HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-07-10, Page 1” No. 4789 -34th Year CLINTON; ONTARIO, THURSDAYI 'JULY lOth, l913 , TUE HOME PAP,ER Good Morning! Keep up-to-date by reading The News -Record 50ewill pay a sul)to end of 1913. Try it. , OUR STORE WILL SOLVE. Many a Wedding Gift Perplexity. - 13/11A1`'S l'FIE MATTER? The town council of 1912 was pro- gressive and accomplished things. Can anybody -pay the same about tile, present council.? • Cala anybody? • - When you 'are purchasing .a present it is a matter of money and Uhat you Ivant, nothing else. jhen this is your store, for what you want is here and at the lowest possible price. A good variety of articles selected from the largest stocks, consisting of Silverware, Cut Glass, liancy China, Clocks and etc, Vhese are new, beautiful and modern in design and of a superior quality. Headquarter.s for. Watches. We make a specialty of handling High Grade Watches. G411 Kinds of Wepairining Done and Guaranteed. ' , , I 11 0 • Y. Yieltigar - /mete> ana Optician - - - Clinton I The Royal Bank OF CANADA. 1 Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 11,500,000 Ream ve and. Undivided Profits 12,500,000 Total Assets, - 175,000,000 325 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Debosits. General Banking business transacted. R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch. ... — . 1 Noints... 'We Mollsolis 'Bank Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1870 HEAD OPPIcE MONTREAL 1 I ' SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate on sums of $1 and upward from date of deposit. Joint accounts allowed. BRANCHES AND AGENTS ALL ov.KR CANADA AND AGENTS ALL OVER TUE 'WORLD. ...., A - GENERAL - BANKING - BUSINESS - TRANSACTED. C. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch.* FIE BEAUTY SPOT. The postoffice square having lac- onic one of the beauty spots of the town. The News -Record, n behalf the citizens, wish- es to assure Mg. Walkinshaw, the worthycaretaker, that his labors ifl bringing this aboit are nanch ap- reciated. He has now in bloom a bed of sweet peas which add to thp fragrance of this beauty spot. MANY HAPPY RETURNS. Born on tile Bayfield Line, Coder, ich township, on July Oth, f851:, Mr. R. J. Cluit passed another milestone on Sunday. The farm on which he first saw the light of day is still owned by his brother, Mr. John Cluff. Citizen Cluff is an Angelicant a Freemason, a Workinan, a member of Malloch Chapter, Master 'of Mur- phy Lodge; Chairman of the License Board of Centre Huron, etc. He is a genial soul and numerous Wends will gladly wish him many happy re- turns of the day. WONDERS OF NEWFOUNDLAND. 111111MIMIFINIMIN.=MINIMMIIIM idedamdminn• READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING AMY .dow ORDERED CLOTHING The 12111 glows Your Wardrobe for the • 12th? Plentg Cool Things? You can't get all the fun that is coming to you this Glorious Day unless gou di,ess in cool raiment. How about one of our handsome two piece suits in homespun? It will cost you only $600, $10,00, or $12.00 to get inside. Soft Summer Shirts in fine new patterns, as cool as cucumbers 75c. to $2.00. ' ST PAUL.'S CI-11111CH. • The rector will preach • at both morning and evening service on Sun day and leaves next week on a vac- ation, A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT. Miss Etta laileBrien, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McBrien of the Base Line, has just been successful in passing with honors the junior or grade three examination in etonnee- tion with the Toronto Conserva- tory of Music aria- is to be congra- tulated upon her progress., ALL SAY _on,. ' ma Parkhill Gazette reports excel- lent satisfaction from the oiling in. that town. So do the authorities and papers . of Aylmer, St. Thomas, Tilsonburg, Ottetville, Tilbury, Wheatley, Windsor, Kincardine and a score of other places. Even little Highgate is going to try oil, The lecture to be given by Adjutant C -c0. Smith in the Salvation Army hall this evening is a vot,y Mimes!, ing one. The .neljatant, 0110 spett over two years on ine island, wilt describe and illustrate with pictures the • wild and grand scenery, catch- ing seals on the ice! fields, the moi- ster icebergs, whaling industry and cod fishing. Also the wreck of the Titanic, showing the natural condi- tions under which the great ship sank. This promises to be a thrilling lect- ure. The lecturer has taken many of the pictures himself and passed through ninny of the unigee emerien- cos described. T1I10 LOCAL MARICET, Wheat 900 to 92c, Oats 35e. Barley 50e to 550. Butter 1.9c to 21c. • ATTENDED LAWN TEA. • Messrs. A, T. Cooper, W. H. Hell - yet,' R. E. Manning and H. S. Chap- man went out to the Methodist lawn social at Lorelesboro on Tues- day evening and report a most en- joyable time. Mr. Harry Twitchell took them out in his car and -after- wards return -ad and took another load, who no doubt also had a geed time. ONT. ST. CHURCH. Through July and August the Sun- day schools scholars will meet in con- nection with tile morning congrega- tion. A card will be used to keep a record of attendance. A choir composed of young people from the Sunday school will furnish music at the morning service for the next few weeks. The pastor, 'Rev. Mr. Allin,, will preach at both services on Sunday, the Lobb Male Qitiartette to sing, at the evening service. ' AN OLD CITIZEN. ,Mr. 'rhos. Jaekson, Sr., one of Clinton's oldest en.ens, on Monday last cerebrated his eighty-first birth- day. Me, Jackson has been a resi- dent of Clinton since 185,1 • and es- tablished a business here almost im- mediately which he carried on for 'many years. During the early days he was pretninentlyi connected with the pubile life of the town, 1/aving served in the council and in varipus ways contributed to the upbuilning of the municipality with which he cast in his lot so early in its history. He is probably the tallest citizen who was thus so intimately bound up with the early fortunes of the hub of Huron. Mr. Jackson is the oldest of three brothers, elf ;residents of Clinton for many i years and, who have all contri- buted much to its Prosperity. The News -Record joins with 'Mt, Jack- son's many friends in wishing him many happy returns of the day. PLAYED IN A POUR. The lacrosse match Wingham vs. Clinton, Whielt took place on, Friday evenin5 last, was played during , a rain storm from start th fnsish. For the first half the field was only slip- pery but towards the end it became slithery and on the "skinned" dia- mond it was almost impossible to navigate at all. The condition of the field coupled with the fact, that it was a • hatd- fought game throughout made it a very severe test of temper and endurance and it was much to the credit of the play- ers thal the game was a gentleman- ly .one. ' The icore stood 8-8 in fav- or of Clinton. • Silk tub Ties newest effects, the3,'re srnart at 25c. I Cool underwear that sifts out the, coolness from - the breeze, -all style.s 50c, to P.50. • Straw and Panama Hats to be sure, 50c. to $650 All the swell shap,es. May we fit you: • HE MORRISN CLOTHING CO. CLINTON, ONTARIO Motto: "A Square Deal or Every Man." , , The referee was Mr. Frant Doyle, Toronto, secretary of the 0. L. A., the scene was a busy and interest - who appeared to have an all -seeing ing one, "Regular 'H. 0'. B. wean - eye and gave entire satisfaction. Eggs 20e to 21e, Live I -logs $8..85, GO AND SEE THE GAME, The -Zurieli and Clinton baseball teams will meet on the local dia- About People Irou 1(novv. Miss Annie McIntyre came up from Miss Marion Gibbirigs is visiting in, , Tomato on the 11, 0. 13. excursion. Seaforth. -• Mrs. E. Joints is visiting her sister, Mrs. Eldred, Archibald' of Montteal Mrs. • James McQueen; of Bruce- ! - visited in town over the week-endi. field. Miss Edith Flodgins of Toronto. waa, Mr.Ohas, Hale of London has been a visitor in Clinton, over the week- • spending his vacation at hip home end. . ••,•, , • ' in Hullett. ' Miss Myrtle Lawson of 'Constance is Me. and Mrs, Wm, Scott and Miss • the guest of her aunt, Mrs, • Al, beet Seeley. - '......... Miss Margaret Mahaily spent the - • week-bnd the guest of Miss Cald- well of Londesboro. - Miss Petrie of Toronto was the guest of the Misses Matheson from Sat- urday until Monday.. Mr, CirummRt of Pickering visited. over Sunday with Manager and Mrs. Mutch or the House of Refuge. ' Mrs. I -I, J. Marquis of Pickering' was a guest over the weed -end at tile home of her sister, Mrs. J. E. Cantelon. Ms, Edmeston came up frona. Toron- to on Saturday, and will epend „ some time visiting friends in town and vicinity. Misses Amy Howson and Jennie Ro- bertson were guests ever Sunday of Mrs. D. IC: Grant at her sum- mer cottage, Bayfield. • Dr. Gibson, of Sault Ste. Maxie, who was accompanied by his son Allan, 'Visited last week at his mother's, Mrs. McLennan's. Mr. Bert Skoman, whohas been teaching in the North' Country since the New Year is now holi- , (laying at his home in town, Miss Straughan of New York, for- merly of town, is spending a vae- ation with friends in Clinton and in the home town of Goderich. Mrs. Harry Rutledge and Miss Maude of New Liskeard are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. David Steep-, and other friends in town and vie- - inity. Miss Myrtle Wright came up from Toronto on Saturday and was the guest or Miss Amy Howson, leav- ing later for I-Iensall to visit fri- ends. Rev. 0. 113, Jeakins leaves next week for Montreal, where Mrs. Jeakins and Master Reginald have already gone and where they will spend a few weeks vacation. Mrs. Gray, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Grahain for some time, is now visiting Bruce - field friends before returning to Lan home in Hamilton. Mr.. John Cuninghame has been able to come up town this week for the first time in a couple of months, having been laid oft with a pro- longed attack 'of sciatica. - MisS 1'. Crooks returned from Bar- rie, where she spent the past mil- ineey season, last week and is a guest at the home of her brother, Mr. Geo, Crooks of the Base Line. Mr. Roy East of the Royal Bank staff, Winnipeg, has been home dur- ing the past week, having been call- ed holue on accotirit of the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. Thos. East. Mr. Will Kemp of Stratford, former- tv of Clinton. and brother of Mr. S. Kemp-, who has been DI Tor several moreths is not improving, the many mond on Friday evening of this Scott of Toronto were visitors in week. As baseball is the pet game town over the week -end. in the meteopcilis 'of Hay and a win Mrs. Linder and little son or Toronto over Clinton would please them im- came up Saturday to visit Oa SOMETHING BETTER. - Mr. A. Hooper has the past season been using a ,reoter cyclic by which he effected much saving of Wee, shoe leather and railway fare. But lm wanted somethIng better, something that would enable him to take his pod wife along, if she so desir- ed, hence he threw down the cycle and took up the auto, and, as noth- ing but what is strictly up-to-date would satisfy- him, its a 1913 model he's now driving. In the matter of auto ownership Clinton was a little. slow at the start but is now doing very well. A LITTLE REMINDER. People You Know. menselY the visitors will play as they never did before, Go'over and see them. A STJOCESSFUL PICNIC. , Ontario street S. S. held their •ailL nual picnic at ,Goilerich on Tuesday, taking advantage of the excursion run from Mitchell_to the county -seat on that day. There was a good at- tendaime, especially ef the senior members of the school and of the patents, and the day spent in games and feasting,' in boating, bathing and paddling at that point lady's mother, Mrs, Holmes, Mrs. Carling and grandson, Master Jack Barber, came up for over the week -end to visit old friends. lVfras, Henderson of Toronto is spend- ing a vacation in town the guest of her mother, .Mrs. James She_pherd.. Mrs. ;Duncan Stevenson and Miss Jen - ie of Toronto were in town civet Sunday calling on their many old friends. Mrs. Boyer and little son and Mrs.' J. Ross of Toronto visited their parents, Mr. and lefts. H. Cook over the week -end, of the blue, -beautiful Huron was Mr: George W. Pearson of Detroit, much enjoyed. WON, THE TROPHY. Mr. C. 113. Dotirding's rink won the trophy at the Goderich bowling tournament yesterday. The rink was made up of the following well known prayers : John Watt,Rev. C. 10. Jeakins, E. G. Courtice, C. E. Dowding skip, Rinks were compet- ing from: Kincardine, Lucknow, Sea- Dorth, Exeter and Goderich and the Clinton men are to be congratulat- ed upon their success. Mn. J. W. Stevenson skipped a rink on Tuesday but he did not return for the finals. WORLD'S S. S. DAY. Sunday next has been set apart as "World's Sunday School Day," on which a special or- der of service will be used in the school sessions. The pro- returne,d home last week to spend his vacation under the pmenta roof, that of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pearson-. Supertatendant Chant returned on Tuesday front a short visit with his son, Mr. Fred Chant, who is on the staff of a big electric company at Pittsfield, Mass, • Miss 'I', Crooks returned from Barrie where she spent the past millinery • season, last week and is a guest at the home of her brother, Mr. Geo. Ctooks of the Base Line. Miss Margaret Torrance, who has been in Port Arthur for scene time, leaves shortly on a two month's trip through western Canada. She will spend a few of the hottest weeks at Banff. Mr. Thos. Sheppard left on Mon.day for an. extended visit vidth his daughter, Mrs. Osborne of Merlin, Kent County. Mrs, ,j. P. Shep- gram issued by the internationa pard accompanied him and will Le committee to be used on this oc- main for a fortnight. casion has been printed in over one hundred languages and pastors are, Mrs' Kearns lett on Friday for Sault Ste. Marie where she will be the requested to preach special sermons guest of old friends for several weeks, She went up by the water route. sailing from Sarnia by the big steamship Hamonte, and the work generally will be spec- Mrs. Doupe and daughter, Miss Ly - 011 subjects for prayer at services of netta, of Toronto and Mrs. 0, L. all denominations on every continent McIntyre and daughter-, Miss Vera, and in many of the islands of the of 'Hamiltod visited their father, emphazising the value 01 S. S. work, The World's S. S. Convention now in session in Zurich, Switzerland, sea. Miss Hattie Trick, who has been "We six" and a number of their friends spent a very pleasant few teaching at Cedar Grove, is spend- ing the vacation at her home on hours at the home of Miss May Rance on Thursday evenIng last, the diaject the 181,11. Miss Hattie Courtiee left yesterday being to say farewell prior to her for a visit , of several weeks in departure 'on an extended trip to the Toronto, Port Hope and points in Canadian west. Miss Ranee intends the State of Pennsylvania. spending some time in the Rockies Messrs. J. S. and H. F. Andrews re - and will also visit se.veral of the turned Saturday evening from Cos - western cities and will probably he hocton, Ohio, where they attended Absent some months.' The young. peo- the funeral of their eldest brother, ple presented Miss Rance with a Mr. ,Jantes Andrews, handsome wrist wateh as a little Mr. A. MeKown, and other friends In town during the past week, Mr. and Mts. E. J. Jenkins came up on the Old Boys' excursion on,Sat- urday and are visiting the former's father, Mr, Thos. Jenkins of Wood- lands -Farm, Huron Road, and oth- er friends in town and township. Misses E. Chidley and Winnie O'Neil' lett on Tuesday cn a six weeks' trip to the west. They will go as far as EgItnonton stopping at var- ious points on the way back. They went by boat from Port McNichol. Mr. and Mrs. Homer COoper left for their home in Helena, Montana, on Thursday atter spending several weeks with friends in Clinton, and reminder of her Clinton friends and Miss Olive Rrooks returaed to her Collingwood. They intended spend- friends about town will be sorry home in Mitchell yesterday after las a few days in Chicago on the to learn, of the pleasant times spent together, spend'ng a fortnight or go with way back. Mrs. Arch. IdeGillivary of Vancouver Wm. Cantelon of. town, and with Mr' and Mrs' Miss Sadie -leaves on Tees- B. C., has been the guest oi Mrs. THE II. 0. B. EXCURSION. her grandparents, Goderich friends. 1Virs, Campbell and SOn Kenneth, Mrs, Parklow and Mrs. Ball and son Arthur , and little daughter Edith all' of Toronto spent the week -end the guests of Mr. and Mrs: Geo. Farquhar of the' gravel Road. On their re -turn to the city on, Idon.- day they were accompanied by Miss Pearl Farquhar who , will visit there for a fortnight while Mr. Ar- thur Ball remains on the farm for a visit. The Huron Old Boys' excurston • A. Seefey. Mrs. McGillivray was front Toronto, which has grown to in a railway wreck on her way be a most popular one owing to the cast but while others tem. very ser- fiet that the gond old county is so jously injured she escaped. numerously. represented in the Queen Mr. and Mrs. John Guinne and their City, was well patronized on Sat- daughter, Eula, Detroit, arrived urday and as usual Clinton got a • last Week to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. ' good share of the visitors, The long - C. 13rown, Mo. Guinne has sinee • returned home, but his wife anti about anid-day and when it began to daughter remain a week or so long. .. train pulled into the station 'here . 00. empty itself and friend met friend Mts. Mitchell of Weyburn, Sask., for- merly Miss Mag,gie McMurray of town, ace—mmanied by lier son Jack, visited Mrs, 11I, D. Meraggart and other friends in Clinton last week and is now camping at Bayneld foe the summer. Mr. D. S. Cluff, general manager of the Piano Company, is this week attending the Winnipeg Fair where the C'ompany has a lai-g exhibit. The Clinton pianos are popular in the west so a superfine display at ,the leader in prairie fairs tlaere had to be, of course. Miss Pearl Glazier, daughter of Mr. • and, Mrs. Harry Glazier. of town, who went to Toronto a few weeks . ago . to take a position, has been in the isolation hospital in that city during the past week suffering day for the west to testi, het sts- ter, Mrs. (Dr,) 1-Iodsson of Bridge - ford, Sask., whose husband died sud- denly a couple of weeks ago. Miss Mahaffy will probably remain a gouple of months. Mr. and Mts. E. J. Jenkins came up " on the Old • Boys excursion on Sat- urday and are spending a few weeks at the home of the former's father, Mr, Thos. Jenkins of Woodland's • farm, Hurtin Road, arid with other friends in town and township. Mr. Edwin Brooks came up front Toeonto on Saturday and after spending Sunday the guest of his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Win. Cantelon, left Monday morreng for a couple of days auto trip through the county with Mr. J. 10, Cante- Mr. an(' Mrs, E. Floody and Miss Olive came up from Toronto with the Old Boys on Saturday. Mr. Floody took the auto trip through the county. Mrs. Floody amtinned to Toronto but Miss Floody is re- maining in Clinton with friends for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Turwar returned from their honeymoon trip to Muskoka on Monday and have been spending a few days at the from diphtheria. At last reports Jamie of the latter's parents, .that she was ptogtessirag nicely and it • of Rev. S. T. and Mrs. Allin, is hoped she \vitt. soon be quite re- • prior to leaving for their ' new • covered again. home in Regina. Mrs. Wm, Cooper and Miss Olive, who have been spending the win- ter in Ontario, Cal., the latter teaching, returned an Tuesday and are occupying their own residence in town for the summer. They both Sr: Major B Combe enjoyed their sojourn in the town which is the namesake of our own Major 1-1. 13. Compe, who was in province the more so perhaps be- cause so many Clinton people re- com nand of the I-Iuron Regimen,t at the recent Camp in London, will he - and .spent the day very pleas- Rev. .1. Greene returned on. • Huron Old .Boys from Toronto Sat- side thete. come Colonel' in September. • lia,jor °mac joirrid the Regiment when a in knickers and has for santly among ,old friends -in Clinton- Thursday freM Tara, where he -1).7)Y For none Of the -014 Nuts wind come participated the previons Sun - twenty -four years been an officer. In militia afiai„, 11 general;' those pm, back is a warmer welcoitie extend- (lay ' in special services in , the ti6ep•iay pgtteirco, Isitaord• leidastherraptolawtectieaertarecs, emegenrt,s. 1,oirenee churcli of which he had been pastor ha has :lowatylt: hl-sIeuaro a Omit forty years ago. MF. and "rim, his wriad the Reihmat ttarcg Months' trip to EngIand and Greene has as ranch energy as plea - Wales' and vrill sale front Montreal ty 'of men half his age. -At , the, ie expected to become still more The ,local line-up was as follows : Goal, W. Jolinson. Point, R. Rumnall. Cover Point, W. S. R. Holmes. Defence, E. Coo's, T.• Haw- er," was a common remark as hospi- table citizens piloted their pests to bus or carriage and hurried them home out of "the intense heat to lunth and rest. A couple of autos met the train to convey those who kis, R. Mackeresie. were taking in • the auto trap Centre,- B. Orfort. through the 'county, which has • been Monde, 0. Fink, G. Macken- a feature of' the excursion for the zie, B. Johnson, W, Whitely„ past few seasons. They went south, P, Cook. airing 'dinner at Exeter and pro- eeeding. from there on a tour which I BLACK KNIGHTS AT CHURCH. took in most of the county, taking Ideal weather ler such a service the train at Sea!orth on Monday. iare„d the, members of, phy This year's II. 0. B. excursion waS, Lodge, Jubilee Preceptory and visit- as usual, a good success. ing brethren on '1311109 eveu,ag 1-r.14, WESLEY CHURCH. when they attended divine actvice 11 St. Paul's church. lhece v as a Large congregations listened to the , good turnout, about one ;intuited pew pastor, Rev. Dr, Rutledge, who marching in the proaession • itona preached morning and evening on Sta- tile lodge rcaom to the church, • and day. Dr. Rutledge, does not appear the edifice • was filled th capacity. as a stranger :in Clinton, he having Amongst the visiting Black Knights preached special sermons in Wesley were : John Scarlett, W. Kenny, church on previons occasions, and a John Bullard and P. CaMpbell, Mc- successfill pastorate is bespoken for Killop ; R. McMurray, 13ayfield • and him. E. Mole and G. E. Southeote, Sea- Beginning with SundaY next the at - forth. There were also brethren ternoon session of the Sunday school present from the surrounding lodges will be withdrawn tor the months of of IIensall, Sutamerhill and Bayfield. July and August. The primary and The service ,was interesting theough- intermediate classes mectin,g in the out and the sermon preached by the clas,s rooms at the hour of the lector was an excellent ono. • The morning service and the adult crasses choir also tendered bright and apprO- Meeting with the congregation.' priate music, Mrs. E. Archibald of Thla plan, which has been carried out Montreal assistine and rendering a, Successfully for the past two aeasolis solo during tlie service. At the cora- has beacome popular with all.members elusion of the service the brethren of tne congregation and does away' marched. to the lodge rooms 'where with the third service clueng., the short addresseS were given lay lasses heated term. J,ohn Searle , G. E. Southicote, G. a Hanley and people at the League Go 151000415 sv- D. Caliteloh, and Warty votes of thin,. inaking a very ,11tvotaible thanks were paSded ,to 'the reeter, pression Miss 13essie'-Davis oectip-, • , elmir and wardens of St. Paul's cluarch fog their efforts to make the tt W Kenny E. Mole, The new pastor a.ddressed the,young Will Become Colonel in September. • Vat' Mr. D. S. Kemp, of the teaching staff • of the Ottawa Public Schools, • Spent the week -end with his w1fe and family who Are spending the sunimer in town. Mr. Kemp is travelling in Perish county for the summer and will probably be a fre- quent visitor in town. Mr Wm Jones canis up with Iles • 1)5001104 1111 it matters paintary, ehnis -,tfilatestl9vtilsi itstot. L3ixs njative laud in woarisdonlippoeienfatefeorepnacestshreldai intheJui3naeaese_he son• thirty -live Years so he is Unite field Methotlist congregatiOn end on led the Otair k.T.1' ASS Ada Stewagt ,More Local INIPIAT P • -age 5. ptepared for a great many plianges". $1.111dap• last assUmed Charge. , gaVe a reading. The LeAgne has been 1 . . eta s hopa e may enjoy, e e y Iv I condac Sett lee iele every occaSiPil interesting anti 1101Plul.. *thd t tit etsonais rages and zo. day 'el hie trip - Sunday afteino