HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-07-03, Page 7t'e
ives Dirt a
Hard Time
1\11.11ENEWS:7-RfCOlfO'S CLOB-
eleleasive NewssReeord aTrul Mail andPismire. 51.50
4ers-Stecord anti Globe 150
St r?e°111and eV MI
" ss s.Ree'jrith Premien,' . 'Herald and
acme] and Free 1:771
News -Record and Advertiser 1.75
Newalteeord and Toronto Saturday
news,rweeo,n,rg. and
and larrmer:' Adavocate 225
Nows4teeord and atnalian Parte 1.75
in d D try... 1.1'5
Nevis -Record aild Youth's Companion 0.25
'News-Reeord and Canadian Co
. .•
.... 1.25
News-Itecolet and *The Grower
s and Parmer . . 1.50
2tewel1:fee-0r1 and •The Canadian
Newk-Record end Men
and EmPl'e4
lewliTreord and Globe :.. 41!
• ilsTeezta,coariel. nand World.............3.20
Reewalleeoril a`rlicd1 r&°firgli Fre jreea 2.75
waltecor an 3 Adyer t Der' ..... 3.00
: News -Record and Poultry Review .... 125
News-llecord and Lippincott's Maga.
NTterord anel Canada 3l2onth5,
If ybat yeti want is not in this list let
us,kriew aboutsit We can supply Yon at
Ices than it weuld cost, you to send direct.
In remitting please do so b7 Post -office
, 'Postal Note, Express Order or -Reg.
!stored letter anti address,
Puolislier eslerAfBeneemora
icholien 86 Ontario
From .
Montreal, Quebec,- and the
Mountain Enclosed .
Saguenay River. .
"Niagara to the
Inland Lines Limited
The Popular Tourist Route.
Low Rates for Water Trips between
Westbound Dastbound
Hantiltou • Thousand islands
...Detroit lltedtreal
Cleveland , Quebec
Steameas leave Toronto for Detroit
- on Feidays at 9.00 p.m. Steam-
ers leave Hanaal-ton on Weelne,s-
• . days, Friday e and Saturdays, and
, leave Toronto same day at 5.00
p.m. for Montreal. Steamer
leavee Toronto for
Montreal, via the beautiful Bay of
•„Quinte, on Monclaye ..ae- 10.00 p.m.
. For information' apply to your own
Ticket Agent or .
Gen, .N.gb. R. & O. Lines, Toronto.
, • Pass. Tref.' Mgr., Montreal; P.Q.
,Campbell'sVarnish Stain
The best and most durable finish for
• .• Thereisnothing like it. 13color$
Made by CappenteadoPten Co., Bottom',
"Noon obis Coupon to *olds 130.. mod le•
mimetic of 'he Campbell Broom Holdershee
Every Woman
Is interested and should knew
about the wonderful
Marvel Whirling Spray
". Douche
Ask 'Your dregglat for”
IL If be cannot steeply
' the MARVEL, aecept no
rgeorabut end etarno, far Itine,
. particulars and directiontilaveltunde
,00 ladies,VVINnsORSuPpleY go.,Windson old
" .OeneratAssents for"Canada
, MOT0,114.4.11NO UPSET.'
One Mai Was Seved.Out of a party
deeParbch fpom :Edmonton; :Ale:,
ee. beetteee-Sivetre;e. *den 0 HeoPeee.
'Marelealle'Weleee Coen-.
'epanYe. arid wife; Earl 'Meredttle,
":,-..e/d.'"*....xSuperirttencleirb. at. Mareliall.:-WeIle
0°3't.P643X, bend wthei deeel.Urie, Cade,
eganager PaseS. :of the west'
024 ispach of the Ihipetial Bank,
and ameehaniman,ewere all drown,.
teron' Thurecley nighwhen amotor-
eee• launch upset he the nver, Genie
, smell rwae saved,
••- • •, `0".
Fripes ot Cattle, Grain, mese' tine D11101
Produce at Home and Abroad. ,
• Toronto, July ,2.-4tanitoba wheat -Lake
-Porte, No. 1 northern 91.52 3-4; No. 2,
51,00 1-4; No. 3, 97e; feett wheat, 65e.
_ ()MarioouWIteat--No. 5; 97e to 98e for oar
Iota teide, ranging down to 75e for poor
Ontario Oa -0.o --No. 2 white, go to 36e, at
country volute; 37e to, 385 on Meech, To.
Manitoba Oats --No, 2 C. W. • oats, 39e
to, 49e, tritek, bay porta; No. 3 0. W., 370
to 38e; No. 1 feed, 37e to 480.
Corn—Arneriean, No. 2 yellow, 623•4o;
,No. 3 yellow, 61 3-4e, track, bay ports.Rye-No, 2, 60o to 670, nominal.
3'eae-No.-2, 950 to 930 car Iota, outside.
Buckwheat -No. 2, 523 to 53e,
Barley -Good malting barleis, outside,
52e to 53e.
Belled Oslo -Pc; bag of 90 pounds, 52.15;
Der barrel, 54,55, synolesale, W.indeor to
Milljeed--Manitoba bran, $18.00 to 919.02,
in begs, track, Toronto; .shorte, 520.00;
Ontario brae, 518,00 to 519.00, in bags;
shorts. $20.00; middlings, 52105 to $23.00.
Manitoba Plosur-Pirst patents, 95.05 in
Jute bag 0; strong bakers', 94.80 ill suto
bags. In cetton bag e ten cente more ptr
Ontario Plour-Vitnter wheat flour, 90
Per cent. Detente, is quoted at 54.10 to
$4.15. eeaboard, bulk.
Country Produce. ,
Eggs-Now-htid, in case lots,- 210 to 22c.
Cheeee-Twins, new, 14e to."1.4 1-2o, ami
large, tow, at 531.3,, to, 140; old cheese,
twins, 15e to 15 1-2c; large, 15.
Butter -Creamery prints, 26e, to 28c; do
solids, 230 to 270; dairy prinks, 20d to 24et
interior (bakere'), 113c to 19,e.
lIoneY-Buekwheat, 9c a Pound in tine,
and 8e in barrels; eltrained clover horMY.
121-70 a poend in 630;ound tins; 12 3-4o in
10.siound tins; 13e in 5 -pound time eomb
baney. No. 1, $2,60 per dozeu; extra, $3
per dozen; No. 2, 92.40 por dozen.
)3eans-Primes bushel, $1.75 to $2; hand-
picked, 92.35 to '52.40.
Poultry-Preeh-killed yearlings, 170 to
21c per pound; fowl, 160 to 18e; live Year-
lings, 15c to • 16e, 'live fowls, 14e to 15e;
dreseed spring chiekene, 35c; Eve, 25e, to
Me; turkeye, 20e to 28e. •
Potatme-Ontario potatoes, 15c per bag;
carlots, 76e; New Brunewicks, 91.25 per
bag; out of store, $1.10 in oar loth; Vir-
ginia, new. 93.25 barrel.
Nerbilan Onions -Per sack, 52.05 to
Baled Hay and Straw.
Baled hay—No. 1 at 911.75 to $12.25, 00
track, Term:its), and No. 2 at 910.60 to $11.
Baled straw -$8 to 58.25, ou track, To -
Cured meats are quoted followin-
Baceu, long clear, 193-4i to 1.6e per lb„
in ease iota Pork -Short cut, $28; do.,
mess. 922 liares-Iffedium to light, 19 to
20c; hoary, 17 to 18o; rolls, 16 to 101-40;
breakfast bacon, 21e; backs, 24 to 250,
Montreal Markets.•
Montreal). July 2. -Corn -American No. 2
yellow, 671.2 to 68e. Oate-Canadian west.
ern, No. 2, 411-2o to. 474; do' Oanadian
western, No. 3, 40e to 40 1-2e; do extra No.
1 feed. 41e -to 411-2, liarley-Stanitoba
feed, ace to 51e; do malting, 620 to 65e.
huokwheat-No, 2, 68e to 600. Flour -Mani.
toba spring wheat patents, Crete, 55.60;
do., • ecesonde, 55.101 do., strong bakers',
54.91; do., winter patente ehoice, 95.50; do.,
straight roller% $5.10; do., striught rol.
lers,hags, $2.40. Rolled oats-13arrels, $4.45:
do., bags, 90 lbe., 92.10: Bran -518; shorts,
919; middlings; 522; moul0l. $26 to 532,
flay -No. 2. riey ton, ear lots. 512.50 to
913. Cheeee-Pinest westerns, 13o to 13 1-2e;
iineet westerns, 12 1-20 30-12 3-4e. 13ut,
tor -Choicest creamery, 25 3-4o to 26s; do„
seconds, 20 1-4e to 25 1-25. Eggs -Fresh.
22e to 25a; do., selected, 250, Potatoee-Per
bug, car lots, 60e 0.0 730.
Winnipeg Market,
Winnipeg, Jelly 2.-Cash-Wheatw-No. 1
Northeru, 903.4,,; No. 2 Northern, 945-40;
No. 3 Northern, 001'30; sNo. 1 rejected
seede, 053-4c; No. 2 dos 063.4e; No. 3 do.,
021-4,,; No. 1 tough, 091-4; No. 2 do.,
88 1,4e; N. 3 do., 84 1-40; No. 4 do., 771.40;
No. 1 sed Winter, 973-4e; No. 2 do., 943.45;
N. do., 90 1.4c; No. 4 do , 86c. Oats -
'No. 2 0.W., 343-4c? No. 3 0.W., 311-70;
extra No. i feed, 331.20' No. 1 feed, 32 1-4o;
No. 2 feed, 291-2o. Barley-IsTo. 3, 480; No.
4, 47c; rejected, 470; feed, 45o. Flax -No, 1
Ney„ $1,16 1-2; N. 2 0.W., 51.13 3.4; No. 3
000' 91 03 1 2
United states markets.
Minneapolis, July 1,-Wilsats=julY, 01eI
September, 931-0c' December, 95 to 951.00;
No. •1 hard, 94o; No. 1 Northern, 92 1-4 to
931-70; No. 2 Northern, 901.4 to 91 1.2e,
No. 3 yellow corm 501.0 00670. No. 3'
white oats, 37 3-4 to 301.26. No., 2 rye,
541.4 to 56e.Flour unchan33r
ged, an un-
Duluth, July 1.—W heat -No. 1 hard,
931-20; No, 1 Northern, 92 7-8e; No. Nor-
thern, 903-0 to 837-80; July, 917-00 aeked;
September, 94 lb 94 1-80 tusked, Close -
Linseed '51.35 5-8, July $1.34 1-8; Septem.
51,355.8 bid; October, 56.361-4. •
, Vivo Stock markets. ,
Toronto, July 2. -Calves -Good veal, $5
to 97; thole°, $8 to 58.50; common, $3 to
$3,50. Stockers and feeders -Steers. 705 to
1,005 pounds, 54,50 to 96.85; yearlings, 52.10
to. 52.60; extra choice heavy feedere, 900
Peunds, 55.80 to 9050. Milkers and 'Spring.
ers-Prom 540 to 970. Sheep and lambe-
Digbt ewes $5 75 to96:25; heavy, 54,60 to
55; lambseyearlinge, 57 10 98; bucks, 54.50
to 55; goring lambs, 58.50 to 59.00. Bogs
-59,50, fed and watered; 59.15f.o.b., and
!9.80 off ears; heavy hogs, over 240 ,
Montreal, July 2. -Milch cows, 930 to
565 each. Calvee, 3 to 6 cents; sheep, 4
to 41.2 cents; lambs, $4 to $5 each; hogs,
18' to 10 1,4 come. •
Delivers An EloquenteSpeech at the
Guild Hall Banquet.
A deepatch from Lendop Eno,
. ,
land,- says: "To -day the finendshap
bet:weer' the tele natione, beeoanee,
if possible, sereegthereed arid re -
°Manned, Co-operation' c.ontinuee
. betweenthem whieh doeii....net" ex-
clude the ea-opel:ation of ene, other
•power, .bu.t, Which einde;-011; the man-.
tree:ere', to ;the' •tnetitetenerice tif Rare
cipeare peace end., :establishes he-
tWeeh BeetaineaiideFeanee featernal:,
'ebnficienca andeeteatrierp
Thee.'eavas the , keynote of the .ele-
elOneletlecieh vhi1x, Prerdelen.t Polle-
e -Cale delivered- ;at •Hall. 'ea
eity.. wee 0Peredna.i triurrenft;
eebelYed ' 4re.at .aeration- as he
droyebliemigh: the deneely eroweled
eteeete; -,Wedneeday niglet.ho eat."'"
:tdin ecl e, -Re:4 at thee- F reneki Eni-
loaseee the be-neje:jet being in -every
.respeet 'French, the :yalueble. plate;
decorations and even the • chefs
eleinent froth- aeresi.the ehannel
(11i9H41.1liedlly Coidernned Bythe. CaelBalB'll ASSOCie;
, tion,,forthe •Pi'Ve Vitt() if 'Cif e-• Fe alOils
• ' ' , ' , ' •
dePtleatch from London, (Jute Illereu'r al to afforcl to the raeaecai
Profession and people Of: Caneda
'an authoritative etatement regard-
.,ing the value of Dr.' Friedneann's
'treatment, the Canailian Associa-
tion for the .1ereVention 4 „Tybee-
0121051.5 nominated- a committee,:of
five members to, aptly and rePOrt
upon the cases inoculated by Dr.
Friedmann at Montreal; Ottawa,
Toronto and Leindon. That :Com-
mittee has added io itself those
phyacians who have' under obser-
vation ,the "cases treated in those
!cities.• The cemmitthe thus d'onsti-
tided eeports that}it has carefully
keudied the eerie histoties of the pa-
tientinoeulabed by Dr. Fried-
mann. These number altegether
161, name-ly: For Montreal,' 55; for
Ottawa, 10; for „Toronto, 51; for
London, 15." ' '
The report states "As a reettlt
of our obeervabions tom March tr
to the present, the folloWing con--
elusiotre seem juetifiable
"(l) The inoculations have eel -
filer constantly nor frequently been
•followed by any marked change in
the clirieal course ef the disease.
'(2) The cure -or progress toward
cure claimed by Dr: Friedmann for
his treatment has neither constant-
ly nor even frequently taken, place
in the -.time during' which these
casee have been under observation,
• "(3) Thus,. upon ,investigation,
the committee And that the results
•have been disappointing, and that
the claims made fere this remedy
have not been pro_eed, and that
nothing has been found to justify
any confidence in the remedy,
"(Signed) Prof. j. George Adami,
Prof. J., J. MacKenzie, Dr. A.
Caulfield, Dr. E. S. Harding,
D`r. John 'W. S. McCullough,
Dr. Won. H. Ross, Dr. 3. H.
Elliott, -Dr. Porter." , -
Dr. Chas, A. Hocigetts, a member
of the committee, being averse from
making any report whatever, .did
not sign the above. Dr. Hodgetts
is Director ef the Health Depart-
8najoennb of the Conservation Cortmlis-
German scientist,' who ereat'ed a
eaYs 17, Pe Friedmann the
furore in America -when he lermight
to tide continene;his alleged cure
for teleereulosis, and who. Was
given every opportunity -to demen-
striae. the efficacy of his serum in
the leading hospitals eof' Canada,
has been unqualifiedly condemned
by the Canadian Association for
the Preven.then of Tuberculosis,
• Announcement Of the report of
the epeeial committee appointed ,by
•the aseociation was made public on
Wednesday night at the general
meeting of the Canadian Medical
AlsOciatiOn."- Dr. Porter of Ottawa,
the •Seeretaty of the Canadian As-
sociation for the Prevention �f Tub-
exculosis, the society that has for
90133e Years tEken a foremost place
in lohe campaign to Viiipe out the
white -plague, read the report.
Dr, Affienei of Montreal, Presid-
ent of the aesociation, also ad-
dressed the meeting, stating ;their
there was nh doubt' as to the fall -
lice of Dr. Friedmann: The meth-
ods Die Friedmann had been
criticized, he said, but though Dr.
Friedmann did pot observe all the
ethiee of the profession, still every
opportunity was given him to prove
his case. __The members of the com-
mittee hail approached the study
of the eereedy witheepen r,reinds and
absolutely unprejudiced, and had
made every -effort to discoveetbene-
ficial results from- the inoculation
of patients.
There was no discussion upon the
• lubject, the report being received
with aechemation, the applause ap-
parently signifying nob the associa-
tion's pleasure that Friedmann's
"cure" "was not a cure, but that
the committee had thus publicly ex-
posed the alleged remedy and set
at res e the public mind,
The Official %Mort.
Dr. -Porter of Ottawa read the
following" report on Dr. Fried-
mann's treatment for tuberculosis:
"Ia order to allay public excite -
• THE GL011:3 125 A
Canada, the Empire and the iTorla
I n General Before Taut
- Elie&
Canada. .
• Oollingwood 13. Brown has been
appointed Chief Engineer of Gov-
oenment Railways in Canada.
. Joe Lagrace, is French-Canadian
carpenter of Montreal, was instant-
ly killed by lightniug at Regina,
Sask. •
A. R. Sampson, manager of the
Dominion Ba,n1c branth at Guelph,
died eueldenly at his home, on
Fred McGregor was sentenced to
fifteen years, in the Penitentiary for
slaying a man named Morin at
Blind River.
Arthur -Young, demonstrator for
She 3. I. Case Company at Calgary,
was crushed to death under a trac-
tor at Baugh, -
An anei-cancer -campaign fer
Canada was advooated at the con-
ventVon of the Canadian MedicaI
Association at London. .
The saw -mills of the Faemett Lum-
ber Milling Co. at leaseett, Que.,
were destroye,d by fire, the Voss be-
ing $125,000. • C
Moses:McFadden, Ke0., of Sault
Ste. Maeee, lia-s been appointed to
the junior „judgeship of West Al-
goma, and J. 0. Driangol, KC.,
of Windsor, to the judgeship of the
County of EsseXe
Dr. F. W. Kelly scored the Mont-
real Presbytery -on the low pay to
mission teachers, stating that it
was no wonder girls of good educa-
tion gave ie up and entered restieur:
ants as waieresses.
_ Martin Shapiro, aged a year and
a haef, whose parents re,side in
Hamilton, was taken to the hospi-
tal after swallowing some writing
ink. A stomach pump was used,
and he is out of danger.
Great Britain.
Mr. Lloyd -George hat intr,o.duted
bil,1 in the British House of Com-
mons to amend the Them:an-ea Act.
Sir Archibald Hunter, Governer
of ' Gibraltar, is to resign and be
suceeeded by Sir Herbert Miles:
• The Duke of Sutherland is -dead.
of Vancouver, Commandant of the
Canadian Risley team,
Sir William Osier severely de.
nounced voluntary: hospitals at a
eonference in London.
For purposes of cetertainment
for the King and Queen when they
visit Leed Derby's seat in Emma-
s.hire, the eapservatory has been
turned, into a playhouse for et
music -hall performance.
United States. .
The crew of the Inepera,tor,
port at •Hoboken, N.J., have de-
manded better food, better :sleeping
ar.nominociatioe, and a -nineehour
After the adoption of the Govern -
meat bill introducing, three, years'
servMe 'France' s standing army
will number 727,000 men.
Half Rate for Settlers Going Into
Hearst and Cochrane.
A cleepaeeh from Toronto says:
-Areangements have been made by
Mr, A. H. IVfaccionelle-Direetor of
Colonization, with Messrs, O'Brien,
McDougall and O'Gorman, operat-
ing contractors en the -National
Tramseontinent Railway, for a
half -fare rate for settlers goingenth
Hearse from Coeheane. -This means
that all new settlers going in to
the Hearsee'ageney :will travel at
013e -hale the eon tractor' e rate,
sethich is five cents 'per mile..
Beavy Loss, of Life In an Explosion of Dynamite
on Ne vv C. P.R. „tine
„40apatell,ifrom gkrg,siten
• -
U11 36 e:612,61G INreciriogot
terrible- fatality oceuiare eleven,
Millee west of Parham" in No. 2 con-
etritetion eamp 'ere thee new
TrOP Men 1Yeee.k1j, 34-911-'
ael Gioirreg, an Italion terginali for
John -eon telosc, Mediated by a -dozen
•ef 'here. teliesv-.,eovntrymon, weee 015-
•gige,,4 lnilo10pavng holey blast to
he See.off inorder to nave material
to -muck out an Thilyttdq, tvc11e51 in
SOMA unknown: 0000,3, a vane Wa,8
;generated, caitsing ehe. explosion, .
A: telephone Mese-age feem, Long
Lake on Thtereclay afternoon, :stated
that eight of• the bodies had been
,.,recoVered,, ',Ia :11:11, iSetederstood,
ten ve'ere-kiiJed, ailed the.sea,reli,for,
She other:two we going .64 and men
-were eveielcing.. eleh8,.' The.
hoplieien wsec-Irwee
.6 m,
Phedead- Italians ale erbiel :ec be-
• long to Mo-ntreal.„ lefichael. Gar-
• rey, the fodeman; -evatt among those
One, a 'She Italians, a relative o
ene of the men Who lose, their lives,
went tempo-rat:2y in.ealle after the-
cateseeophe occurred.; and some.
-frhe mere had 1i they Gould do ke-ep
him fecan doing himself har'ile He
Ilafien veky Parrow ,noapo.,
,;,cithey: e.5.r1-es
effects, ciloect ,rich.,
11,1e Vitelleorg4i4.5;.", rake it;
,• There la'no.'"just-rilegooe
Inefet on hailng Cedar,
...The:passing, of anether Dominion "Day'
hes aroesed eteve dieeueeion ae to Whetner
Citnatilitne as a 'whole are really treating
Canada's natal day qUite fairly. In meet
place's itle 'aliens the quietest heliday mf,
the .kedr. 'It 'is , sandwiched between the
.241.10 of May, "'which &Minims to bo, uni-
versally 'observed, and the 7A'agu6ts. Ode
holidays which towns. and cities eelebrate,
Namely anywhere Is it Made an odcaslon,
for a, eatriotio celebratioti, andits treat-
ment is in marked .conteast- te, the Amer.
icon's manner of demonetrating on the
Fourth of July.
,The reason cannot lie,in any apathy
eittlatiVele ilantijdt. of 4,1apnpit.tliaitnaliot:wia,"ardrt,iythelii,r
the seasonsor the, year. TIse first 'of July
finds that portion of the population which
takes eunimer holidays either preparing
,to flit or flitting or settling clown. And
it elide the rural population e»tering .00
Ibe bueieet season. Another explanation
ilzaY be that We have not been taught to
ffLidlleyraattoreiate the signilloance or 00a-
. The ,tabt that men and nOWsprup.ero'are
'dim:Usenet' the matter le a sign -ffiee
change, te bessible. t .
The 11. S. Tariff. , . •
Interest iu the progress of the 13emo,
.eratio Tariff Bill at Washington has been
revived by the turn of recent develop.
Manta.- In the original drat of the bill
provision wag made for eabstautial re.
duetiou variops raw food products such
ass live stook and wheat, bat they were ent,
placed. on the free list, the aniount-ol
duty remaining being, it was claimed,
sufficient to provide the Amerioan farmer
with ample proteetio14..and • to prevent
the' measure from noing mine,' good to
thq Canadian farmer, Finished toed. pre.
ducte enol; as meats and flour were on
the free list, InMdentally tide looked
like a pretty soft arrangement for Oats
aelan millers and meat packers..
• llowever, the more radieal' De/nom:ate
have deolared that the cede thing to do
le to snake a clean sweep of duties -on
food stuffs. It new Tooke ae though their
view. might prevail with a seertein pro.
\vieo. and it Is..this execption -which ie of
particular intereet to Canadlane.
'The present proposal is that wheat, live
etock, etc., should be placed on the free
Ilst, but that in the case of Tonetries
maintitieing a duty against these artioles
a duty et a similar amount will be levied
by the United States.
As Cauda ruaintaine duties 00 food
Produete she would be on this black 1191
of Uncle Sam's. .
Rovlee Issue Here. .
If such a syStem of coentervailing des
Mee actually (comas into effect, in the
United States, the immediate result is
almost certain to be the immediate re.
ieval of discuesion in da Canaef the lie
cipseeity Issue. Tim Issue will have dis-
tinguishiug points, true in the mein It'
will 'be the sante RS CallSed sue)/ a turoro
two years ago.
While there is littlediecussion on Lille
Point as yet, I have heard shrewd ob-
tervere in the hilt week or two say that
the next general &cation in Canada will
bo taught, not en the 'Navy Issue its line
been generally supposed, MA once again
on the Tariff Question. These predictions
ere based on the foregoing developments
at Washington. It le easy to see how th
controversy might be revived, although
there is no certain 'indication as yeti as to
what the anal outcome of the (Wilber.
;Woes of the 'United States Congress will
fercaNto Rider.
Canadians do not know unteh about the,
politics sot Prance, but the visit ot Pre-
sident Poineare th the Ring of England
calls attention to ono or the most remark-
able inen,iu the world to -day. Poincare 80
the finstman who hoe been both Premier
and President of Prance. It is rather
difficult to understand -why any coantre
should have both a Premier and a Prime
(teat or to understand what the reepective
fit:lotions of the two are, .a broad
sense the powers of the President are
similar to those 'of the President of the
United States, with the exception that
the office le euremeed to be net a Party
one, lint detachedand judicial, sornething
like that of the Governor-Geueral of Can-
ada. The Premiership is, on the other
hand, held by a party loader just aS in
the ease of oar own Promieeship. Pohl,
care Is the firet man 'who has been con-
eitlered eufficiently impartial.and has had
sufficient popularity and ability to ea -
elm) .elevation from the PretnierSe posi-
tion to that of President.
Ilia eervMes to Franee have beim re.
ina.rkable, and ilia understood that in his
short term of office he has already con-
verted a shaky Republic into one ef con,
siderable strength and -stability. Um non.
Marne with 'all classee of people, is tea
mendous. And in addition to hie marked
suecese as as statesman he ie known as a
-meet generous tted discrimivating pat-
rols of arts and lettere,
There are those who isy that tho chief
executive of the old world's solitary Ite.
nubile of size is the most remarkable
public figure in the world. to -day. '
Hotels Bring High prices,
The proflta which are yet to be made In
the hotel business in Mile country may bo
indicated by the feet that trenefor luts
juet beeri made of a Toronto hotel licenses
at a priee said to exceed eousidera.bly the
stun of 5105,000. It, was the higbeist figure
that hae ever been paid in Canada for a
hotel license. "The property in question
ie centrally situated down town, its main
bueiness being in the bap wliteli. though
almost ono hundred foot long, does not
by any meanshold the record .for To.
ronto, there being two or three others
19113, greater dimensions. ,
It Is enderetood that the property which
hassinee in the poSseselon of one family
for upwards ef forty; years, now, pasges
into the hande of interests which are
controlled by ale UT Other of the brew-
eries, Brewery ownership ie understood
to aPPIY to many botele. And in other
cases individuals owe more than one
hostelry, This system of tied hese,, is,
hoWever, frowned upon by the License
Commissionere, who deeire tie far ae Pos-
sible. to slimmest; trafficking or speeulat-
Mg in hotel lieensee and it ert,o therefore
Only be pet into effeet under cover,
Bouragsa In the West." '
Henri Bourassa, the Nntionalistleader,
has been touring Western Canada, bios
party leaders,exhausted By 'their Perlis,
meetary duties, bave been content, to re.
tire for aspdriod ef rest and quiet, butnet-
so- with the -b"repreasible Bowmen' /ti
. the West •he has been expounding ;the doc-
trine of Nationaliem arid 'he exprdcass
himeelf as entirely eatieiied with the re-
ception he -has been receiving..
BouraseaSe eloquence and hie brightness
always eomnittnd attention. His speeches
glitter with sparIcling bite whieh break
forth with apparent spontaneity. Per es -
ample, at Winnipeg he made 'reformism
Ste "our railway. Magna:toe S5110 have
grown NO' 101 00 i,ovrfu0 all& so loyal.
And 'again to "Sir "Thomas Sbaughnosse,
• 17110 10 -,'so concerned with the unity of
the Britieli Empire, oaght finet te seek
British Government 10001)0 bit
which, lie, min become , a Eritialessubject
before neteachesleseens of. patriotism,"
Slateglinessy beitig, au Amerieen whose.
.thusadian riateiralSeetion doers not, melte
n, BetileS liI1,01ll oie Renee eeeme
ot otir ,petriote gels se...broad-chested When
ythbeit wte-wJioloollita"nbooiti141',4L,13yeslitii,,eale aEwt4naisilorwee.athait
. Iniriest '.3116 t'Oer 'he maintainoe ' that
neither t)ze Liberaf,Party .tter the Con-
Seeve,Nive, Party ,ecinsatuted Britieh
tat -lone. .51 the same Min...cella still dis-
aVeSee any -idea of 0oi'n04n a.1)Tatiouallet
.Party. , "'I; Considerether.e. is; Morn than
,wete ev(ithirt
taiieeli,rotaiNfonlilfatirl,,b,,,.004,1c1.151,6int,g.i5tee&otne. 80,
nuctoof ;Dt paPeiiii. are 'already
oononitteci to the Xffinfiriete abolitlon of
the fiecoml ealmmters, .and . !IOW ',we aro
having deminchttimis of .f t trom the Treats
of the other. side, 'Poe example, •on.t)
tinhuiehed Writer declared that the .0am.
adhin Renate "was born in coMproinice-
and fro01 ties cradle, up 1111 04 . been a
pretentioes- Sand ektlaY
woad, itiso,trine the sania 0euree that, it
:shim' never. dents a 'Useful ',peace ot .work
• ei55o 1 Was Organised:and tbat tor the
iittreoSe'fer weich-it,wau oreatcd,had been
difiregarded , in: heaothal pertermanees.”
.' It. 10 Kaki. tfitIA',01.1 ,518, Whole line
tory Miry 'one men /Ms been apPeinted"
to, the fleuatofoe other than setyletly
"Partys l'0500915., Tim 00.0,01)151111 , was
°retie, Jelin kitodOna4d, of. Torbnin,
l'aierelfaUt -whe VOSS aPPointed be his
namesake, Sir- John Macdonalchennder in'
tereeting"oiretttnetanoes, "Chargee haviege
been estado in the, Liberal' Press that Or.
• iegitheSPeniall Raids .Sir. John had maths
'queetionablee or `the 000006.."'Her,140,4
.*aftter wee brought up lit
Parliament. Mrs John Mabdonald, who
had ,a; seat -1.0 the" Renee ,of Commenie
,declated that the attaeh. on « ,po.
taloa' opponent Waft,- most'intjaste
Be mew hi' hie" place in the Reuse and,
defended the Peemier' in Asfew Sentence's,
reeTre later. he *wit appointed .th the Sen-
ate; and., ftirnishes, the only mantipte ,bt a,
• Senator 'onliosnted by Government of
thesoppoeing s
Father Fails in Action, Against the
White 'Star 0-0111 U all
ie." As the judge had lefb the
a responsible officer on the Titan,
A despatch from' London, Eng-
tanie disaster of April, 1,912, the
was no negligence regarding the
land, says : In a test case brought,
verdict on Wednesday; "There
There is nob sufficient evidence to
ehip Mesaba, repqrting reached'
court judgment ehae not been en -
Thomas Ryer?, a farmer of Cork,
Ireland, against the White Star
lookout on the ship, but theft- was
show if the meseage from tha steam -
for the loss of his son in the 'Pi -
negligence in nob rearming speed.
in the King's Bench Division by
jury handed down the following
Steamship Co. th"tecover damages
Sitgateand Wool Will Be Put on ihe
e A 'despatch .ereen Washington
says ; Free 51,gd3 in 1910 and free_
raw we'ol are now establish.ecle in
the eteriff reVision bill, having been.
approved labemin Wednesday by -the,
Democratihi hauens of„the .§e,nate
after a ttecedaye."::fighted'oe sugar
schedule, e.S.,reeffirted' by:the. 'Ma-
JOrity membef's of' the Finance Coin-
mittee and practically as it passed
the House, was approved by a vote
of 40 to 6. Free ra,W wool as sub-
mitted by the majority, and just as
it passed the House, swept the Sen-
ate caucus by a vote of 41 to 6.
.German Dentist Gets Stiff Sentence
in England. '
A despatch from Winchester,
England, says: William Make, a
German dentist residing at Ports-
mouth, was found guilty at the As-
isizes here on Wednesday on the
charge of espionage at Portsmouth,
England's chief naval station.' He
was sentenced to five years' penal
servitude. Torpedoes and submar-
ines, it developed at the trial, -ewe
the 'special subjects of Mare's re-
Steward Anderson .of the .Cairn-
gowan Swept Overboard.
A despabeh from lelontreal sayt:
With her flag ab half-masb, the
Cairngewan crept quietly into port..
Her chief steward, Mr. Guthrie An-
dersen, was swept from the bridge
at sea by the great wave on june
7, when the vessel was about three
hundred miles from Scotland,
PY 06E47
d 50111150
• cnality, flavour, nod
pertect cooking,
, combined.
• else maximum \
of nourishment
• and palaiehillty„
• just heat - then serve
• minimum trouble
Idle Money
Se BOSONS having idle funds on
e hand for temporary Or, longer
-periods, or awaiting permenent
Investment, can,obtain POUR PER
• CENT. interest, contpounded quar-
terly. by opening an account in the
- Company. These funds are with.
drawable by cheque and bear Inter-
est from date received until date
, withdrawn. We soilcit out of town
• accounts, which may be opened by
Write for Booklet
The Union -Trust
Corripany, Limited
• Temple Building, Toronto '
CAPITAL (paid up) • $1.000,00o
RESERVE • • • $850,000
, .
Illindas County Orchards Have .
• Suffered Severely.
despatch ,feem. IVIonisburg,
Ont,, saw The eaterpillar is now
'amebae -ling what has- been a Very
jeusy ee-a.son for ibm Dundas -
ef, the rigina1 home of the, "Me -
Into -sae Red” apple. In some caBeS
wh,oie orchards, have beeii stripped
by the tent catherpillar, while the
forest -caterpillar has Feasted, hev.vi-.
ly ±11 spruee samnaps a,ncl attacked
sugar bushes. How -ever, OWner& of
iareharcis who sprayed and took
other necessary preeamtions have a.
proepect ola good yield of apples..
There is an orchard Of 300 1VIeln-
5.os1 Red and lemaeuse trees stand-
ing -on the bank of the St. Law-
rence, nob far from Chrysler's
Farm battlefield, that is ae bare
now 414 in winter.
Forty years in use, 20 years the
striedard, prescribed and recem.
mended by physicians. Foie Wm
man's Ailments, Dr. Martelei
Female Pills, at your druggist.
• Went Ep for Half Hour's Cruise
In Airship Beta.
A despatch from. London nays:
The fact: that the Prinee of Wales
. .
recently made a cruise en an army
airship has been disclosed: for the
first time. The War Office weekly
reporb -on tlin work of the Royal
Plying Corps says that on the oeca-
eion of the- visit to Farnborough on
Rine 20 the Prince went, for a half
hour's cruise in the airship Beta.
Make Us Prove It
We dare not exaggerate to you. We are dependent upon
your patronage. To get it we must have' your trust and corn.
dence. We make the following statements with a full under.
standing, of what they mean to us. You are safe when you
believe in these statements,
For the Bowels
of bowel ills and in a short time
usually_ rnake unneceseary the to,, ,
If you only knew as much as we- tinned use of physics and purgatives,
and those who have used them know thus tending to stop such unhealthy
• about Rexall Orderlies, you would habits as may have been formed._
be as enthusiastic about recommend- • '
• Ing them as we are. They taste just•i Make us Prove This
like candy. They act so easily and ;
so pleasantly that the taking of thera ' We do not ask you to take our
10a Pleasure. • word for this. We want you to make
Evenchildrenlikrox all0rcerue_proveltfndat neosttoyo:..
Ru;atidyouknowthatjiamedi: • nuyaboxofnllordcrijea
eine appeals to a child, it Will aPPeal our store. Use them once, or use up
to grown-upe. •the whole box. Then, if you aro
not thoroughly satisfied, just come
veixelet rastAw&o.,•6.: bil-ek empty handed and tell us.
Without obligating you or question-
ing you we will return the money
help chase gloom; dispel blues and you paid us for them,
make you feel happy by their splen- • Doesn't that indicate that Resell
did tonio, cleansing and strengthen- Orderlies are at least worthy. of trial?
ing effect upon the bowels.-- They Doesn't it prove our faith In them?
net to free the system and lceep it Doesn't it merit your confidence?
free- from the distress and ill feeling Could any offer be more fait to you?
that naturally results from irregular We particularly recommend Rexall
and" inactive bowels. Orderlies for children, dolieato and
ReXall Orderlies. dU this quietly; aged persons. Regan Orderlies come
without griping or" causing nausea, In convenient vest-pocket size tin
purging.or excessive looseness. They boxes. 12 tablets, 10e; 86 taislets,
act to overcome and remove the cause 25e: 80 tablets, ,50e. ses
CAUTION: Please bear in mind that Rexall Orderlies are not sold by all drug.
eine. You eau buy Resell Orderlies only at the Remit Stores. .
• You can buy Resell Orderliee in this community only at our store:
•• W R0 1-10LNLES
if nto n Th tore s Ontario •
There is a Reran Store in nearly every town and city iu the United States Canada and
, Groat Britain. There is a different Boxall Remedy for marry every ordinary'human 011—
eaoh erpeciay designed fax the plIrtioaar ill for which it is recommended.
The Hexed Stares are America's Greatest Drug Stores
• • ,
Buy a "Stewart" at a Spacial Price
. "
Mit before August lot, Hence the Pr.lee.
An eeemeeek our ware.ho,u. se m.ust be cleaned
4•Three ineli aio--50 mile
-. speedometer. eeclosed, 10,-.
000 Mild seaS011 odometer.
• Regular 516;50,
Special, Price 10.80.
Three , inch dtal---00•,
ciDeeqoin,eter, 3,g.,000) vine 00345
,odagon,:odometer,--,=, Atte.
•, mate a" resetting' trlia nee= •
• ter', and a guaranteme
-0 Regular Priee $67,0.
Special Value $17.80.
-RUSSOTOLs CAR foolvirP'ANv, Luvfiteti
Acced.s.Arleets leeeepearervaient, WEST ToRoNTo
Branches at Toronto, Montimal, Winninee, Calgary, Vancouver,
Mellieuenee Aust. -