. ,
It 01:0 n pretty, rambling cluster o
houses, With the one shop Bobby had so
graphically described standing a litt e
way back from the green. Deeima look d
about her with interest, and notieed that
the cottages, though pictoresque, were (1
anything buts 'good repair. Most of 11 e
roofs were of thatch and wanted renew-
ing. The windows were small, and, el e
fatmied, were not made to open. The
slotirs, some of them, ' were below 'the' sur -
fate of the,etreet or lane, and she knew
that the houses must be damp, for the
walls were streaked with green. 'Phe sign
of the ihn-the Gaunt Arma-awung by
one hingeand the inn . itself clamored
Mildly for new shutters , and a coat' of
In a 'words the felt that the plaee had
been neglected, just af3 the Mall had 'been.
Some- children Were playing at the doors
of the. cottagee .and on the gresm, and
Shay stopped end Stared at her, and one
ran into a cottage and'. brought out its
mother to ,stare also: The woman bobbed
a courtesy, ands Decline, went up and
spoke to her kind patted tbehee,d of the
child, who s hid its 'face shYly, in ita
mother's apron. She wamMd to • make
friends with the people among Wa10111 she,
wee, going' to live.
Than she went bito the ''ehop. There
were. WO GUIDO end the smell o5.
all the . "molly" ,:thingg on. this ' earth
seemed to:rise. and -endsrace, her.'5.' atltutasjs. . • • . •
-middle:aged 'woman ciente'
out:06M . the Parlor air Dies d'oorbell' stink,
led:, She had 'a round, ruddy face with
eaucer eyes, and wore a sun -bonnet perch-
ed on the back of -her head. She wiped
her Moe on her apron as she waddled
behind the counter, and stared at,Decime
with a curiosity whicis found, vent in an
eager -
'Ler', now, you're the young' lady what's
eome to The Woodbines, 1115 be -bound,
mise?" rs'
"M M. Deane's daughter; yes," said
"And I'm glint to see you, miss," said
Mrs. Topper, genially. "I should asknown
you in the twinkling of an 050; you're
eo Eke your brother. Al, what a hand -
Genie Tonne gentleman he isl and nice,
too, thdugh he is so full a hie fun. Calls
me 'Mother Topper' as often as not; but,
there! I don't mind that. .And so You've
come to live among us? Well. I hone
you'll like it. There's worseplaces than
Stretton Weld, And W.OTEO people, though
I shouldn't say it, for I wae born and
bred here. And where did you come
front, miss, if I may make so bold?"
"Prom London," said Decime,. "I want
some 'bacon, and eome sugar-"_
"To be sure!" said Mrs. Topper, cheer-
fully. "From London. Ah, I've never
been to London. fitrethon's vrhere I was
born,..and Stretton's good enough for me."
"And some tea," said Decline, suppress-
ing a mile; "and -eh, a great many
things; but here's a lisb I've written out,"
Mts. To,pper took it, but laid it on the
counter without glancing at it
"And so you've come to keep -house, for
Your good father, miesP AIL wonder.
-fully. clever man .he be! A bit in the
clouds, as they saY; Mit- what can you
expect from a. jennyasel Clever people
ain't like ordinary folks. The liat, miss?
Oh, yes, see as the things are sent
up all right."
"Thank you," said Daphnes "And may
I have the bill every week, pieties? I'm
afraid it has not been eent very regular-
ly. Let me haVe an account -book every
Saturday, and I will cee that it ie paid
each IllondaY,"
lire. Topper waled. indulgentl.
"Dor% miss. what's the need?' she re.
marked. "The book will COMO in every
half year or sos and it don't make no
odds whether it's paid."
"But I wants-"
"Don't you bether about that, miss,"
broke in Wire. Teener, pleasantly. "It'd
onslypatrivr.orry Yen, and me too., for that mat.
You see, since my gal got married a
Inc, stentsking up the acconnt every \peek,
left rne, I've done all the Wile myself, and
I ain't much of a hand at figures."
Decima sighed with a kind of comic
"Well, lot us say every fortnight."
"Ah, 'assented Mrs. Topper, but
not very. assuringly. m
do y best,
miss, and no one can do more, can they?"
Decline, was obliged to achnit this, and
Mug. Telmer, Marling over the counter ae
comfortably as she could, ran 'On:
"And I suppose you've heard the lieWS,
miss? 5.11 the place is in a state of ex-
citement thin morning. They was in here
laet night in perfect droves, so as /
couldn't get to move about, and all with
the eaine story. It did sound at first too
good to he true, but Mrs. Murphy -she
keeps the inn, you know. M5.513—ran 111
last thing last night to tell ine asi it was
true, and that she'd bad it from Mr.
Bright himself; and all I can eel is, that
it's the best newel WeVO had in Stratton
Weld far many a year."
"What is the news?"' 'asked Deolma,
thougis she could guess.
"Lor', now didn't / tell you!" said Mrs.
Topper, smiling and tossing the sun -bon-
net a little further on her head. "It's
that his lordship's going to take up his
residence at the Hall. Of course, you
being, a stranger -you won't mind me,
mise? -it don't seem so ituportnnt'to you
550 it does to us as has lived h:ere all
our lives. and gets our living out of the
place; but of course 11 inakee all the dif-
ference to trade, having one of the gen-
try -end the only gentry, excepting your.
selves at The Woodbines, of course, miss
-a-wanderin' about the face of the earth
instead of settling down in his own house
fend among his own people. I. can reaol-
et when'the Hall .was as full as a hive
With visitors, and us astaking pounds and
Denude a week for groceries -that was in
tbe old lord's time -and it has seemed
dreadful like te see 'the big house all
enipty, and not a pound of sugar or a
loaf of bread a-goin' 11515 16 it from year's
end to year's end."
"I think I intuit go now, Mrs, Topper,"
said Deelina.
"Yee, anise; rot adetalitin' of you! But,'
as 3 was saying, all that's eome to.a fin-
ish newt and we're going 50bbnin. fresh.
Mrs; alimphy, she 9E14,6 .,th.at Beight
was a-big:airing for maids -my gel's mar-
ried, worse luck, or she'd be one -and
men-servantss and I hear that Mr. Cob -
het,„ the...builder, is a-g0Plg UP' tt) the Hall
see about repairs and alterations-"
,Decimit. edged ',toward the door elsethonght of 'Bobby, and smiled. . • • '
-"And there's to be three gardeners
took on at 'once. Lor', it is a. change, as
Yo0 may eay.. miss, it?. D. most
tiikee my breath Away; 'but Pm niortal
g ,
lad, not only Inc the 4alee of trade, but
for .10e lordship's own. Ah, miss, you've
no, idea, of the stonies as we've heard
about him! Dreadful, poor gentian/3,u!
Tyhey do sa- as all London Warr wringing
wiltinoan. lint, there! most et
„the 'nobility PUU 1511110. or the,
ther, 'don't they? It's' excus,able, I sup:.
PoSe, and don't eount against- !ern,58 it
does against common ?elks.".
Deeim a, got her hand upon `the 'door, 'and
ktrs, Tonner 'sailed relent the counter
"But thatfe ali oine ,a,n, end' now,
1,nd I'm hoping., snles"--She 'panted 'breath-
eesly-"that 'hit lordship
like an ordinaryChriatiali;. not sth . Say
OU'autry gentleman.. 'nu haven't leen.
U1188, I suppose ? A, flue figure of a
man and ashandsonse-libe all tin, family,
can reConeet hian as a iseY---lIfich a Aim,
atrong young tellowe-l? .1, may .neakc so
held, US ,50 yefl-. him suebs-but. dreffiik wad
AA' recklees, 'Afraid i.sf -nothing, Mines,.
nothing at alLI'va sten hire, with thee°
owtr eyee non siver that ivrill reit his Amoy
its -if -as if ,?t,viere a linehen fender. 'And
ilghtl Why; 'he feught Selma'.
dab'-rnanitifY, bat,
111 Tommy wile like a jelly; 8,15. 1515 lord-
• thetigh he'd' wit iv° black eyes, rode
off Whistling. ,Tuat like ,15 (fawn: It's
In their hlood, 11 you: may say, • an.e
pet latliore well, miss, I hope .. and
tthatt 'There ain't no need to adk after
..ataeter Robert, 'It's;a pleasure ,to ape,hisu
agoing by with. Isle handsome face had
laughing eye's, ahveye calls out to
me if ho sees Ma at tlia dear.'''.1,tother
Tpa2 Isa ealle usa, Bat, Loa:, ,r,den't
mind. And he'S a -going le be it
.Otaper,l miss!. Lor', what a Arlo 'figure.. of
,n, soldiex Make; and Ishone; pu libe
.see him nialsehin', thtetia4.-tkb,..Village
With' a 'bend
5.0 Deetina,, almost 'ae brealilase. ;IS Mrs,
sTeppe'r, opened the ,.deor . 5051 1ls1s, 414.
Tenney ealleit.after • • • •
"You'll give rny beet respeete to the
good gentleman, your father, miss, and
to Mrs, Hobert, and Pli fiend the things."
Becalms went down the etreet-if etreet
-it ceuld tind, almost
ran into the arm of Mr. Bright, .who wee
coming out of one of the cottages,
There, wee' a smile' of satisfaction on his
good-natured countenance, which • deep-
ened aa his 'good-tempered ekes rested on
Ole lovely feee and slim figure in its plain
'(To. ,be oentinued)
• Biggest in.the World.
The, extremes „in age, arid size al-
ways awaken interest. Engla.nd is
well to the fore in this respect, the
largegt dock ill the world, being set
Cardiff, Wales; the greatest bank,
the Bank of England. 'University
College, Oxford, is the most an-
cient college- existing; it waz faurld-
ed in the year 1249. The largest
bronze statue extant, is that of Pe-
ter the Great, which stands in St.
Petersburg, Russia, 1,100 tons com-
prising its weight. Cape Henry,
Virginia, has the distinction of pos-
sessing the large.st lighthouse, and
the mammoth monelith-105 feet -
is to be found in Egypt. Paris, lays
claim to the largest theatre in the
world, the Opera House there cov-
ering three acres of ground. His:-
toriana adjudge the far -away city
of Damascus to be the oldest in the
World. The tallegt, chimney its to be
found in Glasgow, and is 4'74 feet
High ; Waehington possesses
She highest monument, the height
being 555 feet. •
Robert W. Service,
the Yukon poet, who is to marry
a Parisienne.
Scouting for boys started in jan-
uary, 1908, just over five years ago,
with a few boys in the first Troop
organized in the Motherland. What
*5 the result? The Movement has'
been successfully organized and is
doing good work amongst boys in
Germany, Russia, Italy, France,
Spain, United States, China, Swit-
zerland, and in every part of our
Empire', and every' Scout carrying
out the 4th Scout Law, • "A Scout
is a friend to all and a 'brother to
every other Scout, DO matter to
what social class the other be-
longs," in other -words, a boys'
Freemasonry helping and aiding
ene another. The Movement has
proved to have done a good work
by bringing the boys of different
nationalities- together, which is
bound to produce good resnlbsrstid
us our Scouts grow into manhood
we belieye this friendship, will be
maintained. Interchanges of visits
fare .being carried out,not only
-within the Empire, but udth other
nations and with the greatest spirit
of good comradeship.
The Movement ie notaiming to
supplant any exieting organization,
but to, supplement ,and he3p as far
as lay within its power, es an aid
to the Sunday •School whereby the
teacher can get close to his schol-
ars by camping and hikeing to-
gether and getting close to nature.
Public and High School ..principals
have abated they can note a differ-
ence in boys who are Scouts. 'They
want to "play' the genie fair" and
fHirtGYANO 114411E16
OMNI Of101141350
show they are ready to do thei
very best at play and at studies to
uphold the honor 'of the Movement
they are enrelled in,
Even though we have not the.
means 19 offer' training to • our
Scoutmaster% yet the nature of the
training as laid down in "The Can
adian Boy ,Scout' has appealed to
Use boy's senee-of honor so keenly
that splendid results have been
achieved during the 'past three
years, and now we have a. large
number of 'senior lads who 'are will-
ing ,t0. undertake the work of train-
ing the .Younger -lads: There is no
grander 'woidc'erne.a'Yontig mah.than
.to mthrest himeelt in the Boy,Scont
111oVement. ' You. 'join the
ranks? Will you step out and en-
list under the banner with the
motto "Be Prepared." Will you
promise to do yoer best' to carry
out the Scout oath '`To do your
duty to God and the King. To
help other people at all times.,' To
obey the Scout Law." '
Business men are asking for_
Scouts to fill positions and the ex-
perience of thn. past three years
has shown clearly that boys are
benefited and better fitted through
their connection with the Boy Scout
Movement. '
Business men; if you want to help
the boy organize a Troop in your
factory. Ministers, make the Move-
ment a supplement to the work in
your church. School teachers, let
the spirit of the Scout law spread
amongst the members of youe class,
To help the other -fellow.
Let every citizen .understand the
true principles of it Movement that
has now enrolled under its banner
about 2,000,000 boys -world-wide,
within each of the poorest boy and
has proved to the world its useful-
ness in traieing boys through their
Any information will be gladly
forwarded upon application to H.
G. Hammond, Provincial Secre-
tary, Dominion 13ank Chambers,
Sherbourne and Bloor streets, To-
This Man ',naugh- t He Knew the
Ways of Carpenters.
, Bruce Lingo thought he knew car-
penters; anyway, he knew the pre-
liminaries that some of them are
accustomed to observe before they
get finally to work. .i3ut his know-
ledge was not quite go complete lig
he thought it was.
Early one morning Lingo went to
Lem Hicks, who did odd jobs round
"I've got a little iiiece of work
down at the house I event you to
do this morning," he said,
Lein ftnished chewing a bite of
his breakfast that he' hacl brought
to the door with him, and looked
speculatively past Lingo at nothing
in particular. Bit after mature de-
liberation he replied;
"1 reclon I can do it, Me.
"You have a saw, I suppose?"
Lingo asked him,
"Why, yes, of course I have,"
replied the carpenter,
"And a hammer ?"
"Sure." He looked with some
astonishment at Lingo,
'"I suppose you own a square ?"
"Well( I should think so." Lona
was, growing indignant.
"That is all you will need," said
Lingo, "I have the lumber already
Then putting his hand into his
pocket, he took out a hall -dollar, I
and offered it th the carpenter.
"What is that for 7" asked -Hicks.
"That is to pay yeti for bringing
your tools the first trip.. I am in
hurry this morning." .
right," said Hicks, and put
the half-dollarainto his ,pocket, ,
Promptly at eight o'clock Hicks
arrived with his tools. •
•"I eee- it worked," 'remarked
Lingo to his wife, With gatiefaction,
"I knew I 'should have th pay 'him.
for that wasted hour anyway, and
I had rather pay it, and get the
work done. It always takes a car-
penter an hour th come, squint his
eye at a board, rub his hands on 1
his overalls, and then go back and
get his tools." • ,
But a half-hour, even forty-tve
minutes passed and there was no I
sound of hammering. .
Lingo went out to investigate. !
The hammer and saw and square
were just where they had been
dropped; but there was no carpen-
ter in sight.
He was fast getting angry when
Hicks came leisurely across the cor-
ner of ..the lawn from the street,
with a three -cornered paper pack-
age an his hand.
"I had to go clown -town, end get ,
some nails," he explained, without
a smile.
• What Struck Him.
A man going home at a late hour
In the night saw that the occupanta
of a house standing flush with the
street had left a window up, and
he decided to warn them, and per-
haps prevent a burglary. Putting.
his head into the window he called
out-"Halloa 1 good peop—"
That was all he said. A whole pail-
ful of water steuelc him in the face,
e,nel as he staggered back a woman
shrieked out -"Didn't I tell you
what you would get if you wasn't
home by nine o'clock."
New Finds Ita Pleasure le Enjoy Meals
Bettis a case which seemed as bad
atid as hopeless as yours can 'possibly be.
This is the experience of Mr. FT. J. Brown,
kunst SP7
t., Toronto, in 'his O1.1
"Gentlernen-/ have much pleasure in
mentioning to you the benefits received
from your Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets
and can cheerfully recommend them. I
simply had confirmed dyspepsia with all
its wretched symptoms, and tried about
all the advertised cures with no success..
You have in Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia.
Tablets the best curative agent I could
find. It is now such a pleasure to enjoy
meals -with their consequent nouns's-
luerit that I want to mention this for the
benefit of others,"
The fact that a lot of prescriptions or
so-ealled "cures' ' have failed to help you
is no sign that you have got to go on
sufferieg. Try lea -Dm -Co Dyspepsia
Tablets andsee how quickly this sterling
remedy will give you relief and start your
stomach working properly. 3515 doesn't
help you, you get your money back. 50c
a box at your druggist's. Compounded
by the National Drug and Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Uontreal. 141•
/13...,,71441.111ruWer', 11
IThe only building material that has not increased
It maces.coicrete that you can depend upon for 'satisfactory resak whether Yoft use it for a ago
or a gardep walk.
High quality and low price ere made possible by efficient organization and manufacturing
economiesdue to a large end growing demand.
See th:t„re ,,,,v.,,,,,,erYv.4..kb1.7,,,,,gf quneu!70Irr hu3r ,1),e, 73.; stile, " -g
Canada" laheiin YCnil guarantee
of satisfaction. .1.,11:0,1.4",X•+111,...,v,,I,M07.,::
", + . ,ft, . . , , .
Canada t;ement Company Limited, Montreal
• ' *rite/zit aii.' co -AY ilf i'beGook "W/at the Farmer C&I Do with awreit.,, -